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Work Health Safety Presentation

Workplace Health and Safety Policy and Procedures

This policy is aimed to protect to the health and ensure the safety of grow management
consultant in the workplace. Because ensuring the safety and health protection in the
workplace is key to organizational success. Therefore, this policy is designed to provide a
protective and safe working environment to all the workers and students at Grow
Management Consultant. In this regard, all stakeholders such as employees, students, and
GMC are jointly liable for complying with this policy and guidelines.
A hazard is any possible precarious condition within the work atmosphere which endangers
the employees’ health and safety.
Incident refers to an event or situation which leads to an unintentional or unnecessary
damage or harm to any individual’s participation in a working atmosphere and particularly at
the Grow Management Consultant.
An injury is a situation during which a person get hurted due to his/her participation in any
working setup or responsibility within the Grow Management Consultant.
WHS communication and consultation refers to circulation of information, providing
employees a rational chance to definite opinions, and captivating such opinions into account
before making decisions on health and safety matters
Discoursing problems
Raising and tuning concerns
Understanding your responsibility
conducting regular, predetermined, and organized meeting to discuss workplace issues and
intended hazards.
Health and Safety Committee
Thanks for the Attention

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