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Number Sense- Multiplication Review

Date: Feb 5th 2021                                                                         Period/Time: 10:25-11:25

GLO: Develop Number Sense

SLO: Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication (2- or 3-digit by 1-digit) to solve problems
 using personal strategies for multiplication with and without concrete materials
 using arrays to represent multiplication
 connecting concrete representations to symbolic representations, estimating products
 applying the distributive property
Objective: I can use personal strategies to solve a variety of multiplication problems.

Introduction Games day; Go over expectations of how to properly handle the games
10:25-10:30 and pieces. Briefly go over each game (each center has the directions as

Practice! Math game centers (10-15 mins each)

10:30-10:45 1) Telling Time- board game that can be played between 2-4
10:45-11:00 2) Multiplication facts- memorization game (flip two cards and try to
remember where the answer is)
11:00-11:15 3) Board game practicing fluency (multiplication facts and family
11:15-11:25 4) Small group with me in their duo tangs practicing a skill needing
further support (working on areas each student needs further
direct instruction in)

Differentiatio Provide an example on the board, varied problems with different levels of
n challenge (or additional ones for those finished early). Groups based on skill level
for games. Verbal/video and guided examples

Wrap up Gather materials, return to desk to prepare for the end of the day.

Reflection: What went well? What can be improved? Changed for next time?

I think games are an awesome, engaging way for students to practice fluency and skills for

math! Not only does it practice math skills, but it also allows students to practice other social

skills such as taking turns, playing fair, staying on task and working together.
What went well: Once we were organized, and students understood the games it went fairly

smoothly. They like the idea of games, but are struggling with initially starting, as well as

interacting with one another appropriately.

What can be improved: I had them split up based on skill level initially but realized that the

dynamics within the groups were not favorable. Next week, I will consider more the relationships

between the students, and break apart my more challenging students so that they are not all in

one group. It seems to be that my ‘strongest’ math group dynamic is very volatile, as well as my

‘weakest’ do not get along well at all.

Changed for next time: Different groupings will help diffuse the highly competitive nature of this

class. I do feel like this group struggles with showing kindness and understanding to one

another. They talk very negatively about themselves, as well as to one another. I hope to do

more positive modeling, reinforcing and recognizing ideal behaviour to encourage them to

continue practicing kindness and good choices. As my relationships with this group strengthen

and grow, I do think my job as a leader will become easier because I will have earned more of

their respect. We shall see how this progress over the next half of this internship!

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