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My 12 Week Plan:

My weaknesses can become strengths

OCTOBER 19, 2020
Table of Contents Slides
u Week 1 – New Practices 3 -- 7
u Week 2 - Inspire Others 8 -- 13
u Week 3 – Model the Way 13 -- 17
u Week 4 – Leaders Set the Example 18 -- 23
u Week 5 - Inspire and Create Vision 24 -- 27
u Week 6 – Ignite Passion for a purpose 28 -- 33
u Week 7 – Challenge the Process / Pivot! 34-- 37
u Week 8 – Experiment and Take Risks 38 -- 44
u Week 9 – Enable others to Act/Ubuntu 45 -- 51
u Week 10 – Strengthen Others 52 -- 58
u Week 11 – Encourage Initiative (Don’t Fear…)59 -- 63
u Week 12 – Personalize Recognition 64 -- 71
u Addendum 72
u References / Works Cited Slide 73
Week 1: Introduction to My Plan
This plan will… help me reflect on the important things, it will remind me why
I want to become an effective leader, and will give me tools to do so. It will
help me reflect on my past experiences and see room for improvement. Most
importantly it will inspire me to have a growth mindset and always believe
that I can do this. It will allow me to reflect on my values, to evaluate them,
and improve them, to create better habits to be successful. 

Remember to:
At first you will need only a short paragraph here, but as our course progresses you will be expected
to expand on this slide, as well as many other slides.

Week 1: New Practices
Kouzes and Posner quote 1

“All of us are born leaders. We all have

leadership qualities ingrained. All that we
need is polishing them up and bringing
them to the forefront.” (Kouzes and Posner
2017, p. 10)

In particular, to me, this matters because it encourages

me that on those blue days that I don’t feel like my
qualities complement those that are “born leaders”,
reminds me that with perseverance and effort I can
polish my own qualities to become an effective leader. 
Week 1: New Practices Inspiring a Shared Vision
“TO-DO” list:
(cont’d) • Leaders envision the future
by imagining exciting &
ennobling possibilities
Kouzes and Posner quote 2:
• Have an appreciation of
“Exemplary leaders know that if they want to the past
gain commitment and achieve the highest • & clear image of what the
standards, they must be models of the behavior results should look like
they expect of others.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 13)
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 12)

The reason why this quote matters to me is because I

truly believe that my behavior will determine the respect I
gain from others. Modeling the Way and setting a positive
example as one of The Five Practices will allow me to
make extraordinary things happen.

Model the Way Carlos!!!

Week 1: New Practices (cont’d)
Kouzes and Posner quote 3:

” Deeds are far more important than

words when constituents want to
determine how serious leaders really are
about what they say.” (Kouzes and Posner
2017, p. 14)

My actions speak louder than my words. I can relate this to my life as

I’ve had experiences with leaders that only said what we wanted to
hear but they never followed through with their promises. It is crucial
for me to create accountability for my promises.
TO DO today:
1. Recognize my brother
2. Write Thank-You note to my father
Week 1: New
Practices (cont’d)
Kouzes and Posner quote 4

“Leaders are pioneers willing to step out into the unknown…

Innovation come more from listening than from telling, and from
constantly looking outside of yourself and your organization for
new and innovative products, processes, and services…You have
to make room for failure and more importantly the opportunity to
learn from failure.”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 15)

I can resonate with this quote as I must often remind myself to step out into
the unknown. I learned about being innovative that there is more to
innovation than just being creative, it also involves taking action and being
strategic by developing, making, and marketing something that produces
value. Making changes is part of a growing organization, therefore, I learned Review innovated organizations
that it is important to concentrate on the core values in order to effectively Look for new practices to be
make the adequacy changes to adapt to uncertainty, being flexible, and innovative
knowing your target market can help you deal with changes.
---Share experiences and
Week 2: Inspire Others ideas with closest friend/
someone in development
sessions with me.
---Talk about “famous
failures” and successes to my
Kouzes and Posner quote 5 team.

“Leaders mobilize others to want to struggle for shared

aspirations, and this means that, fundamentally, leadership is a
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 25)

As the book continues to explain how you can’t have one without the other, in
other words, without followers there are no leaders and vice versa. If there is
not a clear understanding of the relationship between the leader and those
who choose to follow you cannot lead effectively as there will be a
disconnection from the shared vision.
Week 2: Inspire Others (cont’d)

Kouzes and Posner quote 6:

“Great leaders grow their followers into

leaders themselves.”
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 27)

I couldn’t agree more as I experienced this myself. One of

the most influential people in my life so far took his time
to develop me, and to teach me everything he knew.
Within his district, he developed a strong pipeline of
leaders that accomplished extraordinary things. Most
importantly he had our respect and we valued the time
he would take to encourage us. This is one of the reasons
why Yovan Villalta is a great leader.
Week 2: Inspire Others
u Kouzes and Posner quote 7:
“You earn leadership from the people you aspire
to lead. People choose, on a daily basis, whether
they are going to follow and commit completely
their talents, time, and energy. In the end, leaders
don’t decide who leads, followers do.” Kouzes and Posner quote 8:
(Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 28)

I’ve learned that in order to build trust in a leader one must “First and foremost, people want a leader
focus on serving others’ needs rather than just focusing on who is honest.” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 31)
one’s own needs. I can relate this quote to something
mentioned in chapter 1, in regards that leadership is not
about titles and ranks, its “about personal responsibility
and setting a positive example” (Kouzes and Posner 2017,
pg. 12). You cannot be an effective leader without waining
your follower’s trust.
Week 1 and Week 2 “Wrap-Up”:
To my future self, in module one I reflected that trust comes from understanding each other's values,
understanding our experiences, and what we stand for. Take a moment and reflect on what you stand for,
where you come from, and why you value the importance of leading others by first of all gaining their trust.
Remember that in order to gain your follower's trust you must be genuine, be vulnerable, and open. In order
for your followers to trust you, you must demonstrate credibility as you learned how much it matters. Honesty,
transparency, and following up on your promises is key.

I found great value in learning about the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, reflect and put into practice
this system thinking as it is a way to deal more effectively with complex problems. Model the way by clarifying
your own values and others. It is important to affirm shared values, one way you can accomplish this is by
setting up one-on-one meetings with your team. Second, inspire a shared vision, remember that great leaders
are excited about the future, so envision a future of excellence. Third, don’t be afraid to challenge the
process, be innovative, and search for opportunities to improve, to make it better. Be comfortable with
uncertainty and take risks, make room for mistakes, and never stop learning from experiences. Forth, enable
others to act, remember leadership is a relationship between you and your followers, find ways to foster
collaboration effort, and continuously build relationships to gain trust from others. Developing is key, invest
personal time to develop a pipeline of leadership. Finally, encourage the heart, constantly show your
appreciation for others, and recognize with simple or big acts. 
Week 1 and Week 2 “Wrap-Up”:
-“Leadership is not about tittles and ranks, but about personal responsibility and setting a positive
example” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 12)
-“Achieving greatness requires team effort” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 16)
-“In excellent organizations we find, everyone, regardless of title or position is encouraged to act as a
leader” (Kouzes and Posner 2017, pg. 10)

I can connect these themes that I experienced at first hand at the World Center Marriott known as the larger
Marriott in the world. My first big promotion took place 6 years ago wen I became the assistant account manager
at WCM. I was responsible for the operations of valet and self parking of the resort. Coming from a much smaller
cite I was very nervous and lacked confidence to fill such role. Luckily, I had a great manager that guided me and
developed me into the position as he saw great potential in my interview. He was barely new in his position, and
there was a huge disconnection between the valet team and the processes that needed to take place in order to
have an effective operation and deliver great customer service. There was a lot of work to do, but my manager
believed that first we had to gain the teams trust in order to make drastic changes. He saw that the relationship
between us and them was important, therefore, we started by getting to know the team and conduct a team
outing. This connects with the second quote I chose because indeed “achieving greatness requires team effort”.
Quickly we were able to determine that the morale of the team was down because it lacked leadership. We fixed a
lot of the problems besetting down and getting information from our team and taking action to fix the problems.
Now looking back, I think we could have made a bigger impact if we genuinely worked on encoring each of our
team members to act and think like leaders.

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