The Positive and Negatif Effect of Cellular Phone On Student

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Jalan Imam Bonjol Gang Pinang No. 12 Langkapura Baru,

Langkapura, Bandar Lampung

A. Introduction

Today, everything is easy, fast and practical because of the technology. The form of
technology that is widely used by almost everyone is electronic devices or gadgets. One of
them is a smartphone or mobile phone. Smartphones becoming basic needs for everyone,
including learners. Ease and practicality to obtain info is one of the reason that make a
smartphone a inseparable technology in daily activities. Many advantages that we could get
by using a smartphone, but there are also many side effects caused by using smartphone
especially for students. Smartphones can be a good learning medium for learners but can
cause students depending too much on them which is not good.

B. Problem Formulation

What is negative and postive effect or impact of using smartphone for students?

C. Discussion

Smartphones have many interesting features for children to be easily attracted at and made
them hard to separate. Many benefits that can be obtained from the use of smartphones as
said by psychologist Hadiwidjodjo, Psi (2014) are:
"Simplifying Communication, Gadget is one tool that has advanced technology so everyone
can easily communicate. Developing children's creativity (Gadgets provide various
information that can also encourage children to be more creative.) Children could find all
the information and news they need with ease , in terms of learning while playing or playing
while learning. In this phase, children is enjoying fun time to play, but not separated from
learning process that must also be done.

Positive effects that can be given by smartphone are:

1. Gagdet can help develop innovative, strategic, and investigative ways of thinking and
increase the creativity potential of kids.
2. For learners, gadget can help improve manual dexterity and can make them aware of
computers or technology.
3. despite its role as learning medium, smartphone in some people’s opinion is a good
source to relieve stress and provide fun and entertainment.
4. Social media allows students and friends to be connected so they won’t miss any
information about homework to do or materials to learn.
5. cellphones give them ability to quickly find out or learn about everything anytime
6. Endless supply of information, materials, applications, videos, unlimited interactive

The positive things mentioned above would be the main reason to use smartphones for
students. On the other hand the use of smartphones can cause even negative effects for
students. Some of them are:
1. Using gadgets / smartphones can affect the social relationships of students. Children
spend more time on smartphones rather than to chat / communicate with their parents.
2. Students going far apart from moral values. Instead of using smartphone in productive
manners they use it as a source for adult content.
3. Students may have difficulty in concentrating on the lesson, when most of the time is
spent on smarpthone, the academic ability may decreases.
4. Causing health problems. Various health problems can arise due to the use of gadgets or
smartphone for example: back pain and weak eyesight. Moreover, due to lack of physical
activity children tend to become fat or worse obese.
5. Students who play violent-themed games for a long period of time have a tendency to be
more aggressive. The children prone to confront the teachers, friends and people around
6. Wastfule. Using internet connection means they have to pay continuously. This kind of
habit will lead them to wasteful lifestyle.

The use of smartphones has its positive and negative impact on student learning activities
and learning outcomes. Good supervision and understanding of parents is needed for
children to keep them away of negative effects and use their smartphone in productive and
useful manner.

D. Conclusions and Suggestions

Smartphone is a technology that provides comfort and practicality to be able to do work

quickly and efficiently. If utilized properly, smartphone proven to be useful. For students,
they need a good explanation and supervision from parents about the use of the smartphone.
By providing a good explanation, the use of smartphones will greatly help the development
of learning and creativity of children. Supervision and understanding from around them such
as schools and teachers and a good communication with parents may prevent children from
addiction and excessive use of mobile phones. If used properly, the smartphone might turon
out to be a media solution for children/student growth.

D. References
Ahmad Fadilah. (2011). Pengaruh Penggunaan Alat Komunikasi Handphone (HP)
Terhadap Aktivitas Belajar Siswa SMP Negeri 66 Jakarta Selatan. Jakarta

Hadiwidjodjo. (2004). Dampak Positif Penggunaan Gadget Bagi Anak dari

Hastuti. (2012). Psikologi Perkembangan Anak. Yogyakarta: Tugu Publisher

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