Checking of Demand With Income Statement Formula - Group 1

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2021 Yearly demand

Company Gap Yearly Demand

Quantity Monthly 9237
86.17% 86% Wholesale 662
0.5165 51.65 Hopia 342
0.4835 48.35 Crinkles 320
Total 100 662

13.83% 14% Retail 108

0.2904 29.04 Hopia Mongo 31
0.1721 17.21 Hopia Ube 19
0.5375 53.75 Crinkles 58
Total 100 108
Grand Total 100 770

Quantity Monthly 9365

86% Wholesale 672
0.5165 51.65 Hopia 347
0.4835 48.35 Crinkles 325
Total 672

14% Retail 108

0.2904 29.04 Hopia Mongo 31
0.1721 17.22 Hopia Ube 19
0.5375 53.74 Crinkles 58
Total 108
Grand Total 780

Company Gap Yearly Demand
Quantity Monthly 9495
86% Wholesale 682
0.5165 51.65 Hopia 352
0.4835 48.35 Crinkles 330
Total 682

14% Retail 109

0.2904 29.04 Hopia Mongo 32
0.1721 17.22 Hopia Ube 19
0.5375 53.74 Crinkles 59
Total 109
Grand Total 791

Company Gap Yearly Demand
Quantity Monthly 9627
86% Wholesale 691
0.5165 51.65 Hopia 357
0.4835 48.35 Crinkles 334
Total 691

14% Retail 111

0.2904 29.04 Hopia Mongo 32
0.1721 17.22 Hopia Ube 19
0.5375 53.74 Crinkles 60
Total 111
Grand Total 802

Company Gap Yearly Demand
Quantity Monthly 9760
86% Wholesale 701
0.5165 51.65 Hopia 362
0.4835 48.35 Crinkles 339
Total 701

14% Retail 112

0.2904 29.04 Hopia Mongo 33
0.1721 17.22 Hopia Ube 19
0.5375 53.74 Crinkles 60
Total 112
Grand Total 813
Demand Product cost Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 33.5 31 1,039 372 12,462
Hopia Ube 33.5 19 637 228 7,638
Crinkles 33.5 58 1,943 696 23,316
Total 100.5 108 3,618 1296 43,416
Hopia 33.5 342 11,457 4104 137,484
Crinkles 33.5 320 10,720 3840 128,640
Total 67 662 22,177 7944 266,124
Grand Total 770 25795 9240 309540

Demand Product Cost Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 33.5 32 1,072 384 12,864
Hopia Ube 33.5 19 637 228 7,638
Crinkles 33.5 58 1,943 696 23,316
Total 100.5 109 3,652 1308 43,818
Hopia 33.5 347 11,625 4164 139,494
Crinkles 33.5 324 10,854 3888 130,248
Total 67 671 22,479 8052 269,742
Grand Total 780 26130 9360 313560

Demand Product Cost Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 33.5 32 1,072 384 12,864
Hopia Ube 33.5 19 637 228 7,638
Crinkles 33.5 60 2,010 720 24,120
Total 100.5 111 3,719 1332 44,622
Hopia 33.5 351 11,759 4212 141,102
Crinkles 33.5 329 11,022 3948 132,258
Total 67 680 22,780 8160 273,360
Grand Total 791 26499 9492 317982

Demand Product Cost Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 33.5 33 1,106 396 13,266
Hopia Ube 33.5 19 637 228 7,638
Crinkles 33.5 60 2,010 720 24,120
Total 100.5 112 3,752 1344 45,024
Hopia 33.5 356 11,926 4272 143,112
Crinkles 33.5 334 11,189 4008 134,268
Total 67 690 23,115 8280 277,380
Grand Total 802 26867 9624 322404

Demand Product Cost Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 33.5 33 1,106 396 13,266
Hopia Ube 33.5 20 670 240 8,040
Crinkles 33.5 61 2,044 732 24,522
Total 100.5 114 3,819 1368 45,828
Hopia 33.5 361 12,094 4332 145,122
Crinkles 33.5 338 11,323 4056 135,876
Total 67 699 23,417 8388 280,998
Grand Total 813 27236 9756 326826
Demand Selling Price Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 55 31 1,705 372 20,460
Hopia Ube 55 19 1,045 228 12,540
Crinkles 55 58 3,190 696 38,280
Total 108 5,940 1296 71,280
Hopia 50 342 17,096 4103 205,149
Crinkles 50 320 16,003 3841 192,042
Total 662 33,099 7944 397,191
Grand Total 770 39039 9240 468471

Demand Selling Price Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 55 32 1,760 384 21,120
Hopia Ube 55 19 1,045 228 12,540
Crinkles 55 58 3,190 696 38,280
Total 165 109 5,995 1308 71,940
Hopia 50 347 17,350 4164 208,200
Crinkles 50 324 16,200 3888 194,400
Total 100 671 33,550 8052 402,600
Grand Total 780 39545 9360 474540

Demand Selling Price Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 55 32 1,760 384 21,120
Hopia Ube 55 19 1,045 228 12,540
Crinkles 55 60 3,300 720 39,600
Total 165 111 6,105 1332 73,260
Hopia 50 351 17,550 4212 210,600
Crinkles 50 329 16,450 3948 197,400
Total 100 680 34,000 8160 408,000
Grand Total 791 40105 9492 481260

Demand Selling Price Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 55 33 1,815 396 21,780
Hopia Ube 55 19 1,045 228 12,540
Crinkles 55 60 3,300 720 39,600
Total 165 112 6,160 1344 73,920
Hopia 50 356 17,800 4272 213,600
Crinkles 50 334 16,700 4008 200,400
Total 100 690 34,500 8280 414,000
Grand Total 802 40660 9624 487920

Demand Selling Price Quantity Monthly Sales Quantity Yearly Sales
Hopia Mongo 55 33 1,815 396 21,780
Hopia Ube 55 20 1,100 240 13,200
Crinkles 55 61 3,355 732 40,260
Total 165 114 6,270 1368 75,240
Hopia 50 361 18,050 4332 216,600
Crinkles 50 338 16,900 4056 202,800
Total 100 699 34,950 8388 419,400
Grand Total 813 41220 9756 494640
Income Statement Monthly Yearly

2021 2022 2023

Sales 468,471 474,540 481,260
COGS 309,540 313,560 317,982
Gross Sales 158,931 160,980 163,278
Operating Expenses
Rent 1,200.00 14,400 14,688 14,982
Office Supplies 200.00 235 240 245
Promotion 400.00 1,150 1,173 1,196
Cleaning Materials 180.00 255 260 265
Delivery Expenses 200.00 2,400 2,448 2,497
Communication 150.00 1,000 1,020 1,040
Allowance/Compensation 2,400.00 28,800 29,376 29,964
SSS 320.00 3,840 3,840 3,840
Philhealth 400.00 4,800 4,800 4,800
Pagibig 400.00 4,800 4,800 4,800
Depcn. Furniture and fixtures 200 200 200
Depcn. Equip.Furniture and fixtures 440 440 440

BMBE 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Total Expenses 63,320.00 64,285.00 65,269.00
Net Incomes Before tax 95,611.00 96,695.00 98,009.00
Income Tax
Net Income After Tax 95,611.00 96,695.00 98,009.00
2024 2025
487,920 494,640
322,404 326,826
165,516 167,814

15,282 15,587
250 255
1,220 1,245
271 276
2,547 2,598
1,061 1,082
30,563 31,174
3,840 3,840
4,800 4,800
4,800 4,800
200 200
440 440

1,000.00 1,000.00
66,274.00 67,297.00
99,242.00 100,517.00

99,242.00 100,517.00

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