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This module is the third in a series of ad- Nanplayer characters (NPCs) are intro- tioned agents were sent to all corners of the
ventures set in the mythical kingdom of duced throughout the text where they are kingdom to strengthen the order's network of
Blackmoor. Blackmoor was the first cam- most likely to be encountered. When intro- recruiters and spies. The heavy cost of the or-
paign setting ever created for use in a fantasy duced, their statistics are shown in an abbre- der's far-flung operations was paid from the
role-playing game. The Blackmoor presented viated form with combat and movement rich proceeds of slave raids that finally drew
in this module is a substantially revised and adjustments already computed. the attention of King Uther.
expanded setting based on material devel- And now-welcome to Blackmoor. When Rissa Aleford (the Baroness of the
oped for that venerable campaign. In view of Lakes-one of King Uther's most important
this fact, it is perhaps fitting to note that the The Kingdom of Blackmoor lieutenants and the woman he secretly loved)
events, places, and characters resident in was captured by the order while pursuingane
Four millennia before the present age, the
Blackmoor exist some 3000 years before those of its slaving bands, Uther sent agents into
fabulously rich and powerful Empire of Tho- Frog Swamp to locate and rescue her. In the
described in any other D&DB fantasy role-
nia ruled much of the civilized world. During
playing game material. process of doing so, these agents triggered a
the reign of the decadent Emperor Iyx I, the
The adventure in this module is designed chain of bizarre events that resulted in the
Thanian Northlands were invaded by a bar-
for a party of five to eight player characters partial destruction of the City of the Frog and
barian people called the Afridhi, who sought its citadel, the Temple of the Frog. The story
(PCs) ofthe 10th to 14th levels ofexperience.
nothing less than the conquest of all of Tha-
A balance of character classes will he needed ofthe mission to the Citv of the Froe is told in
nia. The cowardly response that this invasion Y

since the PCs will face many problems, each the second module in this series, DA2 ( T H E
elicited from the emperor was the cause of the TEMPLE O F T H E FROG).
of which may be most easily and effectively Great Rehellion by which the Northlands
solved by a character of a different class. A In the two months since the events de-
gained its freedom from Thonia and the scribed in DA2 occurred, Blackmoor's politi-
number of preralled characters are included Kingdom of Blackmoor was brought into he-
for use in the event that there aren't enough cal and military situation has only worsened.
ing. The kingdom's old enemies arc gathering to
PCs ofthe correct levels and classes available. The leader of the Great rebellion and the
Read this entire module before playing. west, north, and southeast. Throughout the
first king of Blackmoor was Uther Andahar. land there are rumors of war. The Skanda-
There are some plot elements that won't be The tale of Uther's rebellion and of the vile
fully developed until late in the module, but harian raiders are troubling Blackmoor's
d o t that nearly cost him his new-wan crown northern coast. The agents of the bizarre and
for which the groundwork must be laid much IS told in (he limr mudulc ~n this s ~ r w v ,D A I
earlier. If you are not already aware of these evil superbeing that calls itself the Egg of
(ADVESTURES IiX BL..ACK\~OOKI I t Coot are active throughout the land. From
elements before play begins, you won't be has no place here. Suffice it to say that Black-
able to plant clues or build drama as effec- west of the broad Misauga River, the expand-
moor fought and won a prolonged war ing Afridhi Empire sends larger and larger
tively. In addition, the Geography of the against the Thonian Empire and a host of
South, Alien Devices, Monsters &Foes, and raiding parties into the Barony of the Lakes,
other enemies. In the aftermath of that war the barony that guards Blackmoor's western
Rogues, Regents & Rascals portions of the and even as his old enemies prepared for a
module contain detailed information that is frontier. Away to the southeast, the Iron
new assault on the fledgling kingdom, King Duke, ambitious military governer of Tho-
merely referred to in passing earlier. Uther set about ending the lawlessness that
Study the maps before trying to run the nia's northernmost province, birthed plots
had grown up in the land during the terrible within plots, all designed to weaken Black-
module. Also read over the boxed material. fighting just past.
Boxed information should be read aloud to moor. Should his plots achieve their aim, a
O n e of the prime culprits in the reign of new Thonian invasion cannot he far away
the players at the places indicated. Unboxed terror that held postwar Blackmoor in its grip
information is provided only as a guide for Blackmoor has two important resources
was the so-called Order of the Frog, a vicious
you, the D M ; it is not read to the players. with which to meet these threats: the King's
and eccentric religious order whose fanatical Companions and The Fetch.
While every effort has been made to provide followers (called Froggies) were dedicated to
all information needed for play, you may Among those who serve Blackmoor are a
the total destruction of human civilization few remarkable individuals called the King's
want to add extra details to the boxed descrip- and the creation of a new dominant species
tions for atmosphere. Companions. Knights, mercenaries, rogues,
bred from-frogs. Under the leadership of a idealists-the Companions include some of
These abbreviations arc used in the mod- shipwrecked alien named Stephen Rocklin
ule: the best generals and warriors in the North;
(Saint Stephen), the order prospered during and all are devoted to Uther and his cause.
AC = Armor Class; MV = Movement the Great Rehellion when the attentions of Many now rule new baronies created for
Rate; HD = Hit Dice or Level; hp = cur- Blackmoor's leaders were elsewhere. The or- them by a grateful king. They are Black-
rent hit points; #AT = Number of attacks; D der's secret headquarters (the City of the moor's main bulwark against the enemies
= Damage; AL = Alignment; F = Fighter; Frog, located deep in Frog Swamp on Black- gathering on its borders.
T = Thief; M = Magic User; C = Cleric; moor's southwestern frontier) was trans- Blackmoor's second resource is an elderly
OL = Open Locks; F T = Find Traps; R T formed by Saint Stephen into a power base gentleman named Fletcher William and an

= Remove Traps; PP = Pick Pockets; MS
Move Silently; CW = Climb Walls (Sheer
Surfaces); HS = Hide in Shadows; H N =
from which he planned eventually to mount a
campaign of conquest. From all over Black-
moor, the order's agents sent recruits to Frog
organization of 40 full-time bailiffs and 40
student auxiliaries whose salaries are paid by
the University of Blackmoor. Only a few of
Hear Noise; cp = capper pieces; sp = silver Swamp, where Stephen used his alien tech- these individuals are actually employed keep-
pieces; gp
pieces; pp - gold pieces; ep
platinum pieces.
electrum nology to condition them to fanatical loyalty
to the order. From Frog Swamp, these condi-
ing the peace at the university. Most operate
under Fletcher William's direction as under-


cover agents ofUther and his Regency Coun- accident was not supposed to happen. In fact, of action. They wanted to contact the locals,
cil. Fletcher William and his two score agents the engineers flatly maintained that it was establish cultural ascendency over them, and
are highly successful in thwarting the ene- impossible. Nevertheless, a power plant ex- mobilize them to create an industrialized civ-
mies of the realm, and those few persons in plosion destroyed the ship’s spatial discontin- ilization. Using Beagle’s technological re-
the know refer to the elderly Keeper of the uity field and even damaged its conventional sources and with an entire planet to draw
Peace as The Fetch in tribute to the seem- drive. As a result, the crew of FSS Beagle from, it would he possible to establish a com-
ingly supernatural skills he exhibits as Black- found itself in a decaying orhit around a fortable colony on the planet that would re-
moor’s chief spook. primitive world in a ship that was never main viable even if rescue was delayed for
During the past two months, the King’s meant to enter atmosphere. Fortunately, 500 years! The local sand folk, who occupied
Companions and The Fetch’s agents have Captain Bork Riesling found what appeared the desert surrounding Beagle, were already
been stretched exceedingly thin guarding the to be a dead sea bottom and managed to overawed by the aliens, calling them gods
frontiers, spying on Blackmoor’s enemies, bring his ship down on it by badly abusing his and their ship the City of the Gods. If the
rooting out hostile agents, and doing all that conventional drive. other planetary cultures were as easily
they can to confound those who plan the Riesling’s maneuver saved both ship and swayed, control of the globe might be estab-
kingdom’s demise. It is thus fortunate that crew, but Beagle’s propulsion pods were so lished within a few short years and a global
Blackmoor has one more resource known to badly damaged that the vessel would never industrial base built within two decades.
only a few-and seldom used by those who lift again-at least not without a new drive It was a compelling argument, hut one that
are aware of its existence. Secreted in the and power plant. Following the standard op- Captain Riesling rejected. Regulations, he
lower cellar of Blackmoor’s Comeback Inn is erating procedure, the captain sealed the ship felt, could not he so easily flouted. When the
a temporal discontinuity-a gate in time and sent out survey robots to examine surface rescue mission did show up, he would be ac-
formed by the harnessing of the wild magic conditions. When their data was processed, countable for all action taken; and the last
that permeates Blackmoor. Through this gate there could be hut one unhappy conclusion. captain to flout the nonintervention regula-
have come heroes from the future who have Beagle was stuck on a Class 9 pretechnolo~i- tion had been cashiered and shipped to the ice
been recruited to aid Blackmoor in its hour of cal world inhabited by a number of sentient mines afFreya as an involuntary colonist. So
need. species, of which the dominant species FSS Beagle would adhere to regulations.
Twice hefare those heroes have braved seemed to be genetically related to the princi- Most of the crew would be placed in stasis.
danger in order to come to Blackmoor’s aid. pal species on the Federation Board ofGover- The robots would utilize the time to gather
Now, they are about to face their greatest nors. In fact, the members of Beqle’s crew, specimens on this world (thus impressing the
test. For south of the kingdom, war is brew- who were drawn from that principal species, superiors who would eventually review Ries-
ing in an unexpected quarter. In the desolate could easily he mistaken for the dominant ling’s performance). A watch crew would run
Valley of the Ancients, a new power is about sentients of this planet except that their skin the ship until the rescue mission arrived.
to become a factor in the counsels of Black- appeared to have a slight greenish cast under
moor. the light of the local sun. It would have been The War of the Gods
extremely easy for the aliens to mix with the One of the crewmen who opposed Ries-
The Fall of the Sky City locals and gain global dominance within a ling’s decision was Security Officer Stephen
few decades. But the very backwardness of (“the Rack”) Rocklin. As a senior line off-
Far from the sun that E;ives light and life to the planet was its protection. Federation reg-
Blackmoor, almost athirc1 of a galaxy away, is cer, Rocklin was part of the watch crew,
...- ”. ..._
m l l s = A C>ala& Federation,
nf +he ~ n . c_l..__

a loose confederation of planets and peoples

ulations clearly prohibited cultural interven-
tion in Class 9 worlds.
charged with establishing groundside de-
fenses against the natives. During the course
Of course, regulations can be bent; and of his duties, Rocklin became aware of some
dedicated to the preservation of internal or- this was an emergency situation. The Beagle
der and peace. Within the vast bureaucracy very strange aspects to Beagle’s new home.
could not repair itself, and it could not lift. Many of the species captured by the ebots
that governs this federation is a small bureau There was enough power to keep the ship op-
that is a tiny part of a big department that is (ecology robots) used as scouts displayed re-
erational for decades, for perhaps as long as a markable characteristics never encountered
but a fraction of a huge secretariat. This mi- century with a reduced crew. And, in a few
croscopic organization, the Galactic Survey anywhere else in the galaxy. At first, it was
years, the vessel would be missed, and a Fed- thought that these were manifestations of
Bureau (GSB), is charged with the long-term eration rescue mission would begin back-
mission of exploring and mapping the galaxy, unique parapsychological talents, but further
tracking its planned itinerary. Any vessel that investigation showed that they were related
obtaining specimens of its flora and fauna, came within a light year would almost cer-
and maint aining a comprehensive directory to a strange energy field permeating the
tainly pick up Beagle’s poweful distress bea- planet, but strongest just north of where the
of known p,lanets. One afthe ways the bureau
accomplisnes its mission is by sending forth
con. There always the chance, though, that Beagle was grounded. Some of the aspects of
some combination of events would delay the this energy field were so bizarre that Rocklin
hundreds of Federation Survey Ships to visit rescue. Budget cuts in 2946-2958 had delayed
and catalog the stars and their planets. and others took to referring to them as
the rescue mission that was to search for FSS “magic,” (which, ofcourse, is what they are).
A little over five years before the events re- Foxglove, and the ship ended up being for-
lated in this module, one of those survey ves- After months of exposure to the bizarre
gotten for almost 50 years until a minor bu- phenomena of this world, Rocklin reached
sels, the FSS Beagle, suffered a serious reaucrat noted that the vessel was still
malfunction in its drive pod while in orbit the conclusion that Beagle’s crew absolutely
reported overdue. had to explore the planet further. The power
around the sole inhabited world in a minor In weighing these factors, there were those
and heretofor uncataloged star system. The represented by its energy field was a unique
in Beagle’screw who favored a radical course

treasure that could change the lives ofcount- even sent a cyborg to terminate his enemy, Soldiers of the Frog on a successful raid that
less billions of yet unborn sentients through- but Rocklin escaped the attentions of the as- netted them many blasters and suits of battle
out the galaxy. It m w t he studied and sassin. armor, Riesling changed his policy of nonin-
understood. Rocklin did not escape the attentions of tervention in local affairs and made a treaty
Knowing that the captain would never al- Kinguther andThe Fetch. As related above, with the sand folk that bound them to help re-
low the cultural contact needed to accomplish agents ofBlackmoor wrecked his base in Frog sist the Fmggies. In addition, he has estab-
this end, Rocklin recruited others to his cause Swamp, and the kingdom’s leaders assumed lished long-range patrols of robot scouts
and plotted a mutiny. Some crewmen joined that the Order of the Frog was destroyed. pmgrammed to locate and destroy potential
because they agreed that what they had dis- They were very wmng. enemies before they c a n even get close to the
covered on the planet justified breaking any City of the Gods. Finally, since a crewman re-
and all regulations. Most, though, were sim- The Return of the Frog cently fled in a stolen scout, Riesling has or-
ply scared that they would never he rescued. dered that all crew members undergo
During the past two months, Rocklin, who
As so often happens, the mutiny failed be- conditioning similar to that used by Saint
escaped the holocaust that destroyed the
cause it was betrayed. When Riesling was in- Stephen to create his fanatical following of
Temple of the Frog, has been rebuilding the
formed of the plot, he tried to arrest the Froggies. So far, almost all of the crew mem-
Order of the Frog along slightly different
ringleaders. Rocklin and his people fought bers have been put through the first stages of
lines. While the work has started on the re-
back. It was touch-and-go for awhile, but the conditioning (and have thus gained an im-
construction of the temple, the order’s alien
captain eventually regained control of the munity to the effects of charm person, sleep,
leader has personally concentrated on build-
ship. Opening all ofthe envio pods in order to
ing a new army for a special purpose.
ESI: holdperson, and confusion spells.) This
create a diversion, Rocklin and a handful of preliminary conditioning has not yet put a
After much agonizing over his failure to
mutineers managed to escape in a stolen life- stop to the widespread disaffection among the
anticipate the destruction of the temple,
boat. Though most of the loyal crew mem- crew that has resulted fmm Riesling’s para-
Rocklin has come to the conclusion that he
bers were occupied rounding u p the noid behavior.
cannot go on without more help and better
specimens who had wandered out ofthe open All of this unexplained military activity on
equipment. Much of the alien technology
envio pods and into the ship’s corridors, one Blackmoor’s southern frontier had already
that he scavanged from his wrecked lifeboat
gunnery offcer noted the lifeboat’s departure drawn the attention of King Uther and his re-
was destroyed when the temple was wrecked,
and sent a hellbore missile winging after it. gency council when something happened that
and all of his companions were slain. He
The missile eventually caught up with the caused them to plan an immediate expedition
can’t hope to operate even the machinery
lifeboat and sent it plunging into Frog to locate and explore the City of the Gods.
that remains without the help of either aliens
Swamp, where Racklin and the survivors Once before, a party had penetrated the Val-
or robots. The locals just aren’t sophisticated
made contact with the Order of the Frog, ley of the Ancients and entered the city, but
enough to do the necessary work. Since the
which he eventually took over and turned had been turned back before it could obtain
only source of aliens, robots, and high-tech
into a personal power base. any really useful information. It was known
equipment on the planet is the grounded
Meanwhile, back aboard the Beagle, order that the city’s residents had strong magic, hut
Beagle, Rocklin has decided to put together a
was restored only after much expenditure of it was unclear how strong.
commando force and capture the ship.
blood and sweat. The specimens gathered on Then, one day, a “magician” in a flying
One of the most important pieces of tech-
other worlds had mostly died when the envio “egg” landed at a remote outpost of the
nology that Stephen salvaged from the tem-
pods were opened. Those gathered since the realm. The magician was killed, but his egg
ple was a device that allows him to condition
crash were recaptured and confined. More was captured intact. Soon, the area was
the minds of his followers, making them fa-
crew members were brought out of stasis to crawling with Froggies, and Froggie agents
natically loyal to himself and the order at the
replace those who had mutinied or been were heard to he asking questions about it
same time that it makes them immune to the
killed. Thus ended what the sand folk, who throughout Blackmoor. When the Regency
effects of charm person, sleep, ESI: holdper-
observed it from a distance, called “the war Council learned about the egg, its contents,
son, and confusion spells. Thougb all Fmg-
of the Gods.” and the interest of the Order of the Frog, un-
gies are exposed to the device, Rocklin has
The ship soon resumed its routine. But raveling the mystery got a high priority.
been using it most often to condition a new
something was now different. The captain When The Fetch’s agents reported that the
cadre of fighters, called the Soldiers of the
was sick-not in his body, but in his mind. Fraggics knew of some connection between
Frog. By raiding the City of the Gads far
Emotionally shattered by having part of his the egg and the City of the Frog, planning for
equipment, he has armed and armored his
crew turn against him, Riesling slid into the an expedition to theValley ofthe Ancients be-
cadre with the finest alien gear. Once the gan, Since most of the King’s Companions
grip of a paranoid psychosis. He began to ex- cadre is large enough, he plans to attack. In
press distrust of the crew, making wild accu- and all of The Fetch‘s regular agents were al-
the meantime, he has posted scouts all
sations, often accompanied by excessive ready tied up, it was decided to once again
around the Beagle and established a picket seek the help of the heroes from the future.
punishments for minor infractions that had
line to keep anyone else away from the prize.
been blown out of proportion in his mind.
Riesling, for his part, is not unaware of
The crew reacted by shunning their captain
Rocklin’s interest in Beagle. Though he is not
until, increasingly, Riesling became a man sure what exactly Rocklin intends, he knows
alone, more convinced with each passing day that the Froggies are gathering around his
that some of the mutineers had remained on ship and has taken steps to pmtect it from
board Beagle and were in contact with his them. After his old shipmate led some of his
nemesis, Rocklin. In desperation, Riesling

This adventure begins with a meeting in time may have passed since the PCs who did play this one by using this section to intra-
the Comeback Inn at which The Fetch re- not stay in Blackmoor returned to their own duce the PCs to Blackmoor. However,
cruits the PCs for the planned expedition to time. No matter how long it’s been for the once a character is used in this module, it
the City of the Gods. However, before this PCs,two months have passed in Blackmoor. can’t be used in previous BLACK-
meeting can take place, you must first bring Those PCs who left Blackmoor after play- MOOR” modules.
the PCs together in the same room of the inn. ing the previous adventure and those PCs * In the unlikely event that all of the PCs
Each ofthe PCs can arrive at the inn in one of new to the BLACKMOOR” campaign have who played DAl and DA2 were killed or
three ways, depending on whether you have encountered one another on a trail in the Bro- remained in Blackmoor at the end of those
played previous modules in this series and ken Lands and have agreed to travel together adventures, use this section to bring new
how those modules ended. Each method of to the city of Corunglain. But, after joining PCs to Blackmoor.
arrival is detailed in the section below entitled forces, the PCs have run afoul of a large band
T h e Heroes Out of Time. You may need to of brigands (outnumbering the PCs by at At the start of this adventure, all of the new
use more than one of method in order to least 15 to one) and, having failed to elude PCs are together in what appears to be an
bring everyone together. Once the PCs are all their pursuers, have fled to the Inn Between abandoned inn located high atop a rocky
in the same room, use the section entitled the Worlds. Read the following passaxe to all chimney in the middle of the Broken Lands.
The Chance of a Lifetime to conduct the PCs not presently in Blackmoor. As in the case ofoption 2 (see above), the PCs
meeting with The Fetch. have been pursued to this building by brig-
Instead of using characters of their own in- Away behind you in the distance, you can ands. However, thinking that they have
vention, your players can, if they want, play hear the sounds of sword hilts hammering eluded their pursuers, they have failed to bar
one of the prerolled characters in the Pre- at the timbers of the stable doors that you the inn’s doors, allowing the brigands to en-
rolled Characters part of this module. These recently shut and barred to defeat your ter the inn when they stumble upon it after
are the same characters found in previous pursuers. You are safe now from the brig- having all but abandoned their search for the
BLACKMOOR* modules, but they have ands who have chased you for 20 miles PCs. Once inside, they have unexpectedly
been substantially “fleshed out” in this mod- across the Broken Lands ever since you encountered the PCs and trapped them in the
ule. Note, however, that their characteristics fought your way out of their ambush on lower cellar of the inn with their backs to a
have not been adjusted to reflect a n y changes the road to Corunglain. The powerful en- fog-shrouded stone archway. Badly outnum-
resulting from earlier adventures. If the play- chantments on this place will prevent bered, the PCs take the one escape route open
ers use the same prerolled characters played them from breaking in. The problem is, to them-they step into the arch. When they
in DAI or DA2, you must make any appro- those same enchantments will also keep step out again, they are in the Comeback Inn
priate changes in their levels and possessions you from leaving-except through one in the town and kingdom of Blackmoor 3,000
before using them in this module. exit. There it stands before you-the gate years in the past--and the gate behind them
in time that leads to Blackmoor. Smoke is shut. Read the following passage to the
The Heroes Out of Time billows from its maw and sinister lights PCS.
The PCs can arrivc for the meeting with flash within the smoke. It is not a comfort-
ing sight, that gate. But it is now your one The m m before you seems to be the same
The Fetch in one of three ways.
hope for salvation. Loosening your weap- as the one you just left. But there are no
1. AN INVITATION FROM T H E ons for easy access, you step into the brigands, and the faint odor of decay is
FETCH pearly fog. gone. Instead, the m m is dean and neat
If you played previous modules in this se- and is occupied by a t m p of Si soldiers.
ries, any PCa who survived and stayed in The PCs step through the fog and into the There is a barred iron gate between you and
Blackmoor are now residents of that land. lower cellar of the Blackmoor Comeback Inn the soldiers, one of whom run8 out of the
For the last two months, since the events de- at the very time that The Fetch is planning to mom just as you arrive. The other soldiers
tailed in module DA2 (TEMPLE O F T H E rend his expedition to the City of the Gods. aim cocked and loaded crossbows in yaur di-
FROG), they have been enjoying themselves Blackmoor’s chief sleuth immediately works rection, but don’t actually attack you.
at crown expense. During that time, they the newly arrived PCs into his plans. After
have been guests at Blackmoor’s famous being admitted to Blackmoor by the soldiers The soldier who ran out of the room re-
Comeback Inn. One glorious midsummer’s guarding the gate in time, they are quartered turns in 3-6 rounds with the wizard Jalla-
morning, the inn’s portly proprietor, Fredi- in the Comeback Inn and told to expect a pieric, the cleric Brother Richard, Marfeldt
gar Cripps, informa them that The Fetch has guest for dinner, which will be served in their the Barbarian, The Fetch, Scotty Debelfq
requested that they make themselves availa- rooms. If there arc other PCs staying at the and six more soldiers (making a total of 12 in
ble for a private dinner in their rooms that Comeback Inn, the two groups are brought the room). The PCs then face:
very evening. together. Jallapierie: AC 8 (ring’ of protection + l ) ;
2. AN ESCAPE TO BLACKMOOR 3. A LEAP IN1Y) THE UNKNOWN H D 17; hp44; M V lZO’(40’);#AT 1; D 2-
If you have played a previous module in There are two situations in which you will 12 (staffofsrriking) or3-6 (dagger +2) or
this series (DA1 or DAZ), and one or more of need to use this method of bringing PCs to by spell; Save M17; M L 10.
the PCs who is participating in this adventure Blackmoor. Brother Richard: AC 2 (plate mail and
returned to his own time at the end of his last shield); H D 11; hp 38; MV 120’ (40‘);
adventure in Blackmoor, then anywhere br- If you have not played any previous #AT 1; D 3-8 (mace +2) or by spell; Save
tween two days and two years of subjective BLACKMOOR” modules, you can still CI1; M L 11; A L L .


Marfeldt: AC 5 (lealther armor); H D 16; hp -

then explains to them where (when?) they are
77; M V 120’(40’); #AT 1; D 3-6 (dagger a way to the south, on the open plains we
+2) or 1-6 (har. .. -__,
__ I _I
and what the gate is. He also informs them

that he and his “associates” have found a way

Ci111 the Eastern Hak. Not much there.
One of our people, a fellow called the
The Fetch: AC 3 (chainmail + 2); H D 14;hp to reopen it, and will do so when the PCs are Peshwan Na Shepro has a dominion in the
56; M V lZO’(40’);#AT 1; D 3-10 (sword ready to leave. However, since they are here, vicinity called the Barony of Dragonia.
+2); Save F14; M L 10; A L L . he would like to speak with them and make Miserable little fief. More a militarv out-
Scotty Debelfry: AC 4 (leather armor); HD them an offer of employment. He keeps talk- post than anything else. Anyway, the bar-
16; hp 24; M V 120’(40’);#AT 1; D 3-8 ing until he gets the PCs to agree to accept the ony ends at the Wurm River. Beyond that,
(mace +a;Save T16:M L 10: AL N. hospitality of the Comeback Inn (“directly the land is claimed by a bunch of nomads,
Soldiers (12):’AC 5 (chainmail); H D 5; hp 25 above your heads”) and to sup with him in the Horsemen of Peshwah. Nasty folk.
each; M V lZO’(40’);#AT 1; D 1-6(cross- their rooms that evening. Very fond of collecting other people’s hair,
how) or 1-8 (sword); Save F5; M L 10; AL Ifthe PCs insist a n fighting, the NPCs and I understand.
L; X P 175. guardsmen present should have little trouble “Anyway, there is one old gentleman
subduing them, but if the fight lasts more who has managed to settle in that country
The soldiers arc elite guardsmen, and each despite the Peshwah Scoundrel by the
than six rounds, then two more soldiers ar-
wears black armor and a black tunic with a name of Gamey Benbow-used to be a
silver Hawk of Andahar. Each carries a case rive on each succeeding round until the PCs
are subdued. These new arrivals have the sergeant in the guards. Now he runs a
of crossbow quarrels containing 16 normal small trading past name of Benbow’s
same characteristics as the soldiers already
quarrels and one each (total of four) ofthe fol- Hectare. Not much there-sod station
present, but don’t carry crossbows.
lowing magic missiles: house and a corral just about does it. But
Once any fighting is over, the NPCs have
1 Quarrel of Charming: The victim must it’s a good listening post. O u r man the
some local clerics care for anyone who was se-
make a Saving Throw vs. Spells or be Baron of Dragonia pays old Benbow for
riously wounded and raise anyone who was
charmed by the user (as the charm person or any information he manages to pick up.
killed. The Fetch then fills the PCs in on what
charm monster magic user spell). That’s one ofthe ways we keep tabs on the
has happened to them, arranges for them to
1 Quarrel of Disarming: This missile has no Peshwah.
be guested in the inn, and makes a dinner en-
effect unless it strikes a victim holding a . . . “Benbow’s reports are usually routine.
weapon or other item The victim must make g,agement In their rooms
But not many weeks ago he had some-
a Saving Throw vs. Spells or drop whatever thing land in his lap-and it was anything
he is holding. A dropped item can normally
1:he Chance of a Lifetime
hutroutine. I m a s n e , foramoment, a b i g
he recovered in one round (unless it falls into Before their dinner engagement with The silver egg about the size of this room and
a pit or chasm, or someone else grabs it). Fetch, all of the PCs are brought together in hollow inside. Now imagine that the egg
1 Quarrel of Dispelling: When this missile their rooms in the Comeback Inn. If some flies-flies with people inside of it-up to
hits, it creates a dispel magic effect centered (but not all) ofthe PCs are new to the land of a dozen, maybe. Now, once you have that
on the point of impact (a 20’ cube), as if cast Blackmoor, give the old hands a chance to fill image in your minds, imagine that you’re
by a 15th level caster. the new people in on the situation (the poli- an old man alone in the wilderness, sur-
1 Quarrel of Stunning: The victim hit by tics, geography, recent events, etc.). rounded by enemies. And one day your
this missile must make a Saving Throw vs. O n the first evening that all of the PCs are Crockery starts to rattle, and your house
Spells or be stunned for 1-6 rounds. A gathered at the Comeback Inn, The Fetch starts to shake. Sa you run outside to see
stunned victim cannot concentrate, and suf- dines with them. Over a hearty dinner of what’s happening, and there, fallinglike a
fers a -2 penalty to saving throws, a -4 penalty roast mutton, pork pie, and venison ragout stone onto the hill behind your home, is
to Hit rolls, and a + 4 penalty to Armor laid out in their quarters, the spymaster ex- our big silver egg.
Class. plains the current situation. If all of the PCs “Personally, if it happened to me, I’d
The NPCs indicated above are described are new to Blackmoor, he first discusses the be hiding under the bed with my skinny
in the Rogues, Regents &Rascals part of this material presented in the section of this mod- shanks all aquiver muttering pleas for
module. Both NPCs and guardsmen want to ule entitled The Kingdom of Blackmoor. mercy But Benbow’s made of sterner
avoid a fight. Ifforced to fight, their objective Otherwise, he assumes that the PCs already stuff. Realizing that he had a tiger by the
is to subdue rather than kill. They are mainly understand the campaign’s background and tail, he determined to hang on and ride
interested in preventing unauthorized entry begins discussing the events leading up to this the beast. By which I mean, he got his
or exit via the gate and in detaining in- dinner. crossbow and went to investigate. He got
truders. Thus, they try to capture the in- to the top of the hill just as a very agitated
truders instead of killing them. In combat, “As to why I wanted to speak with you individual came staggering out of the egg
the guardsmen use their magic quarrels first. tonight-well, I would like to retain you to with something glittering in his hand.
Only if a foe continues the struggle after all make a short journey I’U not lie to you. It’s “Well, no sooner does this intruder see
magic quarrels have been fired do they fire going to he a very dangerous journey There Benhow than he aims at him whatever it is
normal quarrels. Even then, they avoid kill- is a chance that you’ll all come hack hale of that he is holding. Benbow, being no fool
ing the PCs. h e m and sound of limb, hut that’s not an and recognizing a hostile act when he sees
If the PCs negotiate, The Fetch invites eventuality ahout which I am optimistic. one, promptly buries a quarrel in the gen-
them to enter the room and has one of the “ I suppose the best place to start is tleman’s forehead. End of intruder.“
guardsmen open the iron-barred gate. He


The “intruder” was an alien. Until a few about its find and whether he would now
hours before his encounter with Benbow, the have to compete with them for the technologi- transportation, good advice, and campan-
young crewman (one Rikart Betz) was a jun- cal wealth of the Citv of the Gods. ions who know the territory Really, I’m
ior rating aboard FSS Beagleand one of those sure you’ll agree that it’s the chance o f a
chosen to stand watch while most of the crew “I’m sure that I don’t need to tell you lifetime. Any questions so far?”
were in stasis. When the paranoid Captain about the Froggies. Except to say that
Riesling falsely (and quite without grounds) they’re active again. Their temple is being At this point, The Fetch answers questions
accused the hapless Betz of having stolen rebuilt. Worse, they’re looking for new from the PCs (if any). Of The City of the
some fruit earmarked for the captain’s dinner talent, this time for some special opera- Gods he remembers only fleeting impressions
and then hinted that Betz had perhaps smug- tion. We don’t know for sure what, but we of metal corridors stalked by metal warriors
gled themissing fruit to “mutineers:’ the boy do know that the new recruits are all called (ebots and dbots). He can describe the route
panicked. Fearing for his life, he “requisi- Soldiers ofthe Frog and that they’re being his party took to the city from Robert the
tioned” a small scout (the “egg”) and fled the armed with magical weapons. No matter. Bald’s tower (Cloudtop, their point of depar-
Beagle, but not before ground fire fatally Regardless ofwhat they have planned, we ture) south through the Axmauth Gate. If the
damaged his craft. When he made his crash can he sure of one thing. With the Frog- PCs question him about the journey through
landing at Benbow’s Hectare, he was still in a gies in this, it’s going to get nasty the Valley of the Ancients, he illustrates his
state of blind panic, which may be why be “As for the City of the Gods-that may answers by showing them a map of the region
aimed his hand blaster at Benbow with such take some explaining. About four years south of Blackmoor. If they think to ask more
fatal results. ago, we began to bear stories about a sky- general questions about the area, he provides
sailing city that had come to earth in a des- them with information drawn from the Geog
“With the intruder no longcer in any posi- ert called the Valley of the Ancients, south raphyoftheSouthpartofthis module. Ifthey
tion to exercise his property rights and no of Blackmoor. At that time, we were look- think to ask ahout sand folk and camarillas,
one else about, old Benbow laid claim to ing for allies in our war against Thonia. A he describes these species in detail.
the egg. Knowing that we would be inter- party of us made a trip into the desert to If, at this point, the PCs dicker over
ested, he sent word of his find to Baron find the city and try to form an alliance. money, The Fetch increases the sums offered
Shepro via a passing patrol. The baron, in Less than a third of the expedition re- by up to 50%. When the dickering is done
turn, contacted me, and I arranged for turned. and the PCs have asked a reasonable number
some of our people to look at the item-in “What killed us? Thirst, heat, trolls, of questions (or as many questions as they
exchange for which I had to pay a large sand folk, dragons-the usual. But also seem interested in asking), The Fetch elicits
sum to Gamey Benbow. other things. We got to the city, you see- from each a commitment to participate in the
“One of our people is still there, and got inside and tried to contact the Gods. expedition. When everyone is on board, read
every day he’s learning mare. I don’t But it was no good. All we saw were mon- the following passage.
know what his final report will be like, but sters and metal warriors. The metal war-
what he’s told us so far is both intriguing riors killed more of us than the dragons. “Much of what we have discussed I don’t
and disturbing. The egg and all of the In the end, we ran from there like think you’ll need. You see, we intend to
items in the possession of the dead in- whipped dogs and were glad for the privi- provide you with some companions. One
truder appear to be highly magical-hut lege of showing our heels. of them is none other than the Baron of
of a type that we have never hefore en- “That’s what I know of the City of the Dragonia, himself. Which should tell you
countered. Our man on the spot and oth- Gods-and the City of the Gods is where just how important we believe this matter
ers who have visited the place believe that you’re going. Assuming of course that to be. The baron knows the south as well
this new magic is potentially as powerful you’re willing to do some traveling on our as anyone in Blackmoor, and he will be
as anything we know today What is truly behalf. Your objective is to either contact your guide. He is also, by the way, one of
frightening is that it may, in fact, prove to these “gods” and talk them into receiving the deadliest swordsmen in Blackmoor.
be more powerful. a diplomatic envoy that we will send-or, “We’re also sending along a rather col-
“That’s not the only reason that we arc failing that, to steal whatever magic you orful character who might be useful. A
frightened-and curious. In recent weeks, can that might be of use in the coming wizard by the name of Bosero-decent fel-
our agents have became aware of others wars. low, but with a bit of a drinking problem.
asking questions about the egg, trying to “Needless to say, we’ll make it worth I doubt that that will matter where you’re
find out what we know about it and what your while. Say, 5,000 gold piecesJust to going, and Boserohas been examining the
we plan to do. Those others have been make the trip, another 5,000 if you ar- egg for us, so he knows about as much as
identified as agents of the Order of the range for our envoy to he received, and anyone about this new magic. Inciden-
Frog. We’ve also learned from back street we’ll give you a generous price for any tally, Bosero’sbrother, Richard, is also go-
gossip that our old foes, the Froggies, new magic items you acquire. All of these ing along. In fact, he’s outside now.”
have somehow linked the egg with the sums payable upon your return-or upon
City of the Gods.’’ conclusive proof of your deaths, as appro- At this paint, T h e Fetch introduces
priate. For our part, we’re also making Brother Richard, who is to accompany the
In fact, as soon as Stephen Rocklin h e a d the entire expedition possible, remember, expedition to the City ofthe Gods. If you feel
ahout the egg, he knew what it was and set his by providing you with food, equipment, that the PCs are too weak to tackle the city by
agents to find out what Blackmoor knew themselves, then Marfeldt the Barbarian andI


Scotty Debelfr). are also introduced 10 them

as members of the rxprdition. If thrr‘e are
eight PCs participating in the adverm r e ,
then either Marfrldt or Scorry (not both )may
be included in the cxpedition. All of these
NPCs arc described in detail ~n t h r RaIgues,
Rrqents & Rarrds pan of thrr module Once
The Frtch has made appropriate intrmoduc-
tions, he producer an 8” x 8” x 2” c:bony
box, and opens i t to reveal 12 plain qald rings
nestled In trny slots in a black velvet cushion.
The Fetch now e v e s each character cxcept
Brother Richard one ring. Bmrhrr R I:hard ~
gets thrce rinsq, two of which he rucks away
in his purse. These two are for Hosero arId the
Peshwan Na Shrpro.
“These rings are magical, ofcoune. They
are also part of a set, so do your bes t to
bring them back safely. Each ring can 1)old
u p to three teleport spells. At present, t hey The Fetch now givrs the PCs the map of made arrangements with Jallapicrie and Ro-
each hold two. The first spell takes the the lands south of Blackmaor that he used in bert the Bald to assist the PCs, but what he
wearer to Benhaw’s Hectare. The expedi- answering their previous questions. As long has not told them is that both wizards have
tion will depart from there once eacl1 of as the PCs possess this map, let them see Map agreed only with great reluctance to help and
you has had a chance to examine the <:gg. 1: The Lands South of Blackmoor. To pre- will do so only if the PCs very existence is be-
The second spell brings the wearer back to vent the PCs from seeing the map of the City ing threatened. Jallapierie is needed in
this room. You use that one to make y our of the Gods on the same sheet, fold the sheet Maus, and Robert simply doesn’t want to
return journey once you’ve attained y our in half. If the PCs lose their map, they can no leave his tower, where he is in the midst of
objective or decided that there is no h ope longer look at the map of the south included some tricky research. But both will keep their
of doing so. in this module and must instead rely on ques- word and watch the PCs through their crystal
“Do be careful not to get the SFbells tioning NPCs (especially the Baron ofDrago- balls. If the PCs are in danger that they can’t
mixed up, won’t you? We went to a ICIt of nia) in order to find out where they are at. handle themselves, one or both of the wizards
trouble to have Robert the Bald cast th,em. After giving the PCs their map, The Fetch may use a helm ofteleportation to pop in and
You’ll find that, unlike most telel> O R makes one final speech. lend a hand.
spells, these are practically foolproof. You Of course, you need not use the wizards as
simply can’t end u p anywhere except the “Now, I’ve got to be a bit grim. We’re a deus ex machina to save the PCs, hut the
destination that Robert picked-unl ess, sending you on this expedition in hope of City of the Gods is a dangerous place, and
of course, you trigger the wrong spell important results. But what we fear is an- they may need some extra help to survive in
“Let me impress one more thing u pori other disaster not much different from certain situations. If the players have not ac-
you. These rings are aloan. Ofcourse , we what happened the first time we sent peo- tually earned death by playing badly, this
tNSt you to return them. But, should YOU ple into the Valley of the Ancients. So help may he especially important. If you feel
try to keep them, you will find that y our we’ve made some special arrangements. uncomfortable making this decision yourself,

steps are dogxed by a. rather nasty curse.” Two of the best wizards in the the North-
lands will be watching you in their crystal
then use the dice to determine if one or both
of the wizards intervenes in a situation. In
The Fetch refuses to specify the natiIre of balls. Both have agreed to come to your each instance in which one or more PCs is in
the curse. In fact, it is a geas laid on the rings aid if they see that you are in trouble. clear danger ofbeing killed, roll ld8. O n a re-
by their maker, a 36th level wizard. Ariyone Since they are needed elsewhere, we hope sult of 1-5, the wizards are unaware of the
who tries to keep any of the rings from their that you won’t get into trouble. Remem- PCs plight or don’t believe that it is all that
rightful owner (Kinguther and his heirsI) suf- ber also that each wizard can see you only serious and so refuse to intervene. On a result
fers bad luck until such time as he takes I ictive three times per day, IO you can’t count on of 6, Robert the Bald appears. On a result of
steps to right that wrong. In this case, “bad their help. Nonetheless, it might make a 7, Jallapierie appears. O n B result of 8, both
luck” consists of adding 3 to all saving ti1rows difference. Robert the Bald and Jallapierie appear.
and To Hit die rolls. Ifthe character is a thief, “With that, gentlemen, I must leave Whenever the wizards appear, they help
his percentage chance of successfully using you. You’ll have plans to make, I’m sure, the PCs out of their immediate dang-er, and
his various thieves’ abilities is reduced Iby 10 and I recommend an early start tomorrow then use a teleport spell to return to their re-
percentage points. Characters who don ‘1 re- morning. Remember that we’ll be watch- spective towers. Each wizard appears only
turn their rings also earn the enmity of King ing and hoping for your safe return.” once per day.
Uther, The Fetch and Blackmoor’s Re(p c y
Council. Exit The Fetch, smiling. He has indeed

Once the PCs have been r e auited and Set Rules are detailed in the Monsters & Foes is designed to let you design your own adven-
briefed by The Fetch as describc:d in The part afthe module. The alien artifacts carried tures set in the city, using this module as a
Chance o f a Lifetime, they are realdy to play by some ofthe foes encountered are treated as model.
The NPCs who are going to be parit of the ex- magic items, They are detailed in the Alien At some paint in their exploration of the
pedition to the City of the Gods joiin them in Devices part of the module. city, the PCs will probably decide that it is
their rooms early on the momine: after the When the PCs reach the Valley of the An- time to gather up their booty and head for
dinnerwithThe Fetch. Aftera brie fbreakfast cients, they continue to have random en- home. The Ending the Adventure part of the
of cold roast, bread, cheese, and I de laid an counters. However, they also have one module explains what happens when they do
by Fredigar Cripps, the character:I use their preplanned encounter, a sand folk ambush so. It also includes some plat twists that can
rings to travel to Benbow’s Hecti%re.Their that can result in their becoming guests of the he used to nudge the PCs toward that deci-
arrival and the subsequent events at that lo- sand folk war chief, Da-Nel. This encounter sion, if necessav.
cation are described in the Benhow.’s Hectare and its possible outcomes and complications Finally, the PCs will meet a number of im-
part of this module. are detailed in the Da-Nel’s Camp part of the portant NPCs in this module. Some of them
From Benbow’s Hectare, the PCs, now module. It is possible for the PCs to avoid this (Brother Richard, Bosero the Drunkard, the
joined by the Peshwan Na Shepro , Baron of encounter altogether, but this is not recom- Baron of Dragonia, Marfeldt the Barbarian,
Dragonia, should proceed across tlle Eastern mended. and Scotty Debelfry) may accompany the
Hak to the Valley of the Ancients. The PCs At the end of their journey, the PCs reach PCs on their adventure. Others (Stephen
may choose to disregard the advii:e of their the City of the Gods. Once there, they must Rocklin and Captain Bark Riesling-) are im-
guide (the baron) and travel by zI different find a way to enter the city, try to make con- portant foes who will keep trying to foil the
route, but they will find that the d irect route tact with the aliens, obtain as many alien de- PCs in future modules in this series. A few
favored by the baron is easiest and safest. us-
~ vices as they can by diplomacy or theft, and (The Fetch, Robert the Bald, and Jallapierie)
ing the map of the lands south of ILackmoor finally escme The City of the Gads is not de- are only peripherally involved in the events of
that is included in this module, trac e the PCs’
joumey to the City of the Gods, fol lowing the
outdoor travel and encounter ro “tines ex- City of the Gobs part of this module includes NPCs are described in detail Fn the Rogues,
plained in the D & P Expert Set R.ules. a general description of the city and a system Regents & Rascals part of this module. If
These routines are slightly modiified to re- far “randomizing” its layout, contents, and possible, you should avoid killing off any of
flect the increased chance of havi ng an en- denizens. That part of the module also con- them (at least permanently) since, even if you
counter in some areas shown on the map. tains a number of plat twists you can use to are not playing- this module as part of a
The Encounter Chance Table on this page make the players’ limited exploration of the BLACKMOOR’ campaign, you may want
lists a number of geographical aireas in its city an exciting experience. Since the city can to see these NPCs again if your players return
right-hand column. T h e middl e column never really be fully explored, this approach to the City of the Gods.
shows the number of encounter ch ecks made
each day that the PCs spend travel.sing those
areas. The left-hand column show!3 the num-
ber that must be rolled on Id6 1:or an en-
counter to occur. Use this table foiIthe areas ENCOUNTER CHANCE TABLE
named instead of the Chance of Encounter
table on page 42 of the Expert jet Rules. NUMBER OF
Make one check per day and use tlhe table in AREA BEING CHECKS EACH ENCOUNTER
.. .. ..
~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~

the Expert Set Rules for any areas (other than TRAVERSED. EACH DAY. OCCURS ON.
the City of the Gods) not named (in the En-
counter Chance Table on this pagf The Eastern Hak 1 6
The Geography of the South part of this The High Hak 1 6
module describes the most important areas Thc c o o .pa +*
shown on the map ofthe lands sout h of Black- The Dragon Hills 2 4-6
moor. It also contains six encouiiter tables T h e South Draeons 2 5-6
used for different areas and ter rain types T h e Spine OF the
- 1
shown on that map. Each table ha:3 an expla- ‘Drapbn
nation of when it is used. In gene]ral, theta- l’h? Kerman Peaks 2 4-6
bles in the Geography of the South are used The Ash Hills 2 4-6
instead of the standard encounter tables in-
cluded on pages 30 and 35 of the Expert Set
Rules. Use the tables in the Expent Set Rules
The Badlands
The Blasted
T h e Blue HI
only when a given area is not covered by one T h e Valley of the
of the encounter tables in this moclule. Ancients 3 5-6
Many of the encounters listed or1 this mod-
ule’s encounter tables involve m onstem or
alien devices new to the PCs. Those monsters
not described in the D&Da Basic imd Expert

1-4 (dagger) or by spell; Save F14; M L ney Benbow. When the party from camp ar-
11; A L L . rives, read the following to the players:
zone, and you Garney Benhow: AC 7 (leather armor); H D
wooded hum- 4; hp 32; MV 120’ (407; #AT 1; D 1-8 You arc still staring at the metal egg when
st expanse of (sward) or 1-6 (short how); Save F4; M L a gravelly voice harks, “You. Stand clear
like the waves in; AL N. 0’ the egg an’ identify yerselves.” The
feet northwest In a corral built into the northwest face of owner of the voice is a burly man with a
s a long, low Benhow’s sod house are 14 riding horses and sergeant’s insignia stitched to the nubby
ked by half a apack mule. The mule is intended for the use gray cloth of his tunic and a cocked cross-
:lla tents. An of the expedition to the City of the Gods. bow aimed at you. Before you can comply
ck winds be- Each member of the expedition also gets one or the man with the crossbow can say
hefore disap- riding horse. more, one of his companions, a short fel-
g the hill with low in a patched traveling robe, shouts the
ssed in chain RidingHarses(14): AC 7; H D 2 ; hp 12 each; word “Richard” and leaps forward to em-
izoned with a M V 240’ (80’); #AT 2 hooves; D 1-4/1-4; brace the flying monk. After a lengthy
on as you ap- Save FI; ML’7; AL N bout of affectionate hugging and enthusi-
ds the nearby M ~ ~ ~ ( ~ ) : A C ~ 1; 4H; ~D~ iZz n; ’~( 4~n ’ ) ; astic back-pounding, punctuated by a
1 men can be #AT 1 kick or 1 bite; D 1-4 or 1-3; Save babble of inane comments from the short
,ores Normal Man; M L 8; AL N. fellow in the patched robe, the two broth-
As soon as the PCs orient themselves, they ers (for, clearly, that is who they must be)
if the household discover the scout immediately behind them. part self-consciously and turn their atten-
iia, and a green tion to the others occupying the hill with
livery They are them.
About 20 yards east of where you stand is
puardsmen, two a large, smooth, ovoid metal object. One
-ds captain who At this point, Brother Richard introduces
end of the metal object is slightly crum-
this site. the PCs (any NPCs in the party already being
pled as if it had struck something, and a
known to those on the hill). Then Bosero in-
hain mail and long iurrow of plowed earth behind it ap-
troduces first himself and Garney Benhow
M V lZO’(40’); pears to mark where the object skidded to
and then the Baron of Dragonia.
-6 (spear); Save a stop. A closer examination reveals that
the surface of the abject is not as smooth as
hain mail and it at first seemed. At one point, the base is “And this, friends, is our guide into hlack-
MV izn’(40’); broken by an etched circle three feet in di- est danger, his lordship the Peshwan Na
1-6 (long how); ameter. The surface of the circle is de- Shepro, King’s Companion and, by grace
pressed except where it is bisected by a of his majesty King Uther I, Baron of
5 (chain mail); &inch wide undershot bar. Beside the Dragonia.”
1‘); #AT 1; D 1-8 etched circle is a legend written in red With that introduction, Bosero makes a
I; Save F3; M L runes. sweeping bow to his companion, a dark,
slim individual of medium height clad in
hain mail); H D The etched circle is a hatch. The bar is a blued plate armor and unadorned nubby
; #AT 1; D 1-8 andle that turns the entire hatch to the right silks of the same silvery gray as the sol-
;A L L . or left. Turning to the right opens the hatch. diers that surround you. At first, you are
Turning to the left, closes it. The runes are a not completely sure of the person’s sex.
:s stand are two set of instructions written in Galactica and The figure is almost girlish, and the an-
izing remuda of drogynous face hefore you might he that
mounted on a decal. They can he read using a
the guardsmen. o f a famous courtesan or an innocent choir
read languages spell. They say:
D2;hplPeach; boy. Certainly, the hand that the baron of-
fers each of you in turn is soft as that of a
wes; D 1-4/1-4; Warning! Authorized personnel only. maid. But beneath the velvet skin are
Entry to this vehicle is restricted. To muscles and tendons like steel hands, and
kron of Drago- open manually, grip handle and turn all the eyes in that painfully beautiful face are
) the Drunkard the way to the right. Pull hatch out. the flat dead eyes of a killer.
Gamey Benhow
the alien scout) A party of men from the camp arrives on
the scene hefore the PCs c a n open the door THE TOUR
(hut after they have had a chance to decipher
:hain mail); H D the runes, if they so desire). The party from When all appropriate introductions have
; #AT 1; D 3-10 the camp consists of six guardsmen, a guards been made, Bosero suggests that the PCs take
IL 12; A L L . sergeant, the Peshwan Na Shepro (Baron of a look at the scout. The baron dismisses all of
H D 14; hp 42; Dragonia), Bosero the Drunkard, and Gar- his men except for three guardsmen armed
gger or spell; D


with spears and swords. The rest of the vates the beacon, six dhots that have been scout’s computer and sensors. In this case,
guardsmen return to their camp along with searching for the missing scout Start to head the alphanumeric code groups used in the
Benbow. When all guardsmen are gone and for Benbow’s Hectare. runes printed on the control panel and dis-
the watch is in place, the baron signals Bosero played on the screens are unreadable, even
Dhots (6): AC -2; H D 24’; hp 120 each; MV
to open the scout, which he does, following with a read languages spell. The numbers
the directions on the decal by the hatch. 120’(40’), flying 480’ (160’); #AT 2 weap-
ons; Dvariable; Save F16; M L 12; A L L ; and most ofthe words can be translated, but
X P 6,000 each. local languages lack such concepts as Thrust.
Gripping the bar in the middle of the Atd. Cntrl. Over(Thruster Attitude Control
etched circle, Bosero twists it to the right. Among the other wonders that Bosero Override), which might be translated in
There is a soft sigh and what had seemed shows the PCs are a suit of battle armor, a Common as Direction Change Spell or, with
to he a thinly etched circle becomes the glow wand, a communicator, a hand blaster, equal validity, as Spell of Rudder Control,
outline of a door. When Bosero pulls out a medkit, a translator badge, and a set of dependina on who casts the read laneuaees
on the bar, the door swings open. And snoopers. All of these devices are described in spell
here is a marvel. For, even though the the Alien Devices section, and Bosero uses
door is at least a foot thick, it swings the names for those devices that are shown in Bosero shows you what he believes to be
lightly as a feather. parentheses after their alien names. Bosero the controls that make the egg rise into the
Inside, the egg is brightly fit by milky, also shows the PCs the bloodyjump suit that air and change direction. The egg doesn’t
glowing panels set in the walls and ceiling. the magician was wearing when he died. By move when he touches protrusions and le-
All surfaces are smooth and hard, and the time that Bosero shows them to the PCs vers, hut the glowing green runes do
many of them are canted at odd angles. he has completely figured out the purpose change, informing you, according to Bo-
The walls don’t stand true and straight, and functioning of the battle armor and the sero, that the egg is damaged and can no
hut wander off in all directions, making hand blaster by applying what other Black- longer fly.
the small egg seem much larger inside moorian agents (the PCs?) reported of their
than it really is. experiences during the adventure narrated in The wizard’s assessment is correct. He has
The interior of the egg is a single large module DA2 (TEMPLE OF T H E FROG). figured out the vessel’s controls, but is getting
chamber with ample room for all of you. He has also completely figured out on his own an error message indicating flight control and
Padded benches run along the sides of the how to operate one other item of your choice, power plant malfunctions that prevent the
egg from the end where you entered al- and he shows the PCs how to operate the craft from operating. As a result of this tour,
most to the front or top where Bosero now items that he understands. The remaining the PCs should be able to fly a smut the next
stands facing you between two padded items are a mystery. Once the PCs have been time they encounter one, though they will
chairs. Strangely, you can look directly shown the items worn or carried by the magi- have no idea how to navigate.
through the walls making up the top half cian, read the following passage to the play-
of the egg as if they were cut from the fin- ‘s. The Battle
est glass in Blackmoor. As your eyes dart
from one wonder to the next, Bosero de- Indicating the items that he does not yet While Bosero has been conducting his tour
lightedly explains what he has learned of understand, Basero explains that he of the alien scout, the six dbots have been
the egg’s magic, first showing you the hasn’t had time to get to everything yet, homing in on the signal being emitted from
strange devices removed from the body of especially since he has been occupied ex- the distress beacon. They are programmed to
the magician who was flying inside it. amining the egg itself. The wizard then identify and rescue (m.Sapture) whoever is
turns toward the front wall of the e ~ gin-
, wearing the beacon and to bring the scout
One of the first items in Bosero’s cata-
log of magic devices is a small pin or viting you to crowd around so as to see back to the ship, ifpossihle. If they can’t cap-
better. Beneath the point at which the ture whoever is wearing the beacon, they are
badge, which at first does nothing. But,
walls hecome clear is a canted shelf stud- to kill the individual. If they can’t bring the
when Basero presses a stud in the face of
ded with all manner of levers, studs, and scout back, they are to destroy it.
the device, it begins to emit a strangely
haunting melody. Bosero pins the device protrusions. Bosero touches one of the
to his robe and leaves the music on protrusions, and at least two dozen others
throughout the rest of his demonstration. light up like so many bejewelled lightning the egg when one of the rectangular areas
bugs. Some of the colored lights are steady that has been blank until now suddenly
The “pin” is actually a distress beacon. like the sun. Others pulse or blink. All lights up. Bosero is extremely agitated by
The “music” is a chain of coded mnemonics have tiny runes written beneath them. this phenomena since he has never seen it
desjgned to place a properly conditioned Glowing green runes appear on several before and did not touch any studs or pro-
wearer in a trance state in which previous larse indented rectanwlar surfaces. trusions that could account for it. Etched
survival training is retrieved from his subcon- into the rectangle is a bewildering array of
scious so that he can use it in what is pre- Bosero has hit the Power On button. This glowing green shapes, most of them
sumed to be a crisis situation. The “music” is the first step in using the scout. The canted straight lines. There are six pulsing lights
also has the effect of letting the wearer know shelf is the scout’s control panel. The colored
that the pin is functioning properly and that lights are indicator lights showing the status
the beacon is emitting a distress call on which of its various systems. The indented rectan- What the PCs are seeing is the readout
rescuers can home in. As soon as Bosero acti- gular surfaces are the output Screens for the from the scout’s airborne alert radar. The


green lines are a map grid. The various damage equal to half its hit points. Then, you have anything to add to the baggage,
shapes are terrain contours. The pulsing they change programs and start using see him. My plan is to cross the Eastern
lights are airborne objects (in this case, the gamma and sonic grenades and blasters. Hak, moving down the Salt Road to the
dhots). Once Bosero is gone, the two remaining East Gate. I’d like to avoid having to ne-
debots from the group that attacked the camp gotiate the Dragon Hills or the South
join the three that are attacking the hill. This Dragons, and I don’t want to have to
Bosero is still trying to figure out what
reinforced party fights its way into the egg, climb down the escarpment or take to the
caused the rectangle to glow when the air. Either of those methods of entering
baron shouts and points northward. High disabling defenders as necessary Once in-
side, they immediately determine that the the valley is likely to get us spotted while
in the sky, you can see six flying objects. we were still days away from our destina-
You stand transfixed for a moment, then scout can’t he flown back to the ship, use
sonic g-renades and blaster fire to wreck the tion. Considering what we’ve seen today,
Bosero cries with dismay, “Men. They’re
interior, and fly away. I think our best bet is to enter by the East
flying men. And they’re made of metal.” Gate and keep hidden as much as passi-
As you squint in their direction, you can hle. Travel by night; stayundercoverdur-
now see that they are indeed flying men As the metal men disappear into the dis-
ing the day Once we’re through the gate,
whose glossy black bodies gleam like bur- tance, the you turn to survey the damage.
there’s a trail that will take us north in the
nished steel in the bright sunlight. As fast The area is littered with downed soldiers, general direction of the city From there,
as rocs, they speed toward you, and the most of whom seem to he paralyzed. The we’ll have to see what happens. Any ques-
bamn is now clearly disturbed. Both he egg that they were sent to guard is no
and Bosero dash from the egg and raise longer worth the effort. Smoke drifts
the alarm. through large rents in its shell and fire
If anyone objects to this plan, a grim-faced
licks at the magic doorway
Brother Richard steps in to support the
By the time the dbots arrive, Bosero, Ben- baron, pointing out that the PCs don’t know
how, one guard sergeant, and three guard- The scout is completely wrecked. None of the territory, while Shepro does. Any other
men with crossbows, and six guardsmen with its devices are salvageable, and the PCs can NPCs in the party also support Shepro. If the
spears are in position to defend the camp be- learn nothing more from the melted plastic PCs still won’t take the hint and follow their
side Benhow’s sod house. The baron, the and twisted metal that is all that is left of the guide, then they will just have to find out for
other guards sergeant, the guards captain, six contmls. However, if any character examines themselves that Shepro’s direct path is the
guardsmen with crossbows, and three the interior, he finds the alien translator safest.
guardsmen with spears are dispersing them- badge and one other alien device carried by Similarly, the PCs may have to learn from
selves atop the hill where the egg is located. the scout’s dead magician (pilot) to he still in experience that the City of the Gods and its
working order. Roll id6 to determine which metal warriors have special means (radar) of
When the metal men reach Benbow’s device still works. detecting and identifying flying bodies, and
Hectare, they split into two groups. While Result Devices in Working Order automatically responds to large unidentified
three dive on the camp, the other three 1 Battle armor flyers. Each time any member of the party
race for the hill, As soon as they are in 2 Hand blaster takes to the air (by flying or by levitating to a
range, the crosshowmen go to work, hut 3 Medkit height of more than 10 feet) while outdoors,
the bolts harmlessly clatter off their metal 4 Glow wand that action draws the attention of two dbots
skins or shatter on impact. Suddenly, 5 Snoopers per an 8 result an the Valley Encounter Table.
something shoots from the hand of one of 6 Communicator Regardless of alterations in the plan, the
the metal men, and a billowing green NPCs in the party insist on leaving Benbow’s
cloud forms in the midst of the soldiers de- The baron, Brother Richard, and Benbow Hectare early the next day The pack mule
fending the camp. As the soldiers begin to all survive the fight and are in reasonably that Gamey Benbaw has ready for them at
drop to the gmund, another of the metal goad condition. Taking charge in the after- dawn carries enough rations to last the mem-
men swoops down and snatches Bosero. math ofbattle, the h a r m first sees to his men, bers of the expedition one month. It also car-
Cradling the wizard in his arms like a then gets the PCs together to plan their next ries three extra water skins per character
small child, he fliesoffta the southwest he- move. Brother Richard helps tend the since the only potable water in the Valley of
fore anyone can react. You hear a cry of wounded, then disappears for a couple of the Ancients is found in secret springs known
despair nearby as the flying monk realizes hours into a secluded clearing in the trees only to the sand folk and camarillas.
that his brother is gone. Then the metal atop the hill. He rejoins the company just as Once the PCs leave Benhow’s Hectare,
men are upon you. the baron is explaining what he intends to do their trip is routine except for random en-
countersuntil they reach theValley ofthe An-
The green cloud is the gas cloud from a cients.
neuron grenade. Since their orders don’t “My men will remain here to await our
specify killing bystanders, the dbots are fol- return. We’ll get a good night’s sleep to-
lowing standard procedure for this type ofop- night, then start out early tomorrow
eratian and using neuron, tangier, and morning. Benhow already has orders to
opacity grenades to paralyze and confound prepare our horses and baggage. If
the defenders. They continue to use these
weapons until one or more dbots sustains

The sand folk who inhabited the Valley of - Mounted Sand Folk (12): AC 6; H D 6; hp 24
the Ancients long before FSS Beagle came to enough, but the lumpy, slate-gray skin
each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 2 fists or 2
ground are a tough race of nomadic warriors and four arms mark him as one ofthe sand
weapons; D 1 - 6 / 1 4 or 3-12/3-12
who pmudly follow both the golden le (Do folk. In one hand he holds a metal object
(swords); Save F6;M L 10; AL N; X P 275
unto others first) and the eleventh command- that looks very much like the item that Bo-
ment (Don’t get caught). They have consist- sero called a wand of sunflame. In an-
Camarillas (12): AC 3; HD 6.; hp 18 each;
ently applied these rules for living to their other, he holds a sword. Neither weapon is
MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 bite or breath; D 1-
new neighbors in the City of the Gods and to raised. The remaining two hands are held
10 or3-18; Save F3; ML 8; AL N; X P 650
the Froggie scouting parties that have re- forward and open in the universal sign of
cently invaded their desert. Though the no- peace.
mads now have a treaty with the City of the All around you, sand is gently falling There are an additional 25 camarillas iden-
Gods, this does not prevent them from raid- from the robes of similar figures who have tical to the first 12 hidden just the other side
ing the city for whatever they can steal. In- risen from hales dug in the desert floor. of the rocky slope where the mounted sand
variably, sand folk elders blame such raids on You are now surrounded hy up to two folk are stationed. They don’t enter the fight
“renegades who are shunned even by their dozen of the sand folk. Twelve mare sand unless the sand folk retreat to their side of the
own kind.” folk riding camarillas quickly top the crest slope (in which case, they charge the PCs).
One ofthe most persistant raiders is an old of the rocky slope behind the speaker. If the PCs don’t immediately attack, then
rascal named Da-Nel. This war chief of the Some hold wands or staves ofsunflame or the sand folk stand stock-still as if carved
Ngumalakka (“merry throat cutters”) tribe weapons that look like them. Others are from stone while Ja-Min speaks again.
has led the fight against the Froggie intruders armed with matched pairs of big, heavy
since they first appeared. H e has also led nu- looking swords. Most are green-skinned, “Greetings, travelers in the land of
merous forays into the City ofthe Gods to oh- hut a few have the slate-gray hides of ma- blessed sun. Ja-Min am I, warrior of the
tain alien weapons with which to fight the ture sand folk. Ngumalakka. Welcome I bring you from
better-armed Soldiers of the Frog. But the the mouth of our war chief, Da-Nel.
City of the Gods is a very dangerous place. M a p 4: The Ambush shows the situation. Come with us, you will. To the camp of
Da-Ne1 has lost many fine warriors in his Surrounding the PCs are 24 dismounted Da-Nel, you will come, and there he
raids, almost as many as in his skirmishes sand folk and 12 mounted sand folk, They are guested, you will.”
with the Froggies (who have quite correctly led by Da-Nal’s lieutenant, Ja-Min, who has
decided that Da-Ne1 is an implacable enemy been ordered by his chief to bring the PC Ja-Min is more than willing to negotiate
who must he destroyed). party into camp-as honored guests, if at all with the PCs. H e will even let them keep their
Da-Ne1 is camped near the City of the possible-otherwise as captives. Ja-Min’s weapons. But he insists that they ride to Da-
Gods, contemplating a new raid, when his band includes: Nel’s camp immediately, and that they do so
scouts inform him that a party of humans is Ja-Min: AC 4; H D 6; hp 42; MV 120‘ (40’); inside a ring of wary sand folk mounted on
traveling toward his camp. At first, he thinks #AT 2 fists or 2 weapons; D 1-6/1-6 or 3- fierce camarillas. His reasoning is hard to ar-
that the humans might be Froggies, but the 12 (sword)/6-36 (hand blaster); Save F6; gue with.
scouts swear that its members neither look M L 10; AL N; X P 275. Ja-Min wears a ~~~~ ~

nor act like the enemy they have come to ring ofprotection + I , 5‘radius. “Come you must, because this he Da-
hate. Curious, Da-Ne1 orders the party way- Dismounted Sand Folk With Grenades (6): Nel’s desert. Yes, yes, all this wealth be
laid and brought to camp as “guests.” Time AC 5; H D 6; hp 30 each; MV 120’ (40’); Da-Nel’s, and none can come or go except
enough later to kill them ifthey turn out to he #AT 2 fists or 1 weapon; D 1-6/16 or 6-36 by his leave. Is it otherwise in your own
Froggies. And, if they aren’t Fmggies, then (hand blaster) or grenade; Save F6; M L land? You know ’tis not. So come. Hospi-
they may be of help in the next raid on the 10; AL N; X P 275 each. Each of these tality the war chief offers. Rude it would
City of the G o d s ! sand folk carries one neuron grenade and be to refuse him. Rude, yes. And foolish.
one tangler grenade. Have we not many weapons? Could we
The Desert Ambush Dismounted Sand Folk With Hand Blasters not force you? Yes, I think.
Read this passage to the players whenever (6): AC 6; H D 6; hp 30 each; MV 120’ “Yet, in peace we come. Open he our
they first move to within 50 miles of the City (40’); #AT 2 fists or 2 weapons; D 1-6/14 hands and pure our hearts. Like gentle
of the Gods. or 6-36 (band blaster)/3-12 (sword); Save rabbits we open our homes to you. Yes,
F6; M L 10; AL N; X P 275 each. like veriest hoppy bunnies, we trust you in
Dismounted Sand Folk With Heavy Blasters our camp. Can you not then put aside dis-
(6): AC 6; H D 6; hp 30 each; MV 120‘ tNst? Can you not embrace us as good
rocky desert when a voice softly hisses at friends?”
you from somewhere nearby (40’); #AT 2 fists or 1 weaoon: D 1-6/1-6
“Oh my, yes. No sudden moves please. or 6-48 (heavy blaster); Save F6; ML 10;
AL N; X P 275 each. If the P C s insist on fighting, Ja-Min and
Softly, softly Keep hands in sight and no
Dismounted Sand Folk With Snords (6): AC the 24 dismounted sand folk try to capture
one is hurt in unintended scuflle:’
6 , H D 6, hp 30 each; .& 120’
I\ (40’);
’ #AT them, using the flats of their swords and aim-
A few feet in front of you, a robed, ing their blasters to wound instead of kill.
masked, and hooded figure steps from be- 2 listsor 2 weapons; D 1.6/I-bor5-12.3.
12 (sword\), Save F6; ML 10; AI. N, XP The sand folk with grenadesuse those in pref-
hind a rock. The individual looks human
275 each. erence to blastersin an effort to stun or entan-

gle the PCs. Thus, all damage inflicted by the EXCe pt for personal weapons and equip- this greeting is considered a binding promise
sand folk using weapons other than gmmdes is
halved during the first 2-5 rounds of combat. ing the trme . - .
ment, t he sand folk hold all property (includ-
... , communally. t a c h
.. s camanllas) of safety that is never broken except when
. .. . ”.. . . .
dealing with non-sand lolk (and then only
After that, the sand folk hit for full damage. As of the tents except for the guest tent a i d Da- rarely).
long as the sand folk are hitting for halfdamage, Nel’s tent hold sleeping furs and rugs for the The baron automatically recognizes the
the 12 mounted sand folk and their camadas 10 sand folk who dwell there. The guest tent greeting and offers the appropriate words of
try to stay out of the fight, attacking only when doubles as a store room, and is partly filled acceptance (“Let heart be true as salt is sa-
they, themselves, are attacked. with sacks of particularly tasty rocks and sand cred”). If the PCs have thought to ask about
If the PCs a g e e to come to Da-Nel’s camp, plus three small chests holding tools for work- the sand folk during their briefing in Black-
they ase treated as guests. If they fight and ing leather, shoeing camarillas, forging moor, then they are aware of the proper re-
the sadd folk subdue them, they are stripped blades, and cutting tent poles. Only Da-Nal’s sponse and of the meaning of Da-Nel’s offer.
of weapons, clothing, and equipment and tent holds any treasure, a brass chest in one Otherwise, they are left in the dark until
carried to Da-Nel’s camp as captives. If the corner holds 200 gold pieces, six spare power briefed by the baron (at the first opportu-
PCs kill or drive off all of the sand folk, then packs, two gamma grenades, and a commu- nity). If they haven’t asked ahout the sand
they never meet with the sand folk war chief. nicator If the PCs are disarmed or stripped of folkand don’t have the baron with them, they
As soon as his scouts report the deaths of his their possessions, the items taken from them fail to offer the appropriate response; after an
people, he moves his camp away from the are stored next to this chest. expectant silence, there is some mumbling
City of the Gods. Read the following passage when the PCs among the sand folk, hut no other sign that
arrive at Da-Nel’s camo. something is wrong.
The War Chiefs Camp If PCs are brought to Da-Nel’s camp as
You have been riding for several hours prisoners, but offer the correct response to
A few hours after the ambush, the PCs
when your escort leads you down a steep, the chiefs ritual greeting, their weapons are
reach Da-Nel’s camp. The camp contains
Da-Nel, Na-Jir, Da-Nel’s six bodyguards, 18 twisting ravine, hardly visible from the returned to them. Otherwise, the ritual has
desert floor. Da-Nel’s camp is located at no immediate effect. Regardless of whether
other sand folk, and 36 camarillas:
the bottom ofthe ravine, which is bisected or not the PCs respond correctly, Da-Ne1 or-
Da-Nel: AC 0; H D 6 ; hp 48; M V 120’ (40’); by a thin Stream of water. On one side of ders hides fetched and spread on the ground
#AT 2 fists or ceremonial glave or 1 the stream are a dozen large tents made before his tent. Sand folk food is poisonous to
weapon; D 1-6/1-6 or 1-10 (glave) or 6-36 from some indefinable hide. Three dozen humans, but he offers them meats and beer
(hand blaster)/3-12 (sword); Save F6; M L camarillas doze atop flat rocks or roll in that arc appropriate to their systems, while he
10; AL N; X P 275. Da-Ne1 wears a spe- the dust on the other side. ingests a gruel made from sand. H e also
cially made suit of alien battle armor, a As you draw up to the cluster of tents, shares salt with them just as if they had spo-
gift from Captain Riesling an the occasion one of the sand folk steps from the dark- ken the required words of greeting and be-
of the signing of the treaty of alliance that ness of a tent that appears in no wise any come his protected guests.
Da-Ne1 has been ignoring. He also wears different from the others in the camp ex- Overtheir meal, Da-Ne1 questions the PCs
a ring ofspell turning with 6 charges. cept that a heavy glave is set in front of it. as to their purpose in the Valley of the An-
Na-Jir: AC 5; H D 6; hp 42; M V 120’ (40’); This newcomer is a huge brute, almost cients. If the PCs answer honestly that they
#AT 2 fists or 2 weapons; D 1-611-6 or 6- eight feet tall with skin as black as night, are bound for the City of the Gods to steal
36 (hand blaster)i3-12 (sword); Save F6; encrusted here and there with small red magic, Da-Ne1 is impressed. To the sand folk
M L 10; AL N; X P 275. Na-Jir is a re- crystals. A livid scar runs across a bony war chief, this is a good answer, indicating
spected warrior and chief rival to Da-Nel. brow and down a gnarled cheek, leaving a that the PCs are warriors and equals. If they
H e i s also something of a hothead. Na-Jir dent in the jaw before it disappears under mention the diplomatic goal that they are
wears a girdle ofgiant strength. the warrior’s robe. The right eye is cov- seeking, this response seems less good to him,
Da-Nel’s Bodyguards (6): AC 5; H D 6; hp 42 ered by a green leather patch. The leader but it is still an acceptable thing. There i s no
each; M V 120’ (40’); #AT 2 fists or 1 of your escort greets the newcomer with dishonor for being messengers for one’s el-
heavy blaster or 2 swords; D 1-6/1-6 or 8- an upraised fist and a stream of sand folk ders. If the PCs try to lie, there is a 90%
48 (heavy blaster) or 3-1213-12; Save F6; talk in which the name “Da-Nel” is prom- chance that Da-Ne1 detects the lies and is se-
ML 10; AL N; XP 275 each. inently featured. The newcomer looks you cretly distrustful of his guests, thinking them
SandFolkWithSwords(lZ):AC6;HD6;hp over for a moment before speaking in to he disguised Froggies. If the PCs make any
24 each; M V 120’ (40’); #AT 2 fists or 2 Common. mention of trading for magic or engaging in
swords; D 1-6/1-6 or 3-12/3-12; Save F6; “Greetings, friends. Dismount and be other “dishonorable” activity, Da-Ne1 con-
M L 10: AL N: X P 275 each. welcome. As my nestling be, and I as dudes that they are not warriors, but victims
Sand Folk With Hand Blasters (6): AC 6; thine. Let blade be sheathed and bow un- ripe for the plucking. Da-Nel’s attitude,
H D 6:. hr,. 30 each: M V 120’ (40’);
. , #AT 2 strung. And cursed be he who blood does formed at this first meeting, helps determine
fists or 2 weapons; D 1-611-6 or 3-36 mill w o n the salt.’’ the course of the PCs visit.
(hand blasterW12 (sword); Save F6; M L Regardless of how Da-Ne1 evaluates his
io; AL N; X P 275 kach. This, of course, is the ritual greeting of- guests, he insists that they stay the night and
Camarillas (36): AC 3; H D 6.; hp 18 each; fered to a guest. It commits whoever speaks it installs them (and their equipment) in the
M V 12Oi(4O’); #AT 1 bite or breath; D 1- to protect that guest at risk of life and limb guest tent, while their horses are penned in a
10or3-18; Save F3, M L 8 ; A L N ; XP650 and to do no harm to him. Among sand folk, small corral near the camarilla herd.


folk chief. On the night that the PCs are visit-

ing Da-Nel’s camp, a Froggie party attacks
with this purpose. While 12 Soldiers of the
Frog and 12 Froggie lay brothers led by one
of the Order of the Frog’s few surviving
monks snipe at the camp from the north side
of the ravine, a party of assassins drawn from
anew corps called the Teeth ofthe Frogenters
the camp from another direction and tries to
kill Da-Nel. This situation gives the PCs the
option of saving Da-Nel’s life or escaping in
the confusion.
The Froggie raiding party includes:
Inner Circle Monk (1): AC 0 (battle armor);
H D 5; hp 30 each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1;
D 6-36 (hand blaster); Save C5; M L 12;
AL C; X P 175. The monk knows the
cleric spells detect evil, protection from
evil, bless, and hold person.
Soldiers of the Frog (12): AC 0 (battle
The Visit With Da-Ne1 interfere, and doesn’t permit anyonc else to armor);HD3; hplZeach;MVI20’(40‘);
interfere. However, the challenged party
From this paint, you and the PCs deter- #AT 1; D 8-48 (heavy blaster); Save F3;
(only) can designate a willing friend as a M L 12; AL C; XP 35 each.
mine what happens. Any or all of the events champion to fight for him, and Da-Ne1 SCN-
detailed below can occur, depending on what Lay Brothers (12): AC 5 (chain mail); H D 2;
pulously informs the PCs of this fact if one of
the PCs do and what plot twists you decide to hp 10 each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1; D 1-6
them is challenged.
introduce at Da-Nel’s camp. Possible events (crosshow) or 1-8 (sword): Save F2: M L
Sand folk trial by combat consists of two
are detailed below. i2; AL C ; X P 20 dach. ’
antagonists jumping into a 20-foot square, 8-
Na-Jir’s Challenge: Na-Jir is a powerful Teeth of the Froe (6): AC 0 (battle armor):
foot deep pit dug in the ground. Neither an-
warrior who firmly believes that he should H D 5; hp 40 each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT ii
tagonist can take a missile weapon into the D 1-8 + poison (envenomed sword); Save
hold Da-Nel’s place. The elders have never pit, but any other weapons (including magic
agreed with this idea, thinking Na-Jir a bit F5; M L 12; AL C; XP 175 each.
items that can be used for purposes other Riding Horses (31): AC 7; H D 2; hp 8 each;
slow on the uptake. Under sand folk law, than firing missiles) are allowed. Once inside
which recopizes trial by combat as a means M V 240‘ (80’); #AT 2 hooves; D 1-4/1-%
the pit, the antagonists fight until only one is
of settling disputes, Na-Jir can’t challenge Save F1; M L 7; AL N; X P 20 each. All of
alive. The survivor wins the dispute and the Fmggies have riding horses, but at-
Da-Ne1 to a duel, but Da-Ne1 can challenge gains ownership of the loser’s worldly posses-
him. Knowing that Da-Ne1 is interested in tack dismounted. During the melee, their
sions. There arc no rules except for prohihi-
profiting from the PCs’ presence in the area, mounts are picketed behind a rock forma-
tions against using missile weapons (which tion near where the Soldiers of the Frog
Na-Jir decides to anger Da-Ne1 by threaten- might endanger innocent bystanders) and
ing his guests as much as he can within the are positioned.
magic spells (which are considered unwar-
law. riorlike). Anyone who violates these prohibi- Since the sand folk have sentries posted
If the PCs make the appropriate response tions is attacked by the entire tribe and killed. around their camp, they have a few minutes’
at the ritual of welcoming, Na-Jir can’t chal- If a trial by combat takes place, the out- notice of the attack and are not surprised, de-
lenge them outright. H e can only be rude to come affects Da-Nel’s attitude toward the spite the fact that the Froggies have crept up
them in hopes that Da-Ne1 will take offense PCs. If a PC loses, and Da-Ne1 isn’t overly on them in the night. The PCs, on the other
and issue a challenge. If the PCs don’t make impressed with them anyway, he has his men hand, discover that the camp is under attack
the appropriate response, Da-Ne1 isn’t strip them of their clothing and other posses- only when one of the sand folk noiselessly
bound to defend them, and others are free to sions and dump them in the deep desert with- slides into their tent and tells them to quietly
challenge them as equals. There must be out food or water; the visit to Da-Nel’s camp get up. If the PCs retain their weapons, he in-
some cause for the dispute, though. A per- is over. If the PC wins and the PCs arrived in Cams them that they are expected tojoin Da-
ceived insult or the death of a comrade at the the camp as captives, Da-Ne1 returns their Ne1 by his tent during the fight. If they are
hands of one of the PCs (during the ambush, weapons and treats them with new respect. In disarmed, they are expected to stay in the
for example) is good cause. any other situation, there is no immediate guest tent (though they aren’t guarded). Map
IfNa-Jirissues achallenge or provokes one discernable change in Da-Nel’s attitude, hut 5 ; Da-Nel’s Camp shows the dispositions of
of the PCs into hitting him (which is consid- he is more obviously friendly toward them if the two sides at the Start of the melee and the
ered a form ofchallenge), then a trail by com- the PC wins and seems thoughtful if the PC movements ofthe assassins.
bat occurs. T h e challenged party can’t loses. The main body of Froggies keeps firing at
decline to fight. To do so merits instant death. The Fro& Attack: Stung by Da-Nel’s the camp until the assassins attack. Then
Knowing what Na-Jir is doing and wanting recent victories over his Soldiers of the Frog, they jump on their horses and ride away The
to test the mettle ofhis guests, Da-Ne1 doesn’t Saint Stephen tries to assassinate the sand suicide squad sneaks into the camp while the


sand folk are too busy to notice them. When who fail the saving throw sustain 1-4 points of He allows the PCs to leave the camp in peace,
they locate Da-Nel, they charge at him, at- damage. Those who make their saving throw but then locates his communicator, a gift
tacking with their envenomed blades. Much are unaffected. from Captain Riesling, and uses it to warn
to the assassins’ surprise, the poison on the the captain of their possible arrival (having
Da-Nel’s Death: If Da-Ne1 is killed while
blades has no effect on sand folk (since their guessed their purpose even if they don’t tell
chemistry is so different). Da-Ne1 can still be the PCs are visiting the sand folk, Na-Jir
takes temporary control of the camp. If Na- him). Riesling then has six dbats waiting for
killed by the swords, however. the PCs in the first of Beag.leh tubes or pods
The sand folk meet the attack by hiding in Jir is dead, Ja-Min takes control. Ifboth lieu-
tenants are dead, the camp breaks up. In any that they enter. Under the terms of the treaty
the rocks in the bottom ofthe ravine and trad- between Riesling and the sand folk, Da-Nel’s
ing shots with the Froggies. They alp un- event, if Da-Ne1 is dead and the PCs haven’t
been adopted, his S U C C C S S O ~has them strip- tribe not only gets the possessions of those it
aware of events in the camp behind them. betrays but also a reward of a heavy blaster
ped of their clothing and other possessions
With the possible exception of the PCs, Da- and three power packs.
and dumped in the deep desert without food
Ne1 is unguarded. The PCs’ mounts, equip-
or water. If there is no successor, the band Da-Nel’s Rais: If Da-Ne1 doesn’t engage
ment, and weapons are also unpuarded, and
spontaneously attacks the PC as soon as no in treachery, then he asks the PCs to join his
the southern mouth of the ravine is guarded
other danger thr eatens. people on a raid into the City of the Gods,
only by a pair of sentries still on duty
If the PCs try to escape, Da-Ne1 concludes Da-Nel’s TreiSchery: O n the morning of and promises them half of any alien devices
that they are Fraggie spies and kills any of the PCs’ second day in Da-Nel’s camp, the captunEd. Refusing to join this raid is consid-
them who fail to get away If the PCs stay in chief decides wh at to do with them (if he is ered to be the height of bad manners and re-
in1 the sand folk attacking the PCs with
camp and fight, they are engaged by the still alive). If he dnrsn’t.-__
I__ _ I _ _ ..._
t them
I.. he ...-/
..., ..I milir

Teeth afthe Frog; if Da-Ne1 is alive at the end attempt some act of treachery against them. murderous intent on the spot. This hostile re-
of the melee, he recognizes their assistance There is a 10% chance that he attempts action is especially strong ( + 1 to the morale
(and the fact that they probably saved his life) some form of treachery. Add 10 to this chance of all sand folk) if the PCs have been adopted
by adopting them into his tribe. for each member of the PC party killed in a
into the tribe, since refusal to fight in such cir-
trial by combat. Add IO if the PCs have lied cumstances carries a connotation of treason.
T h e Adoption: Adoption into Da-Nel’s The raiding party consists of 9-18 of the
to Da-Ne1 or have indicated to him that they
tribe takes place on the morning after the best-armed sand folk, including Da-Ne1 and
are not his equals (by saying that they might
fight with the Froggies. The ceremony is very any of his remaining bodyguards. The sand
trade far what they want instead of taking it,
simple. First the sponsor (Da-Nel) and the folk move by night to within a few miles of the
for example). Add 30 if none of the party
adoptee each slice open a thumb to draw City ofthe Gods before making a secret entry
made the appropriate response to Da-Nel’s
some blood. They then rub their thumbs to- at a point of your choosing. The raiders have
greeting. Subtract 20 for each trial by combat
gether to make the blood mingle. Finally, no random encounters during their march
won by a PC.
each eats a pinch of salt and a handful of and are not detected by the Beagle’sdefensive
Da-Nel’s treachery can take one of two
sand. Thereafter, they alp “nestlings,” ohli- sensors.
farms. Ifthe PCs failed to accept his hospital-
gated to fight beside each other and sworn to The sand folk stay inside the city until half
ity in the correct manner, he simply has them
avenge each other’s deaths. The adoptee is of their number are killed, have fled, or have
stripped of their clothing and other posses-
also a full-fledged member of the sponsor’s lost more than half their hit points or until
sions and dumped in the deep desert without
tribe. Make a Saving Throw vs. Poison for they capture six alien devices (in addition to
food or water. If any member of the PC party
each character who undergoes adoption to those devices claimed by the PCs). They then
correctly responded to his greeting, then
see if the character is poisoned by mingling exit the city the same way they slipped in,
gross treachery of this sort would border on
his blood with that of Da-Ne]. Those who taking the PCs along if they are willing.
the dishonorable, so Da-Ne1 is more subtle.


The City of the Gods (FSS Beagle) is far ers are within a few feet of lock CHO8 and in- Each unsuccessful use of the remove traps
too large to describe in detail in one module. side Beagle’s defensive perimeter. Here, ability causes a sensor to detect the PCs.
This part gives its general configuration and Da-Ne1 presses some buttons in the lock that Alien implants and robots automatically
explains how to run an adventure within the cause it to cycle open. The lock responds to broadcast a code that makes the security field
city M a p 2 shows an overhead view of FSS Da-Ne1 only because he pressed a sequence of ignore them. Thus, aliens other than Saint
Beagle and the surrounding terrain. It in- keys that he once saw used by an unwary Stephen (whose I.D. code has been canceled
cludes an outline of the shape of Beagle’s alien crewman when he was part of a visiting by Beagle’s computer) can cross security
decks and the location of locks and similar sand folk delegation. This sequence is the fields without being detected. Invisibility has
features. In addition, a separate network of current activation code recognized by the no effect on detection.
red lines shows the pattern of tubes and pods ship’s computer (and due to he changed in There is one point at which the security
on one of Beagle’s three decks. three months). Were it not for his use of this field perimeter around Beagle is notably
FSS Beagle is two miles long and 3/t of a code, the lock would not have opened. The weak. Due to a lack of material, the string of
mile across. Its two upper dccks are high se- raiders are now inside the vessel; conduct the security fields in front of the ship is broken for
curity areas where the auxiliary power plant, rest of the adventure using the City Explora- 120 yards around a jumbled pile of boulders.
the computer, the fire control center, the tion Procedure. An intruder stealing through this hale could
main bridge, the main control center, and the An Unassisted Approach: If the PCs try then crawl along a line of boulders to a sand
senior ratings and officers’ quarters are lo- to enter the city unassisted, they must check ridge in front of the docking bridge. H e could
cated. The docking bridge and worry hole far encounters during their approach. When hug the outer slope of this ridge and crawl to
and the lifeboat pods ( L B P C through within sixmilesofFSSBeagle, modifytheen- another line of boulders near lock CH14.
LBRH) on C Deck are also security areas. counter check die roll by adding the following From this point, the intruder could try to en-
The PCs lack the necessary access codes and numbers: ter the city by magically opening either lack
implants to enter these areas. Only robots 2 ...if it is day C H I 4 or lock CH12.
and aliens with valid implant I.D. codes can 1 ...ifitisnight. Autoblasters: In order to ensure the safety
enter them. 1 ...if the characters aren’t trying to conceal of his grounded vessel, Captain Riesling has
The network of red lines on Map 2 shows themselves. deployed portable autoblasters to guard the
the pattern of tubes and pods on C Deck, All encounters within six miles of Beagle approaches to hull breaches and exposed
where the PCs will operate. This deck alone is are with two dbots (per an 8 result on the Val- locks. Over 20 of these devices (similar to
the size of a small city and contains FSS Bea- ley Encounter Table). those found in DA2, but with additional ca-
gle’s utility areas and its junior crew quar- Upon reaching Beagle, the PCs encounter pabilities) are scattered around Beagle’s hull.
ters. It offers ample opportunities for explo- security fields. These are 60-yard square net- A like number have been placed on the desert
ration during this adventure. works consisting of a microcomputer brain, floor in front ofhull breaches and air locks. In
12 sound-and-motion sensors, and 48 mines. order to ensure better fields of fire, those on
The Approach to the City When a field detects an intruder larger than the desert floor have been mounted atop 20-
one foot in its largest dimension, it alerts foot ramparts of fused sand.
Da-Nel’s Raid: If the PCs join Da-Nel’s Beagle’s computer and detonates two mines Autoblasters don’t use power packs; they
raid on the city, read this passage aloud. within 3-30 feet of the intruder. get energy from the ship via a cable. They
Security field mines are actually grenades look much like standard heavy blasters, hut
Leaving your mounts in a narrow ravine with special fuses that make them explode if are swivel-mounted an a wheeled carriagc.
about a mile south of the city, you make they are disturbed or if the field’s brain deto- The autoblasters guarding Beagle have their
the last leg of your approach by slipping nates them. Each field has 24 light grenades awn brain and sensor that tells them when
quietly from one rock formation to the and 24 sonic grenades; one of each type ex- and where to shoot. Once activated, they
next, keeping under cover as much as pos- plodes each time a sensor detects an intruder. shoot twice per round as long as they have a
sible. As you scuttle between boulders, When Beagle’s computer is alerted to the target, automatically swiveling to track the
you catch fleeting glimpses of a silver- presence of intruders, it dispatches four dbots target’s movement. They are programmed to
walled monolith whose gleaming towers to the vicinity shoot anything that comes within range that
rise almost 200 feet above the desert floor. is larger than one foot in any dimension, that
After much scrambling and crawling, you Dhots (4): AC -2; H D 24; hp 120 each; MV isn’t a robot, and that doesn’t have an im-
reach the forward slope of a small rock- 120’(40’), flying480’(160’); #AT 2 weap- plant with a valid I.D. Each autoblaster does
strewn rise within 200 yards of the city ons; D variable; Save F16; M L 12; A L L ; 8-48 points of damage at a range of 320 feet.
where Da-Ne1 bids you halt. Here, Da- XP 6,000 each. The dhots arrive in 1-4 Though autoblasters weigh only 300 pounds
Nel’s men roll a boulder away from the turns via the nearest lock. While one dbot apiece and could be easily carried off, they
mouth ofalow, narrow, sandytunnel that guards the open lock, the rest search the won’t fire unless plugged into a compatible
area. They are programmed to kill in- power source.
leads under the desert to within a few feet
of the city walls. truders. Ifthey don’t find the PCs after 1- Hull Plating: Beagle is plated in a foot of
4 turns, they return to the ship. duralloy sheathed in a two-foot sandwich of
The party has no random encounters dur- Treat security fields as traps. A thief can exotic fibers and super-taugh ceramics. The
ing its stealthy approach and avoids the city’s clear a path through a security field by suc- external surface is armored with two inches of
defenses by means of the tunnel. When they cessfully using his remove traps ability once collapsium. Neither alien weapons nor any
finally roll away another boulder and emerge far each 10 yards of the security field tra- items available in Blackmoor can damage
from the tunnel beside the city walls, the raid- versed (e.g. six times to cross an entire field). this hull. Where it is ruptured, it took the in-

tense heat and pressure from a power plant exposed to radiation with the effects listed in chance that he releases the maeician as a ees-

explosion to do it. Even Beagle's big bubble the description of green-lined areas below. ture of good will toward Blackmoor. There is
domes are made of a transluscent duralloy Demanding Guest Rights: Instead of also a 50% chance that he instead claims no
compound that can't be damaged by nonma- sneaking into the city like the thieves and ras- knowledge of Bosero's whereabouts, having
gical means, and these are now covered most cals they are, the PCs can attempt to speak decided to hold onto the magician and pump
of the time by their duralloy shutters that with the Lord of the City (Captain Riesling) him for information about Blackmoor. Ri-
aren't affected by alien weapons or by any- and explain their diplomatic mission. Their chard does not believe the alien's denials.
thing found in Blackmoor. Since the hull chances of actually talking with Riesling de- Regardless of the outcome of negotiations
can't be breached, the PCs can enter Beagle pend on the method used. with Riesling, there is nothing to keep the
in only one of two ways: through an air lock Ifthey use a communicator, there is a 50% PCs from subsequently breaking into the ship
or through a hull breach. chance that they make contact with Beagle's and committing a bit of free-lance burglary
Each of Beagle's 26 exterior air lacks con- computer, hut only a 10% chance that they
sists of a decompression chamber with an in- can get the computer to grasp their purpose The Conditions Inside the City
ner door and an outer door. Locks CHO1, and put them in touch with the captain. If
CH02, CH03, and CH04 are 60-foot cubes they present themselves at an exterior lock To natives of Blackmoor, the City of the
with double doors 30 feet high and 60 feet Gods is a strange place indeed. They see the
(without getting blown up or shot by dhots or
wide. The other locks are 30-foot cubes with autoblasters), they may have better luck. commonplace wonders of technology on
every side as a new form of maeic. The v e r ~
doors 10 feet high and 20 feet wide. Each in- Beagle's intercom system has outside speak- I

ner and outer door has a small view part at e n and pickups at each exterior lock. The
structure of the place is intimidating. Beagle
eye level next to a 6-inch square alphanu- is constructed of prefab 60-foot wide by 180-
PCs can communicate with the ship via inter-
com with an 80% chance Der hour of contact- foot long by 60-foot high modules manufac-
meric keypad used to punch in the access
code that opens all of the ship's lacks. The tured from exotic substances that can't be
ing a crew member who relays a request far
damaged by any nonmagical means at the
outer door also has a collapsium blast shield communication with Riesling. - Finally, the PCs disposal. Some modules are linked to
that blocks the doorway (and the exterior PCs can stand in front of the monitoring de-
form large areas; others are partitioned into
view part) when the outer door is closed. The vice that scans the eround outside each lock
much smaller areas. Each area formed by the
blast shield has its awn keypad for access. and try to communicate by sign language.
modules is called apod and is sealed by an in-
All locks are tied into Beagle's computer, This has a 10% chance per hour of resulting
ternal lock consisting of a single pressure
which electmnically seals them. Lacks on C in contact with Riesline " and a 90% chance of door. Linking these modular areas is a system
Deck (Cl-Ci4) unseal and open their d o a n causing the computer to dispatch dbots to de-
of circular tubes designed for use by air cars
when the appropriate access code is punched stroy the PCs just as if a security field had de-
into the keypad. Locks on B Deck (Bl-B10) tected them.
(which the sand folk call steel draeonsl... I

'l'lierr 15 n o provision ior pcdesrrian ~raffir

are sealed bath manually and electronically, If the PCs do get to talk to Riesling by in-
brrwren pods. The vast rizr oiBraglri pals
and can't be opened by access code. Lock tercom, there is an 80% chance that the cap-
and rubes and especially the fil)-foor hrighr u i
doors can't he forced. They can he opened by tain thinks that they are Froggie spies and
311 arms qwrs rhr ship the appearance 01 hav-
magic. For this purpose, treat C Deck lock sends six dhots (stats, page 17) to kill them.
ine heen huili for " cinitrs.
doors that don't lead to high security areas as There is a 20% chance that Riesling in- %

The atmosphere inside the vast, cavernous

if they were wizard locked by a 7th level stead agrees to receive a Blackmoorian diplo-
ship is one of emptiness and desolation, hut
magic user; treat B Deck lock doors and those matic mission. He will not, however, receive
(except in green-lined areas) not one of ruin
lock doors in high security areas on C Deck as the PCs. Instead, he has the six robots deliver
or disuse. There is also a feeling of indefin-
if they were wizard locked by a 20th level to the PCs two items. The first is a light
able menace as the PCs encounter the fear-
magic user. All uses of exterior locks are saber--a gift for King Uther. The second is a
some steel draeons
" and hear ehostlv
" , voices
logged by Beagle's computer, and there is a small pin that is to be worn by the head of
over the intercom speaking in an odd tongue
5% chance that each use attracts the atten- Blackmoor's diplomatic mission. When the
tion of a crewman who checks the lock via mission is ready to talk, its head has only to
(Galactica). This sense of something ~.mvsteri-
ous and dangerous behind the echoing empti-
monitor and raises an alarm. twist the head of the pin. This causes a tracer
ness is heightened now and again by sudden
The accident that grounded Beagle also similar to that in the pin Basero found to he-
terror as the PCs encounter some fearsome
tore numerous rents in its hull. These hull gin emitting a signal that alerts Riesling to
monster confined in an envia pod, or meet
breaches are now sealed in bubbles of foam send a vessel to pick up the delegation and
cyborgs, robots, or crewmen.
insulation that contain the radiation leaks bring it to Beagle. The pin does not emit
While the PCs may legitimately expect to
from the damaged power plant. The PCs can "music." Once these items are in the PCs'
meet many horrors inside the City of the
enter the ship via a hull breach by chopping hands, Riesling bids them depart.
Gods, there is one factor in the situation of
through the thin ceramic skin around a foam If Brother Richard is still with the PCs, he
which they are unaware. Disturbed by his
bubble. Onlv magic and magic - weapons can immediately recognizes the robots as being
spies' reports of recent events at Benbow's
damage the skin. Intruders must inflict 36 identical to' thosethat abducted his brother
Hectare and in the Valley of the Ancients,
points of damage on this skin in order to chop (Bosero), and insists an questioning Riesling
Saint Stephen (Rocklin) has stepped u p his
man-sized h&. They must then take one a s to the whereabouts A d condition of th;
plans for a raid on Beagle. In fact, he has
turn for every 10 feet of foam to chap a tunnel magician. Richard refuses to leave until he
picked this very time to lead a scouting party
through the thick layer of protective foam rescues him. Richard's probing makes Ries-
into the ship. Shortly after the PCs enter the
(which can be cut by normal weapons). As ling aware far the first time ofthe connection
ship, Stephen's scouting party manages to
soon as the ceramic skin is cut, the PCs are between the PCs and Bosero. There is a 50%


slip through the perimeter around Beagle and independen~tly)so as to be poisonous to the temporarily halt the workings of all parts of
force its own passage through one of the hull characters, doing an extra 1-4 points ofdam- the intercom within range.
breaches. age per rocmd. Finally, the radiation count Monitoring: Hidden visual pickups set
Though the presence of Froggies inside can be incrseased so that those inside the pod into hidden glassed-in recesses in the walls
FSS Beagle complicates the situation, condi- must Save \is. Spell at the end of each hour of provide a complete view of all parts of the
tions inside the ship are still dominated by the exposure. Those who make their saving ship and can be accessed from any computer
way the Beagle is constructed and operated. throw are Iinharmed. Those who fail it sus- monitor. The pickups are randomly scanned
The following features of the alien vessel are tain 1-6points of damage. The computer can by security personnel on A Deck. There is a
especially important to this adventure. also pump i111 atmosphere out of an envio pod 1 % chance each hour that the PCs are in the
Lighting: All parts of the ship except for as describec1 above. ship that they will be detected by this means.
tubes, green-lined areas and some occupied Set in eac h internal lock is a wall Screen I f a n alarm has been sounded, there is a 10%
envia pods have powerful foot-square glow that lists th e type of environment inside ac- chance ofdetection each turn. Once detected,
panels in walls and ceilings that emit a dif- cording to a standard Federation system of thePCsremaindetected aslongas theyarein
fused light when activated. The panels con- cataloging. The screen can be read using a an area with working visual pickups. Magic
tain sensors that tell them when someone is in read languiiges spell. Above each screen is a items and spells that retard or prevent clair-
a room. When they sense a biological pres- light. If it iri green, the atmosphere is safe for voyance temporarily halt the workings of all
ence, they start to operate at a preset level. aliens (and PCs). If it is red, it is unsafe for visual pickups within range.
Thc room’s occupant can change the amount unprotectecI characters. Transportation: The corridor pattern on
of light the panel emits by verbally instruct- Envio pods also have geological programs Map 2 is a system of circular tubes (each 60
ing it in Galactica to “dim” or “brighten and extensi onals that can duplicate any de- feet in diameter, but normally kept dilated to
up.” Equipped with their own power cells, sired combination of terrain and soil condi- only a 20-foot diameter). Special cars much
these panels can operate for months without tions. If a specimen being confined in an like capsules (but 20 feet long and 10 feet in
recharging. The presence of alien lighting de- envio pod is native to a mountainous area diameter) fly down these tubes on a cushion
vices does not prevent the use of darkness whose soil Iias a high iron content, then the of air. A car is programmed via a numeric
spells. geological jprograms duplicate that specific keypad beside its circular, 10-foot diameter
Environment: Beagle’s environmental environmeiit, slowly building up rugged cliffs entry hatch. These cars work only inside
control system keeps all parts of the ship ex- and sprayin g on topsoil until the surface geol- Beask
cept far green-lined areas and certain occu- ogy inside the pod matches that to which the Punching in a four-digit number gives the
pied en& pods at a constant temperature of specimen is accustomed. When ground cover car the I.D. ofadestination lock. As each car
68 degrees and a relative humidity of 25%. is needed, Iiative species are force-grown in- reaches its destination, its front end is re-
Since each of the areas in the ship has an in- side the poci or gathered by ebots and trans- ceived in the dimpled lock ofthe pod. A wall
ternal air lack that seals it off from the rest of planted. The result of this activity, when screen with verniers is mounted next to the
the ship, the environment within an area can combined vrith the appropriate temperature, keypad and can be used to examine the pat-
be different from that in the rest of the ship. humidity, a tmosphere and radiation, is called tern of tubes and pods inside the ship. It
In most parts of Beagle, this system can be by the a l i a1s an envimn. There are already won’t display the upper levels to anyone who
used as a weapon only if the area is sealed and scores of th,em operating. doesn’t have a valid implant.
all of the atmosphere is pumped out by the Commuiiications: A computerized inter- Cars constantly report their location and
ship’s computer (a process that takes one turn corn links all parts of the ship (including destination to the ship’s computer, and the
for every 60’ x 60’ X 60’ cube of space green-lined areas). All aliens, cyborgs, and computer can override a car’s instructions
within the room). When the atmosphere is robots have an I.D. code that they can use to and send it to a different destination. Cars
completely gone, all entities in the area (ex- talk to the computer or to the occupants of can move between decks at vertical tubes, hut
cept robots) that aren’t protected by pressure any other part of the ship. Conversations are won’t go to A or B Decks or to high security
suits are rendered unconscious for 3-12 initiated by saying aloud in Galactica “four- areas on C Deck unless all car occupants are
rounds. If the area isn’t at least partly repres- digit I.D. code initiating communication robots or aliens with a valid implant I.D. If
surized within one round, they die. with name of area.” These words activate instructed to violate these procedures, the
Envio pods are an exception to this rule. sound pick)ups in both the area the speaker car’s wall screen flashes the message Invalid
They are specifically designed to contain live occupies an d the area he wants to contact. All Destination in Galactica and awaits new in-
specimens existing in a habitat as dose to sounds emainating from either area are heard structions.
their own as possible. Thus, these pods are in the other. Though the sounds are projected Cars travel at a speed of 6000 feet per turn,
equipped to offer any extremes of tempera- at their des1:ination through small, cunningly and are kept from crashing by a computer-
ture, relative humidity, chemical composi- concealed s peakers, they seem to come from ized traffk control system. It is possible for
tian of atmosphere, and amount of radiation the ether. 1The circuit stays open, and com- the PCs to enter the tuheways afoot. How-
required for the comfort of the specimens munication continues until someone with a ever, Beagle’s computer assumes that Beag-
confined in them. valid I.D. i n one of the two linked areas says le’s crew members are using cars, and it has
Within each envio pod, it is possible to ad- aloud “foui.-digit I.D. code terminating con- to make a special diustment in order to ac-
just temperature within one turn so as to cre- versation .” The computer can override I.D. commodate pedestrian traffic. The computer
ate extreme cold or heat that does 3-12 points codes in order to permit general announce- makes this adjustment only for an alien with a
of damage per turn to all unprotected charac- ments or CIit off some areas or persons from valid implant I.D. If an adjustment hasn’t
ters in the pod. The atmosphere can he ad- communicaItion. Magic items and spells that been made, there is a 5% chance per turn
justed (at the Same time as temperature or retard or EIrevent the use of clairaudience spent afoot in the tuheways that the party will


encounter a car. The movement of the car ever, the crew can change any of these factors the PCs enter the ship that the computer
causes a whooshing sound that gets louder as simply by giving the computer special in- raises the alarm as a result of detecting Saint
it approaches and can be heard one round he- structions for all or part of the ship. Since the Stephen and his Froggies inside the ship.
fore it arrives. Anyone who is actually struck aliens have to operate in the ship’s environ- Green-Lined Areas: With most of the
by the car is killed instantly Characters who ment, they use this great power in only a lim- crew in stasis and most of the specimens that
try to duck under it sustain 5-20 points of ited fashion. But this almost total control of were gathered before Beagle grounded killed
damage and are deafened for one hour as a the environment gives them an edge when it during the mutiny, most of the ship feels hol-
result of being buffeted by its air cushion. comes to tracking, cornering, and capturing low and empty. Some areas, especially those
Despite the cars’ extreme speed, those in- intruders. that were heavily damaged in the accident
side them don’t experience any sense of mo- As soon as the computer becomes aware of and the mutiny have, in fact, been aban-
tion. Inertia compensators make it seem as if intruders, it sounds an alarm placing the ship doned. These so-called green-lined areas
they are standing still. Thus, the PCs experi- on alert until the intruders escape or are cap- (shaded on Map 2)are shut down and closed
ence travel by car as something similar to tured or killed. The alarm consists ofa soft fe- to entry. They contain no light, atmosphere,
teleportation. male voice endlessly repeating over the environment control, or cars. The locks lead-
Access: Internal locks are seals between ar- intercom the words intruder alert and the ing to them and all locks within them are
eas. All of them contain a view port at eye name of the area where the intruders were sealed (treat as if wizard locked by a 7th level
level. They also have an Open button and a last detected. magic user). Monitors and communications
Close button on each side of their frame. Once an alarm sounds, the computer uses within these areas may ( 5 % chance per 180’
Each lock also contains a Service button on monitors to track the intruders. It refuses to square area) still be Operational, but are not
the inside that summons a car within 1-4 open locks that it detects the intruders trying checked unless an alarm is in effect. These ar-
rounds. This button lights red when no car is to use. If the intruders summon a car, the eas have no occupants and contain no equip-
next to the lock and green when a car is at- computer sends it, but instructs it to deliver ment or weapons accessable to the players.
tached to it. them to an empty envio pod where they are Make no encounter checks while the PCs are
Unless an alarm is in effect, C Deck Locks imprisoned by a squad of six dbots fstats. , . in a green-lined area unless an alarm has
that don’t lead to high security areas open pa& 11). ’ been raised. If the PCs wander into one of
when their Open button is pressed and close The computer also blocks intruder use of these areas from the outside the ship, the out-
when their Close button is pressed (or close the intercom system for any purpose except side atmosphere rushes into each area they
automatically after no one has moved to offer to surrender or negotiate. Whenever enter.
through them far one round). Ifan alarm is in possible, it keeps the areas occupied by the in- Since most green-lined areas are heavily
effect, C Deck Locks open and close to button truders lit to maximum brightness. damaged, no effort has been made to show
presses only if the computer allows them to. While the computer is thus inhibiting the the tube system running through them, In
Locks leading to A and B Decks and to intruders’ ability to run and hide, it is also most cases, the tubes are collapsed or blocked
high security areas on C Deck open only to vectoring search parties of humans, robots, by walls of fused components. However, this
robots and aliens with a valid implant I.D. and cyborgs toward them. This is the stand- is somewhat offset by the fact that often paths
They close in the face of unauthorized per- ard intruder alert procedure that is imple- can be found through breached pods littered
Sons who try to enter at the same time as au- mented during an alarm. However, if the with wreckage. Thus, the PCs must pick their
thorized personnel. If unauthorized entities alarm lasts more than six hours or the in- way though green-lined areas just as if they
are too close to an authorized entity trying to truders Seem about to escape, the crew can were moving “cross-country” through a rug-
enter a lock, the lock refuses to open and al- activate a Final Option program that causes ged forest. Movement through these areas is
erts security (causing an alarm ifane is not al- the computer to seal the intruders off in one at ‘13 the normal rate.
ready in effect). part of the ship and knock them unconscious Those green-lined areas that contain one
Locks can’t be forced open. If sealed so by pumping out the atmosphere. or more pockets of radiation arc hazardous to
that they don’t open to button presses, the in- The computer raises an alarm when an in- the health of anyone who enters them. At the
ternal locks on C Deck that don’t lead to high truder is detected while entering an external end of each hour spent in the area, each char-
security areas are treated as if wizard locked lock, when a crewman locates the intruder on acter must make a Saving Throw vs. Spells.
by a 7th level magic user; locks on A and B a monitor, and when a crewman reports con- Those who make their saving throw suffer no
Decks and those leading to high security ar- tact with an intruder. If the alarm has not adverse effects. Those who fail sustain 1-4
eas on C Deck are treated as if wizard locked been sounded, members of the crew who en- points of damage.
by a 20th level magic user. It is possible to counter the intruders use their implant to al- To the PCs, all of the systems described
wedge internal locks so that they will stay in ert the computer; if they are alive and above are a form of magic, and your words
their open position, and they will remain conscious at the end of one round, they are should reflect this fact. Thus, instead of de-
open even when the computer tries to close successful. There is one exception to this pro- scribing a glow panel in technological terms,
them. cedure. If the PCs encounter a party of de- you might refer to it as ‘‘a smooth, flat stone
Computer Control: Transportation, light- fecting crew members, the NPCs don’t that gives off a ghostly light like white hot
ing, plumbing, humidity, temperature, air report to the computer, but an alarm is in- coals, hut that stays cool to the touch and is
supply, security, and communications are stantly in effect anyway because the com- not consumed.”
controlled by Beagle’s main computer. Usu- puterhas become aware that thecrewmenare Except as specifically noted above, magic
ally, these systems function routinely accord- missing. The PC party may he discovered in items and spells don’t affect the operation of
ing to standard programs to ensure the any of these ways. There is also a 5 % c h a n x technological devices. Thus, a dispel magic
comfort and convenience of the crew. How- each hour starting on the fourth hour after spell cast over a car doesn’t shut it down.


Nor is a detect magic spell of much help, There is a possibility that the PCs can get badge. Ifthe PCs don’t attack first, the crew-
since the various forms of energy used one or more crewmen to help them. If this men identify them as intruders and offer to
throughout the ship are so similar to magical happens, you should show them Map 2 assist them in exchange for help in escaping.
energies that the whole ship seems magical, whenever they want to see it and should let These NPCs can he of immense help to the
and it is impossible to sort out which magic is them pick their destinations instead of rolling PCs, since they know how to operate the
being exerted by which item or system. Ex- a die. ship’s equipment, how to read Galactica,
cept where otherwise noted, the exotic mate- All pods are entered via a lock. It is impos- how to find their way around the ship, what
rials of which the ship is built are proof sible to listen at locks to determine what is on dangers to avoid, and even where to find Bo-
against normal weapons, hut spells and mag- the other side, hut the PCs can observe at sera.
ical weapons can damage them. least part of the pod through the lock’s view Since their escape has already been de-
Generally, magic items and spells work as port. What they see, what they can en- tected, their implant I.D.’s have been can-
described in the Basic and Expert Rules, but counter, and what action you must take de- celled. In addition, an alarm is in effect fmm
any attempt to teleport into a high security pends on the pod’s type. this moment. Since these crewmen aren’t
area automatically misfires, sending the tele- If the alien crew is unaware that there are conditioned, they don’t have the same immu-
portingcharacter into an occupied envio pod intruders inside Beagle, the PCs have fewer nity to spells as other crewmen. If the PCs
of your choice. encounters. If the crew is aware of the pres- have already encountered a party of escaping
ence afintruders, an alarm is raised and they crewmen, treat this result as an encounter
The City Exploration Procedure begin to search the ship. This increases the with hostile crewmen.
incidence of encounters. If the crewmen aren’t escaping, then they
The City ofthe Gods is a unique area, and, If there is no alarm in effect, check for ran- are hostile. They immediately identify the
as D M , you need to take a unique approach dom encounters once per hour by rolling ld6; PCs as intruders and try to notify the com-
to it. Instead of moving from room to room, an encounter occurs on a result of 6. If there puter by speaking into their implants. They
mapping as they go, as in a conventional is an alarm in effect, hut Beagle’s computer attack only after contacting the computer. Be-
dungeon, the playen can move directly from doesn’t know the PCs’ location, check every ing alone and afraid, they try to kill, rather
one area to another by entering a car and other turn; an encounter occurs on a result of than take prisoners.
punching in a number. When the PCs use the 5-6. If there is an alarm in effect and the com-
cars, they aren’t marching or mapping in the 4 Saint Stephen: AC 0 (battle armor); H D
puter knows where the PCs are, check every IO: hD 50: MV 120’(40’);#AT 1; D 6-36
conventional sense, and there is no chance of turn; an encounter occurs on a result of 4-6.
meeting wandering monsters. Instead, you (hand blaster) or 5-12(light saber); Save
To find out what the PCs encounter, roll Id4 F10; M L 9;AL N; X P 900.Stephen also
roll ld20. ifno alarm is in effect, 2d4 ifthere is an alarm carries a communicator and wears snoop-
DIEROLL POD but thecomputer doesn’t know the PCs’ loca- ers.
1-6 Envio Depot tion, and 3d4 if there is an alarm and the Saint Stephen’s Bodyguards (6): AC 0
7-9 Crew Pod computer knows where the PCs are. The PCs (battle armor); H D 6; hp 30 each; MV
10-11 Car Pod encounter the entities opposite the dice roll 120’(40’); #AT 1; D 8-48(heavy blaster)
12-13 Robot Depot result. or 1-8(sword); Save F6; M L 12; AL C ;
14-15 Maintenance Pod 1 Ubots (4): AC 3; H D 6;hp 30 each; MV X P 275 each.
16-17 Storage Pod 30’(10’); #AT 1; D 1-4;Save Ffi; M L 6; Soldiers of the Frog With Hand Blasters
18 Transit Pod AL L; X P 275 each. The ubots ignore the (18): AC 0 (battle armor); H D 4; hp 20
19 Stasis Pod characters. each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1; D 3-36
20 Observation Bubble 2 Ebots (4): AC 0; H D 12’; hp 48 each; (hand blaster) or 1-8 (sword); Save F4;
Once you know the type of pod the PCs go MV 90’(30’);#AT 1 needler; D 1-2 + pa- M L 12; AL C; X P 75 each.
ralysis; Save F10; ML 12; AL C; XP Under the circumstances, Saint
to, you select the specific pod of that type to
1,900each. The ebots identify the party Stephen and his men are inclined to at-
which the car takes them. The modular de-
as escaped specimens, notify the com- tack the PCs immediately on the theory
sign ofthe ship makes most pods designed to
puter, and try to “recapture” them. that all hands are against them. However,
fullfill the same function identical to one an-
There is an 80% chance that the com- there is a 30% chance that they identify
other. Therefore, once you understand the
puter raises an alarm as a result ofthis en- the PCs as fellow intruders and decide to
characteristics of a pod type, you can run the
counter. join forces with them. If this happens and
players through many pods of that type with
3 Crewmen (4):AC 0 (battle armor); H D any of the PCs participated in the events
little effort.
3;hp15each;MV120’(40’);#ATl;D1- related in DA2, there is a 50% chance
When the PCs visit a pod, mark that pod
2 + paralysis (needler); Save F3; M L 8; that Saint Stephen recognizes them dur-
on Map 2, so that you’ll know where it is and
AL L; X P 35 each. ing the negotiations. Should this happen,
what the PCs encountered there in case they
he quietly signals his men to attack with-
want to visit it again. For added flavor,when There is a 20% chance that these NPCs are out warning; they don’t take prisoners. If
the PCs punch a destination in a car’s key- a party of disaffected junior crew members the two parties join forces, the Froggies
pad, you could have them indicate what who have not yet undergone their condition- abandon the PCs and try to escape the
numbers they are punching and mark those ing and who are now trying to escape the cap- city once half of them are dead or have
numbers on the map. Then, when they want tain’s paranoid rule. In this case, each lost more than half of their hit points.
to return to a pod by car, they’ll have to re- crewman carries a glow wand, a medkit, and 5 Shots (2): AC 0; H D 20’; hp 100 each;
member which numbers to punch. a communicator, and wears a translator


M V 150' (50'); #AT 1 weapon; D varia- blaster); M V 120' (80'); Save F16; M L double-locked (takes two successful uses of
ble; Save F14; M L 12; A L L ; X P 3,150 12; AL N; X P 2,750. the thiefs open Jocks ability to get inside).
each. The shots identify the PCs as in- Crewmen (12): AC 0 (pressure suit); The average loader holds 2-12 of each type of
truders and try to capture them after noti- H D 3; hp 15 each; M V 120' (40'); #AT grenade, 2-12 power packs, 1-6 grenade
fying the computer of their location. 1; D 6-36 (hand blaster); Save F3; M L launcher propellant packs, and 1-6 ammo
6 Dbots (2): AC -2; H D 24'; hp 120 each; 8; AL L; XP 35 each. Each crewman packs for needlers.
M V 120' (40'), flying 480' (160'); #AT 2 carries a medkit and a glow wand. Maintenance Pod: Each of these 180' x
weapons; D variable; Save F16; M L 12; Riesling and his men try to capture 180' pods is a vast robotic machine shop.
A L L ; X P 6,000 each. The dhots identify the PCs, hut shoot to kill if endangered Huge cranes automatically maneuver over-
the PCs as intruders and try to capture or if the PCs Seem about to escape. head to bring heavy structural membranes
them after first notifying the computer of into contact with automatic machinery that
the PCs' location. The dbots try to kill the There are nine hasic pad types shown on
Map 2. Each is handled in a different way: machines it to the desired shape and size.
PCs if endangered or if the PCs seem Here and there, showers of sparks mark
about to escape. CarDepot: Each 180' X 180'cardepot holds
three tiers of trough-like cradles, each of where a robotic arc welder is at work. All of
7 Crewmen (8): AC 0 (pressure suit); H D these machines are immobile, and there is no
3;hp15each;MV120'(40');#ATl;D6- which is surrounded by a bewildering array possibility that the PCs could understand
36 (hand blaster) or 1-19 (riot stick); Save of robotic maintenance machinery Most of
this machinery is whirring, clicking, and how to program them (a job that even the ali-
F3; M L 8 ; A L L ; X P 35 each. Each crew- ens reserve to their computer), hut, if they
man carries a medkit and a glow wand. screaming as it routinely checks or conducts
preventive maintenance on the 20-80 cars in knew how, they would find that the machines
The crewmen identify the PCs as in- in this shop could he used to cut the exotic
truders and try to capture them after first the depot. Each time the PCs enter a car de-
pot, roll ld6. If the result is a 5-6, the PCs en- alien materials that they are unable to dam-
using their implants to notify the com- age except by magic. Each time the PCs enter
puter of the PCs' location. They shoot to counter 1-4 uhots.
a car depot, roll ld6. The result is the num-
kill if endangered or if the PCs seem Uhots (4): AC 3; H D 6; hp 30 each: M V 30' her of uhots encountered. There is a 90%
about to escape. (10'/;'#AT 1; D 1-4; Save F6; M L 6 ; AL chance that uhots ignore the PCs and a 10%
8 Cyhorgs(2):AC-1; HD22; hp88each;# L; X P 275 each. chance that they notify the computer of their
AT 1; D 3-30 (fist) or 6-36 (hand blaster) presence. These percentages are reversed if
o t special (grenade launcher): M V 120'
Robot Depot: Each 180' x 180' robot de-
pot looks like a big hangar with tiers af racks an alarm is in effect.
(80'); Save F16; M L 12; AL N; X P
2,750. These are Class IV terminators. filled with robots of all types. Each rack is sur- Transit Pod: There are seven of these
Unlike the crewmen and robots the PCs rounded by an indescribable tangle of mainte- huge pods on C Deck. The one under the
meet, the cyborgs take no prisoners. nance equipment. Damaged robots are being Main Control Center is just a huge switching
They simply kill any unauthorized per- repaired by the robotic maintenance equip- area filled with tubes that rush off at all an-
sonnel they encounter. ment while magnetically secured to their gles. Those under FB1 through FBG are open
9 Sbots (4): AC 0; H D 20'; hp 100 each; racks. Robots that aren't on duty are undergo- hangars. Each hanger contains 3-6 scouts
M V 150' (50'); #AT 1 weapon; D varia- ing routine checkups. Robots not yet in semice identical to the egg that the PCs found at
are vacu-sealed into their racks with heavy- Benhow's Hectare. All are in perfect working
ble; Save F14; M L 12; AL L; X P 3,150
each. The
Thc sbots attack immediately, try- duty plastiform sheeting (that can only be order. However, each hangar is guarded by a
ing to taki
take the PCs prisoner. damaged by magic or magical weapons). special team of four Class IV cyborg termina-
10 Dhots (4): AC -2; H D 24'; hp 120 each;
If no alarm is in effect, there are 10-40 ac- tors programmed to kill anyone who enters
M V 120'(40'), flying480'(160'); #AT2 tive uhots, 5-20 active ehots, 1-6 active shots, the hanger without authorization from Cap-
wcamns: D variable: Save F16: M L 12: and 1-6 active dhots in the depot, and there is tain Riesling. The cyborgs notify the com-
AL i; X P 6,000 each. The dhdts attack a 10% chance per round that they identify puter of any unauthorized entry before
immediately, first trying to take the PCs the PCs as intruders. Should this happen, all attacking. They never leave their assigned
prisoner, but killing to prevent damage active robots (e.g. those not sealed in blue patrol area in the hanger (stats, page 22, #a).
to themselves or imminent escape. plastiform or undergoing maintenance) leave
their racks. This takes one round. Then, the T h e hangar doors (FB1-FBG) can he
11 Crewmen (IO): AC 0 (pressure suit); opened from inside a scout unless Beagle's
H D 3; hp 15 each; M V 120' (40'); #AT ebots, shots, and dhots try to capture the PCs
while the uhots mill around getting in every- computer overrides the scout's instructions.
1; D 6-36 (hand blaster); Save F3; M L In this case, a knockspell (as against a wizard
8; AL L; X P 35 each. Each crewman body's way.
If there is an alarm in effect, there are 10- Jock cast by a 10th level magic user) opens the
carries a medkit and a glow wand. The hanger doors despite the computer's over-
crewmen try to capture the PCs, hut 40 active ubots, 1-4 active ehots, and 1-2 ac-
tive sbots in the depot. None are in their ride. Ifthe PCs steal a smut and escape, there
shoot to kill if endangered or if the PCs is a 90% chance that it will he damaged by
seem ahout to escape. racks. The ebots and shots identify the PCs as
one of Bea~le'sdefensive missiles fired from a
12 Captain Riesling: AC 0 (pressure suit); intruders and try to capture them while the
uhots mill about. defense pod (DPO1-DP14) during the es-
H D 10; hp 40; # AT 1; D 6-36 (hand cape. Ifthis happens, the scout travels 60-120
blaster) or 5-12 (light saber); M V 120' Tucked away in dispensers in 10 of the 100
racks in each depot are weapons loaders that miles before crashing, and each character in-
(80'); Save F10; M L 9; AL N; X P 900. side the scout sustains 4-24 paints of damage
Cyborgs (2): AC -1; H D 22; hp 88 each; hold reloads for all of the weapon systems
# AT 1; D 3-30 (fist) or 6-36 (hand found on the ship's robots. Each loader is


in the crash. subjects are highly tractable (treat as ifunder visihle20% ofthe time. ChecktheEnvioPod
It is possible for the PCs to navigate thc a charmperson spell), hut can barely remem- Encounter Table. In each case, the pod con-
smut by observing how their course changes ber their own names (10% chance of recalling tains the specimen opposite the d % result
when they touch different buttons. They can any item of information desired by the PCs). found on that table. The environ listed oppo-
also use a read magic spell to read the naviga- Each stasis pod holds 50-100 naked crew site each specimen is the type ofterrain inside
tion screen (showing a contour map of the members. the envio pod.
area below with the scout’s position marked If the d % result is greater than 50 but less
Crew: AC 9; H D 3; hp 15 each; M V 120’
by a blinking light). than 100 (00), then the envio pod is empty and
(40’); #AT 1; D 1-2 (fists); Save F3; M L 8 ;
StoragePod: Each ofthese 180’ x 180’ar- bare. If the die roll is exactly 100 (00), then you
eas is lined with gray ceilinp-high sealed bins
AL L; X P 35 each.
have found Riesling’s makeshift brig. The pod
that open just like internal locks (and are Crew Pods: The pods where junior crew- is hare, hut not empty Inside are 5-20 naked
treated as such). These areas are organized man live are dreary alfain. Each crew pod sym- humanoids(halfofwhom arecrewrnembersar-
by a “random access” method so that each bol on Map 2 represents three 60’ x 180’ pods rested for various offenses and the other half of
storage pod holds many different types of with their own individual locks. Each pod is whom are captured Froggies).
items in no discernable order. Clothing, dominated by a 20-fwt high wire-mesh plat-
Prisoners: AC 9; HD 4; hp 20 each; M V 120’
tools, hardware, drugs, toiletries, I.C. form in its center A narrow 10-font aisle runs
(40‘);#ATl;DI-Z(fists); SaveF4;ML6;
hoards, and replacement parts for most of the around this platform. Atop the first platform is
ship’s elements are just some ofwhat is avail- A L L ; XP 75 each; Froggie prisoners join
an identical second platform. Atop each plat-
the PCs in order to escape. There is a 20 %
able. The variety of material is so astounding form are three tiers of cubbies. Each platform is
chance that each crew member is disaf-
that only the computer can locate specific cut hy many n m w aisles with mesh flwn.
fected and willing to join the PCs. Treat
items within the storage area. If the PCs have Two lifts give access to the platforms.
some means of getting the computer’s coop- Each cubby is a 6‘ high x 8’ wide X 8’ disaffected crew members found in the
eration (forcing a captured crewman to use long padded platform surrounded on three brig the same as randomly encountered
escaping crew members (except that they
his I.D., for example), then there is a 90% sides by lockers. The door to each cubby
have no equipment). Crew members who
chance that they can obtain some alien ana- swings up so that the user can slide in. It can
aren’t disaffected fight the PCs.
log for any items they desire other than weap- be lowered for privacy. Each junior crewman
ons or armor (which are, for the most part, has his own cubby where he sleeps and keeps Among the prisoners is a much-chastened
stored in an armory on B Deck). Food and his few personal possessions. Bosero. After being spirited off to the Beag.le
potable liquids are synthesized and stored in The floor of the crew pod beneath the tiers by the dbots and dragged hefore the captain,
sealed tanks beneath the floor of C Deck and of cubbies is an open area with plants and he was chagrined to learn that he had been
can’t be obtained in storage pods. waist-high partitions designed to create an il- kidnapped by mistake and that the “gods”
Stasis Pod: Most of the crew are “asleep” lusion of privacy Here, there are eating don’t even want him. Riesling has impris-
in stasis chambers, clear 10‘ cubes of energy booths where crcm members can dial up food oned Basem while he considers how to profit
that suspend subjective time far those inside. served at their table by the ship’s computer. from the situation. The magician’s magic
Each cube indefinitely holds one subject in There are also holotanks for entertainment, ring with the teleportation spell to get him
suspended animation, and each 180’ X 180‘ physical training machines, and, in one cor- home is still in the purse of his brother, who
stasis pod holds three tiers of81 chambers per ner, an open, multi-stall fresher for showers never got the chance to give it to him, but his
tier. The upper tiers are separated from those and sanitary needs. Duty lockers beside the other possessions are gone. He is, of course,
below by 10 feet of open space. Access to up- lock hold the residents’ armor and weapons delighted to rejoin the party, but has little to
per tier chambers is via a lift and catwalk. (5-10 suits of battle armor, 1-4 needlers, 1-4 contrihute since he hasn’t seen any ofthe ship
Set in a thin past at one corner of each band blasters, and 1-4 riot sticks). except for one lock, the captain’s lounge, the
chamber is a control panel used to engage or If there is no alarm in effect, the PCs en- inside of two cars, and the “brig.”
release the stasis field. A similar emergency counter 1-10 crewmen in each crew pod. The The brig is under constant monitoring.
control panel beside the entrance to the pod crewmen sound the alarm via their implants The alarm is automatically sounded and the
can be used to simultaneously control all of and then try to hide in the maze of cubbies. PCs are located when they enter it.
the chambers. Engaging a stasis field is a Observation Bubble: These two huge ar-
If there is an alarm in effect, the PCs en-
matter of pressing one button. However, it eas are meeting rooms that also serve as rec-
counter 1-4 crewmen in each crew pod. reation chambers for large celebrations. Both
takes an hour and a complex series of key
presses to release a subject from a the field in Crew: AC 0 (battle armor); HD 3; hp 15 are completely empty A dozen lifts spotted
such a way as to avoid damaging him. Only each;MV 120’(40’);#ATl;D6-36(hand around the rooms take one 60 feet in the air to
the computer and a few experts on the ship blaster); Save F3; M L 8; AL L; X P 35 a promenade level with B Deck. Here, one
know how to do this correctly. Ifthe PCs mess each. The crewmen sound the alarm via can look out over the top of C Deck and see
with a keypad without help, there is a 10% their implants and attack the PCs. the surrounding desert. The domes are too
chance that they kill the subject inside the tough to be damaged by nonmagical means,
Envio Pod: Each envio pod symbol an and their shutters can’t be damaged by any
chamber and a 40% chance that they induce Map 2 represents three 60’ X 180’ pods with
a state of temporary psychosis causing the means available to the PCs. However, a con-
their own individual locks. When the PCs
subject to immediately attack them. Even trol panel beside each of the locks leading into
look into a pod, roll d % . If the result is 50 or these areas can be used to open the shutters.
when properly done, releasing a stasis field less, then the pod has been landscaped to ac-
disorients the subject and causes some tem- Then the bubble can be broken by magic or
commodate specimens. The specimens are magical weapons to provide an exit.
porary memory loss. In this disoriented state,

The adventure can take a variety of turns, indvidually teleport them t ) and the reward for initiating diplomatic
depending upon how the PCs enter the City a period of days. When al. I.- 61...1.-Y .- .writact are both withdrawn. They get no
ofthe Gods and what they encounter there. It gether, The Fetch bargains with them for the money for these accomplishments, and are
is up to the PCs to decide when they have had alien devices they have brought hack and evicted from their rooms at the Comeback
enough of the city and want to depart. Usu- pays them their promised reward. Inn. If they contest this treatment, the same
ally, they will decide to do so when the going 3. All of the PCs are killed or have been NPCs listed in The Heroes Out of Time Ual-
gets particularly rough and Beagle’s com- captured by the crew ofthe Beagle. Ifthey are lapierie, Brother Richard, Marfeldt, Scatty
puter starts to close off their escape routes captured by Beagle’s crew, the adventure Debelfry, and 12 soldiers-or 12 soldiers and
and direct more and more NPCs toward ends with them stripped of their possessions as many ofthe NPCs named as returned from
them. As D M , you can influence the PCs’ de- and placed in stasis in one of Beagle’s stasis the adventure) arrive to evict them from the
cision to end their adventure in a number of pods; they are, it seems, far too dangerous to inn.
ways. Try throwing one or more of these plot be allowed to run loose. At some time in the This same procedure is used if the PCs try
twists at the PCs at some critical moment future, they. may. be .Dulled from stasis and to withhold their magic rings from The Fetch
(preferably a melee). questioned, or they may be rescued by The now that the adventure is over.
NPC Defection: Believing that he has Fetch’s agents (thus opening the possibility of If the PCs are evicted from the Comeback
been trapped, Da-Ne1 orders his men to at- a future adventure built around their at- Inn, they must remain in Blackmoor. The
tack the PCs from the rear while they are en- tempted escape). Fetch won’t allow them to use the gate to re-
gaged by members ofBeagleb crew. He plans In situation 1, Brother Richard refuses to turn to their own time. If they remain in his
to excuse his presence in the City of the Gods use his ring until his brother is located. If the good graces, then you have two options:
by claiming that he and his men encountered others leave despite his protest, he stays he- 1. If you are playing this module as a
the PCs in the desert and trailed them into the hind (with Marfledt, ifthat NPC is part ofthe stand-alone adventure, then Jallapierie or
city in hopes of foiling any evil plans they expedition). In situation 2, Richard agrees to Robert the Bald and a squad of soldiers re-
might have. leave the vicinity of the City of the Gods only turn the PCs through the gate to their own
NPC Bug-Out: The Blackmoorian agents if the very survival of the party is threatened. time. Their connection with Blackmoor is at
in the PC party loudly proclaim that the cur- He would leave willingly, for example, if the an end.
rent situation is hopeless and that it is time to . . members were strimed
party .. of their D O S S ~ S - 2. If you are ulavine this module as Dart of
head for home. If the PCs don’t instantly r i u n r a n d u i t inrothedesert by rhr rand folk. a ronrinuins ~ a r n p a qm~ Hlackmoor, then
agree, the NPCs use their magic rings to tele- In all othrr simaiioiis. he (and hlarfeldt, xay the PC*can eithcr r ~ r i i r nto rhrir o n n tiiiic a i
port to Blackmoor. hchind w h d v r h r I’Cr return to Hlackmoor. per uprian a1 or rhcy can crny in Narkmoor
NPC Advice: One or both of the wizards In sirudtiuns 1 and 2 , Thc Fetch olfers 10 as agcnis of 1 h e Fetch. m which <.ipacny
who are watching the PCs at The Fetch’s re- purchasr any “new’’ magic item rhr PCs rhcy can hr assured ofiaclnq innumerable lu-
quest teleport into Beagle to help them out of bring back at [he following rates: tiire dengrrs on hrhalfof rhc rr.;ilm
a tight spot. Before they extricate the PCs, The NPCs in the Rogues, Regents & Ras-
the wizards announce that they’ve done all cals part of this module may he killed. How-
Battle Armor 1,200
they can, shout “save yourselves,” and tele- ever, any such NPCs left for dead outside the
Communicator 800
port hack to their towers. City of the Gods are presumably discovered
Glow Wand 200
The Final Option: The computer traps by Jallapierie, Robert the Bald, or some
Grenade 200
the PCs and begins to pump away the atmo- other Blackmoorian agent and returned to
Grenade Launcher 600
sphere while calling a n the PCs to surrender Blackmoor for clerical assistance. Those left
Hand Blaster 800
or die. for dead inside the city are captured by the
Heavy Blaster 1,600
Regardless ofthe twists and turns taken by crew of Beagle and thrown in a stasis cham-
Light Saber 600
the plot, the adventure ends in any of the fol- ber. While in stasis, they don’t age or
Medkit 400
lowing situations: deteriorate-it is as if no time had passed for
Needler 400
1. The PCs use their magic rings to return them. They can be released from stasis and
Pressure Suit 2,000
to Blackmoor. They are instantly teleported raised by a cleric at any time in the future.
Riot Stick 200
to their rooms in the Comeback Inn where
Snoopers 400
they find The Fetch waiting for them. He
Translator Badge 1,000
has, it seems, been watching them in the
Power Pack 100
royal crystal ball. The Fetch personally bar-
Ammo Pack 100
gains with them for the alien devices they Propellant Pack 100
have brought back and pays them their
Scout (Functioning) 20,000
promised reward.
2. The PCs escape without using their If the PCs bargain, The Fetch will pay up
rings and reach Cloudtop, Benbow‘s Hect- to double the printed priccs in some cases. If
are, or any town controlled by Blackmoor they refuse to sell, The Fetch informs them
(shown on the map of Blackmoor included in that as the outfitter of the expedition, he ab-
moudle DAI (ADVENTURES I N BLACK- solutely must insist that at least half of the
MOOR), If they have lost their rings, The new magic items be sold to the crown. If the
Fetch’s agents make arrangements for Ro- PCs refuse to abide by this decision, then the
bert the Bald and/or Jallapierie to arrive and monetary reward promised for making the

The land south of Blackmoor is divided by reopening the trading post of Colensa Station Eastern Hak abounds with steppe nomads.
geography into four basic regions, each of long ago closed by Imperial edict. During winter, it supports about 4,000
which is described below. In more peaceful times, trade caravans Peshwah (including 2,000 warriors) with
crossed the Eastern Hak between the empire, their herds of 6,000 horses and 2,000 grazers.
The Eastern Hak the salt pans of the Valley ofthe Ancients and In summer, these numbers are reduced by
the Duchy of Ten. One vestige of that trade is half.
The southern region most easily accessable
the Salt Road, now little traveled and not Despite the heavy usage to which the
from Blackmoor is the Eastern Hak, a large
much more than a trace in the prairie sod. Peshwah subject the Eastern Hak, there are
prairie bounded in the north by the the
Another vestige is the abandoned ruin of still a couple of thousand wild grazers in the
Wurm River and the Barony of Dragonia. In
G i l d Station, whose rotting timber stockade region. Their presence has drawn hide
the east, the prairie gradually gives way to a
once sheltered 300 folk, but which is now hunters onto the prairie, bold men who risk
system of hills and woodlands that separate it
home only to gophers, jackrabbits, and an oc- the ire of the savage horsemen by poaching
from the Greenway and the northernmost
casional Thonian cavalry patrol. on the Peshwah preserve. In bands of u p to
province of the Empire of Thonia. In the
Aside from the one-man trading post at two dozen, they prowl the Eastem Hak in
west, the prairie ends abruptly in the three
Benbow’s Hectare (described in the Ben- search of valuable hides to trade in Thonia
upland masses ofthe Dragon Hills, the South
bow’s Hectare part df this module), the only and Blackmoor.
Dragons, and the Spine ofthe Dragon. South
wrmanent settlement on the Eastern Hak is The recent disturbances in and around the
of the Eastern Hak is the Taff River, one of
Fort Mugger. Established shortly after the Valley of the Ancients have brought three
the two major rivers that water the southern
Afridhi invasion of the Plains of Hak, this other denizens to the Eastern Hak. In order
lands. With its surrounding marshes (the
timber-walled outpost shelters the Thonian to block access to the City of the Gods, the
Fens of Taff) this river is a formidible barrier
17th Kurgan Lancers Regiment of Cavalry, a Soldiers of the Frog have established their
and has long been held by the Empire ofTho-
force of 600 men, supported by two heavy own patrols of the region. Their presence has
nia as its northwestern frontier. Southwest of
and four light catapults. The regiment’s main led the aliens in the city to send out their own
the Eastern Hak, the Spine of the Dragon
task is to hold the fort as a means of coercing robotic patrols. All of this coming and going
and the Emlyn Bognor are divided by a 24- has, in turn, drawn the attention of the
the Peshwah, but its commander, Regimen-
mile wide valley known as the Coombe dragons in the hills north and east of the Val-
tal Captain Pesbtan Tiza, has also estab-
(called Dakan by the Peshwah) that rises over ley of the Ancients. Having come out onto
lished a system of cavalry patrols that keep
a distance of 120 miles until it reaches the him informed of the movements of the the Eastern Hak to see what was going on,
High Hak. the dragons have stayed to hunt grazers. As a
Peshwah throughout the Eastern Hak, the
The Eastern Hak is the sale remaining Coombe, and the High Hak. consequence, the Eastern Hak has become a
winter range of the nomadic Horsemen of very dangerous place, indeed.
In addition to Thonian cavalry patrols, the
Peshwah. The nomads’ other winter range,
the Plains of Hak, northeast of the Root
River, is now in the hands of the Afridhi Em-
pire. The loss of the Plains of Hak has placed
the Peshwah in an extremely difficult posi-
tion. The Eastern Hak is not large enough to
support the entire nation during the long
months when the freezing winter winds make
the vast High H A uninhabitable for large
numbers of nomads. Further, the only path
through which the nomads can drive their
herds of grazers with ease is the Coombe,
where the Empire ofThonia bas built the out-
post of Fort Mugger in order to interdict
The strategic problem posed by this situa-
tion had caused the Peshwah to make a sort of
peace with Thonia for the first time in mem-
ory, accepting badly needed food and a prom-
ise of free transit between their summer and
winter ranges in exchange for a binding com-
mitment to halt all raids into the empire and a
tentative promise of unspecified aid in Tho-
nia’s planned renewal of its old war against
Blackmoor. The Iron Duke, military gover-
nor of Thania’s northwest frontier, has gone
even further than required by the new treaty,
providing the Peshwab with weapons for
their continuing war against the Afridhi and

The Valley of the Ancients enough (or mean enough) to live there. For their goods in piles. Then the geonids place
all three teem with bath hungry blue and red next to each pile whatever it is that they want
dragons. Understandably, no one has ever to trade for the goods in that pile. A trade is
Originally a single mammoth underwater tried to take a head count, but the best esti- refused by leaving the goads where they are
caldera, this area became an inland sea when mates place their numbers at over 200, in- stacked. Picking up what the other side offers
Blackmoor was raised above the waters. Over cluding young. indicates that the offer is accepted. Dividing a
millennia, the sea evaporated, leaving behind Only one man dares to make his home in stack indicates that the price is too low. This
a desolate expanse of salt flats and sandy des- this dangerous country. On a shoulder of the elegant barter system is seldom used, how-
ert surrounded by a 300-foot escarpment and mountain Kergwailin, the powerful wizard ever, since the Kerman Peaks is so remote
a circular chain of six separate hill masses. Robert the Bald dwells in a tower called from normal trade routes.
The only remnant of the waters that once Cloudtop that even the dragons shun. All The barrier hills and escarpments around
filled the valley is a vile salt lake called The others shun the dragon-infested hills. the Valley of the Ancients are pierced in five
Sink, located in the western portion of the North ofthe Valley ofthe Ancients, the tor- places. In the north, a rocky gorge winds
valley tured spires and naked lava beds of the Bad- through the Badlands from Axmouth past
In the center ofthis desert is a 20-mile long lands block easy access to the Root River Cloudtop and into the lowlands around Rat
chain of volcanic hills notable for their de- system. To the west, the way is blocked by the Lake. To the northwest, the ancient and now
posits of blue volcanic glass. At the southern Ash Hills, a maze of volcanic domes, steam disused Gold Road between the Empire of
end of these so-called Blue Hills is a large ru- vents, and lava beds similar to the Badlands, Thonia and the Duchy of Ten descends the
ined structure called the Tower of Glass that but with more recent volcanic activity South- escarpment via a heart-stopping series of
is built entirely ofdense blocks of the volcanic west ofthe Valley ofthe Ancients are the Ker- switchbacks and tunnels cut into the cliffface.
glass that gave the hills their name. None man Peaks, a chain of mountains that tower To the southwest, a break in the escarpment
know who built this 200-foot diameter by over both the valley and the upland plain to accomodates a narrow trace that cuts through
200-foot tall tower, but legends in the Narth- the west. the Kerman Peaks past the Geonid trading
lands have always attributed it to a race of The inhospitable crescent of hills and posts of Qom and Farah to join the old Salt
wizards who lived in the valley in antiquity mountains north, west, and south of the val- Road on the High Hak. At the southernmost
Hence the name Valley of the Ancients. ley has few permanent residents. Garls, hill tip of the valley, the escarpment is pierced by
The Tower of Glass is one of the few land- giants, and the occasional dragon or stray two gorges. One, The Gut (Leshwan, in the
marks in the valley, whose inhabitants are camarilla are the main dangers. In the north, language ofthe Peshwah) runs southwest into
mostly wild camarillas and nomadic sand the once busy Gold Road has long been the High Hak. The other, the East Gate, de-
folk. Aside from the tower and the City ofthe closed by the depredations of a large and ex- bouches onto the Eastern Hak near G i l d
Gods, the valley has only one other perma- ceptionally powerful hydra, so there is little Station. The Peshwah have been known to
nent structure, the Shrine of Axmouth, a reason for anyone to stray into the area. travel the 160 miles ofdesert through the two
300-foot diameter, rock-lined bowl in which In the south, a tribe of fire giants makes its southern gorges in order to pass between the
the sand folk hold rare intertribal conclaves, home high in the Kerman Peaks. On the very High Hak and the Eastern Hak without hav-
called Gatherings. lip of the crater atop the volcanic peak ing to fight Thonian soldiers, but the practice
It was at Axmouth that the tribes met after Kuurkatoa, they have a rude settlement is costly in the lives of both horses and grazers
the arrival of the City of the Gods. At that called Windhoek, which houses three dozen and is employed only when the Coombe is
Gathering, it was decided that the sky city of their kind plus a dozen hydrae and 200 of tightly sealed. None of the five routes into the
was no immediate danger to the folk and that their vicious hellhounds. There, they practice valley is much-traveled.
they could safely raid it or trade with its resi- the strange religion of Shokai, an obscure fire
dents while accepting Captain Riesling’s of- cult that features sacrifice by burning. The High H a k
fer of a treaty (which the folk didn’t really One other species inhabits the K e m a n
understand very clearly). Dominating the region south of Blackmoor
Peaks in large numbers. These are the is a large, grassy upland plateau called the
Between the wild sand folk, the patrolling geonids, intelligent cave dwellers who nor-
robots of the City ofthe Gods, the scouts and High Hak that stretches 300 miles northwest
mally live in extended families of no more from The Coombe and is 100 to 130 miles
raiders sent out by the Order of the Frog, the than a dozen and who number perhaps wide along its entire length. This 600-foot
wild camarillas that live in the desert, and the 2,000, all told. The geonids reluctantly serve high plateau is the summer range of the Hor-
dragons that come down from the Dragon the fire giants of Windhoek, whom they semen of Peshwah, the homeland from which
Hills to hunt, the Valley of the Ancients is greatly fear. One of their many services is the those tough nomads sprang. To them, it is the
even more dangerous than the Eastern Hak, maintenance of trading posts at Qom and Sea of Grass, a vast green ocean over which
and a place not to he entered lightly Fortu- Farah. These are not actually settlements. they drive the herds of horses and grazers
nately, it is so inaccessahle that few travelers Instead, they are literal “tradingposts,” large which are their means of sustenance and the
ever sample its terrors. rock monoliths built by the geonids. Geonid
Surrounding the valley in a great arc from main measure of their wealth. In winter, a
scouts keep watch over both posts. cold, windblown waste, during spring and
northeast to southeast are the Dragon Hills, Whenever a party of what might be traders summer, the High Hak comes alive with
the South Dragons, and a rugged ridge called camps near either trading post, the geonids flowering grasses and shrubs that make ideal
the Spine of the Dragon (Persa Na Shilkotan, come down from the hills to trade gems and forage for grazers.
in the language of the Peshwah). Though the ore-bearing rocks for tools, salt, and the deli- For hundreds of years, the Peshwah have
three hill masses are home to trolls, gads, and cacies craved by the fire giants. The normal summered on this high range, then migrated
hill giants, few other species are hardy trading procedure is for the traders to display


into tlle Eastern Hak via the Coombe (Da- sired by the Peshwah and who have the Sirk's men and 1.000 horses plus the 600 men and
ken) and onto the Plains of Hak via the passes permission to dwell in the High Hak. horses of the 17th Kurgan Lancers across the
throug:h the Walls of Hak in order to find win- Except for these few rude settlements, the river at Fort Mugger devours much of the
ter forage in the low country However, in the plateau is devoid of permanent stmcturcs. It output of the large, slave-worked Imperial
last df :cade, the Afridhi Empire has driven is not, however, devoid of life. About 12,000 Commissary Farm at South Chester. There,
the Pe,shwah from their winter range on the Peshwah (including 4,000 warriors) plus about 800 slaves and 30 craftsmen labor un-
Plains of Hak, forcing largc numbers of no- herds ofup to 14,000 horses and 6,000 graz- der the charge of 40 overseers, 80 constables
mads Ito brave the hard upland winters since ers roam the steppe in summer. During win- to produce the comestibles needed to keep the
there i s insufficient room for all of the horse- ter, it supports about 10,000 Peshwah army in the field. If there is anything left over
clans iin the Eastern Hak. At this time, the (including 3,000 warriors), 11,000 horses when all have eaten (or stolen) their share,
Peshw ah are fighting a losing war even to re- and 5,000 grazers. In addition, an average of then those who grew the food get the surplus,
tain ccIntrol of the High Hak, which is being about 75 hide hunters work the High Hak in an arrangement that is supposed to foster
patroll led by ever larger numbers of Afridhi summer, and the Afridhi keep 300 cavalry ac- high productivity, In practice, the Imperial
cavalry, tive atop the plateau year-round. Commissary Farm loses a slave a day as a re-
E X Cept in the extreme northwest and on Nor is the area entirely trackless. Two ma- sult of starvation and deficiency diseases.
the so1uthwestern verge, the High Hak is de- jor trade mutes cross the Hig-h Hak, the Salt The mines are the main reason that the
void o,f permanent structures. In the nonh- Road and the lmpie Road. Though both are decadent empire bothers to maintain control
west, is the SulPeshwan (Seat ofthe People), now disused and overgrown, they can he ex- of the region. At the oldest of the mines, the
a tall hill mass that rises dramatically from pected to come back into regular use as soon Chesterfield, 300 slaves and 20 mining spe-
the sumounding plateau to form a rugged, as peace returns to the Northlands. cialists under the supervision of 15 overseers
woode d fastness into which the Peshwah were Meanwhile, some of the inhabitants of the and 30 constables mine and refine 500 gp
wont t o retreat when they were threatened by High Hak arc profiting handsomely from the worth of raw gold per day At the recently es-
their e nemies in times past. Over many cen- warfare that now grips the North. The Free- tablished New Digging, 400 slaves and 20
turies, the Peshwah have fortified the vales hold of Chumlish Penarth (Overlook), in the mining specialists under the supervision of 15
leadin g into the heart of this hill stronghold so hills above and just west of the plateau barely overseers and 40 constables mine and refine
that it is now nearly imprepable. Each survived during years of peaceful trade. 400 gp worth of raw gold per day At any
spring , the elders of the dozen horseclans Now, it has became the main source ofweap- given time, there is 1-4 weeks' production
makin g up the Peshwah meet to choose the ons for the Peshwah, and a score of smiths stored at each mine.
new Siirk Am Peshwah (Hand of the People), have set up shop there, bringing a new pros- Every four weeks, a supply column from
who \Irill rule the nation during the coming perity to the village of 400. Far tn the south, New Bril brings 40 new slaves and four wag-
year. 7The Sirk rules from Sul Peshwan unless the elven boyers and fletchers in the forest onloads of supplies to the two mines. The
he is I,Eading the clans to war. Generally, the stronghold of High Tenlish have also profited column is escorted by 20 constables. After
SUI Pe shwan shelters 2,000 Peshwah (includ- from the war by supplying bows and arrows picking up additional supplies at South Ches-
ing 1,000 warriors), 4,000 horses, and 300 to the Peshwah, and newly arrived elven ter and conveying them to the mines, the con-
grazer ". craftsmen have swelled the population of voy returns to New Bril carrying the previous
SO" le 60 miles east of SUIPeshwan, on the High Tenlish to almost 1,000. For these four weeks production of gold (14,000 gold
site of a particularly large spring, is a wooden craftsmen, the recent warfare has hem a pieces from the Chesterfield and 11,200 gold
stockade named Dawlish (Woodclose), where blessing. For the rest of those who live on the pieces from the New Digging). The Imperial
a Peshiwah war hand is kept massed to meet High Hak, the warfare is a calamity that is Warden (similar to a baron) sends this gold
any in vasion from the north via the gap he- slowly destroying their way of life. from New Bril to Marban, where it pays the
tween the Walls ofHak and the Wyvem Hills. wages of the Iron Duke's army.
Dawli!sh is now home to 400 Peshwah war- The Thonian Rand The Thonian Rand has only two towns of
riors, I300 horses, and 100 grazers. Northwest note. The most important is New Bril, with a
Southeast of the Taff River, and protected
of the Sul Peshwan, the plateau begins to population of 1,200 (plus 200 imperial con-
from the depredations of the Peshwah by the
tumhbe to the lowlands in a chain of hills stables). The other is Wookum, with 1,000
broad Fens of Taff on either side of that wa- residents (mostly camp followers) plus 600
called the WallsofHak. Here, in threeprinci- tercourse, is the Thonian Rand, a lightly set-
pal p' ~sses, the Peshwah hold three more soldiers. The other inhabited places in the re-
tled region with two main industries: defense gion hardly qualify even as villag-es, most be-
stockades, each garrisoned by 300 warriors and mining. Since the region forms one cor-
(with 500 horses and 50 grazers). The three i n s temporary labor camps or military
ner of Thonia's northwest frontier, it is home stockades.
passes are Lyntok (Rivergate), Naktok (Bar- to a permanent imperial garrison composed
rowgate), and Lishtok (Woodgate). The one public work of note is a military
ofthe Thonian 8th Green Devils Regiment of road called the Wardenpike, a raised, paved
At t he southeastern end of the High Hak, Foot (1,200 men) and the 1Ith Mirakoslic Sa-
the Ennpire of Thonia operates a trading post road that extends from Marban all the way
bers Regiment of Horse (600 men). The west to Barney's Ford (the only regular ford
at Col,enso Station staffed by 10 traders and a former is spread between three small forts
full CDlmpany (50 men) of the 17th Kurgan on the Taff River). Troops traveling along
along the Taff River (Barney's Ford with 400
Lance rs Regiment from Fort Mugger. Sev- this exceptionally straight, smooth road can
soldiers, Oclaire with 600, and Boy0 with move half again as fast as when moving along
enty nd e s north of Colenso is a settlement of ZOO), while the latter occupies the garrison
some 5LO0 persons, called Salt Town. Founded normal roads, and the pike is an important
town of Wookum. asset to the defense of Thonia's northwest
80 ye;&IS ago, this village houses artisans, Providing food and foragc for these 1,800
crafts, nen, and traders whose services are de- frontier.


Steppe Encounter Table 9 Horsemen of Peshwah (30): AC 7 (leather armor); H D 1; hp 6

each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6 (short bow or short
Use this table when the PCs have an encounter in the High Hak,
sword); Save F1; M L 8;AL C; XP 10 each. This war party of
Eastern Hak, the Coombe, or the Hills of Clwydd. To find what they
steppe nomads i s led by a 2nd Level fighter, and each member of
encounter, roll the following dice:
the party is mounted on a small but sturdy riding horse.
* Roll Id4 if the PCs are in the Hills of Clwydd. Nomad Leader (1): AC 7 (leather armor); H D 2; hp 8;MV 120‘
* Roll Id8 if the PCs are in the Eastern Hak or the Coombe (40’); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6 (short how or short sword); Save F2;
Roll ld6 + 6 if the PCs are in the High Hak. ML 8; AL C; X P 20.
Riding Horses (31): AC 7; H D 2; hp 10 each; MV 240’ (80’);#AT
The result determines the encounter type.
2 hooves; D 1-4/1-4; Save F1; M L 7; AL N; X P 20 each.
10 Afridhi Cavalry Patrol (19): AC 4 (chain mail and shield); H D 1;
1 Horsemen ofPeshwah (25): AC 7 (leatherarmor); H D 1; hp 6 each;
hp 6 each; MV 120’ (40‘); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6 (spear or short
M V 120’ (40’); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6 (short bow or short sword);
bow) or 1-8 (sword); Save F1; ML 10; AL C; X P 10 each. This
Save F1; M L 8;AL C; X P 10 each. This war party of steppe no-
Afridhi cavalry patrol is led by a 2nd Level fighter, and each of the
mads is led by a 2nd Level fighter, and each member of the party i s
human cavalrymen in the patrol is mounted on a riding horse.
mounted on a small but sturdy riding horse.
Afridhi Patrol Leader (1): AC 4 (chain mail and shield); H D 2; hp
Nomad Leader (1): AC 7 (leather armor): HD 2:. hD. 8:. MV 120’
~I I .
12; MV lZO’(40’); #AT 1 sword; D 1-8(sword); Save F2; ML 11;
(40’); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6 (short bow or short sword); Save F2;
AL C; XP 20.
M L 8: AL C: X P 20.
Riding Horses (20):AC 7; H D 2; hp 12 each; MV 240’ (80’);#AT
Riding-Hor& (26): AC 7; H D 2; hp 10 each; MV 240’ (80’);#AT 2
2 hooves; D 1-4/1-4; Save F1; ML 7; AL N; XP 20 each.
hooves; D 1-4/1-4; Save F1; ML 7; AL N; XP 20 each.
11 Horsemen of Peshwah (12): AC 7 (leather armor); HD 1; hp 6
2 Ebots (3): AC 0; H D 12.; hp 48 each; MV 90’ (30’); #AT 1 needle?
each; MV 120’ (40‘); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6 (short bow or short
D 1-2 + paralysis; Save F10; ML 9; AL L; X P 1,900 each. The
sword); Save F1; ML 8;AL C; X P 10 each. Each member of this
ebots identify the party as specimens suitable for capture and act ac-
steppe nomad scouting party is mounted on a small hut sturdy rid-
ing horse.
3 Horsemen ofPeshwah (10): AC 7 (leather armor); H D 1; hp 7 each;
Ridinp Horses (12): AC 7: H D 2: hD 10 each: MV 240’ (80’,. ):#AT
M V 120’ (40’); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6 (short bow or short sword); ~I

2 hooves; D 1-4/1-4; Save F1; ML’7; AL N; X P 20 each.

Save F1; M L 8;AL C ; X P 10 each. Each steppe nomad is mounted
12 Dbot (1): AC -2: H D 24*: hD 120: MV 120’ (40’). flying 480’
on a small but sturdy riding horse.
(160’)1#AT 2 weapons; D variable; Save F16; M L 12; AL E; X P
Riding Horses (10): AC 7; H D 2; hp 10 each; MV 240’ (80’);#AT 2
6,000. The dbot is on a scouting mission, and is programmed to
hooves; D 1-4/1-4; Save F1; M L 7; AL N; XP 20 each.
report potential enemies by radio, but to avoid contact. It takes no
4 Dhot (1): AC -2; H D 24’; hp 120; MV 120’ (40’), flying 480’
action unless attacked; then it fights back.
(160‘); #AT 2 weapons; D variable; Save F16; ML 12; A L L ; X P
6,000. The dbot is on a scouting mission, and i s programmed to re-
port potential enemies by radio, but to avoid contact. It takes no
action unless attacked; then it fights back.
5 Blue Dragon (1): AC 0; H D 9.’; hp 72; MV 90’ (30’), flying 240’
(80’);#AT 2 clawdl bite; D 2-7/2-7/3-30; Save F9; ML 9; AL N;
X P 2,300. The dragon attacks the PCs when it notices them while
riding a thermal high above the plain.
6 Thonian Cavalry Patrol (15): AC 4 (chain mail and shield); HD 1;
hp 5 each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6 (spear) or 1-8
(sword); Save F1; ML 8;AL L; XP 10 each. This Thonian cavalry
patrol i s led by a 2nd Level fighter, and each of the human cavalry-
men in the patrol i s mounted on a riding horse.
Thonian Patrol Leader(1): AC 4 (chain mail and shield); H D 2; hp
IO; MV 120’ (40’); #AT i weapon; D 1-6 (spear) or i-8(swordi
Save F2; M L 9; AL L; X P 20.
Riding Horses (16): AC 7; H D 2; hp 14 each; MV 240’ (80’); #AT 2
hooves; D 1-4/1-4; Save F1; ML 7; AL N; XP 20 each.
7 Hide Hunters f ,.
\8),: AC 6 (leather armor and shield): H D 4: hD 16

each; MV lZO’(40’); #AT 1 weapon; D 1-6 (short how) or 1-8 (short

sword) or lance (1-10); Save F4; ML 9; AL N; X P 35 each. Each of
these human hunters is mounted on a war horse. The hunters don’t
have their wagons with them.
War Horses (8): AC 7; H D 3; hp 18 each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 2
hooves; D 1-611-6; Save F2; ML 9; AL N; XP 35 each.
8 Grazers(16):AC5;HD8; hp32each;MVl20’(40’);#ATlbiteor
trample; D 2-12/3-18; Save F4; ML 9; AL N: XP 650 each. This
herd of wild grazers attacks immediately

ounter Table The Blasted Woods

Green Dragons (3): AC 1; HD 8**;hp 40; MV 90‘ (30’), flying 240‘
)le when the PCs have an encounter in any forested area east
(SO’); #AT 2 clawsll bite; D 1-6/1-6/3-24; Save F8; ML 9 ;AL C; XP
x row (inclusive) and north of the Taff River. To find what the
1,750. The dragons set an ambush for the PCs, and, unless they are us-
‘r, roll id8. The r m l t determines the encounter type.
ing magic to examine the area, they will be unaware of their peril. As
~ : A C O ; H D i 2 * * *hp96;MV30’(10‘);#AT1
; bite/6ten- the PCs step into a small clearing, one dragon steps out of the forest to
5-3/weak~ess;Save Fi0; M L 10; AL C; XP 3,875.The bar their way. Only after the PCs engage the first dragon (or discover
isguised as a tree. As soon as all of the FCs are in range of the presence o f the other two) do the remaining dragons attack from the
tes, it ambushes the party. mal-.
(20): AC 6 (Icather armor and shield); HD 1; hp 8; MV
The Ringwood
I; %AT1 weapon; D 1-6 (short bow) or 1-8 (sword); Save
Spectres (4): AG 2; HD 6**; hp 30; MV 150’ (50’), flying 300‘ (100‘);
8; AL C; XP 10. The brigands are Ied by a 2nd b e l
#AT 1 touch; D 1-8 + double Energy Drain; Save F6;ML 11, A t C ;
XP 725.
,eader (I): AC 6 (leather armor and shield); HD 2; hp 16;
(40’);#AT 1 weapon: D 1-6 (short bow) or 1-8 (sword); The Mumblewood
M T . a+ AT (7-X P 20 All nf thP hrivnnrlq (inrltirlinrr thAr

mnter Table Hill Giants (3): AC 4; HD 8; h p 56 each; MV 120’ (40‘);#AT 1

1 the PCs have an encounter in the Dragon Hills, club; D 2-16; Save F8;MI, 8;AL C ; XP 650 each. The hi1 giants
)r the Spine of the Dragon. To find what the PCs
attadc immediately upon becoming aware of the FCs.
The resuIt determines the encounter type. If the Garls (12): AC 7; HD 6; hp 24 each; MV 120‘ (40’); #AT 1 club; D
5-8; Save F6; ML 9: AL N; XP 275 each. The garls attack as soon
encounters 1,2,4,5, or 7, read these results as a 3
as they become aware of the PCs.
Dbots (2): AC -2; HD 24’; hp 120 each; MV 120’ /40‘), flying 480’
AC 0; HD 9’*; hp 45 each; MV 90‘ (30‘), flying (160‘); #AT 2 weapons; D variable; Save E16; ML 12; AL L; XP
clawdl bite; D 2-712-713-30;Save E9; ML 9; AL 6,000 each. The dbots are on an anti-Froggie patmI and are pro-
h. The dragons swoop down from a high cliff to grammed to first report potential enemies by radio and then try to
Unless the PCs are using magic to &e& their sur- destroy them.
Lrst hint of danger is a. whoosh of air as the first Hydra (1): AC 5; HD 12; hp 96; MV 120‘ (40’); #AT 12 heads;
ithin 30 feet of them. D 1-10 + poison; Save Fi2; ML 11; AL N; X P 1,100. This rare
m i i wants I*): HC 4; HI3 8; hp 4.0 each; MV 120’ (40’);#AT 1 beast has a poisonous bite. Characters hit by one of the hydra’s
club; D 2-16; Save F8; ML 8;AL C ;XP 650 each. The hill giants heads must Save vs. Poison. Ifthey fail to do so,they suffer an addi-
attack immediately upon becoming aware of the PCs. tional 1-6 points of damage. If they make their saving throw, they
Ebots (3): AC 0; HD 12 ; h p 48 each; MV 90‘ (30’); #AT 1 needier, suffer no additional damage. Except for its venom, the beast has the
D 1-2 + paralysis; Save FlO; ML 9; A L L; XP 1,900 each. The same characteristics as all other hydrae.
ebots identify the party as specimens suitable for capture and act ac- Soldiers of the Frog (8): AC 0 (battle armur); HD 3; hp 12 each;
cordingly. MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 heavy blaster: D 8-48; Save P3; ML 12; AL
Basilisks (2): AC 4;HD 6 + 1**; hp 49 each; MV 6Q‘(20‘); #AT I C; XP 35 each. Each human soldier is mounted on a riding horse.
bite/l gaze; D 1-10 + petrification; Save F6;ML 9;AL N;XP 950 Riding Horses (8): AC 7; HD 2; hp 8 each; MV 240’ (80’); #AT 2
emh. The basilisks burst from a thicket directIy into the path of the hooves; D 1-411-4; Save F1; ML 7; AI, X; XP 20 each.
PCs. One basilisk is evidently chasing the other (out of anger or Camarillas (5): AC 3; HI3 6*; hp 30 each; MV 120’ (40‘);#AT 1
playfulness), and they pay no attention to the PCs unless attacked. bite orbreath; D 1-10 or 3-18; Save F3: ML 8: AT, N ; XP 650 each.
If not attacked, the basilisks race past the PCs and slumph out of This hunting pa& of wild camarillas charges the party from behind
sight. a rock formation where it lies in ambush.
Gads (10): AC 7; HD 6: hp 24 each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 1 club; D Red Dragon (1): AC -1; H D lo**; hp 80; M V 90’ (30’), flying 240’
5-8; Save F6; ML 9; AL N; XP 275 each. The PCs encounter this (80’);#AT 2 clawdl bite; D 1-8/1-8/4-32; Save F10; M L 10; AL C ;
gar1 hunting party in a narrow defile where only two or three garls XP 2,300. When the PCs encounter the dragon, it is snoozing (with
can come at them at once. one eye slitted open) in a patch ofwarm sunlight. Surrounding i~ are
Red Dragon (1): AC -1; HD IO’*; hp SO; MV 90‘ (30’3, flying 240’ some puddles of congealed gore, several piles of viscera, and a jum-
(80‘); #AT 2 clawsll bite; D 1-8/1-8/4-32; Save F10;ML 10; AL C; ble of cracked and blackened bones, the untidy remains of a the
XP 2,300. The dragon attacks the PCs when it notices them while beast’s most recent meal. Being surfeited with gar1 chops and
riding a thermal high above the hills. Thinking to make the kill eas- steaks, the dragon is uninterested in other prey and ignores the
ier, the dragon signals its descent with a drawn-out cry designed to party unless attacked.
terrify (and scatter) its prey Following the custom of its kind, it
plans to harry and torture its dinner before eating it. Kerman Peaks Encounter Table
Trolls (6):AC 4; HD 6 + 3; hp 27 each; M V 120’ (40’); #AT 2
Use this table when the PCs have an encounter in the Kerrnan Peaks.
dawsll bite; D 1-611-6/1-10; Save P6; ML 10 (8); AL C; XP 650 To discover what the PCs encounter, roll ld8. The result determines the
each. The PCs surprise the trolls preparing to devour a gar1 they encounter type. If the party has already had encounters 5, 6, 7, or 8,
have just killed. The trolTs attack immediately upon becoming
read these results as a 1‘ instead.
aware of the PCs.
Dbots (2): AC -2; HD 24*; hp 120 each; MV 120’ (40’),flying 480’ Geonids (6): AC -2; HD 2; hp 16 each; MV 60’ (20’); BAT 1 fist; D
(160’); #AT 2 weapons; D variable; Save F16; ML 12; AL L;XP 1-8; Save F2; MI, 8; AL C; XP 20 each. These geonid scouts try to
6,000 each. The dbots are on an anti-Eroggie patrol and are pro- flee. If any of them escapes, within 1-4hours, the PCs encounter a
grammed to first report potential enemies by radio and then try to geonid war party identical to that described in encounter 3.
destroy them. Ebots (2): AC 0; HI3 12*; hp 48 each; MV 90’ 130‘); #AT 1 needle?
D 1-2 + pardysis; Save F10; ML 9; AL L; XP 1,900 each. The
Badlands Encounter Table ebots identify the party as rpecimens suitable for capture and act ac-
Use this table when the PCs have a n encounter in the Badlands, the Geonids (12): AC -2; HD 2; hp 10 each; hlV 60’ (20’): #AT 1 fist; D
Ash Hills, or the Blue Hills. To find out what the PCs encounter, roll 1-8; Save F2; ML 8; AL C; XP 20 each. The peesence of Soldiers of
id4 if they are in the Blue Hills; otherwise, roll Ids. The rcsult deter- the Frog in their mountains has infuriated all of the geonid tribes,
mines the encounter type. If the PCs have already had encounters 5, 6, and this geonid war party attacks any strangers it encounters on the
7, or 8, read these results as a 1 instead. theory that they are probably agents of the Order o f the Frog.
1 Ebots (4):AC 0; HD 12*;hp 48 each; MV 90‘ (30’); #AT 1 needle? Dbots (2): AC -2; HI3 24*; hp 120 each; MV 120’ (40’), flying480’
D 1-2 + paralysis; Save F10; ML 9; AL L; XP 1,900 each. T h e (160’); #AT 2 weapons; D variable; Save f16; ML 12; AL L; XP
ebots identify the party as specimens suitable for capture and act ac- 6,000 each. The dbots are on an anti-Fmggie patrol and are pro-
cord in glv.

T h e alien technolog in this module in-
cludes many powerful devices that can be ac- sion field that gives the wearer AC 0, without rial at one end. The tube has parallel ridges
quired and used by the PCs. While you, the adding to his encumbrance. The “oblong running along its length.
DM, know that these items are simple tools box” contains a standard power pack. Functioning: The item is a sophisticated
or mechanical devices, residents of Black- Squeezing the box in the palm of the hand portable Eight source. The ‘‘Cap’’ is actually a
moor perceive them to be magic items and causes it to eject its powcr pack. A new pack combination lendlight source. To make it
treat them accordingly, giving each a name can then be slid into the box. Each new pack emit light, the user twists it clockwise. The
that expresses its power En understandable powers the armor for 4 months. Power packs lens immediately begins to cast a diffused
terms. already in suits discovered by the PCs are glow. The further it is turned, the brighter
This section lists all of the cornrnun alien good for 1-4 months. and more focused the light becomes. Tuikng
devices corresponding to magic items. Each the lens in the opposite direction decreases
item is listed by its proper name, followed in Communicator (Talk Box) and diffuses the light. Turning it all the way
parentheses by the name by which the item is in the opposite direction shuts the light off.
known to non-aliens. Each listing has a short The glow wand is powered by a standard
description of how the ircm appears to non- power pack inside the tube. The pack can be
aliens, followed by a discussion of its func- removed or replaced by pressing against one
tions. of the tube’s ridges, causing an access panel
Alien devices are made from supertough to spring open. The panel snaps shut when
ceramics and acryIics and From other exotic pressed hack into place. Each power pack is
substances Unless otherwisc noted, they good for 24 hours of operation.
can’t be harmed by non-magical weapons or Description: Tiis itrm is a gray egg-
tools. Also, unless otherwise noted, all items shaped device that fits in the palm of the Grenade (Death Egg)
that use a power pack are powered by the hand. A retractable metal clip extrudes from
same type of 1‘* x 2“ x ‘h“ pack, and all one end.
power packs are fully charged when discov- Functioning: This communicator k t s the
ered (minus any charges used during the en- user have a two-way conversation with any-
counter or melee in which the PCs discover one who has an implant or communicator or
them); all standard power packs arc inter- with any device that is plugged into the alien
changeable. Used power packs can be re- communications network (a computer, for
charged in Beagle’s power plant (which I S in a example). Communicators have a range of 48
high security area not open to the PCsj. miles. They can always receive anything be- Description: This item is a smooth, heavy,
Tn some cases, alien devices are activated ing transmitted on their band. When in egg-shaped ball, no more than an inch thick
or controlled by voice command. Generally, transmit mode, thcy transmit all sounds at its widest end. There is a smali seam in the
these devices understand only Galactica (The within 12“ inches. A character activates a middle of the ball. The ball comes in six col-
language of the GaIactic Federation) and the communicator by giving the transmit signal ors: red, yellow, black, blue, green, and gray.
coded battle languages of the Federation (a verbally communicated alphanumeric Functioning: Each grenade can be thrown
Fleet. They do not respond to Common un- code, in most cases). The small clip is a belt (up to 60 feet) or fired from a grenade
less specidly programmed to do so. Often, clip that can be thumbed out for carrying or launcher. However, if the grenade is inactive
items respond only to special codes given in a thumed out of the way when the device is in (its normal state), it can be thrown or fired all
battle language. use. If the user tells the communicator to day, and nothing will happen. Before i t can
Alien devices aren’t intended for use by “translate,” it automatically translates every- cxplode, it must first be active (or live, as the
nontechnological species. It is especially easy thing that it receives into whatever language aliens say). To makc a grenade active, it is
for those not trained in their use (c.g. the the user is speaking. His own words arc not necessary to twiTt the two ends in opposite di-
PCs) to improperly insert a power pa&, thus translated. Squeezing the base o f the device rections until there is a click. The grenade
damaging the item. Each time one ofthe PCs causes it to eject i t s power pack. A new power then explodes five seconds later. The effect of
tries to change a power pack, there is a 50% pack can then be slid into the base. Each pack the explosion depends on the grenade’s type.
chance that he damages it so that it no longer can power the device for six hours of continu- The different colors indicate different types.
functions. ous use (about 24 conversations). These include:
Gamma (red): This type emits a powerful
Battle Armor (Godsuit) Glow Wand (Magic Torch) Hast of radiation, AI1 entities within 30 feet
must Save vs. Death Ray. Those who fail
Description: This item looks like a their saving throw sustain 8-48 points of
smooth, wonderously light and thin damage. Those who make their saving throw
stocking-but one that has been knit with sustain n o damage. Gamma grenades do no
arms and legs rocover the entire body. Woven darnage to the surrounding area.
into thc stodcing’s neck is a small oblong box. Light (yellow): This type creates a globe of
Functioning: All aliens and Soldiers of the light 60 feet across. It is similar that created
Fro5 wear this tough battle armor, a type of b y the magic user spell continual Iighr, but it
form-fitting, light-weight acrylic mesh. A Description: This item is a six-inch long, Iasts only one turn. Those who are looking di-
sensor in the “oblong box” tells the suit when one-inch diameter gray metal tube with a rectly at the grenade when it first explodes


: Grenade Launcher (Wand of the grip exposes a vertical gauge whose red
: Death Eggs) indicator line shows how many charges are
Ieft. The pane1 snaps shut when released.
Each new power pack insertcd in the weapon
is good for 24 uses. Thc power pack already
in a weapon when it i s discovered by the PCs
is good for 5-20 uses.

I Heavy Blaster (Staff of Sunflame)

Description: This dark gray, foot-long,
inch thidr tube is open at one cnd and closed
at the other. There is a red bump on one side.
Functioning: The closed end holds a
standard power pack, a propellant pack, and
all ofthe microcircuits needed to fire the gre-
nade launcher. The cap can be removed by
simply unscrewing it. The red bump i s a fir- Description: This device actuaIly looks
ing button. To usc the launcher, drop a live more like an unwieldy cIub than a staff. The
grenade in i t , aim it where you want the g-e- smooth, dense, dark gray substance from
nade to go, and prer;sthe firing button. With whrch it is manufactured i 5 studded with ar-
a soft plop, the grenadc flies toward the aim- cane bumps and bulges and it is broader and
ing point. It takes one round to arm the gre- heavier at one end, tapering to a thin tube at
nade, load, and fire. T h e launcher has a the other.
maximirm range of 300 feet, bur is highly in- Functioning: This shoulder-fired weapon
accurate ( + 5 to the hit roll) above 120 feet. works is the size of a crossbow (but is much
Each new propellant and power pack inserted lighter and is shaped like a rifle). It works ex-
in the launcher is good for 24 uses. Those actly like a wand of fireballs, but does 8-48
packs already inside a launcher when it is dis- points ofdamage at 360 feet whenever a small
covered by the PCs are good for 2-24 uses. If stud in the underside of the stock is pressed).
the device is triggered while it contains more The weapon has a standard power pack in the
than one grenade, i t explodes, doing 3-18 stock. Moving a slide on the stock causes the
points ofdamge to the user plus any damage weapon IO eject it? power pack; it can thcn be
done by the grenades (which also explode). reloaded by simply sliding a fresh power pack
into the butt-end of the stock. Thumbing
Hand Blaster (Wand of Sunflame) open a panel in the top of the stock exposes a
vertical gauge whose red indicator line shows
how many charges are left. The panel snaps
shut when released. Each new power pack in-
serted in the weapon is good for 24 uses The
power pack already in a weapon when it is
discovered by the PCs is good for 5-20 uses.

Implant (Talk Spell)

Description: This dark gray, L-shaped de-
vice is made from some smooth, dense sub- Description: This item consists of a small
stance and is molded to fit a human hand. metal and ceramic button in the back of the
The part that fits most comfortably in the skull, just under the ear. This button is nor-
palm is studded with tiny buttons and protru- mally hidden under the skin, but may he re-
sions. The other part ends in a thin tube. vealed by a wound.
Functioning: This small, easily concealed Functioning: AI1 aliens have a miniature
weapon works like a wand offirebalIs (doing transmitter-receiver implanted in their mas-
6-36 points of damage at a range o f 240 feet toid bone This implant lets the alien have a
whenever a small stud in the front of the pis- two-way conversation with any other charac-
tol grip is pressed) The weapon has a stand- ter who also has an implant or a communica-
ard power pack in the grip. Moving a slide on tor or with any device that is plugged into the
the grip causes the weapon to eject its power communications network (a computer, for
pack; it can then be reloaded by simply slid- example). IrnpIants have a range ofjust four
ing a fresh power pack into the bottom of the miles. They can always receive anything be-
grip. Thumbing open a panel in the back of ing transmitted on their band. They only


smit the sounds made by the character in Medkit (Cube of Healing) Functioning: This small,easily concealed
m they are implanted when he gives the weapon fires small hollow steel needles con-
smit signal (a specific combination of taining a paralyzing drug out to a range of 60
I clicks). Non-aliens commonly interpret
,cceipt and transmission of signals in this
as the result of some arcane spell, espe-
lall I feet whenever the stud in the front of the pis-
tol grip is pressed. Entities hit by the tiny
needles must make a Saving Throw VS.Paral-
y since the aliens usually communicate ysis. Those who fail their saving-throw suffer
g their own battle language, which is not 1-2 points of damage and are paralyzed for
zrstandable b y non-aliens. Unlike corn- one hour. Those who make their saving throw
icators, implants do not have a transla- Description: This item is a smooth, white suffer 1-2 points of damage, but are not para-
function. They have their own power 4-inch white cube. One side of the cube is lyzed. The small, light-weight needles tend to
ce. An implant ceases to function if it is covered with flashing lights and strange sym- shatter when they strike heavy armor ( + 5 to
wed from the alien in whom it is im- bols. There is a small stud in one corner. The the hit roll when fired at characters in plate
ted or if that alicn is killed. opposite side has dozens of shallow indenta- mail or monsters that are AC 3 or lower). The
tions. T h e remaining four sides are blank. weapon has a standard power pack and a tiny
ht Saber (Sword of Light) Functioning: When the side with the shal- ammo pack (the same size as the power pack)
low indentations is placed next to a charac- in the grip. Moving a slide on the grip causes
ter’s skin and the medkit is turned on by the weapon to eject these packs; the weapon
twisting the stud, the item performs a medi- can then be reloaded by simply sliding fresh
cal exam on the character and displays the re- packs into the bottom of the grip. Each new
sults (including its diagnosis,if any) by power pack inserted in a needler has 24
flashing lights and changing the symbols dis- charges (uses}, and each ammo pack contains
played. The results include a readout listing 24 needles. The packs already in a needler
any treatment that it is performing. If the when it is discovered b y the PCs are good for
escription: This item is a six-inch long, machine is not turned offwithin 10 seconds of 5-20 uses. Thumbing open a panel in the
inch diameter gray metal tube with a red a course o f treatment being indicated, the back of the grip exposes a vertical gauge
of some sort at one end. The tube is medkit executes the treatment, This may in- whose red indicator line shows how many
led with ridges of metal and contains a clude debriding and sealing any wound over charges a r t left. The panel snaps shut when
tl. plate near the lens. The plate is inset which it is placed, slathering ointments of released.
a variety of studs and small flashing various kinds on bums or irritations andlor
S. spray-injecting the patient with one or more Pressure Suit (Suit of Lights)
unctioning: This is a light saber, a drugs. The medkit doesn’t actually heal the
pon designed for deep-space combat patient, but i t causes normal (but not magi- Description: When inactive, this item
re it is desirable that pressure hulls not be cal) healing to proceed at four times the nor- looks like battle armor with a hood and a
aged by casual blaster fire. The end with mal pace. The medkit only works in this slightly larger box woven into the neck.
lens emits a three-foot long by one-inch fashion when applied to humans. It isn’t de- When it is active, it gives the wearer a rnulti-
ieter controlled beam of light bent to signed to treat non-humans. Ifused on a non- colored aura.
1 a lethal blade. Treat this weapon like a human (including a demi-human), the Functioning: A pressure suit has the same
rd + 4. It is activated bv pressing one of patient must make a Saving Throw vs. Poi- characteristics as battle armor, but it also cre-
ituds in the control plate by the lens. The son or sustain 6-24 points ofdamage as a re- ates an atmospheric envdope around the
r studs are used to replate the blade’s sult of malpractice. Medkits don’t use power wearer. Characters wearing a pressure suit
packs; they have their own internal power are immune to the effects of heat, cold, and
th and width. The flashing lights are used
source, Each medkit can boost the healing of lack of atmosphere. The suit needs to be re-
to monitor its status and are for diagnostic
100 points of damage. charged after every 12 hours o f use. Recharg-
purposes, only. The light saber is powered by
ing consists of replacing the standard power
a standard power pack inside the tube. The
pack can be removed or replaced b y pressing Needler (Wand of Poisoned Dreams) pack that powers it and hooking the box
against one of the tube’s ridges, causing an woven into the neck up to a small nozzle
found next to the keypad in any of Beagle’s
access panel to spring open. The panel snaps
shut when pressed back into piace. Each
power pack is good for I 2 minutes (72
rounds) of continuous operation.

Description: This dark gray, L-shaped de-

vice is made from some smooth, dense sub-
stance and is molded to fit a human hand.
The part that fits most comfortably in the
palm has a stud and several tiny protrusions.
The other part ends in a thin tube.

:new mon- gans, except for some sense organs, are and lichens.
e. Also in- tank-grown from cell clones, most have special Gakaraks are some of the uldest living
wived by electrical or computer augmentation (a t h y creatures on the Prime Plane. They dwell
;ten. pacesetter &at can be usad ZD pvsh the heart to deep in the heart of ancient forests, where
extreme exertion, for example). they brood on their eons-old hatred of hu-
A set of computer chips in the brain accept mans and demi-humans, all of whom they
programming beamed to the cyborg via any consider to be hateful tree-slayers. They re-
standard communications device. Thanks to sent incursions into their forests and will do
a special hardware feature, cyborgs will even their utmost to deter anyone from entering.
-. .+" z-y I
Those foolish enough to penetrate deep into a
accept self-destruct programming that stops
Attacks: I bite or breath
their heart. All programming must be in a gakarak's forest rarely return.
Damage: 1-10 or 3-18
special code. Like the aliens who made them, The long-nurtured anger of a gakarak will
No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-12)
cyborgs have a mastoid implant that allows pervade the entire forest with an atmosphere
Save As: Fighter 3
them to use the alien communications net- of impending doom. Anyone except a druid
Morale: 8
work at any time. who enters a gakarak's forest will feel uncorn-
Treasure Type: Nil fortable, as though an unseen, hostile intelli-
Cyborgs have infravision at a range of 60
Alignment: Neutral gence is watching. Gakkaraks can speak to and
feet and can breathe underwater. They can be
XP Value: 650
harmed only by magic or ma+ weapons, but exercise limited control over plant life in an
A camarilla is a 12-foot-long, six-legged, are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells. area of 360 yards radius, causing it to grow
desert-dwelling lizard-like carnivore. Its In addition, experimental Class IV cyborgs rapidly and even move. They use this ability
tough yellow ochre hide i s usudly mottled on have some special characteristics. First, they to cause animal trails to become overgrown
back and flanks with brown and orange. use the AC, Hit Dice and Save values listed and tangled, making progress difficult for
Camarillas are well adapted to their d e s e ~ above after the slash; all other cyborgs use the any intruders.
environment and can live for weeks without values before the slash. Second, the range Over smaller areas (90 feet) a gaakasak can
water. and acuity of their vision, smell, and hearing also animate trees and bushes and direct
Camarillas normally hunt in packs of up to is four times the human n o m . As a conse- them to attack intruders in the same manner
half a dozen. Particularly strong packs m a y quence, they can't be surprised. a5 a treant (see page 56 of the Expert Set
prowl the fringes ofthe desert, preying on hu- Cyborg programming normally prevents Rules). Each gakarak can animate 6 trees or
man and demi-human settlements. The sand them from harming humans or humanoids bushes at once. Animated trees are AC 2;
foIk often domesticate camarillas and use (including aliens). However, there exist ille- HD 5-12; MY 60' (20'); #AT 2 branches; D
them as mounts. gal programs that can circumvent the safe- 2-24/2-24; Save F3-F6; ML 1 2 ; XP b y Hit
Camarillas have exceptionally strong jaws guards built into the cyborgs at the factory. Dice. Animated bushes are AC 5; HD 2-8;
and large, razor-sharp teeth. They attack ei- Using these, it is possible to modify an exist- MV 60' (20'); #AT 1 branch; D 1-8; Save F2-
ther by biting or by breathing. Each cama- ing cyborg SO that it becomes a cyborg termi- F3; ML 12; X P by Hit Dice.
rilla can breathe a cone offire 30 feet long and nator, a superlative killing machine feared Within its OW forest, a gakarak can tele-
up to 10 feet wide. Their favored mode of at- throughout the galaxy. So acute is Riesling's porr(no error) through vegetation at will and
tack is to breath first and then close to bite. paranoia that he has used bootleg versions of is unaffected b y attacks by plants or animals.
Camarillas are unaffected by magical or non- these programs t~ turn all of Beagle'scyborgs A gakarak c a n ' t be harmed by wooden weap-
magical fire. into terminators despite the fact that this act ons and is immune to electrical attacks; blunt
is a Federation capital offense. weapons used against a gakarak do only 1
Cyborg* Cyborgs always carry 1-4 alien devices point of damage plus any magical or strength
(treat as magical treasure). bonuses. A gakarak can regenerate 3 points
Armor Class: 01- 1 per round wMe he remains in contact with
Hit Dice: 20122 Gakarak plant life. During each round, a gakarak can
Move: 120' (80.') fire four darts from his hands (range 5011001
Attacks: 1 fist or weapon Armor Class: 0 150); each dart does 1-8 points of damage.
Damage: 3-30 or by weapon Hit Dice: 16**'*
No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-4) Move: 180' (60') Gad
Save As: Fighter 10116 Attacks: 1 club + special
Morale: 12 Damage: 4-24 Armor Class: 7
Treasure Type: Special No. Appearing: 0 (1-3) Hit Dice: 6
Alignment: Neutral Save As: Fighter 16 Move: 120' (40')
XP Value: 2,00012,750 Morale: 10 Attacks: 1 weapon
Treasure Type: E,N+O Damage: By weapon + 4
Cyborgs are alien machines built to perform Alignment : Neutral No. Appearing: 10-40(10-60)
difficult (often suicidal) tasks that are best per XP Value: 6,250 Save As: Fighter 6
formed by a human. They appear to be excep- Morale : 9
tionally tall and well-built male humans, A gakarak is a large, 18-foot-tall bipedal Treasure Type: M
indistinguishable from normal human beings. entity that is often mistaken for a treant, d- Alignment: Neutral
Rut their flesh was grown over a durallq &de- though it is much darker in color and is usu- XP Value: 275
ton in big biotanks. And, whde all of their or- ally shrouded in ancient, blackening mosses


h l s are very primitive humans, even Grazer Treasure Type: U

ire primitive than neanderthds. They are Alignment: Neutrd
Armor Class: 5
feet tall, stupid, and aggressive and have XP Value: 3,250
Hit Dice: 8
ty a crude language.
Move: 120' (40') A herex is a giant insect-like species which,
[n their natural state, gads don't know
Attacics: 1 bite or trample depending on the circumstances, may be en-
w to use fire or how to make weapons or
Damage: 2-12/3- 18 countered in any of three stages in its life cy-
11s; instead, they pick up and use any
No. Appearing: 0 (2-24) cle:
Idy rocks, bones, or branches (treat as
Save As: Fighter 7 Egg: Herex eggs are three-foot diameter
bs). I f instructed by more advanced crea- Morale: spheres with hard, opaque white shells. T h e y
es, however, gads can learn to use fire and
Treasure Type: Nil are found only underground (in dungeons,
nake and use weapons such as large spears
Alignment: Neutral caverns, and similar areas), where they are
3 bows. Because of their great strength,
XP Value: 650 laid by the adults in dutches of 1-6. The eggs
+Is inflict an extra 4 points of damage from
remain dormant for many years, hatching
uccessful hit with any weapon. The grazer is a large herbivore that looks
only if disturbed by some unwary creature.
2x1 treasure nearly always takes the form very much like a bison except that it has a sin-
In this way, the emerging, ravenous larva is
nuggets of precious metal or uncut gems. gle, central horn and a broad, flat tail. Graz-
assured of an opportunity to gain its first
ers arc 15 feet long and stand eight feet tall.
meal the instant it hatchcs!
Ge:onid They differ from most herbivores in that they
Larva: The Izrva of the herex resembles a
tend to attack when they are surprised or
A rmor Class: -2 flattened, wingless beetle with an elongated,
when they think that they are being threat-
Hi t Dice: 2 flexible abdomen, a large head and powerful
ened. Their terrible temper is legendary, and
Mcwe : 60' (20') mandibles. Its sole purpose in life is to eat and
they are considered among the most danger-
At1%&S: 1 fist or 1 weapon grow, shedding its outer carapace several
ous big game found on the open steppe.
Da mage: 1-8 or by weapon times as it does so. When it first emerges from
However, such is the value of their tough
NQ Appearing: 2-12 (0)
b, its egg, the larva is about 30 feet long and has
hides that they have keen hunted dmost to
Sa7ve As: Fighter 2 6 hit dice. Over a period of 5-10 months,
extinction in Rome parts of the world. A
MIirale: a prime grazer hide fetches 300 + gold pieces
however, it grows to about 20 feet in length,
Trt:asure Type: C by which time it has 12 hit dice. During this
from Thonian hide buyers. The Horsemen of
Ali gnment: Chaotic time, the larva lives entirely underground,
Peshwah maintain herds of more or less do-
X I' Value: TO wandering its subterranean world in search
mesticated grazers, and the beast plays a sig-
of prey.
i4 geeonid i s a small, intelligent, bipedal nificant role in the Peshwah economy and
The larva's main weapon is its bite. Any-
It h a s two arms ending in stony,
ca\ re dweller. religious life.
one bitten by a herex lama suffers both nor-
f o twfingered hands. Both legs and arms pro- mal damage and damage frmn its acidic
tru de from a srnalI opening in the bottom of a Herex saliva. If the victim is wearing armor, the acid
StOny, round shell: that gives the geonid the Larva Stage permanently reduces its effectiveness by 2 if
aPlaearance of a boulder. A geonid c m draw Armor Class: 3 the armor is normal and by 1 if it is magical.
its legs and arms inside its shell and close the Hit Dice: 6*-12* Thus, normal plate maiI would become AC 5
OP'ening. When it does so, it is indistinguish- Move: 120' (40') instead of AC 3 as a result of an attack by a
ab1le from a boulder. This ability gives it the Attacks : 1 bite + acid herex larva. Each successive bite has the
abidity to attain surprise on a roll of 1-4. In DamaF: 2-16 + special same effect and, if arrnar is reduced to AC 9
co1nbat, a geonid attacks either with its stony or worse, it disintegrates completely. Magkd
No. Appearing: 2-6 (0)
fiSl:B or with a weapon, stone axes and dubs
Save As: Fighter 3-6 protection devices ( e . g . r h p of protection
beiing preferred. Morale: 12 and cloaks ofdisplacement) are not affected.
I3eonids Iive underground in tunnel com-
Treasure Type: U If the victim isn't wearing armor (or if his ar-
Ple'xes and in natural caves. Their Iairs are Alignment: Neutral mor has been destroyed), he sustains 1-10 ad-
no rmalIy filled with rocks, stalactites, and XP Value: 500, 850, 1,200, 1,600, ditional points of acid damage from a bite.
stalagmites. Typically, each lair also contains 1,750,1,900, or 2,125 Adult: Just before it becomes fully mature,
a shrine made of large, odd-shaped boulders, the herex larva abandons its underground
derjicated to the geonid deity. There are from Adult Stage home and makes its way to the surface, if nec-
30 to 80 geonids plus a geonid priest in a t p i - Armor Class: 2 essary using its mandibles and saliva to dig
cal lair. Geonid priests have no clerical 13** through solid ruck. Once it reaches the out-
Hit Dice:
PO wers, but each has 4 Hit Dice and does 2- Move: 120' (40') side world, it goes through a final shedding of
12 points of damage with his fists or + 2 dam- flying: 150' (507 its carapace and emerges in its adult form
age with a weapon. Attacks: 1 bite + acidl1 sting with 13 hit dice.
Damage: 2-20 + special/ The body of the adult herex is similar to
1-6 + paralysis that of the larva, but the creature now has a
No. Appearing: 0 (1-5) smaller head and mandibles, four wings (like
Save As: Fighter 7 those of a dragonfly), and a sting at the end of
Morale: 12 its abdomen. The main aim of the adult herex

Hulkers are on average two feet taller than
hook horrors and have several hooked talons
on each horny paw. Their mouths have man-
dibles that inflict less damage than the beak of
the hooked horror. Unlike hooked horrors,
hulkers have exceIlent V i S i Q n . They also have
Infravisian with a range of 120 feet.

: Armor Class: -2 0 0 3
Hit Dice: 24' 20* 12* 6
: Move: 120' (eo') 15Ot (50') 90' (50') 30' (IO']
Flying: 480' ( 160') - - -
Attacks: 2 weapons I weapon E needler 1 grapple
, Darnagc: By weapon By weapon 1-2 + E -4
Ne. Appearing: 1-2 (1-3) 1-2 (1-4) 1-4(1-6) 1-6 (2-8)
' Save As: Fighter 16 Fighter I 4 Fighter 10 Fighter 6
Morale: 12 I2 10 6
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Alignment: Lawful Lawful Lawful Lawful
XP Value. 6,000 3,150 1,900 275

Ebot (Ecology Robot-green): The Beagle magic or magic weapons. They heed pro-
carries over 300 specialized robots designed gramming in Galactica or computer lan-
for use in capturing, subduing and caring for guage.
specimens. All ebots are identical. They look Sbot (Security Robot-btue): Whcn item-
exactly like ubots, except for there color, but barked on its mission, Rea& had hundreds
they are sheathed in light-gauge duralloy ar- of security robots designed to keep internal
mor and have special shodc-cushioning to order during emergmcies. Most sbots were
protect their CQmpOnmtSfrom damage. Like destroyed during the mutiny, but about 80 se-
ubots, they use a plenum chamber and air- main. All are identical. They look Iike power-
screw arrangement to movc. Ebots can ex- ful, seven-foot tall metal-armored men, but
rrude avariety of small tools from their torso, their blued metal surface is actually a thick
including medica1 sensors and needlers sheath of duralloy armor stretched over a
loaded with different types of powerful sleep- sturdy duralloy frame. Its interior is tightly
packed with shock-cushioned components.
All sbots have an arsenal ofbuilt-in weapons,
including a hand blaster, a riot stick, and a
nccdler. U n l e ~ sthey are attacked withwcap-
ons capable of doing them damage, sbots do
not normally try to kill. Instead, they use
their r i o t sticks to get their opponent to obey
instructions If an opponent fails to heed the
riot stick, they use their needlers. Only if
their own existence is threatened or they have
specid programming will they use their blast-
ers. Sbots are gcnerally found only within the
City of the Gods They can only be harmed
by magic or magic weapons. They onIy heed
programming in alien battle language.
Dbot (Defense Robot-Mack): FSS Beagle
has almost 200 defense robots designed to
protect the vessel and its crew from cxternal
threats. To the uninitiated, Dbots look like
sbots except for their coIor, but they are much
more powerful Their arsenal of built-in
weaponry includes a needler, a heavy blaster,
inducing drugs. Ebots never try to harm a hand blaster, and a grenade launcher with
specimens; they are programmed only to three light grenades, three smoke grenades,
subdue them. Ifthey come up against a speci- six gamma grenades, six sonic grenades,
men too tough for them (e.g. if they fail a mo- three neuron grenades, and three tangIer gre-
rale check), they flee. Ebots don't try to nades. Dbot actions depend on their pro-
capture aliens. However, they have discre- gramming, and are sometimes
tionary circuits that cause them to try auto- unpredictable. Generally, though, dbots on
maticalIy to captuce any representatives of guard duty in or around the City of the Gods
other species within their assigned patrol negotiate before attacking, warning charac-
area. Ebots are often found on patrol in wil- ters to stay- away from restricted areas instead
derness areas. Ebots can only be harmed by
known far and wide as “the Great HoIy Mace
Icon,” a weapon that has the ability to detecr
evil and see invisible in the same manner as a
magic sword. Since this mace is we11 known
by both appearance and reputation through-
out the Northlands, it has a pronounced ef-
fect on friend and foe, alike. Any enemies
within 100‘ must make an immediate morale
check at -1 whenever it is first drawn. In addi-
tion, friendly troops making a morale check
while within 100’ ofthe weapon add 1 to their

morale. The mace has the curious property of

increasing the bearer’s strength and intelli-
gence by 4 and 2, respectively. Its mundane
d u e is a mere 240 geld pieces.
The flying monk cloaks his square, chunky
frame in a rough, hooded brown cloak whose
voluminous folds serve to hide his plate mail
and the round metal cap he wears upon his
tonsured pate. Aside fmm its religious signif-
icance and concealment value, this magical
garment also gives him the ability to fly. Ri-
chard carries a shield, Four bottles of holy wa-
ter, and five assorted holy symbols (in
addition to the standard equipment pack).
He travels afoot and will own no animal of
any kind. His purse holds a mere 10 gold
Brother Richard knows the following
1st Level: cure light W Q U ~ S detect
, evil, re-
move fear, and protection from evil.
2nd Level: find traps, silence 15’ radius,
snake charm, and hold person.
3rd Level: continual light, cure blindness,
and growth of animals.
4th Level: animate dead, prorection from
evil, and cure serious wounds.
5th Level: commune, and raise dead.

stand out among the run ofnorthern wizards, Effect: Retrieves 1. object from caster’s home keep him sufficiently busy means that every
who tend to be a hirsuit lot. But Jal’s surpaas- By means of this spell, the magic user can tavern within a day’s walk wilI shartly stand
ing skill is what really sets him apart. With- cause one non-living object to leave his or her in ruins. Failure to meet his often outrageous
out question, Jallapierie is the strongest home and appear in hand. The object must salary demands means that the local treasury
wizard in service to Blackmoor, and he would weigh no more than 500 cn, and may be no will shortly stand in ruins, its looted wealth
be Coming on the expedition to the City of the bigger than a staff or small chest. T h e caster soon to be dissipated in one of Marfeldt’s leg-
Gods except that there is trouble requiring must be very familiar with the item and its ex- endary bacchanalias. Failure to give him the
his attention in the City of Maus. act location, or the spell will not work. Each honor and authority he thinks his due means
When encountered in the Comeback Inn, item must be prepared beforehand by sprin- that any superiors Mocking his rise to the PO-
he carries a dagger + 2, a ring of protection kling it with a special powder that costs 1, O W sition he craves wilI shortly disappear.
+ 1 , and a staff of wizardry with 19 charges. gp per item prepared; the powder becomes A curious aspect of Marfeldt’s personzlity
Jd speaks Elf and Dwarf. He knows the invisible and does not interfere with the item is that, for all his known cupidity and cruelty,
following spells: in any way. Unprepared items cannot be he is an engaging fellow who seems able to
1 s t Level: cham person, detect magic, magic summoned by this spell. mesmerize those who remain in his company
missile, read languages, read magic, and If another being possesses the item sum- for very long. At the end of each day, all per-
sleep. moned, the item will not appear, but the sons who have spent all or part of the day in
2nd Level: detect evil, detect invisible, invisi- caster will know approximately who and Marfeldt’s immediate company must make a
biiitity; h o c k , and wizard lock. where the possessor is. Saving Throw vs. Spells. Those who fail to
3rd Level: dispel magic, haste, protection The magic user may use this spell from any make their saving throw are charmed b y
from evil IO‘ radius, and li,&ning bolt location, even if the item summoned is on an- Marfeldt just as if the barbarian had cast a
(4. other PIane o f Existence. charm person spell over him. Making a sub-
4th Level: dimension door, polymorph self, sequent saving throw breaks the “spell,” but
remove curse, and wal! of fire. MarfeIdt the Barbarian each new day spent with Marfeldt is treated
5th Level: conjure elemental, hold monster, as a new “spell.”
Chaotic 16th level fighter; Str 18; Int 16; Wis This, then, is the semilegendary Mdeldt the
and teleport. 12; Con 18; Dex 17; Cha 18;AC 5 ; hp 77
6th Level: disintegrate, geas, and stone to Barbarian. If he has enemies, he wrll slay them.
flesh. If he has allies, he will offend them. If he has
Marfeldt the Barbarian has been a fixture peace, hc wilI break it. Fortunately for thc
7th Level: mass invisibility and summon ob- in the Northlands for many years now, and
ject. Northlands, Marfeldt has even less use for the
many is the poor SOU1 that wishes it were not Empire than for the Regency Council. As a re-
The two 7th level spells are detailed in the so. In fact, the Regency Council has more sult, the barbarian has always fought against
D&DmCompanion rules. They are described than once debated the proposition that a Blackmoor’s many enemies on the dubious the-
below: company of elite troops be raised to hunt ory that letting Blackmoor be defeated (or wen
down and kill this grinning rogue. Memory weakened) would mean a return of Irnper~dau-
Mass Invisibility* of the muscular barbarian’s past service
Range: 240‘ thority and an a d to the state of happy anarchy
against the enemies ofBlackmoor and the fact with which he is well-pleased.
Duration: Permanent until broken. that The Fetch sometimes employs his serv-
Effect: Many creatures or objects. Marfeldt wears leather armor, but he packs
ices have always been sufficient to defeat such a Iarxe assortment of weaponry, including a
This bestows invisibility (as the 2nd level measures. Besides, Blackmoor can’t afford
spell) on several creatures. All the recipients dagger + 2, a hand axe, a mace + I, a sword
the likely IOSS of an entire company of its best +2, and a long bow with a quiver Qf 20 ar-
must be within an area 60’ square within 240‘ troops at Marfeldt’s hands when its borders
of the magic-user. The spell wiIl affect up to rows + 1 . For this adventure, he has been
are in danger. supplied by The Fetch with a riding horse.
six dragon-sized creatures, or up to 300 man- sometimes called “the last anarchist,”
sized creatures (treating one horse as two He is an excellent rrder. He is also an expert
Marfeldt is one of nature’s free spirits, a great with a11 manner of weapons. He speaks pass-
men). After the spell is cast, each creature be- brawny giant of a man who roams the land
comes invisible, along with all equipment able Goblin and arc.
looking for trouble. He invariably finds it. Marfeldt possesses two magic items that he
carried (as explained in the Basic Set Players His arrival in a town is a sure sign that some
Guide, page 41). is never without.
desperate encounter will soon take place The most important of these is an amulet
The reverse of this spell (appear) causes dl there. His enlistment in an army i s enough to
invisible creatures and objects in a 20’ x 20’ that casts an anti-magic shell about the bear-
set veterans frantically honing their swords
x 20’ volume to become visible. Creatures er’s body. This shell is similar to that created
and spears in anticipation of some apocalyp- by the 6th level magic user’s spell anti-magic
on Astral and Ethereal Planes are not within tic battle. The big barbarian seems to have a
the area of effect; the spell cannot reach shell, except in two regards. First, i t i s of con-
sixth sense about where and when the hinge tinuous duration, the bearer does not have to
across planar boundaries. AI1 other forms of offate will turn. Often, he is the only survivor
invisibility are affected, both magical and think about the shell since it is autamaticalEy
of such afrays . present at all times. Second, the shell is not
natural, and all victims of this spell cannot Though his prowess in battle (and his abil-
become invisible again for one turn. destroyed by a dispel magic spell. Instead,
ity as a military commander) has long been the dispel magic spell suppresses the amulet’s
appreciated almost to the point of worship, effect for 3-12 rounds. Spells cast while the
Summon Object Marfeldt is never a servant-only an dly.
Range: Infinite amulet’s effects are suppressed continue tQaf-
Moreover, he is a very dificult dly. Failure t Q fect Marfeldt even after the amulet ceases to
Duration: Instantaneous.



(and sometimes essential), his strict observ-

ance ofrules and C U S ~ Q has
~ S often made him
a difficult ally in these projects. In fact, his ri-
gidity in this regard has jeopardized a n u m -
ber of joint operations. It must be said in his
defense that he has always arrived when he
said he would and has always done exactly
what he said that he would do.
Robert speaks Elf and Orc. He always
wears a ring of protection + 1 and carries a
dagger + 1 and a wand of lightening bolts
with 18 charges. He knows the following
1st Level: hold portal, magic missiJe, read
languages, read magic, shield, and sleep.
2nd Level: continual light, invisibility, levi-
tate, mirror image, and wizard lock.
3rd Level: dispel magic,fire ball, haste, hold
person, and water breathing.
4th h e l : confusion, massmorph, remove
curse, wall of fire, and wizard eye.
5th Level: cloudkill, conjure elemental, pass-
come a trademark. His defensive equipage is w d , and teieport.
rounded out by a small, round target-type 6th Level: anti-magic shell, disintegrate, and
shield of a Style favored by the Bortai. Iower water.
Though he sports both dagger and short 7th Level: create normal monsters and lore.
sword, his preferred weapon i s his sword + 2, 8th Level: mass charm and power word
“Peacemaker.” His purse contains 200 gold blind.
The 7th and 8th level spells are detailed in
Robert the Bald the D&DmCompanion Set Rules. Their de-
scriptions follow.
Lawful 19th level magic user; Str 9; Int 16;
Wis 14; Con 11; Dex 14; Cha 10; AC 3 ; hp48 Create Normal Monsters
Range: 30‘
The most powerful mage of the New Lands Duration: 1 mrn
is a lipless, balding pinched little fellow who Effect: Creates 1 or more monsters
calls himself Robert of Dives, but who is This spell causes monster%to appear out of
known to one and all as Robert the Bald. This thin air. All monsters appearing understand
reclusive wizard occupies a lonely tower at and obey the caster’s commands-fighting,
the western tip of the Dragon Hills high carrying or fetching things, etc. They faith-
above the Valley of the Ancients. He neither fully obey all commands to the best of their
supports nor opposes the Regency Council. abilities. Each monster appears carrying its
Rather, he maintains a strict neutrality in the normal weapons and wearing its normal ar-
political affairs of the North. This neutrality mor (if any), but utherwise unequipped. At
added to a sardonic (and sometimes sting. the end of 1 turn, all the monsters created
ingly accurate) wit has not made Robert pop‘ vanish back into thin air, dong with their
ular with any of the factions active in the equipment.
Northtands-but he is too powerful to risk of- The totd number of Wit Dice of monsters
fending. So both sides accept his self-declared appearing is equal to the level of the magic
neutrality with as much grace as they can user casting the spell (with fractions
muster. dropped). The magic user may choose the ex-
While apolitical, Robert has been tireless act type of monsters created, selecting any
in his opposition to the forces of chaos and monster with no special abilities (i.e., no a#-
evil in the Northlands. Thia stance has often terisk next to the Hit Dice number in the
caused his interersts to coincide with hose of monster explanation). Hurnana, demi-
the Regency Council, and he has cooperated humans, and undtad cannot be created by
with it on a number of projects where such ac- this spell. Creatures of 1-1 Hit Dice am
tivity did not compromise his political neu- counted as 1 Hit Die; creatures of 112 Hit Die
trality. While Robert’s aid has been welcome or less ape counted as 1/2 Hit Die each.


Bodyguards (12): AC4 (chain mail and Holy Word destroyed (no S a v i n g Throw). An
shidd); P9; hp 60 each; #AT 1; D 108 undead creature of 7-12 Hit Dice must
Range: 0
(sword); MV 90'(3Q'); Save F9; ML make a Saving Throw vs. Spells, with a
Duration: Instantaneous
12; AL C ; XP 900 each. - 4 penalty o n the roll, o r be destroyed.
Eflect: All creatures within 40'
An undead of more than 12 Hit Dice
O n the march, all 200 of her Handmaid-
This spell. affects all creatures, friend or takes 6-60 (6dlQ) points of damage, but
ens (exclusive of those o n detached duty)
foe, within a circular area of 40' radius, m a y make a Saving Throw vs. Spells to
s u r r o u n d the priestess. W h e n she camps,
centered on the caster. When the c h i c take half damage.
they camp all around her. T h u s , except
casts this spell, dl creatures of align- The reverse of this spell (obliterate) will
in rare situations (such as her trip to Tor
ments other than the clerics are affected affect a living creature just as the normal
Kurram), an attacker would have to get
as follows: form affects undead (destroy 7 Hit Dice
past scores of elite fighters-not just her
or less, et al)+If cast on a n undead crea-
12 personal escorts-in order to get to up to 5th level: KilIed ture of any type, oblitrak has the same
Toska R u s a , level 6-8: Stunned 2-20 turns effect as a cureall wouId on a living crea-
At Zugzul's order, Toska Rusa at the level 9-12: Deafened 1-6 turns ture (curing d but 1-6 points of damage,
very start of the long migration dis- !eve1 13 + : Stunned 1-10 rounds or curing blindness orfeebknnind, etc.).
pensed with her robes of office. She nows
wears the simple, but practical dress of a Any victim of 13 Ievels o r more or of the
common hillman: b a g g pantaloons, same alignment as the caster, may make Umra Dir
warm felt boots, collarless double- a Saving Throw vs. Spells to avoid the
Chaotic 10th level cleric: Str 10;Int 17;
effect entirely.
breasted blouse and coat of curly larnb- Wis 14; Con 12; Dcx 16; C h a 17; AC 7;
skin. O v e r her blouse, she wears leather
This powerful spell cannot be blocked
hp 35.
armor, a n d h e r a u b u r n locks are topped by stone, nor by any other solid material
b y a n iron-bound leather helmet. For except lead. (It can be blocked by an anti- U m s a Dir is one of the matriarchs of the
mqic shell. ) Sisters of Fire and has devoted 24 of her
defense, the. priestess carries a small,
ornately carved ironwood club + I . She
43 years to serving Zugzul. Like so m a n y
Raise Dead Fully* of the sisters, she is a n utter fanatic. Hav-
wears a rinf of protection + I and a m d d -
Range: 601 ing been involved in the creation of the
Iion ofESP(90'). All of these items are the
Duration: Permanent Well of Souls from the very beginning,
property of Zugzul; she QWS no prop-
Effect: Raises any living creature Umra Dir is passionately interested in
erty of her own.
seeing the great artifact complcted. She
Toska R u s a speaks Dwarf and Orc. T h i s spell is similar to the 5th level raise would give her iife in its defense.
She knows the following spells: dead spell, except that it can raise any liv- The matriarch's fanaticism is matched
1. st Level: cure lkht woundr, detect mil, d.etecf ing entity. Any human or demi-human by that of her personal guard. Wherever
mafic, prokction from evil, remove fear, recipient awakens immediately with no she goes, she is accompanied by a pair of
mist cold. wounds (full hit points), and is able to bodyguards, part of a squad of a 12 af
2d Level: blm,fiPld traps, holdpenon, know fight, use his abilities, spells known, etc., Toska Rusa's Handmaidens of Death
a€<~nmmt, silmce 15' radius, $@eat with without any penalties other than those who have been detached for service at
animal. existing at the time of death. For exam- Tor Kurrarn.
3 d Level: continuul [Grit,cure hlkndnass, cure ple, a victim cursed or diseased at death
would still suffer the affliction when Bodyguards (2): AC4 (chain mail and
diseme, remove object, speak with de&.
raised fully. If any other living creature shield); F9; hp 60 each; #AT 1 ; D 1-8
4th Level: animate dead, cure sarious
(other than a human or demi-human) is (sword); MV 90'(30'>; Save P9; ML
wot6nd.r, dispd magic, speak with p h n t s .
the recipient, the guidelines given in the 12; AL C .
5th Level: commune, create food, dispel mil,
qu-fst. raise dead spell apply (including time
Umra Dir speaks Dwarf and Orc. She
6th Level: animate o b k t s , find the path, limitations, rest needed, etc.). knows the following spells:
spmk with monsters, A 17th level cleric can use this spell o n
a human or demi-human body that has 1st Level: drtect evil, detect magic, pmtaction
7th Level: holy word, raise deadfully.
been dead up to 4 months; for each level from wil, res& cold.
T h e 7th Level spells are detailed in the of experience above 17th, 4 months are 2d Level: hold ptrson, know a l i p m a n f ,
D&D@ C o m p a n i o n Booklet. Their added to this time. Thus, a 19th level silence 15' radiw, speak with animal.
effects are as folIows: cleric could cast rake deadfulb on a body 3d Level: continual light, cure blindness,
that had been dead up to 12 months. rmove object.
If cast an undead creature of 7 hit 4th Level: curt sm'ous w o u d , di@d magic.
dice o r less, the creature is immediately 5th Level: commune.

. edly wandered off on extraneous side age, wizard lock, dispel magic, rrY, lighrning
! adventures when he was badly needed by his bait, hallucinatory terrain, remove curse,
. comrades. Axel denies this allegation. and hold monster:
The big barbarian wears rugged, severely
tailored clothing in excessively bright colors Gillam Khandurn
I over bronzed chainmail armor. Axel’s most
Neutral 10th Level dwarf: Str 16; Int 7 ; Wis
valued possession is his ring offire resistance.
10; Con 16; Dex 10; Cha 9; AC 5; hp 60
He also carries a two-handed sword, a dag-
ger, and a potion ofhealing
Born in a small and unremarkable delving
in the mountains of northern Galantri, Gil-
Bob Silverheels
lam Khandurn has risen far abovc his obscure
Lawful 8th Level halfling: Str 12; Int 16; Wis roots. Others have attained more wealth, but
12; Con 10; Dex 14; Cha 10; AC 4;hp 24 Gillam’s fame is second to none.
Though he does not scorn wealth, Gillam
This halfling of the Five Shires is fond of seems to lack the obsession with gold and
good food, good drink, good inns, and good gems that lurks in the hearts of so many of his
times. I n their absence, he often raises hls fellow dwarves. Instead, he loves the open
spirits (and infuriates companions) by sing- road, the wind on his cheek, and good com-
ing songs and telling tales about them. panions at his side. He also has an almost ~ 1 -
For one so enamoured o f the pleasures of vish Iove of music, and can oft be heard softly
the table, Bob is remarkably fleet of foot and singing to hirnseIf snatches of some haIf-
delights in foot races (which he seldom loses). remembered song-even in the midst of
In fact, Bob’s favorite way of raising cash some dangerous situation requiring the ut-
when in somewhat straightened circum- most stealth.
stances is to arrange a race with a few judi- This doughty warrior wears nubby gold
ciously placed wagers riding on its outcome. silk breeches and tunic under a heavv chain-
This is a risky operation, though, since the marl shIrt. An iron-bound leather cap adorns
purse he wagers is often filled only with clink- his long brown locks. His gray, woolen cloak
’ ing iron slugs. is clasped with an elaborately wrought gold
Bob wears chainmail + 1 under sturdy, and gem encrusted cloak pin. On his stubby
forest-colored traveling clothes and sports a hands he wears brown, furry gauntlets o f
silver ring ofspell turninRon one chubby fin- ogre power. He carries a war hammer f 3, a
ger. He carries a short sword + I, flames on dagser, and a bag ofholding.
command and a throwing dagger.
Ismelian Sotadis
Gelon MdnndiI Lawful 10th Level elf: Str 11, Int 14;Wis 11 ;
Neutral 10th LeveI elf Str 12; Tnt 17; Wis 9; Con 11; Dex 8; Cha 11; A C 7 ; hp 32
Con 10; Dex 14; Cha 8; AC 1; h p 27
“IsmeIian the Archer,” as he is sometimes
An elf of the Canolbarth Forest, Gelon called, learned his trade fighting in the ko-
Melandil is is rumored to have been exiled boId wars in the hills west o f Selenica. This
from Alfheim over some mortal insult against tall, keen-eyed, platinum-haired elf is of the
the lord of that realm. Whatever the truth of blood of the ancient high elves of Genander’s
that accusation, Gelon does not speak of her house-those who lived in the Northlands of
family orher past. She is, however, a wonder- Thonia centurics before men came to Black-
ful talker on other subjects, often entenain- moor. It is dimly possible that Mcnander
ing her companions with old elvish tales of Itharnis, Lord of the Northern Elves in the
high adventure. time of King Uther, is his distant ancestor.
Gelon likes rich clothing, especially if it is Whatever the case, for Ismelian, his trip back
cut from velvet or satin, but she wears a sim- through time is a wondrous journey into a
ple woolen tunic and doak over silvered plate past that his people remember far better (and
mail + 1 when in the wilderness. Crowning more immediately) than men. Everything in
her golden curls is a silver helm ofteleporra- Blackmoor is a delight that reminds him of
tion. She carries a small shield decorated with some story or legend dear to his kin.
silver tracery in the shape of an elm tree, a Ismtlian wears a misty B a y elven doak
sword f I, energy drain, and a silver dag.ger. and a gray tunic over silvered chainmail ar-
Gelon knows the spells detect magic, read mor. His feet are shod in knee-length gray el-
languages, read magic, shield, ventril- ven boots. He carries a powerful long bow of
oquism, conrinual iight, levitatc, mirror im- yew and sinew, 12 normal arrows, 8 arrows

I-=? JMoiuntud a
iSand Folk -With QrenadeS
U J S a n d Fblk Witk Hand! Blisters

Envio Pod Encounter Table


01 Gakarak Forest 1 0 16*** * 128 1 4-24 180'(60') F16 N 10 8
02 Camarillas Desert 3 3 6* 42 1 1-10; 3-18 120'(40') F3 N 8 13
03 Storm Giant Glacier 1 2 15" 120 1 + 8-48 + spcl. 15O'(50') F15 I. 10 8
04 Garls Hill 9 7 6 24 1 5-8 120'(40') F6 N 9 14
05 Geonids Hill 12 -2 2 14 1 1-8 60'(20') F2 C 8 18
06 Grazers Plain 4 5 8 40 1 2-12/3-18 120'(40') F7 N 9 12
07 Cockatrices Forest 8 6 5** 20 1 1-6/ptrfctn 90'(30') F5 N 7 14
08 Herex Larvae Cavern 4 3 8* 32 1 + 2-16 + spcl. 12O'(4O') F4 N 12 12
09 Hook Horrors Cavern 5 2 5 25 3 1-8/1-8/3-18 90'(30') F5 C 8 15
Hulkers 2 2 10 50 3 2-12/2-12/2-16 60'(20') F10 C 10 11
1-6; spcl.
0 + suckr/2-16
cN 9
12 Grizzly Bears Forest 4 8 5 25 3 1-8/1-8/1-10 120'(40') F4 N 10 15
13 White Apes Cavern 8 6 4 20 2 1-4/1-4 120'(40') F2 N 7 16
14 Panthers Forest 4 4 4 24 3 1-4/1-4/1-8 21O'(7O') F2 N 8 16
15 Polar Bears Glacier 4 6 6 30 3 1-6/1-6/1-10 12O'(4O') F3 N 8 14
16 Centaurs Plain 6 5 4 24 2 1-6/1-6 180'(60') F4 N 8 16
17 Quargs Glacier 6 4 6** 30 1 1-10; spcl. 150'(50') F6 C 10 13
18 Fire Giants Desert 2 4 11 +2* 68 1 5-30 120'(40') Fll C 9 10
19 Blink Dogs Plain 8 5 4* 20 1 1-6 12O'(4O') F4 L 6 15
20 Hill Giants Hill 4 4 8 40 1 2-16 12O'(4O') F8 C 8 12
21 Ropers Cavern 2 0 60 7 5-30/weakness 30'(10') F10 C 10 10
22 Cyclops Cavern 2 5 13' 65 7 3-30 90'(30') F13
c 9 9
Frost Giants Glacier
3 4 10 + 1*
51 1 4-24
F10 cN 9 11
Riding Horses 8 7 12 2 Fl 7 18
Gnt. Scorpions
Hill 4 2
8* 40 1 2-12; ptrfctn
1-10/1-10/1-4+ psn
F8 cN 8 13
Desert 6 4* 20 3 F2 11 15
27 Rock Baboons Plain 12 6 2 12 2 1-6/1-3 12O'(4O') F2 N 8 18
28 Lions Plain 8 6 5 25 3 2-5/2-5/1-10 150'(50') F3 N 9 15
29 Trolls Cavern 6 4 6 + 3' 33 3 1-6/1-6/1-10 120'(40') F6 C 10 13
30 Tigers Forest 3 6 6 30 3 1-6/1-6/2-12 150'(50') F3 N 9 14
31 Gel. Cubes Cavern 4 8 4* 30 1 2-8 +spcl. 60'(20') F2 N 12 15
32 Wyverns Forest 4 3 7* 42 2 2-16/1-6 +psn 90'(30') F4 C 9 12
33 Gecko Lizards Forest 6 5 3+1 16 1 1-8 120'(40') F2 N 7 16
34 Cave Bears Cavern 2 5 7 35 3 2-8/2-8/2-12 120'(40') F4 N 9 13
35 Medusae Forest 2 8 4" 16 1 + 1-6 + psn. 90'(30') F4 C 8 15
36 Ogres Hill 8 5 4+ 1 21 1 3-6 90'(30') F4 C 10 15
37 Tuataras Cavern 4 4 6 36 3 1-4/1-4/2-12 90'(30') F3 N 6 14
38 Ghouls Forest 16 6 2* 10 3 1-3/1-3/1-3 +spcl. 9O'(3O') F2 C 9 17
39 Ochre Jelly Cavern 1 8 5* 40 1 2-12 30'(10') F3 N 12 14
40 Sbr. T. Tiger Forest 1 6 8 64 3 1-8/1-8/2-16 15O'(5O') F4 N 10 12
41 Minotaurs Cavern 4 6 6 30 2 1-6/1-6 120'(40') F6 C 12 14
42 Owl Bears Forest 4 5 5 35 3 1-8/1-8/1-8 120'(40') F3 N 9 15
43 Wights Forest 8 5 3* 12 1 Energy Drain 90'(30') F3 C 12 16
44 Tarantellas Forest 3 5 4* 20 1 1-8 +psn. 120'(40') F2 N 8 15
45 White Dragons Glacier 2 3 6** 48 3 1-4/1-4/2-16 90'(30') F6 N 8 13
46 Dire Wolves Forest 8 6 4+ 1 17 1 2-8 150'(50') F2 N 8 15
47 Rust Monsters Cavern 4 2 5* 25 1 Special 120'(40') F3 N 7 14
48 Black Dragons Swamp 2 2 T* 56 3 2-5/2-5/2-20 90'(30') F7 C 8 12
49 Troglodytes Cavern 24 5 2* 10 3 1-4/1-4/1-4 120'(40') F2 C 9 17
50 Thouls Cavern 10 6 3" 15 2 1-3/1-3 12O'(4O') F3 c 10 16

°1M7 TSfl, Inc. All Right* R*Mrv*d.

Scale: 1 Square = 10 Feet

= Horse
= Mule
= Tent
® = Sand Folk Sentry
= Spring/Egress
= Stream
= Soldier of the Frog
D = Order of the Frog Monk
= Order of the Frog Lay Brother

m = Teeth of the Frog Assassin

The other sand folk are behind the borders on the ravine's floor facing north and firing at the Froggies.
Their numbers depend on how many (if any) were killed while ambushing the PCs.
'-:pe-' Game Adventure

New Magic ...

That's what t h e flying egg has. New magic
unlike any ever encountered in Blackmoor.
New magic of a type t h a t could give t h e
fledgling kingdom an important edge in + h e
3rs that are brewing on its borders.
here are only a few minor problems. Li
the fact that t h e magician who piloted t
-eta1 egg t o one of Blackmoor's southe;lrl
- ~tposts was killed before he could utter a
word. And the fact that Blackmoor's sworn
enemies, the monks of the evil and eccentric
Order of t h e Frog, are also interested in the
magic represented by t h e egg. And, m o s t
important, the fact that the egg came from the
istant and dangerous City of the Gods.
S e t amidst the blistered salt flats of t
"illey of the Ancients, the City of the Gods is a
--range and deadly metal metropolis whose
powerful guardians do not welcome intruders.
Yet it is to this place of deadly menace that
?lackmoor's leaders now s e n d a daring

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