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Comparatives and Superlatives

1. I (tall) _____________________________________ my sister.

2. Sarah (busy) _____________________________________ Mary.
3. The sun (hot) _____________________________________ the earth.
4. The earth (large) _____________________________________ the moon.
5. Elephants (big) _____________________________________ horses.
6. This restaurant (good) _____________________________________ that restaurant.
7. Salads (healthy) _____________________________________ hamburgers.
8. I think weekends (nice) _____________________________________ weekdays.
9. Lions (dangerous) _____________________________________ rabbits.
10. The sun (far) _____________________________________ the moon.
11. That hotel (bad) _____________________________________ this hotel.
12. Comedies (funny) _____________________________________ action movies.
Comparatives Exercises

Fill in the missing

vowels: a e i o

2. A c__t __s sm__ll__r th__n __ b__ __r.

3. A b__ __r __s m__r__ d__ng__r__ __s th__n __ d__g.

4. A d__g __s fr__ __ndl__ __r th__n __ r__bb__t.

5. A r__bb__t __s f__st__r th__n __ fr__g.

6. A fr__g __s n__ __s__ __r th__n __ b__tt__rfly.

7. A b__tt__rfly __s m__r__ b__ __ __t__f__l th__n __ m__nk__y.

8. A m__nk__y __s sm__rt__r th__n __ g__r__ff__.

9. A g__r__ff__ __s t__ll__r th__n __n __l__ph__nt.

10. An __l__ph__nt __s str__ng__r th__n __ sn__k__.

11. A sn__k__ __s l__ng__r th__n __ sp__d__r.

12. A sp__d__r __s sl__w__r th__n __ t__g__r.

Comparatives Exercises
Comparatives Exercises
1. summer / winter / hot
2. football / bowling / exciting
3. Asia / Europe / big
4. weekends / weekdays / good
5. John / Stewart / busy
7. horses / cows / fast
8. my uncle / my aunt / funny
9. this movie / that movie / interesting
10. the flu / a cold / bad
11. the sun / the moon / far
12. I / my friend / tired
13. tigers / giraffes / dangerous
14. January / August / cold


> more beautiful, more popular, more famous

< less beautiful, less popular, less famous

= the same = as beautiful as, as popular as, as famous as

▲ the most beautiful, the most popular, the most famous

▼ the least beautiful, the least popular, the least famous

Comparing adjectives or adverbs

Comparing nouns

more / the most

Sandy Kim Sandy Jim Chris

Chris has _______________books.

Kim has ____________books than Sandy.

fewer / the fewest less/ the least

Carol Sandy Kim Sandy Jim Chris

Carol ate ________ pineapples than Sandy. Jim has ______________ money than Chris.
Kim ate _______________ pineapples. Sandy has _____________________money.

Complete these sixteen sentences with the superlative forms of the adjectives

1. Summer _______ _______ _______________ season of the year. (hot)

2. Elephants _______ _______ _______________ land animals. (heavy)

3. Which country _______ _______ _______________? (cold)

4. Who _______ _______ _______ _______________ person in the world? (famous)

5. Steve _______ _______ _______________ person I know. (fun)

6. Asia _______ _______ _______________ continent in the world. (big)

7. Our history exams _______ _______ _______ _______________. (difficult)

8. Which flowers _______ _______ _______ _______________? (beautiful)

9. I think science _______ _______ _______ _______________ subject. (easy)

10. Alison _______ _______ _______________ person in our family. (young)

11. I _______ _______ _______________ student in my class! (good)

12. Jake’s Bistro _______ _______ _______ _____________ restaurant in town. (expensive)

13. Don’t watch that! It _______ _______ _____________ movie in the world! (bad)

14. Ray Jay Kobe Kobe ate ______ __________ bananas.

Ray ate _____ ____________ bananas.

15. Carol Ann Kristy

Carol drank ______ ___________ milk.

Ann drank _____ ___________ milk.


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