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A journal of myofascial pain and fibromyalgia

ISSN: 2470-8593 (Print) 2470-8607 (Online) Journal homepage:

The Effect of Combining Myofascial Release with

Ice Application on a Latent Trigger Point in the
Forearm of Young Adults: A Randomized Clinical

Cristian Gutiérrez-Rojas, Ignacio González, Elías Navarrete, Evelyn Olivares,

José Rojas, Diego Tordecilla & Carlos Bustamante

To cite this article: Cristian Gutiérrez-Rojas, Ignacio González, Elías Navarrete, Evelyn Olivares,
José Rojas, Diego Tordecilla & Carlos Bustamante (2017): The Effect of Combining Myofascial
Release with Ice Application on a Latent Trigger Point in the Forearm of Young Adults: A
Randomized Clinical Trial, MYOPAIN, DOI: 10.1080/24708593.2017.1403526

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Published online: 20 Nov 2017.

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MYOPAIN, A Journal of Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia, Early Online: 1–8, 2017
! 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
ISSN: 2470-8593 print / 2470-8607 online
DOI: 10.1080/24708593.2017.1403526


The Effect of Combining Myofascial Release with Ice Application on

a Latent Trigger Point in the Forearm of Young Adults:
A Randomized Clinical Trial
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Cristian Gutiérrez-Rojas, MSc, PT, Ignacio González, PT, Elı́as Navarrete, PT, Evelyn Olivares, PT,
José Rojas, PT, Diego Tordecilla, PT, and Carlos Bustamante, MSc, PT
Laboratorio Rendimiento Fı´sico y Salud, Escuela de Kinesiologı´a, Facultad de Ciencias, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Valparaı´so, Valparaı´so, Chile

Background: Myofascial trigger points (MTrP) are considered to be a common source of pain in people. Due to their
presence in any skeletal muscle in the body, they can be relevant in the genesis of musculoskeletal disorders. Their
preventive management could reduce its potential activation and impact over people’s functioning.
Objectives: The aim was to determine the immediate effect of combining myofascial release (MFR) with ice on a latent
MTrP in the forearm of young adults.
Materials and methods: Using a randomized repeated measures design, 30 young adults with one latent MTrP on the
extensor muscles of the forearm were allocated into three groups; group I received ice massage, group II received MFR
and group III received MFR with ice. The pressure pain threshold (PPT), pressure pain perception (PPP) and strength
of the flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm were evaluated at baseline, immediately after treatment and at 30 min.
Results: An immediate improvement in PPT (p 50.05) and PPP (p 5 0.0005) occurred in group III. Additionally, an
increase in flexor muscle strength (p 5 0.05) is observed 30 min in this group. Group II increased its PPT immediately
(p 5 0.005) and afterwards (p50.05). Group I also changed its PPP immediately (p50.005). No changes in extensor
muscle strength were observed.
Conclusions: The results demonstrate an immediate improvement in pain variables after the application of ice massage,
MFR and MFR with ice in young adults with a latent MTrP.
KEYWORDS: Myofascial release, cryotherapy, trigger point(s), pressure pain threshold, manual therapy

INTRODUCTION painful on stimulation and produce referred pain

(5). Among the factors associated with the develop-
Myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) are considered to
ment of MTrPs a systematic review has pointed out
be a common source of pain in people (1). Due to
the following: trauma, overuse, psychological stress
their presence in any skeletal muscle in the body,
and joint dysfunction (6). MTrPs are classified as
they can be relevant in the genesis of musculoskeletal
active or latent MTrPs, and both types are associated
disorders (2). A systematic review showed that
with dysfunction. Active MTrPs produce a familiar
MTrPs were responsible for pain in 74% of patients
spontaneous pain, a tenderness in the muscle spot, a
with musculoskeletal problems (3) and their preva-
local twitch response when stimulated, and a
lence have shown a range from 21% of the patients
referred pain zone. By contrast, latent MTrPs only
treated in a general clinic to 93% of the patients seen
generate pain when compressed (5,7).
in a specialized center (4).
MTrPs are defined as hypersensitive palpable Various dysfunctions are associated with latent
spots in a taut band of a skeletal muscle that are MTrPs. For instance, an impact on the activation

Correspondence: Cristian Gutiérrez-Rojas, Escuela de Kinesiologı́a, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaı́so, Avenida
Universidad 330, Curauma, Valparaı́so, Chile. Tel: þ56-32-2274044. E-mail:
Submitted: 5 December 2016; Revisions Accepted 7 November 2017; published online 16 November 2017
2 C. Gutiérrez-Rojas et al.

patterns of upward scapular rotator muscles has that the MFR combined with ice application would
been detected in subjects with latent MTrPs (8). induce mayor changes in the pressure pain thresh-
Additionally, an accelerated fatigue and increased olds and perception than the other treatments.
resting motor neuron excitability may affect these
muscles (9,10). Even autonomic disorders, similar to MATERIALS AND METHODS
attenuated skin flow response, were observed after Participants
nociceptive stimulation in healthy participants
(11,12). Timely treatment of the latent MTrPs Thirty volunteer young adult students from the
could prevent their potential activation and impact Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaı́so, com-
on the functioning of the people. posed the sample. The number of participants was
Several treatment approaches have been devel- calculated using a-priori power analysis (24) based
oped to eliminate MTrPs. However, active ones (due on a previous study (25) to achieve an 80% power
their immediate impact) have received more atten- (for the interaction of group and time over repeated
Downloaded by [UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE LIBRARIES] at 07:33 04 December 2017

tion than latent MTrPs. Treatments can be classified measures), effect size value of 0.5 and alpha level of
in invasive (needling therapy) and non-invasive 0.05. The study was revised and approved by the
therapies. Examples of the latter are applications of local ethic committee. Participants attended a brief-
physical agents (cryotherapy and electrotherapy), ing in which the evaluations and treatments were
ischemic compression, proprioceptive neuromuscu- explained and informed consents were obtained.
lar facilitation and myofascial release (MFR). The study included young adults between the ages
Ice massage consists of gliding (stroking) move- of 20 and 25 years with at least one latent MTrP in
ments of an ice cube (or ‘‘popsicle’’) over the skin the extensor muscles group of the forearm (domin-
(13,14). It is used to deliver cold treatments for ant upper arm). In the case when more than one
small, evenly shaped areas (15), and it is effective in latent MTrP was detected, the most symptomatic
cases involving muscle spasm, contusions, and was evaluated. Participants sat with their forearms
minor injuries and to numb small areas of the skin on an adjustable table (90 elbow flexion with palm
(14). Also, it has been used to reduce pain in patients facing down and neutral wrist) for MTrP palpation.
with osteoarthritis or neuropathies and during labor MTrPs were considered latent when there was (1) a
(16). Although ice massage is recommended for palpable taut band in the muscle, (2) a tender point
treating MTrPs, Simons (5) notes that no studies in the taut band, (3) a local twitch response elicited
have determined its effectiveness on MTrPs. by palpation and (4) pain evoked upon palpation
MFR has been described as a wide variety of without patient recognition that it is a familiar
manual therapy techniques in which pressure is symptom (5). The most painful MTrP was marked
applied to the muscle and fascia (17,18), with guided on the skin using a dermographic pen.
low load and long duration mechanical forces to the Exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) participants
myofascial complex, which is an attempt to reduce with active MTrP in the forearm, (2) a history of
pain and restore functioning (19). It has been used upper arm pathology within the last six months
in many conditions to reduce pain, tightness, and (neurologic, rheumatic or orthopedic conditions),
disability and to improve range of motion and (3) volunteers who were previously treated with
quality of life (18,19). Although the most common myofascial therapy before the study, or (4) partici-
MFR approach in MTrPs is direct/ischemic com- pants who were using drugs for anti-inflammatory
pression (20), the release of surrounding tis- or analgesic purposes (23).
sues is also recommended as a complementary
approach because MTrPs can cause fascia dysfunc-
tion (21,22). This study had a repeated measures design in order
In most studies, multilateral treatment is men- to determine the immediate effects of combining
tioned as an appropriate method for managing MFR with ice application on latent MTrPs. The
myofascial pain (23). Nevertheless, at present, no independent variables were related to the treatment
studies have associated MFR with ice application to group (I: ice massage, II: MFR, and III: MFR with
treat latent MTrPs. Therefore, the aim of this study ice) and time of assessment (baseline, immediately
was to determine the immediate effects of combining after treatment at the 0 min and at 30 min later). The
MFR with ice application on latent MTrPs in the dependent variable included PPT, PPP and strength
forearm of young adults, specifically in pressure pain of flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm. The
threshold (PPT), pressure pain perception (PPP) allocation of the participants to the groups (n ¼ 10
and forearm muscle strength. The hypothesis was in each group) was performed by a member of the
Management of latent myofascial trigger points 3
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FIGURE 1. Treatment applied to the study groups. (A) Ice massage, (B) myofascial release and (C) myofascial release with ice
application. Dotted circle represents treatment area; small arrows represent compression phase of fascial release and large arrows
represent movement direction of fascial release.

research team using a sealed envelope system. As a longitudinal compression approach with an ice
they arrived, the participants selected one of the cube as a tool. With the ice cube, the superficial
envelopes that were ordered according to a random fascia of the treated muscles was stretched through
sequence of assignment. Treatments were performed the skin, starting at the humerus (proximal to the
by a qualified physical therapist and the outcome lateral epicondyle) and extending to the extensor
assessment and statistical analysis were performed by retinaculum of the wrist (27,28). The movement was
professionals, all of them were blinded to the study performed (over the taut band and MTrP) very
aim (double blind study). slowly while applying pressure with the ice cube as
the tissue released. The release was performed for
Treatment protocols 10 minutes.
Participants in group I (Figure 1A) received an ice
Outcome measures
massage application. Treatment was performed with
the subject in the same position as for the MTrP PPT is defined as the weakest compression intensity
assessment (forearm at rest with 90 of elbow at which a person feels discomfort or pain rather
flexion, pronated and wrist in neutral position). than pressure (1,23). PPT of the latent MTrP was
Massage was directly applied to the skin over the measured using an algometer (Model 12-1442,
MTrP using circular and stroking motions with an Fabrication Enterprise Inc., USA), a device consist-
ice cube (with an approximate r ¼ 2 cm covering a ing of a round rubber disk (area, 1 cm2) connected
12 cm2 area without any pressure) for 10 minutes. to a pressure gauge that was pressed vertically on the
The water was not wiped off while the ice MTrP (at a rate of 1 Kg/cm2 per second). Three
melted (26). measurements were recorded at 30-s intervals, and
Participants in group II (Figure 1B) received the average value was used.
MFR. Application was performed with the subject in PPP is defined as the pain intensity a person feels
the same position that was previously described. at a determined pressure using an algometer. Pain
MFR was performed using a longitudinal compres- intensity was measured using a visual analogue scale.
sion approach. With the thumb, the superficial fascia Pain was evoked with 3.0 kg/cm2 of pressure on the
of the treated muscles was stretched through the latent MTrP. A unique measure was recorded.
skin, starting at the humerus (proximal to the lateral PPT (ICC 0.72-0.79) (23,29) and PPP (25) are
epicondyle) and extending to the extensor retinacu- two reliable and valid form of measuring pain over
lum of the wrist (27,28). The movement was MTrPs. Moderate to high interrater and intrarater
performed very slowly and pressure was applied as reliability has been observed when measuring
the tissue was released. The release was performed MTrPs.
for 10 min. The strength measure was considered as the
Participants in group III (Figure 1C) received maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC)
MFR combined with ice application. Treatment was force of the wrist extensor and flexor muscles in
performed with the subject in the same position that Newtons (N). The MVIC was measured using a
was previously described. MFR was performed using custom-designed device with a lever, load cell
4 C. Gutiérrez-Rojas et al.
TABLE 1. Characteristic of the sample.

Group I Group II Group III p value

Variable Mean  SD Mean  SD Mean  SD
Age (years) 22.3  1.4 22.3  1.4 22.7  1.1 0.75
Number of MTrPs 1.1  0.3 1.0  0.0 1.2  0.4 0.34
BMI 23.4  1.4 24.2  0.6 23.8  0.9 0.23
Physically active (n)
Yes 1 2 1 0.74
No 9 8 9
Hand dominance (n)
Right 9 9 10 0.59
Left 1 1 0
MTrPs: myofascial trigger points; BMI: body mass index.
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(ANYLOAD, USA, model 101NH S-Beam, Output II and III (5 females and 5 males). Table 1
3 mV/V  1%, safe overload 150%) and custom summarizes the characteristics of the sample.
monitor (for registration) that had an analog low- Table 2 summarizes the means  SEMs for the
pass filter (10 Hz). Participants were tested while dependent variables at time of assessments. No
sitting on a chair. The forearm was horizontally differences between the groups were detected at
positioned within a cradle (of the device) and baseline.
secured in a pronated or supinated position (for For PPT (Figure 2A), there was no significant
extensor muscles and flexor muscles, respectively). interaction (treatment group  time of assessment)
The height of the device was adjusted so that the arm (F (4,54) ¼ 0.99, p ¼ 0.41) or main effect for treat-
was placed at 20  10 shoulder abduction and at 0 ment group (F (2,27) ¼ 0.07, p ¼ 0.93), although a
shoulder flexion. The elbow was positioned at 90 significant effect of the time of assessment (F
flexion. The palmar or dorsal face of the metacarpal (2,54) ¼ 11.51, p50.0001) was observed. MFR with
bones was in contact with the lever (at 30 flexion or ice application (group III) increased pressure pain
extension) such that the axis of the wrist was aligned threshold (p50.05; d ¼ 0.66) immediately after
with the axis of the lever. The contralateral hand application. Similarly, MFR (group II) increased
rested on the thigh. Three MVIC of 2–5 s with rest these thresholds (p50.005; d ¼ 1.01), which per-
periods of 30 s or more were recorded and their sisted after 30 min (p50.05; d ¼ 0.69). Although a
maximal value were analyzed. similar trend was observed using ice massage, is not
Statistical analysis Only a significant main effect of the time of
The normal distribution of variables was tested using assessment (F (2,54) ¼ 15.95, p50.0001) was
the D’Agostino & Pearson normality test. Dependent detected for PPP (Figure 2B; interaction of treatment
variables (PPT, PPP and strength of extensor and group x time of assessment (F (4,54) ¼ 0.80,
flexor muscles) were analyzed by two-way repeated p ¼ 0.52); treatment group (F (2,27) ¼ 0.73,
measures analysis of variance (two-way RM p ¼ 0.49)). An immediate reduction of pain occurred
ANOVA, with treatment group and time of assess- after applying ice massage (group I; p50.005;
ment as factors), which was followed by Bonferroni’s d ¼ 0.61) and MFR with ice (group III, p50.0005;
post hoc analysis (STATA 9.1 software). The results d ¼ 1.20). The effects did not persist 30 min later.
are expressed as the means  SEMs. Differences were No significant interaction (treatment group x
considered statistically significantly when p50.05. time of assessment) (F (4,54) ¼ 0.23, p ¼ 0.91) or
Effect sizes were calculated using Cohen’s d for main effects for treatment group (F (2,27) ¼ 0.40,
comparative outcomes. p ¼ 0.67) was observed in flexor muscles strength
(Figure 2C), although there was a significant effect of
the time of assessment (F (2,54) ¼ 5.48, p50.01).
Post hoc comparisons only revealed that flexor
The study had a total of 30 participants (16 females muscles strength increases 30 min after having
and 14 males). Each group was conformed as applied MFR combined with ice (group III;
following: group I (6 females and 4 males), group p50.05; d ¼ 0.25).
Management of latent myofascial trigger points 5
TABLE 2. Means  SEM of the dependent variables at baseline and follow-ups.

Time Variables Group I Group II Group III

Baseline PPT 6.53  0.69 6.14  0.44 6.95  0.67
PPP 3.90  0.70 4.60  0.77 4.50  0.52
MVIC F 77.80  8.66 77.20  7.21 66.20  11.26
MVIC E 85.70  7.18 79.50  10.22 85.30  11.48
0 min PPT 7.56  0.70 7.87  0.62 8.27  0.57
PPP 2.60  0.63 3.70  0.65 2.60  0.47
MVIC F 83.00  8,52 81.20  7.05 71.80  10.52
MVIC E 88.00  8.86 93.30  6.99 85.40  10.98
30 min PPT 7.47  0.81 7.57  0.81 7.20  0.62
PPP 3.00  0.63 4.20  0.72 3.50  0.56
MVIC F 84.50  9.35 81.50  7.14 75.40  11.46
MVIC E 85.90  8.68 91.10  7.30 87.40  10.25
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PPT: pressure pain threshold (kg/cm2); PPP: pressure pain perception (VAS); MVIC F: maximal voluntary isometric contraction
of wrist flexor muscles (N); MVIC E: maximal voluntary isometric contraction of wrist extensor muscles (N).

FIGURE 2. Effect of treatment over PPT (A), PPP (B), flexor muscles strength (C) and extensor muscles strength (D) versus the
time of assessment. (PPT: Pressure Pain Threshold; PPP: Pressure Pain Perception; MFR: Myofascial Release; *p50.05;
**p50.005; ***p50.0005).

No significant interaction (treatment group  Finally, there were no significant differences

time of assessment) (F (4,54) ¼ 0.88, p ¼ 0.47) or between groups both immediately and 30 min later.
main effects for the treatment group (F
(2,27) ¼ 0.01, p ¼ 0.98) and time of assessment (F DISCUSSION
(2,54) ¼ 1.40, p ¼ 025) was observed in extensor The results of present study demonstrated signifi-
muscles strength (Figure 2D). Post hoc analysis cant, immediate changes in PPT and PPP after
revealed no changes. applying MFR with ice. Additionally, a change in
6 C. Gutiérrez-Rojas et al.

flexor muscle strength was observed 30 minutes after With respect to PPP changes, they are likely
this treatment. MFR alone produced an increase of associated with the aforementioned effects of cryo-
PPT immediately and afterwards (30 min). PPP also therapy. The hypoalgesic effect of ice massage and
changed immediately with the use of ice massage. No MFR with ice could modulate the necessary thresh-
changes were observed in extensor muscle strength. old to elicit a pain respond (16). This finding could
Finally, no differences were detected between groups be related to the reduction of sensory nerve
at both reassessment times (0 and 30 min). conduction observed after cold applications
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first (34,36). Furthermore, it has been reported that ice
report in which PPT changed immediately with the massage could reduce motor nerve conduction (34).
combination of MFR and ice application. It is likely This effect may impact motor end plates related to
that this change could be related to a merged effect MTrPs, which could modify PPT and PPP observed
that MFR and ice massage alone have over the tissue. in group I and III at reassessment (0 min). MFR
In fact, MFR alone increased immediately and alone produced no change in PPP, which is a
Downloaded by [UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE LIBRARIES] at 07:33 04 December 2017

afterward this variable, which is comparable to confounded finding because PPT increased with
other study (20). For instance, MFR reduces pain treatment at both reassessments. This outcome
and functional disability associated with plantar heel could support the idea that cold application may
pain (30) and lateral epicondylitis (28). It is have a mayor influence on this variable compared
suggested that in normative condition, fascia and with the manual approach.
connective tissue move with minimal restrictions It is probable that the change observed in flexor
(31). However, the presence of MTrPs can cause muscle strength after MFR with ice could be related
myofascial dysfunction (21) because a taut band puts to diminished extensor muscle activity. Evidence
fascial structures under permanent tension, which shows that muscles with MTrPs have increased
can alter movement and posture patterns. Thus, motor unit excitability (both at rest and during
various authors suggest that treatment should focus antagonist activity) that is associated with reduced
not only on MTrPs but also on surrounding tissue antagonist reciprocal inhibition (37). In this scene,
(e.g. fascia, muscles, and connective tissues) (22). It the application of MFR with ice over the extensor
is thought that MFR lengthens the sarcomeres, muscle may reduce this excitability and restore
which then reduces energy consumption and releases proper reciprocal inhibition, increasing the strength
noxious substances (1). Another possible explan- of the flexor muscles. Another study (38) noted that
ation stems from the neurophysiological mechan- application of a cold-water bath in the forearm
isms that are associated with MFR. On the one hand, reduces the maximal isometric force of the evaluated
it is thought that pressure exerted during MFR muscles. It is speculated that ice associated with
might stimulate some fascial receptors [Golgi tendon MFR could also modulate reciprocal inhibition. A
organs and Ruffini and Pacini corpuscles] that could same trend in flexor muscles strength was observed
reduce motor unit activity over MTrPs (17). On the in the group that received ice massage, but this was
other hand, MFR might have an analgesic effect that not significant. It is important to notice that latent
is mediated by peripheral, spinal, or supraspinal MTrPs in the flexor muscles were not evaluated, so
mechanisms. In the first two, the findings could be we are not secure that an indirect effect of treatment
expected due control gate theory (17). In addition, occurred in these muscles and if this change has a
the finding observed in group III could be related clinical importance. Another possibility that could
with the effects of cold. Several studies have explain the results observed in flexor muscles
demonstrated that application of cold [in variety of strength is the likely familiarization of the partici-
modalities] reduces tissue temperature (32,33) pants with the isometric strength test (39). However,
and increases the PPT. It is thought that ice extensor muscles strength does not have the same
massage may stimulate descending inhibitory behavior.
pain pathways (16). Additionally, ice massage As previously mentioned, no changes were
modifies sensory conduction and can have a detected in extensor muscles strength. This seems
hypoalgesic effect (34). One study (35) found that to be a controversial subject because some authors
PPT was increased 10 and 30 minutes after ice have observed a drop of maximal isometric force
massage. It is important to note that the effect [in (38,40) while others have found opposite results (41)
group III] was not lasting and that it was probably when ice application is implicated. In all likelihood,
affected by the time and area of application. no effect was detected according to our method of
Moreover, ice massage alone had a nonsignificant application for 10 minutes over a small area (group
trend in increasing PPT. I) versus a large area (group III). Group II had a
Management of latent myofascial trigger points 7

trend of increased force, but it was not significant. A perception in group III (myofascial release with ice
longer treatment time may be needed to elicit application). Additionally, an increase in flexor
changes in this variable. muscle strength is observed 30 minutes in this
The clinical importance of the therapeutic strate- group. Group II (miofascial release) increases its
gies used in the present study is that all of them have pain threshold immediately and afterwards (30 min).
a favorable effect on pain (threshold and percep- Group I (ice massage) also changes pressure pain
tion). This effect reaches a clinically relevant change perception immediately. No changes are observed in
in PPT, since most of them increase more than extensor muscle strength in the groups.
1 kg/cm2. The findings of the current study suggest
that these therapeutic strategies are advisable to treat
latent MTrPs at least in this population. Even ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
though the changes are at short time, threshold The authors thank Oscar Achiardi T. and Gabriela
and perception modifications will allow us to use Morales T. for their valuable collaboration.
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other complementary strategies when patients have

latent MTrPs associated with severe pain or an
irritable condition. Physiotherapists are aware that DECLARATION OF INTEREST
optimization of treatment is important when we The authors declare that there is no conflict of
must treat all the problems related to patients’ interest.
condition (e.g. improvement of ROM, strength This research did not receive any specific grant
training, pain education, and so on). Importance from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
that is enhanced due to its low cost of implemen- not-for-profit sectors.
tation, its safety and the immediate change asso-
ciated to its application.
Some limitations may restrict the generalization ETHICAL APPROVAL
of the results. The small sample may be responsible This study was approved by the Ethical Committee
why significant differences between the groups were of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaı́so
not detected. Also, the small sample restricted the and conducted in agreement with the Ethical
analysis according to the gender. There are evidences Principles for Medical Research Involving Human
showing that female pressure pain thresholds are Subjects outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki.
lower than males (42). This issue must be addressed
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