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Grade : Date :

I. Answer question based on the dialog.

Dialog :

Fina : Morning Ayu, My best friend, you look bad today, what happened to you?
Ayu : oh, it is only a little problems.
Fina : please, tell me, maybe I can give the solutions
Ayu : Ok. I feel sad because I do not have money to pay for the college tuitions, I
have used my money to buy a new motorcycle
Fina : Oh. You Should tell your parents if you have no money. I think they will help you.
Ayu : I do not think so, it only will make something worse.
Fina : You can lend money from someone.
Ayu : That’s good idea.

Question :
1. What is Ayu’s problem ?

2. What is the relationship between Fina and Ayu ?


3. What is Fina’s suggestion for Ayu’s problem?


4. Does Ayu accept Fina’s suggestion? Explain.


5. Have you ever suggested someone to do something? Tell your experience.

II. Color the suggestion expression with green and red for offering expression.

1. I think you should see the doctor.

2. Would you like some help?

3. How about we finish our assigment now.

4. Why don’t you finish your homework before going out?

5. Could I offer you a glass of tea?

6. Let’s go to teacher’s office.

7. Can I bring your book, Sir?

8. May I take medichine for you?

9. You need to change your bad habits.

10. I suggest that we call it a day.


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