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When we talk about business, “risk” and "uncertainty” will always come next to it.

business sector is one of the most important sectors in our society. As time passes by, we
ourselves could determine the changes that we had observed in our economy, starting from
price of the goods to the different qualities and new varieties of products. One of the major
factor that had contributed to this is the ASEAN organization.

A lot of Countries from different regions have joined in different organizations like the
LAIA, MERCOSUR, SAARC, SADC and of course the ASEAN. As presented in the article, of all the
organizations LAIA have always been leading among the others and ASEAN is always in the
middle. From my own point of view, LAIA is really one strong organization for its members are
also one of those countries which has the most competitive when it comes to business. Foreign
direct investment is one of the biggest factor which had helped LAIA to always have the biggest
percentage in GDP, But come to think about it, even though the ASEAN has inconsistent foreign
direct investments still it was able to somewhat maintain being in the middle in which for me is
a very good indication because it implies that the performance of the South East Asia Nations
are good enough to keep maintain the stability of their percentage.

It has been know how agriculture helps a lot in a Country’s economy, in fact the
members of ASEAN are one of the biggest importing countries when it comes to agricultural
products. But as time goes by, putting in mind the constant change of people’s needs,
agricultural products is no longer in demand. I definitely agree with the author’s opinion that as
the demand of garments and tourism increase the demand for agricultural products decreases.
This makes those countries with much better and improved technology’s products in demand
and have resulted to higher percentages. However, when we talk about merchandise
trade/foreign trade for the first years LAIA have been leading, but in the late 1990’s ASEAN
already ranks the highest among other organizations, since countries from ASEAN are those
countries which has the biggest numbers of exports and imports, also it has been made known
to different people around the world how good and refreshing the tourist spots are in the
countries which are part of the ASEAN are most specially the Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and
of course Philippines, which have ranked 8th among traveler’s most favorite places to visit. As
these countries continue to develop and give emphasis to the importance of tourism, it also
does helps the ASEAN to have bigger percentages among other organizations.

Another factor which was mentioned on the article was about accessibility, when we say
accessibility it has to be including all aspects that may affect the exportation or importation of
good and services which also includes peace and order. If a country is not that secured when it
comes to peace and order, a lot of potential investors might no longer see your Country as a
place where they should invest with because if I am the investor I would really consider the
possibility that I might end up having dead investments if I will be putting on a business in a
Country who cannot control peace and is not that stable. Also potential investors will try to see
if your Country is accessible when it comes to roads and ports so that the business’s flow will be
faster and easier.

As a conclusion I can say that no one can really determine an organizations status no
matter how stable they are, because when you are in the world of business everything is a
competition, each persons have goals, each organization is striving to be the best among
others. Also you have to be aware that in business you need to consider different factors
because a failure in one factor can make a big impact on your organization. Business is a never-
ending race so you have to continuously improve for in business we cannot say that “stable” is
certain. Because at some point even the most successful businesses could also have its

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