What It Is Like To Be Selfish

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What It is like To Be Selfish

It is deeply rooted in our DNA that we, humans, do not just settle for anything less, not even
enough. The article noted that there are certain factors that are ingrained in a human body that hinder
them to arouse in a sense of an intense gratification-- selfishness, hypocrisy, wishful thinking or free will,
emotional drivennnes and hierarchies. We famished for an insane indulgence of everything. It is not
enough, that we have phones. We hunger for a streamlined, premium cordless phone for use in a
cellular system. It is not enough that we have a big number of followers. We should have our names
topped the list of the 'most followed' personality. It is not enough, as the song says, 'NEVER BE
ENOUGH'. Whether we like it or not, we all are having a dose of ego drivennnes. Even the kindest
person, we ever knew our entire life, has a selfishness to keep just for himself.It's not a sickness that can
be cured nor a virus that can be destroyed by anti-viruses. It's innate. They can't do anything but accept
the reality as it is. The article said that selfishness is one the reasons why we, humans, are discontented
in life which in return makes life hard. I remember the movie I watched a month ago. It's the movie
entitled 'The Founder'. It narrated the story of McDonald's on which the story revolved around a
frustrated business entrepreneur named Ray Kroc who happened to meet the McDonald brothers. Due
to his lasting persistence, he then made the brothers agreed to a contract, making him the manager of
the franchises that will be built around the states in America. Although he had the authoritative force to
spearhead the franchises, the contract signed by him gave him less power to totally be one of the
dominant force of the establishment. In the latter part of the movie, Ray Kroc had enough of the
McDonald brothers dominance. He soon overthrew the contract and eventually become the sole
proprietor of the fast food which is currently having a thousand of franchises. See, the

See, the movie itself lays down in a silver platter, that selfishness is something that hides within
our internals. We never know when, what and how. Truly, life becomes hard because of discontent, a
raging ingredient of unending greediness. Bottomline, it is nature that life is hard no matter how many
things you have, how many guns you can spare, how many money you can get. Still, life gets hard and
the more we long live, the harder it is. However, we can't just simply bow out of contention. Though life
is a series of circumstances, we must continue life and just do good and just do anything that makes you
happy. The more we long for something, the more difficult our life gets. You know what, just live your
life simple. Just live.

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