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강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著

랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포 금지)

CHAPTER 3 목적어의 형성
문장의 5형식 중 제3형식(주어 + 동사 + 목적어)과 제4형식(주어 +동사 + 간접목적어 +
직접목적어)의 구조를 대하게 되는 단원이다. 즉 3형식 동사들과 4형식 동사들을 학습하는 단원이다.
당연히 목적어가 될 수 있는 명사 상당어구를 함께 공부하게 된다.

1. 제3형식: S + V + O
2. 제 4 형식: S + V + I.O. + D.O.

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포 금지)

1. 제3형식: S + V + O
문장의 5형식 중 제 3형식(주어+동사+목적어)의 구조를 대하게 되는 단원이다. 즉 3형식 들을
학습하는 단원이다. 당연히 목적어가 될 수 있는 명사 상당어구를 함께 공부하게 된다.

1) The moon’s gravitation causes the tidal action of the oceans on Earth.
*명사(구)가 목적어 (ex) We celebrated her birthday. I met the girl (at the party). / He gave the book (to
me). She covered the table (with a cloth). / They provided shelter (for the homeless). /He stole 10 dollars
(from her).

2) 부사구의 전치사 표현에 유의할 3형식 동사들

가) He robbed the boy of 10 dollars.
*rob /deprive /rid /clear /relieve /cure A of B: A에게서 B를 빼앗다 /박탈하다 /없애다 /일소하다 /덜어주다

나) She informed her mother of his death.

*inform /apprise /notify /remind /convince A of B: A에게 B를 알리다/ 알리다 /통보하다 /상기시키다

다) The teacher accused the child of cheating.

*accuse A of B: =charge A with B: B에 대해 A를 비난/기소하다 (=He charged me with cheating.)

라) He devotes a great deal of money and effort to his garden.

*devote /dedicate A to B: A를 B에 바치다, attribute /ascribe /impute A to B: A를 B의 것/탓으로 하다

(b) This should provide the teachers with all the details they need.
*provide /supply /furnish /present /fill /replenish /endow /equip /arm A with B: A에게 B를 제공하다
/공급하다 /공급하다 /제시하다 /채우다 /새로 보충하다 /부여하다 / 갗추게 하다 /무장시키다

(c) He prevented the girl from meeting me.

*prevent / preclude / keep / stop / prohibit / deter / dissuade / discourage 3 from ~ing : 3로 하여금 ~하지
못하게 하다
(d) The teacher scolded the students for smoking in the classroom.
*blame/scold/punish A for B: B 에 대해 A 를 비난하다 /꾸짖다 /처벌하다

[B] Please contact me.

*대명사가 목적어: 목적어 자리에는 목적격을!
(ex) He met you. I met him/her/them/it. He met us. (cf) I love myself.

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포 금지)
[C] I enjoy playing baseball.
*목적어로 동명사구를 취하나 to-부정사구는 취하지 않는 동사: practice / enjoy / involve / consider /
imagine / suggest / admit / appreciate / miss / stop / deny / give up / mind / resist / stand / finish / avoid /
escape / keep (on) /postpone / put off / can’t help / anticipate
(ex) He stopped smoking. He finished reading the book.
(cf) He stopped to smoke. *to smoke는 ‘담배를 피우기 위해’ 라는 의미의 부사구임
(cf) He began to learn English. He began learning English.
:begin /start /continue 등은 동명사구나 부정사구를 둘 다 목적어로 취할 수 있다.

[D] to-부정사구가 목적어

1) I hope to meet her.
*to-v 구를 목적어로 취하나 동명사구를 목적어로 취하지 않는 경우; wish / want / hope / would like /
desire / intend / promise / agree / expect / need / plan / decide / choose / refuse / cannot afford
(cf) He began to learn English. He began learning English.
*begin /start /continue/love/kike 등은 동명사구나 부정사구를 둘 다 목적어로 취할 수 있다.

2) I don’t know how to drive a car.

*의문사+to-부정사 [=I don’t know how I should drive a car.]
(ex) I don’t know where /when /why /how to do it.
I don’t know what /which to do. I don’t know whom to meet.
I don’t know what /which way to take.
(cf) You have to know to drive a car. (x) / You have to know driving a car. (x) / You have to know how to
drive a car. (o): know 는 단어의 의미 상 to 부정사나 동명사를 바로 목적어로 취할 수 없다.

[E] 명사절(1)이 목적어

1) He could prove that he had been in Washington D.C. on Saturday.
*that 이 이끄는 명사절
가) believe /think /consider /guess /suppose /assume /imagine /estimate that 3: 3라 믿다 /생각하다
/생각하다 /추측하다 /가정하다 /가정하다 /상상하다 /추산하다

나) say /hear /claim/ maintain /show /discover /find /learn /know /recognize /insist / suggest that 3: 3를
말하다 /듣다 /주장하다 /주장하다 /보여주다 /깨닫다 /깨닫다 /깨닫다 /알다 /인식하다 /주장하다 /

다) insist /order /suggest /demand /request /require /urge /recommend /advise that <s> (should) v3:
v 해야 한다고 주장하다/명령하다 /제안하다 /요구하다 /요청하다 /요구하다 /촉구하다 /추천하다

2) Do you know if(=whether) Mr. Smith is at home?

*if 혹은 whether 가 이끄는 명사절

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포 금지)
3) I wonder whether(=if) it is large enough.
*whether 가 이끄는 명사절: I wonder that it is large enough. (x) ;wonder 나 ask 는 의미상 that 절을
목적어로 취하지 못한다.
(ex) He asked whether(=if) she was ill.

4) Why you should always arrive late I don’t know.

*의문사가 이끄는 명사절

[F] 선행사를 포함하는 관계사절 [명사절(II)]이 목적어

1) You can choose what you want.
*what =that which /the thing which

2) I went to the library and read whatever I could find about Robert Owens.
*whatever =anything which

[G] 자동사로 착각하기 쉬운 3형식 동사들

He entered the room. (o) (~에 들어가다) / He entered into the room. (x)
They discussed the matter. (o) / They discussed about the matter. (x)
He married her. (o) / He married with her. (x)
Can you join us? (o) / Can you join with us? (x)
He inhabited Seoul in 1985. (o) / He inhabited in Seoul in 1985. (x)
Lenin’s ideas influenced the Russians during the 1917 Revolution. (o) / Lenin’s ideas influenced to the
Russians during the 1917 Revolution. (x)
(cf) Our company entered into an agreement with a foreign government. (~에 계약을 맺다)

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포 금지)
1)달의 중력은 지구상의 대양의 조수활동을 야기시킨다.
(a)가)그는 그 소년에게서 10달러를 빼앗았다. 나)그녀는 자신의 어머니에게 그의 죽음을 알렸다
다)선생님은 속였다고 그 아이를 비난했다. 라)그는 정원에 사당한 시간과 공을 들인다. (b)이것은
교사들에게 필요한 모든 세부사항들을 제공해 줄 것이다.
(c)그는 그 소녀가 나를 만나지 못하도록 방해했다.
(d)선생님은 교실에서 담배를 피운 것에 대해 학생들을 꾸짖었다
[B]저에게 연락 주세요.
[C]나는 야구를 하는 것을 즐긴다.
[D]1)나는 그녀를 만나기를 희망한다. 2)나는 운전하는 법을 몰라.
1)그는 토요일 날에 워싱턴에 있었음을 입증할 수 있었다.
2)스미스씨가 집에 있는지 아니? 3)나는 그것이 충분히 큰지 알고 싶어
4)자네가 왜 항상 늦어야 하는지 난 모르겠어.
1)네가 원하는 것을 선택할 수 있어.
2)나는 도서관에 가서 로버트 오웬스에 대해 찾을 수 있는 것이면 무엇이든지 읽었다.
[G] 그가 방으로 들어갔다.

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포 금지)

2. 제4형식: S + V + I.O. + D.O.

문장의 5 형식 중 제 4 형식(주어+동사+간접목적어+직접목적어)의 구조를 대하게 되는 단원이다. 즉
4 형식 동사들을 학습하는 단원이다. 당연히 목적어가 될 수 있는 명사 상당어구를 함께 공부하게

[A] She asked me a question.

*명사(구)가 직접목적어
He told me an interesting story.
She gave /sent /lent /brought /showed /offered me some money.
She wrote him a letter.
The dog fetched me the bone.
She made /bought her daughter a new dress.
He sang her a song.
That car will cost you more than 30,000 dollars.
They denied their son permission to go.

(cf1) 다음의 경우들은 3 형식의 구조이다.

She asked a question of me.
She gave sent /lent /brought /showed /offered some money to me.
She wrote a letter to him.
The dog fetched the bone to me.
She made /bought a new dress for her daughter.
He sang a song for her.
That car costs 30,000 dollars.
The defendant denied the accusations made against her in court.

(cf2) 4 형식으로 착각하기 쉬우나 3 형식으로 쓰이는 동사들

He explained me the rules. (x)  He explained the rules to me. (o) / He introduced me the girl. (x)  He
introduced the girl to me. (o) / He suggested me the plan. (x)  He suggested the plan to me. (o)

[B] She asked me if he was a student.

*명사절(I)이 직접목적어
(ex) He told me that I was wrong.

[C] She asked me where he lives.

*명사절(I)이 직접목적어
(ex) Tell me how you escaped.

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포 금지)
[D] She asked me whatever he wanted to know.
*명사절(II)가 직접목적어
(ex) Tell me whatever you know.

[A](그녀는 나에게 질문을 했다.)
[B](그녀는 나에게 그가 학생인지 물었다.)
[C](그녀는 나에게 그가 어디에 사는지 물었다.)
[D](그녀는 나에게 그가 알고 싶어 하는 것이면 무엇이든지 물었다.)

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포 금지)

*적절한 표현을 고르시오.

1. The moon’s gravitation causes [actively / the tidal action] of the oceans on Earth.
2. He gave the book [to me / me].
3. She covered the table [with a cloth / a cloth]
4. They provided shelter [the homeless / for the homeless].
5. He robbed the boy [of / with] 10 dollars.
6. She informed her mother [of / for] his death.
7. The teacher accused the child [of / about] cheating.
8. He charged me [of / with] cheating.
9. He devotes a great deal of money and effort [with / to] his garden.
10. This should provide the teachers [with / for] all the details they need.
11. He prevented the girl [to meet / from meeting] me.
12. The teacher scolded the students [for / to] smoking in the classroom.
13. Please contact [him / he].
14. He met [we / us].
15. I love [me / myself].
16. I enjoy [playing / to play] baseball.
17. He finished [to read / reading] the book.
18. He began [learn / to learn] English.
19. I hope [meeting / to meet] her.
20. I don’t know [to drive / how to drive] a car.
21. I don’t know how [I should / should] drive a car.]
22. I don’t know [where /what] to do it.
23. I don’t know [what / how] way to take.
24. He could prove that he [had been / had] in Washington D.C. on Saturday.
25. Do you know [of / if] Mr. Smith is at home?
26. I wonder [whether / that] it is large enough.
27. He asked [whether / that] she was ill.
28. [You / Why you] should always arrive late I don’t know.
29. You can choose [what / that] you want.
30. I went to the library and read [whatever / that] I could find about Robert Owens.
31. He [entered / entered into] the room.
32. They [discussed / discussed about] the matter.
33. He [married / married with] her.
34. Can you [join / join with] us?
35. He [inhabited in / inhabited] Seoul in 1985.
36. Lenin’s ideas [influenced to / influenced] the Russians during the 1917 Revolution.
37. She asked [a question me / me a question].
38. He [said / told] me an interesting story.
39. She sent [some money for me / me some money].
40. She made her daughter [a new dress / for a new dress].

강상윤 영어카페 강상윤 著
랭귀지 하우스 (저작권 설정자료, 무단배포 금지)
41. He sang a song [to / for] her.
42. That car will cost [you more than 30,000 dollars / more than 30,000 dollars you].
43. She asked a question [to / of] me.
44. She gave some money [to / of] me.
45. She wrote a letter [at / to] him.
46. She bought a new dress [to / for] her daughter.
47. He explained [the rules to me / me the rules]
48. He introduced me the girl / the girl to me].
49. He suggested [the plan to me / me the plan].
50. She asked [me/ I] if he was a student.
51. He [said / told] me that I was wrong.
52. She asked me [where he lives / where does he live].
53. [Talk / Tell] me how you escaped.
54. She [asked / talked] me whatever he wanted to know.
55. [Speak / Tell] me whatever you know.

1(the tidal action) 2(to me) 3(with a cloth) 4(for the homeless) 5(of) 6(of) 7(of) 8(with)
9(to) 10(with) 11(from meeting) 12(for) 13(him) 14(us) 15(myself) 16(playing)
17(reading) 18(to learn) 19(to meet) 20(how to drive) 21(I should) 22(where) 23(what)
24(had been) 25(if) 26(whether) 27(whether) 28(Why you) 29(what) 30(whatever)
31(entered) 32(discussed) 33(married) 34(join) 35(inhabited) 36(influenced) 37(me a
question) 38(told) 39(me some money) 40(a new dress) 41(for) 42(you more than
30,000 dollars) 43(of) 44(to) 45(to) 46(for) 47(the rules to me) 48(the girl to me) 49(the
plan to me) 50(me) 51(told) 52(where he lives) 53(Tell) 54(asked) 55(Tell)

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