Chapter 4 보어의 형성 1 (제2형식)

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강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著

랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)

CHAPTER 4: 보어의 형성 I — (S+V+C)

문장의 5형식 중 제2형식인 주어+동사+보어의 문형을 학습하는 단원으로 2형식 동사와 더불어
보어가 될 수 있는 명사 상당어구와 형용사 상당어구를 습득하게 된다.

1. 명사상당어구가 보어가 되는 경우
2. 형용사상당어구가 보어가 되는 경우

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)

1. 명사상당어구가 보어가 되는 경우

1) He became a famous musician. / You don’t look your age.
*명사(구)가 보어인 경우

2) He returned home a millionaire. / Though friends many years, they finally ended up
*추가보어(유사보어, 준보어)로 쓰인 경우

[B] The idea is hers.

*대명사가 보어인 경우

[C] Teaching is learning.

*동명사(구)가 보어인 경우

[D] My hobby is to collect stamps.

*to-부정사구가 보어인 경우

[E] 명사절[I]이 보어인 경우

1) The reason we’re so late is that the car broke down.
* that 이 이끄는 명사절이 보어인 경우

2) The point is whether she will like him or not.

*whether 가 이끄는 명사절이 보어인 경우

3) The problem is not who will go, but who will stay.
*의문사가 이끄는 명사절이 보어인 경우
(a) 의문부사가 이끄는 경우
The point of the case is when he met her /where he met her /why he met her /how he met her /how
old he is.

(b) 의문대명사가 이끄는 경우

The point of the case is who met her /whom he met /which he lives in /what it was.

(c) 의문형용사가 이끄는 경우

The point of the case is which house is the better /what house he wants /which house he lives in
/what kind of house it is.

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)
[F] I’m not what I was.
*명사절(II): 선행사를 포함하는 관계대명사/관계형용사절이 보어인 경우

1) 선행사를 포함하는 관계대명사절

What I want is what you want /whatever you want /whichever you want /whoever wants
you /whomever you want.

2) 선행사를 포함하는 관계형용사가 이끄는 절

What I want is what money you have /whatever house you want /whichever house you want.

1)(그는 유명한 음악가가 되었다.) / (당신은 연령처럼 보이지를 않습니다.)
2)(그는 백만장자가 되어 집에 돌아왔다.) (그들은 비록 수년간 친구로 지냈었지만 결국 적이 되고
[B](그 아이디어는 그녀의 아이디어이다.)
[C](가르치는 것이 배우는 것이다.)
[D](나의 취미는 우표를 수집하는 것이다.)
1)(우리가 그토록 늦은 이유는 자동차가 고장이 났기 때문이다)
2)(핵심은 그녀가 그를 좋아하느냐 혹은 그렇지 않으냐에 있다)
3)(문제는 누가 갈 것인가가 아니라 누가 머무를 것인가 이다.)
[F](나는 과거의 내가 아니다.)

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)

*적절한 표현을 고르시오.

1. He became a [novel / novelist].
2. You don’t look [your age / age].
3. He returned home [a millionaire / millionaire].
4. Though friends many years, they finally ended up [enemies / enemy].
5. The idea is [hers / her].
6. Teaching is [to learn / learning].
7. My hobby is [collect / to collect] stamps.
8. The reason we’re so late is [that the car / the car] broke down.
9. The point is [that / whether] she will like him or not.
10. The problem is [not / and] who will go, but who will stay.
11. The point of the case is [when / who] he met her.
12. The point of the case is how [did he meet / he met] her.
13. The point of the case is how [he is old / old he is].
14. The point of the case is [who / how] met her
15. The point of the case is what [it was / was it].
16. The point of the case is what house [does he want / he wants]
17. The point of the case is which [the house / house] he lives in.
18. I’m not [what / that] I was.
19. What I want is [what / that] you want.
20. What I want is [whomever / whoever] wants you.
21. What I want is what money [have you / you have].

1(novelist) 2(your age) 3(a millionaire) 4(enemies) 5(hers) 6(learning) 7(to collect)
8(that the car) 9(whether) 10(not) 11(when) 12(he met) 13(old he is) 14(who) 15(it was)
16(he wants) 17(house) 18(what) 19(what) 20(whoever) 21(you have)

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)

2. 형용사상당어구가 보어가 되는 경우

[A] 형용사(구)가 보어인 경우

1) Mold is destructive to books in a library.
*BE동사와 그 부류들의 보어로 쓰인 경우
Maryland, even though a southern state, remained loyal to the Union during the Civil War. (메리랜드는
비록 남부의 주였지만 남북전쟁 동안 계속해서 북부연맹에 충성했다.)
You look young for your age. (당신은 연령에 비해 젊어 보여요.)
He seems/appears (to be) ill. (그는 아파 보인다.)
The rumor proved (to be) false. (그 소문은 거짓임이 입증됐다.)
Mary kept quiet in the dark. (메리는 어둠 속에서 계속해서 말이 없었다.)
My father stayed rich all his life. (나의 아버지는 일생 동안 계속 부자였다.)
The house stands empty. (그 집은 텅 빈 채로 서 있다)
The weather remained cloudy. (날씨는 계속 흐렸다.)
That music sounds sweet. (그 음악은 감미롭게 들린다.)
This orange tastes sour. (이 오렌지는 맛이 시다.)
This flower smells fragrant. (이 꽃은 냄새가 향기롭다.)
This visa holds good for two months. (이 비자는 두 달 동안 유효하다.)
I feel happy. (나는 행복을 느낀다.)
This cloth feels smooth. (이 옷감은 촉감이 부드럽다.)

2) He became sad after the meeting.

*BECOME과 그 부류들의 보어로 쓰인 경우
Don’t get angry with me. (나에게 화를 내지 마.)
My girl friend turned pale. (내 여자친구는 창백해졌다.)
It grew cold. (날씨가 추워졌다.)
Your dream will come true. (너의 꿈은 실현될 것이다.)
He fell ill. (그는 몸이 아팠다.)
This well runs dry in winter. (이 우물은 겨울에는 말라버린다.)
The milk went bad. (그 우유는 상해버렸다.)

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)
[B] 분사구가 보어인 경우
1) 현재분사(구): 능동의 의미를 지닌다 “v하는”
(a) She is studying right now.
*1형식 동사에서 파생된 현재분사구, be +현재분사(v-ing)는 진행’의 의미.

(b) He was being modest when the teacher praised him for his excellent test
*2형식 동사에서 파생된 현재분사구. 분사 나름대로의 보어를 취함.

가) He was teaching English when I entered the classroom.
*3형식 동사에서 파생된 현재분사구. 분사 나름대로의 목적어를 취하는 것이 원칙.

나) The situation looked embarrassing.

*타동사의 현재분사는 원래 이 동사의 목적어를 취해야 하나 문맥상 목적어를 제시할 필요가 없을
경우가 있는데 감정표현의 동사(embarrass:~을 당황하게 하다, bore:~을 지루하게 하다, tire:~을 지치게
하다, exhaust: ~을 기진맥진하게 하다, surprise /astonish /astound /amaze:~을 놀라게 하다, frustrate:~을
좌절시키다, fascinate:~을 매료시키다, interest:~에게 흥미를 주다, excite:~을 흥분시키다 등)에서 나온
경우가 그러하다.
(ex) The situation was boring /tiring /exhausting /surprising /astonishing /astounding /amazing /frustrating
/fascinating /interesting /exciting.

(d) He was teaching the students English when I entered the classroom.
*4형식 동사에서 파생된 현재분사구에는 나름대로의 간접목적어와 직접목적어를 취한다.

(e) She was calling him “a son of a bitch” when I entered her office.
*5형식 동사에서 파생된 현재분사구는 나름대로의 목적어와 목적보어를 취한다.

2) 과거분사(구)
극히 일부의 1형식동사에 한해서 자동사의 과거분사는 수동이 아니라 완결된 상황 표현, 2형식동사의
과거분사는 이 경우에 쓰이지 않는다. 즉 형용사구의 위치에 나오지 못한다. 타동사의 과거분사는
수동의 의미.

(a) She is gone.

*1형식 동사의 과거분사는 수동의 의미가 아니라 ‘완결’의 의미를 갖는다.
(ex) The leaf is fallen on the ground. (잎사귀가 지면에 떨어져 있다.)

가) The dishes were broken (by Tom).
*3형식 동사의 수동, break(3): ~을 깨트리다 [broke—broken]

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)
(ex) English is spoken in Canada. / The car is being repaired by him. / Those pictures were painted by him.
/ A new mayor will be elected by us. / He has been invited to dinner by them. / My shoes had been cleaned
by her. / The task will have been done by him. / The accident went unreported at that time.

(cf) 전치사의 목적어가 주어로 가게 되면 수동태가 되는 수가 있다.

I was laughed at by them. [They laughed at me.] / A cat was run over by the car. [The car ran over a cat.]
/ A doctor must be sent for at once. [We must send for a doctor at once.] / The child was taken care of by
Jane. [Jane took care of the child.]

나) I am interested in poetry (o) / by poetry (x).

*수동태에서 과거분사 다음의 전치사가 항상 ‘by’가 온는 것은 아님에 유의해야 하는데 전치사 다음에
오는 명사와의 관계에 의해 결정되는 것으로 다음의 표현들은 숙어로 외워둘 필요가 있다.
She was absorbed / engaged in reading. (~에 열중하는)
He is known to the public. (~에게 알려진)
He is known for the novel. (~로 해서 알려진)
He is known as a writer. (~로서 알려진)
A man is known by his friends. (~에 의해 판단이 되는, ~을 보면 알 수 있는)
She was surprised at the news.(~에 놀란)
We are satisfied with your good service.(~에 만족한)
She was pleased with his success. (~에 기쁜)
He is concerned /associated with the matter.(~와 관련된)
He is concerned about his mother’s sickness.(~에 대해 염려하는)
They were tired with the heavy work. (~로 지친)
His eyes were filled with tears. (~로 가득한)
The mountain is covered with snow. (~로 덮인)
The room is crowded with furniture. (~로 혼잡한)
The room is furnished /provided/ supplied with a lot of furniture. (~을 제공받은, ~이 제공된)
He was charged with the crime.(~로 해서 기소당한 /비난 받는)
He was informed /apprised /notified of her death. (~을 전달받은)
I should be reminded of my promise. (~을 상기하는)
He was convinced of his success. (~을 확신하는)
He was robbed of the purse. (~을 빼앗긴)
He was deprived of the opportunity to participate in the game. (~을 박탈당한)
He was accused of the crime. (~로 해서 기소당한 /비난 받는)
The desk is made of wood. (~로 만들어진 :재료—물리적 변화)
The country is made up of / composed of fifty states.(~로 구성되어 있는)
I am tired of eating boiled eggs. (~에 싫증이 난)
Wine is made from grapes.(~로 만들어진: 원료—화학적 변화)
She was blamed /scolded /punished for her behavior.(~에 대해 비난 받는 /꾸지람을 듣는 /처벌받은)
She was married to a poor fool.(~에게 시집/장가를 간, ~와 결혼한)
She was devoted / dedicated to learning English. (~에 헌신하는/전념하는)
His success is attributed /ascribed /imputed to good luck. (~의 탓으로 돌려지는, ~에서 기인하는)

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)
다) You look tired.
*감정표현의 3형식 동사의 과거분사를 쓰면 수동적 의미를 형성해서 형용사처럼 쓰임. tire(3):~를
지치게 하다
(ex) He was bored /tired /exhausted /surprised /astonished /astounded /amazed /frustrated /fascinated /
interested / excited. / He got tired.

(c) 4형식 동사의 수동

가) He was offered a post in the Cabinet.
*능동형의 간접목적어가 주어로 나오는 경우. [=They offered him a post in the Cabinet.] offer(4):..에게
~를 제의하다
(ex) He was given the book by her. [=She gave him the book.] / He was taught French by her. [=She taught
him French.]

나) A post in the Cabinet was offered him.

*능동형의 직접목적어가 주어로 나오는 경우. [=They offered him a post in the Cabinet.] offer(4):..에게
~를 제의하다
(ex) The book was given him by her. [=She gave him the book.] / French was taught him by her. [=She
taught him French.]
(cf) The book was given to him by her. 이 경우는 3형식 동사의 수동형임. [=She gave the book to him.]

(d) 5형식 동사의 수동

가) The dog is called Betty (by us).
*명사를 목적보어로 취한 5형식 동사의 수동 [=We call the dog Betty.]
(ex) He was elected chairman. [=We elected him chairman.]

나) The ceiling was painted white (by them).

*형용사를 목적보어로 취한 5형식 동사의 수동. [=They painted the ceiling white.]
(ex) She was made happy by the song. [=The song made her happy.]

다) He was seen entering the room (by us). / The truck was found abandoned (by
*분사를 목적보어로 취한 5형식 동사의 수동. [=We saw him entering the room. / They found the truck

라) John was ordered to start the work (by her).

*to 부정사를 목적보어로 취한 5형식 동사의 수동 [=She ordered John to start the work.]
a) order /tell /instruct/ teach /encourage /invite /persuade /advise /allow /permit + O +to-v(5): O 로 하여금
to-v 하도록 명령하다 /말하다 /지시하다 /가르치다 /장려하다 /권유하다 /설득하다 /충고하다, be
ordered /told /instructed /taught /encouraged /invited /persuaded /advised /allowed /permitted to-v: to-
v 하도록 명령 받다 /듣다 /지시 받다 /가르침을 받다 /장려되다 /권유 받다 /설득되다 /충고 받다
/허용받다 /허락받다
(ex) He was taught to play the piano by his father.

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)
b)force /compel /oblige + O + to-v(5): O 로 하여금 to-v 하도록 강요하다, be forced /compelled /obliged to-
v: to-v 하도록 강요 받다, to-v 해야 하다
(ex) He was forced to give up his business.

c)ask /require /request /urge /entreat /supplicate /expect + O + to-v(5): O 로 하여금 to-v 하도록 요청하다
/요구하다 /촉구하다 /간청하다/ 간청하다 /기대하다, be asked /required /requested /urged /entreated
/expected to-v: to-v 하도록 요청 받다 /요구 받다 /요청 받다 /촉구 받다 /요청 받다/ 간청받다
(ex) He was asked to meet her.

d) think /consider /believe /suppose /imagine /find /estimate + O + to-v(5): O 가 to-v 하다고 생각하다
/생각하다 /믿다 /가정하다 /상상하다 /알게 되다 /추정하다, be thought /considered /believed /supposed
/imagined /found /estimated to-v: to-v 하다고 생각되다 /생각되다 /믿어지다 /여겨지다 /상상이 되다
/밝혀지다 /추정이 되다

e) forbid + O + to-v(5): O 가 to-v 하는 것을 금지하다, be forbidden to-v: to-v 하는 것을 금지 당하다

(ex) He was forbidden to meet her by his father.

(cf) He was seen to enter the room (by us) [=We saw him enter the room.] / We were made to study
hard (by our teacher). [=Our teacher made us study hard.]
*원형부정사를 목적보어로 취한 5형식 동사(사역동사: make /have /let, 지각동사: see / watch /observe /
notice / hear / feel)의 수동에서는 원형부정사가 to 부정사로 변한다.

마) The new president was described as a man of promise.

*’describe A as B’ 유형의 5형식 동사의 수동
: recognize /know /accept /see /view /think of /look upon /regard /consider /define /refer to /classify
/describe A as B(5): A 를 B 로서 인정하다 /알다 /수용하다 /보다 /보다 /생각하다 /간주하다 /간주하다
/생각하다 /정의하다 /말하다 /분류하다 /묘사하다, be recognized /known /accepted /seen /viewed
/thought of /looked upon /regarded /considered /defined /referred to /classified /described as: ~로서
인정받다 /알려지다 /수용되다 /보여지다 /보여지다 /여겨지다 /간주되다 /간주되다 /여겨지다 /정의되다
/말해지다 /분류되다 /묘사되다

바) She was found home.

*형용사로 전성된 부사를 목적보어로 취한 5형식 동사의 수동. [=We found her home.]

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)
[C] 부정사구/전치사구/형용사로 전성된 부사(구)가 보어인 경우
1) The story proved/seemed/appeared to be false. / He is to be here at 7.
*부정사구가 보어인 경우
: be to-v(형용사적 용법인 경우) : to-v할 것이다 (예정) / to-v하려 하다 (의도) / to-v해야 하다(의무) / to-
v할 수 있다 (가능) / to-v할 운명이다

2) Sometimes I feel like a pig. / Education is of importance.

*전치사구가 보어인 경우

3) The game is over. / Short skirts are out.

*형용사로 전성된 부사가 보어인 경우

1)(곰팡이는 도서관의 책에 파괴적이다.)
2)(그는 그 만남 후에 슬퍼졌다.)
(a)(그녀는 바로 지금 공부 중이다.)
(b)(그는 선생님이 그의 뛰어난 시험성적에 대해 칭찬했을 때 겸손하게 처신을 하고 있었다.)
(c)가)(내가 강의실에 들어섰을 때 그는 영어를 강의하고 있었다.) 나)(상황이 난처해 보였다.) (d)(내가
강의실에 들어섰을 때 그는 학생들에게 영어를 강의하고 있었다.)
(e)(내가 그녀의 사무실에 들어섰을 때 그녀는 그를 “개자식”이라 부르고 있었다.)
(a)(그녀는 가버렸다.)
(b)가)(그 접시들은 탐에 의해 깨졌다.) 나)(너는 피곤해 보인다.)
(c)가)(그는 내각의 한 직책을 제의 받았다.) 나)(내각의 한 직책이 그에게 제의되었다.)
(d)가)(그 개는 베티라고 불린다.) 나)(천정은 하얗게 칠해졌다) 다)(그가 방에 들어가는 것이 보였다. /
그 트럭은 버려진 채 발견됐다.) 라)(죤은 그 일을 시작하라는 명령을 받았다.) 마)(그 신임 사장은
유망한 사람으로 묘사되었다.) 바)(그녀는 집에 있는 것으로 발견되었다.)
1)(그 이야기는 거짓으로 판명되었다/보였다/보였다. / 그는 일곱 시에 이 곳에 올 것이다.) 2)(이따금
나는 돼지인양 느낀다. / 교육은 중요하다.)
3)(게임은 끝났다. 미니스커트는 유행이 지났다.)

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)

*적절한 표현을 고르시오.

1. Mold is [destructive / destruction] to books in a library.
2. Maryland, even though a southern state, remained [loyal / loyally] to the Union
during the Civil War.
3. You look [young / youth] for your age.
4. He seems [illness / ill].
5. The rumor proved [falsely / false].
6. Mary kept [quiet / quietly] in the dark.
7. My father stayed [richly / rich] all his life.
8. The house stands [empty / emptiness].
9. The weather remained [cloud / cloudy].
10. That music sounds [sweet / sweetly].
11. This orange tastes [sour / sourly].
12. This flower smells [fragrant / fragrantly].
13. This visa holds [well / good] for two months.
14. I feel [happy / happily].
15. This cloth feels [smooth / smoothly].
16. He became [sad / sadness] after the meeting.
17. Don’t get [anger / angry] with me.
18. My girl friend turned [pale / paleness].
19. It grew [coldly / cold].
20. Your dream will come [true / truly].
21. He fell [ill / illness].
22. This well runs [dry / dryness] in winter.
23. The milk went [badly / bad].
24. She is [study / studying] right now.
25. He was [be / being] modest when the teacher praised him for his excellent test
26. He was [teach / teaching] English when I entered the classroom.
27. The situation looked [embarrassing / embarrassed] .
28. He was [teaching / taught] the students English when I entered the classroom.
29. She was [calling / called] him “a son of a bitch” when I entered her office.
30. She is [go / gone].
31. The leaf is [fall / fallen] on the ground.
32. The dishes were [broken / broke] by Tom.
33. English is [spoken / spoke] in Canada.
34. The car is being [repair / repaired] by him.
35. Those pictures were [painting / painted] by him.
36. A new mayor will be [electing / elected] by us.
37. He has been [inviting / invited] to dinner by them.
38. My shoes had [been cleaned / cleaned] by her.

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)
39. The task will have [been / be] done by him.
40. The accident [gone / went] unreported at that time.
41. I was [laughed / laughing] at by them.
42. A cat was [ran / run] over by the car.
43. A doctor must be [sent / sended] for at once.
44. The child was taken [care / care of] by Jane.
45. I am interested [in / by] poetry.
46. She was absorbed [by / in] reading.
47. He is [knowing / known] to the public.
48. He is known [for / to] the novel.
49. He is [knew / known] as a writer.
50. A man is known [by / at] his friends.
51. He is associated [by / with] the matter.
52. She was surprised [at / with] the news.
53. We are satisfied [with / to] your good service.
54. She was pleased [in / with] his success.
55. He is concerned [for / about] his mother’s sickness.
56. They were [tiring / tired] with the heavy work.
57. His eyes were filled [with / of] tears.
58. The mountain is covered [with / of] snow.
59. He was robbed [of / at] the purse.
60. The room is [crowding / crowded] with furniture.
61. The room is provided [with / by] a lot of furniture.
62. He was informed [of / by] her death.
63. He was charged [of / with] the crime.
64. I should be reminded [by / of] my promise.
65. She was blamed [for / at] her behavior.
66. He was convinced [of / at] his success.
67. He was deprived [at / of] the opportunity to participate in the game.
68. He was accused [with / of] the crime.
69. The desk is made [of / by] wood.
70. The country is made up [with / of] fifty states.
71. I am [tiring / tired] of eating boiled eggs.
72. She was devoted [to / with] learning English.
73. Wine is made [from / by] grapes.
74. She was married [with / to] a poor fool.
75. His success is attributed [to / for] good luck.
76. You look [tired / tire].
77. He was [fascinate / fascinated].
78. He got [tired / tire].
79. He was [offer / offered] a post in the Cabinet.
80. He was [gave / given] the book by her.
81. A post in the Cabinet was offered [him / he].

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포금지)
82. He was forbidden [to meet / meet] her by his father.
83. The ceiling was [painting / painted] white by them.
84. The book was given to [he / him] by her.
85. The dog is [call / called] Betty by us.
86. He was [elect / elected] chairman.
87. He was taught [play / to play] the piano by his father.
88. She was made [happy / happily] by the song.
89. He was [seen / saw] entering the room.
90. The new president was described [as a man / a man] of promise.
91. The truck was [find / found] abandoned.
92. John was ordered [to start / start] the work.
93. He was forced [giving / to give] up his business.
94. Sometimes I feel [like / the same] a pig.
95. He was asked [to meet / meeting] her.
96. He was seen [enter / to enter] the room.
97. We were made [study / to study] hard by our teacher.
98. She was [find / found] home.
99. The story seemed [to be / be] false.
100. He is [to be / be] here at 7.
101. Education is [importance / of importance].

1(destructive) 2(loyal) 3(young) 4(ill) 5(false) 6(quiet) 7(rich) 8(empty) 9(cloudy)
10(sweet) 11(sour) 12(fragrant) 13(good) 14(happy) 15(smooth) 16(sad) 17(angry)
18(pale) 19(cold) 20(true) 21(ill) 22(dry) 23(bad) 24(studying) 25(being) 26(teaching)
27(embarrassing) 28(teaching) 29(calling) 30(gone) 31(fallen) 32(broken) 33(spoken)
34(repaired) 35(painted) 36(elected) 37(invited) 38(been cleaned) 39(been) 40(went)
41(laughed) 42(run) 43(sent) 44(care of) 45(in) 46(in) 47(known) 48(for) 49(known)
50(by) 51(with) 52(at) 53(with) 54(with) 55(about) 56(tired) 57(with) 58(with) 59(of)
60(crowded) 61(with) 62(of) 63(with) 64(of) 65(for) 66(of) 67(of) 68(of) 69(of) 70(of)
71(tired) 72(to) 73(from) 74(to) 75(to) 76(tired) 77(fascinated) 78(tired) 79(offered)
80(given) 81(him) 82(to meet) 83(painted) 84(him) 85(called) 86(elected) 87(to play)
88(happy) 89(seen) 90(as a man) 91(found) 92(to start) 93(to give) 94(like) 95(to meet)
96(to enter) 97(to study) 98(found) 99(to be) 100(to be) 101(of importance)


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