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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Activities guide and evaluation rubric

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales

Academic Unit VIREL
Academic Level Educación Continuada
Academic Field Formación complementaria


Course Code 901004A
Course Type Metodológico Can be yes ☐ No ☒
Number of Credits 3

2. Description of the activity

Type of the
Individual ☒ Collaborative ☐ of 4
Moment of Unit
Initial ☐ ☒ Final ☐
evaluation: Intermediate:
Delivery Environment of the
Evaluative score of the
activity: Practical Learning and
activity: 100 points
Starting date of the Deadline of the activity: April 30th
activity: April 9th 2019 2019

Competence to develop:

Review general aspects about speaking: fluency, self-confidence,

vocabulary and pronunciation.

Topics to develop:

 Describing feelings and emotions

 Describing your neighborhood
 Both/both of,
 neither/neither of/ either, either of
 as well as other words seen in the syllabus.

Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop

 Schedule a date to present the interview (skype). Your tutor will

send you a google docs to do it.
 Read the guide and prepare the activity.
 You must attend the interview when you scheduled it.
 Guarantee the internet connection (microphone, headphones
and camera)
Activities to develop

In this activity you will present an interview with your tutor through
Skype. It’s a synchronous activity to improve your speaking.

In this stage the student must describe a picture chosen by the
student itself. It is important to produce more than 10 ideas and
connect them with some connectors. Student must be focused his/her
attention on describing feelings and emotions.

In this stage the student must answer these questions:

Where do you live? What is the name of your neighborhood? How long
have you lived there? Do you like your neighborhood? Why or why
not? What do you like most? What do you dislike? Are there any nice
places to take a walk? Any mountains to climb? What are the most
popular places in the neighborhood? What would you like to do for
your neighborhood? What is the best and worst shop in your
neighborhood? Why?
for the Practical –learning and Evaluation Environment
Products to Have the necessary virtual tools to carry out the
deliver by interview.
student Choose a time frame, from the schedule established
by your tutor to carry out the interview.
A Google Drive shared document will be provided by
your tutor.
Register on the schedule your ID number, full name,
group number, email and Skype username.
Login to the Skype at least 10 minutes before the
Remember to have from 10 to 15 minutes and
guarantee the proper functioning of the headset,
microphone and camera to carry out the interview.

3. General guidelines

Take part on an interview

Pronounce correctly the words used
Tutor’s Use proper grammar and vocabulary learned in the
suggestions course.
Listen and respond accordingly to instructions and
policy In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article
99, the mistakes that infringe upon the academic
order, among others, are the following: paragraph e)
“To plagiarize is to present as your own work the
whole or part of a writing, report, task or document of
invention performed by another person. It also implies
the use of cites or lack of references, or includes cites
where there is no coincidence between them and the
reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for
profit, educational resources or results of research
products, which have intellectual rights reserved for
the University”.

The academic punishments that the student will face

a) In case of academic fraud proved in the academic
work or evaluation, the score achieved will be zero
(0.0) without leading to disciplinary measures.

b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic

work of any nature, the score achieved will be zero
(0.0), without leading to disciplinary measures.
To know how the documents must be cited, check the
following document:

Centro de Escritura Javeriano ( ) Normas APA. Sexta

edición. Taken from

4. Evaluation rubric
Evaluation rubric

Activity Individual
☒ ive ☐
type: Activity
Moment of Unit
the Initial ☐ Intermedi ☒ Final ☐
evaluation ate:
Performance levels of the individual
Assessed activity Score
High score Media score Low score
Interview The student The student The student 20 points
Participation schedules the schedules the did not
interview on interview and schedule the
time and evidence interview on
prepares some time and
previously knowledge he/she
the topic but not the shows not
indicated in specific preparation
this Speaking preparation to concerning
guide. this interview. to the
(up to 20 (up to 13 (up to 7
points) points) points)
The student
shows The
The student
suitable pronunciatio
shows some
intonation n and
and intonation
Pronunciati pronunciation makes a
talking about 20 points
on talking about misundersta
topics related
topics of the nding
to the course.
English message
(up to 20 (up to 13 (up to 7
points) points) points)
The student
The student The student
relates within does not
the speech relate to any
within the
Grammar the topics of the topics
speech the 20 points
aspects related to the within the
topics related
course speech
to the course
(up to 20 (up to 13 (up to 7
points) points) points)
Vocabulary The student The student The student 20 points
refers to the refers does not
vocabulary partially to refers to the
related within the vocabulary
the units and vocabulary related
uses related within within the
expressions the units and units and
to answer uses easier either use
questions expressions expressions
related to to answer to answer
himself or questions questions
herself and related to related to
other people, himself or himself or
and also herself and herself and
describing other people, other people.
places. and also He or she
describing does not
places with describe
simple words. places.
(up to 20 (up to 13 (up to 7
points) points) points)
Participate in
Do not
Evident the interview
participate in
preparation but depend
the interview
for the on a written
or do it out
activity and text. Few
coherence.In interaction
teract with with tutor.
dates. Re-
Task tutor giving Improvise
schedule 20 points
development opinions and you
concerning to cannot
without any
what is evidence
excuse or
suggested in speech
the guide. construction
(Up to 20 (Up to 13 (Up to 7
points) points) points)
Final score

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