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Geological applications of wireline logs: A synopsis of developments and


Article  in  Log Analyst · January 1992


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Geological Applications of Wireline Logs -
A Synopsis of Developments and Trends
John H. Doveton: Kansas Geological Survey
Stephen E. Prensky: U.S. Geological Survey

logic well log analysis by Pirson (1970) had no rival for

many years, although its authorship by an engineer is
INTRODUCTION reflected in both its style and topic selection. The prolific
Geological log analysis has emerged as a distinctive and creative work of Oberto Serra and his coworkers
sub-discipline of log analysis. It is built on and is an finally led to a monumental two-volume treatise (Serra,
extension of the traditional treatment of logging data in 1984, 1986). The concept of “electrofacies” was a par-
terms of reservoir engineering and geophysics. This paper ticularly useful contribution by Serra and Abbott (1980)
uses summaries of published case studies to review re- and has been widely adopted as a bridge to connect log-
cently introduced techniques and the major develop- ging measurements with the classical facies approach of
ments in geological applications. Although presented as sedimentary geology. In addition, Serra made extensive
separate sections, many of the topics discussed are inter- use of dipmeter analyses, closely integrated with other
related. The nature of these interconnections and the di- logs and profiles of bedding and textural properties. Col-
versity of topics reflects the significant growth in geologic lectively, these provide a valuable atlas in the interpre-
log analysis. tation of sedimentary environments from logs (Serra,
For many years, the practical business of petrophysics 1985).
appeared to be the domain of the engineer, with a tight Rider (1986, revised 1991) published a readable and
focus on the economic implications associated with the popular book on the geological interpretation of logs,
properties of porosity and water saturation. Even the pre- drawn partly from his work with Serra’s group, although
sentation of log-analysis theory seemed an alien departure he pointedly declined to write on dipmeter interpretation.
from the traditional training of many geologists. This In his book, Doveton (1986) emphasized the role of com-
perception contributed to the huge publishing success of puter methods in the transformation of logs to profiles of
the textbook by Asquith and Gibson (1982) in which basic lithology and mineralogy within individual wells and as
log analysis concepts were presented by geologists for a maps of variation across regional areas. The appearance
geological audience. In the same vein, Asquith (1985) of the “Bibliography of Well-Log Applications” in The
went on to publish techniques applicable specifically to LogAnalyst (Prensky, 1987), followed by annual updates,
carbonates and a practical summary of all the models that provided a valuable reference source for geological ap-
have been applied to shaly sandstone evaluations (As- plications. Even a cursory glance through these references
quith, 1990). During the same period, Darwin Ellis ac- (or those listed in this article) shows the relatively limited
cepted a challenge by Stanford to teach a course on logging penetration of mainstream geological journals, at the
that would realistically address the needs of earth sci- present time.
entists. The experience led to the textbook by Ellis (1987), The conventions of the SPWLA and its sister societies
which is marked by a particularly readable and authori- have always provided forums for geological studies drawn
tative treatment of the physics of the latest generation of from logs. However, in 1988, a two-day meeting with the
tools and how they relate to rock properties. Systematic theme “Geological Applications of Wireline Logs,” was
methods using well logging to measure the physical prop- convened in London by the Geological Society. In the
erties of rocks is also the focus of the text by Hearst and proceedings volume of this meeting, Hurst et al. (1990)
Nelson (1985) who emphasize fundamental concepts of boldly asserted in the introduction that they believed this
tool theory and rock physics. meeting to be the first of its kind. The enthusiastic re-
Books that elaborate on the broader geological (rather sponse to this meeting and the published proceedings
than the narrower reservoir engineering) aspects had a demonstrated the wide interest in the subject and a second
slower start for a variety of reasons. However, their ar- meeting on this theme was held in 1991 (GAWL 11), also
rival was inevitable, as increasing numbers of geologists in London. Maybe it was worth the wait, because the
worked routinely with logs, and the SPWLA moved in- developments of the last 10 years have been truly inno-
exorably away from a membership dominated by engi- vative and have the potential to make a major impact on
neers to a majority of geologists. The classic book, Geo- mainstream geology.

286 The Log Analyst May-June, 1992

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs

7 9 10 dle simple relative vertical displacement, but often had

-0 0 limited success in accommodating missing sections and
differential stretch of correlative intervals between wells.
These features result from a normal geological history
that includes multiple episodes of erosion and nonde-
position, which punctuate periods of continuously vary-
ing rates of sedimentation. The occurrence of “gaps” and
“stretching” are common to sequence matching problems
in other scientific areas, such as linguistic analysis and
genetic-string comparison. Dynamic programming meth-
ods developed in these fields have been adapted to cor-
relation of wireline logs to select the optimum correlative
match from all possibilities. Both missing sections and
differential stretch are accommodated automatically. The
methodology has proved widely successful, and appli-
cations are described by a number of authors, including
Wu and Nyland (1986), Lineman et al. (1987), and Grif-
fiths and Bakke (1988).
The lack of digital data, where and when you need it,
remains a major obstacle to the routine application of
computer methods for regional or even fieldwide corre-
lation. This situation continues to slowly improve with
the growth of digitized log databases and archives of dig-
ital well-log tapes. Recent changes in technology have
radically accelerated the costly and time-consuming mass
Figure 1: Automated log correlation of Tertiary sections be-
transfer of log curves into digits. Logs are now routinely
tween wells in the Lake des Allemands Field, Louisiana The
scanned by devices such as facsimile machines to yield
lines that link the log traces show computed depths of common
correlation (from Olea and Davis, 1986). raster (bitmap) images, which can then be stored effi-
ciently on optical discs. Software is available to screen
out background grids automatically and to follow log
AUTOMATED LOG CORRELATION curves for a raster-to-vector (digital) conversion with min-
The principal geological application of logs has always imal user intervention. These recent developments, sum-
been subsurface stratigraphic correlation. Manual corre- marized by Leonard (1990), hold great potential for trans-
lations are highly labor-intensive tasks whose end results forming the vast amount of logging data now frozen in
are subjective and often hotly debated. The potential ad- paper records into digits for use in correlation as well as
vantages of automated correlation have been the stimulus for computer-processed subsurface geologic studies.
for the design of many different computer methods since
the pioneering study by Moran et al. (1962). Real progress ELECTRICAL IMAGING METHODS
has been made in the last few years toward the solution Since their introduction in 1986, electrical borehole-
of significant problems that have often stymied earlier imaging tools have made a great impact in a variety of
attempts. Although computer programs can correlate commercial and academic geological applications. Gray-
trivial examples, they often fail in more complex situa- level processing of multiple microresistivity curves can
tions. Solutions may be either geologically or geometri- result in images of the borehole wall with impressive
cally absurd or the program method may be unable to resolution (Figure 2). The technology of these tools is
distinguish between several reasonable alternatives. The described elsewhere in this issue in a companion review
application of artificial-intelligence (AI) methods and the paper by Maute (1992) and marks a logical step in the
development of expert systems has now provided a means evolution of the dipmeter.
to codify both geometrical constraints and human ex- The images often mimic conventional pictures in a
perience within sets of rules. An expert-system compo- striking fashion and so can be compared readily with core.
nent can guide the data-handling and numerical process- This property has been found particularly useful forbore-
ing of correlation algorithms, and one has been successfully holes drilled for scientific research, e.g., the Ocean Drill-
field-tested on realistic correlation problems (see, for ex- ing Program (ODP), where extensive intervals are cored
ample, Olea and Davis, 1986; Kuo and Startzman, 1987; or the borehole is continuously cored. For intervals where
and Figure 1). core recovery is poor, the images can be used to inter-
Previous methods of automated correlation could han- polate missing information, and for intervals where core

May-June, 1992 The Log Analyst 287

Doveton and Prensky

Figure 2: Example of high-resolution electrical borehole images, which show eolian cross-bedding features in the Permian
Rotliegende Sandstone of the North Sea as compared with core (adapted from Luthi and Banavar, 1988, figure 4).

is recovered, images and core can be matched to establish with its primary targets of fractured formations, has stim-
core orientation. ulated additional interest in this area. Laubach et al. (I 988)
The images represent conductivity measurements of compared fractures detected by electrical imaging with
the borehole wall and register fractures (both open and those obtained from the acoustic borehole televiewer, and
healed), thin beds, sedimentary structures and other fea- their validation by core. Hornby et al. (1 990) related frac-
tures. The techniques of interpretation are described by ture aperture widths computed from both electrical scans
Harker et al. (1990); useful reference material for images and reflected Stoneley waves. A number of useful articles
of clastic rocks is provided by Luthi (1990) and of car- are also reprinted in the SPWLA Borehole Imaging vol-
bonate rocks by Nurmi et al. (1990). Image processing is ume (Paillet et al., 1990).
now performed routinely on workstations, either as an
unaided interactive task or with assistance from an A1 RESERVOIR MINERALOGY AND
procedure (Startzman and Kuo, 1989). LITHOFACIES ANALYSIS
A major application of electrical imaging is in the de- Multiple “porosity” logs (density, neutron, and sonic)
tection and evaluation of fractures (Casarta et al., 1989; have been used for several decades to arrive at true ef-
Standen, 199l), a goal that has always been elusive using fective porosities independent of matrix mineralogy. Al-
traditional logs. The recent boom in horizontal drilling, though manual crossplots are still used for this purpose,

288 The Log Analyst May-June, 1992

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs

computer solutions to this problem are increasingly com-

mon and generate a compositional profile of minerals as
a byproduct. The power of these tools to discriminate
mineralogy has also been significantly enhanced through
the addition of the photoelectric-absorption curve from
the spectral density log. The mathematical process in-
volved is essentially the solution of simultaneous equa-
tions that link the unknown volumes of selected minerals
and their hypothetical log responses with log records of
sedimentary sections. The result is displayed typically as
a graphic profile such as shown in Figure 3, and represents
the inversion of the original log curves to compositional
traces. Consequently, their vertical resolution is con-
trolled by that of the tools (about 0.5 m) and thus rep-
resents a moving average of actual variation.
The computer program for solving a determined system shale dolomite quartz calcite porosity
(when the number of logs is sufficient for a unique com- Figure 3: Graphic profile of mineral and porosity composition
ponent solution) is simple and can be run quickly on even within the Permian Chase Group, based on inversion ofgamma-
the smallest computers. The ready availability of fast ray, photoelectric-absorption, density, and neutron log re-
computers makes them a practical medium for interactive sponses.
geological processing of wireline logs. Some degree of
interaction is necessary for thoughtful analysis due to is inductive or “bottom-up,” where inferences on litho-
limiting assumptions concerning linearity, idealized log facies are drawn directly from patterns observed in log-
responses, correct identification of mineral components, response associations. Distinctions between characteris-
borehole environment, and tool errors. By involving the tic response groupings are then used for classification and
user as a participant, changes in mineral suites at various subdivision of log sequences. The basic concept was set
depths can be recognized and an appropriate selection out by Serra and Abbott (1980), who coined the term
made from alternatives at all levels. The strategy of run- “electrofacies” and described a manual procedure based
ning multiple models in parallel is described by Quirein on simple graphical motifs. The pattern-recognition tasks
et al. (1986), with the final choice dictated either by prob- involved were later adapted as a semiautomated proce-
ability concepts or user intervention. dure in which the complementary skills and limitations
In reality, the link between rock compositions and log of machine and human are put into play. The use of
responses is both underdetermined and nonlinear. Be- principal-component analysis reduces the dimensionality
cause lithologies are typically dominated by a few com- of the problem from a potentially bewildering multiple-
ponents and linearity is generally a reasonable approxi- log representation to a lower order space. The axes of this
mation, an experienced analyst can usually generate a space are composite logs that systematically absorb the
satisfactory solution. More expansive approaches to the information content while screening out statistical noise
problem incorporate constraints, accommodate nonlin- from various sources. Using cluster analysis, electrofacies
earities, and take account of tool errors in an iterative are then identified by localized clouds of points. However,
process that locates an optimal result with minimal in- the intel€igentanalyst intervenes at this stage to ensure
coherence between the solution and the logs. However, that the final clusters have interpretable geological mean-
the relative slowness of these more complex prograr- i r g based on core observations or geological insight. This
makes interaction impractical. Furthermore, the difficul- automated electrofacies method was originally intro-
ties in specifying many of the input parameters means duced by Wolff and Pelissier-Combescure (1982), and a
that mathematical optimality does not necessarily mean useful multiwell case study is described by Widdicombe
geological reality. Consequently, interaction with simpler et al. (1984).
models on workstations is still usually favored by most The mathematical methods used in this approach are
analysts for routine applications, as discussed by Marett taken from the standard multivariate-analysis toolbox
and Kimminau (1990). and so are readily available for any log analyst who works
with logs on a computer. In recent years, practical appli-
Statistical Methods for Lithofacies Analysis cations appear to be increasing in number, probably due
The inversion methods described in the previous sec- in large part to the increasing use of microcomputers and
tion are rooted in a deductive or a “top-down” approach, workstations by many analysts. Clear signs of this grass-
where solutions of mineral composition are the conse- roots change are indicated by the wide readership of the
quences of models set by the user. The alternative strategy popular “petrophysics” section published in Geobyte,un-

May-June, 1992 The Log Analyst 289

Doveton and Prensky

der the direction of Robert Elphick, and the burgeoning statistics! Basic explanations of statistical methods in a
membership of the computer-oriented geological societ- logging context such as the paper by Mitchell and Nelson
ies. (1988) are useful for a wide readership. However, a certain
Explanations of multivariate statistical techniques and degree of caution is appropriate, because of the potential
their application to well logs for pattern recognition and snares of misinterpretation and blind faith in “numbers.”
classification tasks can be found in a number of dispersed The problems caused by differing sampling volumes
sources. Doveton (1986) devoted a chapter of his book associated with core and various logging devices have
to mathematical analysis of log trends and patterns, been recognized for many years. The most common and
whereas Hayes (1989) provided a useful overview of sta- practical means to bring the measurements to a common
tistical well-log pattern-recognition methods in his Ph.D. vertical resolution is through the statistical smoothing of
dissertation. Elek (1988) showed how principal-compo- core data to the coarser scale of the wireline logs. This
nent analysis could be applied to zonation and well-log loss of detail has prompted efforts over the years to reverse
correlation. Both Busch et al. (1985) and Anderson et al. the process, by enhancement of the vertical resolution of
(1988) described the application of discriminant function logging measurements.
analysis to lithological classification from well logs. Other Research in this area has been further stimulated by
techniques and case studies included cluster analysis the great interest in thinly bedded reservoirs in recent
(Robinson and Reeves, 1989), fuzzy-set theory (Griffiths, years (see e.g., Gundeso and Gronvold, 1990; Chaudhary
1989), and Kruskal multidimensional scaling (Matyas, and Vashist, 1991). Applications of log-analysis tech-
1990). niques to thin beds were described by Ruhovets (1989),
their integration with core data by Sinha et al. (1989),
Statistical Prediction of Physical Properties and potential pitfalls in thin-bed enhancement resolution
The primary mission of the statistical methods de- by Minette (1990).
scribed in the previous section is to serve as automated Some progress in finer vertical resolution has been made
pattern-recognition devices that link log responses with through the introduction of improved tool designs (Titt-
associations of rock properties. In more traditional ap- man, 199l), particularly with respect to induction logging
plications, statistical line- and curve-fit methods have (Silva and Spooner, 1991) and electrical borehole imaging
been used for many years for both calibration and pre- (discussed earlier). The alternative approach is to create
diction. Because core analysis data are commonly ac- a more finely resolved log through computer processing
cepted as the reference standard for reservoir evaluation, of data recorded by logging tools with coarser resolution.
porosity logs are generally calibrated against core data. The actual vertical variation of the logged property can
The differing vertical resolution of the two measurements be considered to be averaged or “convolved” by a filter,
requires smoothing of the core data to give common ver- which is determined by the tool’s measurement charac-
tical resolution. teristics. The goal of “deconvolution” is equated with the
The choice of line-fit and estimation procedure by one design of an inverse filter or procedure that essentially
of several statistical models is still debatable. Only a few reverses the averaging process.
papers have been written in this area, but they are gen- The desirability of this is easy to understand, but dif-
erally thoughtful studies that provide useful insights into ficult to implement in a practical and convincing manner.
systematic data analysis for the working log analyst . Et- The nonlinear responses of the resistivity tools are math-
nyre (1982, 1990) wrote a two-part series on weighted ematically difficult to deconvolve, even for the service
least-squares methods applied to formation evaluation, companies who are privy to their design characteristics.
followed by an explanation of the petrophysical uses of The measurements of the nuclear tools are stochastic (sta-
the robust-Marquardt statistical procedure (Etnyre, 1990). tistical, rather than deterministic) and so are confounded
Rodriguez et al. (1989) described the determination of with counting error. Attempts to amplify the signal in
confidence intervals for petrophysical parameters. these statistical data must therefore not allow the “noise”
Many log analysts are unfamiliar with the finepoints to be amplified beyond tolerable limits. Looyestijn (1982)
underlying the concepts and interpretation of statistical provided a useful and sobering review article that explains
methods as applied to petrophysical data. However, the these problems. Nevertheless, the great value of even
increasing role of digital databases as a component in modest improvements continues to stimulate research in
routine log analysis is a major stimulus for their increased this area, such as that reported by Galford et al. (1986),
understanding of statistical processing. Basic statistical Elkington et al. (1990), and Nelson and Mitchell (1990).
procedures have been great sources of argument and dis- Some limited progress continues to be made on the
cussion during the major field-unit operating disputes of prediction of permeability from logs by the use of mul-
the 1980s. It is interesting to speculate that the amount tiple-regression methods. Log predictions of permeability
of money that hung on the choice of regression method are still most commonly based on porosity estimatesalone.
in these equity battles is the greatest in the history of These predictions are often very poor, unless the rock

290 The Log Analyst May-June, 1992

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs

shows little change in pore-size characteristics, because experience from older log analysts. Recent examples of
of the failureto take into account the variationsin internal some expert-system prototypes for general log analysis
surface area. Internal surface area is often related to rock are described by Peveraro and Lee (1988) and Einstein
framework textural, mineralogical, and geochemical and Sutherland (1989). Einstein and Edwards (1988) also
properties that influence many logs. Although no log mea- discuss a comparison between the performance of human
sures internal surface area directly, some logs can function experts and expert systems in log analysis and interpre-
as surrogate variables for surface area and be incorporated tation.
with porosity in multiple-regression models for perme- By far the most well-known log analysis expert system
ability prediction and error analysis. A very useful review has been the Dipmeter Advisor, developed by Schlum-
paper of these methods is given by Wendt et al. (1986), berger (see Smith and Baker, 1983). Dipmeter interpre-
who also describe in detail, and critically, the successes tation is an obvious application because it has always
and limitations of their own experiences with Prudhoe been a particularly tricky mixture of systematic analysis,
Bay data. pattern recognition, and experienced judgments. A gen-
In studies that draw on older logs, the choices of ad- eral theory of the rule-based approach to dipmeter pro-
ditional variables are generally restricted to gamma-ray cessing is also described by Kerzner (1988). The Dipmeter
transforms and multiple porosity log indicators of shale Advisor is probably more famous in the A1 research com-
content and changes in matrix minerals. However, the munity than among log analysts because it is considered
geochemical logs (reviewed in detail later) have a great one of the few expert systems that is used on a routine,
potential for this type of application, as they record a daily basis for real-world applications rather than as an
suite of elemental measures. These elements reflect tex- interesting curiosity.
tural properties through their sensitivity to matrix min- Automated log correlation is also an appropriate task
eralogy, which is, in turn, the product of depositional and for a rule-based approach, because certain solutions can
diagenetic processes. Herron (1987) introduced this con- usually be discarded as geometrically impossible or geo-
cept of using geochemical logs as surrogate variables for logically improbable (see Olea and Davis, 1986; Lineman
the internal surface area in a multiple regression model et al., 1987). It is now widely recognized that expert sys-
based on the classic Kozeny-Carman relationship. tems generally perform well in applications where the
Both simple and multiple regression models have also problem has clearly defined constraints and goals, but can
been applied to the prediction of organic content in the “fail” in more complex and subtle situations, most par-
evaluation of source-rock potentials. Logging tools are ticularly where the human “experts” disagree among
now available to estimate organic carbon directly from themselves!
the carbon/oxygen ratio (Herron, S.L., 1986). However,
organic content has a distinctive effect on gamma-ray, Neural Networks
sonic, resistivity, neutron, and density logs (e.g., Schmok- Neural networks are drawn from models of the brain
er, 1981; Mendelson and Toksoz, 1986), and these rela- that see the processing of information as the result of
tionships can be used as the basis for statistical prediction excitation of simple neurons, which are richly intercon-
(Krystinik and Charpentier, 1987) when calibrated with nected on a massive scale. Although today’s neural net-
core data. works cannot attempt to approach the complexity of the
human brain, some powerful applications can be devel-
ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS oped using the basic design features of simple “neuronyy
A few years ago, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) units interconnected as a network in a parallel-processing
was dominated by “expert ~ y s t e r n s but
, ~ ~ “neural net- operation. The easiest task for a neural network to attempt
works” have recently emerged as a serious competitor. is a supervised problem, where the network “learns” the
The two approacheshave radically different philosophies, pattern of input responses (log readings) that correspond
but both have found legitimate and interesting applica- with a desired output (matrix or fluid characteristics). The
tions in log analysis. current procedures are often timeconsuming since the
learning is an iterative process. However, there are several
Expert Systems advantages over the classical statistical pattern-recogni-
Expert systems attempt to emulate simple reasoning, tion methods, including a focus on all sample patterns,
drawing inferences from data as dictated by a knowledge- rather than just summary parameters, and a lack of as-
base of rules. The rules are a codified mix of objective sumptionsconcerninglinearity or normality. On the debit
constraints and more subjective material, which distill side, it is often difficult to establish how a successful so-
the experience and judgment of acknowledged experts in lution was arrived at based on input patterns. This con-
the problem area. Log analysis is widely recognized as a trasts with expert systems, where an “audit trail” can
blend of art and science, so that expert systems provide quickly establish which rules were invoked in any system
a useful methodology to attempt to capture a lifetime’s decision.
May-June, 1992 The Log Analyet 291
Doveton and Prensky

Self-organizing The application of A1 to log analysis is still in its infancy

(After Auto-Association) and results are often documented in poorly accessible
journals. However, progress in the field can now be mon-
Log Data itored by attending or reading the proceedings of the an-
nual conference on “Artificial Intelligence in Petroleum
Exploration and Production,” held at Texas A&M Uni-


The gamma-ray log has been widely used in geological
interpretation for many years as a means to assess both
shale content and implied grain-size variation. So, for
example, Selley (1974) described the application of gam-
ma-ray profiles in conjunction with glauconite and car-
bonaceous material as a “cowboy geology” method to aid
in recognition of ancient sedimentary environments.
However, because of the different sources of radiation,
interpretations of this type are often ambiguous and Rider
(1990) points out that care must be taken, especially in
systematic work.
The introduction of the spectral gamma-ray tool in the
-a Inhibitory Synapse 1970s marked a major advance in our ability to determine
-a Excitory Synapse the specific contributions of the potassium, uranium, and
Figure 4: Schematic diagram of a simulated neural network thorium isotope series. Early applications focused on the
trained for lithofacies pattern identification and recognition based resolution of reservoir evaluation problems such as the
on wireline logs, using inputs of an autoassociated SOA (Self- distinction of micas from clays in Jurassic sandstones of
Organizing-Activation) hypercube (from Baldwin et al., 1989a). the North Sea (see Hodson et al., 1976), and the recog-
nition of fracture systems with uranium mineralization
Simple explanatory examples in the determination of in the Austin Chalk (see Fertl et al., 1980).
lithology from a neural network are outlined by Rogers Hassan et al. (1976) explored the differentiation of clay
et al. (1992), using a back-propagation learning algorithm. minerals and other radioactive species using the ratio of
This material provides an introduction to the neural-net- thorium concentration to potassium concentration. Both
work applications to log analysis given by Baldwin et al. thorium (by adsorption) and potassium (chemical com-
(1989a, 1989b), who also describe an “unsupervised” ap- position) are associated with clay minerals, so that the
plication for lithofacies recognition (see Figure 4). Un- ratio expresses relative potassium richness as one indi-
supervised pattern recognition is a more difficult problem cator of clay-mineral species, as well as being diagnostic
because it requires the network to teach itself from log of other radioactive minerals. A widely used thorium-
data presented to it. Furthermore, these self-taught pat- potassium crossplot based on broad expectations of ratio
terns should have some utility and meaning to the human fields that are associated with single minerals was pub-
network handler. Derek et al. (1990) compare the per- lished by Quirein et al. (1982). Hurst (1990) cautioned
formance of neural networks and statistical pattern-rec- against the “bland generalizations” that underlie such a
ognition methods in sandstone lithofacies identification. crossplot, because the chemistry of thorium and potas-
There are great potential rewards in using this approach sium associated with clay minerals are determined both
as an aid in interpretation of complex lithologies utilizing by source and diagenetic history. Also, as a nuclear log,
all measurements made on current and future logging the measurement is a stochastic property, where consid-
programs. For example, current statistical methods for erations of precision and accuracy are important, partic-
predicting permeability from logs are limited by their ularly at low counts, such as within sandstones.
linear structure and estimation of parameters. By con- Because most shales are composed of a mixture of clay
trast, neural networks can handle non-linearities and are minerals, the use of the photoelectric cross section (P,)
nonparametric so that they may be more effective for in conjunction with the Th/K ratio is an additional help
permeability prediction (Rui-Lin and Chen-Dang, 1991). to interpretation. The photoelectric cross section is a di-
Runge and Runge (1991) also show how the simulated rect function of the aggregate atomic number. Ellis (1987)
annealing property of neural-network operation can be points out that differences in atomic number between
applied to obtaining blocked logs from curves. quartz and clay minerals can be attributed mostly to iron

292 The Log Analyst May-June, 1992

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs

ThRT ratio
content. As a result, values in photoelectric absorption K FixaQU -Leached4
are ordered from a low in kaolinite to successively higher
values, through smectite, illite, to chlorite, basically as a Lithology
function of increasing iron content. However, in the final limestone
analysis, systematic volumetric estimates are made dif- shale
ficult by the presence of other accessory minerals, as well silly shale
as the variation in composition of clay minerals, so that siltstone
these wireline measures provide generalized indications silly sandstone
of the compositional aspects of shales. Q mom
Based on their analyses of numerous rock samples,
Adams and Weaver (1958), in a classic paper, demon- v bentonite
strated the utility of the thorium-to-uranium ratio as an 6 glauconite

indication of relatively oxidizing or reducing conditions. + CarbOnaCaOus

The two elements are normally associated geochemically.
ThiK facies
Whereas thorium has only one valency state, which is F feldspar
M mica
insoluble, uranium has two valency states, of which the I = illite
S s smeclile
lower is also insoluble, but the higher is soluble and can K E kaolinite
be removed in solution. The ratio therefore provides a
useful indication of relative reduction or oxidation, but
whether this can be attributed to depositional or diage-
netic mechanisms requires additional information. Ad-
ams and Weaver (1958) further suggested that ratios of
<2 were highly suggestiveof relative uranium enrichment
and, by implication reducing conditions, as contrasted
with ratios >7, which indicated preferential removal of
uranium, possibly by leaching.
Doveton (1991), using ratios from logs run in a Cre-
taceous/Permian sequence in central Kansas, offers an Figure 5: Standard gamma-ray (SGR), computed gamma-ray
example of geological interpretation from spectral gam- (CGR), thorium/potassium, thorium/uranium ratio and drill-
ma-ray logs using these concepts. Figure 5 shows striking, cuttings lithology logs of a Permian-Cretaceoussequence in cen-
and readily interpretable patterns: an abrupt shift in the tral Kansas. The CGR log represents the summed contribution
Th/K ratio that occurs at the Cretaceous-Permian contact of potassium and thorium sources, while the differencesbetween
and highlights clearly the major basal Cretaceous uncon- the SGR and CGR curves reflects uranium content (from Dov-
formity. At this depth, the potassium-rich illite-feldspar eton, 1991).
signature of the Cedar Hills Sandstonechanges to a Lower
Cretaceous trace, which oscillates between illitic and ka-
olinitic clay minerals facies, possibly linked with marine Cretaceous is an excellent indicator of a broad transgres-
and deltaic freshwater environments, respectively. The siordregressioncouplet on an open marine shelf. The broad
high-amplitude variations of the Th/K ratio log in the sine-wave feature conforms precisely with the outcrop
Graneros Shale and Greenhorn Limestone may reflect interpretationofthe Greenhorn Cycle as a classic example
the occurrence of volcanic ash (bentonites) observed in of a symmetric, third-order tectono-eustatic cycle (Glen-
the drill cuttings, interbedded with normal illitic marine ister and Kauffman, 1985). The transgressive phase of the
shales. cycle started in the uppermost part of the Dakota For-
Based on Th/U ratios and the diagnostic values sug- mation, continued through the Graneros Shale, and
gested by Adams and Weaver (1958), an oxidizing en- reached maximum development in the Greenhorn Lime-
vironment is indicated for much of the Cedar Hills Sand- stone. The regressive hemicyclothem was initiated at the
stone, which would be consistent with its postulated origin top of the Greenhorn and continued through the Fairport
as eolian sands. Stacked repetitions of high and medium Chalk and Blue Hills Shale, to terminate in the Codell
Th/U ratios characterize the Dakota Formation. These Sandstone. The overlying Fort Hays marks the renewal
probably reflect high lateral variability in clastic facies of a major marine transgression, that is marked by a
and interplay between mostly brackish and freshwater distinctive drop in the Th/U ratio log value.
regimes of distributary channels, bays and marginal ma- The development of portable spectrometersnow makes
rine deposits, which would be expected to typify a delta it possible to verify the Th/U log ratios with the actual
complex. The relatively smooth, long-term cyclic pattern geology at the outcrop. So, for example, Zelt (1 985) con-
of the Th/U ratio in the marine sequence of the Upper cluded that spectral data recorded at outcropping Cre-

May-June, 1992 The Log Analyst 293

I , . /
Doveton and Prensky

o no, 5 o F ~ O ao o s supplement the older electric logs. Geological conclusions

based exclusively on the spontaneous potential and re-
sistivity logs are restricted to simple characterizations of
shale and pore volume and ambiguous assertions con-
cerning grain-size variations or lithofacies types. Sadly,
this approach will continue to be used in the more mature
L basins where these are the majority of logs available.
Benthic Lrams,
Because the stratigraphic framework is so well known in
bryowans, these same basins, they are the natural locations to re-
Bolitary and search evolving models of sequence stratigraphy. As a
colonial corals
result, antique techniques of log-shape interpretation are
mingled with modern sedimentological concepts drawn
from computer modeling and seismic stratigraphy.
By contrast, nuclear measurements are rich in infor-
mation concerning mineralogy and geochemistry. How-
ever, they also require more systematic analytic strategies
High TWe
than the often intuitive interpretation style used with old-
basalt er electric logs. Ellis (1990) gives an excellent review of
: Calcarenite (beach the developments in nuclear logging that led up to the
VOLCANIC introduction of the geochemical (elemental analysis) log-
ISLAND ging (Chapman et al., 1987).
vesicular olivine
The Schlumberger Geochemical Logging Tool (GLT)
basalt lava flows incorporates measurements from three nuclear logging
(1. 6 m thick)
with lateritic
weathering devices, combined on a single tool string, to estimate
concentrations of 10 elements: potassium, thorium, ura-
nium (from the natural gamma-ray spectrum); aluminum
Figure 6: Geochemical logs of a Lower Eocene section from (by delayed neutron-activation analysis); and silicon, cal-
the Maldives Ridge of the Indian Ocean, ODP Leg 115, Site cium, iron, sulfur, titanium and gadolinium (from the
7 15, drilled by the ODP drillship “Resolution” (from Borehole prompt-capture gamma-ray spectrum measured after a
Research Group, 1990). 14-Mev neutron burst). More extensive technical details
are provided by Hertzog et al. (1987). The GLT string
has been used both by industry and in scientific research
taceous marine shales and chalks in Colorado, New Mex- logging (ODP, Cajon Pass well, the German KTB project).
ico, and Utah could be used to deduce the proximity of Commercial (and onshore) applications have focused on
paleoshorelines and directions of sediment transport. sedimentary sections (e.g., Wendlandt and Bhuyan, 1990),
Based on field measurements of the Lower Jurassic Cleve- while much of the scientific research work, summarized
land ironstone in England, Myers (1989) showed rela- by Anderson et al. (1 990), has been directed to the anal-
tively high Th/K ratios in the oolitic ironstones, and at- ysis of igneous and metamorphic sections.
tributed the thorium-rich character to a lateritic weathering Figure 6 (also cover illustration) presents a spectacular
origin. Myers (1990) has also reported the integration of example of a geochemical logging run during ODP Leg
spectral measurements made from outcrop, core, and 1 15, in the Indian Ocean, and shown in the ODP Wireline
boreholes as important measures of clastic reservoir prop- Logging Manual (Borehole Research Group, 1990). This
erties, with refinement of mineral and grain-size inter- log provides a clear example of the geological evolution
pretations and recognition of shale permeability barriers of a volcanic island that subsided and the subsequent
and intervals of enhanced permeability. Slatt et al. ( 1 99 1) development of a reef in Lower Eocene times. Cores from
provide insights on the reliability of interwell correlations the volcanic sequence are mostly vesicular olivine-basalt
in the subsurface based on experiences with detailed out- flows with weathered zones, succeeded by plagioclase ba-
crop logging of lenticular and continuous turbidite sand- salt. The basaltic composition is shown by the relatively
stones by both standard logging truck and handheld de- high amounts of iron, aluminum, and silicon contents.
vices. The high aluminum spikes are coincident with weathered
“soil” horizons between the flows. A thin calcarenite zone
APPLICATIONS OF (interpreted from core as beach deposit) is succeeded by
GEOCHEMICAL LOGGING a distinctive titanium-rich basalt which marks the ter-
The major change in geological applications of logs mination of volcanic activity. Core recovery in the over-
occurred with the introduction of nuclear logging tools to lying reef was only 5%, but this was sufficient to show an

294 The Log Analyst May-June, 1992

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs

upward transition from grainstones to packstones and member responses and resolved by standard matrix-in-
faunal changes that collectively mark a progressive deep- version procedures. This result is normative and generic
ening of water. The reef limestone is contrasted starkly in the sense that it is based on a sample drawn from a
with the volcanic basalt, by low iron, aluminum, and universal mineral reference set and applied to a specific
silicon contents, but high calcium content. The sulfur sequence where local mineral compositions may deviate
curve is of particular interest as it shows zones, possibly from the global average. The result is hypothetical but
cyclic, of high sulfur concentration within the reef. The has the particular advantage that comparisons can be
sulfur has been interpreted to reflect sulfate content as- made among a variety of locations and do not require
sociated with evaporite zones. Although no evaporites expensive ancillary core measurements. In a second ap-
have been observed in the limited core available (5% proach, the solution is calibrated to core data, where lab-
recovery), the log may be a depth record of eustatic changes oratory determinations of mineralogy and elemental geo-
in sea level, with low stands marked by sulfur anomalies. chemistry are analyzed by multiple regression techniques
Amplitude spectra from the sulfur trace show distinctive to determine local mineral compositions. This result is
peaks at wavelengths of 25 and 50 ft, suggesting a cyclic linked to petrography and so is philosophically closer to
pattern that may be related to the Eocene low stands of an estimated modal solution, rather than the more hy-
36, 40, 42, 49, and 54 Ma of the Vail eustatic curve. As pothetical normative model.
this example shows, great insights can be made into the Several detailed studies have been made to assess the
geological history of a sequence from the raw elements strengths and limitations of geochemical logging through
recorded by the geochemical logs. exhaustive comparisons of borehole data and core ele-
The major thrust of research connected with these logs mental and mineralogical analyses. Examples include
has been aimed at the production of realistic mineral comparisons in the Conoco Research well, Ponca City,
transforms. “Normative” minerals calculated from oxide Oklahoma (Hertzog et al., 1987); discussion of the results
analyses have been widely used in igneous petrology since from an Exxon research well that penetrated Upper Cre-
the CIPW (Cross Iddings Pirsson Washington) norm was taceous siliciclastic rocks in Utah (Wendlandt and Bhuy-
introduced by Cross et al. (1 902). These normative min- an, 1990); and an assessment of data from three Shell
erals are contrasted with modal compositions, which are wells in the Netherlands, Oman, and the U.S. (van den
those mineral phases actually observed in the rock. The Oord, 1990). Figure 7 shows a typical comparative ex-
normative concept can be extended to sedimentary se- ample of mineralogy for core and geochemical-log esti-
quences in attempts to compute mineral assemblages, mates (from van den Oord, 1990).
based on the 10 elements currently measured on the geo- In general, the prognosis for this infant technology is
chemical logging tool string (Herron, M.M., 1986). In quite good, particularly with regard to the relatively good
calculating classical igneous norms, oxides are assigned match between in-situ borehole measurements and lab-
to minerals in an allocation scheme that attempts to con- oratory measurements from core. Teething problems are
form with their crystallization history. By contrast, ele- related primarily to the determination of the appropriate
ments from geochemical logs are transformed to nor- mineral-transform strategies to obtain useful results. Most
mative or “chem” minerals by the inversion procedures authors working on the problem agree that local core
discussed earlier. Herron (1 988) studied terrigenous sands calibration is a necessary step, rather than resorting to a
and shales in terms both of core and geochemical-logdata generic normative solution. At the same time, it is rec-
and suggests that new methods of classification may be ognized that the precise resolution of sedimentarymineral
necessary. Strictly speaking, there will almost always be assemblages is inherently a complex problem and that in
more minerals than elements to solve for them, so that some respects, the technology is ahead of-ourunderstand-
the problem is always underdetermined. However, as ing of the distribution of elements in sedimentary se-
Herron et al. (in press) notes, the overwhelming majority quences. So, for example, Wendlandt and Bhuyan (1 990)
of sedimentary minerals can be numbered as 10: quartz, point out that some knowledge concerning the controls
4 clays, 3 feldspars, and 2 carbonates. In practice, rea- on distribution patterns of gadolinium and titanium would
sonable compositional solutions can be generated using prove to be a very useful aid in future work.
relatively small mineral subsets, provided that they have In addition to the immediate display of lithofaciestypes,
been identified correctly and that the compositions used there are numerous potential applications of successful
are both fairly accurate and constant. In common with mineral transforms of geochemical logging data including:
all new technologies, the approach is both exciting and quantitative estimates of grain-size, cation-exchange ca-
controversial, but even modest successes should be of pacity, and permeability, and using the minerals as sur-
enormous benefit to a variety of geological studies. rogates for other petrophysical properties (Chapman et
Mineral solutions may be calculated by two alternative al., 1987). Although there may be some differences of
strategies. In the first, the average chemical compositions opinion on how far these goals have been met, they cer-
of minerals drawn from a large database are used as end- tainly set forth a worthwhile agenda of research targets.

May-June, 1992 The Log Analyst 295

Doveton amd Prensky

CORE pled with the use of best-fit and self-consistency criteria

KAOLlNlTE within the computer algorithm, provide important con-
straints to guide the solution to a feasible result, as de-
scribed by Anderson et al. (1988). The strengths and

drawbacks of a variety of mineral transform models for
this purpose are discussed by Harvey et al. (1 990).



Over the years, a considerable amount of research has

CALCITE been applied to the concept that many stratigraphic suc-
v cessions are composed of cyclic repetitions of simple lith-
F ological sequences. Duff et al. (1967) summarized the
n extensive literature on stratigraphic cycles, most of which
was based on outcrop studies. Controversy centered on
..... whether cyclic characteristics were real or illusory, and,
if real, whether the cycles were caused by tectonic or
climatic changes.
In the last decade, mounting evidence suggests that
oscillations in global climate are responses to orbital per-
turbations of the earth. These are cyclic in time, and
distinctive periods can be assigned to the orbital param-
eters of eccentricity (95,000 years), obliquity (4 1,000
, , , ,
I years), and precession (19,000-23,000 years). The peri-
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
%w (matrix) zw (matrix) ods are collectively known as “Milankovitch cycles” and
provide a key to the recognition of climate events in the
Figure 7: Comparison of mineralogy computed from geo-
remote geological past, such as glaciation and sea-level
chemical logs with core analysis estimation (from van den Oord,
1990). changes and their effects on the stratigraphic record. The
model can also be linked with the Vail coastal-onlap curves
developed from seismic stratigraphy and offers an excit-
Accurate clay-mineral typing and geochemical clues to ing potential to assign specific dates to stratigraphic units.
diagenesis have immediate applications to improve res- The recent sedimentary successions of the deep-sea floor
ervoir engineering practice. Selley (1 99 1) considers that have proved to be a useful testing ground for verification
the “third age of log analysis” has arrived with the advent of whether these cyclic climatic changes can be detected
of geochemical logging and that they are useful discrim- by changes in lithological properties. These effects should
inators of a variety of diagenetic effects of cementation be shown by changes in clay mineralogy and clay content,
and solution, especially when used in conjunction with grain-size, types and abundances of planktonic fossils,
other logs. Cheshire (1991) advocated the use of com- caused by cycles of temperature and aridity/humidity
puter-based diagenetic modeling as the appropriate meth- driven by changes in solar energy.
odology to deduce diagenesis from wireline logs, as the Wireline logs have proved to be excellent records of
overall effects of diagenetic features are fairly subtle. Den- many of these phenomena. They have the advantage over
ham and Tieh (1989) suggest that measurements of tho- core of being both continuous and complete. A major
rium and uranium have potential in exploration studies disadvantage (at this time) is that they are primarily depth
as a means to delineate migration paths for fluids asso- rather than time records of petrophysical changes. Con-
ciated with the generation of hydrocarbons. sequently, conversionsto a chronology scale must be made
As mentioned earlier, an important application of the using fossil-dating from cores. Also, the vertical resolu-
ODP geochemical logging work has been in igneous and tion of some logging tools may be too coarse to detect
metamorphic rocks. The models represent a significant higher-frequency cycles, particularly at sites of slow sed-
advance on the interpretations associated with older logs imentation rates. Worthington (1 990) examined this
run in geothermal wells where most techniques repre- problem in detail by modeling cyclic sequences with dif-
sented simple pattern recognitions based on older wireline fering sedimentation rates and convolving these with the
logs (e.g., Keys, 1979). Normative solutions of mineral response functions of common tools. In some cases, the
compositions have been computed in a variety of lithol- poor vertical resolution of tools, such as the induction
ogies, using the inversion methods discussed earlier. resistivity, may cause them to be ineffective in resolving
Modal analyses from representative thin sections, cou- the cycles attributed to precession and obliquity. How-

296 The Log Analyst May-June, 1992

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs

ever, the trend to running tools with higher resolutions

has improved this situation. Maltezou and Anderson
(1 99 1) described an example of the recognition of Mil-
ankovitch cycles from resistivity logs.
Detection of potential cycles is made by Fourier trans-
formation of the logs to amplitude spectra and conversion
of depth to time scales deduced from fossil evidence.
Cyclic characters in logs appear to be strongly linked with
changes in clay content and porosity. These were regis-
tered on resistivity- and sonic-logging tools in deep-sea
sediments of Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea on ODP
Leg 105 as described by Jarrard and Arthur (1989). The
fluctuations in clay and porosity appear to reflect changes
in strength of ocean bottom currents, At times of weaker
currents, high-porosity clay-rich sediments accumulated;
stronger currents may have resulted in transport and de-
position of greater volumes of quartz and other coarse-
grained minerals. Ultimately, the waxing and waning of
the bottom currents is controlled by warming and cooling
cycles at the ocean surface, which in turn reflect migration
of upwelling zones. 0 Frequency (cycled 78 m) 50
The use of the geochemical-loggingtool string has re- Figure 8: Power spectrum of calcium/silicon elemental abun-
sulted both in an improvement of vertical resolution and dance ratios from geochemical logs in Pliocene-Paleocene sed-
the recording of elements that can be related more directly iments of the Labrador Sea (ODP Leg 105, Site 646). Abundance
to geological properties, particularly mineralogy. The peaks can be matched with 95,000-, 4 1,000-,23,000- and 19,000-
power spectrum of the calcium/silicon ratio at the Lab- year Milankovitch cycles (from Jarrard and Arthur, 1989).
rador Sea site (see Figure 8) shows peak developments
that can be attributed to all three Milankovitch-cycletypes
(Jarrard and Arthur, 1989). In the south Atlantic (ODP al., 1990), English Upper Jurassic sequencesusing filtered
Leg 1 14), Mwenifumbo and Blangy (1991) derive am- sonic and gamma-ray logs (Melnyk, 1990), and the Texas
plitude spectra of geochemical logs using a moving depth Permian, using gamma-ray logs (Borer and Harris, 1991).
window. They were able to identify cycles in the calcium The sequence stratigraphic link between well logs, out-
log that were clearly out of phase with silicon and hy- crops and cores is also described in the popular and pro-
drogen variation. These characteristics are easily attrib- fusely illustrated book by Wagoner et al. (1990). Vail and
uted to fluctuations of diatom-rich porous sediments as Wornardt (199 1) discussed the integration of well logs
changes in climatic temperature-moved upwelling zones with seismic stratigraphy in exploration and develop-
north and south. ment.
Estimates of sedimentation rate are currently keyed to Much fine-tuning remains to be done both in tracking
biostratigraphiccontrol and these will obviously vary with the changes in periodicities back in geologic time, and the
time. Molinie and Ogg (1990) considered that the time choice of appropriate spectral techniques and logging
periods of the Milankovitch cycles is sufficiently well es- measurements. However, links with the Vail coastal-on-
tablished that they could be used to deduce Sedimentation lap curve offer great potential for studies of basin history
rates as a continuous function fi-om sliding-window spec- and a more refined chronology of stratigraphic events. In
tral analysis. They applied this technique to a gamma- a parallel development, it appears that practical magne-
ray log of Jurassic-Cretaceous radiolarian mudstones from tostratigraphy logs may soon be available even from sed-
the equatorial Pacific and were able to derive reasonable imentary sequences with low magnetization. Experimen-
sedimentation rates and detect a major discontinuity. tal logging on Leg 102 of the ODP demonstrated that
The emergence of the concepts of Milankovitch cycles both the intensity and direction of paleomagnetic polar-
and sequence stratigraphy has also encouraged spectral ization could be measured reliably by downhole tools in
analysesand cyclic interpretationsof logs at sites onshore. strongly magnetized volcanic rocks (Leg 102 Scientific
Examples of recent studies along these lines include the Party, 1985). Further work by Tabbagh et al. (1990) in
analysis of North Carolinian Upper Triassic lacustrine the Couy (France) boreholes produced magnetic-logging
beds using gamma-ray logs (Hu et al., 1990), Argentinian results from a sedimentary sequence that showed a good
Lower Cretaceous highstand deposits using a combina- match with core measurements. If natural remnant-mag-
tion of resistivity, sonic and gamma-ray logs (Spalletti et netization polarity can be logged in a practical and reliable

May-June, 1992 The Log Analyst 297

, :I/
Doveton and Prensky

manner, there will be important and exciting applications. puter emulation of human mental processes; application of
A fundamental limitation of correlations based on con- neural network simulators to problems in well log interpre-
ventional wireline logs is that they are lithostratigraphic tation, in Artificial Intelligence in Petroleum Exploration and
whereas magnetostratigraphy logs would be keyed di- Production, proceedings: Texas A&M University, College
rectly to time. Where most correlation ties cross time- Station, p. 145-175. Also published in 1989 as SPE-19619,
in SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Pro-
lines, because sedimentary layers are diachronous prod-
ceedings, v. omega, Formation Evaluation and Reservoir Ge-
ucts of transgression and regression, absolute time se- ology: Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 48 1-493.
quences established from logs of magnetostratigraphy Borehole Research Group, 1990, Wirelinelogging manual, Ocean
could give revolutionary insights into development of Drilling Program: Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty
sedimentary basins and characterizations of reservoir Geological Observatory, 417 p.
structure. Borer, J.M., and Harris, P.M., 1991, Lithofacies and cyclicity
of the Yates Formation, Permian Basin; implications for res-
SUMMARY ervoir heterogeneity: AAPG Bulletin, v. 75, no. 24, p. 726-
We have attempted to summarize the recent major Busch, J.M., Fortney, W.G., and Berry, L.N., 1985, Determi-
trends and developments in the field of geological appli- nation of lithology from well logs by statistical analysis, SPE-
cations of wireline logs. The field is expanding rapidly 14301: Society of Petroleum Engineers, presented at 60th
and comprehensive coverage is difficult to achieve. This Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, preprint, 11 p.
growth is an excellent sign that exciting future develop- Later published in 1987, SPE Formation Evaluation, v. 2,
ments can be expected and that wireline-log analysis will no. 4, p. 412-418.
make increasingly significant contributions to a wide va- Casarta, L.J., McNaughton, D.A., Bornemann, E., and Bettis,
riety of geological studies. F.E., 1989, Fracture identification and matrix characteriza-
tion using a new borehole imaging device in the Lisburne
carbonate, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, paper XX, in 30th Annual
REFERENCES Logging Symposium Transactions: Society of Professional Well
Adams, J.A.S., and Weaver, C.E., 1958, Thorium to uranium Log Analysts, 10 p.
ratios as indications of sedimentary processes-example of Chapman, S., Colson, J.L., Flaum, C., et al., 1987, The emer-
concept of geochemical facies: AAPG Bulletin, v. 42, p. 387- gence of geochemical well logging: The Technical Review, v.
430. 35, no. 2, p. 27-35.
Anderson, R.N., Broglia, C., Pezard, A., and Williams, C.F., Chaudhary, S., and Vashist, N., 1991, Formation evaluation of
1988, Lithostratigraphy determined from discriminant anal- a finely laminated reservoir, paper VV, in 32nd Annual Log-
ysis of geochemical well logs from the Cajon Pass scientific ging Symposium Transactions: Society of Professional Well
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9 supplement, p. 957-960. Cheshire, M.J., 1991, Diagenetic modelling-an integrated ap-
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ging Society, Chapter-at-Large, p. 337-347. Later published W. L., Kendall, C. J., and Ross, W., eds., Sedimentary Mod-
in 1990, The Log Analyst, v. 3 1, no. 5, September-October, eling- Computer Simulations and Methods for Improved Pa-
p. 279-293. rameter Definition: Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 233,
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298 The Log Analyst May- June, 1992

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs

DUE, P. McL.D., Hallam, A., and Walton, E.K., 1967, Cyclic nual Logging Symposium Transactions: Society of Profes-
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tron Logs, SPE-15541: Society of Petroleum Engineers, pre- p. Reprinted in 1990, in Foster, N.H., and Beaumont, E.A.,
sented at 6 1st Annual Technical conference and Exhibition, eds., Formation evaluation 11-log interpretation: AAPG
preprint, 13 p. Later published in 1989, SPE Formation Eval- Treatise of Petroleum Geology Reprint Series No. 17, p. 578-
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1, 1
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lished in 1989, SPE Formation Evaluation, v. 4, no. 2, p. dynamic depth warping, paper UU, in 28th Annual Logging
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22-32. ging Symposium Transactions: Society of Professional Well
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p. 30-35. tential and pitfalls, paper GG, in 3 1st Annual Logging Sym-
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gineers, p. 129-1 39. Later reprinted in 1990, in Borehole im- practical: World Oil, v. 2 12, no. 6, p. 1 15-1 19.
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300 The Log Analyst May-June, 1992

Geological Applications of Wireline Logs

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Chapter, 22 p. Also published in 1988, SPE-18375, in SPE AAPG Bulletin, v. 60, no. 2, p. 184195. Also published in
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leum Engineers, presented at 57th Annual Technical Confer- Fundamentals of well-log interpretation v. 2-the interpreta-
ence and Exhibition, preprint, 14 p. tion of logging data, chapters 4 6 : Elsevier Science Publishers,
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F., 1986, A coherent framework for developing and applying 684 p.]
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ment, in 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial In- posium Transactions: Society of Professional Well Log An-
telligence, proceedings: International Joint Conference on Ar- alysts, 19 p.
tificial Intelligence, p. 122-1 29. Wolff, M., and Pelissier-Combescure, J., 1982, FACIOLOG-
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sequence stratigraphy analysis-an integrated approach to ex-

302 The Log Analyst May-June, 1992

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