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Science using Python

Introduction to Python Programming

What is Python?

• Why Python?
• Python Philosophy And The Zen Of Python
• A Brief History Of Python
• Features of Python
• Installation on Windows Gnu/Linux and Unix Systems

Programming Basics

• Hello World Program
• Comments
• Literal Constants
• Numbers
• Strings
• The Format Method

Basics Continued

• Raw String
• Escape Sequences
• Variables
• Identifier Naming
• Data Types
• Object
• How To Write Python Programs
• Indentation

Operators and Expressions
• Operators
• Evaluation Order
• Changing The Order Of Evaluation
• Associativity
• Expressions
Control Flow

• The if Statement
• The while Statement
• The for Loop
• The break Statement
• The continue Statement


• Function Parameters
• Local Variables
• Using The Global Statement
• Default Argument Values
• Keyword Arguments
• VarArgs Parameters
• Keyword Only Parameters
• The return Statement
• DocStrings

Linear Algebra, Statistics

• Array ,Metrix, Metrix operation Eigen Value,

• Eigen Vector,orthogonality Mean,
• Median,
• Mode
• Variance and Standard Deviation
• Probability
• Random Variables Probability Density
• Functions Normal Distribution
• Gaussian Distribution
• Conditional Probability Bayes' Theorem
• Bernoulli Distribution Binomial distribution
• Vector,
• Dotproduct
• Co-variance

Data and Data Processing

• Unstructured vs. Structured data Qualitative and Quantitative

• Data Discrete data and Continuous data
• Data and Information
• Nominal and Ordinal Data
• Data Preprocessing Data Cleaning Data Integration
• Data Transformation Data Reduction Normalization Standardization
• Handling Missing Data


• Introduction to python and anaconda

• Conditional Statements
• Looping, Control Statements
• Lists, Tuple ,Dictionaries
• String Manipulation
• Functions Installing Packages

Introduction of Various Tool

• Introduction of Anaconda
• Working on spyder
• Jupyter notebook

Working on Various Python Library

• Installing library and packages for machine learning and data science
• Matplotlib,Seaborn
• Scipy and Numpy
• Pandas
• IPython toolkit
• scikit-learn,

Data Analysis Using Pandas

• Introduction to Pandas
• Data Type of Pandas
• Creating DataFrame using Pandas
• Importing and Exporting Database
• Working with Complex Data
• Data Mining using Pandas.

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