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The preamble in the 1987 notably changed in the draft of bayanihan federalism. In the preamble
of the draft constitution of bayanihan federalism, our country is alluded to as the "Federal
Republic of the Philippines." The Federal Republic gives the central government the complete
sovereignty in over all aspects of political life. The primary goals of the constitutional
amendment is to increase decentralization, greater local power and access to resources most
especially among regions outside Metro Manila which has long been dubbed as rather imperial.
The insertion phrase “to build a permanent and indissoluble nation” emphasize that the nation
will stay united even as it commemorates diversity such that it will cast away any doubt that
federalism will result in fragmentation. It is safeguard against secession by a region. There must
be consent by all the people before there can be secession and it must be based on a moral cause.
By our preamble, our sovereign people will be voting no to any secession. It also use the words
“united” and “progressive” stresses that the Philippines is moving to federalism to be more
unified and to prompt  inclusive economic development. The also use the phrase “shared” in
which it is not used in the preamble of the 1987 Constitution. This one emphasizes common
ideals and aspirations of Filipinos even as the regions are able to govern themselves. The main
part of the suggested preamble is that it features a security that will never break between the
unified locales to be proposed. It communicates duty by Filipinos that no district will split away
from the nation.


The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters
embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or
jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, including its territorial sea,
the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around,
between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and
dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.

In the Article I which discuss the National Territory of the bayanihan federalism proposed that it
harmonizes the Philippine constitution with existing international laws on the sea. This settles, in
addition to other things, the Philippine situation with respect to the Permanent Court of
Arbitration's decision on the West Philippine Sea, announcing China's case to it as invalid
because it gives constitutional status to the arbitral judgment. The proposed article likewise
presents the idea of sovereign rights to the Philippine constitution wherein it gives the
Philippines the qualification over the regions like Benham Rise and the West Philippine Sea
though the China disregarded through its recovery exercises and provocation of Filipino
fishermen in the West Philippine Sea, as per the arbitral decision. The new article expressed that
the national territory ought to be in congruity with the UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on
the Law of the Sea), the arbitral ruling for the Philippines, and furthermore our cases to the
Benham Rise, just as different arrangements of international law. It also reclaims Sabah as it
proclaims sovereign rights over Philippine Rise and sovereignty over territories belonging to the
Philippines by the backed up line on the proposed article "by historic right or legal title". The
case to the Kalayaan Group of Islands, in the interim, will be supported by the line, "It has
sovereignty over islands and features outside its archipelagic baselines pursuant to the laws of
the Federal Republic, the law of nations, and the judgments of competent international courts or
tribunals". Despite the fact that concerning the Scarborough Shoal, while the Hague court did not
decide on the country’s sovereignty over it, it upheld the traditional fishing rights of Filipino
fishermen there as it recognized the line, “Its citizens shall enjoy the right to all resources to
which they are entitled by historic rights”.

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