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I, MICHAEL BARFIELD, based on the following information and belief, file this
Complaint, and state as follows:

1. I am a resident of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit and live in Sarasota County.

2. Based on the following information, I have a reasonable belief that violations of

Florida Statutes occurred by Vanessa Baugh (“Baugh”) beginning on or about February 9, 2021.

3. On January 6, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County

(“Manatee BCC”), held a special meeting regarding Covid-19 and vaccinations.

4. At the conclusion of that special meeting, the Manatee BCC adopted a motion
authorizing the County Administrator to implement the Vaccine Standby Pool (“the Vaccine
Standby Pool” a/k/a “the Vaccine Waiting Pool”) effective January 7, 2021, at 10:00 p.m., until
further notice. The motion was adopted unanimously. See Exhibit 1, attached hereto. 1

5. As explained in the public presentation during the special meeting, the effect of the
Vaccine Standby Pool was to randomize distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine through a lottery

6. Manatee County subsequently posted information on its website that explained the
Vaccine Standby Pool process as follows:

Over time the list of names in the standby pool will grow. Whenever a new
shipment of vaccines arrives, the same number of names will be pulled through
randomized selection. 311 reps will use those names to call pre-registered seniors
and help them book an appointment.

See Manatee County begins new way to pre-register for future Covid-19 Vaccine appointments,
pointments (last accessed on February 22, 2021.

See Exhibit 2.

7. On or about February 8, 2021, constituents of Baugh were actively soliciting her

about their eligibility and inability to get appointments for vaccine distribution in Manatee County.

These minutes are in draft form and contained within the agenda packet of the Manatee BCC dated January 26,
2021, and available online at pages 144-148, which were approved on the same date. See Manatee BCC agenda
packet at
acket&itemId=0&publishId=0&isSection=false (last accessed on February 22, 2021).

8. One 82-year old constituent who resided in zip code 34243 asked for Baugh’s
intervention stating she recently suffered a stroke and a heart implant and had enrolled in the
Vaccine Standby Pool but her name had been deleted. See Exhibit 3.

9. Baugh asked Saur to check into the matter and the constituent was told: “Your
receipt number is 0086506. You have not been selected for an appointment yet however, 3-1-1
operators are beginning calls today to fill another 5100 appointments. See Exhibit 3.

10. The 5,100 doses referenced in Exhibit 3 was Manatee County’s plan to distribute
vaccine doses in accordance with the officially adopted Vaccine Waiting Pool policy at Bennett
Park on the weekend of February 18-19, 2021.

11. Also on February 8, 2021, Baugh told another constituent “… thank you for your
email! I do agree that I would love to have Publix vaccinating in Manatee however, this is all done
by the Governor. I am actively trying to get Manatee for included. See Exhibit 4. Later in that same
email chain, Baugh said her understanding is that those counties with the ability to handle vaccine
distribution “are doing so and those that may not have the ability are using Publix.” Id.

12. Sometime near Tuesday, February 9, 2021, Manatee County resident Rex Jensen
(“Jensen”) received a telephone call from Pat Neal. Governor Ron DeSantis was already on the
line when the call was made. The reported purpose of the call was to facilitate a location for a pop-
up vaccine distribution site at Premier Sports Campus (“the pop-up site”) for additional doses of
Covid-19 vaccine (“the additional doses”).

13. Based on information and belief, on or before Tuesday, February 9, 2021, Baugh
also learned about the potential distribution of the additional doses to be made available to Manatee
County government from the Florida Department of Health.

14. On February 9, 2021, at 3:06 p.m., Baugh sent an email to Jacob Saur, Director of
Public Safety of Manatee County (“Saur”), stating “Jake the state wants Rex to keep a list. Can we
do that[?]” See Exhibit 5.

15. Saur replied “Yes, [t]he state hasn't mentioned anything to us on this end yet on
what they require. We would be able to pull from out Vaccine Waiting Pool for scheduling for
them.” Id.

16. A few minutes later that same afternoon, Jensen sent an email to Courtney Coppola,
a Florida Department of Health employee, stating Baugh helped reserve the pop-up site and
outlining the tentative plan:

I have no infrastructure or staff to field all the calls necessary to assemble and
maintain a list of candidates for the vaccine. I am copying Commissioner Baugh in
the hope that she might be able to think creatively to find a solution.

See Exhibit 6.

17. Between February 9, 2021, and February 15, 2021, Baugh ignored the Vaccine
Standby Pool process and selected two zip codes within her own district, including friends and
herself, that would receive the additional doses of Covid-19 vaccine at the pop-up site.

18. On February 12, 2021, Alicia Niki Boyette, a contractor on behalf of the Florida
Division of Emergency Management, sent an email to Baugh regarding the registration process for
the “upcoming vaccination event.” See Exhibit 7. Boyette indicated that the information the
Department required for the event was a list with names, date of birth, and phone numbers. Id.

19. Baur forwarded the email from Boyette to Saur, who replied that he was working
on it. The next day, Baugh replied to Saur “Pls send to me when you have info as I am working on
a list.” See Exhibit 7.

20. On Monday, February 15, 2021, at 12:58 a.m., Baugh sent an email to Saur with
the subject matter “Names for list” in which she added a number of individuals to the list of those
who would receive the extra doses of vaccine at the pop-up site. See Exhibit 8.

21. News about the pop-up clinic emerged on February 16, 2021. One resident wrote
to Baugh that her husband was overdue for a heart valve replacement and that she suffered from
asthma and Type II diabetes and complained about “living on the wrong side of I-75.” See Exhibit
9. Baugh replied that Manatee County was calling 5,100 residents for the vaccine. Id.

22. As noted above, Manatee County had previously scheduled 5,100 vaccinations
under the Vaccine Standby Pool process to be distributed at Bennett Park for February 18-19.
However, in an email dated February 16, 2021, Baugh was notified about the potential for
cancellation of the vaccinations scheduled at Bennett Park and the pop-up site. Baugh responded
that “[i]t is my understanding that Premier will move forward tomorrow[.]” See Exhibit 10.

23. A notice was sent out to Manatee County residents on February 17, 2021, advising
that the vaccinations scheduled for Bennett Park under the adopted process would be rescheduled
due to inclement weather. See Exhibit 11.

24. Meanwhile, the plan to distribute the additional doses at the pop-up site went

25. According to Saur, 7,200 residents live in the two zip codes selected by Baugh. See
Exhibit 12.

26. I have obtained the above records through the Public Records Act (“the Act”), as
set forth in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. I have made an additional request for records under the
Act that I believe are relevant to the above information but which has not yet been provided.

27. Based on the foregoing, I have a reasonable basis to belief that Baugh’s actions may
have violated one or more of the following statutory provisions as follows:

A. when Baugh inserted individuals and herself on a Covid-19 vaccine distribution list she
acted contrary to the adopted Vaccine Standby Pool and used her official position to
secure a special privilege, benefit, or exemption for herself and others, which may be
in violation of section 112.313(6), Florida Statutes, Misuse of Public Position;

B. by including herself and individuals on a Covid-19 vaccine distribution list Baugh acted
contrary to the adopted Vaccine Standby Pool and altered or caused the alteration of an
official record or official document, except as authorized by law or contract, or caused
another person to perform such an act, which may be in violation of section 838.022,
Florida Statutes, Official Misconduct;

C. by including herself and individuals on a Covid-19 vaccine distribution list Baugh acted
contrary to the adopted Vaccine Standby Pool and used her official position to take
action in reliance on information to which she had access in her official capacity and
which had not been made public, to acquire a pecuniary interest or gain a benefit by
such information, which may be in violation of section 839.26, Florida Statutes, Misuse
of Confidential Information.

Pursuant to § 92.525, Florida Statutes, under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the

foregoing Complaint and that the facts stated in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Bradenton Area Convention Center
Boulevard, Palmetto - Longboat Key Room
SPECIAL MEETING 9:00 a.m. - January 26, 2021
One Haben Boulevard
Palmetto, Florida
JANUARY 6, 2021
Meeting video link:

Present were:
Vanessa Baugh, Chairman
George Kruse, First Vice-Chairman
Kevin Van Ostenbridge, Second Vice-Chairman
Reggie Bellamy, Third Vice-Chairman
Misty Servia
James A. Satcher III
Carol Whitmore

Also present were:

Cheri Coryea, County Administrator
William Clague, Chief Assistant County Attorney
Vicki Tessmer, Board Records Supervisor, Clerk of the Circuit Court

Chairman Baugh called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

The invocation was delivered by Commissioner Satcher followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

AGENDA BC20210106DOC001
Cheri Coryea, County Administrator, referenced the Governor’s Executive Orders 20-315
and 20-316. She introduced the idea of the vaccine stand-by pool, which will allow seniors 65
and over to register in a stand-by pool for vaccines. There have been questions with the
website and there are plans for moving forward. Once the process is approved today, they
can roll out the stand-by pool and there will be two methods to sign up, either online or by
calling the 3-1-1 call center. There is no deadline to register, registration is open ended.
They want to insure residents that credit card information, social security information, or
bank account information are not needed. When the vaccination process expands to other
services, and if they receive a vaccine, they should remove themselves from the pool. Once
vaccines are received, there will be a selection process similar to a lottery.

Chairman Baugh, requested that questions be presented after each speaker.

Jacob Saur, Public Safety Director, used slide presentation to provide a brief COVID-19
update. The current positivity rate is 9.2 percent within the last seven days. There has been
an uptick in hospitaled cases. He continued the slides to review the vaccination process,
vaccines distributed by date, actions by the Governor’s office, additional drive thru sites with
Publix servicing rural communities, challenges with the Eventbrite website, vaccine
availability. He continued the slides to review the registration process, testing sites, and the
process for the second dose. There will be ongoing planning for additional vaccination sites.

Discussion ensued once the supply chain gets larger there will be more opportunities for
distributing the vaccine, EMS staff is working overtime to distribute the vaccine, can the
vaccine sites be taken to areas where 144 of 2202
is a large senior population, there will be a way to
BC MB FY20-21/1
JANUARY 6, 2021 Bradenton Area Convention (Continued)
One Haben Boulevard, Palmetto - Longboat Key Room
ensure residents are still in the system, family members allowed
sign-up together,
January 26, if they
cannot make it to the assigned appointment, they will be put back in the pool, it takes
approximately 40 employees to work the vaccine site, the vaccination supply is the biggest
problem, there is no current plan to half dose or only one does, the second does is a faster
process, the immediate goal is 2000 vaccines per day, if the vaccine is made available,
concern with non-residents receiving the vaccine.

Mr. Saur explained a random selection was chosen because some people do not have
access to computers and this will help to avoid another mad rush on the website. There will
be 34 people available to take 3-1-1 calls. There are no plans to the use the Fair grounds for a
vaccine site.

William Clague, Chief Assistant, the vaccinations are distributed through the State
Department of Health. The Manatee County Health Department is created by contract,
between the State Department of Health and the Counties, and they are governed by Florida
Statute. Section 154.04 states that the employees of the Health Department are State
employees. They are not under the employ of the County Administrator or the Board. The
State makes the decision as to how the vaccines are distributed by the State. The State made
the decision to allow non-residents to receive the vaccine.
(Audio down for 15 minutes)

Discussion ensued that Spanish and Creole interrupters are available through 3-1-1, and
there is a translate button on the website, approximately 3000 vaccines are available to each
county through the state, encourage everyone to sign up on the website, as soon as the
vaccines are received they will be distributed, hours for 3-1-1 are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday to assist those who cannot get on the website, possibly use the school
buses that are providing hotspots for WIFI, and provide laptops for residents to use, have a
booth at the fair for people to use, possibility of holding out 20 percent of the vaccines for
first come first serve specific site, could a prescription from a doctor help to move those who
are at high risk to the front of the line,

Dr. Jennifer Bencie, Manatee County Health Department, explained tiering of residents was
not accepted by the State. The information regarding vaccines must be entered into the
system within 24 hours of administration. The Health Department has been able to work
efficiently due to CARES Act funding. The recovery rate is currently 88.8 percent. Mobile
units will go out to area where it is difficult for people to get out once more vaccines are
available. She responded that other health care providers will be able to distribute the
vaccine once more vaccines are available. The booster dose will be distributed in a separate
allocation from the State from the first dose.

Paul Alexander, Information Technology Services (IT) Director explained IT works well
with Public Safety. A new process is being implemented which should take care of the
constraints on the website. The County website is hosted offsite with cloud based service.
Internally the County hosts a firewall for everything that goes in and out of the system to
monitor cyber threats. With the high demand the Firewall was constrained. The hardware has
excess capacity to handle extreme circumstances. On a weekly average there are 100,000
webpages per week, but on January 5, there were 371,000 web pages on the system. IT
leveraged more cloud services and shifted 50 percent of the web traffic to a different site. IT
will open a different website with a form that requires basic information. Upon registration,
either via the website or 3-1-1, citizens will get an immediate confirmation that they have
been put into the pool. When thePage 145isofreceived,
vaccine 2202 IT will perform a random selection, and
BC MB 19-20/2
JANUARY 6, 2021 Bradenton Area Convention (Continued)
One Haben Boulevard, Palmetto - Longboat Key Room
Public Safety will reach out to citizens regarding appointment9:00
and- dates.
JanuarySince the
26, 2021
registration will be on a different website, there is no rush to register. The registration
should eliminate multiple calls, and reduce traffic on the website. If changes are needed they
will work on those changes. By using cloud services, the website can go to any level. IT did
not anticipate exceeding the levels on the website seen during Hurricane Irma.

Discussion ensued regarding being prepared for spikes in usage on the website, and
staff was working to improve access on the website

Ms. Coryea explained neither the County nor the Department of Health were notified in
advance of the arrival of the vaccines. The form that is going to be used for registration, can
be changed, in anticipation of any new orders from the Governor.

Mr. Alexander, Information Technology Director, responded to question and assured the
Board that IT anticipated issues with the website and staff reacted appropriately. They
contacted Cloud Share, and traffic is being redirected to the Cloud, and moved around the
firewall. Internal business systems have been moved to other servers, and IT is prepared to
work content management. The system will not use Eventbrite. It is important to be careful
and not rush with changes to the system, so other internal business systems continue to

Discussion ensued regarding a pattern in spikes in positive cases,

Dr. Bencie stated spikes in numbers were expected after the holidays as there were more
opportunities for people to mingle.

Mr. Alexander confirmed the registration website will open at 10:00 p.m., on January 7.
The constraint was fixed, and he is confident the issues from January 5 will not occur again,
but he cannot confirm what it will look like from a residents PC, due to their internet provider
and their firewall. There could be a constraint on the call center, since there are a limited
number of telephone lines. There is no need for a mad rush and the site will be open ended.

Mr. Saur explained it is their goal to get the vaccines distributed as soon as they are

Mr. Alexander clarified an email confirmation will be sent if an email is provided, but if
there is no email, a verbal confirmation number will be provided.

Discussion ensued regarding multiple people trying to sign up one person on the
website, residents from other counties were trying to get on our website and calling 3-1-1,
important to support leadership to ensure the vaccines are distributed as quickly as possible,
and ensure that what went wrong does not happen again.

RECESS/RECONVENE: – 4:03 p.m. – 4:13 p.m. All Commissioners present.

Cathy Slusser requested people in high risk groups be given priority if possible, or give
people with specific conditions an extra draw. She encourage the County to promote ways to
reduce the risk of contracting the virus.
Page 146 of 2202
Andra Griffin wants to know how many people are tested and how many of those tests
BC MB 19-20/3
JANUARY 6, 2021 Bradenton Area Convention (Continued)
One Haben Boulevard, Palmetto - Longboat Key Room
are positive. She also commented on masks not working, if vaccines can
9:00 a.m. be purchased,
- January and
26, 2021
the constitutional rights of people getting the vaccine and the effects it may have on their

Connie Giff tried to get an appointment, and requested her mobile home park be used to
distribute the vaccine

Glen Gibellina stated Manatee County residents should get the vaccine before non-

There being no further public comment, Chairman Baugh closed public comment.

Ms. Coryea read the recommended motion to authorize the County Administrators office
to implement the vaccine stand-by-pool and for the process effective January 7 at 10:00 p.m.
and to remain open until further notice. The motion as read was made by Commissioner
Servia, seconded by Commissioner Satcher, and carried 7-0.

Dr. Bencie explained citizens are provided an information sheet on Moderna, and the
vaccines are synthetic. Surgical masks are used in health care situations daily, and there are
other types of masks that also diminish transmission of the virus.

Discussion ensued that this special meeting was called because of the large agenda set
for the Land Use meeting on January 7. BC20210106DOC002

Commissioner Bellamy
 Encouraged the Board to have call for peace and to stand united, asking for
protesters and all individuals to make the right decisions

Chairman Baugh
 Wants to see things being done with the Board, with no arguing, and for the Board
to work together and stand together to follow through with items. Doing the job for
the people is what is important and making their quality of life better.
(Commissioner Comments continued later in the meeting)


Commissioner Bellamy requested to stay on the Public Safety Coordinating Council to
continue with the progress that was started last year. He also requested to be on Metropolitan
Planning Organization as the District 2 Commissioner since all the bridge options go through
that district.

William Clague, Chief Assistant County Attorney, read the rules regarding appointments
to committees meetings.

Commissioner Whitmore supported Commissioner Bellamy’s request to remain on the

Public Safety Coordinating Council.

Commissioner Kruse is willing to remove himself from the committee.

A motion was made by CommissionerPage Whitmore and seconded by Commissioner Bellamy to
147 of 2202
override the appointment of Commissioner Satcher to the PSCC and put Commissioner
BC MB 19-20/4
JANUARY 6, 2021 Bradenton Area Convention (Continued)
One Haben Boulevard, Palmetto - Longboat Key Room
Bellamy as the representative, and Commissioner Satcher as the alternate
9:00 with Commission
a.m. - January 26, 2021
Kruse willing to step down.

Discussion ensued to hold off to have a discussion, Commissioners Bellamy and Satcher
could work together, and come back tomorrow and have a discussion.

Commissioner Whitmore withdrew her motion, and Commissioner Bellamy agreed.

COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (Continued from earlier in the meeting)

Commissioner Van Ostenbridge
 Encouraged the Citizens of Manatee County to remain peaceful in light of events
in Washington DC

Chairman Baugh
 Thanked Dr. Bencie for being in attendance.

There being no further business, Chairman Baugh adjourned the meeting at 4:50 p.m.

Minutes Approved:

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BC MB 19-20/5
2/22/2021 Manatee County begins new way to pre-register for future COVID-19 vaccine appointments - Manatee County



Posted on 01/06/2021

MANATEE COUNTY, FL (Jan. 6, 2021) – Manatee County Commissioners

today signed o on a new COVID-19 vaccine standby pool process that
will allow seniors ages 65 and older to avoid waiting lines by pre-
registering by phone or online with the County if they're interested in
receiving vaccines beginning to arrive locally.

"We're pleased to announce a new open-ended registration process that

will help avoid some of the online registration challenges we
encountered before," said Manatee County Administrator Cheri Coryea
as she explained the new system to County Commissioners today. "If for some reason you're not able to
register at one time, you should have no problems registering another time. It won't impact your chances
of getting a vaccination appointment."

Seniors ages 65 and older can join the standby pool one of two ways:

Online: On Thursday, Jan. 7 anytime after 10 p.m., up to two people at a time can join the standby
pool by lling out an online form which the County will provide tomorrow via press release, on social
media and on tomorrow by 2 p.m.
By phone: On Friday, Jan. 8 anytime between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. seniors ages 65 and older can dial the
County's 311 Call Center to ask for help joining the vaccine standby pool. 311 Call Center operators
can assist from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each weekday. NOTE: Manatee County will not be collecting nancial
information, social security numbers or other sensitive personal information. The vaccines being
administered by the Department of Health are free to the public.

Over time the list of names in the standby pool will grow. Whenever a new shipment of vaccines arrives,
the same number of names will be pulled through randomized selection. 311 reps will use those names to
call pre-registered seniors and help them book an appointment.

"If you’re over 65 and you'd like to be vaccinated, you need to get onto that waiting pool list," said Public
Safety Director Jacob Saur. "As soon as the Department of Health get doses in, we get them right back out.
That is the number one priority."

On the day of the appointment, seniors will take to their appointment the following:

An email receipt or unique number they receive from the 311 Call Center
A Department of Health consent form available at (311 callers can
assist with the form for those without internet access) 1/2
2/22/2021 Manatee County begins new way to pre-register for future COVID-19 vaccine appointments - Manatee County

A valid ID showing age 65 or older

Coryea said the updated process o ers several advantages. Seniors without internet access will now have
the same ability to receive an appointment. Those with internet access can register anytime on any day.
Also, there will no longer be a race to book appointments online. The new registration pool is open ended,
and anyone who wants to enroll can do so online or by calling 311. 2/2
Dana Rawls

From: Jacob Saur

Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 11:06 AM
To: Vanessa Baugh;Mary Kilanoski;Cheri Coryea;Bencie, Jennifer L;William Clague
Subject: RE: 82 year old resident needs you

Hello Mrs. Kilanoski,

I have reviewed your email and can tell you you're are indeed in the Vaccine Waiting Pool for Manatee County. You have
4 entries into the waiting pool. As quality assurance in the waiting pool continues, duplicate entries are deleted. I do
show your original entry along with your husband was never deleted and still valid. Your receipt number is 0086506.
You have not been selected for an appointment yet however, 3-1-1 operators are beginning calls today to fill another 5100

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Thank you,


Jacob A. Saur, RPL

Director of Public Safety
Manatee County Government
Office: 941-749-3585 Cell: 941-705-1246 P.O. Box 1000 Bradenton, FL 34206

-----Original Message-----
From: Vanessa Baugh <>
Sent: Sunday, February 7, 2021 9:30 AM
To: Mary Kilanoski <>; Jacob Saur <>; Cheri Coryea
<>; Bencie, Jennifer L <>; William Clague
Subject: Re: 82 year old resident needs you

Jake, please check on this incident and give me a report.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 7, 2021, at 9:04 AM, Mary Kilanoski <> wrote:

> Honorable Vanessa Baugh:
> I need your help. I had a stroke in January, 2019 and had a Watchman Device implanted in my heart in December 2020
at the Sarasota Memorial Hospital. I am doing well but need you to intercede on my behalf.
> On December 8,2020 I enrolled in the Manatee County pool to get a COVID 19 vaccine. I just found out that my name
was still in the records but had been deleted, so the person (named Debbie) with whom I was talking, took all of my
information again and said I am now in the pool.
> I consider myself among those people who have vulnerable health there a separate pool for us? My birth date
is 5/6/1938. Please help me.
> Thank you for your time and consideration.
> Sincerely, Mary Kilanoski
> 7004 Treymore Ct.
> Sarasota, Fl. 34243
> 518-577-5023

Dana Rawls

From: Vanessa Baugh

Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 1:49 PM
To: Susan McCullough
Subject: RE: Publix/covid vaccine rollout

It is my understanding that the Counties that have the ability to handle the vaccine are doing so and those that may not
have the ability are using Publix

From: Susan McCullough <>

Sent: Monday, February 8, 2021 1:19 PM
To: Vanessa Baugh <>
Subject: Re: Publix/covid vaccine rollout

Thank you for your quick response and for trying to get Manatee included in the Publix list, Commissioner Baugh.

Do you have any idea why the Governor would *not* want to include Manatee County?

Susan McCullough

On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 12:25 PM Vanessa Baugh <> wrote:

Susan, thank you for your email! I do agree that I would love to have Publix vaccinating in Manatee however, this is all
done by the Governor. I am actively trying to get Manatee for included

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 8, 2021, at 10:54 AM, Susan McCullough <> wrote:

Dear Commissioner Baugh:

I am one of tens of thousands of seniors in Manatee County who is eligible for the Covid vaccine, but
who can't seem to get an appointment for one.

While I'm sure the county government is doing its best, I'm at a loss as to understand why Publix, CVS
and Walgreen's are not offering vaccines in either Sarasota or Manatee counties.

Is there anything that you and/or your colleagues on the Commission can do to a) find out what the
holdup is and b) get things moving?

Thanks in advance,

Susan McCullough
12041 Thornhill Ct
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202

Dana Rawls

From: Vanessa Baugh

Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 3:50 PM
To: Jacob Saur
Subject: Re: LWR vaccines

Thank you I will call after meeting

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 9, 2021, at 3:12 PM, Jacob Saur <> wrote:

> Yes,
> The state hasn't mentioned anything to us on this end yet on what they require. We would be able to pull from out
Vaccine Waiting Pool for scheduling for them.
> Jake
> Jacob A. Saur, RPL
> Director of Public Safety
> Manatee County Government
> Office: 941-749-3585 Cell: 941-705-1246 P.O. Box 1000 Bradenton, FL
> 34206
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vanessa Baugh <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 3:06 PM
> To: Jacob Saur <>
> Subject: LWR vaccines
> Jake the state wants Rex to keep a list. Can we do that
> Sent from my iPhone

Dana Rawls

From: Rex Jensen <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 3:27 PM
Cc: Vanessa Baugh
Subject: Venue for Lakewood Ranch Vaccinations

Courtney, Commissioner Baugh has helped to reserve the Premiere Sports Campus, 5895 Post Blvd., Lakewood Ranch,
Florida 34211. This venue is a large sports complex, with a huge parking lot, a few buildings that may be suitable, and an
area that might be suitable for the Governor to host quite a crowd should he choose to do so. While we can easily get
the word out, I have no infrastructure or staff to field all the calls necessary to assemble and maintain a list of candidates
for the vaccine. I am copying Commissioner Baugh in the hope that she might be able to think creatively to find a
solution. Her cell phone is 941-780-6467

Rex E. Jensen
President & CEO
Schroeder-Manatee Ranch, Inc.
14400 Covenant Way
Lakewood Ranch, Florida 34202
(941) 757-1600

Assistant: Sue Chaney


Dana Rawls

From: Vanessa Baugh

Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2021 9:58 AM
To: Jacob Saur
Subject: Re: 1,000 Vaccine Registration List - Template

Pls send to me when you have info as I am working on a list

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2021, at 6:08 PM, Jacob Saur <> wrote:

Got it. Working on it now.


Jacob A. Saur, RPL

Director of Public Safety
Manatee County Government
Office: 941-749-3585
Cell: 941-705-1246
P.O. Box 1000 Bradenton, FL 34206
Twitter: MCGPublicsafety

Outlook for iOS

From: Vanessa Baugh <>

Sent: Friday, February 12, 2021 6:05:39 PM
To: Jacob Saur <>
Subject: Fwd: 1,000 Vaccine Registration List - Template

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Boyette, Alicia" <>

Date: February 12, 2021 at 2:05:29 PM EST
To: Vanessa Baugh <>
Cc: "Prosser, Kimberly" <>, "McCoy, Steve"
Subject: 1,000 Vaccine Registration List - Template

Good Afternoon Vanessa,

My name is Niki Boyette and I’m reaching out in regard to the registration
process for the upcoming vaccination event. Attached is the 1,000 dose
registration list with the first group of appointments beginning at 8:00am and
the last group being at 4:30pm. The list is broken out into 15 minute intervals
with 29 appointments every 15 minutes between 8:00am and 12:45pm and 28
appointments every 15 minutes between 1:00pm and 4:30pm. The only
information we request for scheduling is First/Last Name, DOB and Phone
Number. All other information needed will be provided from the consent forms
filled out the day of the event.

I hope this information helps and if you have any questions please feel free to
reach out to me. Have a great day!

Thank you,

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Alicia (Niki) Boyette

Contractor on behalf of
Florida Division of Emergency Management

Phone: (863) 583-2867



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Dana Rawls

From: Vanessa Baugh

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 10:59 AM
To: Mary Gibbons
Cc: James Satcher;Reggie Bellamy;Kevin VanOstenbridge;Misty Servia;Carol
Whitmore;George Kruse
Subject: Re: Covid vaccine

Ms Gibbons, Manatee County is calling, as we speak, 5100 people for vaccines. As far as the Lakewood ranch area, The
Governor is trying to hit large areas individually in the State to try to expedite more people receiving vaccines ASAP.

Btw, it is not just Lakewood ranch involved in this, it includes Braden River, River Club, parts of Myakka, Panther Ridge,
Rosedale etc.

I might add there have been clinics in other parts of Manatee, Port Charlotte, Venice, Palmetto, Rebonia and Sarasota.

Also, to be honest, if I were asked to help schedule vaccinations any where in Manatee,I would do the same.

Hopefully, we will have more vaccines very soon.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 16, 2021, at 10:18 AM, Mary Gibbons <> wrote:
> My name is Mary Gibbons and I am outraged at the economic prejudice in selecting who is eligible to receive Covid
vaccines at the Sports Complex in Lakewood Ranch. My husband is a year overdue in having a heart valve replaced for
the second time and I have asthma and type II diabetes yet we live in zip code 34203 - wrong side of I 75 - too bad for us!
> It is illegal to buy your spot on an organ donor list but the Lakewood Ranch community is “buying” their spot on the
vaccine list. Gov. DeSantis has obviously been bought by the developers of Lakewood Ranch. And shame on
Commissioner Baugh for having her picture in the paper taking CREDIT for such a prejudiced situation.
> Hopefully you will decide to serve all residents of Manatee County and not just those who live in the exclusive
neighborhood of Lakewood Ranch!
> Thank you for considering the injustice in this situation.
> Mary Gibbons,
> Bradenton, FL 34203
> Sent from my iPhone

2/22/2021 Manatee County to postpone Bennett Park vaccinations this week as nationwide winter storm delays COVID-19 vaccine deliveries - Man…



Posted on 02/17/2021

MANATEE COUNTY, FL (Feb. 17, 2021) – Manatee County will contact

5,100 seniors today and tomorrow to reschedule the week's COVID-19
vaccination appointments that had been scheduled for Bennett Park for
Thursday and Friday, Feb. 18 - 19.

The new appointment dates will be moved to next Thursday and Friday,
Feb. 25 - 26. Public Safety will send automated noti cations to let those
scheduled know their appointments have been moved to next week. The
delay is the result of the massive winter storm that has shut down much
of the country.

During a press conference today at Premier Sports Complex, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that the week's
3,000 doses scheduled at Premier Sports this week will continue as planned. DeSantis said the 3,000 doses
are P zer vaccines. Moderna vaccines which were to be used at Bennett Park this week, he said, have been
more severely delayed by the massive winter storms in other areas of the country. 1/1
Dana Rawls

From: Vanessa Baugh

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 12:33 PM
To: Nicholas Azzara
Cc: Cheri Coryea;Karen Stewart;John Osborne;Jacob Saur;Rachael Taft;Stacy Hardy;Marcia
Bacon;Carol Whitmore;George Kruse;James Satcher;Kevin VanOstenbridge;Misty
Servia;Reggie Bellamy;Tittel, Christopher J;Bencie, Jennifer L
Subject: Re: DRAFT PR: Another 3,000 COVID-19 vaccination appointments will be booked this

It is my understanding that Premier will move forward tomorrow

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 16, 2021, at 11:42 AM, Nicholas Azzara <> wrote:

Commissioners, Director Saur just called to relay a message from a call with state
leaders this morning. Severe weather in other parts of the country may require us to
postpone the appointments that were scheduled this week: Both 5,100 at Bennett and
the 3,000 referenced in the press release below. Rather than announce that
appointments are being delayed, we’re hoping to receive more info from Tallahassee
today and will send word when we have a definitive update on whether those doses will
make it here this week.

Nicholas Azzara
Information Outreach Manager, County Administrator's Office
Manatee County Government
(941) 745-3771

From: Nicholas Azzara

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 10:47 AM
Cc: Cheri Coryea <>; Karen Stewart <>;
John Osborne <>; Jacob Saur <>; Rachael
Taft <>; Stacy Hardy <>; Marcia Bacon
<>; Carol Whitmore <>; George Kruse
<>; James Satcher <>; Kevin
VanOstenbridge <>; Misty Servia
<>; Reggie Bellamy <>; Vanessa Baugh
Subject: DRAFT PR: Another 3,000 COVID-19 vaccination appointments will be booked this week

Commissioners, an early heads up on this press release I’ll be distributing this news by
noon today.

Another 3,000 COVID-19 vaccination appointments

will be booked this week
MANATEE COUNTY, FL (Feb. 16, 2021) – The Florida Division of Emergency Management will
host a "pop-up" vaccination spot at Premier Sports Campus, 5895 Post Blvd., Lakewood
Ranch this week for 3,000 Manatee County residents who live in zip codes 34202 and 34211.

Manatee County 311 Call Center yesterday began calling residents from those zip codes to
book the appointments for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Patients will be given
information on their second dose when they're on site for their first dose this week. The 311 Call
Center has also booked 5,100 appointments for Bennett Park occurring Thursday and Friday of
this week.

"This unique opportunity was made possible by Governor DeSantis calling (Schroeder-Manatee
Ranch President) Rex Jensen wanting to do a vaccination site near Lakewood Ranch. The
Governor has been trying to find large areas of neighborhoods to target."

Public Safety Director Jacob Saur today confirmed that the County has received word from state
officials that severe winter storms in other areas of the country may delay the arrival of vaccines
in Florida. County officials are confident that all scheduled first and second dose appointments
will take place.

As of Feb. 15, 31,932 vaccinations have been administered at Manatee County's points of
distribution (Bennett Park and the Public Safety Center). 36,765 Manatee County residents
have received either a first or the complete series of the vaccine.

For more information on Manatee County Government, visit or call (941)
748-4501. You can also follow us on Facebook at and on
Twitter @ManateeGov.


Nicholas Azzara
Information Outreach Manager, Manatee County Administrator's Office
Manatee County Government
1112 Manatee Avenue West
Bradenton, Florida 34205
O: (941) 745-3771 M: (941) 224-9393

Dana Rawls

From: Jacob Saur

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 12:00 PM
To: Frank Ruggiero
Cc: Vanessa Baugh
Subject: Re: State Pop up Clinic Lakewood Ranch Feb 17-19

7,200. We are only booking for 3000.


Jacob A. Saur, RPL

Director of Public Safety
Manatee County Government
Office: 941-749-3585
Cell: 941-705-1246
P.O. Box 1000 Bradenton, FL 34206
Twitter: MCGPublicsafety

Outlook for iOS

From: Frank Ruggiero <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 11:56:05 AM
To: Jacob Saur <>
Cc: Vanessa Baugh <>
Subject: Re: State Pop up Clinic Lakewood Ranch Feb 17-19

How many people in the two zip codes in the pool?

In a message dated 2/16/2021 11:54:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi Frank,

Pretty busy day here but I’ll try and answer quickly. Yesterday and today we are scheduling for the Premier
state pop up site. Once that is completed we will move to finish scheduling the Tom Bennet Park county site


Jacob A. Saur, RPL

Director of Public Safety
Manatee County Government
Office: 941-749-3585
Cell: 941-705-1246
P.O. Box 1000 Bradenton, FL 34206
Twitter: MCGPublicsafety

Outlook for iOS

From: Frank Ruggiero <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 11:42:05 AM
To: Jacob Saur <>
Cc: Vanessa Baugh <>
Subject: State Pop up Clinic Lakewood Ranch Feb 17-19


Couple of questions:

How many people are currently in the pool with zip codes 34202 & 34211, from which 3,000 will be random
selected for the State vaccines 2/17-2/19?

Are calls to schedule, the State vaccine clinic, being made as follows:
-1,000 per day 2/16, 2/17, 2/18 for vaccines 2/17-2/19 ?
If not what is the call schedule?

Are State vaccine calls being made before or after the remaining 1,700 calls (Manatee Bennett ) of the
5,100 vaccines currently being scheduled?

Since this is currently happening, an immediate response (if possible) would be greatly appreciate.

Be safe.
Frank Ruggiero


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