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Fluoridated elastomers: Effect on the

microbiology of plaque
Philip E. Benson, PhD, FDS (Orth),a C. W. Ian Douglas, BSc, PhD,a and Michael V. Martin, PhD, FRCPathc
Sheffield and Liverpool, United Kingdom

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of fluoridated elastomeric ligatures on the
microbiology of local dental plaque in vivo. This randomized, prospective, longitudinal, clinical trial had a
split-mouth crossover design. The subjects were 30 patients at the beginning of their treatment with fixed
orthodontic appliances in the orthodontic departments of the Liverpool and the Sheffield dental hospitals in
the United Kingdom. The study consisted of 2 experimental periods of 6 weeks with a washout period
between. Fluoridated elastomers were randomly allocated at the first visit to be placed around brackets on
tooth numbers 12, 11, 33 or 22, 21, 43. Nonfluoridated elastomers were placed on the contralateral teeth.
Standard nonantibacterial fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash were supplied. After 6 weeks (visit 2), the
elastomers were removed, placed in transport media, and plated on agar within 2 hours. Nonfluoridated
elastomers were placed on all brackets for 1 visit to allow for a washout period. At visit 3, fluoridated
elastomers were placed on the teeth contralateral to those that received them at visit 1. At visit 4, the
procedures at visit 2 were repeated. Samples were collected on visits 2 and 4. A logistic regression was
performed, with the presence or absence of streptococcal or anaerobic growth as the dependent variable.
A mixed-effects analysis of variance was carried out with the percentage of streptococcal or anaerobic
bacterial count as the dependent variable. The only significant independent variables were the subject
variable (P ⫽⬍ .001) for the percentage of streptococcal and anaerobic bacterial count and the visit variable
for the percentage of streptococcal count (P ⫽⬍ .001). The use of fluoridated or nonfluoridated elastomers
was not significant for percentage of either streptococcal (P ⫽ .288) or anaerobic count (P ⫽ .230).
Fluoridated elastomers are not effective at reducing local streptococcal or anaerobic bacterial growth after
a clinically relevant time in the mouth. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004;126:325-30)

laque is a major etiological factor in the devel- the levels of S mutans in saliva and suggested that
opment of dental caries. The control of plaque is placing an orthodontic appliance leads to the creation
fundamental in the control of caries and perio- of new retentive areas favoring the local growth of
dontitis. It has been shown that placing a fixed ortho- this organism.
dontic appliance leads to both an increase in the levels1 Elastomeric ligatures that release stannous fluoride
and a change in the composition of dental plaque.2 are commercially available.6 Maltz and Emilson7
Sakamaki and Bahn3 showed an increase in the lacto- showed that stannous and cupric fluoride had a superior
bacillus index and the salivary lactobacillus counts after antimicrobial effect on streptococci and lactobacilli
the placement of orthodontic bands. Corbett et al4 over sodium or ammonium fluoride and suggested that
demonstrated an increase in the level of Streptococ- the metal ions play a large part in their bactericidal
cus mutans in the plaque surrounding an orthodontic effect. A reduction in the level of S mutans in the saliva
appliance. Scheie et al5 demonstrated an increase in with these elastomers has been demonstrated.8 If fluo-
ridated elastomers are shown to adversely affect local
Senior lecturer/honorary consultant in orthodontics, School of Clinical Den- cariogenic bacteria, they will be important in reducing
tistry, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Reader in oral microbiology, Liverpool University Dental Hospital, Liverpool,
enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets.
United Kingdom. The objective of this study was to investigate the
Senior lecturer in oral microbiology, Liverpool University Dental Hospital, effect of fluoridated elastomeric ligatures on the bacterial
Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Supported by a General Research Grant from the Royal College of Surgeons of
count of dental plaque forming on the ligatures in vivo.
Reprint requests to: Dr P. E. Benson, Department of Oral Health and MATERIAL AND METHODS
Development, School of Clinical Dentistry, Claremont Crescent, Sheffield, S10
2TA, United Kingdom; e-mail, This was a prospective, randomized clinical trial,
Submitted, February 2003; revised and accepted, July 2003. using a split-mouth crossover design. Volunteers were
Copyright © 2004 by the American Association of Orthodontists. recruited from patients about to start their orthodontic
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2003.07.007 treatment with maxillary and mandibular fixed appli-
326 Benson, Douglas, and Martin American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2004

ances in the orthodontic departments of the Liverpool ular left canine at appointment 3. Nonfluoridated elas-
University Dental Hospital and the Charles Clifford tomers were placed on the remaining teeth.
Dental Hospital in Sheffield. Patients who were preg- At visit 4, which was 6 weeks later, the procedures
nant or diabetic, were using an antimicrobial mouth- of appointment 2 were repeated.
wash or any complicating medicine, or had used anti-
biotics in the last 2 months were excluded. All patients Microbiology
visited a hygienist, who provided standardized oral In the laboratory, each elastomeric sample that
hygiene instruction. They had to achieve a score of 1 on was collected on visits 2 and 4 was vortexed for 30
the index of oral cleanliness before their fixed appli- seconds and serially diluted, and 100 ␮L aliquots
ances were placed. was plated onto blood agar (blood agar base number
Ethical approval was obtained from the local re- 2 [Lab M, Bury, United Kingdom] supplemented
search ethics committees. Eligible patients were invited with horse blood 5% v/v [Oxoid, Basingstoke,
to participate in the study at a visit before the fixed United Kingdom]), and Mitis Salivarius agar (Difco,
appliances were placed. Informed, written consent was Detroit, Mich) supplemented with sucrose (20% w/v)
given by the patients and their parents, when the and bacitracin (0.2 units/mL). Plates were incubated
appliances were placed. This was usually 2 weeks after for up to 7 days at 37°C either in CO2 or anaerobi-
the initial discussion. cally on prereduced plates under an atmosphere of
At visit 1, the fixed appliance brackets and bands 80% N2, 10% H, and 10% CO2.
were placed. The patients were randomly allocated to Cultures were assessed for total aerobic, total an-
having the fluoridated elastomers (Fluor-I-Ties, Or- aerobic, and total Mitis Salivarius colony forming units.
tho Arch, Schaumburg, Ill) on either the maxillary Wherever possible, cultures with colonies in the range
left lateral incisor, the maxillary left central incisor, 30 to 300 colony forming units were chosen for
and the mandibular right canine, or the maxillary counting.
right lateral incisor, the maxillary right central inci- Representative colonies recovered on the Mitis
sor, and the mandibular left canine. The randomiza- Salivarius bacitracin medium were Gram-stained to
tion was carried out by using computer-generated confirm that they were streptococci. Each streptococcal
random numbers in a block design. The allocations colony type was then speciated by using the Rapid
were concealed in consecutively numbered, sealed, ID32 Strep system (bioMérieux, Basingstoke, United
opaque envelopes. Conventional nonfluoridated elas- Kingdom). Although S sanguis and S parasanguis were
tomers were placed on the remaining teeth. The recovered on the Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin agar plates
patients were given standard fluoridated toothpaste in small numbers, growth was dominated by S mutans.
(Aquafresh; monofluorophosphate 0.75% w/w and No S sobrinus or other species of mutans streptococci
sodium fluoride 0.01% w/w; total fluoride 1,055 was found with this identification system.
ppm; SmithKline Beecham Consumer Healthcare,
Middlesex, United Kingdom), with no antimicrobial Statistics
ingredients and a daily fluoride mouth rinse (Fluor- A sample size calculation was carried out by using
igard, 0.05% NaF; Colgate-Palmolive (UK) Ltd, data from 2 previous studies.4,9 This suggested that a
Surrey, United Kingdom). sample size of 30 would be sufficient to detect a
Visit 2 was 6 weeks later. At this first adjustment difference in the S mutans count of 30% to a power of
appointment, the elastomers on the maxillary incisors 0.85 with a significance level of 0.05.
and the mandibular canines were aseptically removed,
placed in separate containers with a prereduced trans- Hypothesis testing
port medium and coded. These were taken to the The streptococcus count was expressed as a per-
laboratory within 10 minutes. The appliance was ad- centage of the total aerobic count. Sometimes no
justed, and nonfluoridated elastomers were placed on streptococci were recovered; therefore, a logistic re-
all teeth to allow for a washout period of at least 6 gression was carried out to assess whether any factors
weeks. affected bacterial growth. The dependent variable was
At visit 3, the appliance was adjusted and the categorical yes or no, indicating the presence or ab-
fluoridated elastomers placed on the contralateral teeth. sence of bacterial growth. The covariates were subject,
Therefore, if, at appointment 2, the patient received the visit, fluoride or nonfluoride elastomeric, tooth type,
fluoridated module on the maxillary left incisors and dominant or nondominant toothbrushing hand side, and
the mandibular right canine, the fluoridated module was number of days the appliance was in the mouth. A
placed on the maxillary right incisors and the mandib- mixed-effects analysis of variance was used to investi-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Benson, Douglas, and Martin 327
Volume 126, Number 3

Table I.Results of logistic regression showing P Table II. Results of mixed effects analysis of variance
values for independent variables, where dependent showing P values for independent variables, where
variable was presence or absence of bacterial growth dependent variable is percent streptococcal or
on anaerobic or Streptococcus growth media anaerobic bacterial counts
Percent Percent
streptococcal Anaerobic streptococcal Anaerobic
Independent variable count count Independent variable count count

Subject 1.000 1.000 Fluoride 0.288 0.230

Fluoride or nonfluoride elastomer 0.886 0.130 Tooth 0.394 0.346
Tooth 0.961 0.573 Dominant 0.884 0.992
Dominant or nondominant hand 0.943 0.969 Visit ⬍0.001 0.301
Visit 2 or 4 0.787 0.866 Subject ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001
Number of days in mouth 0.105 0.880 Days 0.894 0.418
Age 0.283 0.307
Sex 0.530 0.937
gate the positive bacterial counts. The dependent vari-
able was the percentage of either the streptococcal
count or the anaerobic bacterial count; these were
transformed to log10 values because they were found to
be positively skewed. The random variable was the
subject. The fixed factors included sex of patient, visit,
fluoride or nonfluoride elastomeric, tooth type, and
dominant or nondominant toothbrushing hand side.
Covariates included age and the number of days the
elastomer was in place.

Thirty patients were recruited to the study, but 3
dropped out before samples could be obtained. Several
samples were lost because of failure of the fluoridated
elastomers between appointments, debonding of brack-
ets, and irregularities in laboratory procedure. A total of
220 elastomers were collected from 27 patients (18
female, 9 male). The average age was 14.2 years (SD
2.1; range, 11.8-20.6). The elastomers were in the
mouths for an average of 39.4 days (SD 9.0; range, Fig 1. Box plots showing median, interquartiles, and
28-67) for the first visit and 41.3 days (SD 9.1; range, ranges of percentage of streptococcal count for sam-
28-63) for the second visit. ples collected at visits 2 and visit 4.
The results of the logistic regression are given in
Table I. This shows that, for the dependent variable—
presence or absence of bacterial count—there were no anaerobic growths (P ⬍ .001). The only other signifi-
significant independent variables for either the strepto- cant factor for the percentage of streptococcal growth
coccal count or the anaerobic growth. There was a was whether the ligature was collected on the first or
higher proportion of negative streptococcal growths second visit.
after the first visit (27%) than after the second visit Figure 1 shows 2 box plots of the bacterial counts
(7%). The proportion of the total variation explained by from the streptococcus growth media for ligatures
both models was 94%; this suggests that the amount of collected on the first and second visits. They show that
variation not explained by the analysis was low, and, the median and interquartile range of the streptococcal
therefore, these were good models to explain the counts were greater for the ligatures collected on the
presence or absence of streptococcal and anaerobic second visit.
bacterial growth. There was no significant effect of the fluoridated
The results of the mixed-effects analysis of variance elastomeric ligatures on bacterial growth either in
are shown in Table II. There were significant results for terms of the percentage of streptococcal count (P ⫽
the subject factor for percentages of streptococcal and .288) or the total anaerobic count (P ⫽ .230). The
328 Benson, Douglas, and Martin American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
September 2004

Table III. Descriptive data for the bacterial counts from the percent streptococcal and anaerobic bacterial counts
for the fluoride and nonfluoride elastomers
Percent streptococcal count Anaerobic count

Fluoride Nonfluoride Fluoride Nonfluoride

Number 104 110 111 111

Median 0.62% 0.66% 50,000 50,000
1st quartile 0.03% 0% 12,000 5,000
3rd quartile 4.97% 5.48% 290,000 300,000
Minimum 0% 0% 0 0
Maximum 91.7% 87.5% 8,300,000 77,000,000

Fig 2. Box plots showing median, interquartiles, and Fig 3. Box plots showing median, interquartiles, and
ranges of percentage of streptococcal count for fluori- ranges of bacterial counts from anaerobic growth media
dated and nonfluoridated elastomers. for fluoridated and nonfluoridated elastomers.

bacterial counts were positively skewed, and, there- because fluoridated elastomers release high levels of
fore, the median and interquartile descriptors for the fluoride initially; this release rapidly drops to a point
fluoridated and nonfluoridated elastomers were cal- that will not affect bacterial growth and metabolism.6
culated (Table III). Box plots of these data are shown The currently accepted view is that bactericidal levels
in Figures 2 and 3. of fluoride are far higher than are likely to be present in
the mouth.10
DISCUSSION The short-term effects of fluoridated elastomers on
This study has shown that, after a clinically relevant the oral flora have been demonstrated previously. Wil-
time in the mouth, there were no significant differences son and Gregory8 compared a group of patients wearing
in percentage of streptococcal or anaerobic bacterial fluoridated elastomers with a group wearing conven-
counts in plaque obtained from fluoridated elastomers tional elastomers. They showed that the percentage of S
compared with conventional elastomers. It must be mutans as a proportion of the total streptococcal count
concluded that fluoridated elastomers are not effective was reduced significantly in unstimulated whole saliva
at reducing streptococcal or anaerobic bacterial growth samples after a week in subjects supplied with the
in plaque on a ligature or surrounding an orthodontic fluoridated elastomers. However, they found that the
bracket between adjustment visits. streptococcal count then rose to baseline levels in the
The reason for this is unknown but is most likely second week.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Benson, Douglas, and Martin 329
Volume 126, Number 3

work of Schiei et al,5 who found that a transient

decrease in plaque and salivary S mutans levels in the
first few weeks after placing a fixed orthodontic
appliance. They suggested that this was due to a
reduction in streptococcal reservoirs after the band-
ing procedure. After 3 months, the proportion of S
mutans had risen above pretreatment levels.
Although fluoridated elastomers have not been
shown to reduce the proportion of streptococci or the
number of anaerobic bacteria in plaque, they might
help to reduce the prevalence and severity of de-
mineralization during orthodontic treatment16,17 by
raising the concentration of fluoride in the plaque
Fig 4. Fluoridated elastomer on maxillary right lateral adjacent to the bracket. This will help to restore a
incisor after 6 weeks showing swollen appearance positive balance between remineralization and de-
compared with conventional elastomers on other teeth. mineralization and would be a valuable area for
Fluoridated elastomer on maxillary right central incisor further research.
has been lost.

Hallgren et al9 looked at the effect on plaque of CONCLUSIONS

bonding the brackets with glass ionomer cement com- Fluoridated elastomers are not effective at reduc-
pared with conventional composite. Using a split-mouth ing streptococcal or anaerobic bacterial growth in
design on 12 patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, local plaque surrounding an orthodontic bracket after
they collected pooled plaque from test and control quad- a mean time of 40 days in the mouth. Oral hygiene
rants and found that the proportion of S mutans was lower instruction for patients is likely to be more effective
around brackets bonded with the glass ionomer cement. at reducing local plaque.
They also found that the concentration of lactic acid in
plaque samples taken from glass ionomer cement was We thank Jason Heath, who carried out much of the
lower.11 However, these findings might have been due to laboratory work.
differences in the properties of the 2 materials rather than
to their fluoride content.12
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6 weeks, and several were missing when the patient 5. Scheie AA, Arneberg PAL, Krogstad O. Effect of orthodontic
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