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Assembly and operating instructions

Chlorine Electrolysis System




Please carefully read these operating instructions before use. · Do not discard.
The operator shall be liable for any damage caused by installation or operating errors.
The latest version of the operating instructions are available on our homepage.

Part no. 984237 Original Operating Instructions (2006/42/EC) BA CL 017 09/17 EN

Supplemental directives

General non-discriminatory approach In order to make it easier to read, this document uses the male
form in grammatical structures but with an implied neutral sense. It
is aimed equally at both men and women. We kindly ask female
readers for their understanding in this simplification of the text.

Supplementary information
Please read the supplementary information in its entirety.


This provides important information relating to the

correct operation of the unit or is intended to make
your work easier.

Warning information
Warning information includes detailed descriptions of the haz‐
ardous situation, see Ä Chapter 1.2 „Labelling of Warning Informa‐
tion“ on page 7.
The following symbols are used to highlight instructions, links, lists,
results and other elements in this document:

Tab. 1: More symbols

Symbol Description
Action, step by step.

⇨ Outcome of an action.
Links to elements or sections of these instructions or other applicable documents.
n List without set order.
[Button] Display element (e.g. indicators).
Operating element (e.g. button, switch).
„Display /GUI“ Screen elements (e.g. buttons, assignment of function keys).
CODE Presentation of software elements and/or texts.

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Description of the system...................................................... 4
1.1 Description and operation............................................. 4
1.2 Labelling of Warning Information.................................. 7
1.3 Users' qualifications...................................................... 8
2 Safety and responsibility..................................................... 10
2.1 General safety information.......................................... 10
2.2 Intended use............................................................... 12
3 Components of the system................................................. 13
3.1 CHLORINSITU®-II...................................................... 13
4 Storage and Transport........................................................ 15
5 Preparation for use............................................................. 16
6 Installation and assembly.................................................... 17
6.1 Assembly Check-list................................................... 17
6.2 Assembly and installation of the system..................... 18
7 Operation............................................................................ 28
7.1 Navigation................................................................... 31
7.2 Status.......................................................................... 32
7.3 Operation of chlorine storage tank.............................. 33
7.4 Metering operation (optional)...................................... 33
8 Commissioning................................................................... 34
8.1 Check-list: Preparation for commissioning................. 34
8.2 Check-list: Commissioning......................................... 37
8.3 Commissioning work................................................... 39
9 [ALARM] / Troubleshooting menu....................................... 44
9.1 Alarm messages......................................................... 44
9.1.1 Alarm: [POWER SUPPLY]....................................... 44
9.1.2 Hypo cells................................................................ 45
9.1.3 Alarm: Chlorine storage tank................................... 45
9.1.4 Alarm: Transfer storage tank................................... 46
9.1.5 Alarm: Points of injection......................................... 46
9.1.6 Various alarms......................................................... 46
10 Maintenance and repair...................................................... 48
10.1 Maintaining the Operating Unit................................. 48
10.2 Maintenance............................................................. 48
10.3 Repair....................................................................... 48
11 Disposal of Used Parts....................................................... 49
12 Electrical data..................................................................... 50
13 Technical data..................................................................... 51
14 Declaration of Conformity for Machinery............................. 54
15 Index................................................................................... 55

Description of the system

1 Description of the system

The system is used for water disinfection in:
n Swimming pools
n Potable water
n Waste water
n F&B
n Agriculture
n Various process water systems
n etc.
The system is used to produce a chlorine-based disinfectant.
The system is used to electrochemically produce „free
chlorine“ from sodium or potassium chloride.
The quantity of „free chlorine“ is determined, among other things,
by the concentration of the chloride ions, but also by the current
The system has the following features:
n The product is generated in-situ where it is needed
n There is no need to transport concentrated chemicals
n The swimming pool water quality is markedly improved,
resulting in less inflammation of the respiratory system.
n When „free chlorine“ made from potassium chloride is used in
the agricultural sector, the nutrient potassium is also added.

1.1 Description and operation

Water softener
Install a water softener upstream of the system to
prevent pH-related deposits of calcium and rising
temperatures, among other things. Calcium and
magnesium cause serious deposits on the hypo‐

The system produces free chlorine from a solution of sodium or

potassium chloride, as per the diagram below. The system pro‐
duces chlorine by means of an electrochemical process in a hypo‐

Description of the system


Fig. 1: Components of a system with 1 hypocell

1. Softener 5. Conductivity sensor
2. Brine storage tank with sodium chloride or potas‐ 6. Hypocells*
sium chloride 7. Fan with built-in air flow sensor
3. Flow meter for softened water with brine solution 8. Chlorine storage tank
4. Brine metering pump 9. Brine storage tank with sodium chloride

Description of the system


Fig. 2: Components of a system with 3 hypocells

1. Softener 5. Conductivity sensor
2. Brine storage tank with sodium chloride or potas‐ 6. Hypocells*
sium chloride 7. Fan with built-in air flow sensor
3. Flow meter for softened water with brine solution 8. Chlorine storage tank
4. Brine metering pump 9. Brine storage tank with sodium chloride
* 1 to 3 hypocells are possible depending on the capacity of the

Basic substances required Sodium chloride to produce free chlorine: Only use salt that is certi‐
fied in accordance with the EU Regulation 528/2012. Use a salt in
accordance with EN 14805 or a salt with as low a calcium and
magnesium content as possible. Salt in accordance with EN 973 is
not always sufficient.
Potassium chloride to produce free chlorine: The salt must be a
99% food-quality salt.
Salt for water softener: Use salt with as low a calcium and magne‐
sium content as possible in this water softener.
Use a sodium chloride salt according to EN 973.
Ensure that the salt also meets the chemical specification below:
n Insoluble substances < 100 ppm
n Calcium (Ca+) < 70 ppm
n Magnesium (Mg+) < 70 ppm
Water quality: The system is suitable for connecting to the potable
water network. The water should be of potable water quality or

Sound pressure level The sound pressure level is < 70 dB (A) at maximum speed, at
maximum back pressure, using water as the medium.

Description of the system

Protection against contact and Degree of protection of water softener: IP 20.

humidity (IP)
Degree of protection of the system: IP 54.

1.2 Labelling of Warning Information

Introduction These operating instructions provide information on the technical
data and functions of the product. These operating instructions pro‐
vide detailed warning information and are provided as clear step-
by-step instructions.
The warning information and notes are categorised according to
the following scheme. A number of different symbols are used to
denote different situations. The symbols shown here serve only as

Nature and source of the danger
Consequence: Fatal or very serious injuries.
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
Description of hazard
– Denotes an immediate threatening danger. If
the situation is disregarded, it will result in fatal
or very serious injuries.

Nature and source of the danger
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
– Denotes a possibly hazardous situation. If the
situation is disregarded, it could result in fatal
or very serious injuries.

Nature and source of the danger
Possible consequence: Slight or minor injuries.
Material damage.
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
– Denotes a possibly hazardous situation. If the
situation is disregarded, it could result in slight
or minor injuries. May also be used as a
warning about material damage.

Description of the system

Nature and source of the danger
Damage to the product or its surroundings.
Measure to be taken to avoid this danger.
– Denotes a possibly damaging situation. If the
situation is disregarded, the product or an
object in its vicinity could be damaged.

Type of information
Hints on use and additional information.
Source of the information. Additional measures.
– Denotes hints on use and other useful informa‐
tion. It does not indicate a hazardous or dam‐
aging situation.

1.3 Users' qualifications

Danger of injury with inadequately qualified per‐
The operator of the plant / device is responsible for
ensuring that the qualifications are fulfilled.
If inadequately qualified personnel work on the unit
or loiter in the hazard zone of the unit, this could
result in dangers that could cause serious injuries
and material damage.
– All work on the unit should therefore only be
conducted by qualified personnel.
– Unqualified personnel should be kept away
from the hazard zone

Training Definition
Instructed personnel An instructed person is deemed to be a person who has been instructed and,
if required, trained in the tasks assigned to him/her and possible dangers that
could result from improper behaviour, as well as having been instructed in the
required protective equipment and protective measures.
Trained user A trained user is a person who fulfils the requirements made of an instructed
person and who has also received additional training specific to the system
from ProMinent or another authorised distribution partner.
Trained qualified per‐ A qualified employee is deemed to be a person who is able to assess the
sonnel tasks assigned to him and recognize possible hazards based on his/her
training, knowledge and experience, as well as knowledge of pertinent regula‐
tions. The assessment of a person's technical training can also be based on
several years of work in the relevant field.

Description of the system

Training Definition
Electrician Electricians are deemed to be people, who are able to complete work on elec‐
trical systems and recognize and avoid possible hazards independently based
on his/her technical training and experience, as well as knowledge of pertinent
standards and regulations.
Electricians should be specifically trained for the working environment in
which the are employed and know the relevant standards and regulations.
Electricians must comply with the provisions of the applicable statutory direc‐
tives on accident prevention.
Customer Service depart‐ Customer Service department refers to service technicians, who have
ment received proven training and have been authorised by ProMinent to work on
the system.

Note for the system operator

The pertinent accident prevention regulations, as
well as all other generally acknowledged safety
regulations, must be adhered to!

Safety and responsibility

2 Safety and responsibility

2.1 General safety information

Danger due to hazardous substances
By operating this system the operator generates
hazardous substances.
The operator is responsible for adapting the oper‐
ating instructions to their system in the event that
more recent knowledge about the dangers associ‐
ated with a hazardous substance and its avoid‐
ance become available or national regulations pre‐
scribe something else to that stated in the supplied
operating instructions.

Safely discharge any waste hydrogen produced
Always discharge any hydrogen produced during
the electrolysis process outside into the atmos‐
phere via a closed, continuously rising pipework
Check the continuity of the hydrogen discharge
line annually.

Danger from hazardous substances!
Possible consequence: Fatal or very serious inju‐
The system operator is responsible for ensuring
that the material safety data sheets are available
and that they are kept up to date, as well as for
producing an associated hazard assessment for
the workstations affected.

Sound pressure level The sound pressure level is < 70 dB (A) at maximum power
(without the booster pump).

Safety and responsibility

Explosion safety
The system generates a small volume of
hydrogen-air mixture. It is essential that this
hydrogen-air mixture is safely discharged into the
surrounding air outdoors. Check during installation
that no air is drawn in close to the outlet, for
instance by an air conditioning system.
If hydrogen is released due to a damaged pipeline
or due to another cause, it can form an explosive
gas mixture (hydrogen-air mixture) with the
ambient air. Ensure that the room has a minimum
ventilation rate of 5 m3/hour. Ensure that the venti‐
lation system is operational when the system is

Open flame
No open flames are permitted when the system is
in operation.

Industrial security concept for the entire system

For the safe operation of a system or machine, it is
also necessary to take appropriate safety meas‐
ures (e.g. cell protection concept) and to integrate
the automation and drive components in an overall
industrial safety scheme for the entire system or
machine, which corresponds to the current state of
the art. In doing so, take into account any other
manufacturers' products used.

Organisational requirements:
n According to ATEX 153, it is the responsibility of the operator
to draw up an explosion safety document.
n The operator should include the system in his Emergency Plan
and state the outline safety plans.
n The Emergency Plan should not run any escape routes past
the system.
n The operator should appoint a Safety Coordinator. This person
is responsible for monitoring work that affects the system's
explosion safety.

Personal protective equipment The operator should provide personal protective equipment in line
with the hazards and in compliance with national regulations.

Information in the event of an emer‐ The operator should supplement the emergency information in line
gency with the hazards and in compliance with national regulations.

Safety and responsibility

n In the event of smelling chlorine gas:

– immediately switch off the electrolysis system
– or press an Emergency Stop switch
– or disconnect the mains power supply
– or trigger an external fuse
– and inform Service.
n If an electrical emergency occurs, immediately disconnect the
electrolysis system from the mains power supply and then
inform Service.

2.2 Intended use

n The system is only intended for the production and metering a
sodium hypochlorite solution containing chlorine from sodium
chloride, or a potassium hypochlorite solution containing
chlorine from potassium chloride. This disinfection solution is
used to disinfect water.
n All other uses or modifications are prohibited.
n Do not operate the system in conditions other than those
described in these operating instructions.
n Only allow qualified personnel to operate the system.
n Please observe the information in the operating instructions at
every phase of the system's service life.
n Please observe the relevant national regulations and guide‐
lines at every phase of the system's service life.

Components of the system

3 Components of the system

The figure shows the Chlorinsitu®-II 100 ... 500 g/h design. The
other designs have the same structure, merely different dimen‐






Fig. 3: Installation of the system / Components of the system

1. Water softener, referred to as "Softener" throughout the rest of
these operating instructions.
3. Brine metering pump
4. Process water flow meter (softened water with brine solution)
5. Conductivity sensor (optional)
6. Hypocell(s)
7. Fan with built-in air flow sensor




Fig. 4: Installation of the system / Components of the system

2. Brine storage tank with sodium chloride or potassium chloride
8. Chlorine storage tank
9. Brine storage tank with sodium chloride (optional)

Components of the system

Number Part Function

1 Softener Softens the water. Removes calcium and magnesium. Requires
sodium chlorite.
2 Brine storage tank Salt storage. It produces a saturated salt solution (brine) together
with the softened water.
This brine storage tank can contain sodium chloride or potassium
3 Brine metering pump Meters brine from sodium or potassium chloride into the process
4 Process water flow meter Measures the flow of the process water (softened water with brine
5 Conductivity sensor Brine is metered into the flow of softened water depending on the
measured value of the conductivity sensor.
6 Hypocell Chlorine is produced from a salt solution in an electrochemical
process in the hypocell.
7 Fan Dilutes the hydrogen gas to the lowest explosion limit. The built-in
air flow sensor monitors the fan.
8 Chlorine storage tank Store of sodium hypochlorite with a concentration of 5 g/l (sodium
Or store of potassium hypochlorite with a concentration of 4 g/l.
9 Sodium chloride brine The brine storage tank for regenerating the softener contains
storage tank sodium chloride. This brine storage tank is only needed if potas‐
sium chloride is used for production.


Number Part Function

1 Integrated control for 1 The control for 1 point of injection is fitted in the standard system.
point of injection The point of injection can be controlled with the HMI.
2 Transfer unit The transfer unit can help if the chlorine storage tank is higher than
the output for the chlorine product from the system.
The chlorine product from the system is collected in a transfer
storage tank and then pumped by a chemical transfer pump into
the higher chlorine storage tank.
3 Control unit for 3 points of A separate control unit with HMI for a maximum of 3 points of injec‐
injection tion.
4 Ultrasound sensor An ultrasound sensor is installed as a peak programme meter in
the chlorine storage tank.
5 Conductivity sensor The salt solution in the system is normally metered on the basis of
the water flow measured. In this option, the salt solution is con‐
trolled by a conductivity sensor. Metering using conductivity is a
measure to increase the quality of the chlorine product.

Storage and Transport

4 Storage and Transport

Storage of the system in unsuitable ambient condi‐
– It is mandatory that the following storage
instructions are adhered to.
Unsuitable ambient conditions can lead to incorrect
operation and malfunction of the system installed
and, when the system is in operation, also lead to
danger to personnel.

Store the system in its original transport packaging in a sealed

room and also
n At a temperature of between 5 °C ... 50 °C
n At a relative air humidity of below 85 % without condensation
n In a non-aggressive environment (no harmful vapours, chemi‐
cals etc.),
n Protected from direct sunlight, rain and moisture
n Store the system upright.

Incorrect transport
Incorrect transport of the system by non-seaworthy
packaging or horizontal packaging.
– It is mandatory that the following instructions
are adhered to.
Incorrect transportation can result in damage to
personnel and material damage.

n Only connect appropriate lifting equipment to the lifting eyes on

the top of the system.
n Carefully transport the system vertically (see label on the trans‐
portation packaging).
n Avoid mechanical impacts
n Protect the system from direct sunlight, rain and moisture
during transportation.

Toppling of the system cabinet
– Once the system has been unpacked, secure
the system with lashing straps to prevent it
from toppling over.
If the system topples over it can cause injuries to
personnel and material damage.

Preparation for use

5 Preparation for use

Danger from operation of the system in unsuitable
– Adhere to all national and local regulations
relating to the use of chlorine.
– The operator of the system is responsible for
ensuring that the regulations are implemented.
Disregarding the safety requirements can lead to
personal injuries or damage to property.

n Ensure that the floor of the room has sufficient load-bearing

strength to carry the weight of the filled system.
n Ensure that the room has an adequately dimensioned floor
drain to safely drain any escaping water in the event of a pipe
n Do not locate permanent work places in rooms in which the
system is situated.
n Ensure that the room is free of aggressive vapours and chemi‐
n Ensure that the room contains minimal dust.
n Ensure that the room temperature and air humidity do not
exceed the permissible limits. Install an air conditioning system
in the room if this cannot be guaranteed.
n Protect the system from direct sunlight.
n Ensure that there is adequate mechanical ventilation in the
room to prevent harmful substances accumulating in the
ambient air.
n Allow a minimum gap of ⋝ 30 cm for the cooling fan and for
maintenance to the left and right of the control cabinet.
n Ensure that the room has suitable and adequate mains voltage
connections for operation of the relevant system.
n Ensure that the room has an adequate supply of cooling water,
if cooling water is needed.
n Ensure that the floor is even and horizontal and has a solid
base surface.
n Prevent the system from toppling over by, for example, fixing
the control cabinet to the wall or floor. Secure it in another way
should the latter not be possible.
n Check the requirements relating to accessories, operated
together with the system in the same room, such as air separa‐
tion systems. Refer to the literature for the accessories.
n Ensure that the rear wall of the system is at least ⋝ 15 cm from
the wall.
n Use a non-return valve type BA for connection to the potable
water network, as described in the German version of EN
1717:2000 or the German Technical and Scientific Association
for Gas and Water (DVGW) Technical Regulations. The
system requires a stable water pressure of 2 ... 5 bar upstream
of the non-return valve.
n Set up the system, as described on the installation plan.

Installation and assembly

6 Installation and assembly

6.1 Assembly Check-list
# Assembly process Tick
1 Check whether the installation location complies with the guidelines governing tempera‐
ture, safety, space, humidity etc.
2 Clear the space in which the system is to be installed.
3 Remove the plastic wrapping from the system.
4 Check whether the system has suffered damage during transport or displays other
5 Remove the securing material fixing the system to the pallet.
6 Lift the system into its installation position.
7 Check whether the system is positioned on the feet and is horizontal.
8 Remove the lifting material from the system.
9 Position the brine storage tank in its intended position.
10 Position the chlorine storage tank in its intended position.
11 Connect the hydrogen discharge line
12 Connect the Ø 63 / Ø 110 mm PVCU discharge line on the fan outlet to the air flow
13 Route the Ø 63 / Ø 110 mm PVCU discharge line outside.
14 Check that the Ø 63 / Ø 110 mm PVCU discharge line routed outside is connected in
compliance with ATEX
15 Connect the 50 mm PVCU discharge line (Ø 40 / Ø 50 mm) and the 90° PVCU bend (Ø
40 / Ø 50 mm) to the system.
16 Route the 50 mm PVCU discharge line (Ø 40 / Ø 50 mm) into the sewerage system
17 Connect a "water supply" line with the Ø 20 mm PVCU connector to the system.
18 Connect a Ø 63 mm PVCU line between the "Product" connector on the system and the
connector on the chlorine storage tank.
19 Connect a Ø 63 mm PVCU line between the "Bleed" connector and the "Bleed" con‐
nector on the chlorine storage tank.
20 Connect a Ø 63 mm PVCU line to vent the chlorine storage tank.
21 Connect the level switch on the chlorine storage tank to the control cabinet.
22 Connect the 1.8 mm PE hose (Ø 16 mm) between the "Brine tank filling" connector on
the system and the Ø 16 mm connector on the brine storage tank
23 Connect the 1.8 mm PE hose (Ø 16 mm) between the "Brine hypo cell" connector on the
system and the Ø 16 mm connector on the brine storage tank.
24 Connect the transparent 8 mm nylon hose (Ø 10 mm) between the "Brine softener" con‐
nector on the system and the Ø 10 mm connector on the brine storage tank.
25 Connect a Ø 32 mm PVCU line to the brine storage tank and the sewerage system.
There should be salt in the brine storage tank once the PVCU lines have been con‐
26 Connect the level switch on the brine storage tank to the control cabinet.
27 Connect the power cable to the control cabinet in accordance with the voltage and cur‐
rent specification on the terminal strip.

Installation and assembly


Project number:

6.2 Assembly and installation of the system

n User qualifications, mechanical/hydraulic installation: trained
skilled personnel, see Ä Chapter 1.3 „Users' qualifica‐
tions“ on page 8
n User qualification, electrical installation: Electrical technician,
see Ä Chapter 1.3 „Users' qualifications“ on page 8
1. Check whether the installation location complies with the
guidelines governing temperature, safety, space, humidity

Specification of the installation location

Ensure that the installation location ideally
complies with the following conditions:
– A dry area, which does not necessarily
have to be a separate room.
– An area that can be locked/cordoned off
so that only authorised personnel have
– An ambient temperature of 10 ... 35 °C,
otherwise install an air conditioning
– It should be possible to fit a sewerage
drain, a bleed valve and bleed openings.
An installation drawing showing the correct
dimensions can also be produced to ensure
correct installation. The installation area and
position are determined using the drawings

Check that there are no obstacles around the

Provide a clearance of around 1 metre in front of
and beside the system for maintenance purposes.

2. Clear the space in which the system is to be installed.

3. Remove all packaging from the system.
4. Check whether the system has suffered damage during
transport or exhibits other damage. Check that the scope of
delivery is complete.
5. Remove the securing material fixing the system to the pallet.
n Straps on the control cabinet and frame.
n Plastic covers on the fans.
n Securing belt between the system and pallet.

Installation and assembly

Load hooks are fitted to systems weighing <
1600 g/h by means of which the system can
be lifted and deposited at the correct posi‐
Beams are fitted to systems weighing > 1600
g/h by means of which the system can be
lifted and deposited at the correct position.
You can also use a fork-lift to position the
system, taking into account the fact that there
is a PVC connector on the underside of the
system that can be damaged.

Lift the system from the pallet into its installation position.
7. Check that the system has been placed on the supports and
is horizontal. The scope of delivery includes 6 mountings into
which the system's feet are placed.
8. Remove all lifting material from the system when the system
is positioned correctly.




Fig. 5: CHLORINSITU®-II system

8. Chlorine storage tank
2. Brine storage tank with sodium or potassium chloride for pro‐
duction of the chlorine solution
9. Brine storage tank with sodium chloride for regeneration of the
softener (only if produced with potassium chloride). .
9. Position the brine storage tank (2) in its intended position.
Preferably position the brine storage tank in the direct vicinity
of the system. Remove all objects, even smaller foreign
bodies, from the area under the brine storage tank. The
storage tank can be damaged by these objects, owing to the
heavy weight of the storage tank.
10. Position the brine storage tank (9) in its intended position.
Preferably position the brine storage tank in the direct vicinity
of the system. Remove all objects, even smaller foreign
bodies, from the area under the brine storage tank. The
storage tank can be damaged by these objects, owing to the
heavy weight of the storage tank.

Installation and assembly

11. Position the chlorine storage tank (8) in its intended position.
Preferably position the chlorine storage tank in the direct
vicinity of the system. Remove all objects, even smaller for‐
eign bodies, from the area under the chlorine storage tank.
The storage tank can be damaged by these objects, owing to
the heavy weight of the storage tank.
12. Connect the hydrogen discharge line to the fan. The con‐
necting tube is supplied with the system. Connect the flexible
side of the connection to the fan and secure the connection.
13. Connect the Ø 63/110 mm PVCU discharge line on the fan
outlet to the air flow sensor.
Use the clamp to fix the discharge line in place to the sys‐
tem's fan connector.
The Ø 63/110 mm PVCU discharge line is supplied with the
14. Route this Ø 63/110 mm PVCU discharge line outside (con‐
nector-fan-bleed valve). The outlet for the bleed valve is
located completely in the open and outside the building.
Always route the PVCU discharge line out of the building! Do
not position the outlet inside the building!
Fit the outlet of the PVCU discharge line in such a way that
no rainwater can penetrate it.
15. Check that the Ø 63/110 mm PVCU discharge line routed
outside is connected in compliance with ATEX.
Always route the PVCU discharge line upwards. Do not allow
any part of the PVCU discharge line to point downwards.
Ensure that the PVCU discharge line does not have more
than 3 bends. The maximum permissible length of the PVCU
discharge line is 10 metres.
Check that an ATEX 153-compliant safety plan has been pro‐



Fig. 6: PVCU discharge line (1)

16. Connect the Ø 40/50 mm PVCU discharge line and the Ø
40/50 mm 90° PVCU bend to the system. The PVCU line is
supplied with the scope of delivery of the system.
17. Route the Ø 40/50 mm PVCU discharge line into the sew‐
erage system.

Installation and assembly

2. 1. A2039

Fig. 7: Ø 20 mm PVCU connector

Non-return valve
Fit a non-return valve in the potable water
supply line in compliance with national regu‐

Connect the potable water supply line to the Ø 20 mm "Water

supply" PVCU connector on the system. The Ø 20 mm PVCU
connector is located on the right-hand side of the system.
The Ø 20 mm PVCU connector is the lowest of the 4 connec‐
tors (2) and is sealed by the stopcock (1) if necessary.
n Minimum pressure = 2.5 bar
n Maximum pressure = 5 bar
n Minimum flow = 10 l/min
n Temperature = Potable water, 15 ... 18 °C

Installation and assembly

1. 2. 3.


Fig. 8: Connector for the Ø 63/110 mm PVCU lines

1. Ø 63/110 mm PVCU line on the storage tank for the product.
2. Ø 63/110 mm PVCU line for bleeding on the storage tank.
3. Ø 63/110 mm PVCU line for bleeding the storage tank for the
product to the outside.
19. Connect a Ø 63/110 mm PVCU product line (1) between the
[Product] connector on the system and the [Product] con‐
nector on the storage tank for the product. Note that there
are 3 Ø 63 mm PVCU connectors on the chlorine storage
tank. The connectors are labelled as follows on the storage
n Ventilation
n Bleeding
n Product
20. Connect a Ø 63/110 mm PVCU product line (2) between the
[Bleed] connector on the system and the [Bleed] connector
on the storage tank for the product. The product leaves the
installation directly at the hypocells. Connect a Ø 63 mm
PVCU line downstream of the fan to the [Air]connector on the
chlorine storage tank.
21. Connect a Ø 63/110 mm PVCU line for [ventilation] (3) to the
storage tank for the product and route this line to the outside.

Installation and assembly

Fitting and connecting the liquid level

switch The scope of delivery of the system includes a
liquid level switch for the chlorine storage tank.
A threaded connector for the liquid level switch is
located on the chlorine storage tank.

22. Fit the liquid level switch for the chlorine storage tank. The
liquid level switch forms part of the scope of delivery.
Remove the cap for the liquid level switch. The cap protects
the liquid level switch from transport damage.
A gland seal for positioning the liquid level switch is located
on the upper side of the chlorine storage tank. Install the
liquid level switch there.
Connect the liquid level switch cable to the control cabinet in
line with the wiring diagram. Connect the cable to terminal
23. Fit the liquid level sensor (ultrasound) into the product
storage tank:
The system includes the following:
n Threaded cable connector
n A tank sleeve section Ø63 mm
n PVCU pipe Ø20 mm with a pressure sensor
Fit the Ø50 mm/Ø63 mm tank sleeve section into a Ø65 mm
hole in the product storage tank.
The liquid level sensor comes complete with a Ø20 mm
PVCU pipe. Shorten the ⌀20 mm PVCU pipe to the dimen‐
sion between the base of the product storage tank and the
opening of the Ø50 mm/Ø63 mm tank sleeve section.
Insert the liquid level sensor with the shortened Ø20 mm
PVCU pipe through the opening of the Ø50 mm/Ø63 mm
tank sleeve section as far as the base of the product storage
You can now insert the Ø63 mm coupling onto the upper end
of the Ø20 mm PVCU pipe.
Fit the threaded cable connector onto the Ø63 mm coupling.
24. Electrically connect the liquid level sensor to the system's ter‐
minal box.

Cable Terminal
Black X3-65
White X3-66
Shielding PE

Description Liquid level switch Terminal strip

Liquid level too high LB1H2 X1-8

Electrically connect the liquid level switch to the control cab‐

25. Electrically connect the leak sensor on the collecting pan of
the product storage tank to the control cabinet. Leak sensor
4LS38, terminal X1-0

Installation and assembly

Connecting 1.8-mm PE hoses





3. 2. A2041

Fig. 9: Connecting 1.8-mm PE hoses

1. Brine for regeneration of the softener
2. Brine for the hypocell
3. Fill the brine storage tank with softened water
4. Water supply


Fig. 10: PE coupling connectors




Fig. 11: Brine storage tank with hoses and coupling

1. Prepared PE coupling in the brine storage tank
2. Black 1.8-mm PE hose
3. White transparent 8-mm nylon hose
26. Connect the 1.8 mm PE hose (Ø 16 mm) between the "Brine
storage tank filling" connector (3) (Fig. 9) on the system and
the connector (Ø 16 mm) on the brine storage tank. The PE
hose supplied is black and 5 metres long.

Installation and assembly

Fig. 12: "Brine diaphragm cell" connector

27. Connect the 1.8 mm PE hose between the brine connector
for the system's hypocell and the Ø 16 mm connector on the
brine storage tank.




Fig. 13: Assignment of the PE couplings on the brine storage tank

1. "Filling brine storage tank" PE coupling
2. "Brine for the hypocell" PE coupling
3. "Brine softener" PE coupling
28. Connect the transparent 8-mm nylon hose between the
"Brine water softener" connector on the system and the Ø 10
mm connector on the brine storage tank. Use the nylon hose
(3) from the diagram for this Fig. 11
Or connect the transparent 8-mm nylon hose between the
brine storage tank of sodium chloride system’s “Brine soft‐
ener” connector.

Installation and assembly



Fig. 14: Brine storage tank overflow

1. Ø 32 mm PVCU line
29. Connect a Ø 32 mm PVCU (1) as an overflow line on the
brine storage tank and on the sewerage system. The Ø 32
mm PVCU line is the overflow for the brine storage tank.
Connecting the brine storage tank
liquid level switch 1.


Fig. 15: Connecting the brine storage tank liquid level switch
1. Brine storage tank liquid level switch
2. Ready mounted cable
30. Now connect the cable ready mounted on the liquid level
switch on the brine storage tank to the terminal strip on the
control cabinet. The ready mounted cable has a blue and
brown inner conductor (cable).
There is a bridge to X1-3 on the terminal strip. Remove this
bridge. Then connect the liquid level switch on the brine
storage tank to terminal X1-3. There are two rows on the
same X1-3 terminal strip.
Connect the cable to terminal strip X1-3
n The brown cable in the first row of terminal strip X1-3
n The blue cable in the second row of the terminal strip

Installation and assembly



Fig. 16: Terminal X0 in the control cabinet

31. Connect the mains cable, sufficiently sized for current
strength needed, in the control cabinet.
The prerequisites for correct installation are as follows:
n Ensure that the system is switched off while the electrical
connections are made.
n Make the electrical connections in line with the wiring dia‐
gram supplied.
n Seal the cable ducts on the system once installation has
been completed.
CHLORINSITU®-II 50 ... 150, 230 V-AC, "N" and "PE", all
other models measure 380/400 V AC power circuit and "N"
and "PE".
The mains connection is at the bottom of the control cabinet,
as shown in Fig. 16. Use one of the threaded connectors (1)
on the left side of the control cabinet to route the mains cable
into the control cabinet. Connect the mains cable to terminal
X0, as shown on the Fig. 16.


7 Operation
n User qualification, operation: instructed personnel, see
Ä Chapter 1.3 „Users' qualifications“ on page 8

The user interface

Damage to the touch screen
Sharp or pointed objects can damage the plastic
surface of the touch screen.
Only use your finger or a touch pen to operate the
touch screen.

Triggering unintended actions

Tapping several operating objects simultaneously
can trigger unintended actions.
Only ever touch one operating object on the touch
Operating objects are touch-sensitive visuals on
the touch screen of the control unit.

The TP700 is a 7-inch wide-screen touch panel with a colour dis‐

play and 8 functional keys. The TP700 is an operating unit for HMI
tasks. Apart from our operating instructions, further manufacturer's
documents for controlling the unit are available at
They are essentially operated in a similar way to pressing mechan‐
ical keys. Use your finger to operate operating objects. As soon as
the touch screen detects that an operating object has been
touched, the touch screen reacts with visual feedback. The visual
feedback is independent of communication with the control. The
feedback is not therefore an indication that the required action has
actually been performed.


The user interface main menu

MAIN MENU 13.07.2017 12:49:18





POINTS OF INJECTION Software version V3.13


Fig. 17: The user interface main menu

The main menu for the user interface represents the starting point
of the user interface menu structure.
– Press [STATUS] to read off different operating parameters.
– Press [MANUAL OPERATION] to manually perform single
operating steps.
– Press [OPERATING SETTINGS] to set different operating
– Press [ALARM] to read off, localise and, if possible,
acknowledge different alarm messages.
– Press [POINTS OF INJECTION] to set different operating


User interface menu structure


13.07.2017 12:49:18







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Fig. 18: User interface menu structure

Touch the (house) key to switch from the menu displayed
directly back to the main menu.


Fig. 19: Back to the menu


7.1 Navigation

STATUS 13.07.2017 12:49:18

Production: ALARM
Current strength setpoint 000 A
Current strength, measured 000 A
Voltage, measured 00.0 Vdc
STORAGE TANK Water flow 0000 l/h
SOFTENER Control of brine pump 0.0 %

MANUAL Production hours 000000 h



MANUAL OPERATION 13.07.2017 12:49:18


OPERATION Control of brine flow III OFF
Initial start III OFF


MAIN MENU 13.07.2017 12:49:18





OPERATING SETTINGS 13.07.2017 12:49:18


Software version V3.13





Software version V3.13

To the main menu MAIN MENU POINTS OF INJECTION 13.07.2017 12:49:18





Software version V3.13


Fig. 20: Navigation from the main menu


7.2 Status
You can read off different parameters in the [STATUS] view.

Main menu 13.07.2017 12:49:18





POINTS OF INJECTION Software version V3.13


STATUS 13.07.2017 12:49:18

Production: ALARM
Current strength setpoint 000 A
Current strength, measured 000 A
Voltage, measured 00.0 Vdc
STORAGE TANK Water flow 0000 l/h
SOFTENER Control of brine pump 0.0 %

MANUAL Production hours 000 h




Fig. 21: [STATUS] and the view of the different parameters.

Parameter Meaning
STATUS n Production on
n Production off
n Alarm
n External stop
Current strength setpoint Pre-set current strength, depending on the capacity
Current strength, measured Current strength measured at the hypocell
Voltage, measured Voltage measured at the hypocell
Water flow Water flow through the hypocell
Control of brine pump Brine pump capacity as a %
Production hours Production hour counter in hours and minutes


7.3 Operation of chlorine storage tank


STATUS Level low in the chlorine storage tank

0.80 m
Start production setpoint
MANUAL Level high in the chlorine storage tank 1.00 m
OPERATION Stop production setpoint
OPERATION OF Chlorine storage tank diameter 1.04 m


Level sensor III OFF
ALARM Height of chlorine storage tank 1.44 m
Offset sensor 0.20 m
Gain sensor 1.00 m


Fig. 22: Manual operation of the chlorine storage tank

The CHLORINSITU® II system produces based on the setpoints
set for the level in the chlorine storage tank. The level in the
chlorine storage tank is measured using an ultrasound liquid level
Set the START and the STOP level for the chlorine storage tank.
START = The system starts producing at this low level.
STOP = The system stops producing as soon as this high level in
the chlorine storage tank has been reached.

7.4 Metering operation (optional)

The CHLORINSITU® II is optionally delivered with a control unit for
a maximum of 3 points of injection. This control unit is delivered in
a control cabinet and with an HMI for operation. A maximum of 3
metering pumps can be operated by the control unit. A flow control
can be used with each point of injection.
Refer to the operating instructions for the CHLORINSITU® II
metering control unit.


8 Commissioning
8.1 Check-list: Preparation for commissioning
Testing and commissioning process n User qualification, preparation for commissioning: trained quali‐
for the CHLOTINSITU® fied personnel, see Ä Chapter 1.3 „Users' qualifica‐
tions“ on page 8

Project number
Capacity g/h

Customer-specific components

Tested by Start time End time


Tab. 2: Basic factory settings

Capacity Cell type Product Product flow@ 4 Current Max. voltage Softener
flow@ 5 g/l g/l type
g/h l/h l/h A V
50 C70-2 10 12.5 40 11.0 8x35
100 C33-2 20 25.0 75 11.0 8x35
150 C33-3 30 37.5 75 16.5 8x35
200 C33-4 40 50.0 75 22.0 8x35
300 C33-5 60 75.0 90 27.5 8x35
400 C50-3 80 100 200 16.5 8x35
500 C50-4 100 125 190 22.0 8x35
600 C50-4 120 150 225 27.5 8x35
800 C50-5 160 200 240 27.5 8x35
1000 2x C50-4 200 250 190 44.0 10x44
1200 2x C50-4 240 300 225 44.0 10x44
1400 2x C50-5 280 350 210 55.0 10x44
1600 2x C50-5 320 400 240 55.0 10x44
1800 3x C50-5 360 450 180 82.5 10x35x2
2000 3x C50-5 400 500 200 82.5 10x35x2
2200 3x C50-5 440 550 220 82.5 10x35x2
2400 3x C50-5 480 600 240 82.5 10x35x2


Preparation for commissioning Tick

1 Check whether the line for the air flow sensor is connected.
2 Check whether the discharge line for diluted hydrogen is connected in compliance
with ATEX.
3 Check the drain connectors.
4 Check the water supply.
5 Check the brine suction for hypocells.
6 Check the brine suction for the softener.
7 Check all couplings, O-rings etc.
8 Check filling line to the chlorine storage tank.
9 Check the connector for the production lines.
10 Check the liquid level switch in the chlorine storage tank and brine storage tank.
11 Check the non-return valve in the hypocells' suction line.
12 Check all other electrical connections made on site.
13 Check that the system's main fuse (kW, I) corresponds to the specification in the list
of basic settings.
14 CHLORINSITU®-II 50 ... 150, 230 V-AC, "N" and "PE", all other models measure
380/400 V AC power circuit and "N" and "PE".
15 Check electrical and hydraulic connectors on the hypocells.
16 Check whether all lines are connected in line with [P&ID].
17 Connect the level switch on the chlorine storage tank to the control cabinet.


Preparation for commissioning

# Work to be performed Remarks

Take into consideration the remarks on this page and take appropriate action before commencing commis‐


Project number:


8.2 Check-list: Commissioning

commissioning process for CHLORIN‐ n User qualification, commissioning: Service, see Ä Chapter 1.3
SITU® „Users' qualifications“ on page 8

Ventilate the room.

Wear safety glasses.

Wear safety gloves.

Caution high voltage.

Danger due to corrosive dust.

Tab. 3: Check-list for commissioning

# Step OK
1 Check the system connectors, fuses and external connections on the chlorine and brine
storage tanks.
Check that the hydrogen circuit complies with ATEX regulations and the room is sufficiently
Check that all lines comply with the “P&ID”.
2 Switch on the master switch.
Check the voltage between the phases.
3 Switch on the main fuse in the control cabinet.
4 Switch on the 24 V AC/24 V DC power supply.
Check whether there is 24 V AC at the 24 V AC terminal and 24 V DC at the 24 V DC terminal.
Check the language setting on the operating display
5 Open the system's water inlet valve and check that the water lines are leak-tight.
6 Check the water feed for sufficient pressure (approx. 2.5 bar).
7 Use the test kit to check the hardness of the feed water.
8 Check that the brine storage tank is filling with softened water.


# Step OK
9 Check that the feed to the brine storage tank is stopped by the level switch.
Check whether there is sufficient salt in the brine storage tank.
10 Measure the hardness of the water supply
11 Programme the softener
12 Follow the instructions for the water hardness test
13 Switch on the fan with the operating display
14 Check the direction of rotation of the fan
15 Set the sensor air flow.
16 Switch on the power supply with the display.
The settings required for power supply can be found in the commissioning check list.
Check that there is sufficient brine in the hypocell.
Check whether there is salt in the brine storage tank and whether brine reaches the hypocell.
17 Check that the cooling fans for the control cabinet are working correctly.
Check that the cooling fan is rotating in the right direction.
18 Check the modem or internet connection, if available.
19 Check that all customer-specific components are operating correctly.
20 Start [Initial start-up] on the display of the PLC.
Check whether the lye storage tank is filling with process water.
21 On the display check whether the flow is being measured.
If no flow meter is fitted, check whether all the valves are open and water is flowing.
22 Switch on production in the display of the PLC
23 Enter the water flow rate, for setting values see Ä Further information on page 34
24 The PLC calculates an automatic metering / pause time.
After 2 hours of production:
25 Now measure the voltage and the current at the hypocell.
26 At full system load, measure the current at all phases of the power supply and enter the values
in the test protocol.
27 Take a product sample from the chlorine storage tank
28 Check the concentration of free chlorine and the pH value in the sample from the chlorine tank
and enter the values in the test report.
29 Sign the handover report if the value of the free chlorine is correct (5 or 4 g/l).
30 Photograph the system and hand over the manual with the original test log to the customer.
31 Sign the handover report.


Project number:


8.3 Commissioning work

n User qualification, commissioning: Service, see Ä Chapter 1.3
„Users' qualifications“ on page 8

Check before commencing commissioning that all preparations

have been completed correctly. Commissioning is split into two
phases. Commissioning preparation is used to monitor the installa‐
tion phase and should be performed before commissioning.
Solve or eliminate problems or other observations on the installa‐
tion before commissioning. Commissioning is described in these
operating instructions.

Only allow trained service technicians to commis‐

sion the system. Check that the system has been
installed correctly and that work has been per‐
formed in line with the check-lists.

Ventilate the room.

Wear safety glasses.

Wear safety gloves.

Caution high voltage.

Danger due to corrosive dust.


The consequences of the non-use of protective

The customer is responsible for the consequences
of not using protective equipment and disregarding
the warnings in this document.
The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is
specified in the regulations applicable at the place
of installation. The consequences of disregarding
these regulations are likewise explained in these
local regulations.

Pre-commissioning checks
– System connectors, fuses and external con‐
nections of the chlorine and brine storage
– Whether the hydrogen circuit complies with
ATEX regulations and the room is sufficiently
– Whether all lines comply with P&ID.

1. Check the system connectors, fuses and external connec‐

tions on the chlorine and brine storage tanks.
Check that the hydrogen circuit complies with ATEX regula‐
tions and the room is sufficiently ventilated.
Check that all lines comply with „P&ID“ .
2. Switch on the master switch.
Check that the voltage is between the phases 400 V AC and
between a phase and the neutral and the phase and the pro‐
tective earth 230 V AC.
Main fuse
Note that different main fuses can be fitted
depending on the power supply used, partic‐
ularly in relation to the rated current.

Switch on the main fuse in the control cabinet.

4. Switch on the 24 V AC/24 V DC power supply.
Check whether there is 24 V AC at the 24 V AC terminal and
24 V DC at the 24 V DC terminal.
Check the language setting on the operating display and
enter the correct language if you need to.
5. Open the system's water inlet valve and check that the water
lines are leak-tight.
6. Check that the water supply has adequate pressure (approx.
2.5 bar) and use the pressure regulating valve to adjust if


7. Use the test kit to check the hardness of the feed water.
The scope of delivery of the system includes a test kit for
measuring the water hardness. Check the hardness of the
supply water upstream of the softener. Follow the instructions
for the water hardness test in the test kit manual.
ð Use the measured value to further configure the system.
8. Check that the brine storage tank is filling with softened
water. The brine storage tank should automatically fill with
softened water once you have switched on the fuses and
connected the level switch in the control cabinet.
9. Check that the feed to the brine storage tank is stopped by
the level switch.
Check whether there is sufficient salt in the brine storage
tank. Ensure that the salt is of a suitable quality.
Measuring the hardness of the water 10.
supply Water hardness test
Follow the instructions for the water hardness
test in the test kit manual provided or in the
manual for the measuring instrument you are

How to measure the water hardness:

n Fill the plastic measuring vessel up to the mark with
water at the system's sampling water tap.
n Add 3 drops of [HARDNESS 1].
n Close the plastic measuring vessel and shake the plastic
measuring vessel to mix its contents.
n Add 1 drops of [HARDNESS 2].
n Close the plastic measuring vessel and shake the plastic
measuring vessel to mix its contents.
n Add 1 drops of [HARDNESS 3]. Close the plastic meas‐
uring vessel and shake the plastic measuring vessel to
mix its contents. Then add 1 drop of [HARDNESS 3] until
the colour of the mixture changes from red to blue.
n Calculate the water hardness: x drops [HARDNESS 3] =
x °dH.
Programming the softener (Text only available in English)
1 Press[ ∨ ]and set the time to 12:01.
2 Press [Regeneration] and then hold ⇑ and ⇓ for 5 seconds.
3 Press [Regeneration] to move to the „Feed water hardness (H)“ parameter.
4 Press[ ∧ ]and[ ∨ ]to enter the correct water hardness.
5 If the hardness is higher than 15°dH, the Control Type (CT) should not show FD ( „delayed“ ) but
should be set to FI ( „intermediate“ ).


Measuring the hardness of the soft‐ 12. Follow the instructions for the water hardness test in the test
ened water kit manual provided and follow the [LOW] range test process
to measure the hardness of the softened water:
n Fill the measuring instrument up to the 100 ml mark with
the sample.
n Add 2 full pipettes of [HARDNESS 1].
n Close the measuring instrument and shake the meas‐
uring instrument to mix the contents.
n Add 4 drops of [HARDNESS 2].
n Close the measuring instrument and shake the meas‐
uring instrument to mix the contents.
n The sample should display a BLUE colour to indicate that
the water hardness is correct. The water is suitable for
further use.
If the sample turns RED, then the water hardness is >
0 °dH. Regenerate the softener by pressing „Additional
regeneration“ on the clock for 5 seconds.
ð Regeneration of the softener takes approx. 70 minutes.
Then repeat the measurement of the water hardness.
13. Switch on the fan with the operating display
Check the direction of rotation of the 14. The fan can be switched on and off on the display of the
fan PLC. The correct direction of rotation of the fan is shown by
the arrow on the fan motor.
Perform the following steps if the fan is rotating in the wrong
n Use the main switch to switch off the system
n Swap phases 2 and 3 of the mains power supply
n Use the master switch to switch on the system once you
have swapped the phases.
Setting the sensor air flow 15. Use the screwdriver supplied with the system's scope of
delivery to turn the screw in the air flow sensor. With the fan
running, turn the screw until the LED just turns green. The
LED should turn red within 2 minutes when the fan is no
longer running.
16. Switch on the power supply with the display. The settings
required for power supply can be found in the commissioning
check list. If the settings are correct, then the power supply
can be controlled by the PLC display.
Check that there is sufficient brine in the hypocell. Check
whether there is salt in the brine storage tank and whether
brine reaches the hypocell.
17. Check that the cooling fans for the control cabinet are
working correctly.
Check that the cooling fan is rotating in the right direction.
The cooling fans on one side have to draw air by suction into
the control cabinet and the cooling fans on the opposite side
have to discharge air to the outside.
18. Check the modem or internet connection, if available.
Customer-specific components 19. Check that all customer-specific components are operating
correctly. The customer-specific components in question are
listed on page 1 of the test log.
Switching on [Start-up]. 20. On the PLC display, press [Start-up] and check whether the
alkali storage tank fills up with process water.
Checking the flow meter 21. On the PLC display, check in the relevant sub-menu whether
the flow is being measured. If no flow meter is fitted, check
whether all the valves are open and water is flowing.


22. Switch on production in the display of the PLC.

23. Enter the water flow rate, while the hypocells are being filled,
for setting values see Ä Further information on page 34
24. The PLC calculates an automatic metering / pause time; if
the set water flow is higher, then the requisite water flow is
used, as listed in the table on page 34.
The PLC automatically calculates the control times for the
metering pump based in the brine concentration setpoint set.
After 2 hours of production 25. Allow the system to be switched on for around 2 hours. Make
sure that no malfunctions or alarms occur on the system.
Now measure the voltage and the current on the hypocell;
the voltage has to be between 4 ... 5.5 V DC per cell and
26. At full system load, measure the current at all phases of the
power supply and enter the values in the test protocol. Com‐
pare the current measured with the values in the test log from
the factory test phase.
27. Take a product sample from the chlorine storage tank
28. Check the concentration of free chlorine and the pH value in
the sample from the chlorine tank and enter the values in the
test report
Check with the sample from the chlorine storage tank
whether production has the right pH value and the right con‐
centration of free chlorine and enter these values in the test
record. Check all the functions tested in this chapter on com‐
missioning if the concentration is less than 5 g/l after a pro‐
duction time of 6 hours. The brine concentration and current
strength are key check points if the concentration is incorrect.
Check that there is a saturated brine concentrate in the brine
storage tank.
29. Sign the handover report if the value of the free chlorine is
correct (5 or 4 g/l). Commissioning of the system can be suc‐
cessfully ended once the specifications have been met. Train
the end user's personnel in the operation of the system. Draw
the end user's attention to the fact that the system has to be
maintained annually. Standard packages of spare parts are
available for annual and three-yearly maintenance.
30. Photograph the system and hand over the manual with the
original test log to the customer. Send a copy of the test log
and the photographs to the manufacturer of the system.
31. Sign the handover report.

[ALARM] / Troubleshooting menu

9 [ALARM] / Troubleshooting menu

MAIN MENU 13.07.2017 12:49:18





ALARM 13.07.2017 12:49:18

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Software version V3.13

To the main menu


Fig. 23: Evaluating alarm messages

Pressing [ALARM] in the [MAIN MENU] takes you to the [ALARM]
menu. In the [ALARM] menu you can press the various keys to call
up the respective menus to obtain information about faults and/or
eliminate them. Pressing [RESET] deletes all error messages and
you can operate the system again although faults that continue to
exist will lead to another alarm.

9.1 Alarm messages

n User qualification, troubleshooting: Service, see Ä Chapter 1.3
„Users' qualifications“ on page 8

9.1.1 Alarm: [POWER SUPPLY]

Alarm: Current too low This alarm occurs if the actual current is less than 70% of the set‐
point. The following causes are possible:
n There is too little brine in the hypo cell.
n One of the power supplies is faulty (if there are two or more
power supplies).
n The analogue control for the power supply units is not working
n The analogue actual current feedback signal is not correct.

Alarm: Power supply temperature too This alarm occurs if the power supply unit is faulty. The following
high causes are possible:
n The connections on the power supply unit are not tight enough.
(Possible during transport).
n The cooling fans for the control cabinet are not working. The
temperature in the control cabinet is too high.

[ALARM] / Troubleshooting menu

n The filters in the cooling fans are blocked.

n The cooling fans for the power supplies are not working.

9.1.2 Hypo cells

A maximum of three hypo cells are fitted. The alarms for the hypo
cells are identical for all three hypo cells.

Alarm: Level in the hypo cell too low This alarm occurs if the liquid level in one of the hypo cells is too
low. The following causes are possible:
n One of the hypo cells is leaking
n The process water feed from the brine storage tank is too low
or non-existent and production is running. This means that the
flow meter for the brine is also not working correctly.

Alarm: Temperature in the hypo cell This alarm occurs if the temperature in one of the hypo cells is too
too high high. The following causes are possible:
n One of the cell cables is not correctly connected.
n One of the hypo cells has an internal short circuit.
n The process water feed from the brine storage tank is too low
or non-existent and production is running. This means that the
flow meter for the brine is also not working correctly.
n The temperature at the system's installation site is too high.
n The process water temperature is too high.

9.1.3 Alarm: Chlorine storage tank

Alarm: Liquid level of the chlorine This alarm occurs if the liquid level in the chlorine storage tank is
storage tank is too low too low. The following causes are possible:
n More chlorine is pumped from the chlorine storage tank than is
produced by the system.
n No chlorine is produced but chlorine is being consumed.
n The liquid level switch in the chlorine storage tank is not
working correctly.
n The external contact is missing.

Alarm: Liquid level of the chlorine This alarm occurs if the liquid level in the chlorine storage tank rea‐
storage tank is too high ches the switch. The following causes are possible:
n The liquid level switch in the chlorine storage tank is not
working correctly.
n The filling valve for the hypo cell has an internal leak.
n The chlorine storage tank is filled with external liquids.

[ALARM] / Troubleshooting menu

9.1.4 Alarm: Transfer storage tank

Alarm: Liquid level of the transfer This alarm occurs if the liquid level in the transfer storage tank rea‐
storage tank is too high ches the switch. The following causes are possible:
n The liquid level switch in the transfer storage tank is not
working correctly.
n The filling valve for the transfer storage tank has an internal
n The transfer storage tank is filled with external liquids.

9.1.5 Alarm: Points of injection

Alarm: Flow measured without This alarm occurs if the flow is measured without metering taking
metering place. The following causes are possible:
n The injection valve is not open.
n The relay contacts are sticking.

Alarm: Metering flow too low This alarm occurs if the measured flow is too low. The following
causes are possible:
n A leak in the metering circuit.
n The injection valve or the metering pump has a fault.

9.1.6 Various alarms

Alarm: Water flow too low This alarm occurs if the flow of the process water is too low. The
following causes are possible:
n The water pressure is too low.
n The control valve is set too narrowly.
n The water feed is shut off.

Alarm: Brine supply too low This alarm occurs if the brine flow from the brine storage tank is
too low to generate a sufficient brine level in the hypocell. The fol‐
lowing causes are possible:
n A blockage in the suction line from the brine storage tank.
n The water jet pump is not working correctly.
n The process water flow is too low to draw adequate brine into
the hypocells by suction.
n The water pressure is < 2 bar.

Alarm: Air flow too low This alarm occurs if the air flow sensor does not detect air flow. A
red LED lights up. The following causes are possible:
n A blockage in the supply cable from the fan.
n The fan is not working.
n The back pressure in the system is too high.

Alarm: Air flow sensor is faulty This alarm occurs if the air flow sensor detects an air flow although
the fan is not working. The following causes are possible:
n The air flow sensor has to be readjusted. Make sure that the
supply cable to the fan is not blocked during set-up.
n The air flow sensor is faulty

[ALARM] / Troubleshooting menu

Alarm: Fan thermal protection switch This alarm occurs if the thermal protection switch for the fan has
has triggered triggered. The following causes are possible:
n The fan has run hot.
n The fan is only operated with one or two phases. Check the
electrical connection.

Alarm: Water hardness This alarm occurs if too hard water is detected by the water hard‐
ness gauge. The following causes are possible:
n The softener has a mechanical fault.
n No brine is drawn by suction into the water softener.
n The water softener is incorrectly set up.

Alarm: Brine too low for softener This alarm occurs if the quantity of brine is too low for regeneration
regeneration of the water softener. The following causes are possible:
n There is no softened water in the brine storage tank.
n The hoses are not well bonded or connected.

Alarm: Conductivity too low This alarm occurs if the conductivity in the brine is too low. The fol‐
lowing causes are possible:
n There is no salt in the brine storage tank.
n The brine pump is not working correctly.

Alarm: Protection tank leak detection This alarm occurs if liquid enters the protection tank of the chlorine
storage tank until it triggers the liquid level switch. The following
causes are possible:
n The chlorine storage tank has a leak.
n The liquid level switch is faulty.
n The chlorine storage tank is filled with external liquids.

Maintenance and repair

10 Maintenance and repair

10.1 Maintaining the Operating Unit
n User qualification, maintenance instructed personnel, see
Ä Chapter 1.3 „Users' qualifications“ on page 8

Damage due to impermissible cleaning agents
The operating unit can be damaged when cleaned
using compressed air, steam cleaners, aggressive
solvents or abrasive agents.

Triggering unintended actions

Tapping several operating objects simultaneously
can trigger unintended actions.
Only ever touch one operating object on the
Operating objects are touch-sensitive visuals on
the touch screen of the operating unit.

Use a moist cleaning cloth with cleaning agent for cleaning. Only
use washing-up liquid or foaming screen cleaning agent as a
cleaning agent.
1. Switch off the operating unit.
2. Do not spray the operating unit directly.
Spray cleaning agent onto the cleaning cloth.
3. Clean the operating device.
Wipe by cleaning the display from the screen edge inwards.

10.2 Maintenance
The maintenance packages come with extensive maintenance

10.3 Repair
n User qualification, repair: Service, see Ä Chapter 1.3 „Users'
qualifications“ on page 8
The system can only be repaired by the manufacturer or the
authorised Service department. Please get in touch with your local
Service contact.

Disposal of Used Parts

11 Disposal of Used Parts

n User qualification: instructed user, see Ä Chapter 1.3 „Users'
qualifications“ on page 8

Regulations governing the disposal of used parts
– Note the national regulations and legal stand‐
ards that currently apply in your country

The manufacturer will take back decontaminated used units pro‐

viding they are covered by adequate postage.
Decontaminate the unit before returning it for repair. To do so,
remove all traces of hazardous substances. Refer to the Material
Safety Data Sheet for your feed chemical.
A current Declaration of Decontamination is available to download
on the ProMinent website.

Electrical data

12 Electrical data
Tab. 4: Electrical data
Capacity Main fuse Voltage Capacity
50 (g/h) 16 A 1 x 230 V AC 0.78 kW
100 (g/h) 16 A 1 x 230 V AC 1.15 kW
150 (g/h) 16 A 1 x 230 V AC 1.53 kW
200 (g/h) 3x16 A 3 x 400 V AC 1.9 kW
300 (g/h) 3x16 A 3 x 400 V AC 2.65 kW
400 (g/h) 3x16 A 3 x 400 V AC 3.4 kW
500 (g/h) 3x20 A 3 x 400 V AC 4.15 kW
600 (g/h) 3x25 A 3 x 400 V AC 4.9 kW
800 (g/h) 3x35 A 3 x 400 V AC 6.4 kW
1000 (g/h) 3x35 A 3 x 400 V AC 7.9 kW
1200 (g/h) 3x50 A 3 x 400 V AC 9.4 kW
1400 (g/h) 3x50 A 3 x 400 V AC 10.9 kW
1600 (g/h) 3x63 A 3 x 400 V AC 12.4 kW
1800 (g/h) 3x63 A 3 x 400 V AC 13.9 kW
2000 (g/h) 3x63 A 3 x 400 V AC 15.4 kW
2200 (g/h) 3x80 A 3 x 400 V AC 16.9 kW
2400 (g/h) 3x80 A 3 x 400 V AC 18.4 kW

Technical data

13 Technical data
Specification of the CHLORINSITU®-II 50 ... 300 g/h
Capacity g/h 50 100 150 200 300
kg/24 h 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 6.6
WxHxD of frame mm 1050x600x1550 1250x600x2000
Space requirement mm 1800x1500
Transport weight kg 250
Brine storage tank Litres 200 200 200 200 200
Chlorine storage tank, rec‐ Litres 300 500 700 1000 1500
ommended volume (daily
Process data
Number of cell chambers 2 2 3 4 5
Water needed* l/h 10 20 30 40 60
Max. water temperature 15 ... 18 °C
Salt kg/day 4 8 12 16 24
Fan bleed** m3/h 200 200 200 200 200
Product concentration 4 ... 5 g/l
Ambient temperature 10 ... 35 °C
Max. ambient humidity**** 85 %
Water supply 20 mm
Brine for the hypocell 20 mm
Filling opening of brine storage tank 20 mm
Brine for softener 20 mm
Chlorine storage tank 32 mm 63 mm
Ventilation of the chlorine storage tank 63 mm
Fan bleed 63 mm
Height of product outlet 1188 mm 1589 mm
Waste water duct 40 mm
* Maximum water hardness = 15 °dH, minimum pressure 2.5 bar
** Ensure minimum dilution to 0.4% of the lower explosion limit with a fan.
*** The product concentration depends on the supply of brine and water.
**** Non-condensing, non-corrosive and dust-free ambient air in the installation room.

Technical data

Specification of the CHLORINSITU®-II 400 ... 1600 g/h

Capacity g/h 400 500 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
kg/24 8.8 11 13.2 17.6 22 26.4 30.8 35.2
WxHxD of frame mm 1250x600x2000
Space requirement mm 1850x1500
Transport weight kg 550
Brine storage tank Litres 200 380 380 380 520 520 520 760
Chlorine storage tank, Litres 2000 2500 3000 3500 4500 5500 6000 7000
recommended volume
(daily production)
Process data
Number of cell chambers 3 4 5 5 8 8 10 10
Water needed, l/h* 80 100 120 160 200 240 280 320
Max. water temperature 15 ... 18 °C
Salt kg/da 32 40 48 65 80 95 110 130
Fan bleed** m3/h 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 500
Product concentration *** 4 ... 5 g/l
Ambient temperature 10 ... 35 °C
Max. ambient humidity **** 85 %
Water supply 20 mm
Brine for the hypocell 20 mm
Filling opening of brine storage 20 mm
Brine for softener 20 mm
Chlorine storage tank, recom‐ 63 mm
mended volume (daily produc‐
Ventilation of the chlorine 63 mm
storage tank
Fan bleed 63 110 mm
Product outlet 1589 mm
Waste water duct 50 mm
* Maximum water hardness = 15 °dH. Maximum pressure 2.5 bar

** Ensure minimum dilution to 0.4% of the lower explosion limit with a fan.
*** The product concentration depends on the supply of brine and water.
*** Non-condensing, non-corrosive and dust-free ambient air in the installation room.

Technical data

Specification of the CHLORINSITU®-II 1800 ... 2400 g/h

Capacity g/h 1800 2000 2200 2400
kg/24 h 39.6 44 48.4 52.8
WxHxD of frame mm 1650x1000x2000
Space requirement mm 2000x1500
Transport weight kg 1050
Brine storage tank Litres 760 760 760 760
Chlorine storage tank Litres 8000 9000 10000 11000
Process data
Number of cell chambers 12 12 15 15
Water needed, l/h* 360 400 440 480
Max. water temperature 15 ... 18 °C
Salt kg/day 156 173 190 207
Fan bleed** m3/h 500 500 500 500
Product concentration 4 ... 5 g/l
Ambient temperature 10 ... 35 °C
Max. ambient humidity**** 85 %
Water supply 20 mm
Brine in the hypocell 20 mm
Filling opening of brine storage tank 20 mm
Brine for softener 20 mm
Chlorine storage tank 63 mm
Ventilation of the chlorine storage tank 63 mm
Fan bleed valve 110 mm
Product outlet 1589 mm
Waste water duct 50 mm
* Maximum water hardness = 15 °dH. Maximum pressure 2.5 bar
** Ensure minimum dilution to 0.4% of the lower explosion limit with a fan.
*** The product concentration depends on the supply of brine and water.
**** Non-condensing, non-corrosive and dust-free ambient air in the installation room.

Declaration of Conformity for Machinery

14 Declaration of Conformity for Machinery

In accordance with DIRECTIVE 2006/42/EC OF THE EUROPEAN
n Van den Heuvel Watertechnologie bv
n Glashorst 114
n NL - 3925 BV Scherpenzeel (Gld)
n Netherlands
hereby declare that the product specified in the following complies
with the relevant basic health and safety rules of the EC Directive,
on the basis of its functional concept and design and in the version
marketed by us. Any modification to the product not approved by
us will invalidate this declaration.

Tab. 5: Extract from the Declaration of Conformity

Designation of the product: CHLORINSITU®-II
Serial number: see nameplate on the device
Relevant directives: Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
EMC Directive 2014/30/EC
Compliance with the protection targets of the Low Voltage Directive
2014/35/EU according to Appendix I, No. 1.5.1 of the Machinery Direc‐
tive 2006/42/EC
Harmonised standards applied, EN-IEC 60204-1:2006/C:2010
in particular:
EN-ISO 12100:2010
EN-IEC 61000-6.3:2007/A1:2011
Date: 27/06/2017

The Declaration of Conformity is available to download on our



15 Index
Action, step by step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Personal protective equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ambient storage conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Protection against contact and humidity () . . . . . . . 7
Applied harmonised standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Protective equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
ATEX 153 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
B Relevant directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Basic substances required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Requirements governing the installation place . . 16

Calcium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Serial number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Components of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sound pressure level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 10
Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Degree of protection (IP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 T
Designation of the product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Disinfection solution containing chlorine . . . . . . . 12
E Users' qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Explosion safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Warning information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
G Water quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
General non-discriminatory approach . . . . . . . . . . 2 Water softener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Information in the event of an emergency . . . . . . 11
Installation of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
IP (degree of protection) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Life phases of the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Links to elements or sections of these instruc‐
tions or other applicable documents . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Magnesium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Moisture protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
More symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Non-discriminatory approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Non-use of protective equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Organisational requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Van den Heuvel Watertechnologie B.V.
Glashorst 114
3925 BV Scherpenzeel (GLD)
Telephone: +31 (0)33-2778600
Fax: +31 (0)33-2778399

984237, 3, en_GB

DTP and Design:

ProMinent GmbH
Im Schuhmachergewann 5 - 11
69123 Heidelberg, Germany
Telephone: +49 6221 842-0
Fax: +49 6221 842-419

© 2016

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