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Early Bilingual Literacy Program

I. Introduction:

The program introduces the concept of bilingual literacy that refers to the oral
proficiency and fluency of a person in two languages in terms of speaking, reading
and writing. This program aims to enhance the students capabilities in learning two
languages at a time possibly in early age. This is to achieve the desirable outcomes
that the students should be able to maintain the acquisition of the first and second
language for greater language knowledge and performance purposes in the future.

II. Statement of Need:

According to the 2018 Programme for International Students Assessment

(PISA) result, 15 year old students in the Philippines scored lower in reading,
mathematics, and science than those in most of the countries and economies that
participated. The results portrayed a low overall average score that reflects in the
proceedings of the country’s educational System. The program will ensure that it can
improve the academic proficiency of students thereby producing a better result in the
future PISA and strengthen the foundation of the Philippine educational system.

III. Detailed Description of the Actual Program:

a. Target Audience: The program will involve the participation of Grade 3

Pupils to make a headstart in their bilingual literacy. This will ensure that
an early intervention from the teachers can assist them in their premature
age which gravely affects their performance in the future. Furthermore, this
will also develop their English and Native language proficiency which is a
mandatory requirement as they progress through higher educational
b. Content of the Program: The program contains an organized academic
plan that ensures the requirements of an early bilingual education will be
met. This includes more involved immersion when it comes to speaking,
reading and writing that will enhance the pupil’s proficiency in
understanding language. The teachers then will assign activities so that
their understanding can be used in an applicable level. They will also
explore different foreign texts to become more familiar with diverse and
colorful literature. Furthermore, the use of language will also be observed
and encouraged to promote an ideal environment with respect to both
native and secondary languages.
c. Delivery Method: The program will involve the capability of the teachers
to capture the pupil’s attention through motivational activities. To proceed,
the teachers will introduce local and foreign literature to let the pupils
familirize themselves with diversified texts. To follow, they shall involve
educational activities to evaluate their progress and observe their
capability after the teacher’s instructed guidance. This includes story
telling, picture presentations, casual discussions, writing exercises and
other related activities that can develop bilingual competency. And finally,
the teachers will uphold a fun and enjoyable educational environment
where the students can interact with their peers, share stories, participate
willingly and avoid discouragement that can negatively affect the program.
d. Specific Resource Utilization: The program will include a variety of
helpful materials and equipment that can induce a interactive environment
in the proceedings. Physical books that are comprised of both local and
foreign literature will be the foundation of the entire program. Also, laptops,
large monitors and ppt projectors will be used to acclimate young students
in the modern take of learning and be used as visual aids. Ventilated
classrooms with large spaces and work desks will be a place for the
students to participate in activities and ensure a healthy and interactive
environment. And finally, a recreational wall or platform will be constructed
to display the preserved works of pupils and allow future learners to regard
the sight of past pupils that will motivate them to learn.
e. Responsibilities of Personnel: The program establishes responsibilities
that the teacher should exhibit as a display of assistance for the pupils.
Teachers in the program should help create a productive learning
environment to better foster pupils to participate and willingly involve
themselves, which is also a requirement to make the program viable and
well-grounded. The security and proper procedures in the school should
also be included in the program as like any other standard for safety
protocols. The teachers should also facilitate behavior as rules and
regulations are needed to be kept in place to avoid misconduct. They
should also keep in mind that the program is an initiative to promote
academic learning. So it is required to create a healthy environment where
all pupils interact and participate with no high expectations as its focus
directly relates to how the pupil can develop self-sufficiency and overall
capability. And finally, teacher intervention should be present in order to
have a dynamic relationship in the classroom that promotes productivity
and helpful guidance.

f. Time Allotment: The program will utilize one out of five days of classes
that shall be focused on the development of bilingual education. This will
ensure that the program will be a legitimate part of the school’s system
and be provided with assistance and serious consideration. Furthermore,
the time allotted for the program will ensure an enjoyable and productive
time for both teacher and students to learn.

IV. Larger Context:

The Early Bilingual Literacy Program will exist alongisde several programs
associated within the educational system. To put this in perspective, here are some
examples of programs that may influence or affect the proceedings of early bilingual

The Kindergarten to Grade 12 or K-12 is a program that provides sufficient

time for mastery of concepts or skills. Early bilingual literacy is an ideal program that
guarantees a notable foundation as the pupil progresses through higher elementary
and secondary grade levels. The skills, proficiency and individual capability
developed in this program would be a great groundwork that supports them
throughout their academic years.

The Every Child A Reader Program or ECARP is an institutionalized program

by DepED which enforces the policy that every child a reader by Grade 3. This will
coexist with the program due to the main subject of reading and writing. Both
expresses the idea of making Grade 3 students an author but is taken a step further
with direct intervention and proficiency in utilizing both native and secondary
The Sobrato Early Academic Literacy or SEAL is a promising approach that
aims to connect ELs’ pre-K experiences with the early primary grades, K-3, in both
predominantly English and bilingual settings. This introduces the idea of maintaining
the pupil’s overall experiences prior to grade levels. This will coincide with the
program as it aims to develop an already existing aptitude in the pupil’s academic

V. Outcomes and Assessment:

The Early Bilingual Literacy Program will bring forth a much better outcome
compared to the 2018 PISA results when all the proceedings are met and be
provided with a solid foundation. Furthermore, the reading proficiency, writing skills
and the use of language will be enhanced further due to the intervention in the
relatively early age of the pupils. This, in turn, can make a difference in several future
PISA or assessments in testing the capability of young students in the academic

VI. Conclusion:

The Early Bilingual Literacy Program ensures that the academic proficiency of
students are developed at an early age to promote self-improvement and overall
capability in reading, writing, and their use of native and secondary language. This is
reflected from the final result of the PISA 2018 and acts a measure to yield a much
more favorable assessment in future international evaluations.
Group Members:

Aifer Bonifacio

Hidie Culambo

Michael Herrera

Lovely Inarda

Lyca Reyes

Dan Kier Tugade

Michaella Zamora

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