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by Geraldray Ibarra

Kiwi birds are one of the few flightless The purpose of the project is to conserve the
birds in the world. The bird is mostly species of kiwi birds. Kiwi birds are one of
known to have one of the biggest the most unique animals to reside on earth.
offspring to body ratio during Importantly, these birds are a national
pregnancy. Kiwi birds are both native to symbol of New Zealand and hold historical
and the national bird of New Zealand. importance in both the country and in
Unfortunately, kiwi birds are history. This project is to preserve the
endangered. Kiwi birds are constantly symbol of New Zealand and unique nature of
threatened by uncontrolled dogs, these kiwi birds. Unfortunately, kiwi birds
predators, and bacterial egg infections. are one of the most fragile animals in nature
Only 5% of kiwi birds are able to make it with only about 68,000 birds left in 2020.
to adulthood. This project is focused on Their biggest threats in the wild are
working on creating baked goods and predators such as uncontrolled dogs, stouts,
accessories and selling them to be and cats. Many of the eggs are infected by
donated to the Kiwis for Kiwi bacteria due to eggs residing on the ground.
organization. The organization focuses In nature, about 50% of eggs fail to hatch,
on saving eggs, taking care of baby about 90% of chicks die within 5 months, and
chicks, and releasing them to the wild only about 5% of kiwi birds can make it to
when they are a young adult. This adulthood. Organizations that focus on
project will involve me and multiple preserving kiwi bird populations such Kiwis
people outside of Maryknoll and it will for Kiwi started a movement called
take to the end of the semester for a Operation: Nest Egg. This program takes kiwi
final donation to the organization. bird eggs from nature, facilitate and care for
them, and releasing them in the wild when
they are a young adult. There are also some
laws that protect kiwi bird populations.
Some of the laws include laws that forces
cars to slow down in kiwi populated areas
and fines for owners that do not control
their dogs. Unfortunately, kiwi bird
populations are still going down. Their
survival in nature is way too low.
Organizations are not too effective due to
the general lack of funding and the harsh
amount work they have to put to find kiwi
birds. Laws that are made to protect kiwi
birds have fines that are too low.
In this project, I will be donating funds COMMUNICATION
to the Kiwis for Kiwi organization. The
Though there is not a specific monetary goal
reason why I chose to tackle this
of this project, the minimum goal of this
situation in this sort of way is because of
project is to raise at least $200. If there is
two factors. One obvious factor is that
more money, I will precede to donate that
New Zealand is not accessible and that
amount to Kiwis for Kiwi. The amount we
tackling the situation directly is not
will raise can be used in multiple ways: $50
possible. Travel restrictions due to
to buy cages to capture kiwi predators, $75
COVID-19 and with the strict lack of
for the transportation of eggs to care
access towards New Zealand forests
facilities, and $100 to control predators
where kiwis reside is a big issue of
within 10 hectares of forest that can protect
tackling the situation. Secondly, Kiwis
about one kiwi.
for Kiwi is a very well-known and
trustworthy company dedicated to
Due to how limited and localized this project
saving kiwis that donating to the
is due to the pandemic, the ways the project
organization is one way to help the kiwi
will be communicated is focusing on Hawaii
population without breaking any laws.
and in high schools. I have been in touch
This is also one of the reasons why
with multiple other people from different
donating to this organization is the best
high schools that will help increase the
approach to helping save the species
range of consumers buying our products. I
from a foreign country. To raise funds
am also planning to set up an Instagram
for a donation, I am working with
account for the project and asking people
multiple people that can help sell items
who are participating in the project to help
on different multiple high schools in
share it.
Oahu to help cover some consumer
limitations of COVID-19. The items are
confectionary, including cake pops,
matcha flavored cookies, and matcha
brownies. These items will be baked
within my household to limit
Cake pops are relatively easy to make.
About 24 cake pops are able to be made
within one cake mix. Judging by how
cheap the materials are to make cake
pops, running out of fundraising money
should not be a big issue. If the
ingredients for matcha cookies and
brownies price would be higher than
expected, we could sell just cake pops
after funds run out.

Photo of Kiwi Bird


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