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Parts of Speech Exercise

Collective Noun
1. The old man is carrying a sack of rice on his back.

2. I drink a ____________ (Milo) every night.

3. Before he writes a story, he reads books to get _______________


4. The children are playing with a _______________ (sand).

5. There is a _________________ (Science).


Invitation examination difficulty responsibility

experience tourists television development
game production

1. Nora needs a pair of spectacles because she has ____________ reading

small print.
2. He hurt himself while playing basketball so he could not continue playing
in the _____________.
3. Majid was well prepared for the ____________ because he studied hard
throughout the year.
4. The Rubber Research Institute carries out research in the ____________
of the rubber industry.
5. The new 80 inch ______________ costs RM 9999.
6. Maria accepted the ______________ to go to Joseph’s party.
7. It is he _____________ of the police to protect the citizens of a country
from law breakers.
8. There was a poor turnout for the drama because of the artists’ low
quality ___________.
9. Fishing at night can be an unforgettable ______________.
10.Pulau Pangkor is very popular among foreigh and local ___________.
1. Mr. Tan is a good worker. Encik Ali, his employer recommends
_________ for promotion.
2. The bus will leave without _________ if the girls do not hurry.
3. This boat belongs to them. It is __________.
4. Anna feeds her rabbit with fresh vegetables daily. This rabbit of ______
grows well.
5. We ___________ carried the heavy suitcase up the building.
6. It is dangerous for children to cross the road by __________.
7. ___________ is the tallest student in this class?
8. This is the man _______ (who/whom) you were talking about.
Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.
1. The campus is located on hilly ground.
2. It is located in the busy city of Kota Kinabalu.
3. It offers different courses to school leavers.
4. Students register at this established university to further their studies.
5. These hardworking students attend lectures and do their coursework.
6. The students are polite as well.
7. The university has modern facilities.
8. The canteens serve delicious food.
9. The spacious lecture rooms allow students to interact with each other
10.Experienced lecturers prepare notes and teach the students.
Dear Lim

I am very sad. My grandmother passed away and I (1) ____________ her

terribly. Two weeks ago, my 90 year old grandmother (2) ____________ up late
at night and (3) ___________ to go downstairs. Unfortunately for her, she (4)
_____________ down the stairs. None of us (5) ____________ her fall. The
next morning when my father (6) _______________ about to go for work, he
(6) __________ her unconscious at the foot of the stairs. She (7) ___________
a severe cut on her head. We (8) _____________ her to the hospital and the
doctors (9) _____________ their best for her. She (10) ____________ into a
coma for a week and she died without regaining consciousness.
Do write or better still come and visit me. I know you will be able to cheer me

Your good friend


Went tumbled found decided woke

Had had did heard took missed
Subject- Verb Agreement Exercise:

1. Either Ali or Abu ___________ (have) the suitcase.

2. Both the success architects ____________ (be) in the same architecture


3. Twenty- three kilometers ___________ (seem) too far to walk in 30


4. There ___________ (be) a lot of sugar in this tin.

5. The list of things to buy ____________ (include) two jars of jam and two

loaves of bread.

6. Everybody ___________ (leave) the apartment whenever the fire alarm

__________ (go) off.

7. The clinic is closed. The doctor, as well as the nurses, ____________

(have) chicken pox.

8. There ___________ (be) sixty minutes for cooking the chicken soup.

9. Two of the workers always _______________ (arrive) earlier than the


10.Neither Alex nor his brothers ________________ (smoke).

11.No two babies in the world ________________ (have) the same growth


12.RM 300000 ______________ (be) too much to pay for a two-bedroom


13.Either the executives or the clerks ____________ (have) their coffee

break at 9 a.m.

14.Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator ____ going
to have to make a decision. (is/are)
15.______ my boss or my sisters in the union going to win this grievance?

16.Some of the votes __________ to have been miscounted. (seem/seems)

18.George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.

19.The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring _____ more than
just a nuisance. (is/are)

20.Everyone selected to serve on this jury _____ to be willing to give up a lot

of time. (has/have)

21.Kara Wolters, together with her teammates, _________ a formidable

opponent on the basketball court. (presents/present)

22.One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.

24.Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.
26.The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.
28.He seems to forget that there __________ things to be done before he can
graduate. (is/are)

29.There _______ to be some people left in that town after yesterday's flood.

30.Some of the grain __________ to be contaminated. (appear/appears)

Three-quarters of the student body __________ against the tuition hike.
A high percentage of the population _________ voting for the new
school. (is/are)

33.The piano as well as the pipe organ ____________ to be tuned for the big
concert. (has/have)

34.The mayor together with his two brothers ____________ going to be

indicted for accepting bribes. (is/are)

35.There ____________ a list of committee members on the head-table.


36.Either the Committee on Course Design or the Committee on College

Operations ____________ these matters. (decide/decides)

Exercise : Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise

Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.

2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.

3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.

4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.

5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.

6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.

7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.

8. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.

9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.

10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.

11. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.

12. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.

13. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.

14. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?

15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite

16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.

17. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?

18. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.

19. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!

20. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.

21. The committee (leads, lead) very different lives in private.

22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press cordially.

23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.

Answer : Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise

1. Annie and her brothers are at school.

2. Either my mother or my father is coming to the meeting.

3. The dog or the cats are outside.

4. Either my shoes or your coat is always on the floor.

5. George and Tamara don't want to see that movie.

6. Benito doesn't know the answer.

7. One of my sisters is going on a trip to France.

8. The man with all the birds lives on my street.

9. The movie, including all the previews, takes about two hours to watch.

10. The players, as well as the captain, want to win.

11. Either answer is acceptable.

12. Every one of those books is fiction.

13. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.

14. Is the news on at five or six?

15. Mathematics is John's favorite subject, while Civics is Andrea's favorite subject.

16. Eight dollars is the price of a movie these days.

17. Are the tweezers in this drawer?

18. Your pants are at the cleaner's.

19. There were fifteen candies in that bag. Now there is only one left!

20. The committee debates these questions carefully.

21. The committee lead very different lives in private.

22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, greets the press cordially.

23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, are in this case.

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