Mevernham Self Team Assessment Form - Revised 5-2-20 2 Blacked Out

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Instructions for Self and Teammate Assessments:

Decide on the rating and then enter a description of the rating you have given and why. Be specific and
give examples. Do not simply put a checkmark or “X” in the box.


Self-Evaluation based on my work on Team # 5

Your Name: Matthew Evernham

Criterion Seldom Sometimes Often

Contributed good ideas I feel that I consistently
gave good ideas and
contributed to our team’s
conversations on the
topics and assignments.
During our team
interview preparation, I
came up with the idea to
split the questions up into
different topics and
assign those topics to
each team member so
that we each had a
similar amount of
questions to ask our
guest. This made our
interview flow seamlessly
Listened to and I feel that I respected the
respected the ideas of ideas of others in every
others meeting other than the
module 4 content
discussion. I had a hard
time grasping the concept
of privilege and felt that I
wasn’t given the
opportunity to give my
opinion on the matter
while Dr. Chanley was in
the meeting. I shut down
and did not contribute
during that meeting.
Compromised and I felt that I compromised
cooperated and cooperated very well
throughout our team
meetings. While our team
was building our Team
Charter, I compromised
on the setup of the
document when Debi
came up with the layout. I
was in favor of putting
some of the bullet points
under different sections,
but I compromised when
the majority of the team
felt elsewise.
Came to meetings I always came to the
prepared meetings prepared having
read and watched all of
the material. I submitted
my notes prior to every
Communicated I feel that I fell short in
effectively with this category because I
teammates both verbally found myself interrupting
and nonverbally other team members on
occasion. I feel that this
was somewhat because
of the lag in
communication during
the zoom meetings as
well as myself wanting to
make sure I got my point
Gave the teamwork a I always accepted the
high priority and willing responsibilities of my role
accepted responsibilities in the meetings and feel
that I was always willing
to take on the more
difficult roles like
facilitator often.
Saw what had to be done There were times during
and did it without our meetings that we
prompting or pressure needed to stop and let
Debi know that her audio
was lacking and it was
difficult for us to hear. I
believe for some reason I
was able to hear her
better than some of the
other team members so I
often stopped her to see
if she could do something
to make it better when I
noticed the other team
members were having a
hard time hearing her.
This also happened
during our team
interview with Kristy.
Did your share of the I feel that I did my share
work of the work and did not
shy away from doing my
part and more. I
contributed a good
majority of the work on
our Team Charter and the
Team Interview setup.
Overall Rating as a Team Needs Improvement Fair Good
Member: Overall, I would say that I
did a good job as a team
member during this class.
I was always on time for
meetings, came prepared,
took on the more
challenging roles often,
and made sure the team
was successful by
contributing good ideas
when I could.

The most valuable contribution I made as a I came up with the plan for the Team Interview where we
team member was: each took turns asking sets of questions which made the
meeting go very smoothly and I felt was very effective. Since
I came up with the plan, I assigned myself the role of
starting the interview and closing with thank you’s.

In my self-assessment and Psychological Contract, I identified the following strengths and areas I wanted to
work on:
Strengths: People person able to connect and work with others easily.
Areas I want to improve in: Tend to take on too much of the work or jump in when I should take a step back
and let the other team members do their part.
On this team, I demonstrated what I had I connected well with all of my team members and
identified previously as strengths in the developed good relationships with each one of them. After
following ways (give at least one example): the Module 4 content meeting in which I struggled, Allan
called me to make sure I was doing alright. This told me that
I had made a quality relationship with him in that he felt the
need to check on me.

On this team, I did improve in the following I feel that I found myself stepping in too much in some areas
areas (give at least one example): when I should have let the other team members take
responsibility for the work. During our completion of the
Team Charter, I found myself starting to step in too much
and not allowing the other team members to have much
input. When I realized this, I took a step back and let the
others finish coming up with the layout of the paper.

After this experience, I learned that I still need I have realized that I still need to work on keeping an open
to work on the following skills, and I plan to do mind during difficult discussion topics that may be brought
that in the following specific way(s): up. During the Module 4 content meeting, I struggled to
keep an open mind during the discussion of privilege which
made me shut down and not want to contribute to the
conversation. I plan on working on this by attempting to
realize when this happens in the moment. If I feel that I am
starting to shut down due to the conversation, I plan to
think about the topic through the viewpoint of the other
team members and try to realize that my viewpoint is not
the only one, and may not be the best way to look at it

Team Evaluation based on their work on Team # 5

Your Name: Anonymous

Criterion Seldom Sometimes Often

Contributed good ideas I feel that Drew
contributed good ideas
often. She contributed
many good ideas during
our Team Charter
including where to place
some of the bullet points.
She also contributed a lot
during the interview
planning meeting by
coming up with a few
really good questions to
ask. Her questions
allowed the conversation
to be a lot more than just
yes/no answers and also
gave her teammates the
ability to ask follow up
Listened to and Drew kept an open mind
respected the ideas of during every meeting and
others always tried to relate to
the other team members
by respecting their
viewpoints. During the
Module 4 content
meeting, she was
respectful of every team
member’s feelings on the
issues, and gave her own
insight in a respectful
Compromised and Drew showed this quality
cooperated a lot during the interview
planning meeting. She
cooperated with Debi and
Allan perfectly to come
up with a good layout for
our agenda. She also
compromised to an idea
Allan had for where to
put one of the questions.
Came to meetings Drew was always very
prepared well prepared for every
meeting which impressed
me since she was
travelling for two weeks.
She always had all of the
pre-work completed and
had thorough notes to
bring to the meetings.
Communicated Drew always did a great
effectively with job not interrupting the
teammates both verbally other team members and
and nonverbally also often would raise her
hand so that all of us
knew that she wanted to
bring something up.
Gave the teamwork a Drew did not shy away
high priority and willing from any of the roles and
accepted responsibilities accepted some roles so
that other team members
could get a chance at
roles they hadn’t had
Saw what had to be done During our first meeting
and did it without while I was facilitator, I
prompting or pressure missed a prompt on the
agenda. Drew took
charge and made sure
that I knew we had
accidentally skipped over
Did their share of the Drew always contributed
work her share of the work,
and often seemed to go
above and beyond. She
came up with some of the
best questions that we
used during our team
Overall Rating as a Team Needs Improvement Fair Good
Member: Overall, Drew did a great
job as a team member.
She was prepared for
every meeting, and
contributed perfectly.
Drew is the type of
person and team member
that I would look for on
any team in the future.
She was a joy to work
with and definitely one of
the reasons we were

The most valuable contribution of this team She contributed some of the best questions that we had for
member was: our team interview. Her questions allowed our interviewee
to go into great depth and also allowed the rest of our team
to ask some very good follow-up questions.

Identify at least one specific way in which this I think that at times, Drew seemed a little shy to share her
team member’s performance could have been views on certain topics. At times she seemed reluctant to
improved: talk but seemed to end up getting her point out.

Other Comments: Drew was one of the team members that seemed to keep us
all together. She did not take any one team member’s side
and was able to resolve conflicts (There was not much at all
on our team)

Team Evaluation based on their work on Team # 5

Your Name: Allan Raya

Criterion Seldom Sometimes Often

Contributed good ideas Allan contributed a lot of
good ideas throughout
our team meetings. He
especially contributed a
lot during the building of
our team charter and
team interview plan. He
was instrumental in
putting together both
documents and made
them look professional.
Listened to and Allan was always
respected the ideas of respectful of others’ ideas
others especially during the
module 4 content
meeting when talking
about oppression and
Compromised and Allan cooperated very
cooperated well with the rest of the
team no matter what we
were working on. He was
our go-to guy for editing
and completing the
google docs for our
assignments. He
compromised by allowing
the team to make
changes to the
documents when the
majority wanted to.
Came to meetings Allan came to each
prepared meeting prepared and
only had a couple of
times where he didn’t
fully go through all of the
readings and videos.
Communicated Allan’s communication
effectively with with the team was great,
teammates both verbally although seemed to
and nonverbally somewhat struggle when
he took on the facilitator
role. It seemed to me that
he was so focused on the
role that he lost the
ability to share and
elaborate on his own
Gave the teamwork a Allan is a very good team
high priority and willing member and did not shy
accepted responsibilities away from accepting any
role. Like I said before, he
accepted the task of
editing our google docs
assignments for the team
and excelled in this task.
Saw what had to be done Allan saw that somebody
and did it without needed to take charge on
prompting or pressure making the editing
changes to our Team
Charter and Team
Interview Agenda
assignments and he ran
with it. He didn’t wait for
anybody to ask him to do
it. He saw an opportunity
and took it.
Did your share of the Allan pulled his own
work weight during the
meetings, especially
when putting together
our Team Charter and
Team Interview
Overall Rating as a Team Needs Improvement Fair Good
Member: Allan is a great team
member and was
instrumental in
completing our
assignments, especially
the Team Charter and
Team Interview

The most valuable contribution of this team Allan’s contribution of editing and completing our Team
member was: Charter and Team Interview assignments was integral to the
success of our team.
Identify at least one specific way in which this I believe that if Allan were to have more experience and
team member’s performance could have been practice in the facilitator role, he would be more effective in
improved: the actual meeting. When Allan was the facilitator, he
seemed to fall behind on expressing his own thoughts
because he was so focused on running the meeting.

Other Comments: Allan was a very important part of our team and without
him we would have more than likely struggled to put
together our Team Charter and Team Interview Agenda.

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