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강상윤 영어카페 http://cafe.naver.


「be동사+과거분사+(by+행위자)」의 구조를 이루며 상황이 묘사된 시점(현재, 과
거, 미래)에 따라 be동사의 시제가 변한다.

1. 3형식의 능동과 수동
(능동) Everybody loves him. (모든 사람들은 그를 사랑한다.)
(수동) He is loved by everybody. (그는 모든 사람들에게 사랑받는다.)

2. 4형식의 능동과 수동
(능동) She gave him the book. (그녀는 그에게 그 책을 주었다.)
(수동1) He was given the book by her. (그는 그녀에게서 그 책을 받았다.)
(수동2) The book was given (to) him by her. (그 책은 그녀에 의해 그에게 주

3. 5형식의 능동과 수동
(능동) We call the dog Betty. (우리는 그 개를 Betty라 부른다.)
(수동) The dog is called Betty (by us)
(그 개는 (우리에 의해) Betty라 불린다.)
(능동) The song made her happy.
(수동) She was made happy by the song.
(능동) We saw him entering the room.
(수동) He was seen entering the room by us.
(능동) She ordered John to start the work.
(수동) John was ordered to start the work by her.

*주의: 원형부정사를 목적보어로 취하는 5형식의 능동과 수동

사역동사(make/have/let)나 지각동사(see/watch/notice/hear/feel)의 수동에서는
원형부정사가 to부정사로 변한다.
(능동) We saw him enter the room.
(수동) He was seen to enter the room by us.
(능동) Our teacher made us study hard.
(수동) We were made to study hard by our teacher.

4. 조동사가 있는 문장
조동사가 있는 경우, 조동사 뒤에는 항상 동사원형이 쓰이므로 ‘조동사+be+과거분
사(+by+행위자)’의 형태로 쓴다.

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강상윤 영어카페
(능동) You should clean your room. (너는 방을 청소해야만 한다.)
(수동) Your room should be cleaned by you. (네 방은 네가 청소해야 해.)

5. 전치사의 목적어가 주어로 가게 되면 수동태가 되는 수가 있다.

(능동) They laughed at me.
(수동) I was laughed at by them.

6. 시제별로 보는 능동과 수동
a. She loves him.
He is loved by her.
b. He is repairing the car.
The car is being repaired by him.
c. They have invited him to dinner.
He has been invited to dinner by them.
d. He painted those pictures.
Those pictures were painted by him.
e. He was painting the picture.
The picture was being painted by him.
f. She had cleaned my shoes when I came back.
My shoes had been cleaned by her when I came back.
g. We will invite him.
He will be invited by us.
h. I will have cleaned your shoes when you come back.
Your shoes will have been cleaned by me when you come back.

7. that절의 능동과 수동
(능동)They say that she is honest.
(수동1) It is said that she is honest.
(수동2) She is said to be honest.

8. 수동태에서 과거분사 다음의 전치사가 항상 ‘by’가 오는 것은 아니다.

by일 경우에는 행위자인데 그렇지 않을 경우 다음에 오는 명사와의 관계에 의해
I am interested in poetry.
He is known to the public. (~에게 알려진)
He is known for the novel. (~로 해서 알려진)
He is known as a writer. (~로서 알려진)

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강상윤 영어카페
A man is known by his friends. (~에 의해 판단이 되는, ~을 보면 알 수 있는)
She was surprised at the news.(~에 놀란)
We are satisfied with your good service.(~에 만족한)
She was pleased with his success. (~에 기쁜)
His eyes were filled with tears. (~로 가득한)
The mountain is covered with snow. (~로 덮인)
The desk is made of wood. (~로 만들어진 :재료—물리적 변화)
The country is made up of fifty states. (~로 구성된)

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강상윤 영어카페
[1] 옳은 표현에 밑줄을 그으시오.
1. The dishes were [broken/broke] by Tom.
2. English is [spoken/spoke] in Canada.
3. A new mayor will be elected by [we/us].
4. The task will have [been/be] done by him.
5. A cat was [ran/run] over by the car.
6. He is known [for/to] the novel.
7. He is [knew/known] as a writer.
8. A man is known [by/at] his friends.
9. She was surprised [at/with] the news.
10. We are satisfied [with/to] your good service.
11. She was pleased [in/with] his success.
12. His eyes were filled [with/of] tears.
13. The mountain is covered [with/of] snow.
14. The desk is made [of/by] wood.
15. The country is made up [with/of] fifty states.
16. He was [gave/given] the book by her.
17. The ceiling was [painting/painted] white by them.
18. The book was given to [he/him] by her.
19. He was taught [play /to play] the piano by his father.
20. She was made [happy/happily] by the song.
21. He was [seen/saw] entering the room.
22. John was ordered [to start /start] the work.
23. He was asked [to meet /meeting] her.
24. He was seen [enter /to enter] the room.
25. We were made [study /to study] hard by our teacher.

[2] 주어진 문장들을 수동태로 전환하시오.

1. You gave your children piggy banks.
= Your children __________ __________ piggy banks (by you).

2. You will give your children piggy banks.

= Your children __________ __________ __________ piggy banks (by you).

3. Kevin will teach Sujin English.

= Sujin __________ __________ __________ English by Kevin.

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강상윤 영어카페
4. She will open the door.
= The door __________ __________ __________ __________ __________.

5. Volunteers are going to clean the park.

= The park __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ by

6. They were cutting down the trees.

= The trees __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7. John has repaired the floor.

The floor __________ __________ __________ by John.

8. They will open the new hotel next month.

=The new hotel __________ __________ __________ by them next month.

9. Alex gave me this book.

= I __________ __________ __________ __________ by Alex.
= This book was __________ __________ by Alex.
= This book was __________ __________ me by Alex.

10. She laughed at him.

= He __________ __________ __________ __________ __________.

11. Mary is writing thank-you cards.

= Thank-you cards __________ __________ __________ __________ __________.

12. Tom should solve the problem.

= The problem __________ __________ __________ by Tom.

13. They sent me the bill.

= The bill __________ __________ __________ __________ by them.

14. The lady looked at Tom for a while.

= Tom __________ __________ __________ by the lady for a while.

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강상윤 영어카페
15. We heard the boy sing a song.
= The boy __________ __________ __________ __________ a song by us.

16. They say that she is honest.

= __________ __________ __________ that she is honest.
= She __________ __________ __________ be honest.

17. He advised me to see the doctor.

= I __________ __________ __________ __________ the doctor by him.

18. She made me do the work.

= I __________ __________ __________ __________ the work by her.

19. We saw him enter the building.

= He __________ __________ __________ __________ the building by us.

20. They believe that he is smart.

= It __________ __________ __________ he is smart.
= He is __________ __________ __________ smart.

[3] 우리말의 의미에 맞도록 영어를 완성하시오.

(주어진 표현을 이용하고, 필요할 경우 변형하시오.)
1. 그 책은 그에 의해 집필되었다. [write /he]
The book __________ __________ __________ __________.

2. 전구는 에디슨에 의해 발명되었다. [invent]

The light bulb __________ __________ __________ Edison.

3. 그녀는 그에 의해 살해되었다. [kill /he]

She __________ __________ __________ __________.

4. John은 그녀에 의해 그 일을 시작하도록 요청받았다. [ask /start]

John __________ __________ __________ __________ the work by her.

5. 나는 수학에 관심이 있다. [interest]

I __________ __________ __________ math.

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강상윤 영어카페
6. 그는 그 소식에 놀랐다. [surprise]
He was __________ __________ the news.

7. 그 산은 눈으로 덮여 있었다. [cover]

The mountain was __________ __________ snow.

8. 그 소식은 모든 이에게 알려져 있다. [know]

The news is __________ __________ everybody.

9. 이 상자는 종이로 만들어져 있다.

This box is made __________ paper.

10. 나는 그 고객 서비스에 만족하지 못한다. [satisfy]

I am not __________ __________ the customer service.

11. 그의 이름은 우리에게 잘 알려져 있다. [know]

His name is well __________ __________ us.

12. 한국인 근로자들에 의해 새로운 경기장이 건설되고 있는 중이다. [build

A new stadium __________ __________ __________ by Korean workers.

13. 그 파티는 2주 동안 계획되어 왔다. [have /plan]

The party __________ __________ __________ for two weeks.

14. 5세 미만의 아동은 성인에 의해 돌보아져야 한다. [take care of]

A child under 5 should __________ __________ __________ __________ by an

15. 그는 거짓말쟁이로 믿어지고 있다. [believe / a liar]

He __________ __________ __________ __________ a liar.
= __________ __________ __________ __________ he is a liar.

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