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Published online: 2020-10-20


Pathology and Pathogenesis of Adenomyosis

Maria Facadio Antero, MD1 Ayse Ayhan, MD, PhD2 James Segars, MD1 Ie-Ming Shih, MD, PhD1,2

1 Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Johns Hopkins University Address for correspondence Ie-Ming Shih, MD, PhD, Department of
School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland Gynecology and Obstetrics, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 1550
2 Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Orleans Street, CRB2, RM305, Baltimore, MD (e-mail:
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Semin Reprod Med 2020;38:108–118

Abstract Adenomyosis represents a unique pathophysiological condition in which normal-

appearing endometrial mucosa resides within myometrium and is thus protected
from menstrual shedding. The resulting ectopic presence of endometrial tissue
composed of glands and stroma is thought to affect normal contractile function
and peristalsis of uterine smooth muscle, causing menometrorrhagia, infertility, and

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adverse obstetric outcomes. Since the first description of adenomyosis more than
150 years ago, pathologists have studied this lesion by examining tissue specimens,
and have proposed multiple explanations to account for its pathogenesis. However, as
compared with endometriosis, progress of adenomyosis research has been, at best,
incremental mainly due to the lack of standardized protocols in sampling tissue and a
lack of consensus diagnostic criteria in pathology practice. Despite these limitations,
recent advances in revealing the detailed anatomy and biology of eutopic endometri-
um offer an unprecedented opportunity to study this common but relatively under-
Keywords studied disorder. Here, we briefly summarize the pathological aspects of adenomyosis
► adenomyosis from an historical background, and discuss conventional morphology and recent
► endometriosis tissue-based molecular studies with a special emphasis on elucidating its tissue of
► pathology origin from a pathologist’s perspective. We also discuss unmet needs in pathology
► pathogenesis studies that would be important for advancing adenomyosis research.

Maintaining tissue specification and cohesiveness are cardi- Adenomyosis is a major gynecologic disorder causing chronic
nal features in multicellular organisms, and this evolution- pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, infertility, and adverse
endowed tenet requires that adult tissues of the same type obstetric outcomes.2,3 It has been estimated that adenomyosis
stay together. Breaking this rule has serious consequences for affects 10 to 80% of premenopausal women, and its prevalence is
the organism as exemplified by tumor invasion and metas- even higher in women with infertility and chronic pelvic pain.4,5
tasis. An exception applies to two related benign and com- Like endometriosis, adenomyosis imposes a substantial socio-
mon gynecologic disorders, adenomyosis and endometriosis, economic burden from increased medical care and loss of work
in which normal-appearing endometrium resides in myo- productivity, without mentioning the compromised quality of
metrium and in peritoneal tissue, respectively (►Fig. 1).1 life.6,7 Here, we provide a succinct summary of our current
Thus, the pathologies of adenomyosis and endometriosis are understanding of adenomyosis from a pathology perspective.
unique among human nonmalignant diseases. Because of We discuss how the term “adenomyosis” has evolved from a
their anatomic locations and the unique microenvironments, historical background, the histopathological features, the chal-
the ectopic endometrial tissues may or may not observe the lenge in its classification, and current concepts pertaining to
ovarian hormonal cycles and can have molecular changes development of adenomyosis. We also propose critical tasks
that are distinct from eutopic endometrium despite their that are fundamentally important for accelerating progress,
similar morphological appearance. both biological and translational, in adenomyosis research.

Issue Theme Adenomyosis and Copyright © 2020 by Thieme Medical DOI
Endometriosis; Guest Editors, Linda C. Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0040-1718922.
Giudice, MD, PhD, MSc, Lisa M. New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 1526-8004.
Halvorson, MD, Elizabeth A. Stewart, MD, Tel: +1(212) 760-0888.
and Luk Rombauts, PhD, FRANZCOG, MD
Pathology and Pathogenesis of Adenomyosis Antero et al. 109

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Fig. 1 The ectopic endometrium and eutopic endometrium. The diseases related to ectopic endometrium include adenomyosis, deep
infiltrating endometriosis, peritoneal endometriosis, and ovarian endometriotic cyst (endometrioma). The insets illustrate the similar histology
of eutopic endometrium (top) and ectopic lesions (bottom), containing both glandular epithelium and stroma. (Modified from Wang et al1; [©
IM Shih, Johns Hopkins University].)

A Historical Perspective invade the underlying myometrium, as, in some cases, a direct
connection between uterine cavity and the heterotopic glands
First, let us wind back the clock to 1860 when Karl von could be seen.11 Another important contribution by Cullen was
Rokitansky initially described endometrial glands embedded that he attributed the pathology of adenomyosis to clinical
in the uterine myometrium.8 He named this condition phenotypes including lengthened menstrual periods and pel-
“cystosarcoma adenoids uterinum,” reflecting the essence vic pain. He further proposed that hysterectomy was the
of adenomyosis—glandular and sometimes cystic structures preferred treatment, as unlike a well-circumscribed leio-
forming tumor-like lesions in uteri. Chiari9 also observed a myoma it was often hard to dissect out adenomyomas because
similar lesion which he called “salpingitis isthmica nodosa their “growth was so interwoven with the normal muscle.”12
(SIN)” around the fallopian tube musculature and believed Cullen’s theory of mucosal invasion faced challenges for many
that it was a variant of adenomyosis. Subsequently, other years, as other contemporary theories argued that displace-
investigators in the late 19th century attempted to explain ment of mesonephric elements together with idiopathic stro-
the possible mechanisms for the establishment of adeno- mal hyperplasia were responsible for adenomyosis.13,14 It was
myosis. Meyer10 was the first to propose the theory of not until the 1920s that the endometrial origin of adenomyosis
“epithelial heterotopy,” an analogy to wound healing, where was widely accepted. This acceptance coincided with Samp-
epithelial cells would invade inflammatory tissue that was son’s theory of retrograde menstruation to explain how men-
damaged. He developed this theory after finding endometrial struated endometrial tissue caused endometriosis,15 and
glands in the suture lines of a patient who had undergone a helped to clarify that adenomyosis and endometriosis were
prior uterine ventrofixation secondary to pelvic pain. He two different disease entities, although both lesions were
thought that these glands were derived from either embry- thought to originate from uterine endometrium.
onic or “well-differentiated” cells. Finally, the term “adenomyosis uteri” was introduced in
Cullen, who established gynecologic pathology as a sub- 1925 by Frankl,16 who described the mucosal invasion of the
specialty of pathology at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, pio- myometrium. He explained that the term was chosen so that
neered a systematic and comprehensive description of what it remained clear that the condition was not caused by an
we know today as adenomyosis. He suggested a mechanism in inflammatory process as had been previously proposed. He
which endometrial glands and stroma in endometrium could also further differentiated adenomyomas from adenomyosis,

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110 Pathology and Pathogenesis of Adenomyosis Antero et al.

stating that the former originated independently within the

uterus, and the latter was diffuse with a direct connection
with the endometrium. It was only in 1972 that the current
histological definition of adenomyosis was put forth by Bird
et al17 positing that adenomyosis was characterized by the
“… benign invasion of endometrium into myometrium,
producing a diffusely enlarged uterus which microscopically
exhibits ectopic, nonneoplastic, endometrial glands and
stroma surrounded by hypertrophic and hyperplastic myo-
metrium.” The modern histological definition was thus born.

Pathology of Adenomyosis and Correlation

with Imaging Results
Grossly, the uterus may appear slightly enlarged and globular
due to myometrial hypertrophy in severe cases of adenomyosis
(►Fig. 2a),18–20 but in general, the involved uteri preserve the
overall contour, and are rarely bigger than a 12-week size gravid

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uterus.17,21,22 The cut surface of adenomyotic foci is character-
ized by hyperfasciculated and trabeculated areas of myome-
trium, which correspond with myometrial hypertrophy
(►Fig. 2b). On gross appearance, adenomyosis, unlike leio-
myoma, does not manifest a well-demarcated border (►Fig. 2c,
d). The adenomyotic foci may appear grossly indistinct or as a
white-gray mass with areas of brown-staining secondary to
hemolyzed blood and hemosiderin deposits.23 Blood-filled
cysts can also be occasionally observed.24 In some cases, uterine
adenomyosis can form localized nodules that grossly mimic
leiomyomas. These focal adenomyotic nodules are known as
adenomyomas, and are composed of smooth muscle surround-
ing endometrial glands and stroma. Upon gross examination,
adenomyomas, unlike leiomyomas, are unencapsulated, and Fig. 2 Gross and microscopic features of adenomyosis. (a) The involved
the hypertrophied myometrium is often mixed with the sur- uterus appears slightly enlarged and globular. (b) A bivalved surface from a
rounding normal myometrium (►Fig. 2c, d). hysterectomy specimen shows multiple foci of adenomyosis with petechia-
like areas (yellow arrows) in myometrium. The smooth muscle appears
Microscopically, adenomyosis consists of irregularly
hypertrophied and disarrayed. (c, d) Comparison of gross appearance of
shaped islands of endometrial glands and stroma within adenomyosis (AD) and leiomyoma (LM). Formalin fixed cross-section in C
the myometrium. They are always multiple, and we believe and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained section in D. (e) Microscopic
that the discrete islands, especially those are adjacent to each features showing presence of glandular epithelium and stroma surrounded
other on cross tissue sections, are not separated but rather by hypertrophic smooth muscle cells. (H&E stain 20 magnification). (f)
Higher magnification view to show the resemblance of epithelial and
are interconnected, which can be seen if a series of sequential
stromal components of adenomyosis to eutopic endometrium (H&E stain
sections are examined or a three-dimensional reconstruc- 40 magnification). (g) Ectopic endometrial tissue showing foci of hem-
tion can be generated. Thus, the architecture of adenomyosis orrhage with histiocytes and hemosiderin-laden macrophages (red arrow)
is distinct from that of the functional endometrium, in which (H&E stain 20 magnification). (h) Marked decidualization with small
the glands are solitary, nonbranching, and longitudinally inactive glands in adenomyosis seen after exogenous progestin therapy.
(H&E stain 20 magnification).
arranged (►Fig. 2e, f ). In fact, the glands and stroma of
adenomyotic foci architecturally resemble the basalis layer
in eutopic endometrium, where a complex horizontally adenomyosis present a monotonous appearance, and are
connected glandular structure is normally formed.25 The usually inactive and nonmitotic. Secretory changes, includ-
gland-to-stroma ratio varies widely among adenomyoma ing stromal decidualization, have been observed during
foci, and some may have attenuated or undetectable stromal gestation and exogenous progestin therapy (►Fig. 2h).
components,26 which may reflect sampling issue in which Adenomyosis is never found in a leiomyoma.
the tangential cut surface does not contain the neighboring In normal uteri, the junction between endometrium and
stroma. The adenomyotic endometrium may retain its pro- myometrium is not always well demarcated, and an irregular
liferative potential, which could contribute to endometrial border with focal extension of endometrial tissue into superfi-
regrowth and failure after endometrial ablation.27 Glands cial myometrium is not uncommon. As such, tangential sec-
can vary in shape and size, with 5% of them forming cystic tions can reveal seemingly detached foci of glands and stroma
structures filled with cellular debris and hemosiderin-laden beneath endometrium, and these foci may be mistakenly
macrophages (►Fig. 2g).28 The stromal components of diagnosed as superficial adenomyosis, further confounding

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Pathology and Pathogenesis of Adenomyosis Antero et al. 111

clinicopathological studies of adenomyosis. Tissue biomarkers microvessels than adjacent normal endometrium or eutopic
that help distinguish true adenomyosis from endometrial endometrium of disease-free women.37
extensions from the irregular border would be useful. Along The aforementioned pathologic features of adenomyosis
this line, upregulation of the biomarker STING (stimulator of can explain many of the commonly observed findings
interferon gene) has recently been reported to distinguish reported in ultrasound or MRI studies. Subendometrial
epithelial cells of adenomyosis from eutopic endometrium.29 echogenic linear striations, nodules, and/or asymmetrical
The endometrial–myometrial junctional zone located be- myometrial bulkiness may be related to muscular hypertro-
tween the endometrium and the inner myometrium has phy in different regions in reaction to the presence of ectopic
received much attention in adenomyosis research because endometrium. Moreover, hyperechoic islands and subendo-
this zone is often thickened and exhibits architectural changes metrial cysts can be a result of focal cystic dilatation of the
that may lead to abnormal uterine peristalsis.30,31 Architec- fluid-filled glands in adenomyosis. Thus, the irregular endo-
tural changes include loss of nerve fibers and smooth muscle metrial–myometrial junction may reflect the complex and
hypertrophy.32 At the ultrastructural level, these myocytes convoluted connection between endometrium and the un-
associated with adenomyosis show abnormal nuclear and derlying adenomyosis. In color Doppler sonography, a gen-
mitochondrial shapes, abundant myelin bodies and interme- eral increase in vascularity and in numbers of tortuous
diate filament aggregates, extensive endoplasmic reticulum, vessels penetrating myometrium is likely associated with
and increased expression of oxytocin receptors.33,34 Although enhanced angiogenesis. Thickening of the junctional zone,
these findings and their biological significance requires vali- visualized as a hypoechoic halo beneath the endometrial

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dation, the morphological abnormalities in the junctional zone layer (usually greater than 12 mm), is suggestive of an
in adenomyosis may play a role in hyperperistalsis. It is not adenomyosis. However, it is challenging to correlate such
certain whether hyper- or dysperistalsis facilitates invasion of thickening with adenomyosis-associated histopathological
endometrial glands into the myometrium,35 or whether the findings.
presence of abundant ectopic endometrial tissues in myome-
trium interferes with or triggers peristalsis.
Unusual Pathology and Related Gynecologic
Adenomyotic lesions also have a higher angiogenic po-
tential, as evidenced by an increased level of vascular endo-
thelial growth factor (VEGF) and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α Hyperplastic changes with or without atypia are not
(HIF-1α) compared with paired eutopic endometrium and unusual in adenomyosis, and can often be detected in
with endometrium from disease-free women.36 Further- the corresponding eutopic endometrium. However, malig-
more, although verification will be required, it appears nant transformation of adenomyosis is a rare event occur-
that ectopic endometrium contains a greater density of ring mostly in postmenopausal women (►Fig. 3).38,39

Fig. 3 Atypical hyperplasia and low-grade endometrioid carcinoma arising from adenomyosis. (a) Foci of atypical hyperplasia within a
preexisting adenomyosis lesion. (b) An incipient low-grade endometrioid carcinoma arising from adenomyosis with cancerous tissue coexisting
with ectopic benign glandular tissue (hematoxylin and eosin stain 20 magnification).

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112 Pathology and Pathogenesis of Adenomyosis Antero et al.

Endometrioid carcinoma is the most common histological there is no consensus among pathologists regarding sam-
type of malignant transformation of adenomyosis, but pling hysterectomy specimens. Moreover, not all adenomy-
serous carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, and poorly differen- otic lesions are created equal. It is plausible that other than
tiated carcinoma may also be seen.40 Pathologic findings conventional histopathology, adenomyosis can be classified
that suggest malignant transformation of adenomyosis according to developmental patterns or the molecular alter-
include the presence of cancerous tissue and ectopic endo- ations. Molecular classification would be welcome but ap-
metrial tissue in the same lesion, diagnosis of adenomyosis, pear to be out of reach until we better understand the
transformation evidence between benign and malignant pathogenesis of adenomyosis, and can correlate molecular
gland structures, and exclusion of other sources of tumor changes and clinical phenotypes.
invasion or metastasis.41 In addition to epithelial cells, Nevertheless, it is worth briefly reviewing classifications
stromal cells in adenomyosis can also undergo neoplastic that have been proposed in the past so that investigators can
transformation to form intramural adenosarcoma, but this design better studies for future classification of adenomyo-
is exceedingly rare. sis. Since the depth of myometrial involvement is the most
Other unusual subtypes of adenomyosis have been obvious histopathological feature of adenomyosis, many
described. As mentioned earlier, adenomyomas are a nod- investigators have proposed classification systems based
ular form of adenomyosis involving myometrium focally, on the depth of glands within the myometrium. This is
which distinguishes it from the diffuse appearance of analogous to endometrial carcinoma in which the depth of
conventional adenomyosis. Both adenomyomas and diffuse myometrial invasion by the cancer cells determines the FIGO

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types of adenomyosis may be present in the same speci- stage, which is highly associated with clinical outcome.44,45
men. One lesion related to adenomyoma is “polypoid For example, one study46 proposed that superficial adeno-
adenomyoma” which is a benign tumor commonly arising myosis could be characterized as glands within 40% of the
from the lower uterine segment forming either a single myometrial thickness, intermediate adenomyosis when
polypoid lesion or multiple polyps.42 Histologically, endo- glands were present in 40 to 80% of myometrial thickness,
metrial glands are embedded in a fibromuscular or mus- and deep adenomyosis when glands were seen beyond 80%
cular stroma. The glands are usually lined with of the myometrial thickness. Another study applied one-
endometrioid cells and embedded by smooth muscle fas- third and two-third as the cut-off.47 Unfortunately, those
cicles.42,43 The endometrial stromal cells are not always proposed cut-offs are arbitrary, lacking biological or clinical
present, arguing that atypical polypoid adenomyoma is grounds.
related to conventional adenomyosis. In general, significant conflicts are seen among results of
SIN, once considered to be a variant of adenomyosis, is studies aimed at correlating disease symptoms with depth
now mostly seen as an acquired fallopian tube lesion of glands within the myometrium. In some studies, the two
analogous to adenomyosis of the uterus. Grossly, SIN most common symptoms of pain (dysmenorrhea, chronic
appears as a nodular protrusion on the tubal serosa and pelvic pain, or dyspareunia) and abnormal uterine bleeding
is most often localized to the isthmic portion of the tube. (AUB, or menorrhagia) were assessed.23 Some studies found
SIN can cause either infertility due to luminal obstruction or a positive correlation between depth of adenomyosis in-
tubal pregnancy due to the irregular and convoluted lumen volvement and dysmenorrhea,17,46,48 whereas others found
of the fallopian tubes. Adenomyosis and SIN may share no correlation at all.49 Dysmenorrhea has been reported to
pathogenic mechanisms, as they have similar glandular correlate with the number of glandular tissue foci seen
proliferation with an associated muscular hypertrophy within the myometrium.46,48,49 Dyspareunia is also associ-
phenotype. ated with the number of lesion foci but not with depth of
the lesion.49 Diffuse adenomyosis has been associated with
worse dysmenorrhea than focal disease, while the later has
Pathology-Based Classification
been associated with infertility especially when located in
Several classification systems based on histological features the outer myometrium.50,51 Conflicting data have been
of adenomyosis have been proposed: (1) depth of myome- reported concerning the relationship of AUB and histologic
trium involvement, (2) location of adenomyotic lesions, and features such as depth and glandular density. Most studies
(3) whether the myometrial involvement is diffuse or local- have shown that there is no relationship between AUB and
ized. However, a standard and well-accepted system for glandular depth, but the numbers of adenomyotic foci per
histological classification has not yet been established, in slide show a strong correlation with the reported bleeding
part because studies attempting to correlate pathological volume. In one report, menorrhagia was found to be more
features with clinical presentations have not shown signifi- prevalent in women with deep adenomyosis than in those
cant or reproducible results. We believe that this is related to with intermediate disease.46 Another study used the gross
how specimens are processed and examined. For example, appearance of uterus and tissue consistency at the time of
there is a direct correlation between the number of histologic surgery was used to classify adenomyosis as either diffuse
sections examined and the prevalence of adenomyosis. In a type or as sclerotic type in which densely packed collagen
study by Bird et al,17 the prevalence of adenomyosis in- fibers surrounded the adenomyotic foci.28 Menorrhagia was
creased from 31 to 61.5% when additional histologic uterine found to be more frequently present in the diffuse type than
sections were obtained and examined. Despite this fact, in other types.

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Pathology and Pathogenesis of Adenomyosis Antero et al. 113

Pathogenesis of Adenomyosis superficial myometrium (►Fig. 4b). Several studies argue that
this involves a true invasion process. If this is the case, it would be
The pathogenesis of adenomyosis, especially the steps through different from that seen in carcinoma. If this were a bone fide
which normal-appearing endometrial tissue is displaced to invasion, both glandular epithelium and stroma would have to
myometrium, and the mechanisms by which adenomyotic foci acquire a constellation of complex molecular and cellular
cause symptoms, remain largely unclear. Current evidence changes including expression of proteases that degrade the
from histopathological observations and recent molecular extracellular matrix, enhanced motility, and the ability to
genetic studies indicates that adenomyosis is derived from comigrate and dissect into remarkably cohesive smooth muscle
invagination from the basal layer of endometrium into adja- layers. These features are highly unusual for any adult normal-
cent myometrium, a modern view resonant with what Cullen appearing tissues. Moreover, adenomyosis does not exhibit a
proposed almost one century ago. Tissue sections of adenomy- classical stromal reaction (desmoplasia), which is one of the
otic lesions that are prepared for pathology diagnosis almost hallmarks of tumor invasion under microscopic examination.
always show multiple irregularly shaped seemingly intercon- Rather, we propose that the genesis of adenomyosis derives
nected endometrial glands embedded in stroma. This is one of from an embryonic or an early postnatal invagination of the
the salient morphological features of adenomyosis, and sug- basal endometrium followed by extension deep into myome-
gests that the glands within adenomyosis are highly convolut- trium, likely associated with a physiological or pathological
ed, forming a labyrinth network, and do not display a simple defect of the endometrial–myometrial junction. This is sup-
arrangement (►Fig. 4a). This architecture of adenomyosis ported by reported cases of fetal and prepubescent adenomyosis

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resembles that in the basal layer of endometrium. and endometriosis.52–54 It is also possible that the basal endo-
Comparison of eutopic endometrium between uteri with and metrium can acquire access to myometrium in a gestational
without adenomyosis may offer some clues. In hysterectomy uterus where the myometrium is relatively loosened due to
specimens showing adenomyosis, it is not uncommon to ob- interstitial edema and focal disarray of the muscular layer.
serve a more irregular endo-myometrial border with endome- Nevertheless, the eutopic endometrium of adenomyosis
trial glands and stroma “attempting” to extend from basalis into patients may possess certain characteristics that differ from

Fig. 4 Adenomyosis originating from the basal layer of endometrium. (a) A schematic representation of the development of adenomyosis with
the focal extension of a single clonally distinct endometrial gland from the endometrial basalis into the myometrium. In the myometrium, the
incipient adenomyosis continues to clonally expand to form intricate and interconnected glandular foci which are similar to the endometrial
basalis layer. Together with the “invading” gland, stromal cells also migrate and clonally expand. Different color lines (glands) and dots (stroma)
represent clonally distinct subpopulations. (b) Immunostaining of cytokeratin suggesting the process of early adenomyosis development. The
adenomyotic tissue appears to descend from the basal endometrium through the endometrial myometrial interface (dashed red line) with the
vertical “invasion” of ectopic glandular and stromal tissue into myometrium. (20 magnification).

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114 Pathology and Pathogenesis of Adenomyosis Antero et al.

tissue of disease-free controls. Indeed, eutopic endometrium analysis is limited, it remains to be confirmed if KRAS
in adenomyosis shows molecular changes which favor a mutations are important in the pathogenesis of adenomyosis
phenotype including increased angiogenesis and prolifera- and endometriosis, or if the mutations merely represent
tion, decreased apoptosis, impaired immune function, and clonal markers without biological consequences.
altered hormone levels (increased estrogen production and Endometriosis is a common finding in patients with
progesterone resistance).36,55–63 As a result, the basal layer adenomyosis and vice versa; both diseases cooccur in up
of eutopic endometrium has a propensity to migrate into to 80% of patients.35,68–70 Among different types of endome-
myometrium. If more comprehensive molecular studies are triosis (►Fig. 1), deeply infiltrative endometriosis is more
able to confirm these findings, it may help explain the origins commonly seen in women who have focal adenomyosis of
and pathogenesis of adenomyosis. the outer myometrium.69 Like adenomyosis, deeply infiltra-
Despite the histopathological evidence, the tissue origin tive endometriosis is characterized by the ectopic presence
of adenomyosis from eutopic endometrium has only recently of normal-appearing endometrial glands and stroma in the
received molecular validation; the identification of somatic smooth muscle layers of peritoneal organs such as urinary
mutations using next-generation sequencing has provided bladder and bowel wall. Imaging studies have also shown an
unequivocal evidence that adenomyosis develops from increased incidence of deeply infiltrative endometriosis and
eutopic endometrium.64 In many cases, the same somatic ovarian endometriomas in women with adenomyosis, spe-
mutations, including mutations in KRAS, could be detected in cifically in adenomyosis involving the outer portion of the
both adenomyosis and corresponding eutopic endometrium, myometrium.71–73 This suggests that adenomyosis and cer-

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suggesting that both ectopic and eutopic endometrium are tain types of endometriosis may be biologically related.
clonally related. In further separating glandular epithelium Inoue et al. looked at the genetic landscape of the eutopic
from stroma of adenomyotic lesions using laser capture endometrium in disease-free women and those with adeno-
microdissection, mutations were found to occur only in myosis.64 As noted in other studies,74,75 the eutopic endo-
the epithelial component of adenomyosis,64 a result similar metria of disease-free women were found to have somatic
to a previous report showing that mutations in endometri- cancer driving mutations in genes such as KRAS and PIK3CA
osis are detected only in epithelium and not in stroma.65 at much higher variant allele frequencies. Whether the single
Since adenomyosis may select cancer driver mutations cancer driver mutation, as occurs in ectopic endometrium, is
like KRAS, which is known to promote cell survival and sufficient to drive the disease phenotypes remains to be
growth, thus confounding the clonality studies, we analyzed determined. It is still not known if these somatic mutations
selection-neutral mutations (synonymous and passenger are present at birth or acquired later in life, and whether
gene mutations) that do not confer any selection advantage there is a genetic basis for the development of adenomyosis.
to cells in adenomyosis and matched basal layer samples of A recent study reports the mutational landscape of the
eutopic endometrium. We found truncal mutations shared normal endometrium, showing that while age positively
by ectopic and eutopic endometrium, confirming that both correlates with the mutational burden in the endometrium,
adenomyosis and associated eutopic endometrium are prog- some KRAS and PIK3CA mutations arise as early as the first
eny of the same endometrial epithelial progenitor cells decade of life.75 The fact that adenomyosis develops later in
(Lihong Li, MD; unpublished data October 1, 2020). However, life, usually in the fourth or fifth decade, would seem to favor
the adenomyosis and eutopic endometrium also harbor the theory that the mutations are acquired, and that the
distinct mutations. It is thus possible that after leaving the disease is not genetically predetermined. However, there
endometrium, these progenitor cells develop into adeno- have been reports of adenomyosis developing in adoles-
myosis in myometrium through the acquisition of private cents,24,76 and a case report of familial adenomyosis suggests
mutations. that the disease may have a genetic predisposition.77 Fur-
An interesting result from this recent study is that the thermore, relatively late diagnosis of adenomyosis as com-
KRAS mutations identified in adenomyosis were associated pared with endometriosis may be due to the diagnosis at
with increased risk of cooccurring endometriosis, and that hysterectomy, which is uncommonly performed in young
KRAS mutations were often shared between the two coex- women. Therefore, this interesting observation awaits con-
isting pathologies.64 Whether this is coincidental or biologi- firmation in future studies.
cally meaningful is uncertain. Among different types of Recently, differentially expressed genes were identified in
endometriotic lesions, ovarian endometriotic cysts (69%) the eutopic endometrium of patients with adenomyosis.78
were more likely to cooccur in KRAS-mutated adenomyotic Using RNA sequencing followed by quantitative real-time
lesions than in deeply infiltrating endometriosis (46%), or PCR and immunohistochemistry to validate findings, they
peritoneal endometriosis (11.6%). The study also showed were able to identify 373 differentially expressed genes in
that KRAS mutations were often shared by cooccurring both ectopic and eutopic endometrium of adenomyosis
adenomyosis and endometriotic lesions. This finding patients irrespective of menstrual cycle phases. Pathway
appears consistent with other studies that have shown analysis of these differentially expressed genes identified
that deeply infiltrating endometriosis and ovarian endome- pathways responsible for regulating cellular proliferation
triomas harbor a variety of somatic cancer driver mutations and growth, tissue morphology, and angiogenesis. Among
in PIK3CA, ARID1A, PPP2R1A, and/or KRAS.66,67 Since the the identified differentially expressed genes was C/EBPβ, a
number of cases that have been subjected to mutational core node in the network analysis. The protein encoded by C/

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Pathology and Pathogenesis of Adenomyosis Antero et al. 115

EBPβ acts as a transcription factor regulating expression of trium. Several studies have also suggested that the eutopic
genes that control cellular proliferation, differentiation, and endometrium is inherently different in women with versus
metabolism. C/EBPβ is also a key regulator of human endo- without adenomyosis. However, the data on this are not
metrial stromal proliferation and differentiation.79,80 Other conclusive, and more rigorous research employing new
pathways noted to be upregulated were IL-6, which has been technologies with a larger case cohort will be needed to
shown to be increased in adenomyotic stromal cells cocul- validate these conclusions.
tured with macrophages,59 and ERK/MAPK, which has been
associated with uterine smooth muscle proliferation in
Future Directions
women with adenomyosis.81
The aforementioned evidence supports that invagination Despite new progress in our understanding of the pathology
of the endometrial basalis into the myometrium is the and pathogenesis of adenomyosis, several fundamental
favored model for the genesis of adenomyosis, as both questions remain unanswered. Future pathology research
epithelial and stromal progenitor cells residing in basalis is needed to classify adenomyosis, and there is a pressing
are responsible not only for regenerating the entire func- need to understand the molecular and genetic underpin-
tional layer after menstruation but can also promote adeno- nings of this disease to facilitate new diagnostic and thera-
myosis development in the opposite direction. However, the peutic paradigms.
data should not be construed as supporting only this model Classification. Foremost is that a standardized classifica-
of the pathogenesis of adenomyosis. For example, it has also tion system is developed in pathology to accurately docu-

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been proposed that metaplasia of displaced embryonic plu- ment and report the disease and for a consistency in
ripotent Müllerian remnants or differentiation of adult en- designing basic and clinical studies for meaningful interpre-
dometrial progenitor cells can also be the origin of tation in future adenomyosis research. With the advent of
adenomyosis and its related lesion, endometriosis. Over molecular technologies, we believe that a model integrating
the last few years, it has been shown that stem cells present clinical–pathological findings and molecular data such as
in the endometrium basalis have the capacity to regenerate somatic mutation load, cancer driver mutation landscape,
and replace endometrium.82 This discovery has led to the and methylation profiles can be developed to correlate with
postulation that individual stem cells may disseminate lo- clinical phenotypes. This knowledge will be essential for a
cally or spread through the circulation to cause adenomyosis better understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease.
if deposited in the myometrium and/or to cause endometri- Diagnosis. Development of practical diagnostic tools with
osis if deposited outside the uterus. Why are stem cells high accuracy is desirable to guide diagnosis and clinical
present in the myometrium? A possible explanation is that management. While MRI and ultrasound in the past two
stem cells may be activated by tissue injury which favors decades have provided a noninvasive diagnostic tool for
migration to the myometrium rather than the endometri- adenomyosis, correlation of these with pathological findings
um.83,84 However, this stem cell hypothesis faces a major is warranting. As molecular signatures may likely differ in
challenge, that is, how does an individual stem cell simulta- eutopic endometrium of women with versus without adeno-
neously could differentiate into both epithelium and stroma myosis, it is envisioned that adenomyosis could be reliably
which are present in all adenomyosis and endometriosis predicted based on an endometrial molecular “adenomyosis
lesions. If it does, both lesions should harbor the same signature,” ideally including imaging results in a risk-predict-
founder mutations, and future studies need to provide ing algorithm. Equally important is to develop blood-based
such new evidence. From the standpoint of histopathology, biomarkers that can help diagnose a woman with adenomyosis
it is more likely that endometrial epithelial progenitor cells with high sensitivity and specificity. This will be made possible
reside in basal glands which may extend into the myome- after a better understanding of the aberrant adenomyosis-
trium, where the progenitor cells and their glands accompa- specific secretome including exosome, miRNA species, and
nied by presumed stromal progenitor cells codevelop into unique protein biomarkers and their combinations.
adenomyosis. Disease mechanisms. It is important for future directions
in studying the pathology of adenomyosis to focus on under-
standing molecular and genetic changes present in both
eutopic and ectopic lesions to determine their roles in the
Adenomyosis is a benign gynecological disorder which con- development of adenomyosis and how they relate to specific
sists of endometrial glands and stroma in the myometrium. disease phenotypes. More studies are needed to determine
Although adenomyosis is related to endometriosis, both phylogenetic trajectories in the development of adenomyo-
lesions are thought to develop through different mecha- sis from eutopic endometrium. Future studies also need to
nisms. Results of recent molecular genetic studies imply integrate the somatic mutation data to the theory of endo-
that adenomyosis is clonally derived from the basal endo- metrial progenitor (stem cell-like) cells. While truncal muta-
metrium, a result in resonance to the original Cullen’s tions are shared by progenitor cells and their progeny,
hypothesis that adenomyosis is the “invasion” of endometri- indicating a clonal derivation of the latter from the former,
al tissue into myometrium. Despite this fact, adenomyosis it remains unclear where those progenitor cells are physi-
develops its own progeny during development, and can be cally located and how many they are in eutopic and ectopic
molecularly distinguished from proximal eutopic endome- endometrium.

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