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Control of crystallinity of hydrated products

in a calcium phosphate bone cement

Xiupeng Wang,1,2 Jiandong Ye,1,2 Yingjun Wang,1,2 Xianpei Wu,3 Bo Bai3

Key Laboratory of Specially Functional Materials and Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
South China University of Technology, Ministry of Education, Guangzhou 510641, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
The First Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou Medical College, Guangzhou 510120, China

Received 20 January 2006; revised 1 August 2006; accepted 15 August 2006

Published online 16 January 2007 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.31059

Abstract: In this study, a calcium phosphate cement (CPC), strength of the cement increased, and the degradation of the
consisting of partially crystallized calcium phosphate (PCCP), cement decreased. The cement was implanted into the tibia
was synthesized. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform tubercle of healthy mature Zelanian white rabbits and the his-
infrared spectrometry (FTIR) and scanning electronic micro- tological specimens were obtained after 4 and 16 weeks of im-
scope (SEM) were used to characterize the cement. The results plantation. The result revealed that this bone cement was bio-
showed that by changing the ratio of amorphous calcium compatible and showed very early osteoconductive proper-
phosphate (ACP) to PCCP in the cement, hydrated products ties. Thus, the CPC has potential for use in orthopedic surgery
of controllable crystallinity were obtained. With increase in for filling non- load-bearing bone defects. Ó 2007 Wiley Peri-
the relative amount of PCCP, the hydrated products changed odicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 81A: 781–790, 2007
gradually from very poor crystallinity with little needle-like
hydroxyapatite (Hap) crystallites to relatively high crystallin- Key words: calcium phosphate; crystallinity; biodegrada-
ity with more needle-like Hap crystallites; the compressive tion; bone remodeling

INTRODUCTION CPCs were first formulated by Brown and Chow6,7

as being composed of tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP)
Because of its similarity to the mineral phase of and dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (DCPA). From
bone and the nature of set in situ, a calcium phos- then on, CPCs have been prepared using different
phate cement (CPC) is regarded as a promising ma- methods or from different precursor calcium phos-
terial for use in the repair of bone defects or voids.1 phate compounds,8–14 such as H3PO4 þ a-tricalcium
CPCs are suitable for the repair and reconstruction phosphate (a-TCP), a-TCP þ TTCP þ dicalcium phos-
of bone2,3 because they show excellent biocompati- phate dihydrate (DCPD), a-TCP þ b-TCP þ hydroxy-
bility, bioactivity, and osteotransductive, that is, after apatite (HAp), monocalcium phosphate monohydrate
implantation in bone defects they are rapidly inte- (MCPM) þ CaO, a-TCP þ MCPM þ CaCO3, a-TCP þ
grated into the bone structure, after which they are DCPD, and b-TCP þ MCPM. However, most of these
transformed into new bone.4 CPCs are composed of cements degraded either too fast or too slow and did
one or several calcium phosphates that, once mixed not match with the new bone ingrowth in vivo. In par-
with a liquid phase, give a moldable paste. Within a ticular, some of those transformed into relatively high
few minutes, the paste sets because of the in situ for- crystalline hydroxyapatite after hydration, which was
mation of a solid calcium phosphate. The setting still quite different from the bone mineral of human
reaction provokes hardening of the paste through body and essentially non-resorbable in vivo. CPC was
entanglements of the crystals of the precipitate.5 degraded through a dissolution process associated
with a cellular process in vivo.15 Studies show that
osteoclast mediated degradation of hydroxyapatite ce-
Correspondence to: J. Ye; e-mail: ramic by simultaneous resorption and phagocytosis in
Contract grant sponsor: National Natural Science Foun- vivo.16 Although the degradation process can be chemi-
dation of China; contract grant number: 50172015 cal or biological, it is rare for cells to be mediated by bi-
Contract grant sponsor: Science and Technology Pro-
gram of Guangzhou; contract grant number: 200523-D2041 ological degradation.17 The process of biodegradation
is considered to be directly influenced by the type of
' 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. material crystallization.15 Therefore, the resorbability

of CPC should be closely related to its dissolubility, TABLE I

which is mainly controlled by the crystallinity of the Experimental Arrangements
hydrated products. A high crystallinity leads to a low Composition
dissolution rate as well as a low resorption. For this (wt %) CPC1 CPC2 CPC3 CPC4 CPC5
reason, several attempts have been made to improve ACP 50 37.5 25 12.5 0
the resorption behavior of CPCs, for example, by PCCP 0 12.5 25 37.5 50
increasing the porosity of the material. Some authors DCPA 50 50 50 50 50
have proposed to mix water-soluble phases with the
cements, such as mannitol,18 Na2HPO4,19 calcium sul-
phate hemihydrate,20 absorbable fibers,21,22 and surfac- dimensions were 12  6 mm2 for compressive strength test
and 3  6 mm2 for DTS test. The cement specimens were
tant molecules,23 with the cement. When the cement is
stored in an incubator at 378C and 97% humidity for 24 h.
implanted, these phases dissolve, creating pores in the Then the samples were ready for tests.
matrix and thus assuring new bone ingrowth.
In the present report, we have formulated CPCs
that have controllable crystallinity of HA in the Characterization
hydrated products. They are to be used as bone defect
filler. Bone defect fillers are usually non-load-bearing; ACP, PCCP, DCPA, and the hydrated specimens (milled
therefore, their mechanical properties are not critical. into powders) were analyzed using XRD (X‘Pert Pro, PAN-
Nonetheless, there may be some load-bearing applica- alytical, The Netherlands) and FTIR (AVATAR 360, NICO-
tions. Thus, in the present study, the diametral tensile LET, USA). The cyrstallinity in the HA powders can be
strength (DTS) and compressive strength of the cements evaluated by the following equation:24
were determined. Furthermore, the phase evolution, Crystallinity ¼ ½1  ðV112=300 =I300 Þ  100% ð1Þ
porosity, setting time, mass loss, and microstructure of
the cement are described together with a histological where I300 is the intensity of (300) diffraction peak and
evaluation of the cement when implanted in healthy V112/300 is the intensity of the hollow between (112) and
and mature Zelanian white rabbits. (300) diffraction peaks of HA. Microstructure of the hy-
drated specimens was observed with SEM (HITACHI H-
800, Hitachi, Japan) on the gold-coated samples at a magni-
fication of 5000. AR grade pure DCPA used in this study
MATERIALS AND METHODS was commercially obtained; and the XRD and FTIR spectra
of the DCPA were similar to the standard spectra. There-
fore, there is no mention of the XRD and FTIR spectra of
Materials the DCPA in this article. The strengths of the columns were
measured using a universal material testing machine
The CPC was prepared by mixing amorphous calcium (Instron 5567, Instron Corp., USA) at a crosshead speed of
phosphate (ACP) (media diameter 22.3 mm), partially crys- 0.5 mm/min for compressive strength tests and 10 mm/
tallized calcium phosphate (PCCP), (media diameter 23.5 min for the DTS tests. The porosity of the hardened speci-
mm) and DCPA (media diameter 5.8 mm). ACP with a Ca/ mens was determined using the Archimedes method, as
P ratio of 1.5 and containing carbonate was synthesized by described by Yang et al.25 Setting time of the cements was
a chemical precipitation method from an aqueous solution measured according to ASTM C191-03. After pouring the
of Ca(NO3)2  4H2O, (NH4)2HPO4  12H2O and NH4HCO3. cement into the conical steel ring with an inside diameter
PCCP was produced by calcining ACP at the temperature of (70 6 3) mm at bottom and (60 6 3) mm at top and a
of 4508C for 2 h. DCPA was commercially obtained height of (40 6 1) mm, the indenter ((300 6 0.5) g in mass,
(Shanghai No.4 Reagent and H.V. Chemical Co., China), as (1 6 0.05) mm in diameter of the needle) was carefully low-
were NH4HCO3, Ca(NO3)2  4H2O, and (NH4)2HPO4  ered vertically onto the surface of the newly shaped cement
12H2O (Guangzhou Chemical Reagent Factory, China). All samples and allowed to remain there for 5 s. The indenta-
the commercially obtained reagents were AR grade pure. tion was repeated at intervals of 30 s until the cement was
The liquid phase (de-ionized water) and the cement pow- hardened. Initial setting occurs when a 1-mm needle pene-
ders were mixed in a mortar to obtain a paste with work- trates 25 mm into cement paste. Final set occurs when there
able consistency, using a liquid/powder ratio of 0.45 mL/ is no visible penetration. For the determination of each
g. Five variants of the CPC were formulated and the property, four specimens were used.
details of their compositions are given in Table I. Steel
molds were used to prepare cement columns with a diam-
eter of 6 mm and a height of 12 mm for the compressive In vitro degradation measurement
strength tests and with the same diameter and a height of
3 mm for the DTS tests. After pouring the cement into the The specimens with a diameter of 6 mm and a height of
steel molds, the cement was pressed by a steel column about 6 mm were weighed and then placed in polystyrene
with a diameter of 5.6 mm under a stress of about 700 kPa vials containing 200 mL de-ionized water at 37.08C, in a
for 5 s to eliminate big air bubbles. All experiments were shaking bath for predetermined intervals of 6 h, 12 h, and
done at about 24–268C and 50–60% humidity. Sample 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 days at a liquid-to-solid ratio of 1.50 mg/

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


mL. The water was refreshed every 24 h. After each soaking

period, the soaking water was filtrated and the specimen
was dried at 37.08C and weighed again. Each measurement
was repeated 4 times and the average value was calculated.
One hundred and forty samples were used for the mass loss

Histological evaluation

Eight healthy and mature Zelanian white rabbits (2.3 6

0.3 kg) were used in this study. The animals were housed
in a stable. National guidelines for the care and use of labo-
ratory animals were observed. In each rabbit, two implant
areas (diameter ¼ depth ¼ 7 mm) were prepared on both
sides of the tibia tubercle. In this article, we intend to focus
on investigating the composition, phase evolution, micro- Figure 2. FTIR spectra of PCCP and ACP.
structure, mechanical strength, setting time of the novel
CPC system. Therefore only one cement (CPC4) was used
to examine the biocompatibility and bioactivity of the ACP RESULTS
þ PCCP þ DCPA system cement; and CPC4 was chosen by
random. CPC4 with 0.2 wt % rhBMP2 was also tested for
The XRD patterns of the ACP and PCCP that were
comparison. Four weeks and 16 weeks after the last surgi-
cal session, the rabbits were killed, and the implants with
used to prepare the cement powders are shown in
their surrounding tissues were immediately excised. The Figure 1. In the pattern for the ACP, the weak peaks
specimens were fixed, decalcified, and embedded in paraf- of ACP reveal that it is composed of very poorly
fin. Then 4-mm-thin sections were prepared from each spec- crystalline calcium phosphate. In the pattern for the
imen, using a microtome. These sections were stained with PCCP, the diffraction peaks are narrow and intense
hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and examined by light microscopy. which suggests that the material’s crystallinity is
In addition, we used a Nikon E2000-E inverted biological higher than that for the ACP.
microscope, Nikon digital camera, and Image Pro Plus 5.1 The FTIR spectra of ACP and PCCP are shown in
(Media Cybernetics Ins., USA) image analysis software to Figure 2. The band at 1647 cm1 corresponds to the
quantify the total area of cement as maintained and the adsorbent water. The broken-up bands at 1430 cm1
new bone ingrowth in the rabbits 16 weeks implantation.
and 870 cm1 correspond to the CO32 bands. The
PO43 bands appear in the follow range: 1090–1030
Statistical analysis cm1, 957 cm1, and 600–500 cm1.
The XRD patterns for the as-prepared CPCs are
shown in Figure 3. The diffraction peaks correspond-
One-way ANOVA was performed by SPSS (SPSS, USA)
to detect significant (a ¼ 0.05) effects of the content of PCCP ing to DCPA are narrow and intense, while those cor-
on the compressive strength, porosity and setting time of responding to ACP or PCCP are broad. Because of the
the cement. Newman–Keuls multiple comparison tests were
conducted if a significant difference (p < 0.05) existed.

Figure 1. XRD patterns of PCCP and ACP. Figure 3. XRD patterns of the as-prepared cements.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


intense DCPA peaks, there is almost no difference in

the XRD patterns of the as-prepared cements (as-
CPC1, as-CPC2, as-CPC3, as-CPC4, and as-CPC5).
The XRD patterns of the hydrated cement are
shown in Figure 4, together with the pattern of bone
mineral. The peaks corresponding to DCPA, ACP,
and PCCP disappeared, as these materials had con-
verted into HA.
The calculated crystallinities of the cements are
shown in Figure 5. With the increase of PCCP from
0 to 50 wt %, the crystallinity of the hydrated cement
increased from 11 to 41% (Fig. 5).
The FTIR spectra of the hydrated cement samples
are shown in Figure 6. The band at 1653 cm1 corre-
sponds to the adsorbent water. The CO32 bands
appeared at 1472 cm1 and 1413 cm1. The PO43 Figure 5. The calculated crystallinities of the cements.
bands appeared in the follow range: 1090–1030 cm1,
957 cm1, and 600–500 cm1.
The SEM micrographs of ACP, PCCP, DCPA and tial and finial setting time were (23 6 1.3) and (33 6
the cross-section of the hydrated cement specimens 1.5) min, respectively. With increase in the relative
are given in Figure 7. The ACP, PCCP, and DCPA amount of PCCP, the initial and finial setting time
granules observed in SEM were 5–20 mm in diameter decreased significantly (p ¼ 0.05). For the cement with
(Fig. 7). After hydration, the morphology of the mate- 50 wt % PCCP (CPC5) the initial and finial setting
rials changed, with a large number of precipitated time were (11 6 1.2) and (20 6 1.5) min, respectively.
Hap grains with length and width of about 1000 nm The development of the compressive strength of
and 100 nm, respectively, being evident (Fig. 7). In CPC4 is listed in Figure 9. Because the compressive
CPC1, only a limited number of needle-like Hap strength results for CPC1–CPC5 were almost the
grains fragmentarily located in the hydrated cement same, only compressive strength for CPC4 was listed
can be seen. With increase in the amount of PCCP in in this article. The compressive strength of the speci-
the cement, more needle-like Hap grains were precipi- mens increased fast within the first 24 h. The com-
tated (Fig. 7) into a network structure. In Figure 7(h) pressive strength of CPC4 was (23.2 6 2.5) MPa at
(corresponding to CPC5), a large number of precipi- 24 h. Then, with increase in aging time, there was a
tated needle-like Hap grains tightly interlaced into a small increase in compressive strength.
network structure were seen. The DTS and porosity with different content of
Both the initial and finial setting times of the PCCP are shown in Figure 10. For the cement with-
cements decreased with an increase in PCCP content out PCCP (CPC1) the DTS was only (3.28 6 0.2)
(Fig. 8). For the cement without PCCP (CPC1) the ini- MPa, and the porosity was (45.8 6 1.9)%. With

Figure 4. XRD patterns of the hydrated cements. Figure 6. FTIR spectra of the hydrated cements.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 7. SEM micrographs of (a) ACP, (b) PCCP, (c) DCPA and the hydrated samples. (d–h) correspond to CPC1,
CPC2, CPC3, CPC4, and CPC5, respectively.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 8. Setting time of the cements. Figure 10. Variation of DTS and porosity with the content
of PCCP.

increase in the relative amount of PCCP, the DTS cement with rhBMP-2, after 4 weeks of implantation,
increased significantly (p ¼ 0.05) while the decrease in a large amount of cartilage had formed at interface
porosity was not significant (p ¼ 0.05) (Fig. 10). For the between the cement and the tissue, and part of the
cement with 50 wt % PCCP (CPC5) the DTS reached material was ossified. No inflammatory cells and fiber
6.5 6 0.6 MPa, and the porosity was (39.4 6 2.1)%. vesicles were found around the material (Fig. 13).
An ideal calcium phosphate must have a biodegra- After 16 weeks, no inflammatory cells and fiber
dation rate designed to match the cell/tissue growth vesicles was observed (Fig. 14). Fibrocartilage was
rates. Therefore, the biodegradation rate of the cement formed and parts of them had ossified, and a small
was characterized by means of mass loss test. The amount of trabecula bone was detected at this time.
mass loss (wt %) versus soaking time curves for the While, in the cement with rhBMP-2, after 16 weeks of
hydrated cements with different amount of PCCP implantation, histological findings showed that the
were plotted in Figure 11. With increase in the relative quantity of new bone increased and most of the carti-
amount of PCCP, the mass loss of the cement speci- lage were transformed into mature bone tissue. Inte-
mens, at a given soaking time, decreased (Fig. 11). grated trabecula bone and Haversian system were
Histological analysis of the results after 4 weeks of formed (Fig. 15). Furthermore, the percentages of
implantation showed that a small amount of cartilage bone ingrowth in the rabbits 16 weeks after implanta-
and fibroblast was formed with very little inflamma- tion for CPC4 cement without and with BMP-2 were
tory cells around the CPC4 cement (Fig. 12). For the (41.7 6 16.6)% and (71.7 6 21.0)%, respectively.

Figure 9. Compressive strength of CPC for different con- Figure 11. In vitro mass loss tests of the hydrated
serving time. cements.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


Figure 12. Light microscopy photo of the CPC4 cement Figure 14. Light microscopy photo of the CPC4 cement
after implantation for 4 weeks. (HE stain, original magnifi- after implantation for 16 weeks. (HE stain, original magni-
cation 100). [Color figure can be viewed in the online fication 200). [Color figure can be viewed in the online
issue, which is available at] issue, which is available at]

bigger porosity. For CPCs, the liquid with which the

DISCUSSION powder is mixed is also a very important variable. For
instance, Na2HPO4 was reported as accelerator on the
PCCP has a higher crystallinity than ACP; thus, the initial and final setting time.28 Hydroxyethyl starch,
diffraction peaks of PCCP were much narrow and sodium dextran sulfate, cyclodextrine, and alginic
intense than those in ACP (Fig. 1). The broad absorp- acid have been reported to prolong the initial and fin-
tion bands at 1030 and 567 cm1 revealed the poor ial setting time and to decrease the compressive
crystallinity of ACP and PCCP. The CO absorption strength of the cement.29
bands detected at about 1430 cm1 and 870 cm1 In this study, in order to evaluate the influence of
showed the presence of CaCO3 (Fig. 2). Thus for both the amount of PCCP on the properties of the cement,
the ACP and PCCP, their XRD and FTIR results are the cement powders were homogeneously mixed with
consistent. de-ionized water at a liquid to powder ratio of 0.45 mL/
For CPCs, liquid-to-powder ratio (L/P) is a very im- g. After storing the cement specimens in an incubator
portant variable. Cements prepared with higher L/P at 378C and 97% humidity for 24 h, the phase compo-
ratio, exhibit much longer initial and final setting sition of the hydrated cement was ascertained from
time,26 much lower compressive strength,27 and much X-ray diffraction. As the cement hydrated, DCPA,

Figure 13. Light microscopy photo of the cement with Figure 15. Light microscopy photo of the cement with
rhBMP-2 after implantation for 4 weeks. (HE stain, original rhBMP-2 after implantation for 16 weeks. (HE stain, origi-
magnification 200). [Color figure can be viewed in the nal magnification 100). [Color figure can be viewed in
online issue, which is available at www.interscience.wiley. the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a


TABLE II increase in the relative amount of PCCP, the DTS

Percentage of Bone Ingrowth in the Rabbits 16 Weeks increased significantly (p ¼ 0.35) while the decrease in
After Implantation
porosity was not significant (p ¼ 0.72) (Fig. 10). The crys-
Without BMP-2 With BMP-2 tallinity of the hydrated cement increased with increase
Percentages of bone ingrowth 41.7616.6 71.7621.0 in the relative amount of PCCP, which may account for
the increased compressive strength of the cement.
With increase in the relative amount of PCCP, the
ACP and PCCP disappeared clearly and turned into mass loss of the cement specimens, at a given soak-
HA after hydration (Figs. 3 and 4) because diffraction ing time, decreased (Fig. 11). This is attributed to the
peak intensity and width are greatly affected by crys- decrease in the solubility of HA that accompanies
tallite size and lattice order. Large and more highly the increase in the crystallinity of the hydrated
ordered crystallites have many more uniformly cements (Fig. 4). Thus, the biodegradation rate of the
spaced lattice planes available to contribute to dif- cement may be easily controlled by changing the ra-
fraction count rate and peak sharpness than smaller tio of ACP and PCCP in the as-prepared cement.
and low ordered crystallites.30 With the increase in The in vitro degradation tests were performed in de-
the relative amount of PCCP, the diffraction peaks of ionized water in this article based on the following
the hydrated cements became more narrow and considerations: If the in vitro degradation tests were
intense (Fig. 4). Diffraction peak intensity and width performed in simulated body fluid or other aggressive
are greatly affected by crystallite size and lattice medium, the calcium, phosphate and other ions in the
order. Large and more highly ordered crystallites liquid phase may precipitate on the surface of the
have many more uniformly spaced lattice planes cement (so-called biomimetic mineralization). At the
available to contribute to diffraction count rate and same time calcium phosphates in the cement may dis-
peak sharpness than smaller and low ordered crystal- solve into the liquid phase. Therefore, under the influ-
lites.30 Thus with increase in the relative amount of ence of the mineralization it will be difficult to evalu-
PCCP, the crystallinity of the hydrated cement ate the degradation of the materials. Choosing de-ion-
increased gradually from a low amount of Hap (11%) ized water as degradation medium was intended to
to a much higher one (41%) (Figs. 4 and 5). It can be evaluate the degradation of the cement caused by dis-
seen that the XRD patterns of the samples in this solution in this study. The bone cement is degraded
study were very similar to that of natural bone min- through a dissolution process associated with a cellu-
eral. It is known that the formation of bone-like hy- lar process.15 Study showed that osteoclast mediated
droxyapatite benefits the improvement of biocompat- degradation of hydroxyapatite ceramic by simultane-
ibility and bioactivity and accelerates the degradation ous resorption and phagocytosis in vivo.16 The degra-
rate of the cement. The broken-up bands at 1472 dation process can be chemical or biological.34–36 But
cm1 and 1413 cm1 (Fig. 6), which were different it has been noted, however, that cell mediated biologi-
from the single band of carbonate at the range cal degradation is rare.36 The process of biodegrada-
between 1320 cm1 and 1530 cm1, revealed the dope tion was considered to be directly influenced by the
of CO32 in the HAp crystal lattice.31,32 All FTIR bands type of material crystallization.15 Therefore, the main
were broad, indicating poor crystallinity of HA. These difference between the in vitro and in vivo degradation
results are consistent with the XRD patterns (Fig. 4). of the material was the degradation without or with
The setting reaction of CPC involves dissolution of the effect of cell. The mechanism of the in vitro degra-
calcium phosphate followed by nucleation and growth dation was only the dissolution of the materials into
of hydroxyapatite. More crystals were obtained in the liquid phase. This process is controlled by the
PCCP by calcining ACP (Fig. 1). For CPC with PCCP, crystallinity of the material, as a material with high
the crystallized components in PCCP provide nuclea- crystallinity leads to a low dissolution rate.
tion sites for Hap crystal growth, thus accelerating the Histological studies in light microscopy confirmed
rate of Hap nucleation and precipitation in the cement that CPC4 was both biocompatible and bioactive.
(Figs. 4, 5, and 7). Yang et al.33 showed that addition of Oreffo et al. have shown that apatite provided an excel-
apatite seeds into the starting CPC powder mixture lent surface for osteoblast proliferation and differentia-
promotes the formation of deposited apatite as these tion.37 This phenomenon was caused by precipitation
seeds provide nucleation sites for Hap crystal growth. of biological apatite by secondary nucleation and het-
This may be responsible for the higher reactivity of the eroepitaxy on residual crystals.38 CPC4 showed very
PCCP compared to the ACP. Thus with increase in the early osteoconductive properties, because viable new
relative amount of PCCP, setting time of the cement cartilage were clearly detected only 4 weeks after im-
decreased (Fig. 8). plantation (Figs. 12 and 13) and integrated trabecula
The mechanical strength and porosity are of great in- bone and Haversian system were formed only 16
terest to surgeons, as these data directly affect the selec- weeks after implantation (Figs. 14 and 15). This was
tion of indications and the postoperative care. With particularly noteworthy because osteoconduction usu-
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A DOI 10.1002/jbm.a

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