2.4 Rogerian Argument Assignment

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Rogerian Argument Assignment

Read "Katie Couric and the Celebrity Medicine Syndrome" (pp. 23-25 in the text) and then answer the
following questions:
1. What is the issue being argued in this essay? (What is the thesis?)
Making vaccines, exercise and oral hygiene as attractive as celebrities would be more valuable
than any million-dollar endorsement deal and more effective than any detox diet.

2. What four kinds of evidence is used in the essay to support the author's thesis?
Anecdotal Evidence: Personal experience, a psychological case study.
Testimonial Evidence: Opinions of experts.
Statistical Evidence: Percentages and numbers from case studies’ resources.
Textual Evidence: Paraphares from authors.

3. Do you think the conclusion (the compromise) would be effective? Explain your answer.
I personally do, it just depends on how people approach it. Especially with the booming growth
of social media, advertising products with celebrities’ images will definitely benefit both parties.

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