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Contents Test01 a we 05 Test 02. sennee 19 Test03 . 33 Test04 . end - 47 Test 05 61 Test 06. 75 TestO7 ce see 89 Test 08. - 103 Test 09 oc cesses V7 Test 10... ~ 131 LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Look at the example item below. Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. " 12. 13, 4. 15. 16, 7. 18. 19, PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the ‘question of statement and mark the letter (A), (B), oF (C) on your answer sheet. Example You will hear: You will al hear: (A) To me om Where is the meeting room? on the right,” so (B) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. a. BOB 38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer shest. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer shest. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer shest. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. PART 3 a three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to | each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. | | Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer | 41, Who most likely are they? | (A) Ajob candidate and an interviewer. | (B) Amarketing manager and a personnel | i manager. | (C) Co-workers who work in the same department | of a company. | (D) Aclient and a shop employee. Why is the man reluctant to transfer to another department? (A) He is happy with his current job. (B) He feels that he is not qualified for the open position, (C) He doesn't like the people in the Marketing Department. (D) He would have-to accept a pay out ifhe got hired. 43, What will the man probably do? (A) Putin his application and face the outcome. (B) Talk to his boss about getting more details. about the position. (©) Disregard the opportunity and wait for another time. (D) Work harder to be considered for the next promotion. 44, Who is the woman? (A) A visitor. (B)A building security guard, (C) A parking attendant. (D) An artist. 45, What suggestion does the woman receive from the man? (A) See the art exhibit. (B) Park in the underground garage. (C) Turn back and drive down to the intersection, {D) Walk back to her house. 46, What will the woman most likely do? (A) Drive back home. () Buy a ticket to the exhibit (C) Pay for the towing fee, (0) Park her car somewhere else. 47, What is the man doing? (A) Arguing about the seat. (B) Searching for the right spot. (©) Trying to catch fish. (D) Moving to a different house. 4, How long has the man been here? (A) 15 minutes. (8) 30 minutes. (C) 60 minutes. 40) 120 minutes. ‘49, What does the woman suggest may be the reason for the man’s problem? (A) He is siting in the wrong pl (8) He is using the wrong bait. (@) He has be 00 long. {D) He is not thinking property waiting 50. What is the man doing? (A) He is trying to buy some clothing. (B) He is looking for a bank. (©) He is preparing'to start a business. (D) He is serving a customer. 51. Where will the man most likely go next? (A) To another store. {B) To the back part of the store. (C) To a fashion show. {D) To see a customer. 152. What is special about this place? (A) The items are reasonably priced. (B) Itis located close to the man's place. (C) Itcarries items that other stores don’t have. (0) Ithas been in business for many years. 59, What is the man asking the woman about? (A) An error made in his paycheck. (B) Awarning he had received at work. (C) The luinch menu at a restaurant he wants to goto. (D) Anotification of an unpaid bil 54, What will the man do? (A) Drop by the bank (B) Take care of a misunderstanding. (C) Call another electfician (0) Goon an errand. 55. When was the bill taken care of? (A) Wednesday. 'B) Thursday. >) Fri (D) This morning. When will the exhibition be held? (A) On the third ofthis month (B) Atthe end of October. (C) In a couple of weeks (0) After:three days. 57, How long does it take to send the items to the Detroit plant? (A) One day. (B) Two days. (C) Three days. (D) Five days. 58, According to the woman, why is the delivery being rushed? (A) To have plenty of time to deal with a problem if one occurs. (8) To prepare for the company’s move. {(€) To avoid running into the possibility of a stock shortage, —_ {D) Teo the demand of Mr. Johnson. em ook 59, How far did the man's team go in the tournament? (A) They reached the finals before getting defeated: — semifinals after beating the (C) They were defeated in the first round of the tournament. {D) They went all the way to the finals and won, ‘60. According to the woman, why did her team not compete in the tournament? (A) Many of her staff members were out of town on business, (B) Her boss does not like baseball very much. (C) Shé fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. {D) Her team members were too busy with work, 61, What does the man mention about some of the managers in the company? (A) They don't consider company morale to be very important. (8) They stress winning the tournarnent too much, (C) They worked very hard preparing for the tournament. (0) They waste too much time talking about sports. 62, According to the woman, why has the company gone over its budget this quarter? (A) Many employees are making unnecessary trips. (6) The staff members are staying at very ‘expensive hotels. (C) Their travel expenses have shot up. (0) The cost of insurance has more than doubled. 63, What does the man suggest they do to solve the problem? (A) Have mote people work from their homes. (8) Discriminate against those planning to travel. {C) Work out a better deal with the airline company. (0) Get the workers to pay for their own meats. 64, What does the woman say is the reason why the man's suggestion won't work? (A) People tend to get lazy working at home. (8) The management cannot judge which trips are absolutely necessary. (©) They rg ead geting a special rat rom the airine company They deal with. (D) The rest of the managers at the company don't think it’s a good idea. 65, Where is the conversation most likely taking place? (A) Atan ayto repair shop. (8) Ata gas station. (©) Ina computer store. (0) Alongside a freeway. 66, What does the woman say is the problem? (A) Her computer is down, {B) The car ignition doesn’t work. (C) The car uses too much gas. (0) Her brother doesn't give good advice. a What advice does the man give her? (A) Listen to her brothef. {B) Got a new car. (C) Have the car towed, (D) Replace the battery. 68, For how many nights will the man stay at the hotel? (A) One. (8) Two. (C) Three. (0) Seven. 69. What did the man request? (A) Room services (8) A wakeup cal (OX) yalet parking) {D) Cleaning service. 70, What will the man most likely be doing at 9 in the morning? (A) Giving a speech. (B) Having a meal. + (C) Swimming in the lake. (D) Taking a fight out. | PART 4 | Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. On which day does this message take place? (A) Saturday. (B) Monday. (C) Friday. (D) Tuesday. 72, Why s the caller getting this message? (A) All the lines are busy, (B) Itis a national holiday. (©) Everyone is out to lunch, (0) Itis after working hours. 73, What should those who wish to make a change intheir service do? (A) Stay on the fine, (B) Call back another time. (C) Press a button qn the phone. (0) Talk to an operator. 74, Who would most likely be liste (A) Teachers at local schools. (B) Community residents. (©) Students from out of town, (D) Entertainers. to this talk? 75, How often will the class mentioned be held? (A) Once a week (B) Twice a week. (C) Three times a week. + (D) Every day. What are those interested in the class asked to do? (A) Sign up today at the community center. (8) Speak with the coordinators after the talk. (C) Deposit a check into the bank account. (0) Take an admissions test after the talk TT. What does the speaker mention is special about Mr. Rowe? (A) He is the youngest person to head a company. (B) He has followediin the footsteps of his great father. ~~ (C) He made a lot of money by investing in stocks. (D) He is related to the company president. 78. Who does Sam ort (A) Mr. Smith (8) One of the investors. (©) The company CEO. (0) His father. is success to? 79, What will Mr. Rowe talk about? (A) How to getin on the good investments. (B) How to mae good bi (C) How to climb up the-cofporate ladder. (0) How to become optimistic about work, 80. What is the purpose of the speech? (A) To invite people fo a charitable function. (B) To introduce the next speaker. (C) To give thanks for the donations. (D) To announce an upcoming event. 81, Who is Mr. Gieane? (A) ABarrie County resident. (8) The mayor of Barrie County. (C) A government worker. (D) The president of a paint company. 82, According to Gus's report, what is considered to be most harmful to the environment? (A) Toxic sprays. (B) Secondhand smoke, (C) Gas fumes. (0) Toxic chemicals, - 83, What is the purpose of the announcement? {A) To invite staff members to a company event. (8) To call for an emergency meeting, | (C) To notify employees of future repair work on the elevator (0) To guide the listeners to safety. | 84. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do? | (A) Immediately speak to their supervisors. —! (B) Take the elevator up to the tenth floor. {C) Walk patiently ouf ofthe building, (D) Read through the safety manual 85, When should a listener talk to the boss? (A) If someone is not present. (B) Right after the announcement. (C) Before the end of the day. (D) The first thing in the moming, any. at ks. 86. Whatis the store celebrating? (A) The opening of a new store. (8) Arecord year for sales. (C) The retirement of a staff member. (0) An important anniversary. 87. When does the sale begin? (A) Today. (8) Friday. (C) Saturday. (0) Sunday. 88, When does the store open this Saturday? (A) 6am, (B)7 am. (C)8am, (9am, 89. When will the construction start? (A) January 15. (B) January 25. (C) March 15. (D) March 25, 90. According to the speaker, who will be mostly affected by the construction? (A) Sales staf (B) Receptionists. (C) Customers. (D) Staff members without cars. 81. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the speaker? ~~ (A) All staff members should park in a specific, place. (B) Some ofthe employees shouik! commute by bus. (C) People who live close to the office should share a ric reps should speak with the receptionist. (0) Sales ‘92, What is causing the fight delays at Heathrow Airport? (A) Aflight accident. {B) The local weather. (C) A security alert. (0) The overbooking of fights. When was the flight or off? (A) 12 o'clock, (B) 2o'elock, (C) 5 o'clock. (0) 7 o'clock. inally scheduled for take- 94, What is being offered to the passengers at the second floor lounge? (A)Ameal. (8) Accommodations. (©) Snacks and drinks. {D) Flight tickets. 7 = 01 | 95, What s the speaker doing? 98, What is being advertised? (A) Giving out an award (A) Atravel agency. (B) Introducing a guest. (B) A getaway resort. (C) Making a sales preser (C)Afitness center. (©) Conducting an interview. (©) Arestaurant. ‘What does the speaker sayis in plan for Codak 99, What does the speaker say about The Adonis in the early part of next year? and Aphrodite Paradise? (A) They will buy out a Japanese company. (A) Itis visited by many travelers. (8) They will shut down one oftheir factories. (B) There are over 500 rooms, (C) They will embark on a business partnership, (C) Famous people vacation there. (0) They will merge with another company. (0) itis situated near an ocean. Which of the following is NOT true about Codak ——_100, Which of the following is NOT part of the Incorporated? amenities offered? {A) thas aver 100,000 employees. (A) An animal show. (B) The company started a decad (8) Great cuisine, (C) thas a branch office in Japan. (©) Aswimming pool (D) The company is planning to add more plants, {D) Cycling. amen net > Cpronounee> 40 STENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. ‘The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best deseribes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Look at the example item below. Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 23 25 PART 2 Directions: fou will hear a question o be spoken only one time and will not be printed’in question or statement and mark the le Example You will he You will also heat " 12, 13, 14 15. 16. "7. 18. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. |. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet: fatement and your te sonses spoken in English. They will st book. Select the best response to the + (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. oom?” is chgice (B). wer (B) on your answ it’s the first room, et ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, PART 3 ' Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41, Whats the problem? . 44, What was the man supposed to have received (A) The man can't access something on his, rom Jones computer. (A) Fax, (B) The woman does not know how to use the + (B) Email, program. {C) Phone call m (©) The man is frustrated with his computer. (0) Mail (D) The woman's work is not going very efficiently, What did Julie do yesterday? (A) Loft a message. 42, Why does the woman recommend A & T store? (Son oreneniee (A) She has known the owner for years. (C) Received fax. {) Itprovides great service. (0) Talked to Mr. Jones. (C) The technician is her brother. (0) The store is having a sale now. 48, Whats the man worried about? (A) He won't have time to meet with the client. 43, What aro they talking about? (B) He thinks he is not managing his staff well. (A) The man’s company. (©) He might not have enough time to deliver the {B) The woman's job. order. t (C) The man’s computer. (D) He has not been able to respond toa client's (0) The woman's car. question. 47, How long has the flight been delayed? (A) 1 hour, (B) 2hours, (C) Shours. (0) 4 hours. ‘48, What is the reason for the delay? (A) The weather condition is bad. (8) There’s a security complication ~ (C) An engine problem has occurred, {D) The airline staff made a booking mistake. 49, What will the man do? (A) Use another mode of transportation (B) Ask the client to come to the office (©) Schedule the meating for a later time. (0) Attend the serninar a lite early. 53. What does the woman want to know? (A) The price of the special menu. (B) Today's selection of food. (C) The brand of coftee available. {D) The year of the wine served. ‘What is being offered at no cost? (A) Drinks. (B) Dessert. (C) Appetizer. (0) Soup. What will the woman most likely do next? {A) Order food. (B) Pay for her meal, (C) Think of what to eat. (D) Eat her food, ‘What has Syivie done this morning? (A) Placed an order. (B) Ordered lunch, (C) Met with a client (D) Paid her phone bill. 51. Where is Sylvie? (A) At lunch. (B)Atthe factory, (C) Ina meeting, {D) In her office. 52, When is Syivie expected to return? (A) Inan hour. {(B) Intwo hours. (C) In three hours. (0) In four hours. on Where is the conversation taking place? (A) Ina bank, (B) Ata photo stucto. (C) nan accounting office. (0) Ata store opening: 87. What does the man want to do? (A) Write out a check. (8) Make an ID card, (©) Open a bank account. {D) Take a picture. What does the woman request from the man? (A) Some cash. {B) A discount coupon. (©) A picture 1D. (D) Some forms. man? ements 59, What will the wornan most ikely do today? (A) Go for @ job interview. (8) Visit the art gallery. (©) Ring up an oid friend (0) Meet with her brother. 160. On which part of the day is the conversation most likely taking place? {A) In the moming. {B) During lunch. (C) In the afternoon. (D) Inthe evening 61. What can be inferred about the man? (A) He works at the company the woman is applying to. (B) He is an avid art lover (C) He doesn't get along with his supervisor. (D) He is looking for a better opportunity 62, What does the man ask the wornan to do? (A) Attend a meeting on his behalt. (8) Take care of an existing client. (C) Drive him to his client's office. (0) Pick him up at 5 o'clock 63. Whyis the man asking for a favor? (A) He is tied up at his office. {B) He has to attend to something else, {C) He doesn't like working alone. (D) He has a family emergency to take care of. 64, When will Susan meet with Mike? (A) Before she goes on her appointment. (B) After she meets with the new client. (C) At three o'clock in the afternoon. {D) After she finishes with the emergency meeting, 65, Who most likely is Mr. Jackson? (A) The proofreader. (B) The author. (C) A publisher. (D) The photographer. 68. When will the final draft be ready? (A) In May. (8) This weekend. (C) Next week (D) At the end of this month. 02 67. How will they meet the deadline? (A) By receiving the pictures this month, (©) By hiring more writers. (©) By asking the staff to work overtime. (0) By getting an extension on the deadline. 68, What are they talking about? (A) An article the woman read in the local newspaper. (B)A plan for a surprise birthday party of a co-worker. (C)Aplace where the man can take his wife on a special day. (0) How the woman was proposed by her fiancé, 69, How does the man know of the place the woman had gone over the weekend? (A) He read itn the local paper. (8) His friend had mentioned it. (C) He went there before. (0) He fives nearby. 70. Which of the following does the woman mention about the place? (A) The price is very affordable. (B) The food is rather good. (G) Ithas a relaxing atmosphere. (0) Itis her favorite restaurant. PART 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answor three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book 7. Who is Mike Lee? (A) A travel agent. (B)Ana (iA 1D) Adelivery employee. Why's the caller leaving the message? (A) To notify of a found fi (8) To contirm a flight reser (C) To report a missing i (D) To apologize for a mix-up. 73. What does the speaker request from the listener? (A) To call him back. (B) To pick up the bag, (C) To pay for the tickets. (D) To provide more information. 74. Whatis the main purpose of the announcement? (A) To tell the shoppers that the store will close soon. (8) To announce tomorrow's specials to the customers. (C) To thank the customers for shopping at the store. (0) To notify a change in the store hours to the customers. 75. Where should those interested in the special go? (A) To the vegetable section (B) To the checkout counter. (C) To the manager's office. (D) To the meat department. 76. How much is one kilogram of the European sausages? (A) Two dollars. (6) Four dollars. (©) Five dollars, (0) Ten dollars, 7. Who is Richard? (A)Achet (B) A waitperson. 78. Which of the following is NOT part of the set meals? (A) Wine, (8) loo cream. (0) Coffee, (0) Cake. 79. How much does fish dinner cost? (A) Five dollars. (B) Twelve dotlars. (©) Fifteen dollars (D) Twenty dollars, 80. Who is speaking? (A) The company president. (8) The sales manager. (C)A satisfied customer (D) An accountant. 81. According to the speaker, what did the sales manager say? (A) The sales have surpassed everyone's expectation. (B) Tho sales reps are working hard to meet their quotas, (C) The customers are not very satisfied with their service. (0) They need to increase the price of their products 82. What does the speaker say might happen at the end of the year? (A) The company will introduce a new product (B) The sales manager will get a promotion. (C) They will get the result of the survey. (0) The workers will receive a big bonus. er en set »sales nes 2 meet theit ied with {their .ppen atthe w product, motion. vey. onus. 83, Who is Ms. Boothby? (A)A folk singer. (8) The host. (C) An engi (D) Aconduct r. 84, Which of the following is mentioned about the Young Asia Ensemble? (A) The musical group was put together only recently, (B) All the members do not share the same nationality (©) The group is currently on a tour around Asia. (0) They specialize in natural acoustic sounds. 85. When will the mentioned groups perform at the festival? (A) Today, (8) This weekend. (©) Next week (D) Next month. 96, How often is the event held? (A) Once a year. (8) Once every two years. (C) Once every five years, (D) Once every ten years, 87, Who is Nathan Davidson? (A)A shipbuilder. (B)A scientist. (C) The convener. {D) A publisher. ‘88, According to the speaker, what is expected to happen toward the end of the year? (A) Another seminar will take place, (B) The research project will be completed. {C)A book will be published. (0) The world’s largest ship will be built. 89. Who is Michael Sanderson? (A) An actor. {B) The host. (0) Actitic. (D) The director. 90, What is “Dangerous Mission"? (A) Aradio show. (8) Afilm, {C) Abook. (D) A play. 1, What will be aired first? (A) An interview with the stars. (8) Commercial breaks. (C) Behind the scene stories. (D) The critic's opinion. 92, What is being advertised? (A) Electronics store. (8) Supermarket. (C) Record shop. (0) Painting store. 93. When will the event take place? (A) Today. (8) This weekend. (C) Next week (D) Next month. 94, Which of the following will NOT be part of the day's, event? (A) Price discounts. (B) Face paintings. (C) Performances. (D) Free giveaways. 31 02 98. What is an appropriate topic of the report? (A) The government's plan to eradicate pollution in our air. - (B) The fishermen and their way of life in the sea. i (C) The death of thousands of fish in our lakes. (0) The toxic waste in the states’ rivers. 96. What cauised the problem mentioned? (A) The fumes from automobiles in the city. {B) The spilling of waste from local companies. (C) The lack of fund to clean up the city. (D) The mass exodus of city workers to other states. 97, According to the report, what is the government thinking of doing? (A) Banning fishing in the local lakes. (B) Hiking up fines for illegal dumping. (C) Building more waterways in the city. (D) Hiring more government officials. 98. Whyis the woman calling? (A) To order new equipment. (B) To set up a date for the move. {C) To give details of a day's event. (0) To make plans for the weekend. 99, When will Michael's staff be busy? (A) Thursday. (B) Friday. (© Saturday. (0) Monday. 100. What will Michael most likely do on Friday? (A) Help with the move. {B) Stay home. (C) Pack away personal items. (0) Set up the equipment. pee lay? \ \ \ \ remem saat Inthe Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. |The entire Listening test wil last approximately 45 minutes, There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You-must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. + For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer ‘sheet and mark your answer, The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Look atthe example item below. Example | Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of ‘the picture, so you ‘should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. 2 in rest wer 37 een 39 wail PART 2 Directions: You will hear a be spoken only one time al question 01 Exa iple iil hear V You will also he 14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 412. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 44, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 419. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. poken in Engli They will the best response to the 26, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 90. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 92. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 138, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘34, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 38, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘49. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Wiens PART 3 be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41. Whois the woman speaking to? (A) Amaiiman. (8) Ajob applicant. (C) A potentiat employer. (D) Aphone operator. 42. What is the purpose of the call? (A) To inquire about an open position, (8) To check to see if something he sent has arrived safely. (C) To seek information about a company product. (0) To further discuss a job offer. 43, What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) Call back again later. (8) Come to the office in person. (C) Try another phone number. (D) Mail his résumé to her office, 44, How did the man learn of this place? (A) Ho saw an ad in the paper. (B) He was told about it by a close friend. (©) He was referred there by someone. (D) He found it by tuck, Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to | each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will 45, What does the woman mention is special about this place? (A) They carry clothes for heavy people. {B) They are very conveniently located (C) They sell the cheapest clothing in town. (D) They are very well known in the area. 48, What will the man do next? (A) Pay for his purchase. (B) Go to another store, (C) Walk up to the next floor. {D) Try on some clothes. = 03 ‘47, When was the report submitted? (A) Today. (B) Yesterday. (©) Last week. {D) Two weeks ago. 148, Why does the man want to meet with the woman? (A) To ask her to clarify something he does not understand. (B) To ask for her help in preparing for the presentation. {C) To discuss a personal problem with her. (0) To ask her to talk to his client. 49, When will the speakers most likely meet? (A) This afternoon. (8) This evening, {C) Tomorrow morning. (D) Tomorrow afternoon 50, According to the woman, what will most likely ‘cause the traffic to be congested? (A) Bush hour. (8) Bad weather. (©) Accidents. (D) Road construction 81. What will the man do first? (A) Walk down to the lobby. (6) Drop by Mr. Kim's office (C) Put on his coat. (0) Buy a train ticket 52. How will they get to Mr. Rowe's office? (A) They will drive there. (6) They will use public transportation. (C) They will geta lift from the woman. (D) They will walk there. 53. Where is the conversation taking place? (A) in a copy store. (B) In a restaurant. (C) Atan airport. (D) Ata post office. 54, What does the woman ask for? (A) Extra copies, (B) Some dessert. (C) The receipt. (D) A tow stamps. 155, What can be inferred about the place? (A) Itean hold me (B) ith (C) Itoloses (B) Itis conveni wy people at one time. tomers. eatly dur ly located in the kdays. ter of 56. When will the speakers arrive at the airport? (a) 12:00. (8) 1:00. (©) 3:00. (0) 4:00, 57. Whyis the man tired? (A) He has been traveling a lot lataly (8) He wor (C) He stil has jetlag, (D) He gave a long pres: '58, What does the woman suggest the man do? iy. {) Lie back on his chair. (C) Wake up a bit early in the morning (D) Prepare more for the presentation. more cles rol vont? indo? sae ORBEA 59. What does the man want to do? (A) Get his money back, (B) Take another product. (C) Buy a celtular phone. (0) Try some cakes. 60, What is NOT mentioned about the X-100 model? (A) ts applications. (B) Its price. (C) Its quality. (0) Its popularity 61, Whois the man speaking with? (A) Aco-worker. (8) Abank teller. (C) Abaker (0) Asalesperson. 62. How did the man find this place? (A) He read about itin a newspaper ad. (B) He heard about itthrough a person he knows. (C) It was referred to him by a real estate agent. {D) He saw an ad posted on the window. 63. According to the woman, what is special about this place? (A) tis conveniently located. (B) thas many rooms. (©) ltis very affordable. {D) Itopens with a special key. 64, What will the woman do first? (A) Remove the for-rent sign. (B) Walk up to the fifth floor. {C) Bring out a lease agreement. (D) Retrieve the key. 65. Why is the woman being complimented? (A) She was promoted to the director's position. {B) She convinced Mr. Shaw to sign a contract (C) Her proposal was accepted by the directors. {D) Her co-workers have positive feelings for her. (66. What does the man say? (A) She gave a great talk (B) She should work a bit harder. (C) She will have to give a speech (D) She won't get the contract. bss 03 67, Who does the woman say is responsible for the outcome? (A) The keynote speaker. (B) Her team members. (©) The directors. (0) The man. 68, Where was the man bon? (A) Toronto, (B) Detroit. (C) Buffalo. (D) Los Angeles. 69, When did the man move to the city he now? (A) When he was a child (6) Three years ago. (C) During his high schoo! days. (D) He was born here. 70. Who is the man’s roommate? (A) Dave, (B) Steve, (C) Larry. (D) Jane, PART 4 Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk, Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken ‘only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 71. What's the purpose of the announcement? (A) To inform people of a policy change. (8) To publicize a new product. (C) To introduce the new sales manager. (0) To show appreciation for ood work 72, What has happened in the past six months? (A) There was a change in management. (B) Sales have steadily inereased. (C) The company bought cut a hotel (0) The performance of the workers were evaluated, 73. What is going to happen this weekend? (A) Anew company sales goal will be set. (©) The staff members will go on a trip. (C) There will be a luncheon party. (D) A family get-together wil take place. 74, What is Ms. Bartlett's current position? (A) Chief Executive Officer. (8) Consultant. (C) News reporter. (0) Food ert 75, When will Susan leave her job? (A) Atthe end of this wook (8) Sometime next month, (C) Later this year. (0) Early next year. 76. What has the company started doing? (A) Importing food from Asia. (8) Seeking a new leader. (C) Hiring more consultants. (D) Reporting business news. AA 77. Who most likely is listening to this talk? (A) Journalists. (8) Golfers. (C) Security guards. (0) Referees. 78. How long is the event supposed to last? (A) One day. (B) Two days. (C) Seven days. {D) Twenty days. 79, What does the speaker ask the listeners to do? (A) Prepare for the competition. (8) Tum off their cell phones, (©) Take tums asking questions. (D) Talk tothe security guar 80. Who is the intended audience for this talk? (A) Grocery store clerks. (B) Health club instructors. (C) Restaurant employees. () Company workers. 81, Which of the following was NOT mentioned by the speaker when mentioning the menu? (A) Appetizers. (B) Desserts. {C) Beverages. (D) Entrées. 82, According to the speaker, where will the listeners be able to see the information? (A) Next to the snack stand. (B) In the lunchroom. (C) On the internet. (D) In the staff room. 83. What is the talk mainly about? | (A) How to get a bargain during Christmas. (8) How to overcome stress at a workpla (C) How to become closer to family member | (0) How to drive safely during the holiday sea: | _ 84, Which of the following is NOT a tip mentioned by the speaker? (A) Don't drive alone. (B) Pull over when tired, (©) Drink a lot of coffee, (D) Do not drive too late. 85. How often is the show aired? (A) Every day. (8) Once a week (0) Twice a week (D) Only on weekdays. ‘86, What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To alert customers about a new dish. (8) To notify the staff about the new location of the restaurant, (C) To gather suggestions about a new menu for the place. (0) To announce a new chef for the restaurant. 87. What is going to happen at the end of the month? (A) They will move out to a new place. {B) The chef will renegotiate his contract. (C) A French restaurant will open next door. (0) The theater will hold its first Broadway play. _ 88, What is mentioned about the place? (A) Ithas recently opened. {B) Ithas a long history. | __ (©)Ithas the best food in town. (0) Itis very busy. ed by listeners 89, Who Is the speaker most ikely addressing? (A) A group of new employees. (B) A bunch of managers. (C) Some volunteer guides. (0) Cafeteria workers. 90. Who most likely is Mr. O'Brien? (A) The personnel manager. (B) The keynote speaker. (C) The company policy maker. (D) The production manager. $1. When will the listeners tour the factory floor? 0 3 (A) At 11:00. (B) At 12:0 (At 1:30, (0) At3:00, 92, According to the speaker, what is the goal of the survey? (A) To see if they can collect more money. (8) To find collections of old art. (C) To look into the cause of the damages. (0) To find ways to fix the damages. 93, What does the result of the survey report? (A) The place is beyond repairs. (8) The building is need of repairs. (C) The structure is in good condition. (D) The gallery is due for paint job. 94, What does the consultant advise? (A) To move to another more suitabio place. (B) To buy more art at the auction. (C) To recruit more volunteers to help out. (D) To respond right away to reduce future costs. 45 95, What is the talk mainly about? (A) The tour sites of the city. (B) The local businessmen. (C) The makeup of the city. (D) The famous shopping centers. 96, Which ofthe following is NOT mentioned about the underground structure? (A) ttconsists of many different types of shops. {B)Itis connected to places throughout the city. (C) It protects people from bad weather. (D) tis fully air-conditioned. What is mentioned about the weather in Toronto? (A) Itgoes up and down, B) Itis (C) Itis stable (D) Itis very windy. 98, According to the speaker, who would most benefit from multitasking? (A) Those who are too busy to exerci (B) People who are health conscious. (©) Cyclists who are seeking challenges. (D) People who live close to their workplace. 99. Which of the following is NOT a benefit mentioned by the speaker in the example given? (A) One can get a good workout. (B) One can learn to relax. (C) One can save some money. (D) One can finish work faster. 100. What will those who participate in the event receive at no cost? (A) Ameal @ Abicyele (C) Aheatth club membe (D) Arelaxation massage. a joned me, In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. ‘The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes, There are four parts, and directions fare given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Look at the example item below. Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk.” is the best description of the pioture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet. ac aeiaiacearai 61 an pri ctints 1. 12. 13. 14 15. 16. "7. 1B. 19, 24. 25. PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They wil be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet Example You will hear: Whereis the meeting room? the new director, You will also hear: (A) To on the right. The best response to the question “Where is the meeting room?” is choice (B), “t's the fst room on the right," so (B) is the correct answ iswer sheet. ould mark answer (B) on you Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 2%. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 29, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 30, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 98, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 34, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 98, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 8 ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. will the room, g sien clonnaone sheet. sheet. sheet. sheet. sheet. sheet. sheet. PART 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. 41, What does the man’s boss want him to do? (A) Cancel his dental appointment, (B) Move closer to the workplace. (C) Rearrange the furniture in the office, (0) Pick up the president from the airport 42, When will they get together to discuss the issue? (A) Monday. (B) Tuesday. (C) Thursday. (0) Friday. 43, What does the man say he will do Friday? (A) Attend a meeting with the boss. (8) Goona business trip. (C) Visit his dentist's office. {D) Work in his office. 44, Why's the woman thinking of taking a trip to Chicago? (A) To persuade someone. (6) To take a vacation. (C) To visita friend, (0) To accept an offer. = 04 45, How will the woman travel? (A) By bus. (B) By subway. (C) Bycar. (D) On foot, 48, What will the man do for the woman? (A) Buy her a ticket (B) Give her a lift to the station (C) Go with her on her trip. (D) Talk to her client, 5B ee — ‘a7. Why did the man detay his tip? (A) He got a discount on a later fight. {B) His meeting got postponed. (C) His fiend could not make iton time (0) He couldn't book a hotel room. 148, According to the woman, why is it hard to reserve ‘a room in New York this week? {A) The hotel workers have gone on a strike (B) Many visitors have swarmed the city (C) Some of the hotels aren't accepting bookings: (0) Alarge deposits required for reservations. 49, What can be inferred about the man? (A) He is a good businessinan. (8) He has some good contacts. (C) He travels alot (0) He has a lot of money. 50, Whatiis the man looking for? (A) An extra desk. (B) The meeting room. (C) Areport. (0) A pharmacy. 1. Who has what the man is looking for? (A) John. (B) Mr. Sato. (C) His secretary. {D) The director. 552, What does the woman advise the man to do? (A) Take it easy. (B) Work harder. (C) Give a speech. (D) Exercise more. 153, What will the man do this weekend? (A) Go to his brothers piace. (8) Watch a theatrical play. (C) Check out a film. (0) Aitend a musical performance. 54, What does the woman offer the man? (A) Free tickets. (8) A videotape. (C) Some popcorn (0) Aclassical book. 155, Where does the woman’s brother work? (a) Ata the (B) Ata bookstore ) Ata travel agency. tor. DJAta hotel. 56. Who did the man hear the news from? (A) His boss. (8) Jack (©) The director. (D) Asaies rep. 57. Who is going to be the most affected by the news? (A) The directors. (8) The middle manage (C) The sales staf (D) The new employees. 58. Why is the sensor being installed? (A) To prevent the machines from overeating. (B) To stop accidents from oceurring. (C) To keep out intruders. (D) To cut down on overhead costs. i ithe heating. 59, Why is Rick having a party? (A) To celebrate his birthday. (B) To welcome people to his new place, (C) To publicize his recent promotion, {D) To entertain an important client. ‘60, What will the woman be doing during lunch? (A) Meet with Eric. (B) Shop for a gift. (C) Attend a party. (0) Pick up her car. @1, Why did the man use public transportation today? (A) His car isin the auto repair shop. (B) He can't afford the price of gas anymore. (C) His usual ride was not available. (D) He got rid of his car. 62, What will he man do today? (A) Prepare for a presentation. (8) Make a speech. (C) Look for a job. {D) Compete in a race. 63. How does the man feel? (A) Salt-assured. (8) Sett-con: (©) Fortunate, (0) Terrible. is, 64, What does the man say he will do if they get caught in traffic? (A) Take another road. (8) Run to the meeting place. (C) Call and delay the meeting. {D) Have someone else attend the meeting. 65, What are they discussing? (A) Anew account they won, (B) A person they both work with (C) Anewly recruited employee. (0) Acollege they both attended. 66, Who will the new employee work closest with? (A) Sean, (8) John. (C) Janice. (0) Ron. 67. How did Henry learn about the company? (A) He read an ad in the paper. (B) He was told about it by someone he knows. (C) He used to work for the company before. (D) He was approached by a job recruiting agency. R 04 68. Where is the conversation taking place? (A) Ata movie theater. (B) Ata hotel front desk. (C) In a computer store. (D) Ina restaurant, 69. What seems to be the problem? (A) Ammistake has occurred in the bill. (6) The service at the restaurant was slow. (C) The food was delivered to the wrong room. {D) The computer is not working properly. 70. What did the man do in the morning? (A) He met a client. (B) He watched a movie. (C) He stayed in his room, (D) He was taking care of a problem, PART 4 Directions: You wil! hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer | three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk. Select the best response to each TI. Who is Mr. Paget? (A) Achet. (8) Ahotel manager. (C) A teacher. (D) A grocary store clerk 72. According to the speaker, what is his main job? (A) To great the customers. (6) To think up new dishes. {C) To conduct cooking lessons. (D) To stock fresh ingredients. 73, What does the speaker ask those who have questions to do? (A) Jot them down and ask later. (B) Talk to Mr. Paget right away. (C) E-mail them to him after the talk. (D) Approach him before the talk. 74, Who most likely is giving the talk? (A) Atour guide. (B) Acateteria worker. (©) Awaiter. (D) Acompany employee. 75. What time does the place open? (A) Atten. (B) Atnine. (C) Ateight. (D) At seven, 76, What is available throughout the day? (A) Sandwiches. (B) Hot meals. (C) Hot coffee. {D) Light snacks, question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken | only one time and will not be printed in your test book. TT. How often does the show air? (A) Every day. (B) Once a week (©) On (0) Tw nds, XK. aw 78. Who might be interested in listening to the show? (A) Those who collateral (B) People who wi businesses (C) People who want to mak (D) Those who are seeking careers as consultants. nt to borrow money without 79, How can the listeners ask Morris questions? (A) By coming to the show. (€) By sending e-mails. {C) By calling the station. (0) By talking to him in person. 80, Why is the caller leaving a message? (A) He is returning a phone call (6) He wants to book tickets to the opera. (C) He hopes to get a discount on future tickets. (D) He can't attend the performance tomorrow. 81. According to the speaker, what should Mr. Duvall do by 5 p.m.? (A) Pay for the tickets. (B) Reserve seats. (C) doin a group. (D) Show up at the theater. How can Mr, Duvall get the discount? (A) By showing up at the theater early. (8) By paying for the tickets in cash {C) By making a phone call (0) By becorning a member. inswer > each spoken >the show? without resiments, stions? era. 119 tickets. omorrow. Mr, Duvall : ; t ¥ 83. Where is the speech taking place? (A) Ata classroom, 8) Ata library. (C)Ata museum. (0)Atan exhibition, 84, According to the speaker, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reflection of life of the Old Town? (A) Pictures. (B) Papers. (0) Artworks. (D) Books, 85, Who helped make this exhibition happen? (A) Alocal bookstore. (8) An art galtery. (C) Acommunity library. (D) The town mayor. ‘86. Why is the caller leaving the message? (A) To invite Mr. Jackson to make a presentation. (8) To respond back to a call made earlier. (C) To ask the receiver to send a quote. (0) To ask questions about a proposal. 87. When is the closing date? (A) In two weeks. (6) In three weeks. (C) In five weeks. (0) In six weeks. What should Mr. Jackson do if he has any questions? (A) Refer to the guide (B) Look on the website. (C) Phone Ms. Erickson. (0) Call the head architect. 89, What is the purpose of the speech? (A) To congratulate his mother on achieving her goal. (8) To thank those who helped him win the award. (C) To launch a new electronic gadget. (0) To reveal the secret to making money. 90, How did the speaker first become interested in his field of work? (A) He took a class in school. {B) His mother introduced him to it (C) His friend got him a job. (0) He read about it in a magazine. 81. Why does the speaker say he is a lucky man? x (A) He makes a living doing what he likes. 0 Z (8) He has a very wealthy mother. (C) He travels all over America. (D) He has enough time for his hobbies. 92, Who most likely is giving the talk? (A) tour guide. (B) Mr. Blackbum. (C) Ahistory teacher. (D) A restaurant host. 93, What does the speaker say about historic Wetherby Mansion? (A) itis haunted. (B) lis very old (C) Itis traditional. (D) Itis in the city. 94, Which of the following best describes Blackbum ‘Tower Park? (A) Itis located on the outskirts of the city. (B) The place has become a landmark of the city. (C) There are hills near the place, (0) Itis owned by the famous Lady Wetherby. 59 ;. What is the purpose of the speech? 98. Who is the intended audience of this talk? (A) To say goodbye to the leader of the company. (A) Family restaurant staff q (6) To congratulate a co-worker on his success. (B) Retail storeowners. Ee (C) To give a toast to the graduating students. (C) Electricians. j (D) To welcome the new president of the (D) Mechanics. company, f 98, What is implied about the products Activate Tools \ 96, When did Mr. Brown start working for the sells? ty company? (A) Alot of care has been put into their making. (a) In 1965, (6) They are made to target the upper-class | (8) Four years ago. market. i (C) After graduating from college. (C) They are only sold in specific stores. i (D) Right after he finished serving in the Marines. {D) They are tailor-made only by order. 97. What does the speaker say about Mr. Brown? 100, Which of the following is NOT included in the (A) He will be a great president. company’s plan? (B) He Is the most successful leader to date. (A) The plan to add another department. (C) He is going to join the army soon. (B) The plan to break into the intemational (0) He goes to school at nights. market. (C) The plan to build tailor-made items to suit each customer's needs. (0) The plan to mass produce better-selling products. t : aii ae ecieeiidiciaatiinamicniai Tools | ing. the suit - LISTENING TES! In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English, “The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test book. PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture In your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Look at the example item below. Example Statement (B), “The man is working at the desk." is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (B) and mark it on your answer sheet.

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