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Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 1

Organ of the International Communist Party

WHAT DISTINGUISHES OUR PARTY: The political continuity which goes from Marx and Engels to Lenin, to the foundation of the Communist International and
the Communist Party of Italy; the class struggle of the Communist Left against the degeneration of the International, the struggle against the theory of “ socialism
in one country ” and the Stalinist counter-revolution; the rejection of all popular fronts and national resistance blocs; the struggle against the principles and practice
Nr 16
of bourgeois democracy, against interclassism and political and trade-union class collaboration, against any form of opportunism and nationalism; the difficult Spring-Summer2020
task of restoring the Marxist doctrine and the revolutionary organ par excellence - the class party - closely linked with the working class, and its daily struggle Supplement to the
in opposition to capitalism and bourgeois oppression; the struggle against personal and electoral politics, against any form of indifferentism, of tailism, of
movementism or the adventurist practice of “ armed struggle ” ; the support of any proletarian struggle which breaks with social peace and rejects the discipline “le prolétaire” Nr. 537
of interclassist collaborationism; the support of all efforts towards proletarian class reorganisation on the basis of economic associationism, with the perspective
of a large s cale res umption of the c lass st ruggle, proletar ian internationalism and the revolutionary anticapitalist strug gle. £1/US$1,5/CAD2 $/€1,5

United States:
•-Coronavirus: unable to control the City revolts after Minneapolis police
outbreak, the bourgeoisie uses it to
tighten its social and political control murders african american George Floyd
•-On the struggle against pension During a police check on Monday, of cities, from Louisville to Philadel-
reform in France In the Face of the May 25, George Floyd’s car is stopped; phia, Los Angeles, Detroit, New York,
Sabotage of Union Leaderships.
the police gets him out of his vehicle, Chicago and Denver.
•-Finland: W ave of Strikes in the
«Happiest Country in the W orld» handcuffs him with his arms behind his George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black
•-Iraq,..The youth is protesting, the back, and makes him lie down. A police- American from Houston, had been liv-
police shoot to defend the bourgeois man restrains him by pressing his knee ing in Minneapolis for five years; he
order! on George’s neck for several minutes, used to work as a security guard in a
•-Outbreak of anti-Muslim violence in while three other cops stand up in sur- restaurant that had to close down be-
India. veillance. George Floyd complains and cause of the confinement in March, and
•-In Sudan, interclassism and de- says multiple times: “I can’t breathe, I he was looking for a job. He had the
mocratism are getting the revolt de- can’t breathe.” People around ask the misfortune to be arrested by white cops
feated policeman to stop and point out that the – a misfortune that cost him his life.
man’s nose is bleeding as they record The four policemen involved in
the scene on camera; but the cop keeps George Floyd’s arrest and murder have
pressing his knee on George’s neck to been dismissed; in a quavering voice,
On the measures taken immobilize him. Soon after, George Floyd the mayor of Minneapolis declared:
by the bourgeoisie dies. An ambulance arrives and picks “George Floyd deserves justice, his fam-
him up. Witnesses share the video on ily deserves justice, the Black communi-
regarding the social networks. ty deserves justice and our city deserves
coronavirus epidemic Minneapolis’s African American justice.” But what would have happened
community reacted immediately – as if the scene hadn’t been recorded on
To the proletarians, did people all around the country. Pro- camera? George Floyd would have been
to our readers, tests, riots, clashes with anti-riot po- labelled an alcoholic and a drug addict,
to our comrades lice, fires erupted in Minneapolis and,
in a matter of days, spread to dozens ( Continued on page 2 )

Faced with the epidemic of the Cov-

id-19 coronavirus, in many countries
the bourgeoisie has taken a series of Nature, Function and Tactics
unprecedented exceptionally restrictive
of the Revolutionary Party of the
The bourgeoisie depends on a mode
of production whose aim is the valoriza-
Working Class (1945)
tion of capital by savagely exploiting the This text was written by Amadeo Bordiga at the beginning of 1945, before
physical, nervous and social energies of the end of the war; but it was only published in 1947, in Prometeo n°7 (the
the proletariat and the weakest strata of theoretical journal of the Party at that time), in the series “The Theses of the Left”.
the population of all countries; it is there-
fore congenitally incapable to structure The question of the party’s tactics is in transitory episodes.
the society so that the health of human- of fundamental importance, and it must When problems relating to the na-
ity in its economic and social life; could be studied in the context ofthe historical ture and action of the party are posed,
be preserved: it is unable to rationalize struggles between various tendencies this implies a passage from the stage of
the capitalist economy in order to har- and positions within the 2nd and 3rd mere critical interpretation ofsocial proc-
monize it with the needs of human social Internationals. esses to a stage in which an actively
life and with the natural environment, It is incorrect to think that this ques- operating force can exert an influence on
which leads to increasingly devastating such processes. This passage consti-
tion is secondary and derivative, in the
crises. Therefore it cannot cope with
sense that groups in agreement on the- tutes the most important and delicate
natural events – earthquakes, tsunamis,
floods, epidemics, climate change, etc.– oryandprogram might, without compris- point ofthe entire Marxist system, and it
ing these foundations, defend and apply
( Continued on page 3 ) different orientationsin action, even only ( Continued on page 14 )
2 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020

duction, which has revolutionized the

United States: world, has its historical roots in Europe,
City revolts after Minneapolis police in Italy, in England, in France, in Germa-
ny; White peoples who, with the devel-
murders african american George Floyd opment of industry, have colonized the
world and subjugated peoples on every
continent. And as long as capitalism ex-
( Continuationfrom page 1 ) bodies in order to survive. A form of slav- ists, so will the myths of the individual,
ery that carries all the most abject forms the great boss or the supreme leader, the
just like the Minneapolis Police Depart- of previous societies with it, showing self-made capitalist; so will racism in all
ment tried to do, before the video belied how the capitalist society, from the its many forms, always determined by
these claims. standpoint of human relations, is the most the time’s economic, political, social and
How is Trump, the current president, dehumanizing and inhuman class socie- cultural requirements.
reacting in the face of the clashes, van- ty in history. In order to get rid of racism, whose
dalizing and fires that express the anger,
built-up for centuries, of an enslaved,
segregated, marginalized, stamped on,
Black American community who falls
constantly victim to harassment and
murders – in the country that claims to
give lessons on democracy and civiliza-
tion to the world? He is boasting about
sending the Army in the cities on fire; he
is calling the protesters “terrorists”; he
is declaring that “when the looting starts,
the shooting starts (1)”
But this anger is not caused only by The bourgeois racism against the roots can be found in the economic and
yet another Black’s cold-blood murder; proletarian class, against the wage social structure of bourgeois society, it
it is the consequence of social condi- workers’ “race”, exploited for the sole is the mode of production on which it
tions that, because of a pandemic re- purpose of making profit and thrown grows that must be gotten rid of, start-
sponded to lightly and arrogantly by away like garbage when they can no ing not with culture and “conscience”,
Trump and his presidential advisers, longer be exploited, this racism has not mere reflections of the capitalist econom-
have aggravated the situation of millions replaced the former ruling classes’, the ic and social structure, but with proletar-
of American proletarians. Today, there nobility’s, the clergy’s, the feudal ian class struggle, in which the decisive
are about 40 million more unemployed lords’ or the antique slave owners’ rac- element is the shared wage worker con-
Americans due to the “public health” ism; it has added up to it. dition, regardless of the color of the skin,
crisis. Reactions could only be violent, In the era of private property raised the race, or the country of origin. The
and the response from Trump and the to its highest power, the ruling bourgeois only way to successfully oppose every
police could only be even more violent. class has introduced – thanks to the cap- form of racism is the struggle against the
George Floyd is not the first Black to italist mode of production – another, ruling bourgeois class, regardless of the
be murdered by white cops in the US, much more decisive form of private prop- color of its skin, its race or its country of
and, sadly, he will not be the last. Every erty: the private appropriation of produc- origin, because it is benefiting from all
time the police kills African Americans, tion. This private appropriation, which oppressions, from all forms of racism,
every self-righteous media and every allows every entrepreneur to decide the from all forms of slavery.
Democrat is outraged and let loose his fate of the wage workers he employs even To demand the respect of rights that
wailing; and they call for peace, peace- when he doesn’t own the means of pro- the ruling class never respects, rights on
ful coexistence and the respect of every duction, and even when the funds to start which it is always ready to stamp to de-
American citizen’s rights, regardless of the production, or its distribution, have fend its power onto all and everything,
whether he is Black, White, Indian or been borrowed, this private appropria- is falling for an illusion that, with time,
Asian. Fancy words that have never tion is the basis on which rests the bour- has always shattered the reactions to
make racism go away; indeed, there is an geois privilege – a privilege attached to bourgeois malfeasance. It is might, not
innate racism in every ruling class and, the entrepreneur “race”, the capitalist right, that matters. This is a lesson that
with the bourgeoisie, it has reached lev- “race” who has, in effect, a right of life the bourgeoisie teaches us every day.
els unheard of in previous societies. and death on the proletariat and most of Only through might, the might of prole-
The bourgeoisie is the class who has the population. And since every bour- tarian class struggle, will it be possible
merged, in its ideology, the notion of in- geois competes with other bourgeois and to face the bourgeoisie, in the US as well
tellectual and civil supremacy on all the must therefore use his social privilege as everywhere in the world, by paving
other classes, with the “natural” privi- and stamp on both wage slaves and the way for the anti-capitalist, anti-bour-
lege of being the class who first over- bourgeois competitors, he finds an geois revolution.
came the primitive barbaric conditions ready-made tool in the racial oppression June, 2nd 2020
of life, thanks to production techniques, forms inherited from former societies,
industry, innovations and scientific dis- these forms being perfectly compatible
coveries. But this supremacy, this privi- with the state-of-the-art capitalist op- (1) This phrase is not innocent: in
lege, rest on a mode of production – cap- pression’s own ones. 1967, during the civil rights movement,
italism – based on the most advanced Racism against Blacks, against Jews, Miami police Chief Walter Headley used
form of slavery: wage slavery, under against Indians, against Latinos, or the same words; so did George Wallace,
which most of the population has no against Asians, dates back a long time a segregationist presidential candidate,
choice but to sell their labor power and ago. The modern capitalist mode of pro- during his 1968 campaign.
Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 3

On the measures taken by the bourgeoisie these measures. Only food stores, phar-
macies, gas stations, newsagents and,
regarding the coronavirus epidemic of course, hospitals, are open.
To the proletarians, to our readers, As a matter of fact, under the pretext
of the epidemic, the bourgeoisie is
to our comrades putting in place a system of social con-
trol as a general test of what it deems
( Continuation from page 1) by the ruling class to apply – in a period necessary when the social situation is
of particular economic difficulty for much more critical, when the nascent
with methods and means able of effec- many world powers – a directly anti-pro- economic crisis plunges the masses into
tively reducing their negative effects. letarian policy. disastrous living conditions and prompt
Science and scientific discoveries The fear of the bourgeoisie is the them to react against everything that rep-
played a major role in the development economic recession, the stock market resents the existing economic and polit-
of the productive forces in the revolu- crisis – situations which prevent indus- ical power.
tionary era when the bourgeoisie, with trial, commercial and financial capital from The bourgeois sing always the same
the fundamental contribution of the pro- generating sufficient profits. The eco- song: in front of a danger that can strike
letarians and the poor peasants, violent- nomic crisis provokes a social crisis; a everyone, let us unite, we must all do
ly destroyed the old feudal forms of pro- large part of the population suffers from our part, no more divisions between rich
duction, property and social manage- its negative effects and they react in a and poor, no more oppositions between
ment; but they were inexorably bent to thousand ways, most often irrational and social classes, because union is the only
the interests of capitalist profit and the uncontrolled. The only class that could way to be victorious
defense of property and production re- reason rationally, act in an organized way The call to “sacred union” made by
lations guaranteeing the domination of and with specific objectives, is the pro- the ruling class during the first and sec-
capital and therefore of the bourgeoisie. letarian class, if it is guided by its class ond world wars, comes back whenever
The congenital greed of the latter, as party. The bourgeoisie is really afraid of the bourgeois power runs a risk, of de-
the owner of the means of production this: the historical experience of the 19th feat in a war or of credibility and confi-
and capital, leads her to save on every- and 20th centuries has taught it that its dence in perilous situations, as in the
thing that can hinder the accumulation deadly enemy is the organized proletari- case of “terrorism” or an epidemic. And
of wealth as quickly as possible and in at, truly aware of its class interests – for this social control, the bourgeoisie
the greatest quantities; this is why it and not the competing bourgeoisies of can count on the tireless efforts of the
considers as an obstacle the measures other countries, or the foreign bourgeoi- opportunist and collaborationist parties
of safety at work and of social preven- sies with which it is at war. and unions, which once again demon-
tion. The capitalists generate much more It is to prevent any attempt of the strate that they are at the service of the
profit from disasters than from their pre- proletariat to resume its class struggle, capitalists and their state to impose bour-
vention: it is an unwritten law but sys- to regain confidence in its own forces geois interests against the proletariat
tematically applied, as shown by wars and in its own class interests, that the and his class interests.
and all so-called “natural” disasters. Cap- bourgeoisie adopts these measures of The prevention implemented by the
italism build to destroy, and destroys to “social prevention”. The measures tak- bourgeoisie has the essential aim of de-
rebuild in an infernal spiral engendered en first in China and then in Italy against fending its power, its domination, its priv-
by this mode of production. The race for the spread of the epidemic, go exactly in ileges. On the one hand, the bourgeoisie
capitalist profit everywhere come before the direction of blocking any possible has demonstrated its inability to prevent
any social interest which would slow reaction movement of the proletariat. epidemics and prevent them from spread-
down it! A race that will only end with In China, once the existence of the ing rapidly throughout the world, hiding
the destruction of bourgeois political new coronavirus was declared, the gov- for reasons of purely economic interest -
power, the elimination of the capitalist ernment decided to shut down the –as has been irrefutably demonstrated
mode of production and its replacement whole city of Wuhan, then the whole the gravity of the illness when it ap-
by the communist mode of production province of Hubei of which it is the cap- peared; on the other hand, it reveals that
with no money, no capital, no goods, no ital, then other cities and regions where it has a very different objective from that
market, no class divisions. infectious outbreaks had occurred. These hypocritically proclaimed of “defense of
The bourgeoisie puts scientific dis- shutdowns forced all residents to stay public health”: the defense of the capi-
coveries, technical innovations and cloistered at home, being able to go out talist economy, at a time when the eco-
knowledge, at the service of humanity only in the event of extreme medical or nomic crisis has already knocked at he
only if it benefits either financially or in food necessity. doors of China, Italy, Germany and there-
terms of economic and political domina- The same thing happened in Italy: in fore of all of Europe. The militarization of
tion. And including in this case, the same a very short time, we went from the con- society goes in this direction and Italy,
economic causes which push to devel- finement of a few localities, to that of the in this case, will serve as a model for the
op techniques of production and to whole region of Lombardy, then of 13 other “democratic” countries.
deepen the knowledge of the vital proc- other provinces of Veneto to Emilia-Ro- But there was a violent reaction to
esses of nature, of which man is an inte- magna, until finally decreeing the whole the measures taken by the government:
gral part, causes which can be summed country “Red Zone”. The increasingly that of the prison population.
up in the capitalist competition, push the drastic measures taken by the govern- In no less than 29 penal institutions,
capitalists to curb, even to bury, all ment day after day, summed up by the detainees rebelled against the sine die
branches of research which cannot guar- official slogan “I stay at home” (as if it suspension of visits from their relatives,
antee profits in the shortest possible was a “choice” of the inhabitants), in- not to mention that no preventive meas-
time. The only prevention to which the deed impose a round-the-clock curfew ure, even the most basic, was planned
bourgeois class devotes its forces, is for on the 60 million Italians. for them. They broke the bars, they went
its own existence, the defense of the cap- Gatherings, public demonstrations up on the roofs, they set the bedding on
italist economic system, with all its laws, and, of course, strikes, in short, the free fire, they attacked the infirmaries; in
its contradictions, its limits, and its po- movement of people, are prohibited; only short, they expressed the anger accumu-
litical and military forms of the State the police and military are allowed to trav-
The coronavirus pandemic is used el and they verify that nobody evade ( Continued on page 4 )
4 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020

To the proletarians, to our Coronavirus:

readers, to our comrades
( Continuationfrom page 3 )
Unable to control the outbreak,
lated over time against the unbearable the bourgeoisie uses it to tighten
conditions in which they are forced to
live, showing the hypocrisy of prison
its social and political control
policy not only as a place of punishment The new coronavirus, initiallycalled demonstrates its obedience – it cannot
for the crimes committed, but as a place 2019-nCoV(newcoronavirus2019), then be any other way in a bourgeois society
where detainees are “educated” to re- Covid19, belongs to a vast family of vi- – to the market, to the capitalist profit’s
turn to civil society at the end of their ruses causing illnesses ranging from the economy. The very fact that the Chinese
sentence. common cold tothe Middle East respira- authorities have concealed the informa-
The overcrowded prisons, with tory syndrome (MERS) to the severe tion for months has resulted in a huge
their terrible detention conditions, in acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). It delay in the first measures aimed at con-
which hygiene and the treatment of ill- first appeared in Wuhan, a big industrial taining the spread of the virus; but the
nesses are hypothetical, are the mirror
cityin Hubei, China. conditions of life themselves, the hy-
of bourgeois society. The bourgeois
want to “educate” the free proletarians The World Health Organization giene and the enormous mass of people
as are the prisoners – who are also (WHO) issued its first notice on the Cov- in thismegalopolis that lookslikea gigan-
mostly proletarians. id19 on December 31, 2019; but some tic hive of activity, pave the way for
The proletariat must understand that medias (like the New York Times) have uncontrollable outbreaks, outbreaks that,
the bourgeoisie and its political and un- revealed that this coronavirus had been because of the modern means of trans-
ion valets take every opportunity to identified as soon as last October: the portation, quickly spread around the
submit it to the interests of the ruling Chinese authorities have concealed their world.
class, to make them forget that, while information for more than two months – After the containment failed, what
being the class exploited par excellence, liketheyhad done with the SRASin 2009 have the Chinese authorities done? They
it nevertheless constitutes a social and –out offear that this newepidemic would have isolated cities and rural areas: ac-
historical force capable of liberation of bebad for business… which it eventually cording to the medias, the inhabitants of
the bourgeois influence which leads it turned out to be in January and February Wuhan and its province have been com-
towards an ever greater enslavement to 2020, not only in China, but worldwide, pletely cut off, confined to their homes.
the bourgeois state, towards the use of with the global economy suffering and Cities and districts all over China are
its energies, its capacities, its generosi- set to keep suffering important damage. becoming militarized areas and experi-
ty, its intelligence, for the defense of Everyone has heard of Dr Li Wen- encemartial law.
capitalism and the various social forms liang: he is the one who first raised a flag And what do the authorities in other
put implemented each time by the ruling about this newvirus andthe menaceofan countries do when a new outbreak of
class. The proletariat can only free itself epidemic; it got him arrested, and the Covid19 appears? Theyisolate cities and
from this enslavement by breaking rad- Chinese authorities forced him to retract neighboring territories, like theyhave in
ically with the collaboration of the class-
publically. In the end, theyhad tolet him Italy in the ten municipalities of Lodi-
es, by fighting on all fronts its enemy,
the bourgeois class. go so that he could resume his work; but, giano and the municipalityof Vo’ Euga-
The closing of the borders between having been infected too, he eventually neo, near Padua. On January 30, Italy
the nations is the further demonstration diedin earlyFebruary. Given the serious- decided tosuspend all flights toand from
that the bourgeoisies of all countries rea- ness of this new illness and how easily it China; Russia did the same a bit later,
son in the same way: they think above had spreadin Wuhan, in China and else- closing its borders with China and other
all of defending their economies, their where, because of the many commerce Asian countries. However, after new
business, accusing the other countries ties between Wuhan’s companies and outbreaks had been identified in Italy,
of being carriers of diseases, treating the rest of the world, the issue couldn’t other countrieslike Austriaand Bulgaria,
them as “aggressors” against whom one have been concealed for much longer. along with countries that used to wel-
must defend oneself as in wartime: the As soon as January 30, one month come many Italian tourists, like Mauri-
aggressor is always the other, But virus- after the WHO issued its notice, the offi- tius, Seychelles, Jordan or even Kuwait,
es know no borders ... and it will be the cialdeath tollin Chinawasonly169, while all decided to close their gates toItalians.
same tomorrow when the virus of revo- there were7,000infectedworldwide(Chi- It is telling that, confronted to events
lutionary class struggle crosses the sa- na, Honk Kong, South Korea, Vietnam, like this newcoronavirus, and even more
cred borders of all bourgeois nations. Japan – thecruise ship Diamond Princess so when they affect not one country but
The drastic measures taken by gov- stranded in Yokohama with 3,700 people “the whole world”, the medias rush into
ernments are also an obstacle to our ac- on board – and elsewhere). reporting, broadcast pictures, videos and
tivity as an international party, both for Thanks to the various researches in all sorts of interviews; by doing so, they
the distribution of our press and for trav- hospitals andinstitutes aroundthe world, feed an excessive anxiety about events
el and meetings. the means to detect this new virus’s that, in a society where distrust, fear,
We won’t give up, we will continue
presence have become more effective. uncertainty, insecurity are everywhere,
our political work by any means we can
use, and in this case the internet is defi- As a consequence, the number of people can easily lead to a panic. The first reac-
nitely useful to us. We know that tomor- officially infected has risen sharply. On tion is then to blame the threat on the
row the threats against the class activity February12 therewere morethan 45,000 “outsider” who doesn’t belong to the
of the proletariat will undoubtedly be worldwide (44,700 in China) and 1,100 close world of one’s family, country or
very serious and that the difficulties will had died; on February 25, there were social strata. Then it’s “down with poi-
increase, as will also be the case for our 80,350 and2,705 had died, most of them soners!” who during the Great Plague
party activity. (2,663) in China, especiallyin the Hubei were blamed for the illness, “down with
But it would not be a revolution- province, source of the outbreak. Chinese!” treated liketheywereall carry-
ary activity if it was facilitated by the Just as it had with the MERS and the ing a mortal disease, “down with Ital-
bourgeoisie. SARS, once again bourgeois science ians!” like it has recentlyhappened after
Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 5

the apparition of outbreaks in Lombardi thing it can to save as many people as tion and social domination, get rid ofit for
and Venetia: now the verycivilized Ital- possible, can fight… good, and replace it with a society cen-
ians (among whom one would have no It’s likesaying: proletarians,you have tered on the needs of the human species,
difficulty finding racists) are having a no other choice but to leave it to the in harmony with itself and nature.
taste of the same “medicine” once given capitalists, who own the financial, eco- History has taught the bourgeoisie
toJews, Roms, immigrants, etc. nomic, political and military means, to that the proletariat is the only social
Ofcourse, such an epidemicmust not “protect” you from these ills that cannot power able to confront it and shatter its
be treated lightly, and that would be true beprevented, except maybe in the future, own political and militarypower. Bybe-
for measles, cholera, or anyother illness. when science will have made progress… coming the new ruling class, the prole-
But every winter sees the spread of For the bourgeoisie’s interests don’t tariat can then apply its political pro-
various flu viruses that affect an impor- lie solely in the business and profits it gram, aimed first at eliminatingthe bour-
tant percentage of the population and makes with every tragedy, every catas- geoisie as a class (i.e.: not onlyas a ruling
kill thousands, in particularamong elders trophe; they also lie in the attitude the class), then at eliminating itself as a pro-
and people already weakened by other proletariat adopts in the face ofthe prob- letarian class as well; indeed, the new
diseases. These deaths don’t move the lems generated by such catastrophes. It mode of production established by the
authorities or the medias: vaccines al- is in the bourgeoisie’s interest that the dictatorship of the proletariat won’t be
ready exist on the market, and many proletariat not onlyabide bythe require- based on capital’s exploitation of wage
medicines are sold to address the effects ments of the capitalist class every day of labor in an economy that turns every-
of this flu. When a new virus appear, it’s its life; but that it also be convinced that thing, living beings included, into com-
another matter: then, all the pharmaceu- there’s no alternative to bourgeois rule. modities; it will be based on the actual
tical companies in the world tryto find a And, to that end, the ruling class uses needs of the human species’ social life,
vaccine that could be used and with each and every mean that proves effec- it will get rid of all division of society in
which they could make astronomical tive: from traditional reformiststo scien- classes, and therefore of all exploitation
profits – especially if the authorities tistspaid tospread, at the same time, fear of man by man.
makevaccination almost mandatory(like and an unshakable belief in the almighty Only in such a society can all poten-
they did with the avian flu). As always, efficiency of bourgeois science; from tiallypositivediscoveries beactuallyused
business is business, and it’s even bet- authoritarianism, with all its police and for the benefit of human beings, rather
ter if “the health of the public” can serve militaryforces, to religionsinviting peo- than for markets; only in such a society
as a pretext! ple to pray to a god who, after having can all activities potentially nefarious to
But there is yet another aspect that sent ills to Earth, would then make them humanity’s present and future be elimi-
should be noted in the way the bourgeoi- go away… nated. Then, prevention will be a funda-
sie handles such events, an aspect that Capitalism will never change; it will mental aspect of science, because this
concerns primarilythe proletariat. never organize society according to the newsciencewill beable tomakeprogress-
Somethingelsespreads withthe coro- requirementsof human health: business, es only dreamt of (at best!) by a bour-
navirus: fear, in the faceofwhat looks like capitalist profit, are radicallyopposed to geois science entirely determined by the
an ill that onlythe capitalist society, with the needs of human life and health. It’s interests ofthe economy of disaster that
its science and its resources, the capital- capitalism that has togo! In other words, is capitalism!
ist society that supposedly does every- we must get rid of this mode of produc- March, 1st 2020

On the struggle against pension reform in France

In the Face of the Sabotage of Union Leaderships,
Lead the Struggle on a Class Basis!
The day of action on 17 December ultra-collaborationist unions that sup- the union leadership to judge that the
was an undeniable success. While the ported the government project until now, situation is mature!
transport strike (SNCF-railway, RATP- were forced to oppose it - no doubt in But this is actually sabotage, pure and
Paris subway and buses, etc.) continued, order not to be disavowed by their base. simple! The union leadership is too eager
it was marked by renewed mobilization in It was the moment to generalize and to continue the usual comedy of negoti-
the streets (twice as many demonstrators accentuate the mobilization and strike ations with the government to consider
as on Dec. 10) and strikes, particularly in movement, as the unions had been trum- organizing a real struggle. “Without a
schools. That day the strike movement peting (we are going to ’harden’ the response from the government in the
affected refineries and other sectors, movement, they claimed!). Result: the next few hours”, the CGT, FO, FSU, Sol-
while Arcelor Mittal steelworkers had Intersyndicale (interunion coalition) idaires unions “will decide on the neces-
been on strike since the 5th. Numerous meeting that evening decided to... decide sary follow-up beyond December”! (In-
picket lines were set up in bus depots in nothing: “it wasn’t completely mature tersyndicale press release). It would be
the Paris region despite police interven- to set a new date for national mobiliza- difficult to make more open mockery of
tions to unblock them. The strike also tion tonight”according to the education the striking workers who are told to wait
affected the refineries and there was a main union FSU. The workers were asked until next month (9 January). Strikers re-
blockade of many ports, etc. to fall back on local initiatives - which, plied immediately: if the union leaders go
The government was in trouble with inevitably, were little followed; at a time on holiday, we will continue the struggle!
the Delevoye affair : after the revelations when proletarians have a pressing need All these trade union apparatuses are
about the concealment of some reve- to centralize and unify their struggle, the defenders of the establishedorder:above
nues, the minister in charge of making the Intersyndicale tended to break up the all, they do not want a generalisation of
proletarians swallow the degradation of movement while waiting... what? Rail- the movement that would risk becoming
their future retirement pensions was way workers who have been on strike for
forced to resign; the CFDT and other more than 10 days cannot wait forever for ( Continued on page 6 )
6 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020

On the struggle struggle, “inter-professional” general

assemblies are being held to extend and « Il Comunista »
against pension unify the movement over the differences Nr.164 - giugno 2020
reform in France of trade and corporation, effective picket
lines are being set up, and calls for nation- Nell’interno
( Continuationfrom page 5 ) al days of mobilization are being made by •-Dopo la pandemia da coronavirus, niente
dangerous for the proper functioning of the strikers to get around the blockade of sarà più come prima?
the union apparatuses. These initiatives •-Partito di classe e programma comunista
capitalism, threatening social peace and
•-Stati Uniti: città in rivolta dopo l’uccisio-
collaboration with the class enemies of are still limited, but they point the way ne de George Floyd
the proletarians - whom they consider as forward for workers in the current and •-Spagna. Alla Nissan 3.000 licenziamenti
“partners”. The is therefore bet- future struggles against all bourgeois diretti e altri 13.000 indiretti.
ting on the exhaustion of the strikers, attacks. •-Lettere al giornale
while the leadership of UNSA-Railways Organization and struggle on class •-Viva lo smart working?
and the CFDT at the request of the gov- bases independently and against any •-Al lavoro come in guerra!
ernmentopenlycallfor a ’Christmas truce’ bourgeois and collaborationist influence! •-A cent’anni dalla prima guerra mondiale.
to break up the movement. (10)
No illusions! These professionals of Withdrawal of pension reform and •-Anche in Sudafrica la borghesia utilizza
l’isteria anti-immigranti
the “social dialogue” with the bosses all government anti-worker measures!
•-Belgio. Contro le illusioni sullo Stato
and the bourgeois State, will never be Full wage to the unemployed and pen- borghese, per la lotta proletaria!
true defenders of the class interests of sioners! Immediate upgrading of wages •-Manuel Ellis, un altro nero soffocato dagli
the proletarians. and allminimum social wages! Regular- agenti di polizia
Against this sabotage, open or not, of ization of undocumented workers and •-Il Primo Maggio al tempo del coronavirus
union apparatuses completely integrat- migrants! Solidarity with the victims of •-Migranti marchiati con una croce
ed into the bourgeois network of main- police repression! Giornale bimestrale - Una copia 1,5 €, 5
taining social order, salvation lies only in No truce in the anti-capitalist class CHF, £ 1,5 - Abbonamento annuo: 8 €; 25
the organization of the struggle on class struggle! CHF; £ 6 - Abbonamento annuo di soste-
bases. Already in many places strike gno: 16 €; 50 CHF; £ 12
committees have been set up to lead the December 21, 2019

Finland: Wave of Strikes

in the “Happiest Country in the World”
In March 2019, the United Nations to the capitalist system and the bour- CoalitionParty, twotraditional right-wing
published its World Happiness Re- geois state. This is nolonger thecase; the bourgeois parties.
port (1): for the second year in a row countryhas been hard hit bythe econom- The central objective ofthis reaction-
Finland was ranked first. Finland is a ic crisis of 2008, the consequences of arygovernment wasthe recoveryofFinn-
small Nordic countrywith a population of which were felt for years. A symbolic ish capitalism, which meant restoring the
5.5 million and a reputation for being a example of this is the fall of Nokia; the rate of profit by lowering the ’cost of
model welfare state. The media around former telecom giant onlyescaped bank- labor’ and reducing social spending.
the world have reported on its plans to ruptcy by divesting itself of a large part The main tool has been a ’competi-
create a guaranteed universal income for of its activities and cutting thousands of tiveness pact’ negotiated with trade un-
all its inhabitants to eradicate poverty. jobs in Finland and around the world. ions, which is supposed to reduce labor
But the reality is less rosy and it Similarly, forestry and the paper indus- costs by 3.5%. This was a package of
seems that Finnish proletarians do not try, which is traditionally the country’s austerity and anti-labor measures, the
have thesame opinion on their living and largest sector (2) and still accounts for main ones being a wage freeze and an
working conditions as the bourgeois just over 20% of the country’s exports, increase in workingtime (3 extra unpaid
statisticians of the UN. If we start with have suffered a severe crisis. Most paper working days per year), an increase in
this famous ’universal income’ institut- production has been relocated to Asia the retirement age to65 years from 2025
ed in 2017, it was actually only at an andLatin America and the weakest com- (which will varythereafter according to
experimental stage for two years. It only panies have disappeared. the increase in life expectancy), a reduc-
appliedto 2,000 long-term unemployed, The economic difficulties of this tion in unemployment benefits, a 30%
drawn by lot, and its amount was only former capitalist paradise have also af- reduction in the payment of holiday pay
560 euros, a sum equivalent tothe unem- fected or threatened large sectors of the for civil servants, an increase in employ-
ployment benefits it replaced, the only petty bourgeoisie; this has led to the ees’ social security contributions (and
advantage for the beneficiaries being emergenceofan extremeright-wingpolit- an equivalent reduction in companycon-
that it was granted even tothe terminally ical party which has become in a few tributions); on the employers’ side, on
unemployed. In the end, the measure years the third political force in the coun- the other hand, the ’pact’ provided for a
was not renewed because of the hostility try, ’The Real Finns’. In their program reduction in taxes.
of the employers and the lower middle there is a strong emphasis on the ’de- By worsening the situation of the
classes, who complained that the level of fense ofthe bossesof small and medium- working class and the masses, these
social expenditure and the taxes that sized enterprises’, alongsidethe defense measures have improved the health of
finance it were too high. of the ’Finnish identity’ (3)and anti-im- the enterprises; however, they have not
Finland was a prosperous country migrant and Eurosceptic positions. been able to bring the country out of a
which, likeother northernEuropean coun- After their spectacular score in the recession caused by the decline in its
tries, was for a long time able to finance parliamentary elections of 2015 (19%), export market sharein a sustainable man-
a welfare state capable of guaranteeing the True Finns entered the government ner. The growing unpopularity of the
social peace and binding the proletariat led bythe Centre Partywith the National government led the True Finns to leave
Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 7

the government in 2017, causing a cri- elected in his place on December 8, be- by calling on workers in other sectors
sis within this party, with the ’moder- coming perhaps the youngest acting head that it is possible to make a government
ates’ leaving it to remain in the coali- of government in the world – she is 34. back down.
tion. This crisis and its more open po- This undeniable success of the prole- There is no doubt that the Finnish
sitioning on the far right did not weak- tarian struggle served as an encourage- trade unions will do everything in their
en the party, contrary to what political ment to workers in other sectors. Thus, power to try to get this lesson forgotten.
analysts believed. The April 2019 par- from December 9, 100,000 workers in in- It is up to the proletarians of Finland
liamentaryelectionswerein fact marked dustry(chemicals, wood and oil, etc.) and and elsewhere to remember it and put it
bythe retreat of the parties that were in services went on strike for three days, into practice!
government, in particular the Centre demanding wage increases and an end to
Party of the former Prime Minister, unpaid work and, more generally, anti-
which experienced a real collapse. The social measures that the new government
SocialDemocraticPartywonwith 17.5% has absolutely no intention of repealing; (1) See «World Happiness report»,
of the vote, but was hounded by the since September, a strike over unpaid 20/3/19.
True Finns (17.2%). The new govern- overtime has been widely followed. (2) 60% of the exploited forest area
ment wasformed byan alliancewith the The withdrawal of the Post Office belongs to private owners (26% to the
Greens (which with 12% of the votes project is only a first victory for Finnish State and the rest to logging companies,
had a historic result), the ’Left Alli- workers in the face of the attacks on etc.): thereare morethan 600,000ofthem
ance’ (ex-CP) and... the Centre Party, them, which the current government, (i.e. almost 14% of the population), half
which was disowned by its voters. under pressure from the capitalists, does of them having only small properties
Despite the election promises of not intend to spare them. But this victory (less than 2 hectares).
the left-wing parties, the new govern- can and must serve as a lesson for future (3) In particular, they are hostile to
ment only foresees a reduction in the struggles and as an example for proletar- compulsorySwedish language learning
austerity policy of the previous gov- ians in other countries: it is by breaking at school. Swedish is the country’s sec-
ernment; in particular, it has committed with the well-established practices of ond official language, with the Swedish-
itself to carry out the ’reform’ of the class collaboration and social consen- speaking minority constituting about
social securityand health system aimed sus, bylaunching an unlimited strike and 5% of the population.
at reducing costs by cutting back on
benefits, initiated by the Centre Party.
This did not prevent it from receiving In Iraq, thousands of young demonstrators
the support of the trade unions, which
were much more sensitive to its prom- have been in the street for more than a month
ises of productive investment than to to protest against unemployment, cost of living,
the interests of the proletarians.
lack of public services and endemic corruption
VICTORY OF THE STRIKERS among politicians and government officials.
It didnot takelong forFinnish work-
ers to realize, if they had any doubts,
The youth is protesting, the police
which side the new government was shoot to defend the bourgeois order!
on. The Post Office, a semi-public insti-
tution, had decided to transfer 700 em- The protests against governments in no doubt as to the political will to break
ployees to a subsidiary as part of its Sudan, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan and Leba- the movement in a bloodshed. On Octo-
quest for profitability, thereby cutting non have spread to Iraq as well, especially ber 31, the toll reached no less than 250
their salaries by up to 30%! in its capital Baghdad, and in the coun- dead and 8,000 wounded. In Karbala, a
The project only just known, the try’s southern regions: Basra, Nasiriya holy city for Shiite Muslims, Shiite mili-
workers went on strike on November (Dhi Qar), Amarah (Maysan), Najaf, etc. tias literally slaughtered 18 people to
11. For almost twoweeks, 10,000 postal Indeed, despite the presence of big oil death on October 29 (2). Yet from Basra
workers followedthe movement, in sol- companies, the south of the country is to Baghdad, streets and squares are still
idaritywith the threatenedworkers and plagued with a high unemployment rate, filled with protesters.
to demand wage increases. But the and an important rural flight, a conse- All Medias, news networks as well
conflict extended beyond the Post Of- quence of the main rivers (the Tigris and as newspapers, point to the difference
fice: solidarity strikes were called on the Euphrates) getting dry. with the 2011 movement – the “Arab
November 25 in land and air transport, In some cities, like Nasiriya, Amarah or Spring”. This movement, sparked in
ferries, etc. Najaf, demonstrators have put official Tunisia before it hit Egypt and almost all
buildings on fire. Very violent clashes Arab countries, had one main objective:
When the threat of a blockade of
have occurred almost everywhere. Peace- get rid of dictators in post (Ben Ali in
the ports or even a general strike
ful at first but determined to get inside Tunisia, Mubarak in Egypt). Brought
loomed, the management of the Post official buildings in order to state their about by the extreme poverty endured
Office withdrew its project, nodoubt at anger loud and clear, the protesters met by the vast majority of the population,
the instigation of the government, with the government’s repressive forces the revolt embodied the belief that, with
which was worried about a blockage of and “unknown” militias that systemati- the tyrant gone and the beginning of a
the economy (exports, mainly by sea, cally fired at the crowds. After only four democratic era, social issues could find
account for 40% of GDP). A few days days of protests, the official toll already their solution.
later the Prime Minister was forced to reached 72 dead and more than 3,000 However, the actual power was not in
resign under pressure from the Centre wounded, with more than 500 arrests (1): the hands of the tyrant and his clan: it
Party, which criticizedhim for his weak- the demonstrations against Adil Abdul- was in the hands of the dominant bour-
ness in relation to the workers; it was Mahdi’s government have met, right from
the Minister of Transport who was the start, with a violent repression that left ( Continued on page 8 )
8 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020

Iraq. The youth is protesting, ical organizations, with which it is al-

ways possible to make a deal, even
the police shoot to defend after some rude fights.
However, the demands for the gov-
the bourgeois order! ernment’s resignation, for democracy,
elections, changes of political leaders, in
( Continuationfrom page 7 ) thanks to this “recklessness”, they are the hope that all this will make it possible
fighting the repression barehanded, to improve the lot of proletarians and
geois class (to which, it goes without making even more blatant the brutality of impoverished masses, these demands
saying, the tyrant belonged). That class, the State and its leaders. They are not are doomed to smash against the reality
along with its Euro-American imperialist fighting in the name of some principles of of Iraqi and global capitalism. Behind the
sponsors, considered that throwing a the Quran, or in order to get their leaders mask of religious rivalries and regional or
Ben Ali or a Mubarak overboard could elected to parliament, but in order to take ethnic divisions, there are too many di-
cement its own power thanks to the down the regime; they do not occupy vergent interests between bourgeois
democratic illusion: propelled by a com- official buildings, they set them on fire. factions for a peaceful and consensual
plete electoral and parliamentary sys- It is a truly basic revolt, expression of a bourgeois regime to last.
tem, this illusion would calm down the deeply rooted wrath, born from disas- There is more. Iraq finds itself in a
masses and restore social harmony. trous living conditions and the prospect strategic position in the Middle East, not
Nevertheless, the only force centralized of even worse to come; but that revolt only because of its resources in oil and
and organized for the defense of bour- might find itself canalized in different gas, but also because of its geographic
geois interests – the armed forces – ways. One of them is a “grassroot de- location. Along with Syria, it forms some
keeps being a key player in countries mocracy” following the demand for the sort of “buffer zone” between regional
where capitalism is only partially devel- ousting of Abdul-Mahdi’s government, powers (Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia) try-
oped – as demonstrated once again very directly responsible for so many deaths ing to assert their conflicting influences;
clearly by El-Sisi’s Egypt. and wounds; there would be no political and, as demonstrated by the Gulf Wars
Democratic illusions progressively demand beyond that dismissal, and this and the perpetual civil wars, the world’s
have been progressively dissipated by could only pave the way for some figure most powerful imperialist powers play a
the behavior of capitalist classes which, “of the people” to ensure continuity. part as well – from the old ones, like
in order to meet the standards set by their There lies the true weakness of this pro- France or the UK, to the US and Russia,
dominant imperialist counterparts, had test and revolt movement – politically, a to China, which has become a prominent
to resort to the same weapons as the “people’s” movement, even though pro- economic partner of Iraq. The conflict-
former tyrants: repression, jail sentenc- letarians are obviously part of it.
es, targeted killings, kidnapping and dis- Two years after ISIS’s defeat and 16
appearance of political opponents, etc.
The many religious organizations (Sun-
years after the American invasion, what
is the economic and political situation
El Proletario
ni or Shiite divided along the lines of in Iraq? ÓRGANO DEL PARTIDO
these or those particular interests, to A disastrous one, according to all COMUNISTA INTERNACIONAL
such an extent that they go at war with bourgeois experts. It is a country full of NO 19 / ENERO DE 2020
each other) have played their usual part: gas, oil (4th producer in the world, 2nd in •-•-•-Detrás de la inestabilidad parla-
at the same time, temper discontent and the OPEC after Saudi Arabia) and… cor- mentaria está la crisis política de la bur-
support this or that particular bourgeois ruption (12th most corrupt country in the guesía española. Detrás de la crisis polí-
faction. They have been – and still are – world, according to Transparency Inter- tica se encuentra la crisis social del sistema
instigating the violent imposition of an national) (3). Wealth piles up on one end capitalista-•-•-•-Atacan con una granada
Islamic fundamentalism, in order to con- of society, while poverty spreads in the del ejército español el centro de acogida
trol territories, natural riches and people majority: 20% live below the poverty para menores de Hortaleza (Madrid)-•-•-
to exploit. Bourgeois endlessly fight each line, and unemployment hits 25% of •-Coop 25: cambio climático y catástrofe
other to defend their own, particular in- young workers according official data capitalista-•-•-•-Argentina. La diversión
terests, be it with a military uniform, a that, as everyone knows, only provide electoral acude en ayuda de un capitalis-
religious cloth, a parliamentary suit and an embellished picture of reality. The mo en bancarrota económica-•-•-•-Chile.
tie or a modern entrepreneur’s t-shirt; succession of protests for more than a ¡Contra el aumento del precio del trans-
but they always unite against proletari- month is a clear evidence of the exploita- porte! ¡Contra la carestía de la vida! La
ans who start mobilizing in order to de- tion and poverty of the masses. The lucha de la clase proletaria indica el cami-
no-•-•-•-Luchas de masas proletarias en
fend their own class interests. youth amounts to a high percentage of
Colombia: ¡Por une orientación y organi-
As far as the enduring democratic the population; it should not come as a zación de clase!-•-•-•-Revuelta en Ecua-
illusions are concerned, the current re- surprise that they make the bulk of the dor. Contra las exigencias de la burguesía
volt movements are not different from protesters: they are first in line when nacional e internacional, la clase proletaria
2011; but as far as their social composi- exploitation and unemployment hit. debe hacerse oír-•-•-•-Francia. Frente al
tion and fundamental attitude is con- Authorities, capitalists, political and sabotaje de las direcciones sindicales, ¡li-
cerned, it’s another matter altogether. cultural elites have nothing to offer to brar la lucha sobre una base de clase!-•-•-
This is especially true in Iraq. These them and, in turn they do not trust them •-También en Irak, miles de jóvenes han
movements are not lead by existing op- in the slightest. They express their wrath, estado protestando. Los jóvenes se mani-
position parties, tend towards freeing show their courage, and put their lives fiestan, las fuerzas del orden burguesas
themselves from religious influence (e.g. on the line to wake up the consciences of disparan-•-•-•-Gota fría en el Levante.
Lebanon), and do not trust the armed those who hold economic, political, mil- Los ríos y las ramblas se desbordan. Pero
forces anymore. itary power. es el capitalismo el que anega la vida-•-•-
The Iraqi youth who is taking up the Eventually, the revolt was bound •-Otra vez: un trabajador muerto en la
street has not lived through the Saddam to break out; but what has proven a factoría de lingotes especiales (valladolid)
Hussein era and its systemic repression; surprise for both imperialist and Arab
Precio del ejemplar: Europa : 1,5 €, 3 FS;
these young people are less afraid of the bourgeois is its duration and the fact
América latina: US $ 1,5; USA y Cdn:
consequences their actions. One may that, until now, it has remained free US $ 2.
say that they are more “reckless”, but from the control of religious and polit-
Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 9

ing interests of local bourgeois factions interests by unifying proletarians of all one; a program saying loud and clear
and regional powers intertwine with categories and all faiths in the struggle that the proletarian struggle must break
those of imperialist powers, making the against capitalism. down every organ of bourgeois domi-
region constantly unstable and popula- To achieve that goal, proletarians nation, starting with the State.
tions dramatically unsafe. must perform a qualitative leap; they This internationalist revolutionary
Yesterday, the laws of capitalism must rely only on their own forces and party will inevitably be a communist
asserted themselves on Saddam Hus- reject interclassism, which sacrifices one, and even more so insofar as the
sein, his allies and his enemies alike; them on the altar of the interests of local proletarian struggle will make progress
today, they are asserting themselves on and foreign dominant classes. In order to on its own classist path; it will be a party
the current government and tomorrow free themselves, once and for all, from conscious that, if this struggle must be
they will assert themselves on whoever the delusion that the answer lies in a fought primarily against one’s “own”
may replace it, like for example Muqtada reform of the bourgeois system, they national bourgeoisie, it can be success-
al-Sadr – the Shiite leader of the main must learn from their struggle for imme- fully completed only if it takes place in
opposition party in parliament, who start- diate aims and brand as enemies those an international struggle, because the
ed to demand the prime minister’s resig- who oppose them. proletarians’ interests go way beyond
nation as well, as he expects to use the The alternative facing proletarians, any bourgeois border.
current movement as an opportunity to young and less young, in Iraq just as in
take his seat. On a fundamental level, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan or Alge- Against any common interests and
nothing will change; the economy will ria, the alternative facing proletarians of goals for bourgeois and proletarians!
keep experiencing booms and bursts all countries, is inexorably the same: ei- Only class organization can fight
depending on the global economy’s ther they fight to help some bourgeois bourgeois repression!
oscillations, workers will keep suffering politicians (at best less corrupted, but Class independence is the only way
from poverty and unemployment. always the mere face of capitalist inter- for proletarian struggle!
And yet, there is an alternative; its ests) gain power – and then they con- Down with national flags, hail to
possibility rests precisely in the hands demn themselves to a life of misery under the red flag!
of the working class, the proletariat, the heel of their class enemies; or they For the formation of the interna-
whose systemic exploitation of which is fight for themselves, for the proletariat, tional communist party!
the source of capitalist profit. A class for the interests of this class that is the
that must not only fight for its own future of humankind, and not for the November, 1st 2019
immediate goals, but must also find its bourgeois society!
own classist way and means of struggle. In this fight, proletarians will be able
Indeed, courage alone is not enough in to move further than mere (justified but
the fight against a shameless, heavily immediate) demonstrations of their (1)
armed enemy, and it is an ill-fated delu- wrath, to the accumulation of the prac- iraq-scontri-proteste/
sion to think proletarians can trust forc- tical, social and political experience (2)
es and classes whose interests are, by necessary to their liberation. In this pressione-non-ferma-i-giovani ; see also:
essence, opposed to their own. The pro- fight, they will feel the need of an organ- https:// www. international/
letariat must resort to its own forces, its ization representing of their whole class, article/ 2019/ 10/ 28/ sans-pays-pas-d-
courage, its constant resentment against beyond ethnicities, professions, age ecole-la-jeunesse-irakienne-rejoint-le-
the bourgeois regime (despite this re- and gender, the need for a party with a m ou vem en t -d e-cont es t a ti on _
gime’s never-ending attempts to show a political program strictly opposed to 6017200_3210.html
new face, with social measures, religion, that of bourgeois parties: an interna- (3)
etc.), in order to defend its sole class tional program, rather than an national sono-ricominciate-le-proteste-in-iraq/

Outbreak of anti-Muslim violence in India:

only the proletarian struggle for the overthrow of
capitalism can put an end to nationalist and racist
crimes, and emancipate oppressed minorities!
From February 22 to February 26, while the Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi threats, by attacking the protesters first,
was meeting with the American president Donald Trump with great pomp in New Delhi, then Muslim inhabitants.
the Indian capital city’s northeast proletarian districts, home to an important Muslim The toll is heavy: almost 40 dead,
minority, have been the scene of racist terror attacks. Gangs of Hindu nationalist some burned alive in their homes, some
extremists were unleashed on Muslims, breaking into their homes and shops, and even shot, some lynched by thugs shouting
burning them down. All of which, under the watch of an unperturbed police. BJP slogans like “India for Hindus” or
“Jai Shree Ram” (Hail Lord Ram), and
Global Medias have been reporting protesting against the BJP government’s several hundreds wounded.
on “communal violence”, or clashes be- new anti-Muslim citizenship act (CAA). These victims are swelling the ranks
tween local believers. In fact, the local The attacks followed an inflaming meet- of the many who had already been struck
leaders of the ruling reactionary, Hindu ing speech by Kapil Mishra, BJP’s un- by the repression of anti-CAA protests
supremacist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), successful candidate in Delhi’s regional all over India. In order to have free rein,
and of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh elections in early February. Mishra want- the government has been invoking the
(RSS), a nationalist paramilitary organi- ed the police to disperse the protesters penal code’s article 144, which forbids
sation from which the BJP spawned, are who were blocking one of Delhi’s main any gathering of more than four people,
directly responsible for these attacks. roads; failing that, his supporters would in vast parts of the country, including the
For weeks, they had been encouraging do it themselves. A few hours later, said
violence against those who have been supporters followed through with the ( Continued on page 10)
10 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020

Outbreak of anti-Muslim letarian and peasant masses, and the BJP

is this “biggest democracy in the world”

violence in India worthy heir.

Against these ethnic, racist and reli-
gious divisions, the proletariat will have
( Continuationfrom page 9 ) Kashmir’s autonomyfor a long time; when to affirm its own unity and class solidar-
Modi’s government finally decided to ity, if it is to repel successfully bourgeois
whole of Uttar Pradesh (230 million peo- enforce it, in the blink of an eye, the attacks, whether theycome from the BJP’s
ple), the whole of Karnataka (65 million), State’s 13 million inhabitants found them- “fascists”, the Congress’s “democrats”
and some parts of New Delhi. selves under siege, and thousands were or… the fake “communists” à la Stalin.
The main cause for this violence is arrested; six months later, Kashmir still
not some Indian peculiarity or the legacy hasn’t a rule of law. DALITS AND ADIVASIS ARE
of some centuries-old antagonism be- Finally, on December 4, 2019, the Cit- STILL BEING OPPRESSED
tween religions. No! Ethnic and religious izen Amendment Act (CAA) was promul-
violence is the direct consequence of gated. This law makes it easier for refu- Beside Muslims, India is home to
Capital’s domination. gees to be granted citizenship, provided other minorities, of a distinct nature: the
that they are not Muslims. Muslims risk native or tribal peoples (Adivasis), and
HINDU NATIONALISTS being declared “stateless”, losing all the “untouchables” (Dalits).
PERPETUATE THE “DIVIDE rights to citizenship and potentially be- The 80 million Adivasis form the poor-
AND CONQUER” POLICY… ing arrested and expelled. Many protests est strata of India’s population. They live
have followed (and have been brutally in forests, jungles, and have almost no
British colonisers had segregated the repressed by the government), because access to schools, hospitals or basic
Indian population into distinct, imperme- the CAA seems to be a milestone in the amenities, like clean water. Literacy is
able communities, with a clear cut be- BJP’s agenda of depriving India’s 200 below 25%, and there is widespread mal-
tween Hindus and Muslims. Having be- million Muslims of their citizenship, or nutrition. These people are often violent-
come masters in the art of “dividing and making them into second-class citizens. ly forced out of their villages in order to
conquering”, they consistently opposed hand over their land to the mining indus-
Muslim Indians to the other believers. … IN THE HOPE OF try. Houses are set on fire; natives are
This policy end in a bloodbath when DISTRACTING WORKERS thrown into detention camps so that cap-
India and Pakistan gained independence. FROM CLASS STRUGGLE italists can exploit the huge deposits of
Between one and two million people died iron, coal, limestone and bauxite.
in massacres or after vast exoduses. In India’s bourgeoisie uses Hindu chau- The Indian constitution has formally
the end, the newly formed Indian State vinism to bind the exploited classes to abolished untouchability, but little has
was home to a 15% Muslim minority. their exploiters, thus facilitating bour- changed for most of the country’s 220
Anti-Muslim hatred is an integral part geois attacks. million Dalits. The old caste system is
of the BJP’s ideology. This far right party Modi and the BJP ascended to power well ingrained in India’s rural villages.
is responsible for one of the bloodiest in order to launch a ferocious offensive Higher castes dominate lower castes and
anti-Muslim pogroms in recent Indian against proletarian conditions of life, la- their many sub-castes, and, below them
history. The BJP’s leader and current bour, and struggle. They are the advo- all, those who do not belong to a caste,
Prime minister, Narendra Modi, was Chief cates of a “shock therapy” based on the “untouchables”, are forcefully segre-
Minister of Gujarat in 2002, when he “structural reforms” claimed to be able to gated, socially and often physically. Their
orchestrated a communal massacre that ensure a quick development of the na- specific, hereditary role is to work in
is believed to have killed more than 2,000 tion’s economy. The IMF has praised others’ domains, or to perform tasks that
people, most of them Muslims. these “ModiNomics”. The social meas- others find too degrading. They have to
Since he has taken the helm of the ures and labour laws that had been grant- live outside of villages and must not enter
federal government, the number of anti- ed at the time of Independence in order to temples. They also face many more re-
Muslim crimes, expulsions and forced prevent social unrest from gaining trac- strictions: they cannot share clean water
“reconversion” campaigns targeting non- tion are now under attack, in the name of sources with members of a Hindu caste,
Hindus have surged. RSS and BJP mem- a legislative “simplification” necessary eat next to them or even use the same
bers act freely, helped by the passivity of to “promote business”. The few rules cooking tools… This segregation is vio-
both police and the judicial system. On about lay-offs, salary and conditions of lently enforced: every 15 minutes, a Dalit
top of this extra-legal violence, come labour have been rewritten. Union rights is victim of a crime. Some are murdered
several new anti-Muslim discriminatory have been limited as well. At the same because they rode a bicycle or a horse,
laws. Last year, in the State of Assam, the time, radical cuts in social benefits, priva- some because they wore sandals or a
BJP has established a register depriving tisations and massive tax reductions for moustache…
4 million inhabitants of their citizenship (a employers have all been multiplying.
number later reduced to about 2 million). In the face of the discontent that such “THE WORLD’S LARGEST
In August, the government has anti-proletarian measures were bound to DEMOCRACY” HAS CLEARED
stripped Kashmir, a Muslim-majority cause, a discontent even intensified by THE WAY FOR HINDU
northern Indian State, of its autonomous the last months’ sharp economic down- SUPREMACISM
status. This status had been enshrined in turn, the government uses the classic
the country’s constitution back in the method of every bourgeoisie in the world: Hindu chauvinists and Congress
days of independence, when the region it intensifies its nationalistic and racist Party’s democrats (as well as their flun-
had been split de facto between India and propaganda, according to which Mus- kies in “communist” parties) are two sides
Pakistan, which both have claims on it lims are agents of the Pakistani enemy, of a same coin.
and have gone at war with one another and cause of all evils. A few years after India’s independ-
twice over it. For decades, clashes, re- British bourgeois used this “divide ence, the RSS leaders – admirers of Mus-
pression and guerrilla have kept happen- and conquer” policy in order to secure solini and Hitler – offered their support
ing in Indian Kashmir, and dozens of their colonial domination. Indian bour- to the Prime Minister Nehru’s Congress
thousands have died. Indian nationalists geois have used the same policy in order Party, in the name of their struggle against
had been demanding the abolition of to secure their brutal exploitation of pro- communism and their rejection of class
Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 11

struggle. Under the kind supervision of This is why the CPI offered its political ism, of its anti-national, international
the democratic State, the RSS formed support for the Congress, just like the and internationalist character. It can
unions with the avowed goal of promot- Chinese communist party did with the only happen under the banner of the
ing collaboration between workers and Kuomintang, an alliance that led to the communist revolution, against pacific
employers. Later, during the 1971 and slaughter of the Chinese proletariat in transition and Menshevik-like “stage-
1984 elections, RSS cronies campaigned 1927. Of course, such a support could by-stage revolution”.
for the Congress leader Indira Gandhi only come with a refusal to fight the Only the proletariat has the power to
(Nehru’s daughter). Rajiv Gandhi, who oppression of Dalits. In the late 1920s, threaten the foundations of India’s bour-
had become Prime Minister after his moth- there were massive protests against un- geois State and provide a direction to the
er’s assassination, then promoted the touchability in the State of Maharashtra. Dalits, Adivasis and peasant masses’
RSS crusade against the Ayodhya The CPI leaders refused to call proletar- struggles, toward the revolutionary
mosque. Built in 1525, it was a symbol of ians to join this battle, claiming that the struggle against capitalism.
Islam’s presence in India, and therefore struggle against caste oppression was Only the proletarian revolution will
a target of nationalist and bigoted Hin- diverting them form “anti-imperialist” provide relief to the masses of pariahs
dus. In 1985, Gandhi’s government or- struggle. struck by misery and hunger, whom re-
dered the police to open the mosque’s The formation of an actual class formists try their best to keep into a dead-
gates by force. Then, in 1989, he cam- party – in India and elsewhere – must be end where the only outcome is religious
paigned for re-election in the name of the sign of a radical departure from this and ethnic revolt, i.e. a reactionary revolt
Hinduism. In 1992, all of this resulted in rotten tradition of bowing to interclas- and a victory of capitalism…
the mosque’s destruction by a huge sism and nationalism. It can only hap-
crowd gathered by the RSS, leading to pen with a re-affirmation of true Marx- March, 1st 2020
violence that killed almost 2,000 people,
most of them Muslims.
Today, the defence of “secularism”
by the Congress and the fake commu- In Sudan, interclassism and
nists in the CPI and the CPI(M), is sheer
hypocrisy. Sheer hypocrisy as well, their democratism are getting
“opposition” to the anti-workers meas-
ures that merely aggravate their own
attacks against workers. For example, all
the revolt defeated
these democrats have provided their On Monday June 3, after having cut at the hands of the governing circles
support to the brutal repression target- off the electricity in the centre of Khar- (whokeep the embezzled billions safe in
ing Muslim Kashmiris who demand more toum, the capital, and after having western banks) justifiably provokes the
autonomy or independence for Indian blocked the internet, the Transitional population’s outrage, it only comes on
Kashmir. All these democrats are the MilitaryCouncil (TMC), the militaryau- the top of the consequences of the inter-
advocates of Indian nationalism against thoritycurrently governing the country, national capitalist crisis, which is the
Muslim Pakistan and Bangladesh.
had police andparamilitarycommandos root cause of Sudan’s economic issues.
All these democrats and fake com-
attack the sit-in that had been taking Withinflation alreadyas highas60%,
munists have Dalit and Adivasi blood on
their hands. In power in West Bengal in place for weeks in front of the armed it is December’s fresh, drastic rises in the
1979, the CPI(M) (“Communist Party of forces’general headquarters, and remove prices of basic goods (among which
India – Marxist”, which split from the the barricades that had been erected in bread price’s threefold increase) follow-
“Communist Party of India”) has massa- some parts of the city. The commandos ing the cut in subsidies decreed as per
cred hundreds of Hindu Dalits fleeing attacked hospitals harboring wounded the IMF’s recommendations that have
Bangladesh. In 2006, peasants who were peopleand went after medical staff, wom- sparked the unrest. The IMF’s econo-
resisting an expropriation from their land en were raped, etc. Soldiers intervened in mists most certainly expected the re-
by Tata Motors, one of India’s biggest the country’s other cities as well: gime’s repressive apparatus to enforce
capitalist conglomerates, have been ar- Nuhood, Atbara and Port Sudan, among successfully what can only be called
rested and beaten up with much ferocity, others. starvation measures. Indeed, until then,
while a young activist was raped and As we write these lines, the provi- a mighty military and police apparatus
murdered. One year later in the same sional death toll stands at 116 (including had been able to crush the first waves of
region, CPI(M) thugs sided with the the bodies retrieved from the Nile), with protest and rebellion that Sudan had
police and have been reported to have several hundreds wounded, and an un- experienced since the June 1989 coup
slaughtered about 100 people who were disclosed number of political leaders and that brought Omar al-Bashir to power.
protesting against land appropriation. activists have been arrested or have gone The civilian regime that was toppled
Moreover, both CPI and CPI(M) have missing. then was going through an open crisis
voiced their support for the govern- because of its inabilityto solve a conflict
ment’s military offensives against the * * * with the South that provoked in this
Maoist guerrillas that recruit many Adi-
region a faminethat killedabout 250,000
vasis struggling against the pillaging of
their resources. The Sudanese protests had started people, according to some NGOs’ esti-
at the beginning of last year against mates. The newmilitaryregime, with the
ONE DIRE NEED: THE CLASS increases in the price of flour and bread, support of Islamist organizations, out-
PARTY, INTERNATIONALIST a consequence of the austerity measures lawed political parties, worker unions
AND INTERNATIONAL arranged with the IMF in order to redress and other non-religious organizations,
the country’s balance sheet. With the purged the armed forces, the police, and
India has never had a class party. South’s secession, Sudan lost 75% of its the civil service from all potential oppo-
Founded in 1925, the Communist Party oil production, which is its main export nents,and imposedtheIslamiclaw(Shar-
quickly bowed to bourgeois national- industryand source of foreign currency, ia). It built a complete repressive appara-
ism. After a “peasant-worker” party, it while it needs toimport a large part of its
tried to build a “popular” nationalist one. food. Although the resources’ pillaging ( Continued on page 12 )
12 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020

In Sudan, interclassism and democratism digm could easily be diffused with our
peaceful antidote and our harmonious
are getting the revolt defeated unity as attested to repetitively by our
own practice and experience”.
( Continuation from page 11 ) were starting between the AFC and the Yet as soon as the strike ended, the
TMC. On April 27, it was generally un- TMC responded byunleashing repres-
tus, with paramilitaryforcesand militias derstood that a joint Council would re- sion and the militaryleaders announced
specialized in suppressing social move- place the TMC in order to lead a three- that the negotiations were over and
ments and revolts, like in Darfur. year transition; yet as the military lead- that they would organize elections
Yet these repressive forces proved ers wanted topreserve their control over themselves.
unable to prevent the widespread dis- this Council, the follow-up negotiations Woe betides petty bourgeois with
content from finding its expression in proved more difficult, and on May 20 their democratic illusions! TheSPA was
massive protests; initiated in Atbara, a they were suspended. The support from reduced to desperate calls for the armed
city with a rich working class struggle Egypt, the Emirates and Saudi Arabia forces to protect the protestersiii (!), while
history, these protests spread to the (which together pledged a total of $3bn the Alliance launched a “escalation of
whole countryand quickly started mak- in various aids for the TMC) emboldened the revolution” consisting chiefly in
ing political demands, like al-Bashir’s the military into making no significant putting an end to the negotiations (al-
departure and his regime’s fall. concession. As it was trying to take readyshunned bythe military!) and ask-
OnApril 11,themilitaryfinallyrecon- advantage of the enduringly widespread ing big imperialist powers to put pres-
ciled itself to deposing al-Bashir sure on the TMC…
and to arresting some of his closest On June 8, after the repression
acquaintances (1) that took place in the beginning of
After talks with the “Forces of the week, the Organization of Af-
Freedom and Change”, also known rican Unity (currently presided
as the “Alliance for Freedom and over by Egypt) sent the Ethiopian
Change” (AFC), themilitaryfound- prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, as a
ed the Transitional Military Coun- “mediator” between the military
cil. Formed in January, the AFC and its Alliance’s opponents.
consists of several opposition forc- Ahmed left after some nice speech-
es: the “Sudanese Professionals es about democracy… but the re-
Association” (SPA: clandestinely pression went on, targeting even
founded in October, 2016, as an the very Alliance’s leaders whom
organization for physicians, attor- he had met with.
neys and other professions), the The UN Security Council tried
National Consensus Forces (NCF), to issue a resolution condemning
of which the Sudanese Communist the violence, but Russia and Chi-
Party is a member, the National na opposed it. The US, fearing a
Umma Party(a fullybourgeois par- new centre of disturbance, asked
ty that governed several times be- Saudi Arabia to make use of its
foreal-Bashir’smilitaryregime), etc. influence on the TMC in order to
The AFC’s constitutive agreement calm things down.
is the “Declaration for Freedom and Indeed, its position on the Red
Change”i; it makes two demands: al- religious convictions(chieflyin the coun- Sea and between Egypt and Ethiopia
Bashir’s departure and the formation of tryside, most of the country’s popula- makes Sudan strategicallyimportant. It
a transitional government consisting of tion still working in agriculture), it provokes rivalries among regional pow-
“qualified people based on merits of launched a media campaign against the ers andglobal imperialism.
competencyand good reputation, repre- AFC, accusing it of trying to repeal the Once closetoIran, al-Bashir’s regime
senting various Sudanese groups and Sharia. had revived ties with Egypt and Saudi
receiving the consensus ofthe majority” The AFC tried torespond with a two- Arabia, to such an extent that it sent an
that would govern for four years, “until days “pacific” general strike on May 27 expeditionary force to fight in Yemen’s
a sound democratic structure is estab- and 28 – an initiative from which the war. Today, according to France’s offi-
lished, and elections held”. Umma Party dissociate itself. The SPA, cial statement, Saudi Arabia “provides
Nothing there that answers the needs which claims to have incorporated rail- political and financial support to the
of the deprived masses who rose up for waymen’and workers’ organizations, is Sudanese armed forces”. Last year, the
their survival and cannot wait for four the Alliance’s wheeling flank; it con- US have lifted their last remaining sanc-
years. One should not be deceived by stantlyrepeated itspacifist declarations, tions (against a regime theyhad accused
the Communist Party’s presence: in spite for the continuation of social peace and of genocide in Darfur!) and opened a
ofits name, this partyis actuallya nation- for the interclassist unity of all Suda- CIA centre in Khartoum. The European
alist organization that has always sup- nese. While making its call for the gener- Union had madea deal with theregime in
port the bourgeois order and the national al strike, it devoted itselfto emphasizing order to halt immigration (Sudan being a
State, even though it was itself hit by its non-subversive nature: the strike crossing point), thereby strengthening
repression. “onlyhampers the TMC byalerting it to themilitias andthus theregime’s repres-
While, despite some TMC measures the fact that it could be deemed power- sive nature. China too, as well as Turkey
like the end ofthe state ofemergency, the less and utterly dysfunctional over- and Russia, are interested in Sudan’s
masses’ distrust of the military drove night”, adding, “Unless it desperately situation.
them to perform a sit-in in front of the and solely resorts to the use of arms and In short, Sudan is at the confluence
armed forces’ general headquarters and forcetherebystripping itselfofanylegit- ofinter-capitalistconflicts. Allthesebour-
to go on with the protests, negotiations imacy. […] Such a self-inflicting para- geois States are and will keep trying to
Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 13

alter the course of events. lesslyfor the proletariat to break with the one who can defeat them. There is no
Proletarians in other countries must interclassist coalition, to stop passively weapon which will make them turn back
show an interest in these events as well; following bourgeois orientations, and to from achieving all of their demands.”
they must make the demonstration of be the head of the struggle on a class However, a few days later, the Alli-
their solidarity with Sudan’s proletari- basis – the only way for it to lead the ance’s opposition parties and groups
ans and impoverished masses, first by exploited and oppressed masses, in cit- called for the end of the mobilizations, as
denouncing “their own” bourgeoisie’s ies and countryside, against the bour- a preliminary agreement had been draft-
schemes, until they have the strength to geois power, instead of serving as petty ed with the military about a three-year
express in the struggle against capital- bourgeois parties’ auxiliaryforce. period during which the country would
ism the true solidarityof an active class. Without a vanguard that rejects inter- be governed by a sovereign council in-
cluding military representatives as well
classism, fights thebourgeois democratic
as civilians. According to the New York
* * * orientations and conquers the leading Times (July 5), this agreement was
role in the proletarian struggle, in other reached through discrete negotiations
Gilbert Achcar, the “expert” on Mid- words, without a firmly organized and conducted in a rich Sudanese capital-
dle-East for the Fourth International (ex- politicallysound communistrevolution- ist’s home by diplomats from the US, the
USFI), writes in an articleIV that the Su- ary party, proletarians find themselves UK (former colonial power), Saudi Ara-
danese movement is superior to the Al- helpless in their struggle against the bia and the United Arab Emirates, with
gerian one because it has an “exception- bourgeoisie, reduced to being used by the opposition’s organizations.
al political leadership” – the Alliance, other classes at best, to be felled in the This agreement was signed in a cer-
within which “the SPA is central” –, face of the enemy class at worst. emony in Khartoum on August 17th in
while such a leadership is lacking in The current events underline the spite of new killings.
Algeria. pressing need for this internationalist,
Yet because of its essentially petty international, proletarian party. It will AN AGREEMENT
bourgeois social nature, and of its dem- not form byitself, but will rather result for TO PRESERVE THE REGIME
ocratic, pacifist, interclassist orienta- the most conscious proletarians’ effort
tions, this so-calledexceptional political in search for a reliable compass in their Contrary to what one could read in
leadership can only get the movement struggle; this compass is the authentic the press, this agreement was not met
defeated! communist program that our current with euphoria in the streets of Khartoum,
At the end ofhis text, Achcar quotes, has restored and defended against all and it was rejected by the armed groups
to approve it, a Financial Times (the deviations, and thank to which we work in Darfur and the South as a “revolu-
on forming this proletarian class’s com- tion’s betrayal”: the Sudan Liberation
City’s mouthpiece) article stating that
Movement said that “the elites of Khar-
the Sudanese movement remindsof Rus- bat organ in the lack of which even the
toum now are stealing the revolution”.
sia’s situation in 1917, after the Czar’s most pugnacious effort is vain. As reported by Reuters on July 13,
fall. It is nocoincidence that our Trotsky- the agreement provoked outrage in Burri,
ist “forgot” about the partythat, in 1917 Class solidarity withSudanese pro- Khartoum’s proletarian district, which
Russia, fought the bourgeois democrat- letarians and oppressed masses! was the heart of the mobilizations. Be-
ic leadership: today’s degenerated Trot- For theformationofthe internation- sides the fact that, contrary to popula-
skyism resolutelyturnedits backon clas- al revolutionarypartyofthe proletarian tion’s will, the military preserves its firm
sist positionsand Marxistprincipleswhile class! grip on power (including those directly
espousing bourgeois democratism. responsible for the slaughters, among
The Bolshevik party fought relent- June 10, 2019 which the Janjawid militias), the agree-
ment’s terms and conditions are exces-
sively vague. None of them aims at pro-

Sudan. Post-scriptum viding some relief to the masses suffer-

ing from the crisis, and the agreement
provides for the formation of a techno-
The events that took place since we People attended the protest day en cratic government that will most certain-
published the above text have clearly masse; hundreds of thousands across ly be in charge of enforcing what the IMF
confirmed our analysis of the bourgeois the country demonstrated despite the and the previous Sudanese government
democratic opposition’s nefarious role. military’s effort to prevent them through had agreed on.
After the slaughters in the beginning preventive arrests, social networks’ In the obvious endeavor of preserv-
of June, the SPA tried to respond with a blocking, and threats. The repression ing its own legitimacy in the masses’
pacific campaign for “civil disobedience” was brutal; from official sources, there eyes, the SPA eventually called for a day
(it even mentioned blocking the coun- has been 10 casualties and hundreds of “peaceful demonstrations” to honor
try), with gatherings in mosques to hon- wounded in Khartoum, while soldiers the repression’s victims on July 13, forty
or the dead, etc. Yet the repression soon were shooting protesters with live rounds days after Khartoum’s slaughter. Yet
discouraged the attempts to gather and in several cities, where no official toll has while the SPA was calling for a “com-
block the streets of Khartoum. After a been published. memoration” day, the thousands of pro-
few days, the SPA and other opposition At the end of this first day, the SPA testers who have marched in Khartoum
forces called for the campaign’s end and declared: “Sudanese showed today that and other cities in Sudan have made, by
resumed negotiations with the military. they will not retreat until they have keeping on demanding the military’s de-
A few weeks later, as the negotia- achieved civilian rule, as they consider parture, the demonstration of the mass-
tions were dragging on and people kept this is the only way to achieve the goals es’ enduring combativeness and implicit
getting arrested, the opposition forces of the revolution as outlined in the Dec- distrust of the opposition.
called for a two-week mobilization, start- laration of Freedom and Change The following days new massacres
ing with a big protest day on June 30 (the (…).Today the Sudanese people occurred: on July 29 soldiers fired on a
“Millions march”) and concluding with showed they are strong and courageous, youth rally in El Obeid over bread and
a general strike on July 14, in order to put and that they are capable of achieving
pressure on the military. all the revolution’s goals. There is no- ( Continued on page 14 )
14 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020

Post-scriptum geois democratic orientations: it is actu-

ally this party that feeds the “ambiguity”
tion: the proletariat’s independence re-
garding all bourgeois orientations, so
by trying to restrict the mobilization’s that it can organize itself as a class both
( Continuation from page 13 ) aims to a mere democratization of the in political and economic struggles, is
regime! The opposition has not “be- absolutely necessary for the fight against
fuel shortages, killing six people, includ- trayed”: in accordance with its class the regime not to end up in a mere paper-
ing 4 school children. This massacre nature, it has remained in line with its ing over its cracks, but rather in a real
provoked protest reactions throughout bourgeois political orientations. It has struggle against capitalism and the bour-
the country; during a large demonstra- shown that it fears an unrestrained move- geois State.
tion in Khartoum on August 1 to demand ment of the proletarian masses more August 19, 2019
justice; the soldiers fired on the demon- than the military’s repression!
strators, killing at least 4 people. The Whatever the terms and conditions
opposition then announced that it sus- that bourgeois democrats and military
pended negotiations with the military leaders have finally agree on, the situa- (1) https://www.s udaneseprofes-
until those responsible for the killings tion of Sudanese proletarians and im- sionals. org/ en/declaration-of-freedom-
were arrested and brought to justice. poverished masses will not change. The and-change/
But a few days later, negotiations solution cannot be found in a democratic The Alliance’s opposition parties are
resumed and the agreement was formally “transition” or a civilian regime – which essentially emigrants’ parties and they
ratified, and the Janjawid militia leader remains a bourgeois regime in which estimate at four years the time they will
confirmed as the head of the “transition capitalism prevails –, but in toppling need to take root in Sudan.
committee”! bourgeois domination, be it dictatorial or (2) https://www. sudaneseprofes-
democratic, and establishing the dicta- sionals. org/en/understanding-and-
* * * torship of the proletariat in order to get gearing-up-for-our-announced-politi-
The Sudanese Communist Party has rid of capitalism alongside proletarians cal-strike/
refused to endorse the agreement: it has in other countries. (3) https://www. sudaneseprofes-
called for keeping pressure on the mili- However, before reaching that goal, sionals. org/en/urgent-call-killing-and-
tary and has criticized the “deep ambigu- in order to reach it, the first step must be burning-at-the-sit-in/
ity” of the negotiation process. Yet it to break with interclassism, to break with (4)
doesn’t question the opposition’s bour- the petty bourgeois democratic opposi- 05sudan

Nature, Function and Tactics must be thepoint ofdeparture. Similarly,

“collective” has always been under-
of the Revolutionary Party of the stood that other metaphysical abstrac-
tion which comprises the society of all
Working Class (1945) human beings, whereas for Marxism a
collective is a concretely defined group
( Continuation frompage 1 ) which becomes the party’s distinctive of individuals who, in a given historical
heritage. If the relationship between situation, through their social relations -
was formulated in some sentences from these interests and incentives and the i.e., their place in production and the
Marx’s youth: “The philosophers have practical orientation of the action are economy - have parallel interests; these
only interpreted the world; the point, changed, then the party’s doctrine is groups are, precisely, classes.
however, is to change it. We must now likewise changed and deformed. Not all social classes in human histo-
pass from the arm of criticism to the To believe that once it has been cod- ry have the same way of resolving the
critique of arms” ified in a programmatic text and given a problem of their ability to understand
This leap from pure knowledge to strict, disciplined organizational form in correctlythe process through which they
active intervention is understood by di- the party, the party theory has become are living, and exert a certain amount of
alectical materialism in a radicallydiffer- intangible and sacred, and that therefore influence on it. Each historical class has
ent way from the traditional ideologies. manydifferent orientations and maneu- had its system of opinions and propa-
All toooften we have seen the adver- vers are permissible in tactical action, ganda; each one has claimed with equal
saries ofcommunism exploit the theoret- means that one has not understood, in a force that it interpreted the meaning of
ical arsenal of Marxism in order to sabo- Marxist sense, the real problem that has events correctly and was able to orient
tage and repudiate its consequences in to be solved before choosing methods of them toward a more or less vaguely de-
the area of action and of the proletarian action. fined objective. Marxism provides a cri-
partywhile refutingandrejectingits prin- What isthe meaningofdeterminism? tique and explanation of all these theo-
cipled critical foundations. In all these Are social events engendered by irre- ries, showing that the various ideologi-
cases the deviation is a reflection of anti- pressible forces, giving rise to various cal generalizations were the mental re-
classist, counter-revolutionaryinfluenc- ideologies, theories and opinions in hu- flections of the conditions and interests
es, andit manifests itself in crises which, man beings, or can they be modified by of antagonistic classes.
for the sake of brevity, we refer to as the more or less conscious will of indi- In this continuous succession of
opportunism. viduals? The method characteristic of struggles between parties and class
Principles and doctrines donot exist the proletarian partyresolves this dilem- states (which are engenderedbymaterial
in themselves - as a foundation estab- ma bymeans of a radical departure from interests and find their expression in
lished before action. On the contrary, traditional methods. The problem has political andphilosophical movements),
both are formed in a process parallel to always been posed and a solution alleg- the modern proletarian class, once the
action.Competingmaterialinterests com- edly given on the basis of the isolated social conditions for its formation have
pel social groups intopractical struggle, individual, and then a solution was de- matured, emerges with new, superior
and from the action engendered bysuch duced for society as a whole. In fact, the abilities, both because it possesses an
material interests is formed the theory collective, rather than the individual, experimentalmethodforinterpretinggen-
Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 15

eral historical development and because needs and interests that explain his transformed into a substantially volun-
its social and political action and strug- movements and actions, and that his tarist and pragmatist conception, in the
gle have a concrete influence on the opinions and beliefs, and what is called sense that each day’s work was present-
general progress of this development. consciousness, are determined only as ed as a solid, definitive accomplishment
This other fundamental concept was the final result of the most complex which was contrasted to the vacuity of
expounded by Marxists in the following series of influences. passivelyawaiting a great future Victory
classic expressions: “With the proletar- When we move from the metaphys- which would result from the revolution-
ian revolution, human societyleaves pre- ical concept of the Ego’s consciousness ary clash.
history” and “the socialist revolution and will to the real, scientific concept of The syndicalist school was no less
constitutes the leap from the kingdom of theoretical knowledge and the historical voluntarist; it spoke of open class con-
necessity intothe kingdom of freedom”. and political action ofthe class party, the flict and the destruction and abolition of
This therefore puts an end to the problem is finally posed clearly and a the bourgeois state, which the reform-
banal traditional terms ofthedilemma: Is solution can be sought. ists had wanted to infuse with socialism
manmaster ofhis will,or ishedetermined This solution has an original mean- but in reality, by reducing the social
by his environment? ing for the movement and party of the struggles and transformation to isolated
Are the class and its party conscious modern proletariat, in that the proletariat productive units, it too found that the
oftheir historical mission, dotheyderive is the first class which is not only com- proletariat could, through its trade union
from this theoretical consciousness the pelled tobreak apart the old systems and struggle, conquer a series of advanta-
strength to accomplish this mission in oldpolitical andjuridical formsthat hinder geous positions which would be so many
the interest of a general improvement in the development of the productive forc- proletarian islets in the capitalist ocean.
social conditions, or are theydrawn into es (a revolutionary task of all preceding The theory of factory councils devel-
struggle, fated to success or defeat by social classes), but also wages a strug- oped in ItalybyOrdine Nuovowas deriv-
higher, unknown forces? Above all, it is gle, not to constitute itself as a ruling ative of the syndicalist conception; here
essential to determine what classes and class, but to establish relations of pro- the international and historical unity of
parties are involved, what is the relation- duction which will enable it to eliminate themovement and social transformation
ship offorces in terms ofproduction and economic pressure and the exploitation is fragmented into a series of positions
state power, what historical cycle have of one class by another. conquered in individual productive units
they just completed and what further The proletariat therefore hasa clearer -this in the name of a concrete, analytical
cycle remains to becompleted according historical understanding and a more di- determination of action.
to the results of our critical analysis. rect influence on events that the classes Just as gradualist reformism now re-
According to religious doctrines, the that have ruled society until now. garded as secondary the realization of
cause of events lies outside men, in the The revisionism of the 2nd Interna-
divine creator, whopresumablyconjured tional, which appeared as opportunism ( Continued on page 16 )
the world into existence, but felt he had and collaboration in bourgeois govern-
to concedeindividuals a certain freedom ments, in peacetime and in war, was the
of choice, for which they would be ac- manifestation of the influence on the
countable in the hereafter. Suffice to say
that this solution of the problem of will
proletariat of the 19th century phase of
peaceful and apparently progressive
le prolétaire
and determinism has been completely development in the bourgeois world. At Nº 5 37
abandoned by the Marxist social and that time it appeared that the expansion ( Mai-Juin-Juillet 2020 )
analysis. of capitalism would not lead, as it did in •-Pourle déconfinement de la lutte proléta-
But the solution given by bourgeois Marx’ classic schema, to the inexorable rienne
philosophy, which claims to have exacerbation of class antagonisms and •-Gigantesques craquements dans l’éco-
achieved an enlightened critique and to the exploitation and impoverishment nomie mondiale
eliminated all arbitrarypresuppositions of the proletariat. It appeared that, as •-Etats-Unis: révoltes urbaines après le
meurtre par la police de Minneapolis de
and divine revelations, remains just as long as the capitalist world could extend l’Afro-américain George Floyd
mendacious, since it always reduces the itself without provoking violent crises, •-Le Premier mai au temps du coronavirus
problem of action to a subject-object thelivingconditionsoftheworking class- •-Belgique. Contre les illusions sur l’Etat
relationship. Theolder (andmore recent) es could gradually improve within the bourgeois, pour la lutte prolétarienne !
idealist systems seek the point of depar- bourgeois system itself. In its theory, •-Espagne. Chez Nissan, 3 000 licencie-
ture in the individual subject, in the Ego, reformism elaborated this schema of ments directs et 13 000 autres indirects.
•-Le virus du réformisme
i.e., in the thought mechanism, which peaceful evolution from the capitalist •-IIe Congrès de l’Internationale Commu-
manifests itself as the individuals action economy to the proletarian economy, niste. Thèses sur le mouvement commu-
on the natural and social environment. and in its practice, it quite coherently niste des femmes. Moscou 1920 (extraits)
From this arisesthe political and juridical stated that the proletarian arty could •-Panique sexuelle, contrôle social et op-
deception of the bourgeois system, develop a positive activity based on the pression des femmes
which declares the individual to be free daily accomplishment of partial con- •-Mort d’un infatigable combattant anti-
and grants him, as a citizen, the right to quests - of a trade union, cooperative, impérialiste dans les geôles américaines
•-Correspondance Algérie
administer civic affairs, and consequent- administrative, and legislative nature - •-Venezuela. Epidémie, perte du travail
ly his own interests, in accordance with which would then become so many nu- et faim: une situation toujours plus insup-
opinions that sprout in his own head. clei of the future socialist system insert- portable pour les prolétaires
The Marxist interpretation of histo- ed into the body of the present system, Bimonthly. Price one copy: 1 €; 3 FS; £
ry and human action, while banishing and which would gradually work a com- 1; US $ 1,5; CDN $ 1,5. Suscripción
the intervention of any transcendental plete transformation. (5Nr.): 7,5 €; 30FS; £ 10; US $ 12; CDN
influence of divine revelation, just as The conception of the party’s task $ 12. Subscription of solidarity : 15 €;
decisivelyoverturns the bourgeois con- was nolonger ofa movement that staked £ 20; 60FS; US $ 24; CDN $ 24.
ceptoffreedomandindividualwill, show- everything on the preparation of a final E-mail:
ing instead that it is the individual’s effort to realize the supreme goal; it was
16 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020

Nature, Function and The collective wealth accumulated principles, but alsoin terms oftheir tactic
bythe bourgeoisie, a small part of which of coalition and collaboration with bour-
Tactics of the was devoted to an apparent improve- geois governments and parties.
Revolutionary Party ment of the masses living conditions, It was clearly shown that the partic-
was tossed into the furnace of war. Not ularist and immediatist orientation given
of the Working Class onlywereall the reformist improvements to the old socialist parties had by no
(1945) consumed in the economic crisis, but means secured small advantages and
the very lives of millions of workers material improvementsfor theworkers in
( Continuation frompage 15 ) were also sacrificed. At the same time, exchange for their renunciation for prep-
while the faction of the socialists that aration of the final attack against bour-
the maximum program and gave priority had remained healthy still entertained geois power and its institutions: on the
to partial daily conquests, so tooit advo- the hope that this violent manifestation contrary, bycompromising both the im-
cated the well-known tactic of alliances of capitalist barbarism would tear mediate aims and the historical goal, it
and coalitions with political groups and groups of proletarians away from class had led to an even worse situation, i.e.,
parties which, from time to time, agreed collaboration and plunge them into the the useoforganizations, proletarian forc-
to support partial demands and reforms open, general struggle for the destruc- es, combativeness, persons and lives to
proposed by the proletarian party. tion of the capitalist system, they in- accomplish objectives which donot cor-
From that moment on communists stead witnessed the crisis and collapse respond to the political and historical
made the following substantial critique of almost the entire international prole- objectives of the class, and indeed even
of this practice: the alignment of the tarian organization. led to a strengthening ofcapitalist impe-
party alongside other political forma- The shifting of the agitational front rialism. Thewar hadenabled thelatter, at
tions on a front that changed according and immediate action accomplished dur- least for an entire historical phase, to
to the momentaryproblems dividing the ing the period of reformist practice re- remove the danger created by the con-
political world would necessarilylead to vealed an incurable weakness, since the tradictions of its productive mechanism,
a denaturing of the party, an obscuring proletarians had forgotten andno longer while the taming of the trade union and
ofits theoretical clarityand a weakening understood their supreme class objec- political apparatus ofthe enemyclass by
of its organization, compromising its tives. The tactical method of accepting means ofthe political method ofnational
abilitytodirect the struggle ofthe prole- alignments with parties in two distinct coalitions enabled it to overcome the
tarian masses in the phase of the revolu- coalitions, depending on the country, political crisis created bythe war and its
tionary conquests of power. and the most diverse slogans (for greater after-effects.
The nature ofthe political struggle is freedom of organization, for the exten- As the Leninist critique shows, this
such that the alignment of forces in two sion of the right to vote, for the nation- completely denatured the task and func-
camps separated by opposed solutions alization of certain sectors of the econo- tion of the proletarian party, which does
to a given contingent problem, polariz- my, etc.) was exploited by the ruling not exist to save the bourgeois father-
ing the action of militants around this class with disastrous consequences cul- land or theinstitutions ofso-called bour-
transitory interest and the immediate minatingin thepolitical alignment of the geois freedom, but to hold the proletar-
objective, becomes detrimental to prop- proletariat’s leaders that constituted the iat’s forces in battle formation on the
aganda for the program and toa continu- social-patriotic degeneration. general historical line of the movement,
ity with the principles of the movement. The popularitycreated for these non- which must culminate in the total con-
It thus creates an orientation among classist positions by the propaganda of quest of political power via the over-
groups of militants that directly reflects the powerful mass organizations of the throw of the bourgeois state.
the immediate demands which are being large social-democraticparties ofthe 2nd In the immediate post-war period,
fought for. International was cleverly used to per- while what we are accustomed to calling
The party’s task - which was appar- vert their political orientations: it was the subjective conditions of the revolu-
ently an easy one for the social-demo- shown that, in the interest of the prole- tion (i.e., the effectiveness of the prole-
crats of the classic period - should be to tariat and in the veryinterest ofits march tariat’s organizations and party) ap-
reconcile intervention in contingent towardsocialism,it was, meanwhile, nec- peared unfavorable, and while the crisis
problems and conquests with the preser- essarytodefendother accomplishments, of the bourgeois world which was then
vation of its programmatic physiogno- such asGerman civilization (against the- manifesting itself in full scope offered
myand abilityto remain on the terrain of ocratic Czarism) or Western democracy favorable objective conditions, it became
its own struggle for the final general (against Teutonic militarism). necessary to remedy the first deficiency
objective of the working class. What Emerging from the Russian revolu- bymeans of a rapid reorganization of the
happens in realityis that reformist activ- tion, the 3rd International opposed this revolutionaryInternational.
ity not only causes the proletarians to orientation, which had been so disas- This process was dominated – and it
forget their classist, revolutionaryprep- trous for the workers movement. Howev- could not have been otherwise – by the
aration, but it also induces even the er, it must be said that, if the restoration grandiose historical fact of the first pro-
leaders and theoreticians of the move- of revolutionary positions was rigorous letarian revolutionaryvictoryin Russia,
ment to reject it openly, and to proclaim and complete with regard to theoretical which had given full expression to the
that thefinal revolutionarycrisis predict- principles, and positions and the central major communist directives. But there
ed byMarxism is itselfonlya utopia, and problem of state power, nonetheless the was a tendency to base the tactics of the
that only the conquests of each day are organizational foundations of the new communist parties in other countries,
important. “Theendisnothing; the move- international and the formation of its which were composed ofsocialist groups
ment is everything” was the slogan of tactics, including those of its member opposed to war opportunism on a direct
reformists and trade unionists alike. parties, were not sufficiently complete. imitation of the tactics successfully ap-
The crisis ofthis method assumed an The critique of the opportunists of plied by the Bolsheviks when they con-
overt form during the war, which de- the 2nd International was certainlycom- quered power in the historical struggle
stroyed the postulate of a progressive plete and decisive, not only with regard from Februaryto November 1917.
amelioration under capitalist rule. to their total abandonment of Marxist From the verystart, this success gave
Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 17

rise to intense debates on the tactical by the fear – not without foundation – overthrow of czarism. It therefore hard-
methods of the International, especially that it would not be ready and without ened its tactical positions, fighting from
the united front tactic, which consisted mass following, when explodes a gen- reactionary supporters of the czarist,
in addressing frequent invitations to eral European movement which might feudal restoration to the Social-Revolu-
other proletarian and socialist parties to lead to the conquest of power in some tionaries and Mensheviks. But while
undertake common agitation and coordi- of the large capitalist countries. The there was a real threat of a restoration of
nated action with the aim of unmasking possibility of a rapid collapse of the the absolutist, theocratic feudal regime,
these parties and turning their tradition- capitalist world was so important for the political state andformations created
al influence on themasses tothe commu- the Leninist International that today or influenced bythe bourgeoisie contin-
nists’ advantage. we can understand how, in the hope of ued tolack anystabilityin the extremely
Yet in spite of urgent warning from leading the broad masses in the strug- unstable situation at the time, and proved
the Italian Left and other opposition gle for the European revolution, it went to be unable to attract and absorb the
groups, the leaders of the International so far as toaccept membership of move- autonomous forces of the proletariat.
did not recognize that this united front ments that were not real communist These conditions made it possible for
tactic, by aligning revolutionary organ- parties, and how it sought, through the the Bolshevik party to accept contacts
izations alongside the social-democrat- elastic united front tactic, to maintain and make temporary agreements with
ic, social-patriotic, opportunist organi- contact with the masses who were still other organizations that had a certain
zations from which they had just sepa- following the apparatus of parties that influence among the proletariat, as hap-
rated over irreconcilable differences, not vacillated between social conservation pened during the Kornilov episode.
only would disorient the masses and at and revolution. By making a united front against
the same time render the advantages Had this collapse come about, its Kornilov, the Bolshevik partyin reality
expected from this tactic illusory but – consequences for the politics and ought against a real feudal reaction,
what was much more serious – would economy of the first proletarian power and furthermore, there was no reason
end up corrupting the revolutionarypar- in Russia would have been so great to fear either a reinforcement of the
ties themselves. Even though the revo- that an immediate recovery of the inter- Menshevik and Social-Revolutionary
lutionary party is the finest product of national and national organizations of parties (which might have subjected it
history and is least limited by history, it the communist movement would have to their influence) or a state power with
still remains a product of history, and been possible. sufficient stability that it might take
therefore is subject to changes at every Unfortunately, the least favorable advantage of the temporary alliance
alteration of the social forces. The prob- outcome, a relative stabilization of cap- with the Bolsheviks and subsequently
lem of tactics cannot be regarded as italism, ensured, and the revolutionary turn against them.
merely brandishing a weapon at will, proletariat had to resume its fight with a The situation and the relationship of
such that no matter what direction it is movement that had sacrificed its politi- forces were completely different in the
pointed, it always remains identical to cal orientation and its homogeneous countries of advanced bourgeois civili-
itself. Notactic can be condemned in the composition and organization, and con- zation. The perspective of a feudal reac-
name of an a priori dogma, but all tactics sequently was exposed to new oppor- tion was totally absent (as it is today),
must be analyzed and discussed on the tunist degenerations. and consequently any reason for possi-
basis of the following criterion; though However, the error that opened the ble common action with bourgeois par-
we may eventually win influence over door of the 3rd International to the new ties was lacking.
the masses, is there a danger that we opportunist wave, one more serious than Moreover, the state power and the
might compromise the character of the previous waves, was not just an error in logical, natural corollary of the united
partyand its abilityto guide them toward estimating the future probability of the front tactic. It was applied in Germany,
the final objective? proletarian revolution; it was an error of where it resulted in a serious defeat for
By adopting the united front tactic historical orientation and interpretation, the German proletariat and its Commu-
the Communist International too em- i.e., the desire to generalize the experi- nist Party.
barked on the same opportunist path ences and methods of the Russian bol- With the overt progressive degener-
that had led to the 2nd International to shevism to countries of a much more ation of the International after the 4th
disaster and liquidation. The character- advanced, capitalistcivilization. Pre-1917 Congress, the united front slogan served
istic of the opportunist tactic has been Russia was still feudal Russia in which to introduce the aberrant tactic of form-
the sacrificeof the final victorytocontin- the capitalist productive forceswere con- ing electoral blocs with parties that were
gent and partial successes; the United stricted by the shell of ancient relations not only not communist, but also non-
Front tactic was also revealed to be op- of production. Obviously in this situa- proletarian, the tactic of popular fronts,
portunistic, since it too sacrificed the tion - analogous to France in 1789 and and support for bourgeois governments.
primordial, irreplaceable guarantee of fi- Germany in 1848 - the political party of Or - and this relates to immediate ques-
nal victory – the revolutionary capacity the proletariat would have to combat tions - it was claimed that the proletarian
of the class party– to contingent actions czarism even if it seemed impossible to party, suspending the fight for its specif-
that were to have secured immediate avoid the creation of a bourgeois, capi- ic goals, should form the left wing of an
partial advantagesfor the proletariat (in- talist regime after the overthrowof czar- anti-fascist coalition comprising prole-
crease in the party’s influence on the ism. It was also obvious that the Bolshe- tarian as well as democratic and liberal
masses and a greater participation bythe vik party would be able to establish con- parties, with the aim ofcombating bour-
proletariat in the fight for the gradual tacts with other political groups, since geois totalitarian regimes and, after their
improvement of its material conditions this was necessitated by the struggle collapse, of forming a coalition govern-
and for the protection of any conquests against czarism. Between February and ment of all parties, both bourgeois and
alreadygained). October 1917 the Bolshevik party en- proletarian, opposed to fascism. In this
In the context of the aftermath of countered objective conditions favora- way, beginningwith theproletarian unit-
the first world war, which appeared to ble for a broader plan: the possibility of ed front, unity was gradually extended
be objectively revolutionary, the lead- grafting the revolutionary conquest of
ership of the international was inspired power bythe proletariat directlyonto the ( Continued on page 18)
18 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020

Nature, Function and It is true that between 1928 and 1934 sive deviations of the 3rd International
the Comintern, unexpectedly turning has shown that it is not possible to
Tactics of the against bourgeois left currents and the maintain intact the programmatic posi-
Revolutionary Party social-democracy, issued slogans for tions, the political traditions and organ-
political autonomy and independent izational solidityof the party ifit applies
of the Working Class struggle. But this sudden tactical about- a tactic which, even in its formal posi-
(1945) face only succeeded in completely diso- tions, contains attitudes and slogans
rienting the Communist parties, without acceptabletoopportunist political move-
( Continuation frompage 17 ) producing any historical successes in ments. Similarly, anywavering or toler-
the fight against the fascist counter- ance in the area of theory will result in
until it finallyincluded all classes, bour- offensives or against concerted actions opportunist tactics and action.
geois and proletarian, ruling and ruled, by the bourgeois anti-proletarian coali- The party is therefore distinguished
exploiting and exploited. tions. The cause of this reversal must be from all other openlyhostile or allegedly
In other words, beginning from a sought in the fact that the series of dif- friendly parties, as well as those that
debatable, contingent tactical maneuver ferent tactical slogans were thrust upon claimtorecruittheir membersfromamong
which explicitly required absolute au- the parties and their cadres as so many the working class, by the fact that its
tonomyor revolutionaryand communist unexpected improvisations, without each political practice is alien to maneuvers,
organizations, the effective liquidation communist organization being prepared combinations, alliances and blocs tradi-
of this autonomy was accomplished, for the various outcomes. However, the tionally formed on the basis of contin-
along with the negation, not just of Bol- party’s tactical plans cannot and must gent postulates and slogans shared by
shevik revolutionary intransigence, but not become the exclusive monopoly of many parties.
even of the Marxist notion of class. leading circles; on the contrary, because This partyposition has an essential-
This progressive evolution of the they define in advance the attitude to ly historical value, and in the area of
Communist International stands in con- take in the various predictable situa- tactics, distinguishes the party from all
tradiction to the tactical these adopted at tions, they must be closely linked to the other parties, precisely as it is distin-
the first congresses and to the classic theoretical cohesiveness, the political guished by its original vision of the pe-
solutions given by Lenin in “Left Wing consciousness of the militants and the riod now being traversed by capitalist
Communism: An Infantile Disorder”; on traditions of the movement, and must society.
the other hand, it authorizes us to state, permeate the organization so that it is The revolutionaryclass partyis alone
after the experience of twenty years of always prepared in advance and can in understanding that today the eco-
the International’s existence, that such a foretell what the reaction of the unified nomic, social and political postulates of
serious deviation in relation tothe initial structure of the partywill be to favorable liberalism and democracyare anti-histor-
goal, parallel to the reversals of the rev- or unfavorable events in the course of ical, illusory and reactionary, and that
olutionary anti-capitalist struggle, has the struggle. To expect anything more the world has reached the point where, in
derived from an originally inadequate or different from the party, and to be- largecountries, theliberal organization-
method of posing the problems of the lieve that it can resist unexpected shifts al form is disappearing, making way for
party’s political tasks. in tactics, is not tohave a more complete the more modern, fascist system.
Today, without recalling thefull range or revolutionary conception of the par- However, in the period in which the
of arguments developed in the discus- ty. On the contrary, as the historical capitalist class had not yet begun its
sions at the time, it is possible to con- facts prove, this is the classic process liberal phase, and still had to overthrow
clude that the balance sheet of the too defined as opportunism, which leads the feudal power, or where, in large
elastic, maneuvering tact was not only the revolutionary party either to disso- countries, it still had to complete major
negative, but disastrous. lution and shipwreck under the defeat- stages and phases of expansion - phas-
Under the Comintern’s guidance, ist influence of bourgeois politics, or to es which were liberal in terms of eco-
Communist Parties everywhere tried re- vulnerability and disarmament in the nomicsand democraticin terms ofstate’s
peatedly to exploit situations in a revo- face of repression. role - a transitoryalliance of Communist
lutionary direction by resorting to the When the degree of development of parties with parties which, in the first
united front, and then by opposing the society and the course of events induce case, were openly revolutionary, anti-
victory of the bourgeois right, as it was the proletariat to make use ofcauses that legalitarian and organized for armed
called, with the tactic of left blocs. This are not its own by appearing in the false struggle, and in the second case, with
tactic resulted only in resounding de- revolutions the bourgeoisie needs from parties that were still fulfilling a task
feats. From GermanytoFrance, toChina, time to time, it is only opportunism that that secured useful and truly progres-
to Spain - nowhere did these coalition triumphs. The class party enters into sive conditions for the capitalist class
attempts draw the masses awayfrom the crisis, its leadership is subjected to bour- to advance more quickly along the path
opportunist parties and bourgeois or geois influences, and the return to the to its own overthrow, was both under-
petty-bourgeois influences, and steer proletarian path can only come about standable and admissible.
them in a revolutionary, communist di- through splits from the old parties, the The passage of Communist tactics
rection. In fact, they led to quite the creation of new nuclei and the national from one historical epoch to another
opposite result, by benefiting the anti- and international reconstruction of the cannot be diminished toa local or nation-
communists.TheCommunistpartieswere proletarian political organization. al casuistry, nor be lost in an analysis of
either mercilesslyattacked bytheir former In conclusion, the tactic the interna- the complexuncertainties that the histor-
allies when the coalitions were broken, tional proletarian partywill applywhen ical cycle of capitalism undoubtedly en-
and suffered severe defeats in their at- it is rebuilt in all countries must be based tails, without culminating in the practice
tempts to fight on alone; or, if they were on the following directives. condemned by Lenin in “One Step For-
absorbed by the coalition, they gradual- The practical experience of oppor- ward, Two Steps Back”.
ly became completely denatured to the tunist crises and struggles waged by left The policy of the proletarian party
point that theywere practicallyno differ- Marxist groups against the revisionisms has been above all international (with
ent from the opportunist parties. ofthe 2nd International and the progres- distinguishesit from all others)ever since
Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020 19

its program was first formulated and the the bourgeois front in the countries The excessive importance attributed
historical need for its effective organiza- where the best possibilities for this ap- during the first years of the 3rd Interna-
tion appeared. As the Manifesto states, pear, by mobilizing the proletariat’s re- tional to the application of Russian tac-
Communists, by supporting all revolu- sources for that purpose. tical positions to countries with stable
tionary movements against the existing Consequently, the tactic of insurrec- bourgeois regimes, and also to the extra-
social and political order, put forward tional alliances against the old regimes European and colonial countries, was
and defend, along with the question of was historically closed with the grandi- the first manifestation ofthe opportunist
property, the interests that are shared by oseRussian revolution which eliminated danger.
the whole proletariat, independent of the last major militaryapparatus ofa non- The second imperialist war and its
nationality. capitalist nature. alreadyobviouson sequences were char-
Insofar as it has not been perverted After this phase, even the theoret- acterizedbythe preponderant influence,
by Stalinism, the conception of revolu- ical possibility of the tactic of blocs in all areas of the world, even those
tionary communist strategy is that the must be considered as having been subjected to the most backward forms of
international tactics of communists is rejected by the international revolu-
intended to bring about the collapse of tionary movement. ( Continued on page 20 )

Peter and supporters dispersed in all direc-

tions, some abandoning political activ-
itywhileothers, while maintaining their
Our Internet Site:
Our Comrade Peter Mc Arthur died of political convictions, remained isolat- Our e-mail address :
a heart attack on September 25, 2018 in ed. This was Peter’s case. He did not get
Toronto (Canada); He had just turn sev- back in touch with us until a few years To find our publications:
enty a few days before. ago (regretting that he did not do it See informations on our website
Authentic proletarian, faithful to his before).
class, he had worked in several trades – Despite his isolation in English
in factories, on the railways, as a correc- speaking Canada, he strove to distrib- CORRESPO NDENCE
tor, and so on. But for thirty years and ute the party press at rare events and France: Programme, B.P. 57428,
until retirement he workedas a taxi driver gatherings. 69347 Lyon Cedex 07 Italy: Il Comu-
in Toronto. A few months ago he ironically told nista, C.P. 10835, 20110 Milan
Endowed with a strong sense of us that he had made “a mass distribu- Spain:Apdo. Correos 27023, 28080
humor and a luciditythat tosome people tion”: handing out forty leaflets and sale Madrid Switzerland: The address
could appear for cynicism (which was of several Proletarians in a demonstra- will soon be modified. Please write
not the case), his curiosity led him to be tion gathering 75 people! to the address of Lyon.
interested, in addition to politics, in a But above all he devoted his efforts
variety of topics such as cosmology to the publication of Proletarian as well
where his knowledge allowed him to ar- as the translation of party’s texts and Registration number to the “commission
gue with some scientists pretending to statements – hoping that in a not-too- paritaire de presse”: 52926. Managing
be Marxists. distant dayour theoretical journal Com- Editor: Dessus. payments: by checks or
Gifted with artistic sensibility, occa- munist Program could reappear. international money, order to: Dessus.
sionally he wrote poems, while being a Recentlyhe got in contact with Cana- Printed on our press.
lover of rock bands and singers of the dian activists and supporters ofthe IGCL PARTY’s PRESS
seventies. ( International Group of the Communist •-“le prolétaire” - (bimonthly in French)-
Suffering fromheart problemshe pro- left) with whom he conducted fraternal •-Price per copy £ 1 / € 1 / CAD 1,5/ Sfr
fessed a strong skepticism towards bour- but intransigent discussions.. 3. Subscription: £ 5 / € 7,5 / CAD 10/Sfr
geois medicine that had nearlykilled him At the end of August ‘18t he had 30. Subscription support: £ 9,5 / € 15 /
twice (by prescribing drugs that had receivedan eviction notice from his home CAD3 / Sfr 60.
been proved toxic). Unfortunately he (in a block ofbuildings tobe transformed •-“programme communiste” - (Theori-
was not taking enough care ofhim using into a shopping center); he sought to set cal review in French)-•-One copy £ 3 / €
to say“I knowmybodyis a temple (bible up a struggle committee in connection 4 / Sfr 8 . Latin America: US $ 2 / USA et
quotation) but I am an atheist”. with the increasingly difficult situation Cdn: US $ 4. Subscription: price for 4
copies. Subscription support: £ 20 / € 40
His first political engagement in the that is the lot of proletarians on the
/ Sfr 80 / Latin America: US $ 10 / USAand
seventies had been with the Spartacist question of housing. Cdn: US $ 40.
movement. After breaking with them he The few tenant’s strikes that have •-“il comunista” - (bimonthly in Italian)-
came across in a seller (Stalinist) of sec- taken place in Toronto since the begin- •-one copy: £ 1 / € 1,5 / Sfr5. Subscription:
ond hand books of a copyof the Commu- ning of 2018 against evictions or rent £ 6 / € 9 / Sfr 35. Subscription support:
nist Program, our theoretical journal in increases, show that this prospect was £ 12 / € 19 / Sfr 70.
English. not unrealistic, even though many resi- •-“el programa comunista” •-one copy:
Enthusiastic about its reading he dents had already left. Sadly he had not £ 2 / € 3 / Sfr 8 / Latin America: US $ 0,5
decided to get in touch with the Inter- the time to see his efforts materialize. / USA and Cdn: US $ 3 . Price support,
national Communist Party and he be- The comrades whoknew him will not one copy: £ 4 / € 6 / Sfr 16 / Latin America:
came part of the small group in the early US $ 1 / USA and Cdn: US $ 6.
forget his dedication and commitment to
•-“el proletario” •-one copy: Europa:
80s working to build a party section in our militant work. 1,5 € / 3 Sfr / £ 1,5 . Latin America: US $
Canada. His disappearance is a heavyloss for 1,5 / USA and Cdn: US $ 2.
The crisis that struck our organiza- the party; but we are convinced that •-“Proletarian” - (Supplement in english
tion at that time shattered the group young forces will appear sooner or later to “le prolétaire”) •-price per copy : 1,5
before this prospect could materialized. tocontinue his fight, thus rendering him €, US $ 1,5, £ 1, CAD 2 $, 3 CHF.
As in other places, Canadian activists the best tribute possible.
20 Proletarian No 16 / Spring-Summer 2020


Tactics of the The International Communist Party is constituted on the basis of the following
principles established at Leghorn in 1921 on the foundation of the Communist Party
Revolutionary Party of Italy (Section of the Communist International):
1. In the present capitalist social regime there develops an increasing contradiction between
of the Working Class the productive forces and the relations of production, giving rise to the antithesis of interests
(1945) and to the class struggle between the proletariat and the ruling bourgeoisie.
2. The present day production relations are protected by the power of the bourgeois
State, that, whatever the form of representative system and the use of elective democracy,
constitutes the organ for the defense of the interests of the capitalist class.
( Continuation frompage 19 ) 3. The proletariat can neither crush or modify the mechanism of capitalist production
relations from which its exploitation derives, withou t the violent destruction of the
indigenous society, not so much of pow- bourgeois power.
erful capitalist economic forms, but of 4. The indispensable organ of the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat is the class party.
the irresistiblepolitical andmilitarycon- The Communist Party consists of the most advanced and resolute part of the proletariat; it
unites the efforts of the working masses transforming their struggles for group interests and
trol exerted by the large imperialist for- contingent issues into the general struggle for the revolutionary emancipation of the proletar-
tresses of capitalism, presently organ- iat. It is up to the Party to propagate revolutionary theory among the masses, to organize the
ized in a gigantic coalition that includes material means of action, to lead the working class during its struggle, securing the historical
the Russian state. continuity and the international unity of the movement.
5. After it has smashed the power of the capitalist State, the proletariat must complete-
Consequently, local tactics can only ly destroy the old State apparatus in order to organize itself as the ruling class and set up its
be aspects of the general revolutionary own dictatorship; meanwhile depriving the bourgeoisie and members of the bourgeois class
strategy, whose first task is the restora- of all political rights and functions as long as they survive socially,founding the organs of
tion of the programmatic clarity of the the new regime exclusively on the productive class. Such is the program that the Communist
Party sets itself and which characterizes it. It is this party therefore which exclusively
world communist party, followed by the represents, organizes and directs the proletarian dictatorship. The requisite defence of the
reconstitution of its organizational net- proletaria n state against all cou nter-revolutiona ry initia tives ca n only be assu red by
work in all countries. depriving the bourgeoisie and parties which are enemies of the proletarian dictatorship of
all means of agitation and political propaganda and by equipping the proletariat with an
This struggle develops in an envi- armed organization in order to repel all interior and exterior attacks.
ronment where the illusions and seduc- 6. Only the force of the proletarian State will be able to systematically put into effect the
tions of opportunism hold sway: Propa- necessary measures for intervening in the relations of the social economy, by means of which
ganda in favor ofthe crusadefor freedom the collective administration of production and distribution will take the place of the capitalist
against fascism in the ideological do- 7. This transformation of the economy and consequently of the whole social life will
main, and in the political domain, the lead to the gradual elimination of the necessity for the political State, which will progres-
practice ofcoalitions, blocs, fusions and sively give way to the rational administration of human activities.
illusory demands presented together by * * *
Faced with the situation in the capitalist world and the workers’ movement
the leaderships of numerous parties, following the Second World War the position of the Party is the following :
groups and movements. 8. In the course of the first half of the twentieth century the capitalist social system has
Proclaiming that historyhas irrevo- been developing, in the economic field, creating monopolistic trusts among the employers, and
trying to control and manage production and exchange according to central plans with State
cablyrejected the practice ofagreements management of whole sectors of production. In the political field, there has been an increase of
between parties constitutes an essential the police and military potential of the State, with governments adopting a more totalitarian
and fundamental directive, and not a form. All these are neither new sorts of social organizations in transition from capitalism to
simple contingent reaction tothe oppor- socialism, nor revivals of pre-bourgeois political regimes. On the contrary, they are definite
forms of a more and more direct and exclusive management of power and the State by the most
tunist saturnals and acrobatic combina- developed forces of capital.
tions of politicians. This is the only way This course excludes the progressive, pacifist interpretations of the evolution of the
for the proletarian masses to understand bourgeois regime, and confirms the Marxist prevision of the concentration and the antagonistic
array of class forces. So that the proletariat may confront its enemies’ growing potential with
the need for the reconstruction of the strengthened revolutionary energy, it must reject the illusory revival of democratic liberalism
proletarian party as fundamentally dif- and constitutional guarantees. The Party must not even accept this as a means of agitation ; it
ferent from all others. must finish historically once and for all with the practice of alliances, even for transitory issues,
Even for transitory phases, none of with the bourgeois or petit-bourgeois parties, or with pseudo-workers’ parties with a reformist
the movements in which the partypartic- 9. The global imperialist wars show that the crisis of disintegration of capitalism is
ipates may be led by a super-party, by a inevitable because it has entered the phase when its expansion, instead of signifying a continual
higher organ consisting of a group of increment of the productive forces, is conditioned by repeated and ever-growing destruction.
These wars have caused repeated deep crises in the global workers’ organizations because the
allied parties. dominant classes could impose on them military and national solidarity with one or the other of
In the modern historical phase of the belligerents. The opposing historical solution for which we fight, is the awakening of the
world politics, the proletarian masses class struggle, leading to civil war, the destruction of all international coalitions by the
can onlymobilizeis a revolutionaryman- reconstitution of the International Communist Party as an autonomous force independent of
any existing political or military power.
ner again by building their class unity 10.The proletarian State, to the extent that its apparatus is an instrument and a weapon
around a single party which is compact of struggle in a historical epoch of transition does not derive its organizational strength from
in itstheory, itsaction, in the preparation constitutional rules nor from representative schemas whatsoever.The most complete histor-
ical example of such a State up to the present is that of the Soviets (workers’ councils) which
for the insurrectionary attack and the were created during the October 1917 revolution, when the working class armed itself under
management of power. the leadership of the Bolshevik Party. The Constituent Assembly having been dissolved, they
Every manifestation of the party, became the exclusive organs of power repelling the attacks by foreign bourgeois governments
howeverlimited, must makeitapparent to and, inside the country, stamping out the rebellion of the vanquished classes and of the middle
and petit-bourgeois layers and of the opportunist parties which, in the decisive phases, are
the masses that this historical solution inevitably allied with the counter-revolution
constitutes the only alternative against 11. The defense of the proletarian regime against the dangers of degeneration inherent in
the international reinforcement of the the failures and possible retreats in the work of economic and social transformation – whose
economic andpolitical domination of the integral realization is inconceivable within the limits of only one country – can only be assured
by the constant coordination between the policy the workers’ State and the united international
bourgeoisie and its ability – not defini- struggle, incessant in times of peace as in times of war, of the proletariat of each country against
tive, but still growing – to overcome the its bourgeoisie and its State and military apparatus.This co-ordination can only be secured by
contradictions and convulsions that means of the political and programmatic control of the world communist party over the State
apparatus where the working class has seized power.
threaten the existence of its regime.

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