Winter Unit Plan

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Introduction to unit

This unit plan has been created alongside the Alberta Kindergarten Program

Statement to encourage learning through play in young students. This unit will

provide students with hands on experiences that will help them explore the

following topics:

How do we experience winter?

How do animals experience winter?
What does it mean to adapt?
What different adaptations do animals make?
How do animal adaptations help them?

As students participate in the activities based around these questions they

will gain knowledge about the winter season and how people and animals are able

to adapt.

Unit Rationale

This unit integrates all of the principles found in the Program Statement

while also providing students with play based experiences that will encourage

learning in each area. All students that enter the classroom are at different levels of

ability and as such, this unit plan and the lesson plans within it have been adapted

to meet the needs of each student.

Planning For Play: Exploring Winter Weather Unit Plan
Date: January 2021
Free Play Inquiry Play Collaborative Play Playful Learning Learning Through
Functional Snow writing Microscopes/masks Polar Bear retelling Pool noodles in Hot Chocolate Mug
Play with props water table Counting
-demonstrates - draws, records or
curiosity about tells about ideas and - recalls events and - demonstrates - relates a numeral,
visual features of experiences characters in familiar curiosity about 1 to 10, to its
letters and words stories read aloud visual features of respective quantity.
- explores and
with personal letters and
experiments with new by others - compares
words and terms words with personal quantities 1 to 10,
- uses imagination
- forms associated with topics significance using one-to one
creatively in dramatic
recognizable of interest correspondence
play; e.g., story, - Recites the letters
letters by holding
- becomes aware of of the alphabet in - represents and
a pen or pencil in puppets, role-play
colours, shapes, order describes numbers 2
an and mime
patterns and textures to 10, concretely
- uses sand, water,
appropriate and in - Talks about and and
blocks and other
comfortable represents the
the environment manipulatives to pictorially.
manner actions of characters
portrayed in oral,
- uses sand,
print and other media scientific and
water, blocks and Assessment: Assessment:
texts aesthetic concepts
manipulatives to - Portfolio video will be - observation chart:
explore used to assess students Record student’s
visible thinking, place Assessment: ability to count to 10
scientific and in critical thinker - Observation chart: Assessment:
aesthetic section students will be
- Alphabet Checklist: Snowball bingo
concepts assessed on their
Students will be
sequencing and SLO:
assessed on their
retelling abilities
ability to place the - relates a numeral,
letters in 1 to 10, to its
Assessment: alphabetical order respective quantity
and to match
- Alphabet uppercase with - represents and
checklist: As lowercase letters describes numbers 2
students to 10, concretely
participate in this and pictorially.
activity the
- compares
teacher will ask
quantities 1 to 10,
them to identify
using one-to-one
the letters that
they are writing in
the “snow”.
Students ability to
recognize the Assessment:
letters and the - Number checklist:
sounds connected record student’s
to those letters ability to relate 1 to
will be recorded 10 to their
on a checklist quantities

Mystery Box
Beginning Sounds
- associates sounds
with consonants
that appear at the
beginning of
significant words.

- Alphabet checklist
and Observation
chart: assess
students ability to
connect letter
sounds with the
appropriate letter

Constructive Sledding track Polar Bear Habitat Number Puzzles Polar Bear Playdough number
Play headbands mats
- explores and - categorizes objects - says the number
experiments with and pictures according sequence 1 to 10 by - recalls events and - represents and
new words and to visual characteristics 1s, starting anywhere characters in describes numbers 2
terms familiar stories read to 10, concretely
- sorts 3-D objects,
aloud by others and pictorially
associated with using a single attribute,
topics of interest similarities and - develops fine - says the number
differences. - Observation Chart: motor skills sequence 1 to 10 by
- selects and
Students will be involving finger 1s, starting
works with a - selects and works
assessed on whether speed, arm anywhere from 1 to
variety of with a variety of they can count from 1 steadiness, arm and 10 and from 10 to 1.
materials to build materials to build to 10 hand precision,
- develops
structures finger and hand
structures; e.g., perceptual–motor
dexterity, and the
blocks, wood and skills through
Polar Bear Painting manipulation of
clay activities involving
Assessment: small materials
- develops fine motor eye–hand
Portfolio video of skills involving finger coordination
Assessment: category descriptions speed, arm
steadiness, arm and
- Observations
hand precision, finger Observation Chart: Assessment:
and portfolio
and hand dexterity, Students will be
video: Students - Observation Chart:
and the manipulation assessed on their
will be observed Students will be
of small materials ability to recall the
on their problem assessed on their
pattern on the story
solving abilities - develops ability to recognize
that was read as
perceptual–motor the numbers 1 to 10
well as their fine
skills through
motor skills when
activities involving

Observation: Will
observe students
fine-motor skills

Symbolic Vet clinic Polar Bear Habitat Animal sorting

- copies scribed - shows awareness of - Categorize objects
words and print similarities and and pictures
texts to assist differences in living according to visual
with writing. things, objects and similarities and
materials differences
role-plays familiar
situations; e.g., - explores and - demonstrates
store, home, experiments with new awareness of
school words and terms similarities and
differences in living
- uses imagination - recognizes familiar
things, objects and
creatively in animals and their
dramatic play; characteristics and
e.g., story, surroundings; e.g., - recognizes familiar
puppets, role-play farm and zoo animals and their
and mime - works characteristics and
- selects and works
and plays in surroundings
with a variety of
harmony with
materials to build
others to create a
safe and caring Assessment:
- demonstrates a Assessment:
willingness to Ice Fishing for
share space and Observation chart: Numbers
resources Students will be
observed on the way
they create a habitat - relates a numeral, 1
for their Arctic animals to 10, to its
using playdough respective quantity.
Observe students - represents and
imaginative play describes numbers 2
and their abilities to 10, concretely and
to share the pictorially.
space and print
Feathers - compares quantities
1 to 10, using one-to-
one correspondence.
- explores and
experiments with new
words and terms Assessment:
associated with topics
Number checklist:
of interest
Record student’s
- recognizes changes in abilities to connect
weather and some numbers to their
ways people and respective quantities
animals adapt to the
seasons; e.g., different
clothes and migration

Science data book,
observations from
student conference:
Observe students
visible thinking on
Games with Ice fishing descriptive Penguin Balance
Rules words
- demonstrates
- relates a numeral,
awareness of the
1 to 10, to its
properties of objects
respective quantity
and events in the
environment, by: - represents and
describes numbers 2
 describing
to 10, concretely
and pictorially.
 sorting objects - compares
according to quantities 1 to 10,
common using one-to-one
properties; correspondence.
e.g., colour,
size, shape
and texture Assessment
Observation Chart:
Assessment: Assess student’s
ability to relate
Observation Chart:
numbers to their
Will observe
student’s abilities to
describe the
properties of
different objects
Roll and Colour
- subitizes
(recognize at a
glance) and names
arrangements of 1
to 5 objects or dots.
- relates a numeral,
1 to 10, to its
respective quantity

Subitizing Checklist:
Asses if students are
able to recognize
number quantities

Rhyming Memory
- identifies and
generates rhyming
words in oral
- hears and
identifies sounds in
Checklist and
Observation Chart:
Assess students
ability to recognize
words that rhyme
with each other.

Unit Assessment plan

Assessment Brief Description

Observations Observations will be the main source of assessment throughout this unit. Students will be observed on all of the
learning outcomes seen below. These include learning outcomes in the areas of; Literacy, numeracy, citizenship and
identity, environment and community awareness, physical skills and well-being and creative expression. Observation
charts will be used to record what the teacher observed of each student during a variety of tasks.

Checklists Checklists will be used to assess students abilities in early literacy and numeracy. These checklists will provide the
teacher with an indication of which letters and numbers students are comfortable with.

Portfolio Each student has an online portfolio that their parents have access to. Throughout this unit the teacher will record
Videos videos of the students explaining their thinking process. These videos will be uploaded to each students portfolio.

Outcomes Title Observations Checklists Portfolio videos

Early Literacy
a) demonstrates curiosity about visual features
of letters and words with personal
Early Literacy
b) forms recognizable letters by holding a pen X X
or pencil in an appropriate and comfortable
Early Literacy
c) draws, records or tells about ideas and X X
Early Literacy
d) recalls events and characters in familiar X
stories read aloud by others
Early Literacy
e) Talks about and represents the actions of X
characters portrayed in oral, print and other
media texts
Early Literacy X
f) demonstrates curiosity about visual features
of letters and words with personal
Early Literacy
g) Recites the letters of the alphabet in order
Early Literacy
h) associates sounds with consonants that X X
appear at the beginning of personally
significant words.
Early Literacy
i) explores and experiments with new words
and terms

Early Literacy
j) explores and experiments with new words X X
and terms associated with topics of interest
Early Literacy
k) recalls events and characters in familiar X
stories read aloud by others
Early Literacy
l) copies scribed words and print texts to assist
with writing. role-plays familiar situations; X
e.g., store, home, school
Early Literacy
m) Categorize objects and pictures according to
visual similarities and differences
Early Literacy
n) identifies and generates rhyming words in
oral language
Early Literacy
o) hears and identifies sounds in words
Early Numeracy
a) relates a numeral, 1 to 10, to its respective X X
Early Numeracy
b) compares quantities 1 to 10, using one-to X X
one correspondence
Early Numeracy
c) represents and describes numbers 2 to 10, X X
concretely and pictorially.
Early Numeracy
d) says the number sequence 1 to 10 by 1s, X X
starting anywhere from 1 to 10 and from 10
to 1
Citizenship and Identity X
a) works and plays in harmony with others to
create a safe and caring environment

Citizenship and Identity

b) demonstrates a willingness to share space X
and resources
Citizenship and Identity
c) Compares and contrasts information
Environment and Community Awareness
a) shows awareness of similarities and X
differences in living things, objects and
Environment and Community Awareness
b) recognizes familiar animals and their X
characteristics and surroundings; e.g., farm
and zoo
Environment and Community Awareness
c) selects and works with a variety of materials X
to build structures; e.g., blocks, wood and

Environment and Community Awareness

d) becomes aware of colours, shapes, patterns
and textures in the environment

Environment and Community Awareness

e) uses sand, water, blocks and other
manipulatives to explore scientific and X
aesthetic concepts

Environment and Community Awareness X

f) role-plays familiar situations

Environment and Community Awareness

g) becomes aware of the five senses and how X
they are used to explore, investigate and
describe the world
Environment and Community Awareness
h) recognizes changes in weather and some X
ways people and animals adapt to the
seasons; e.g., different clothes and migration
Environment and Community Awareness
i) demonstrates awareness of the properties
of objects and events in the environment,
o describing some properties
o sorting objects according to common
properties; e.g., colour, size, shape
and texture
Physical Skills and Well-Being
a) develops fine motor skills involving finger
speed, arm steadiness, arm and hand X
precision, finger and hand dexterity, and the
manipulation of small materials
Physical Skills and Well-Being
b) develops perceptual–motor skills through X
activities involving eye–hand coordination
Creative Expression
a) uses imagination creatively in dramatic play; X
e.g., story, puppets, role-play and mime

Creative Expression
b) uses imagination creatively in dramatic play; X
e.g., story, puppets, role-play and mime

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