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Technical ALERT

FLAG - Mud Compressibility Factor do not always


What happened
On a specific job, where the Flow IN was measured with a flowmeter, it has been requested to
correct the measured Flow IN for compressibility effect. It has been observed on several jobs
where the Flow IN was computed from the pump stroke counters that this correction was still
applied when it shouldn’t.
In order to prevent the system to apply the correction on the rigs where the Flow IN is computed
from the pump stroke counters, it is compulsory to set the value of the compressibility factor to

In order to ensure computed Flow IN from the rig pumps is not affected by this coefficient the Data
Analyst / Flag Analyst shall:
1. Contact the address to implement
2. Upon confirmation from Flag support, go the EKD tab on the Setup Panel
3. Set the Mud Compressibility factor to 0 1/GPa
4. Click on Validate
5. Restart Diag Tree Process on the Administration Console of your MASTER server
The CFI/CFO now will work correctly.

 All Data Analysts/ FLAG engineers must set the Mud Compressibility to 0 1/GPa on all
ongoing FLAG jobs working on GN4 acquisition systems.
 All Data Analysts / FLAG Engineers rigging up and setting their FLAG systems working on
GN4 acquisition systems must set the Mud Compressibility to 0 1/GPa on all.

Alert No Issued by Approved by Date

6885531 Charles Jolas Florian Leblay August 20th, 2016

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