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ArR rlzra

Subj ect : Leave Without Pav

Ref. No.HPDO2/ LWPl420 Date : 14.07.2020

Board of Directors in its l02nd meeting held on 7th July,2020 has approved
a Scheme whereby employees can opt to take Leave Without Pay ranging from six
months or for two years and the same can be extendable upto five years (copy of
the Staff Notice attached).

2. The Scheme also authorizes CMD to pass an order on behalf and in the
name ofthe Company whereby an employee would be sent on leave for six months
or for a period of two years extendable upto five years, depending upon the
following factors :-

(i) Suitability
(ii) Efficiency
(iii) Competence
(iv) Quality of performance
(v) Health of the employee
(ui) Instance of non-availability of the employee for duty in the past, as
a result of ill health or otherwise
(vii) Redundancy

3. Accordingly, in terms of the policy approved by the Board, Departmental

Heads at Headquarters and Regional Directors of the Region are required to assess
each individual on the above mentioned factors and identiry the cases where option
ofcompulsory leave without pay can be exercised. Names ofsuch employees need
to be forwarded to General Manager (Personnel), Headquarters for obtaining
necessary approval of CMD.

4. To streamline the process of identification of redundant manpower who

would be told to proceed on compulsory leave without pay, the following process
may be adopted.

(i) Respective Regional Directors will constitute a Committee

comprising of General Manager (Personnel), General Manager
(Finance) and concemed Departmental Head, the Committee would
go through the records, based on the above factors and will
recommend the individuals whose names will be forwarded to
Headquarters with due recommendations of Regional Director for
obtaining approval of CMD, for compulsory leave.

$f,{ EBqT fuFlds air rooia Limited

Regd. OIIice: Airlines House, 113' Gurudwara Rakabganj Road' New
Delhi-ll000l' EPABX: 23422000

Nz Website :
A STAR ALLIANCe uertreen {;-

(ii) Similarly, at Headquarters a Committee comprising of General

Manager (lR), General Manager (Finance) and concerned Executive
Director/Ceneral Manager of the respective Departmental Head
shall be constituted fbr the said purpose.

(iiD Regional Directors and Headquarters' Departmental Head would

forward the list of identitled individuals to General Manager
(Personnel), Headquarters on or before l5th August, 2020 fot
obtaining necessary approval of CMD.

(Mee shi p)
General Manager (IR)

Encl : as above

Cc: EA to CMD
Cc: All Functional Directors/ Executive Directors/ Departmental Heads
Cc: General Manager (Pers)- HQ/NR/ERMR/SR

$f,{ iFsqr fuBg air tooia Limit€d

{Rrgd orqtf,q : Y€fteirt=s 6lirs, 1r3, TqErn rrrrrq d-s, q-{ ftd-llooolEPABx :234220oo
Regd. Oltice : Airlines House, 113, Gurudwara Rakabgani
Road' New Delhi-I10001' EPABX: 23422000
Aaqrfe website : www.airindia. in


HPD02|LWPt421 Date:14.07.2020


Company is introducing "Leave Without Pay (LWP)", which will come into force
with immediate effect. The Scheme would be applicable as under:

1 . (a) Voluntary basis

Leave under voluntary basis can be availed of for personal reasons

2. This Scheme (LWP) is being introduced for grant of leave without pay &
allowances for permanent- employees, for a period of six months (extendable
uptoS years) or for a period of two years(exfendable upto 5 years)at the
discretion of the Management.

3. Notwithstanding any provision contrary to the Standing Orders, Service

Regulations or any existing Agreements, Awards, Rules o[ Orders in this regard,
the present Scheme is introduced.

4. The following conditions will have to be adhered to by employees for availing the
Leave Without Pay.

(a) (i) This Scheme shall be applicable to permanent employees of the


(iD Probationers or promotees, who have not been confirmed, will be

sanctioned leave under the Scheme subject to the conditions that:

they will be deemed new entrants in the grade and will be required to
complete their probation on their return from leave; and

- their effective date of confirmation will be from the date they complete their
probationary period, on return from leave under this Scheme.

It may be noted that protection in the case of probationers is only their right to
re.;oin service in the same entry grade.

(b) Leave under the Scheme will not be sanctioned to employees under Bond until
the penod of the Bond is over or unless they settle their bonded obligations.

(c) The Management reserves its rights in accepting/rejecting any application under
the Scheme, which will be subject to the needs/requirements of the Company.

gq{ EBqI fuFrds air India Limited

fqgC orqfdq : \srrcfifi Eltts, 113, TsEnr rrrrrq ri-e, c.{ ft-d-tt000r EPABX t 23422o00

ffiz website :
A srAR ALLTANce raeureen rf3'
d) No employee availing of the Scheme will be permitted to take up jobs in
GovernmenU other Public Sector Undertakings.

(e) An employee against whom disciplinary action or vigilance enquiry is pending/

contemplated can also apply, however, employees who opt for LWP will have to
co-operate with the Enquiry Committee for completion of the disciplinary
proceedings during the leave period.

(f) Employees taking up employment after availing LWP under the Scheme or at a
later date, in other airlines and allied services or in any Organisation with which
the Company has dealing, should seek prior permission from the Company,
before taking up employment in such an Organisation. The services of an
employee will be terminated in accordance with the Service Regulations/Standing
orders/ applicable rules, if the employee concerned fails to make such prior
declaration/ seek permission.

(g) During the LWP period if an employee, takes up employment in lndia or abroad,
will have to keep the Company informed in writing, regarding his/her employment.

(h) Employees who opt for this Scheme will not be eligible for foreign postings for a
period of one year after they return from leave under this Scheme.

(i) No other kind of leave will be sanctioned in combination with or in continuation of

the leave under this Scheme.

O During the currency of the period of leave without pay under the Scheme, the
employees shall not be entitled to any pay, dearness allowances, other
allowances, benefits and perquisites. Further such employees shall also not be
eligible for benefits such as all types of leave, pension, gratuity, provrdent fund,
increment etc. and also promotion opportunitiesi avenues as may arise with
reference to their Seniority in the post from which they had proceeded on leave.
They shall also lose seniority in the higher grade/grades with reference to their
juniors who might get promoted to such grade/ grades before they rejoin duties.

(k) The duration of leave without pay under the Scheme will not be reckoned to
determine the duration of total service for benefits like Long Service Memento,
Passage, Medical, Gratuity and Provtdent Fund.

(l) The period of leave availed under this Scheme will also not be counted for the
purpose of determining number of years of service in the company/in the grade,
for the purpose of any promotion/any other facility based on the number of years
of service.

(m) Sick Leave, Casual Leave and Prrvilege Leave as on date the employee
proceeds on leave would be frozen and such leave(s) shall not accrue during the
period the employee is on Leave Without Pay

qif,{ EBqr fufuts trtnoia Limited
ffigd orqtilq : gqlerrs-{ Erirg, 113, TuErtf ror*lrs rts, T{ ftd-u000r EpABx :23422000
Regd. Oflice: Airlines House, ll3, Gurudwara Rekabganj Road, New Delhi-I10001. EPABX : 23422000
ffiz Website :
'TZ'A t'> -
(n) Employees availing of leave under this Scheme will be eligible to be considered
for promotion, only after completion of one year of service on return from leave
under the Scheme. ln their case, the last available Appraisal Report will be
considered for promotion.

(o) Employees can avail of medical/passage benefits as per Company rules,

during their period of leave without pay under the Scheme.

(p) Leave without paylallowances under this Scheme for taking up employment will
be sanctioned for a minimum period of six months and a maximum period of
two years, at the discretion of the Management. lf an employee who has
availed the benefit under this Scheme does not report back to duty on the due
date on the expiry of the leave, hrs/ her service shall be terminated in
accordance with the Service Regulations/ Standing Orders/ applicable Rules.

(q) Employees can proceed on leave under this Scheme only after receiving
written communication from the Personnel Department.

(r) Employees who had availed of any housing loan or any other loan/ advance/
Company property from the Company shall clear their dues before the grant of
leave. Employees occupying Staff Quarters/Company flats, have to vacate the
same prior to proceeding on leave in case they wish to retain the staff quarters
during their leave they will have to pay the notified market rent.

(s) Restricted Entry Pass would be made available to the employees who avail of
Passage/Medical facilities. However, Passes issued by the Bureau of Civil
Aviation Authority/ any other Authority, would have to be returned before
proceeding on LWP.

(t) No relaxation in any of the conditions under the Scheme will be permitted
5. Savinqs:

The Management reseryes the right to change, alter, modify, review, curtail,
withdraw, add or delete, any or all of the conditions of the above Scheme, if it
considers it necessary to do so.

6. The Chairman & Managing Director reserves the right to accept/ reject any
application under this Scheme, in the interest of the Company.


7.1 Employees who are desirous of availing the above facility, under the Scheme,
should submit their application, in the prescribed format attached, along with a
copy of the latest pay-slip.

q3r{ Etgqr ftFrts li.lrdia Limited u.

rfrrgc iDrqrdq : qsFGmi;s Ertrs, r13, rJ$Ern {lD,r{rrq rte, c-{ ft-d-ttoool EPABX: 23422000
Regd. omce: Airlines House, 113, Gurudwsra Rakabganj Road, New Delhi-110001. EPABX :23422000
i<rfe website :
EsrrirE qT
arR rrzrz
7.2 For regional employees, the application should be submitted through proper
channel, to the General Manager-Personnel of the Region.

7.3 For employees in the Corporate Office at Delhi, the application should be
submitted through proper channel to the General Manager (Pers), HQrs, New

7.4 The last date for receipt of applications is 15h August, 2O2O

7.5 An advance copy of application must be fonvarded directly to the address given

General Manager (Pers)

Air lndia Ltd
113, Gurudwara Rakabgunj Road
New Delhi - 110001

7.6 Employees will be informed of the acceptance or otherwise of their application

8. The Chairman & Managing Direclor of the Company may also pass an order on
behalf of and in the name of the Company if deemed fit, by requiring an
employee to go on leave for srx months (extendable upto five yearc) or for a
period of two years @rtendable upto 5 years) compulsorily, having regard to:

(t) Suitability
(ii) Efficiency
(iii) Competence
(iv) Quality of performance
(v) Health of the employee
(vi) lnstance of non-availability of the employee for duty rn the past, as a
result of ill health or otherwise.
(vii) Redundancy

(Mee as ap)
General Manager (lR)

Cc: EA to CMD
Cc: All Functional Directors/ Executive Directors/ Departmental Heads
Cc: General Manager (Pers)- HQ/NR/ERA/VR/SR

Cq{ {fufl fuftts air India Limited

ffirvd orqfdq : ysrt ii<t Ertm. 1r3, TUERI r6rl-q rte. l-{ frd-ttoool EPABX: 23422000
Regd. OIfice: Airlines House, 113, Gurudwara Rakabganj Road, New Delhi-110001. EPABX: 23422000
Alrurfe website : www.a




General Manager (Pers)

Air lndia Ltd

Through proper channel

In response to Staff Notice No dated _, I wish to opt for the Voluntary

Scheme for availing Leave Without Payl Allowances for a period of six months / two years. I am
fully aware of the terms and conditions contained in this Staff Notice. My particulars are given

l. Full Name
2. Designation
3. Staff/SAP No
4. Department
5. Section
6. Station :

7. Date of Joining e/e AI/ e/w IA

8. Date of superannuation :

9. Date of release required : upto

Date (Signature)

Encl: Copy of latest payslip

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