3D Book: This Paper Is Compiled To Fulfill Material Assignments

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This Paper is Compiled to Fulfill Material Assignments

Arranged by :
Salvezza Khalifa Radewa
Graphic Engineering Class II B


St. Srengseng Sawah Raya No.17, RT.8/RW.3, Srengseng Sawah, Kec. Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12630

Table Of Contents

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................1
1.1  The Background..........................................................................................................................1
1.2  The Purpose................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Vision and Mission.......................................................................................................................2
1.3.1. Vision...................................................................................................................................2
1.3.2. Mission................................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II FEASIBILITY..........................................................................................................................3
2.1 SWOT Analysis.............................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER III MARKET ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................5
3.1 Consumer Profile.........................................................................................................................5
3.2 Market Potential and Segmentation............................................................................................5
3.2.1. Market Potential..................................................................................................................5
3.3 Competitors and Market Opportunities......................................................................................5
3.3.1 Competitors..........................................................................................................................5
3.3.2 Market Opportunities...........................................................................................................5
3.4 Promotion Media Used................................................................................................................5
3.5 Marketing Strategy to Be Implemented......................................................................................6
CHAPTER IV CLOSING.............................................................................................................................7
4.1 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................7


1.1  The Background
     in this globalization era, people are lazy to read, so I wanna make people want to read,
especially for children, then made this 3d book.

            A pop up is a card or book that when opened can display a 3-dimensional (3D) or
raised shape. The definition is a simple explanation that is often conveyed to some people
who are unfamiliar with pop up books or children's 3D books.

Over time, this paper technology continues to develop. Not a few studies were conducted,
especially regarding the impact of pop ups on children. The existence of pop ups that still
exist today proves that these pop up books or 3D children's books have a positive influence
on the child's growth and development process. One of them is to stimulate children's

1.2  The Purpose
 To Expanding the Imagination Power
Imajination is built from references. The broader the reference a child has, the wider the
child's imagination. Imagination ability works directly with children's creativity. Well, this
pop up book enriches children's references, both from the content of the story, as well as from
the form of its 3D illustrations.
         To share bussiness experience
This bussiness has good prospects to be developed by many people. And then, if we share
this bussiness experience to others, 3d book will be widely known by many people.
         To get high profit
Besides our product can be known by many people, getting high profit is one of our goals in
increasing the progress of the bussines.
 To open market opportunity.
Even though many competitors are range in the same business, but we work around with the
different innovation of the products that already exist.
 To provide the best service to consumers.
Service is one of important aspects in increasing the quality of the business. We must be
better doing the excellent service to consumers.
 To make make people especially children interested in reading.
Because people are now lazy to read, so I want to make it from children who like to read

1.3 Vision and Mission
1.3.1. Vision
Providing quality, interesting, and different books so that people are interested in reading

1.3.2. Mission
1. Collaborate with quality publishers.

2. Print books that are useful in all circles.

3. Producing high-quality books.

4. Market the product by optimizing all aspects of technology and space.


2.1 SWOT Analysis

          Before we do the business activities, we must pay attention to the problems and threats
which can disturb our business activities in the future and we have to find the opportunity that
is profitable to run our business. Therefore, we must make business plan by using SWOT
analysis. They are:
         Strength
         Weakness
         Opportunity
         Threat
          By SWOT analysis, we can find the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat of the
business that can increase our product.

          Here is the SWOT Analysis of 3d book:

1.        Stimulate creativity.
To anyone, when you first see a pop up on a book, they will certainly be amazed. How not, it
requires patience to make it. How about what was originally folded sheets of books. As soon
as the sheet is opened, the pop-up rises up, becomes a space, real three-dimensional
2.        Cultivating the soul of art.
The art can simply be understood as an effort to explore the surroundings while creating,
producing beauty. The depth of a person in understanding beauty depends on references and
experience of beauty itself.
3.       Introduce it to accuracy
The book of pop-up stories of animals was made carefully and thoroughly. Pop up is
basically paying attention to details, little things. Pop ups are made with great precision. Can
not be careless. For children, at some stage, they may not even think about this. However,
indirectly, his brain will record everything he sees until later in life, maybe the child will
realize it.

1. 3D books are still rare in circulation.
2. The price is rather expensive than usual
3. In making it more difficult than ordinary books

1.      More interesting than ordinary books.
2.      Needed for children's learning.

D.      THREAT
1.      It is already rare for people who are interested in reading books.


3.1 Consumer Profile

The target consumers are kindergartens and elementary school children.

3.2 Market Potential and Segmentation

3.2.1. Market Potential

a. Middle and high school schools in the Jakarta Regency and its surroundings.

b. Book Bazaar.

c. Bookstore.

d. Special events such as national holidays.

3.3 Competitors and Market Opportunities

3.3.1 Competitors

It can be said that there are not many competitors in this business because in making it
is quite difficult and people are rarely fond of reading.
3.3.2 Market Opportunities

Seeing the results of the analysis of competitors and considerable potential, this
entrepreneurship still has considerable opportunities.

3.4 Promotion Media Used

Promotional media that will be used through:

a. Brochure
Make a brochure that contains several examples of shirts that have been printed.

b. Seminar or Event
Collaborate or sponsor an activity such as; Seminars, Talkshows, Discussions and
also participated in exhibitions.

c. Human
Using word of mouth techniques, notifications from friends to other friends about
the business they run.

d. Internet
using internet media such as: blogs, and social networks.

3.5 Marketing Strategy to Be Implemented

The strategy to be applied by using the concept of Michael Porter, namely:

a. Differentiation

We try to present a book business that is different from other books by

using 3D technology that will make it more interesting than ordinary books.

b. The place

Choose a strategic marketing area, namely bookstores and the internet

c. Marketing strategy

By creating an official account on Instagram and making an official


d. Cost Strategy

To introduce the initial product we will do a cheap promo. Because it

uses a promotion method on the internet.


4.1 Conclusion

           3d books are still rare books that provide more benefits than books in general, which
stimulates creativity in children, fosters the soul of art, and provides accuracy. with this 3d
book will provide benefits for all people, including businesses



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