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Motivational Speech



only few kids may die☹ children are affected the same

Virtual learning is not ideal

I learn more in YouTube than School

Classroom learning is equal or worse to e-learning

Teachers are the most important factor to a student’s success

Socialization is need for a healthy mind

Inmates spend more time outside than students

One life lost is one too many

School: “Your education is more important than your health”.

Student: “But if we die we won’t get our education”.

It’s okay not to be okay
Sometimes, we get so caught up in wanting everything to be perfect. We edit our pictures and
post happy statuses and tweet happy quotes to make us feel better about ourselves.. When
we’re curled up in bed crying late at night, we don’t call the people who would make us feel
better because we don’t want to worry them or bother them.

We have created a world where it’s not okay to be not ok.

If there’s one thing we must come to terms with, after many sleepless nights and mornings
spent crying and all the negative thoughts that fill up our heads. You should come to the
conclusion that it is perfectly okay to admit that the situation is not alright.

Sometimes it feels like everything is crashing down and you aren’t good enough and you are
going to be swept up by a wave of crap and you just have to admit you can’t do it alone.

It’s alright to reach out to people and say hey I’m kind of in a rough spot right now and I was
wondering if you could say an extra prayer for me.

When someone asks how you are, It’s okay to answer “not so good, can you help me out?”. It’s
okay to take a break and go out once and awhile. It’s okay to let people see you cry; it doesn’t
mean you are weak, it means you have enough courage to not need to hide who you are. It’s
okay to need someone to sit with you in silence for an hour just because you can’t be alone. It’s
okay to have those days where you don’t accomplish anything because you just don’t want to
get out of bed.

What’s not okay is not wanting it to change.

So reach out for help, say a prayer, dance around the room listening to your favorite song, curl
up with some expensive coffee and read a good book, call a friend. Eat the pint of Ben & Jerry’s
watch the next 6 episodes of Netflix, whatever. The go take on the world because shit, you
know you can do it.

My fellow person, that homework assignment or that person is not the world. You, in all your
mistakes and imperfections, are your own world. And it’s okay to take care of yourself
sometimes. Although life is not fair, and probably never will, it’s okay.

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