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English Practice Exam Dialogue

- Ajmalia Nafsa Kamila as Alia (A)

- Athiyyah Salsabila as Bella (B)

• persuade : ajakan

• suggestion : saran

• asking someone to do or not to do something : meminta seseorang untuk melakukan atau tidak
melakukan sesuatu

• offering help : menawarkan bantuan

• giving and asking opinions : memberi atau meminta opini

• surprise : mengejutkan

• praise : memuji

• criticize : mengkritik


A : “bell, after the exam is over, we have two weeks off. Do you already have plans where

you want to go on vacation?”

B : “finally! we talk about another topic, since yesterday we have always discussed the exam

material. I was stressed, you know”

A : “we were on exam right now, surely our conversation is about the exam material”

B : “hehe peace, I haven't planned my vacation yet. Wait, how about we have a vacation


A : “thats a good idea! Where do you think we are going? Wait, i have an idea, how we go

to iceland?”

B : “You always answer your own question, but I truly agree with your idea, let's go to

A : “okay deal, let's go to the library now”

B : “I was just happy with our vacation plans, now we have to study again? are you kidding

me al?”

A : “Come on bel, please, cheer up, tomorrow is the last day of exam, you want your exam


B : “Of course not, okay let's go to the library now”

A : “haha, I like your passion, tomorrow after the exam we immediately look for tickets to

Iceland, okay”

B : “okee, let's go!”


B : “finally, exam completed!, it's vacation time!”

A : “alhamdulillah, im feel so free! let's order tickets and the lodge”

B : “okee, I will order the ticket, while you will order the lodge how about it?”

A : “okee, sip!”

B : “how about we take the flight the day after tomorrow, at 10 am?”

A : “okay, im agree, I also got the lodge, I ordered it”

B : “okee, I also ordered the ticket”

A : “by the way bel, the airport is closer with my house, how about you stay at my home


B : “okay, i will stay at your home tomorrow, now I'll go home and packing first”

A : “okee bell, I'll go home too, bye bel”

B : “bye all, see you!”


B : “assalamualaikum, alia...”

A : “waalaikumsalam, just go in bell, the door is not locker”

B : “okee, why is it so quiet al? Are you alone at home?”

A : “yea, my family are going out”

B : “ohh oke”

A : “You sit there first, im going to the kitchen, what do you want to drink bel?”

B : “just mineral water, its enough”

A : “okee wait for a moment”

B : “by the way did you forgot something al?”

A : “forgot? What about? This is the drink, you drink it first”

B : “okee thank you, forgot about.. its okay, just forget it. its not important hehe”

A : “you've finished drinking, come on, come with me”

B : “Whats wrong? why are you wearing me a blindfold?”

A : “just follow me okay”

B : “what are you planning alia? This is so weird”

A : “okay now, take off the blindfold, but dont open your eyes”

B : “oke oke”

A : “okay, now open your eyes, SURPRISE!”

B : “Al! oh my god! I thought you forgot..”

A : “of course not, I purposely want to surprise you. Forgive me okay? haha, happy birthday


B : “thank you very much al, did you prepare it yourself?”

A : “yes, it's easy to prepare for me haha”

B : “wow, its so awesome... once again, thank you so much.. your surprise successed!”
A : “my pleasure, bel..”

B : “by the way al, have you packed yet?”

A : “not yet bel”

B : “oke, let me help you okay”

A : “okee thank you bel, wait for a second i will take my suitcase first”

B : “okee al”

B : “al, the clothes are too much to carry, you better bring just enough”

A : “i think so, oke bel”

A : “Which bag do you think I better bring? Left or right?”

B : “I think the right one fits better, it's simpler but still elegant and most importantly the

size is right”

A : “okee bell, thank you! You're the smartest about fashion haha”

B : “of course! Haha, my pleasure al“

A : “I think we've finished packing up everything we need to bring, bel”

B : “i think so, oke let's sleep, so tomorrow we won't be late”

A : “okee, have a nice dream. bel”

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