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Once upon a time there were four little rabbits. Their oak tree, and they were very happy there. and Peter. Mother One day Mrs. Rabbit called them aad s: Rabbit had built them a cozy home under the roots of an Mother Rabbit Gives Advice s = i ; — i 2 ; = go-ing to market to - and a g 4 os oF = = be very good as little _boys should. Re -| mem-ber_to : oe: : ig: == = z tg te od 4 2, 4 1 2 5 —— = ; ae = go in-to the | yard ‘cross the way. Ob, - 9 > = za 5 e a 12 = = = z nar S = . 2 J a do ‘not _go_in-to the Mis-ter Me-Greg-or’s | gar - den. B = Dae Zz HE — f 2 7 “We will be very good, Mother,” said Flopsy, Mopsy, be safe, Mrs. Rabbit took her market basket and hopped Cottontail, and Peter. Feeling sure thather childrenwould off to market. This is the way she hopped. Mother Rabbit Hops to Market Allegretto er eee re ea F ? fF SS Se] of iii =—=— lll % £ z g EG — = = i a ear =: Til J : if ace ese gece ai eet ne == 7 Po oe Ee od j =p ——_= z o t = oe —¥ aay i - ete ee he i ja = i : ae a 4 ‘ aan Now Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail were good little rab- bits. They finished their work and then went out into the fields to play. But Peter was very naughty. work very hurriedly and not at all well, and then decided he would go to Mr, McGregor’s garden.First he ran after his brothers aad tried to get them to go along. But they would not listen to him. “Oh, Peter, do not go into Mr. MoGregor’s garden!” said Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail “Remember what Mother told us?’ But Peter just laughec at them and said: fraid-y cats Cats 3 eS +} ol I a | Mop-sy is _a fraid- y cat; Cot-ton-tail’s a SE eee eet . vette 2: — a— EF e — fraid-y cat like vt rine 2 ‘ ee aoe Mis-ter Mo-Greg-or’s |gar- den There are | man-y won-der-ful |things: = i ——_ —— f= = i I IF] 18} 4 s— r ts ie S = x == Gre a =A re ~ 5" joe ot car-rots, And |cab-bag-es fit for | kings. But |you will nev-er taste them, For |you're a-fraid to ™p es 5 2 = Fe = 3 5 a ‘ 1 % He 5 SS — oe ee p o - den While a PR-8s When Peter found that he could not persuade his broth- ers to go to Mr. McGregor’s garden,he decided to go a- lone. He crept under the gate and found himself right in the middle of a cabbage patoh. It was very quiet in the garden,and Peter began to be just a little afraid."Perhaps Ishould not have come;’ said Peter to himself. But it was so nice inthe garden that he hated to go back home even though he knew he was doing wrong. So he went on nib- bling a leaf of cabbage here and there and listening to the birds singing softly in the tree tops. In the Garden Lento, 1,1 "g conscience bothers him. i 3 i aja ‘ : — at == i ——— —— np 2 ta : ti ga e b 4 E- 2 a T T T T 3 T fatempo } 4 i i = at z 2 F = = —é 2 2 e = 3— es : E Z T T P.RP2B The garden is very quiet. Birds are singing softly. 5 3 ety es 4 = ° —_ oe E= 1 PP of #72 RE es =} i 3 i ale = £ : ei: * a Pp of = = ce 7 = 2 4 : ee ' gu | its #2 = = He re oe Ss eet EB £ s e a BS rals 3 == SS z wf og el A e « e : ee 2 ie 3 a Peter soon grew tired of eating cabbage and decided to kept on running just the same. Mr. McGregor was very explore the garden. “Some nice crisp lettuce would taste angry when he saw Peter and began to chase him, calling, good,” said he to himself.“I think I shall try to find some.” “Stop thief! Stop thief!” But Peter ran on. In the next Just ashe was rounding the corner of the cabbage patch, piece you can almost see Peter running,or rather hopping whom should he see but Mr. McGregor! Peter was very as fast as his legs will carry him, with Mr. McGregor fol- much frightened and began to run. He lost one shoe but lowing close behind. Allegretto Peter is Chased Peter is hopping about the garden, nibbling lettuce, 4 a6 z —— 2 — i — =| el St of 2 ee F T 8 3 ee — ao oe a oe ie tf £ ha fee | | : > = #2 = T + Peter sees Mr. MeGregor and runs away. it 5 t ze 2 2 fag] im! ee 2 2 is eer et é : > = g = lls 8 i T i Fi an = accel, ee Fa = = oy ot ie 1 7 1 3 ; 4 3 3 I —— tn MoGregor is very angry. i z i 3 4 —# is a of o~ 7 orese. Suen sears pee 5 Poe = — . = 4 Peter ran faster and faster, but unfortunately he ran right sure and began to cry. His sobs attracted some friendly into a net that Mr. McGregor had stretched over his black- sparrows, who fluttered around, crying to him to try to f from the net. Here they are. berry bushes to keep the bugs away. Peter was caught by free hi the buttons on his jacket. He thought he was lost for The Sparrows Allegretto ‘ fo SS SS Sra SSS SS== ae - 2 oe ————— | a = = £ £ oo = oF = | - ie ote ¥e = ar 2 2 = Pe - ter! | Runt sa Leave your |jack-et be - o 2 — = rs oat —— a + r 5 2 ae sree i aa Pe = £ you, Or |Mis- ter Mo -|Greg-or will | find | you. Bes: : i o| ~ ft o = fe = 5 - Sa z = x gee ye co oe ter! Run! Haag Dp eo —— = oe oe eee =! Beatasaascnne 2 te Bo = — nf ——_ = a == x 16 Peter heard the sparrows calling to him and decided to take their advice. He hated to leave his nice new jacket in the blackberry net; he knew his mother would soold him, but still that was better than being caught by Mz McGregor. So he wriggled free just in time, for Mr. McGregor was com- ing around the corner. Peter ran into the tool shed and hid in a watering can. However, the watering can had some wa- ter in it, and Peter had to jump out again. This time he hid PR-28 in some old lumber; and while Mr. McGregor was busy turn- ing over flower pots, looking for him, Peter jumped out the window. “I had better go right home,’ thought Peter. “But where is the gate?” He looked and looked. He wandered through the garden for over an hour,and still he could not find the gate. Suddenly he saw a mouse. He called to her and said: Peter Asks the Mouse for Help Andante, Pall a { =F 2 == z =e leas i. uo e he ay to the gar - den | gat %. Tf [ ; i wz eo f° hee == eee eo + an os Ss please, Mis-sus Mouse, will you tell ——— The way that I should] go?. . - = . rail. . ye ft 2 Ff = 18 But Mrs. Mouse could not answer Peter because in her mouth she had 2 large pea,which she was taking home to her children for supper. Peter wandered on and on,so tired that he could hardly drag one foot after the other. Suddenty he saw a large white cat.“Goodness mel” thought Peter. “Thad better not ask him to help me. Mother told me about cats.”So he sneaked by the cat as quietly as he could. On and on he went, sobbing and orying. “Oh,1 wish {had not come! I will ngver do this again.” Just as he was about to give up looking, he saw the garden gate. He dragged himself to it and crept under, falling exhausted on the other side. This is the way Peter walked. Peter Returns Home Lento Peter is s0 tired he can hardly lift one foot after the other. 2 t a Z = = Ft 5 fy ae He * a : 5 : : is \ NR gg Mraeretarat hy D- ¢ - oe oe ri = Z . s 7 2 - == 5 oe T # Z é au be == : : IB I He starts again. é = 2 ——— ae ‘ SSS + 5 5 ‘a / = ad ee a = e Ee fe: g t “He gets slower and slower and drops exhausted at the door step. ell = — = a = > 6 SF 2} +5 === Ee PRras Peter’s mother saw him fall and ran out to help him up. When she got him in the house, she said to him: Mother Rabbit Scolds Peter Moderato — = 7 ver-y naugh-ty boy; You've 7 torn your trow-sers a tempo ai ras Fj S -o- fz rs = a iz face_is soratehed, your | whit lost your brand_new_| jack- et, too. Your ee —_ Le ho rall. be “Pp : g f — = = 3 a Y 1 28 4 eee = —— =e —— = a Tana proth-ers have been | ver-y, ver-y good, So | they shall’ have some |Dlack- ber-ry pie. But oe o rall. g = —g 1 b 3 > 4 aide rall. tS = 2 = Zé . ; : t = = te f you shali' have just | milk and bread and | then go straight to | bed J ef = = Pate + Es : € 3 " 3 ie 22 Peter began to cry and said, “Oh, Mother! Lam sorry I garden again.” Then Peter ate his supper of bread and was a naughty rabbit. I will never go in Mr, MoGregor’s milk and started up to bed. Peter is Sent to Bed Lento Peter trudges up the stairs. He i very sac 1 8 aay : 2 pee ae Fee cfc) ee te oe ao (G5 a Se ge = e 2 —~ eo ix Peter fall he a, tor falle asleep. i i 4 : ts = ge ee ew ee: . —— a ~~ * a | @_#_@ e z Sto = = £ ey po £ PE 2 i t ty = — =: ts os = =e a ae , Db Sag = ¢ Fe 2 |# eerie |e 4 ar te (ef D Spe ppl pen Be pl Tt ri 71 ify sa yt tas 4 on oN eg Ss gs =a cs ——S — f = IE = 5 — 3 ie fale — ge 8 a ————— pp ritard. ze eter ete peel A = = } o— Pp- r= = ae ra Fo 7 z ae! Ts = 6 hs ‘Yes, Peter had to go to bed; but Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail had blackberry pie and were allowed to stay up and read the funnies.

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