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 Exercises (Module 3 Page 8-9) -> Adjectives

1. Language is context
a. Identify all the adjectives in this passage.
Adjectives : Foggy, Drab, Misty, red, huge, rumbling, dark, dingly, ugly, broken-down,
hissing, heavy, thick, hopeless, pale-blue, loathsome, entire, damb, and wet.
Grammars the following as adjectives : First & Enough.
The passage also contains a number of adjectives like form, these include the participle
form filled, glowing, reduced and suspended, and the modifying nouns shop, xoin, wool,
gas and job.

b. Which of these adjective are derived from nouns ?

Misty, Foggy, Hopeless -> Hope
c. Which of these adjectives are derived from verbs ?
Loathsome, Rumbling, Hissing.
d. Which of these adjectives are multiword forms ?
Broken-down, Pale-blue
e. Identify any prefixes of suffixes which are characteristic of adjectives.
 Prefix has none of the adjectives
 The words in passage with “adjective” suffixed are misty, foggy and loathsome.
2. Learner’s English

Adjectives : Seriously, Brightly, Smilingly, Passionately.

She attempts to make the following plural : Blonds, longs, blues, reds.

The learner’s uses the following after rather than before the nouns they refer to : -very hard-
working and seriouslt person, a little crooked nose, bright red lips.

We need to uses long, blond, rather blond, long.

We would say a little crooked nose rather than little and crooked.

She mistakes the formbof hard-working.

Incorrect constructs a number of axpressions with:
 With : ‘Clothes with brightly colours -> Very Colourful Clothes/Brightly coloured
 With lips brightly reds -> Bright red lips.
 I am ussually a character with passionately -> I have a very passionate nature.

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