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Asignatura: Ingles ____________________ Nombre del estudiante:_________________________

Grado 11 ___________________________ Periodo I Fecha: _________________________

Never stop learning,

Because life never stops teaching” Nunca dejes de aprender, la vida
para de enseñarte. (E. Vara )
Emmily Vara.

Guía # 1 -parte # 1
En esta primera guía recordaremos presente, pasado and futuro times,
además recordaremos los tiempos continuos para pasar a la voz activa y

Present times

Don´t forget the auxiliar do/does for negative and interrogative question

Do you watch T.V? Yes, I watch----------- No, I don´t

Does she play soccr? Yes, she does---------- No she doesn¨t

Let´s do activities

1.- Look and label the sections

[Escriba aquí]
A Daily Routine
A difficult Challenge
A Family Tradition

Job requeriments
Positive Aspects

2.- Read and match sentences fragments.

1.- Everyones inPiero’s family is a. a firefighter.

2.- At the stations,firefighters b. contribute to forest fires
3.- A firefighter´s equipment is c. decisions can cause a fire
4.- Weather conditions in Maicao d. fire-resistant.
5.- Peoples´s bad e. learn what to do in a fire
6.- Firefighters need to show f. proof of their ag, education
and physical fifness.
3.- Write about your dream job. Do research on th following topics.

• Why this job is important • Something challeging the job

• Special clothes/Uniform to wear • Any training or requirements needed for
the job
• Some Good aspects about the job

4.- Make a poster about your dream job. Present it to the class or post it on Facebook.
[Escriba aquí]

• Find the phone you can use

• Plan and design your poster
• Write the text for every section. You can use the model poster as the
guide. Use your imagination
• Don´t forget check your gramar and your puntuation.
Past time

1. Complete the mind map with five words related to Steve Jobs.
2. Listen the podcast ( you find in Facebook english or WhatsApp/ telegram ) and
complete the biography of Steve Jobs.
[Escriba aquí]

3.- write a byogrphy as: Steve Jobs biography ( please don´t choose a alive person).
Choose a famous person.
Reseach the events of his/her life
Write the biography. Write the events in order from birth to death
Explain why the person is famouse
Include a interesting information.
Post the byogrphy in english face
Talk with your classmate to avoid repeating charactes

Guía # 1 -parte # 1
[Escriba aquí]

Future time

Will (future)
El future simple es un tiempo verbal que utilizamos generalmente para expresar acciones
o hechos que sucederán en un tiempo posterior al momento presente: yo cantaré, tú
cantarás, él cantará, etc.
▪ I will [I’ll] call you tonight.(Te llamaré esta noche.)
▪ She will [She’ll] arrive late.(Llegará tarde.)

Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)

▪ I will not [won’t] call you tonight.(No te llamaré esta noche.)

▪ She will not [won’t] arrive late.(No llegará tarde.)

Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas)

▪ Will you call me tonight?(¿Me llamarás esta noche?)

▪ Will she arrive late?(¿Llegará tarde?)

Let´t practice

1.- read the forecaast and in your notebook cut and paste a map and trace the trayectory of
the hurricane Julia
[Escriba aquí]

2.- Complete the sentences using Will or won´t

1. Hurricane Julia _______________pass across the turks and Caicos Island

2. The hurricane ______________ stay atbahamas.
3. In the Bahamas, the weather________________be rainy.
4. Hurricane Julia________ Hit Miami
5. It__________Move to Luisana.
6. Experts Expect Julia ________be a broblem for neighboring states

3.- Read and complete the sentnces with the future simple

1. Don¨t eat too much cake. You _______________ sick.

2. It´s rainy and windy today. ______it_______ cold tomorrow.
3. My brother practices swimming everu day. _____ he _____ competention?
4. You broke your sirter´s favorite cup! She________________ very angry

Going to : El primer uso de GOING TO se relaciona con planes o intenciones para el futuro. Cuando
se habla de un plan, nos referimos a una actividad que ya está acordada y hemos decidido realizar.
Piensa en la siguiente situación.

Examples: She is going to go to the park

Tambien: El segundo uso de be going to se relaciona con predicciones sobre el futuro con base en
lo que VEO (NO con base en lo que pienso, o lo que creo, o lo que siento).

Muchas veces llegamos a predicciones sobre lo que puede ocurrir por medio de lo que vemos.
Piensa en esa vez que viste a alguien pasado por un sitio muy resbaladizo y llegaste a la conclusión
de que esa persona se iba a caer, o cuando viste que alguien estaba conduciendo de manera
errática su coche e hiciste la predicción de que iba a haber un accidente. Entonces, por ejemplo:

Si veo que las nubes están de color muy oscuro, puedo predecir que “va a llover”.

o Look at those dark clouds, unfortunately it is going to rain. / Mira esas nubes oscuras,
lamentablemente va a llover.
[Escriba aquí]

1.- Read the post and complet the mind map

Preicfes. ¿Dónde puedes ver estos avisos?

1.- New timetable 2.- Need a math teacher, call 318456780

a. In a university a. In a magazine
b. In a bank b. In a news ad
c. In a park c. In a book
[Escriba aquí]

3.- Less tan 5 things 4. No credit cards accepted 5. No higher tan 1.75
a. In a supermarket. a. In a shop. a. In a court
b. In a shopping centre. b. In a schoo.l b. In a baseball field
c. At the cashier. c. In a church. c. At roller-coaster ride
Responde del 6 al 10

6.- What is the writer doing in this text.

a. Giving information about how color influence us

b. Reporting what happens in a new televisión series
c. Givin information about a televisión presentes
d. Givin his opinio of a recent televisión show
7.- Which of the following shows the probable contento f fuor shows?
a. Part 1- Healh; Part 2 - Product and Industry
Part 3 Emotions Part 4 - decisions
b. Part 1- Blue and Black; Part 2 - Red and Orange
Part 3- White and Grey; Part 4 - Green and Yellow
c. Part 1- Meeting Designers; Part 2 - Meeting People who Name Colors;
Part 3- Meeting Doctors Part 4 - Meeting Scientists

d. Part 1- Cleaning Products; Part 2 - Make- Up,

Part 3 - Clothe; Part 4 - Food
8.- According to Verity, why is knowledge of color important?

a. It can help you to choose the best products. b. It can give you new ideas.
c. It can help you to change people¨s minds. d. It can help you to sell products.

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