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Every router is different.

There are no any general instructions on how to set up

all of them. Manufactures always provide manuals so you should refer to

Using with your DVR

 Create an account with a username and password.
 Login
 "Account" -> "My Service" -> "Add Host Services" -> "Add Dynamic
DNS Host"
 Enter and select hostname
 Enter IP address of your computer
 Click "Add host"
In your DVR software:
o Find DDNS network settings
o Enable DDNS
o Enter username, password and hostname from
o Apply the settings

Then if your IP address changes, DVR software sends the data to and
updates it. This allows to access your computer from remote location by using
not a weird IP address, but a user-friendly hostname.

p.s.Please note that routers can also be configures to work with DDNS (instead
of configuring DVR software, you can configure your router).
Create and Configure a Dynamic DNS Account
Dynamic DNS, also known as DynDNS or DDNS, is a service that allows you to configure a domain name,
such as to route to a dynamic IP address.  Typically cable and DSL internet access
providers use dynamic IP address each time you connect to the internet.  This means that your connection is
assigned a different IP address each time you connect.  DDNS allows you to remotely connect to your
surveillance DVR over the internet if your DVR is connected to a cable or DSL internet connection.  It is
recommended that you purchase a router that supports DDNS and connect the router to your cable or DSL
modem.  There are many vendors that provide DDNS service.  CCTV Camera Pros recommends Dynamic
Network Services, Inc because it is free and we have tested it.  Follow the setup instructions in this section
to create and configure an account with Dynamic Network Services.  NOTE: if your internet connection
supports a static IP address, you can skip this section of the instructions.  If you are unsure, please contact
your internet service provider.

1. Go to Dynamic Network Services website at and sign up for an account

2. On the home page click on the Create Account link as seen below:

3. Fill on all of the required fields on the sign up page and submit the sign up form.
4. The confirmation screen will let you know that an account confirmation email will be sent to you. 
Wait a few minutes to check your mail.
5. When you receive the email, click on the link to confirm opening your account with DynDNS, then
login to your account.  The confirmation link will being you to a login link.  After that, you can login
from the home page anytime.
6. Once logged into your account, 1) Click on the "My Services" link, 2) then the "My Hosts" link, 3)
then the "Add Host Services" link as seen below:

7. The New Dynamic DNS Host screen will open.  In the hostname field, 1) create a prefix and 2)
select a domain name from the dropdown box.  The page will automaticall detect your IP address,
which you can leave for now.  The other fields can be left blank.  3) Click on the "Add Host" button
as seen below.

8. If successful, a screen will be displayed to let you know that the hostname was created.

Setting up Dynamic DNS on your Router

For these instructions, will use a D-Link DI-624 router.  We assume that the setup process for all D-Link
routers that support DDNS will be the same or similar to this.  You can use any brand router that has
Dynamic DNS support.  Please consult your routers manual or call the router companies technical support to
determine if your router has DDNS capabilities.  If your internet connection has a static IP address, you do
not need to setup DDNS and can skip this section.  The below instructions assume that you are working
from a computer that is connected to the D-Link router.

1. Open the routers control panel by going to the IP address in a web browser.
You will be prompt for a password.  If you did not setup a password on your router, enter admin for
the username and leave the password blank.
2. Once you are logged into the router 1) click on the "Tools" tab, then 2) Click on the "DDNS" button,
as seen below:
3. On the Dymanic DNS page do the following:
1. Select the "Enabled" radio button for the DDNS field
2. Select from the Server Address dropdown menu
3. Enter the complete Host Name that you setup with
4. Enter your Username and Password that you setup
5. Click the "Apply" button.
4. If everything is correct, the page will tell you that your router is restarting.

DDNS is now configured for your router to handle.

Connecting the MPEG4 DVR and Locating the

DVRs IP Address
When you connect your DVR (or any other device) to a router, the router assigns the DVR an internal
network address (IP address).  This IP address allows your router to manage the location of your DVR on
your network and direct any network traffic to it.  Follow the below instructions to connect connect your DVR
to your network and locate the IP address of your DVR.

1. Connect your DVR to your router. This is done with a standard cat-5 Ethernet cable. Also, connect
your DVR to a monitor if you have not already done so. Power the DVR on.
2. On your DVR, push the the "MENU" button (reference the below image to help locate buttons).
Then, click on the right arrow button on the DVR next to the "D-ZOOM" label until the LINK menu is
highlighted on the screen. On the screen select the first option in the LINK menu which is NETWORK
and push the "STATUS" button on the DVR. The screen will display the IP address that your DVR is
connected to and the port that it is listening on. Note these two values.  You will need them for the
next phase of these instructions.

3. Click the "ESC" button on the DVR twice to exit the NETWORK menu. Then, select "SAVE AND EXIT"
on the screen and click on the "STATUS" button on the DVR to exit.

Setting up a Virtual Service on your D-Link

The purpose of this section is to configure a virtual server which allows internet access to your DVR. 
Remember the IP address that your router assigns to your DVR is an internal IP address (LAN).  In order
you to access your DVR from the internet, you need to tell your router to route requests on a certain port to
your DVR.

1. Open the routers control panel again by going to the IP address in a web
browser. You will be prompt for a password.  If you did not setup a password on your router, enter
admin for the username and leave the password blank.
2. After you are logged into your router, 1) click on the "Advanced" tab, then 2) click on the "Virtual
Service" button.  This will display the Virtual Server screen as seen below:

3. On the Virtual Server screen:

1. Click on the "Enabled" radio button
2. Choose a Name for this service.  This can be anything that you choose.
3. Enter the Private IP address of your DVR that you noted previously.
4. Select TCP for the Protocal Type
5. Enter 5400 for both the Pivate Port and Public Port
6. Select "Always" for Schedule
7. Click on the "Apply" button
4. On success, the screen will display a settings saved screen

The virtual service to acess your DVR is now setup.

Installing the Remote Viewer Software for

Remote Internet Access

1. From your computer, download and install the latest DVR software from here: MPEG-4 Series DVR
Viewer Software. The download is in zipped format. Using Windows XP, double-click on the .zip file
after it downloads, then double click on the setup.exe program to install.
2. After installation is complete, double-click on the DVR viewer icon on your windows desktop. 
Reference the below image to help locate the DVR viewer icon. 
3. You will be prompt for the userid and password to access. Leave the password blank and click "OK".
The DVR viewer should then open.
4. Click on the DVR List button as seen below: 

You will be prompt for a password which again you can leave blank and click "OK".

5. The DVR list will open as seen below. 

Follow these steps to add your DVR to the list:
1. Check the "Use DDNS" checkbox
2. Enter a name for your DVR. This can be anything you choose.
3. Select port 5400 (or choose the port that you noted earleri from your DVR)
4. Enter the Host Name that you setup with in the Domain Name field
5. Enter the password for your DVR.  Default is "11111111" (8 ones)
6. Click on the "Add" button
7. The DVR should now appear in the DVR list.  Click to select the DVR if it is not already
8. Click on the "Connect" button
6. You will be prompt for a password to connect to the DVR. The default password is "11111111" (8
ones). Enter the password and click "OK".

If everything was successful you will be connected to the DVR.

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