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​Annual Student Outcome Goal Plan

Academic Year 2021 to 2022

Identify outcome data (achievement, attendance or discipline) that serves as basis for goal:


By the end of the 2021-2022 , college enrollment rates

school year
End Date Targeted Group

will increase
(increase/decrease something related to achievement, attendance or discipline)

by 5% from 58% to 63%

Measure of change Baseline data Target data

Supplemental Data:
Check with stakeholders (parents, teachers, students, administrators, etc.), to identify possible
factors contributing to this problem/issue.
Have meetings with teachers about getting students more prepared for college.
Speak with college and admission representatives to come to the school.
Speak with parents about college prep and any questions/concerns (finances).

Mindsets & Behavior Data:

Identify one–two ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors most relevant for this targeted group and goal:
M&B# Mindsets & Behaviors Statement
M 4. Understanding that postsecondary education and life-long learning are necessary for
long-term career success
B-LS 7 Identify long- and short-term academic, career and social/ emotional goals

Based on the selected ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors, write one–two learning
objectives/competencies students need to learn.
Students will state one possible career path and the path to getting there.
Students will attend one college workshop

Possible Activities/Strategies/Interventions by School Counselors

1. Hosting college fairs

2. Classroom lesson on identifying careers and career pathways to get to that goal.
3. Small group lessons on
a. Applying for college
b. FAFSA/ Scholarship process
c. Choosing career interest

Convert the learning objectives/competencies to a Likert-scale measure and/or brief answer
1 2 3 4
Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Almost All the time

Statement Scale
1 2 3 4
I know what I am going to do after graduating high school.
I know the education it takes to get to that career path. 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
I want to go to college.
1 2 3 4
I feel prepared to go to college.
Brief answer question:

What do you want to do after high school?

Brief answer question:

What obstacles are preventing you from achieving your goals?

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