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Hello everyone!

How are you guys? Since we are on a lockdown, meaning, you can only do everything inside your home,
as an STIer, how can we show the 4C’s in the midst of the pandemic?

In this video, I will show you some tips on how you can be a person of character, a critical-thinker,
communicator, and be change-adept.

Character – An STIer is a person of character. An STIer’s response regardless of circumstances is

consistently virtuous.

A person who takes responsibility to their actions, treats people with respect, and lives with integrity.

We can be a person of character towards the community by simply showing proper manners especially
to our family, also our teachers and classmates even just through online interaction. You can show your
respect by simply: greeting your parents or an older family member with an honoring gesture where
Filipinos call it as “pagmamano” which has been part of our practices. To your teachers, show respect by
simply complying with what you are told to do so. If you have questions and clarifications, ask them
politely. For your classmates, if there are some conflicts, act as mediator and identify which is the right
thing to do to fix the issue.

Proper Manners

Also, in using social media, you are also responsible with how you interact with other people. You must
observe social media etiquette such as thinking before you click and be able to analyze information
before reacting or sharing— think critically.

Observe social Media Etiquettes

Critical-thinker – An STIer is a critical-thinker. An STIer discerns through open-minded analysis and

challenges one’s beliefs to further improve creative ideas.

Analyzes all information through sound questioning and is unafraid to push for creative ideas.

You can apply your critical-thinking skills through analyzing a news article to identify its legitimacy
through researching in order for other people not to be baited by fake news. You may also engage with
your classmates to exchange ideas and solutions to improve learning during online class if some of your
classmates are experiencing problems or unable to adjust with the new learning system. You can
possibly do it through communicating with them which the next characteristic of an STIer.

Exchanging of ideas and solutions

Identifying the legitimacy of a news thru research

Communicator – An STIer communicates to understand and be understood. An STIer recognizes the
emotion behind the information read or heard and expresses his/her own emotion when giving
information, may it be verbal or written.

To be a communicator in a community, one must have the ability to listen to others when it comes to
suggestions, feelings, or standpoint.

You should also practice proper communication, to teachers especially, by letting them speak and give
you the details about some homework for example before you raise your concerns. There must be
taking turns. Understand first and be understood. Also, when there are problems, do not hesitate to ask
if you can help them. They could be a family member, a friend, or a classmate. It could possibly help
them especially in these times where communication is the only way to connect with them. Even if it is
through online, make them feel that they are still being cared about. If there are conflicts between two
parties for example in class, listen and understand both sides first before you make your own judgment
on whether who is right or wrong, or maybe give solutions to balance out both sides.

Proper communication

Listens to suggestions

Connect with other people

Solving problems

Change-adept – An STIer is change-adept. An STIer utilizes such ability to manage when a need for
transformation or transition arises to uplift his/her capabilities and build the capacity of the community
where he/she belongs.

A person who can adapt, adjust, and reinvent to changing circumstances. Embraces the new to achieve
their fullest potential.

Currently, we are living in this period wherein we need to embrace the new normal, which includes
having online classes. Some of us may find it hard to adjust with the new learning system as there are
lack of available resources in order to conduct or participate in an online class. As a change-adept
person, for you to help your fellow students,

Online class – setting schedules

Access to technology

I know it is quite boring to be isolated in our homes for a long time. We limit ourselves to go outside,
and we do not get to socialize with other people personally every day. Sometimes, we may come to the
point where we feel so unproductive.

Self-care plan to execute goals


Physical, Emotional, Mental and Social Aspect

- Track my health and lifestyle

- Self-control over emotions
- Anger management
- Be mentally stable
- Build strong relationship with people I am close with


- Making progress on improving my skills

- Discover new hobbies or another skill
- Be motivated

Self-care plan:


- Track my health and lifestyle


- Self-control over emotions

- Anger management

Think before you speak

In the heat of the moment, it's easy to say something you'll later regret. Take a few moments to collect
your thoughts before saying anything — and allow others involved in the situation to do the same.


- Be mentally stable

Make time for relaxation.

Letting yourself zone out and relax from time to time gives your brain space to recharge, which
promotes optimal function.
If your attention often wanders, this could suggest you’re not getting enough mental relaxation. Self-
care for you, then, might include some technology breaks when you feel overstimulated. Try things like
doodling, nature walks, or short naps to let your brain rest.


- Build strong relationship with people I am close with

Spend time with friends and catch up with them: No matter how shy or introverted you are, it’s still
important to have close relationships with others and spend time around other like-minded, positive
individuals. Make it a priority to squeeze some socializing into your month.


- Making progress on improving my skills

Spend 30 minutes a day with yourself: Spend those 30 minutes doing almost anything you like that
helps you get in touch with yourself. For me, this is essentially a self-care ritual where I will do things
like journal, meditate, read, paint, etc. Something that does not involve your laptop or cell phone.

- Discover new hobbies or another skill

Spend an hour a week learning about new passion: This goal is also related to spending quality “me
time”. Spend the time researching/reading/watching videos about a new interest of yours (or an
existing passion!). For example, I’ve really gotten into crystal healing/spiritual growth lately, so I’ve
been spending time reading blog posts and watching YouTube videos about it so I can learn more. So
pick any topic that interests you and keep learning! You don’t have to be in school to learn about a
particular subject. Learning a new language also fits perfectly into this goal for personal self-care.

- Be motivated

Create a vision board: I’ve been talking a lot about vision boards, but that’s because I really believe
in them and how effective they can be for personal growth and goal setting. The entire creative
process of the vision board can be used as a self care ritual (use it as your “me time!”). Then, once
it’s done, it works to keep you inspired, and motivated, and helps with maintaining a positive

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