Vstep Actual Test 1 - Test 2 - Lis

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PHAN 1: NGHE HIEU - VSTEP Thdi gian: Khoang 40 phit S6 cau hoi: 35 Directions: In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts in this section with special directions for each part. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers in the recording. There will be time for you to read the instructions and you will have a chance to check your work. The recording will be played ONCE only. Time allowance: about 40 minutes, including 05 minutes to transfer your answers to your answer sheet. [Pi Directions: In this part, you will hear EIGHT short announcements or instructions. There is one question for each announcement or instruction. For each question, choose the right answer A, B, C or D. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and “ill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer that you have chosen. Now, let’s listen to an example. On the recording, you will hear: Woman: Hello. This is the travel agency retumning your call. You left a message about the holiday you’ve booked, asking which meals are included in the cost during your stay at Sunny Hotel. Lunch and dinner are free but if you wish to have breakfast in the hotel, you will need to pay an extra amount of money, depending on what you order. Let me know if I can help you with any other information. Goodbye. On the test book, you will read: Which meal is NOT included in the price of the holiday? A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Dinner D. All The correct answer is A. Breakfast. Now, let's begin with the first question. Ee i. Where has the woman just been? A. At the shops B. At the cinema C. Ina café D. At home 2. Who is the man’s message for? A. A teacher B. His secretary C. His wife D. His boss 3. What is the woman doing? A. Complaining B. Apologizing C. Requesting information. D. Complimenting 4. What is the teenager talking about? A. ACD player B. A computer game C. An electric guitar D. A book 5. Why is the zoo on the news? . An unusual birth has taken place. . Experts have discovered how to encourage breeding. Warm weather has Jed to exceptional number of visitors. Pre ener eet one . There has been an accigent. voOw> 6. Where has the man been on his holiday? A. inanother city B. Beside the sea C. Ona farm D. In the mountains 7. Bow does the man feel? . Surprised . Pleased . Exhausted . lititated yaw > 8. What is on the radio? A, The weather forecast B. Traffic news C. Sports news D. Political news PART 2-Questions 9 : RE i rsations will not nyersations. The convers: of meg sation. For each questions for each conve! B, CorD. In this part, you will hear Tl be repeated. There are four question, choose the correct answer A, = it. Questions 9 to 12: Listen toa lecturer talking to anew studen 9. What is the purpose of this conversation? A. To acquaint the student and the assistant lecturer B. To find out about the American authors being taught C. To ascertain the grading method of the course D. To figure out how to study for the lectures 10. How long should the student's essays be? A. Four pages B. Four months C. Four lectures D. Four authors 11. If the student passes all fifteen quizzes, how much of her final grade will they represent? A. 10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 30% 12. What will Mary Jane probably do? A. Research American writers B. Miss some lecture quizzes C. Visit Dr Addlestone's office D. Buy a typewriter Questions 13 to 26. Listen to a conversation between two students in their dormitory during registration week. ay are these young men in conversation? A. They are getting acquainted. B. They are distributing their belongings. C. They are deciding their majors. D. They are composing a shopping list. 14. Where will they keep their shoes? Ain the closet B. under the bed C. in their cartons D. side by side 15. Where have they arranged to meet? A. at the campus stores B. back at their room C. at the registration desk D. in the campus restaurant 16. What will probably happen next? A. They will set up the sound system. B. They will agree on a shopping list. C. They will pick up a bookcase. D. The young man will finish unpacking his suitcases. Questions 17 to 20. Listen to a conversation between a student and a registration clerk during registration week. 17. Which best describes the student's current activity? A. He is collecting his time cards. B. Heis seeking a program. C. He is filling in his timetable. D. He is completing his schedule. 18. What is the problem with Laboratory Section 22? A. He needs to take another class first. B. It is held at the same time as another class. C. It is too late on Friday. D. It is too early in the morning. 19. For how many sections does the student register? ad B.2 (C3) D.4 20. How would you characterize the student? A. He is a morning person. B. He is a night owl. C. He is an eager beaver. D. He is lackadaisical. | PART 3:Questions 21-35 | ‘| In this part, you will kear THREE talks or lectures. The talks or lectures will not be repeated. There are five questions for each talk or lecture. For each question, choose the right answer A,B, C or D. Questions 21 to 25. 21. What aspect of marine food chains does the professor mainly discuss? A. food webs B. energy transfer C. trophic relationships D. seafood harvesting -- — 22. According to the speaker, what does heterotrophic mean? ~~ A. Creatures that feed on fish B. Producers, consumers and decomposers. C. Organisms unable to produce food by themselves. D. The primary consumers in marine food chains | 23, According to the professor, why is herring healthier for us than tuna? ! A. Herring have a more efficient food chain. |! B. Tuna eat more phytoplankton. C. Herring live in coastal areas. li D. Tuna are predators of herring. 24. In the lecture, the professor describes a simple marine food chain. Which of the following is mentioned in the lecture as part of this chain? A. cod fish B. whales C. phytoplankton D. sharks 25. How does the professor introduce the topic of seafood? A. He gives an example. B. He tells a joke. C. He asks a question. D. He quotes an expert. Questions 26 to 30. 26. What is the lecture mainly about? A. The history of integuments B. The distinction between seeds and nuts C. The botanical definition of a nut D. The nutritional value of nuts and seeds 27. Why does the author mention acorns, chestnuts, and walnuts? A. They do not have seeds B. They are classified as nuts C. They are kinds of popular plants D. People can call them both nuts and seeds 28. According to the professor, how do botanists define a seed? A. Itis the part of a plant that will reproduce itself when germinated. B. Itis any keel used in cooking that is found within a shell. C. Itis a plant fruit that does not attach itself to the ovary of a nut. D. It is a plant embryo completely encased in an integument. 29. Why does the professor mention kernels? A. To compare chestnut seeds with watermelon seeds B. To highlight the confusion between nuts and seeds C. To argue against the botanical definition ofa nut D. To illustrate a point about compound ovaries 30. What is true of both nuts and seeds? A. They have an embryo plus an integument. B. They have a plant fruit unattached to an ovary. C. They are extremely nutritious. D. They will grow into new plants when buried. Questions 31 to 35. 31. What is the main topic of the lecture? A. Women-centered history B. The contribution approach C. The victim approach D. Historical models 32. Why does the professor mention Jane Addams? A. To argue against traditional US historical models B. To correct a misimpression about the Nobel Peach Prize C. To illustrate an example of female roles on US history D. To demonstrate his knowledge of historical trivia _33. When did Jane Addams receive the Nobel Peace Prize? ~ A. 1930 4 Ans, ea B. 1931 C. 1932 D. 1933 34. According to the professor, what is one problem with contribution approach? A. It makes the plight of women seem overly dramatic. B. It ignores the most outstanding women. C. it overemphasizes men's oppression of women. D. It does not factor in women's familial social roles. 35. Which of the following describes the victim approach to US History? A. Itasks, "What have women done?" B. Itasks, "How have men oppressed women?" C. It asks, "How have women helped men?" D. It claimsthat gender is an important historical distinction. This is the end of the listening paper. Now you have 05 MINUTES to transfer your answers to your answer sheet.

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