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: Ramadhani Widita Andini Pratinawang

SIN : 195110507111004
Class : Introduction to English Linguistics B
1.    Make tree diagram for the following sentences:
a. John loves wonderful lady
b. The smart boy won the competition
c. I am a shooting star leaping through the sky
2.    These are ambiguous sentence, draw the tree diagram of each sentence to represent the deep 
structures of the sentence
a. Robert saw a girl with a camera
b. We met an English history teacher
c. The parents of the bride and groom were waiting outside
a. John loves wonderful lady
John (N) loves (V) wonderful (Adj) lady (N)
[NP [N John]]
[VP [V Loves]]
[NP [Adj Wonderful] [N Lady]]
S = NP + VP

[S [NP [N John]] [VP [V loves] [NP [Adj wonderful] [N lady]]]

b. The smart boy won the competition
The (Art) Smart (Adj) Boy (N) Won (Verb) The (Art) Competition (Noun)
[NP [Art The] [Adj smart] [N boy]]
[VP [V Won]]
[NP [Art the] [N competition]]
S = NP + VP
[S [NP [Art The] [Adj smart] [N Boy]] [VP [V won] [NP [Art the] [N competition]]]


c. I am a shooting star leaping through the sky

I (pro) am (Vaux) a (Art) shooting star (N) leaping (V) through (Prep) the (Art) sky (N)
NP   : [NP [N I am] [N shooting star]]
VP   : [VP [V leaping] [Prep through] [Art a] [N sky]]
S = NP + VP
[S [NP [Pro I] [Aux am] [Art a] [N Shooting star]] [VP [V leaping] [P through] [Art the]
[N sky]]]


a. Robert saw a girl with a camera

a. Possible One 
   Robert (N) saw (V) a (Art) girl (N) with (Prep) a (Art) camera (N)

   NP : Robert (PN)

   VP : saw (V) a (Art) girl (N) with (Prep) a (Art) camera (N)

   VP : V + NP

   NP : NP + PP

   NP : [Robert (N)]

   PP : [with (Prep) a (Art) camera (N)]

  Subject (Robert/NP) + Predicate (saw/VP) + Object (a girl with a camera)

[S [NP [N Robert]] [VP [V saw] [NP [Art a] [N girl] [PP [with] [NP [Art a] [N camera]]]



b.  Possible Two 

Robert (Subject) saw (Predicate) a girl (Object) with a camera (Adverb)

S      : NP (Robert) + VP (saw a girl with a camera)

NP   : [N Robert]

VP   : [V] [NP] [PP]

VP   : [V saw] [NP [Art a] [N girl]] [PP [Prep with] [NP [Art a] [N girl]
Robert (NP) + saw (VP) a girl (NP) + with a camera (PP)

[S [NP [N Robert]] [VP [V saw] [NP [Art a] [N girl]] [PP [Prep with] [Art a] [N


b. We met an English history teacher

    We (N) met (V) an (Art) English (Adj) history (N) teacher (N)
    S : NP (We) + VP ( met a teacher English history)
    NP : [N We]
    VP : [V met]
    NP : [NP [Art an] [Adj English] [N history] [N teacher] 
    S = NP + VP   

a. Possible one
[S [NP [N We]] [VP [V met] [AP [Art an] [Adj English]] [NP [N history] [N teacher]]]
b. Possible Two
[S [NP We] [VP [V met] [AP [Art an] [Adj English] [NP [N history] [N teacher]]]

c. The parents of the bride and groom were waiting outside
The (art) parents (N) of (prep) the (art) bride (n) and (prep) groom were(n) waiting (v)
NP [NP [ Art the] [N parents]]
PP [Prep of] [art the] [N bride]

a. Possible One
[S [NP [Art The] [N parents]] [VP [V waiting] [PP [Prep of] [Art the] [N bride]  [NP
[Con and] [N groom] [Adv outside]]

b. Possible Two
[S [NP [Art The] [N parents] [PP [Pre of] [NP [Art the] [N bride] [Conj and] [N
groom]]]] [VP [Aux were] [V waiting] [Adv outside]]

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