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[1] 옳은 표현에 밑줄을 그으시오.

1. The dishes were [broken/broke] by Tom.
2. English is [spoken/spoke] in Canada.
3. A new mayor will be elected by [we/us].
4. The task will have [been/be] done by him.
5. A cat was [ran/run] over by the car.
6. He is known [for/to] the novel.
7. He is [knew/known] as a writer.
8. A man is known [by/at] his friends.
9. She was surprised [at/with] the news.
10. We are satisfied [with/to] your good service.
11. She was pleased [in/with] his success.
12. His eyes were filled [with/of] tears.
13. The mountain is covered [with/of] snow.
14. The desk is made [of/by] wood.
15. The country is made up [with/of] fifty states.
16. He was [gave/given] the book by her.
17. The ceiling was [painting/painted] white by them.
18. The book was given to [he/him] by her.
19. He was taught [play /to play] the piano by his father.
20. She was made [happy/happily] by the song.
21. He was [seen/saw] entering the room.
22. John was ordered [to start /start] the work.
23. He was asked [to meet /meeting] her.
24. He was seen [enter /to enter] the room.
25. We were made [study /to study] hard by our teacher.

[2] 주어진 문장들을 수동태로 전환하시오.

1. Your children were given piggy banks (by you).
2. Your children will be given piggy banks (by you).
3. Sujin will be taught English by Kevin.
4. The door will be opened by her.
5. The park is going to be cleaned by volunteers.
6. The trees were being cut down by them.

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강상윤 영어카페 http://cafe.naver.com/ksyenglishhouse
7. The floor has been repaired by John.
8. The new hotel will be opened by them next month.
9. = I was given this book by Alex.
= This book was given me by Alex.
= This book was given to me by Alex.
10. He was laughed at by her.
11. Thank-you cards are being written by Mary.
12. The problem should be solved by Tom.
13. The bill was sent to me by them.
14. Tom was looked at by the lady for a while.
15. The boy was heard to sing a song by us.
16. = It is said that she is honest.
= She is said to be honest.
17. I was advised to see the doctor by him.
18. I was made to do the work by her.
19. He was seen to enter the building by us.
20. = It is believed that he is smart.
= He is believed to be smart.

[3] 우리말의 의미에 맞도록 영어를 완성하시오.

1. The book was written by him. [write]
2. The light bulb was invented by Edison.
3. She was killed by him.
4. John was asked to start the work by her.
5. I am interested in math.
6. He was surprised at the news.
7. The mountain was covered with snow.
8. The news is known to everybody.
9. This box is made of paper.
10. I am not satisfied with the customer service.
11. His name is well known to us.
12. A new stadium is being built by Korean workers.
13. The party has been planned for two weeks.
14. A child under 5 should be taken care of by an adult.
15. He is believed to be a liar.
= It is believed that he is a liar.

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