Kindergarten Lesson Plan

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Intern Name: Michelle, Kayla, Taylor, Allison, Janet, Elizabeth, Dallas

Lesson Title (Subject/Topic): Living vs Nonliving

Grade: Kindergarten
Length of Lesson:
Date Taught: 2/18/2020
In this lesson…
Students will watch a video about living and nonliving things. The students will
be given the characteristics of living and nonliving things, and then they will
Overview sort cards into living and nonliving categories. Students will be shown a series
of items, and will state whether it is living or nonliving and why.

ELA.K.6.4 Identify facts and information relevant to the topic.

SCI.K.0.2 Separate a set of objects into two groups based on a single physical

Standards of ELA.K.1.1g Use voice level, phrasing and intonation appropriate for various
Learning language situations.

ELA.K.6.4 Identify facts and information relevant to the topic.

What is the difference between living and nonliving things?

Essential Questions Can the students differentiate living and nonliving things?

Students will be able to…

Know the difference between living and nonliving things.
Objectives Students will be able to provide characteristics of living and nonliving things.
Students will be able to sort things into living and nonliving groups.

I can identify how living and nonliving things are different.

I can explain how living things change.
Learning Target I can identify facts from a nonfiction text to help me learn about living
Necessary Prior Students should know what each object is. Ex: students should know what
a dog is or what a rock is.
● Card sort
● Living vs Nonliving checklist
Materials ● Dry erase markers for checklist
● Crayons/markers to color in the card sort
Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRA—South Carolina © 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)
To start off the lesson students will watch a Youtube video called Living and
Non-Living Things. This will allow students to be introduced to the topic and
help them understand what it is about. It will help students to begin focusing on
Introduction/Hook the topic and the lesson about to be given. The video will be shown through a
screen share.
● Students will learn about what makes something living or nonliving
through a powerpoint slide and examples of living and nonliving things.
Students will get to see real life examples of both living and nonliving
things. Students will then see powerpoint slides listing the
characteristics of living things. There will be a printed version of all of
Instructional the characteristics for students to work with for their activity.
● Students will work in pairs and sort different plants, animals, and objects
Activities & into categories. They will be given a laminated checklist to decide
Strategies whether it is a living or nonliving. When finished, students will begin
coloring in the items that they sorted.

Key Vocabulary or Living, nonliving, needs, recall information, facts, topic, conversation
The students will go around the room and name one living and one nonliving
Assessments thing, and explain why those things are living or nonliving.

The students will go around the room and name one living and one nonliving
Closure Activity thing, and explain why those things are living or nonliving.

● Students are working in pairs instead of a group of 3-4 due to Covid

Accommodations ● Students will be using their own materials rather than sharing to limit
germ exposure
● The lesson is taught using mostly visuals for the visual learners
Living vs. Nonliving Things Video
Living vs. Nonliving Checklist and Card Sort
Resources Living vs. Nonliving Powerpoint

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name:
Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRA—South Carolina © 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)
Lesson Title (Subject/Topic):
Date of Lesson Taught:
Cooperating Teacher & School
Time of Day:

1. What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit your lesson?

2. How did the SOLs and Objectives help focus your instruction?

3. What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?

4. What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began?

5. How well did you anticipate the materials needed?

6. How effective was the assessment you chose to use? (If no assessment was used, what will the future
assessment be and how will you gauge its effectiveness?)

7. To what degree do you feel that this lesson was a success? What evidence do you have for the success of
the lesson? (Hint: Student learning is the key to a lesson’s success!)

8. How did the time spent preparing for your lesson contribute to it’s success?

9. If you could do this lesson again with the same students, would you do anything differently? If so, what?

10. Any last comments/reflections about your lesson?

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRA—South Carolina © 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)
Lesson Plan Assignment: Grade Sheet
Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow I

Intern Name: ______________________________

Refer to the comments written ​on​ your lesson plan for detailed feedback.
Needs a few
Ready to Your
additions or Incomplete
Teach! Score
Overview, SOLs, essential questions, objectives (10)
Introduction/hook & closure (10)
Instructional activities (20)
Accommodations (10)
Assessment (5)
Vocab, materials, resources (5)
Supplemental materials, if applicable (5)

Total (65)

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRA—South Carolina © 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)

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