Las Week 8 Peh12

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Name of Learner: __________________________________Grade Level: _______________
Section: __________________________________________Date: _____________________


Organize Recreational Events

Background Information

Being outdoors entails certain risks- risk of being injured, risk of having accidents, and
the tragedy of death. These risks may come from the participants, from the activity itself, from
the very location of the activity, or from the environmental conditions. However

Learning Competency

Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and concerns

Organizes fitness event for a target health issue or concern
Risk Identification, Assessment and Reduction

Hazards are the things that have the potential to harm while risk is the likelihood of
realizing such potential. For example what are the possible risks in kayaking? A potential
hazard might be the lack of knowledge of the weather condition before doing the activity. With
such potential hazard, there can be the risk of the boat capsizing leading to the risk of drowning.

Risk identification therefore first involves knowing the hazards of the activity.

Three sources of Hazards

1. Hazards from Human Factor- comes from participants and the leaders/organizers.
a. Participant factor- unmanageable size of the group, lack of skills, knowledge and
experience, poor health, age and even attitude problems.
b. Leader/organizer factor- lack of knowledge of environmental hazards, poor
coordination and management skills, inability to respond to emergencies, poor
planning and communication.
2. Hazards from Equipment- includes basic things to be used in the activity such as
mask and flippers in snorkeling, the boat and PFD in kayaking, ropes in trekking etc.
Equipmwnt also includes the proper clothing and footwear of the participants.
3. Hazards from the environment- weather condition tops the list of environment
hazard. Others include the temperature, the terrain, rock stability, darkness and the other
environmental hazards.

Alan Hale in 1984 developed the Dynamics of Accident Model (Bunting, 2006) where
he came up with the accident equation on how accidents occur (see Figure 1). He said there is
the potential for an accident when two of the risks overlap, such that the greater the overlap,
Practice good hygiene and minimum health standards at all times.
Keep it up and God bless always.
If you have queries call or chat me: 09395039649
the greater the potential for an accident. Therefore, risk identification should also include
identifying the likely risk combination.

Dynamics of Accidents Model

Environmental Human Factor Accident
Hazards Hazards Potential

Risk Reduction
This are strategies and implementation of strategies that will minimize the risks of the
activities. This will include detailed pre-trip planning, coming up with policies and procedures,
staff training, equipment inspection and maintenance and knowing the participants prior to the
Activity 1: Dynamics of Accident Model
Directions: Read and analyze the scenario below. Identify the different factors and write it on
the appropriate column. Copy the table and write your answer on a sheet of paper.

Last August 19, 2015 a group of about 180 BSU students conducted a field trip to
Madlum Cave in San Miguel, Bulacan. Tragedy struck when heavy rains swelled the Madlum
River and triggered a flash flood that swept the students who were crossing the river, drowning
7 students.
Fact-finding committee on the tragedy found the following violations:
-lack of guidelines on defining responsibilities of faculty advisers and student organizers
-lack of medical clearance for students
-lack of supervision of the students by faculty members during trip
-lack of emergency rescue and first aid team in the vicinity
-waiver/ consent form signed by the parents or guardians did not specify the itinerary
-lack of permit/clearance from the local government unit

Hazard Factor: Weather + Hazard Factor: Human = Accident

Pre-Trip Plan, Logistics and Budget

1. Site Plan, Route Plan and Evacuation Routes

 Itinerary-list of target activities (time, date and place).
 Include details about distance, transportation to be used and alternate routes.
 Give background information of the site and map of the activity.
Practice good hygiene and minimum health standards at all times.
Keep it up and God bless always.
If you have queries call or chat me: 09395039649
2. Safety and Risk Management Plan
 Safety and risk management plans for the site and itinerary should be in place.
 Specific guidelines for the activity must also be formulated and orientation must
be given to all participants.
 Action plans for emergencies must be prepared and everyone involved in the
plans must be informed.

3. Logistics
 Scope of the activity is clearly outline
 Approval of the school must be sought
 Written parental consent is taken for each participant of minor age
 List of equipment and checking of this prior to use
 List of essential things to bring
 Transportation (to and from the site)
 Food and menu preparation
 Application for permits and fees
 Lodging reservations when needed
 Coordination with on-site facilitator or guide and with local tourism office or
government unit to plan for contingency or emergency

4. Budget
 Transportation
 Food
 Rental for gadgets and water equipment
 Lodging (if needed)
 Permit fees
 Professional Guides

Activity 2: Preparations for an Outdoor Recreational Activity (Assessment:

Final output for the quarter)

Plan for a 3-day camping (note: this is only an assumption and not to be conducted).
Specific task will be given to you by class then find a pair. Each pair will write a detailed plan
about the specific task you have chosen. Write your answers on a sheet of paper.

A. Site Research and Route planning B. List of things to bring
 How to get to the site  Things that a participant
(transportation and cost) need to be brought
 On-site facilitator or guide if  Delegation (in-charge to
needed bring)
 Permits needed  Emergency kit
 Emergency plans  Equipment

A. Menu Planning and Budget Proposal for B. Permission Letters
the whole Activity  Letter to the school
 Meals, cooking needs, delegation, administrators
marketing and costing and
Practice good hygiene and minimum health standards at all times.
Keep it up and God bless always.
If you have queries call or chat me: 09395039649
coordinate with other groups to  Letter to parents
obtain other costs that will be (consent)
incurred (e.g., transportation and

A. Itinerary and Coming up with Safety B. Activity Planners and
Management Plan Facilitators
 Planning of itinerary from  Plan and facilitate
departure to arrival activities (if camping,
 Writing of safety management then plan and facilitate a
plan (evacuation) including rules simple orienteering
and regulations activity)

Rubric for Scoring:

Preparations for an Outdoor Recreational Activity

Criteria Rating
Content is accurate. 2 4 6 8 10
Content is clear and informative. 2 4 6 8 10
Writing is organize. 2 4 6 8 10
Graphics or pictures are relevant to the topic. 2 4 6 8 10
Total (40pts)

I learned that
I enjoyed most on
I want to learn more

Answer Key
Activity 1: Answers may vary
Activity 2: Answers may vary

References for Learners:

• Physical Education and Health Vol. II pp. 197-204

Prepared by:

Rheena-Ann D. Padilla

Practice good hygiene and minimum health standards at all times.

Keep it up and God bless always.
If you have queries call or chat me: 09395039649

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