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Sarah Dasalla 11 Stem b- Euclid


A disaster is a sudden, calamitous event that seriously disrupts the functioning of a community or
society and causes human, material, and economic or environmental losses that exceed the
community's or society's ability to cope using its own resources. Though often caused by nature,
disasters can have human origins.

Differentiate the risk factors underlying disasters

Underlying disaster risk drivers — also referred to as underlying disaster risk factors — include poverty
and inequality, climate change and variability, unplanned and rapid urbanization and the lack of disaster
risk considerations in land management and environmental and natural resource management

Describe the effects of disasters on one’s life

In a disaster, you face the danger of death or physical injury. You may also lose your home, possessions,
and community. Such stressors place you at risk for emotional and physical health problems. Stress
reactions after a disaster look very much like the common reactions seen after any type of trauma.

Explain how and when an event becomes a disaster

Identify areas or locations exposed to hazards that may lead to disasters

A natural event only becomes a disaster when it impacts human life, property, or livelihood. The greater
the number of vulnerable populations living in an at-risk area, the more likely an event will be
categorized as a catastrophe. ... Hazard mitigation plans are beginning to incorporate social vulnerability

Analyze disasters from the physical psychological socio cultural economic political and biological

Physical- The physical effects on both the people and the environment will depend on the level of
destruction the disaster brings people do get hurt in typhoons,earthquakes,fires and tsunamis so
assuming the disaster is massive the effect would be long lasting because of the loss of lives and injuries.

Psychological- Along with the physical change comes the psychological one to have your house
destroyed is something you wont forget not mention loosing or should because of the disaster these
events strike at the heart of every community and can drive a person mad.

Socio-cultural- It is very hart to change peoples culture so a disaster wont have much of an impact
people will still help each and pick up their lives and move on if that is their culture.

Economic- This is a different case a community’s economy can be destroyed and may take a long time to
recover the normal routine of many fracturing, delivering and selling of goods can be put to a standstill.

Political- This is where the districts leader like the congressman,mayor,barangay captain will need to
shine how he leads to the disaster may determine his or her future in the next election.
Biological- The biological effect of a disaster is self healing remember all these animals and plants have
been dealing with these types of events long before we were is only when our man made
structures of creations collide with their habitat that the true problem for that area of the biosphere


1. with all the advances in technology why can't we still not prevent disaster from

We can't stop natural phenomena from happening. But we can make them less
damaging if we understand better why they happen, and what we can do to prevent or
mitigate them.

Since people are partly responsible for disasters happening, we have to change what
we are doing wrong, in order to avoid or reduce the impact of natural phenomena.

Every community must get to know its own features and surroundings: the natural
environment as well as environment built by human beings. This is the only way for a
community to manage the hazards that surround it and to reduce its own vulnerability to
these hazards.

Don't be scared, be prepared!

2. what is the role of poverty in increasing vulnerability to natural hazards

Clearly, poverty is a major contributor to vulnerability. Poor people are more likely to
live and work in areas exposed to potential hazards, while they are less likely to have the
resources to cope when a disaster strikes. In richer countries, people usually have a
greater capacity to resist the impact of a hazard.

3. how does a disaster affect us

In a disaster, you face the danger of death or physical injury. You may also lose your
home, possessions, and community. Such stressors place you at risk for emotional and
physical health problems. Stress reactions after a disaster look very much like the
common reactions seen after any type of trauma.

4. what factor might be responsible for the increasing trend of the number of natural
disaster and the losses incurred from disaster
Population increase, climate change, increasing urbanization and environmental
degradation are some of the drivers of future disaster risk for poor people worldwide. ...
Deforestation, overgrazing and land degradation have damaged ecosystems and are
exacerbating the risks of disasters such as floods or landslides.

Population growth. There is an obvious connection between the increase in losses from a
disaster and the increase in population. ...

Rapid urbanization. ...

Transitions in cultural practices. ...

Environmental degradation.

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