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International Journal of Modern Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJMECE) ISSN: 2321-2152

Volume No.-6, Issue No.-5, September, 2018

Design and Optimization of Square SPI for Ultra-Wide Band

Beeresha R S A M Khan
Department of Electronics Department of Electronics
Mangalore University Mangalore University
Mangalore, India Mangalore, India
E-mail: E-mail:

Manjunatha Reddy H V
RF/Microwave Circuits Design
ICON Design and Automation Pvt. Ltd
Bangalore, India

Abstract: The design, simulation and implementation of microstrip square spiral inductors (SPI) for ultra-wideband applications. An accurate
analytical modeling was done by using the current sheet approximation (CSA) method. The simplified lumped equivalent circuit is used to
determine the physical dimension of the square SPI model. They are three different square turn SPI structures (1-turn, 2-turn, and 3-turns) are
electromagnetically (EM) simulate using physical dimensions. These physical dimensions help to achieve desired inductance values. The
implementation SPI structure in monolithic multilayer integrated circuit (MMIC) technique and operating frequency from 100MHz to 2000MHz
and calculate inductance and quality factor (Q-factor) at 950MHz for ultra-wide band applications. The SPI is model on RT/Duroid substrate and
measured with the network analyzer. The obtained results show that the average inductance of SPI (1-turn to 3-turn) increases by 74% and
quality factor decreases the average of 68%.The observed results show that average error of CSA v/s EM simulated = 5.66%, CSA v/s tested =
4% and EM simulated v/s measured = 6.87%. It is found that CSA, EM simulation and measured results are in close agreement with the smaller
average error. The analysis show that, increase in turns will influence to increases inductance value. The enhancement of the series resistance is
leading to deterioration of the Q-factor.

Keywords: SPI, Q-factor, Insertion Loss, Return Loss, CSA, Electromagnetic Simulation.
a suitable inductor model with multilayer substrate material and
geometric calculation to improve Q-factor [6] [7] [8].
The development of compact and low cost printed circuit
board fabrication is important in a wireless communication The better efficiency of a spiral inductor is directly reflected
system. The miniaturization can be achieved either by by its Q-factor. The optimization of Q-factor depends on
compressing the size of individual components or by various physical parameters such as a number of turns (n),
integrating different functions within a single component. To conductor width (W), conductor length (L) space (S) between
attain the above needs, one can employ a unique technique the conductors, inner diameter (Di) and outer diameter (Dout).
called microwave multilayer integrated circuits (MMIC). The However, the number of turns used in SPI, which is dominated
MMIC is a simple technique, which is reliable in an electrical inductance value than other parameters (W, L, and S) because
and thermal performance of passive components. The MMIC smaller variation in number turns leads to significant changes
technology is widely used in ultra-wideband applications like in Q-factor and inductance. Therefore, in this work, we
radar [1], wireless communication [2] and remote sensing [3]. investigated the role of the number of turns on inductance value
and Q-factor of the square SPI structure. We varied the number
The MMIC has accomplished for accurate characterization of turns from one to three (n=1 to n=3) of a square spiral
of planar passive transmission lines [4]. The planar passive inductor for100MHz to 2000MHz operating frequency and
components such as SPI, inter digital capacitor (IDC) and these calculate the inductance and Q-factor at 950MHz.
are fabricated using MMIC technique. The choice of optimal
geometry of the planar passive components depends on II. BASICS OF SPIRAL INDUCTOR (SPI)
operating frequency. The planar circuit will experience a
The SPI is available in different structures such as straight
passive component effect while transmitting higher frequency
narrow racks, single loop, and multi-turn. In the multi-turn
signals are passing through it. The increase of passivity will
inductor of the circular and square structure are preferred for
deteriorate Q-factor. The Q-factor is a key parameter to
higher inductance value of passive components development.
improve circuit efficiency [5]. Many researchers have designed
The square SPI structure is widely used due to its less

RES Publication © 2012 Page| 31
International Journal of Modern Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJMECE) ISSN: 2321-2152
Volume No.-6, Issue No.-5, September, 2018

complexity in analytical design and easy fabrication than 1

circular inductor structure with the help of lumped equivalent 𝑄 − 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 1
circuit as shown in figure 1 and 2 [9]. 𝑅𝑒

Where Y: are the Y parameter and f is a signal frequency.

The characteristics of the spiral inductor usually having three
important figure of merit like inductance, quality factor and
self-inductance (SRF) [15]. The geometric parameters will
determine inductance and Q- factor. The SRF for an inductor
can be viewed as the maximum frequency at which the inductor
value is positive. When the frequency increases, the inductor
value becomes negative, i.e., the inductor acts like a capacitor.
The lumped equivalent circuits will help to design planar
Figure1.SPI Structure square SPI structure with desired inductance and Q-factor.


The planar SPI geometric scale model with help of lumped
equivalent circuit and analyze S- parameters of the desired
frequency. The current distribution in square SPI structure is
dependent on the desired frequency. However, the current
distribution may affect by few phenomena such as skin effect
and proximity effects of neighboring conductor segments. The
current distribution in an isolated conductor is explained by
Figure2.Equivalent Circuit of SPI Structure many authors adopting the closed-form equations. However,
closed-form equations face shortcomings during their
The frequency dependency of the spiral metal coils series incorporation in explaining the current distribution
inductance and resistance represents the parallel Rs and Ls of phenomenon in SPI due to the proximity effects [16]. To
the circuit. The Cs is the series capacitance of the conductor and overcome the proximity effects, slightly modified closed-form
Cox is present in space between parallel conductors. The Rsi equations called simple equations [17]. The simple equations
and Csi represent the DC resistance of the metal line [10]. To describe the current distribution in the conductor. This is
facilitate the design of such components, significant work has approximate in a stepwise fashion by breaking up SPI structure
gone into modeling spiral inductors using lumped circuit into sub-segments to make the uniform current distribution.
models [11] [12]. The parasitic resistors and capacitors in this These equations help to calculate the total inductance of the
model have simple physically intuitive expressions, but the structure with the help of each segment (4-segment in one turn)
inductance value lacks a simple but accurate expression. Figure self and mutual inductance between segment to segment of SPI
2 shows the equivalent circuit for the planar spiral inductor. square SPI structure [18] [19].
Using this equivalent circuit to calculate the inductance value Furthermore, simple equations are classified as modified
for a given frequency with the help of S-parameter. The S- wheeler formulas, monomial expression and current sheet
parameters are calculated in AWR tool and transformed into Y approximation (CSA) [6]. The modified wheeler formula is
parameters from which the inductance L and Q factor can be particularly suited for the octagonal and hexagonal structure to
calculated based on the following equations [13] 14]. calculate inductance value. This technique is associated with
All manuscripts must be in English. These guidelines include the collection of all layout data to fit into the structure and
complete descriptions of the fonts, spacing, and related calculate the inductance value [6]. The monomial expression is
information for producing your proceedings manuscripts. We well suited for circular structure, where the inductance value is
ask authors to follow these guidelines and make the paper look calculated by considering the entire structure instead of
exactly like this document. The easiest way to do this is simply individual turns/tracks shape [20]. The CSA is a better method
to download this template and replace the content with the text to calculate the inductance value for a square spiral inductor
of your manuscript. structure. The CSA method involves in approximating the sides
𝐼𝑚 of a spiral inductor structure [21]. This method is used to
𝐿= (1) analyze self and mutual inductance by considering the opposite
RES Publication © 2012 Page| 32
International Journal of Modern Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJMECE) ISSN: 2321-2152
Volume No.-6, Issue No.-5, September, 2018

parallel sides of the spiral inductor. The self and mutual

inductance are evaluated using the concept of geometric mean
distance (GMD) [6].

𝜇𝑛2 𝑑𝑎𝑣𝑔 𝐶1 𝐶2
𝐿𝑔𝑚𝑑 = ln + 𝐶3 𝜌 + 𝐶4 𝜌2 (3)
2 𝜌

Where the coefficient of Ci are layout dependent, µ is

permeability of a substrate, davg is the average distance
between the inner diameters (Di) to the outer diameter (Dout)
and ρ is the fill ratio. The total inductance of a square SPI Figure4.Fabricated Square SPI Structure
structure can be explained as the sum of self and mutual IV. OPTIMIZATION OF SPI TURNS
inductances using CSA method. The self-inductance is
To increase in SPI turns by keeping conductor width
calculated by considering each side of a square structure (out of
(0.2mm), space between the conductor (0.2mm) and an inner
four) individually in a turn. The mutual inductance is quantified
diameter (0.7mm) are constant. The turns are an increase from
by considering the inductance between sides in a turn.
1-turn to 3-turn respect to operating frequency from 100MHz to
2000MHz and calculate inductance and Q-factor at 950MHz.
The figure 4.a, show that operating frequency with respect to
the inductance value of 1-turn, 2-turn, and 3-turn. The figure
4.b, show the Q-factor with respect to the operating frequency
of the SPI turns.

L_SRL2(2) (nH)
40 L_SRL2(2) (nH)
L_SRL2(2) (nH)
30 SPI_N3_Sim

2 20

Figure3.a. Two Turn SPI 2D Structure
100 600 1100 1600 2000
Frequency (MHz)

Figure5.a.SIM Inductance

200 SPI_N2_Sim


Figure3.b.Two Turn SPI 2D Structure
100 600 1100 1600 2000
The 2D and 3D layout structure of SPI is designed by using Frequency (MHz)

the NI/AWR tool considering RT/Duroid multilayer substrate

Figure5.b.SIM Q-Factor
material as shown in figure 3. In this structure, a dielectric layer
of height 0.508 mm is sandwiched between two conducting As the observed results show, increase in turns of SPI will
copper layers of thickness 0.032 mm [22]. The input is applied effect increases the inductance value and decrease the quality
to the top layer and the corresponding output is derived from factor due to an increase in series resistance of the structure.
the bottom layer. The fabricated miniature square SPI The variation of inductance value with respect to operating
structures are as show in figure 4. frequency is linear at a lower frequency and nonlinear at the
higher frequency with respect number of turns. The linear
variation of inductance has lower dissipation due to smaller the
RES Publication © 2012 Page| 33
International Journal of Modern Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJMECE) ISSN: 2321-2152
Volume No.-6, Issue No.-5, September, 2018

series resistance. The increase in turns to increases series

resistance influence in the exponential increase in inductance
value. In our design shows that 1-turn and 2-turn SPI has
almost linear inductance value with respect to operating
frequency. The 3-turn SPI structure inductance value almost
linear up to 1GHz, and after that increases rapidly due to
increase in series reactance with respect to proposed geometric
scaling and operating frequency.




-15 DB(|S(1,1)|)
-20 DB(|S(1,1)|)
-25 DB(|S(1,1)|) Figure8.Tested andSIM Insertion Loss of 1 to 3 Turns
100 600 1100 1600 2000
Frequency (MHz) The figure 8 and 9, show comparative results of EM
simulated and tested S-parameters such asS11 and S21 of
Figure6.a.SIM Return Loss
square SPI. There is a smaller deviation between simulated and
SPI_TURNS_S21_SIM tested results because of an addition of SMA connector and
soldering material. The observed EM simulated S-parameters
are better agreement with the tested structure of n = 1 to n = 3.
The observed results at 950MHz are tabulated in table 1.
SPI_N1_Sim Table1.Best results
-10 DB(|S(2,1)|) Turns (n) S11SIM S11Test( S21SIM S21Test
(dB) dB) (dB) (dB)
SPI_N3_Sim SPI_1=1 -10.7 -10.49 -0.406 -0.424
100 600 1100 1600 2000
Frequency (MHz)
SPI_2=2 -5.58 -6.29 -1.447 -1.204
SPI_3=2 -2.11 -2.19 -4.252 -4.132
Figure6.b.SIM Insertion Loss
For ultra-wideband applications, we consider 950 MHz to
calculate the inductance and Q-factor of SPI. The S-parameters
of SPI and tested results of desired frequency shown in table 1.
The S11 and S21 of simulated results are well matched with
tested results. From the simulated results of S-parameters are
used to calculate the inductance and Q-factor of a tested
structure using equation (1) and (2). The theoretically
calculated inductance value using CSA with proposed
geometric scale for design SPI model.
The smaller deviation can be observed by comparing CSA,
EM simulated and tested results. The deviation is due to the
reactance of the input/output connector and soldering material,
which leads error compare between simulated and tested. The
average inductance error of EM simulated with CSA is 5.66%,
CSA with tested is 4% and EM simulated with tested is 6.87%
Figure7.Tested andSIM Return Loss1 to 3 Turns
as shown in table 2. The error percentage is negligible and it is
almost less than 7% with we achieve 93% matched
performance of designed and fabricated SPI models.

RES Publication © 2012 Page| 34
International Journal of Modern Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJMECE) ISSN: 2321-2152
Volume No.-6, Issue No.-5, September, 2018

CSA EM-Sim Tested_Ind Error %_CSA Error %_CSA Error %_EM

Turns (nH) (nH) (nH) V/S EM V/S Test V/S Test

SPI_1=1 5.3 5.42 5.58 2.26 5.28 2.95

SPI_2=2 10.02 10.85 9.63 8.3 3.9 11.24
SPI_3=2 23.51 22.5 22 6.42 2.84 6.42
Average Error in % 5.66 4 6.87

To reduce the resistive loss of a conductor is to reduce the better Q-factor we need to know the operating frequency and
conductor width to minimize the substrate loss and which is physical scaling of SPI.
more dominant than the resistive loss for large inductor
structure [23]. Figure 7 shows inductance versus the number of
turns and average error percentage of a square spiral inductor. The 1-turn to 3-turn spiral inductors are designed with
The inductance of an SPI increase by increase in turns. The constant conductor width, inner diameter, and space between
measured inductance value of 1-turn to 2-turn increases by 42% the conductors. The systematic characterization of square SPI
and 2-turn to 3-turn is 56%. The observed tested results show on RT/Duroid substrate using NI/AWR software. The
that increase turn will result to increase inductance value performance of Square SPI is analyzed with the variation of the
linearly with average 15% in each turn (1-turn to 2-turn and 2- number of turns. By increasing the number of turns from 1 to 3,
turn to 3-turn) and 74% from 1-turn to 3-turn with respect to the inductance value is improved by 75% and the Q-factor falls
proposed geometric scale. down 68%. The fabricated structures results are well matched
The Q-factor is one of a figure of merit to justify SPI with EM simulated and designed results. The observed results
efficiency. We use the conventional definition of the Q-factor, show that increase in turns will influence to increases
being the ratio of the stored to dissipated total energy in the inductance of square SPI. This work helps to design specified
component. The desired magnetic and parasitic capacitive value of inductance with desired operating frequency for
energy of the components are considered in this definition. This RF/Microwave component modeling and development for
is in contrast to other definitions of a Q-factor that relate to the ultra-wide band applications.
stored magnetic energy only [24-25]. In RF circuit design, ACKnowledgment
however, consideration of the total energy stored in the
The authors would like to thank ICON design Automation
component and the total loss is relevant.
Pvt Ltd Bangalore, for their help and guidance to carry out this
QF_Sim QF_Tested work at their R&D lab.

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