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Summary of the key point of job analysis

Some organizations underestimate the importance of job analysis and do not spend

enough time on this aspect of their work. (McFadden & Soostar, 2016). "This is akin to

asking a contractor to build a house without blueprints. You will get a house, but the rooms

may not be in the right places for your needs." (McFadden & Soostar, 2016).

The above mention quote reveals the importance of job analysis. But what is job analysis

itself and what is its implication?

There are various definitions for job analysis and one of the most comprehensive ones is

that a job analysis is a method by which information about all aspects of an employee's

position is collected and analysed. This speeds up the preparation of an accurate job

description, which should summarise the tasks, responsibilities and duties of each job (WL,

1995, Cited by Smith, 2015)

According to Dessler and Chhinzer (2019, P ) job analysis is the cornerstone of many HR

duties such as job description, recruitment and selection, labour relationship and so on. Figure

1 illustrates this relationship.

Figure 1: Uses of Job Analysis Information (Dessler & Chhinzer, 2019)

The benefits of conducting a job analysis can be summarized as follow:

· reduces the risk of legal claims (Smith, 2015). Well-Established job analysis results in a

well-defined job description which matches with Employment Standard Act criteria.

· helps us to better predict who is suitable for an upcoming vacant job (Melrose, 2015)

· evaluates whether the current job description is appropriate for future hiring or not

(Talukder & Mominul, 2014)

· provides first-hand job-related information (Advantages and Disadvantages of Job

Analysis, 2015)

How to do:

Implementing job analysis requires all organization members' attendance including

executive managers and employees. Employee, especially, play a key role because they are

the source of information in the process of data gathering (Smith, 2015)

Six steps should be done in order to implement a job analysis. Firstly, information of the

related organization is reviewed, secondly, we decide which job is going to be evaluated.

Thirdly, among different job analysis methods, the most appropriate one is selected. Then, we

should verify the data gathered in the previous step and do needed adjustments. Now, we

have basic materials to develop job description and specifications. The last step, like every

other project, is to revise all what we have done to make any required updates (Dessler &

Chhinzer, 2019, P ? )

Organization Information and Organizational Chart

Relevant organization background. Information from the industry. No financial.

JA Methods (3)

JA selected method and why


DeAngelis, J. T., & Wolcott, M. D. (2019). A Job Analysis to Define the Role of the

Pharmacy Preceptor. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 83(7), 1480–1491.

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The changing nature of work and organizations: Implications for human resource


Burke, R. J., & Ng, E. (2006). The changing nature of work and organizations: Implications

for human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, (2), 86. Retrieved



Job analysis for a changing workplace


Singh, P. (2008). Job analysis for a changing workplace. Human Resource Management

Review, 18(2), 87–99.

The impact of job description and career prospect on job satisfaction: A quantitative study in

Ketan S. Ramhit. The impact of job description and career prospect on job satisfaction: A

quantitative study in Mauritius. South African Journal of Human Resource Management.

2019;(0):e1. doi:10.4102/sajhrm.v17i0.1092.

McFadden, R., & Soostar, E. (2016). benefits of job analysis | Strategic HR Planning.


Smith, K. J. (2015). Conducting Thorough Job Analyses and Drafting Lawful Job

Descriptions. Employment Relations Today, 41(4), 95–99.

Dessler, G., & Chhinzer, N. (2019). Human resources management in Canada.

Pearson Canada Inc.

Melrose, R. (2015, August 28). Stop Ignoring Job Analysis. ERE.

Talukder, H., & Mominul, A. K. M. (2014). PERCEIVED IMPORTANCE OF JOB



Advantages and Disadvantages of Job Analysis. (2015).



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